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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I'd add a Caligula/Ivan the Terrible element to it, possibly. By which I mean, was Donald Trump purely a madman, or was he actually a rational actor with clear plan in mind? There are historians out there who will argue that Ivan the Terrible was never insane, in contrast to those who say he always was. And there are those in the moderate middle of the ItT debate who say he was overwhelmingly sane until a certain point, usually defined as the death of his beloved wife, then he went mad.
  2. Halvan! Dagdar lasts for a fairly long time, and even Ralph ain't bad filler. Brighton has Wrath to help out his lackluster stats, and a usable Sword rank for indoors. Not saying they're broken or anything, but certainly solidly usable. Bartz was only okay for me in Speed, but yes, I know Samson is fast. He was closer to a Swordmaster than a Warrior or Berserker statwise for me. Well its tragic at least. His convictions were deeply understandably divided between two extremes, I think he qualifies for martyrdom. But of what kind? Well, it's hard to say when he is split between polar-opposite allegiances. But at the least, if a "Memorial to All Persecuted Zoans" existed, he would deserve a life-sized bronze statue there. Zoan sainthood, if divinity is too much. I showed similar disappointment when I had him turn into Vega. Does the game average Narcus's stats with the target of his copying? I think they're just for show actually. They didn't seem to want to warp at all. Maybe they started doing so when Zieg was aggroed, but I'm not even sure of that. Hurry, you must stop Guenchaos and the
  3. You can still run around and do other things at least, like going to fetch more Quest Magnus to feed him. It's still a time-waster though. Origins fixed the biggest issue with the aging system already, any Magnus you can use in battle cannot age. Only Quest Magnus age. No more worries about your healing fruit turning rotten just as you enter a boss battle. And, they got rid of having to play cards in battle to make new ones. Instead, you get a Magnus Mixer which you can put Quest Magnus in, and after a couple fights, the game will alert you a new Quest Magnus will be created- provided the mix doesn't require you insert another Magnus to complete it (I don't believe you can mix just any two Quest Magnus together- the game should reject mixing two things that produce no results). To make mixing a little relevant to battle, some weapons and armor can be enhanced by adding a Quest Magnus to them at shop for a fee. As for Eternal Wings, yes, they definitely should add an aging indicator to cards that can experience that. Ideally one that tells you how much time is left before the changeover. An option to turn it off altogether would be great too- provided there was a similar option to automatically age something into its new form, or greatly accelerate the aging time.
  4. My biggest issue with the Giant Luigi battles is that they were dreadfully heavy in how much attacking the enemies got to do. You had to dodge and block so much stuff before you yourself finally got a chance to strike back and actually hurt the darned foe. And OOF! if you felt you had to heal instead of attack. My other fault with Dream Team was some wasting of Antasma, Dr. Snoozemore, and Dream's Deep narratively. I don't expect good plot in M&L, but I felt these things could have been explored more. On the positive side, I liked the aesthetics of this game, P'illo Island was great. And I loved the Mario Bros. having the floating talking duo of Starlow and Prince Dreambert with them.
  5. You'd have to go out of your way and need a guide or a really strong Pac-Man awareness to get him in Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean. If you do end up making him, Pac-Man is a Neutral 90 Atk Magnus that anyone can use, and given 14 hours of aging, it'll transform twice and increase in Atk to 150. Pac never goes bad though. As for Origins, there is a sidequest associated with Pac, you obtain him as a Quest Magnus. Then, you must feed him 147 other Quest Magnus (all the ones that aren't one-of-a-kind, the special ones he can't eat). A tiny handful of which are potentially permanently missable. Unfortunately, the "feeding" can't be "select a card, give to Pac", you have to put it next to his card and then wait a few minutes to pass. But, the real problem is that, although BKO has a section on the menu that keeps track of all your sidequests, it doesn't show you what Quest Magnus you've already fed Pac-Man. Meaning you have to keep your own independent 147-item checklist and mark off each of them yourself. The ultimate reward from all this? Pac-Man will transform into a Quest Magnus that passively turns all your attacks into critical hits. That is a massive damage increase, albeit by the time you can complete this sidequest, at best you have only the final dungeon left. So it isn't really worth it pragmatically speaking.
  6. Saddening to hear this, I thoroughly enjoyed M&L, though I didn't buy either of the 3DS remakes. They were fun, my preferences being for Superstar Saga and Dream Team (minus the giant Luigi fights).
