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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. And yet, I still managed to 1-turn the one fight where you have to liberate some town for a resistance force in VC4. Scouts and Shocktroopers in both games were my bread and butter, everything else was situational, with Lancers being particularly underutilized. But I did like the APC, and the fact that tanks now only need 1 CP per turn to use. Though, the 1 CP cost is partly why I didn't need Lancers so much, a tank is just as good at being anti-tank as a Lancer. -Admittedly, I developed something of a "save every turn" problem. Does it say the gameplay wasn't absolutely something I loved if I did? Or was I just given over to the easy ways out? And he can make his troops to walk through fire unharmed by just telling them to.😀 I should see about emulating VC2 or 3 somewhere down the line. Apparently their approach to map design differs arguably for the better from 1&4, but 2 has a dullllllll school plot apparently, and each has some new flaws in their gameplay. After playing it exclusively for the past few days, I think I'm going to swap from Ys VIII to FFXII. Even though they're both new, best to try 'em out before the return by for a refund date expires. Dinosaur Island is starting to gain a little narrative steam, but it is getting a bit tiresome at the moment. And after a while with XII, it'll be onto 3H.
  2. Having recently played TRS and seen its Witches, the sand probably did nothing to the AI. I had a Witch in TRS who on the final map warped to