  7. Yep, think it works for Halloween? I like Alfimi from what I saw of her character in OG2 as well (I haven't the faintest about what happened to her personality after that). "I will do it gently, very very gently."
  8. The color scheme looks off to me, unless that was intentional. Komo Mai, the festive city of the Anuenue, is quite verdant. The clothing looks too modern as well, like semi-sci-fi jackets. The other town in Anuenue has a great waterfall, so why wouldn't that be here. The spires don't seem right either. The world map image of Anuenue has it look like Komo Mai has some towers if you focus your eyes on it, but none of that is emphasized in what you see of the town. There is the stupendously large Celestial Tree in Anuenue, but the tree isn't in Komo Mai, it is very far away. Not to mention these spires don't have branches and leaves like trees should. Komo Mai does have colorful decoration, that is correct. And if this had to be Komo Mai, I'd pin it as being a loose rendition of the approach to the palace of Queen Corellia.: That would be very unlikely.
  9. The Ares 90 is mine. And its Aghasura Cannon kills Xe-doms in a single shot, its weaker Agni Gatling cuts their HP in half. A god of war indeed. I wonder how strong the original was. Point taken, I never did love the character artwork. I think the clothing is fine, but the artwork could use more polish. What I did love was the world, Monolith's first try at a "world in the sky" was as much a success from a purely visual perspective as their later endeavor. But, there has to be a reason the 2D pre-rendered backgrounds in a 3D JRPG that Baten Kaitos uses died out. What JRPG uses those nowadays? I think BK was the last in the lineage of JRPGs going back to FFVII to do so. Everyone has since moved on to full 3D graphics with no 2D elements at all. And what is the other celebratory wallpaper supposed to be? Just creativity with no greater meaning, or a hint at the mysterious title Monolith hasn't said anything about? Thanks for reminding me its October now. I coincidentally am choosing to go with something similar, since I can't think of anything else I would prefer. Say hello to Personlichkeit, or "Lichkeit" for short. Could work as Perceval's mecha, but as is it belongs to an alien loli. By the way, would you want to me send you picks of the holofigures of all the weapons in XCX? I'm divided whether to complete quests to get the rest now and experience the XCX world again, or get my level 60 Skells first. But I'd be willing to show the Ground Gear weapon holofigures whenever I collect them all. I was going to use the holofigures, because being the normal menu doesn't show the weapons being drawn. The Photon Sabers would be a let down if you didn't see the laser blade. But, the holofigures don't have anyone actually using them, they're just floating in the air. Still, it's the best I can do without hacking in a capture card for better screenshots.
  10. You could try doing multiple posts in a row. I think a mod would forgive double/triple/quadruple-posting with the submission issues. It'd be inelegant, but it worked for me elsewhere.
  11. Beautiful! Happy 20th Monolith Soft! Kos-mos being center stage should be of little surprise. But the two Nopon playables at her feet is unexpected. Melia has an unexpected amount of leg showing, but that she is here at all is good, I preferred ShulkxMelia. But this said, why is walking spoilers on display? Because Smash and PXZ2? And if they are here, why bother keeping... Elma looks softer here, but she isn't always being badass and thats absolutely fine. Lin gets good art with a nice pose. Rex gets his two-three squeezes, even if Nia reaching for joy isn't the most necessary of inclusions (but Mythra and Pyra being one body makes her justifiable). Speaking of which, why Tatsu's mother? Mythra's positioning on the far side of the Aegis Blade puts her closer to Jin and Lora than Rex, situating her more within Torna here. Lora looks a bit more warrior than normal, but I'm fine with that. Malos looks entirely untouched from his usual self. And yeah, I'm happy to see Kalas and Sagi here, with Xelha and Milliarde too. Not sure if any of them were drawn well (Milly looks the worst, Xelha isn't very in-character), but to have them here at all and acknowledged is enough. I'll have to download this tomorrow! Thanks for pointing it out.😄 I'm almost done with making an Ares 90, turns out Reward Tickets can buy Golden Yggralith Hearts, albeit for 636 each, but I only need two for one Ares 90, and I have 5000 currently. It will be my first postgame Skell, which should be fun to use since it is massively powerful with little investment. Then, it'll be onto the level 60 Skells and an Ares 70 (which Elma will get to keep), for which I'll need in total: Honestly, I can't recall them much in XC1. I do remember an Ignas with a Sleep spike, and the 5th Skill Tree spider with Daze spike, and of course Abassy's insta-death spike, but otherwise I don't really remember them, beyond a Telethia with Lock-On. On the player side, if the Blaze-Poison-Chill damage inflictions count, then those are actually good. Melia's and Riki's main damage sources, great ones at that. And I found places for Bleed gem on Shulk and Dunban in the endgame. I oddly remember Reyn's Bone Upper-Dive Sobat combo can lower enemy Agility, but I forget if indeed had any real use.
  12. The number of turns a transformation lasts with Bantu with base luck is 5. Five turns should cover the most crucial part of any map. And during those five turns, they can attack alllll they want. Tiki has the same minimum of 5 turns, but with base Luck, she might (an RNG component is involved in transformation duration) last for 11 turns. Max Luck would let her stay shifted for 15 turn. So, Bantu with his 18 use Firestone has 5x18 = 90 turns of usability. Less than I thought actually, but I wouldn't call them overly precious.
  13. The second free Tenfold had two 5*s in it, cool! ...Duplicate Annelie. 😑 ...Cerberus............😡 I have not many 5* Adventurers, and while Cerberus is new, it leaves only Konohana Sakuya as a 5* Fire Dragon I don't have. Meanwhile Water and Dark are still stuck with nothing. I like the free Mini Mids.🙂 The third free Tenfold had a 5* Sword in it, and it turned out to be Yaten! My luck turned around and gave me someone I actually wanted. Today's fourth free Tenfold had yet another 5* in it, an Axe, so I thought "Ramona copy?", nope it was Curran! Two free 5* Dark Adventurers (both male as I sought) in a row, just in time for the new Raid event. Speaking of that event, I wasn't sure how it'd tie into the Anniversary, it looked totally unrelated. But, playing through it, I like the direction they took it in, it fits for the Anniversary, and is actually rather serious in narrative for a Raid for a change. I like the how the pre-Extra raids use only a semicircle stage instead of a full circle, it made it more creative. The choice to make Extra raids run on crystals now means I no longer have to disband a room one or two fights in just because I need to do the Extra fight. Then, I got to the Extra boss itself. As the stage loaded, I thought to myself "Why is the stage a full circle? Is the Extra boss more generic?". When the boss appeared, I saw that this was totally different from the prior fight, the same raid enemy done two very different ways, awesome. Fighting it though, I started thinking "how is this 9500 Might?" as it pounded away at me with its strong attacks, which I couldn't avoid very well. My characters started dying off, and I noticed the boss inflicted Curse once even though Dark characters don't have resistance to that. I knew I was going to lose this one, most of my allies were doing poorly too. I was left with only one adventurer when the boss stood in the middle and just spammed lightning, I noticed something that said showed a Wind symbol and the words "Weak Point", does the boss actually call for a multi-element team? And then it all ended when suddenly I was killed by the universe. Well, it wasn't right away, the sudden intergalactic shift took a few seconds, during which I was left scratching my head. But then I saw, as tiny as the numbers were, a "9999" appear, which killed me and the other players as a shooting star moved through the dark expanses. So, what was I supposed to do?😅 Lastly, whenever I do finish the Extra Raid, what do I spend this extremely generous free 5* core weapon trade on? I'm thinking a Sword, since every team but Water for me has a good 4-5* Sword unit. And I'm thinking Fire specifically, because Marth is why I started playing this game again. It read like they might do this sort of 5* weapon exchange with other Raids in the notice, which is just wicked for me. And, I'll just say that I'm loving this extraordinarily generous bounty of Anniversary presents. Why you do this DL? You're a gatcha, I'm not spending any money thanks to this ignoring that I never would.
  14. I then attempted the Yggralith Zero, where I got defeated the first time. The Yggralith Zero changed the weather to painful Brimstone Fire, and it had some attack that could pierce my perfect reflect. I then quickly went to make a Weather Master augment to negate the hot rocks falling from the sky, and thinking the piercing attack was Gravity from what I read, I retooled my armor to have full Reflect and 100 Gravity Resistance, which I thought would mitigate the damage. The Internet unfortunately didn't provide me with the right answer here, Zero still pierced me. But, despite losing 3 of the four lives they give you per GN battle, I lived to the end. Sure I failed to kill it even once, I only depleted about 3/4s of its life, but I survived. On foot and all alone, with some luck, I survived this: and I'm rather happy that I could. But just to say "I" killed it once, I then went and hire three AI-controlled player characters with fully optimized loadouts, who promptly even AI-controlled got me a few YZ kills. Not winning on my own merit yes, but I consider it a gift to myself for simply surviving the second time. Triple-posted to get around the Captcha problem.
  15. I wanted to try the limited online mode of XCX and tackle the Global Nemeses while I could, since they spawn almost never now that the game is pretty dead. I just wanted to do it once. The stronger Global Nemesis spawns according to the amount of players doing the little hourly squad missions every day, which isn't very many players now. The weaker one is the Telethia Plume- a weaker version of the regular Telethia the Endbringer, it has a mere 300k HP and is level 30, but it is still what I'd consider an endgame threat. Since I don't understand how I recruit other real players to take on the Global Nemeses in real time, I just fought it with my normal allies. With Shield + Gatling Gun, I managed to kill it two or three times (explanation of Global Nemeses in the spoilers box)... ...I could have gotten another kill in, but the Telethia Plume then changed to Reflect Thermal. I didn't have an augment to pierce that, and attacks of yours that get reflected pierce your own reflect and damage you. So, I ended up swapping to my gravity-attribute Shield and abusing green Arts to stay in Overdrive until the fight was over. I survived, yay! I got a Hibiscus I can wear as a headpiece for doing so, surviving the GNs is the only way to get the flowers.
  16. Seriously. It's like they turned "Born in a land of strife!" meme power from the first game into actual power. XCX is nice enough that in addition to cooldown and aura/buff durations, it shows you the damage modifier of each Art (although it doesn't say whether bonus damage via conditionals or secondary cooldowns is added per hit or in total- maybe the latter I'd guess). Blossom Dance being a Tension Art (meaning it requires 1000 TP per use on top of cooldown- placing some limit on usage), results in it having a high damage modifier. At level 5 (the max for an Art), it deals six hits of 700%. So 4200% total, that is very good. There might be stronger Tension Arts out there, I don't quite understand how damage is entirely calculated. But, Blossom Dance has the one-of-a-kind feature of ignoring any enemy Attribute resistance, it'll just treat it as neutral/0. Thus, Blossom Dance (with the Core Crusher skill and an Ether Longsword for most optimal damage among other things) is the "set it and forget it" offense, it cuts through everything with ease. It isn't too bad actually. It's pretty rare on the enemy side, just one family of Indigens that isn't common, and a handful of bosses, including: Lugalbanda, our beloved Soul Reader, and apparently the final phase of the final boss (not that I noticed it, "cheating" my way through it as I did). The Resist augment is extraordinarily easy to make too: 2000 Miranium; 5 Cracked Claws, which are among the commonest of the common in drops; and 1 Marine Rutile, which you'll just naturally rack up via FrontierNav Probes. I fell victim to Control against Lugalbanda on my first attempt, suddenly my Arts palette disappeared and I could do nothing to affect my character until it naturally wore off I dunno, 5-10 seconds later? I just kept doing some slow walking, since all my allies were dead at this point. But if they weren't I'd be attacking them with my Arts, or vice versa if they got hit with Control. And, during my entire time under Control, the Overdrive timer and aura duration were still depleting, and it would be ruinous if either hit 0. Meanwhile Lugalbanda could still attack me and not break the Control. The player can use Control via the Brainjack Art. And to make it a little better, you can follow a successful Control with Servant Sacrifice, that has a chance of instakilling the Controlled foe, with a nice HP/TP heal regardless. But, of course, Tyrants and bosses are immune, not everything is though.
  17. Congrats! Bringer of Chaos sounds evil, but I guess thats fair being DLC. And the ability to change difficulty at any time. As in the number of times party members are KO'ed in a given fight? I think it says something about the strength of the enemy if you are somehow able to realistically benefit from such a passive. Isn't four just enough though for a Full Burst? More Orbs would be pointless, because Full Burst wouldn't let you continue chain attacking off of them. Archaeological 5 obtained. Calores the Fire Walker was the holdup when it tried it before, but what I couldn't do with level 50 Skells, I could now achieve on foot with Reflect, and a surprisingly cheap anti-terrain augment so I could stand in ankle-deep lava and feel no pain. I was wearing a full dive suit for fashion, all the backflips of Combat Limbo and Sky High made it look as though it was a leotard. It was so ridiculous I had to change into something else. The Trueno rematch went much quicker, thanks to Executioner. Even with fairly poor Potential, it was still quite strong. But, Lugalbanda is definitely in a higher tier of superboss.: Now I'll have all the Reflect I need. The Gravity augment would be nice, but that superboss is even stronger I think. I'm going to hold off on it, for now. When the mood strikes me, I'll try for crafting some level 60 Skells next, and some superweapons for them. I don't need them when my ground game is now almost perfected, but why not? Certain superbosses are a chore anyhow to try fighting on foot, due to a lack of good places to stand and slash/shoot. From what hammerspace does this get barrels? Full-sized barrels? What is this, some first route arbitrary Normal type Pokemon that was angry it was stuck being useless, and decided to take out its aggression by learning Hyper Beam to OHKO some level 5 starter?
  18. I defeated my first XCX superboss not the Rexoskell ever! It took me over a half-hour, since really I hadn't gotten anything to seriously boost my damage output. But I did, I slew Trueno the Catalysm! A level 60 giant with over 2.5 million HP. After getting the bumpy start of building Overdrive done, the fight turned into Shield Wall-Sliding Slinger-Combat Limbo-Sky High-Supershield-Mindstorm-Violent Streak. I didn't need Trash Talk after all, I could've brought Executioner instead, but I wasn't sure that was going to strain my TP. And I didn't do Celica's last Affinity Mission, so I didn't have Zero Zero either. I chose Trueno, because they sit on top of a teleporter that leads into an otherwise inaccessible room where you can find a free Reflect: Ether augment. I went into the room, killed the lone weak 52 Definian guard, and promptly walked towards the lone "chest" holding the augment. "Archaeological Level 5" *Has only a Level 4 Archaeological Field Skill* Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I'm going to have to fight Trueno again! But it looks like I could kill Dadaan the Strongest Prone easily, him dropping the Physical and Thermal Reflect augments would let me trade the swimsuit arm for something else, and possibly the Shield for a Javelin. Edit: Two kills in, and I got a Reflect: Physical from Dadaan. Took me some time to figure out how you kill him on the first run. Once he loses enough HP, he just stands around posing, being invincible but not attacking you either. It turns out you have to kill all Dadaan Squad Members he summons, and his Groupies, who fled to the edges of the large area, only then does he start attacking you again. Second time around I killed the Groupies first, and then shot through Dadaan's Squad, which made things go a lot faster. Once I get my Reflect: Thermal because I want it, I'll tackle Off the Record: Archaeological. Thanks to a party mask with 50 Ether Res I found, I'll be able to stack 80 in that Attribute, hopefully that'll be enough. Then I kill Trueno a second time, get the Reflect: Ether. And then I go off to find Lugalbanda, the Wanderer-King for Reflect: Beam and Reflect: Electric. Provided I have my Reflect: Gravity Shield equipped, I'll then be immune to almost every single attack in the game.
  19. So you've seen this before? I originally saw this on the Xeno wiki on H.B.'s page long ago, I thought it was a fan joke. But I hopped back into XCX a little yesterday and played with the minor amount of BLADE Barracks customization. I checked out the holofigure room, where you can display up to five weapon/armor/enemy/"special" holograms. I had never tried with it before, and this was in the "Special" section. It's named "Superior Form". I find it weird, H.B. doesn't care about sex appeal at all, and his ego definitely doesn't seem like it'd manifest like this. But it's on the silly side, which the special holofigures all are it looks like. I see I have "???s" the special section, I must obtain those missing holofigures, the ones I already have are fairly charming. I know she is a robot and all, but I do like how Poppy has enough to brainpower to be able to fight and control a copy of herself, which could be fighting at the exact same time. Now back to mindless, easy grinding for some Turba Nectars. Completing some basic quests yesterday to get more casual wear led me to pick a fight with some level 50 Milsaadis, which for a level 60 character with an understanding of Overdrive shouldn't be problem. A trio of these grunts still managed to kill me, and without Overdrive active, a mere one of them could. I want an Extend Aura XX augment to see if a budget Reflect build I read of is the key to true postgame invincibility against everything, 'cause Ghostwalker ain't good against lots of hits.
  20. Unhealthinesses can lead to pain, detrimental effects on one's life, and possibly death. V is for volleyball.
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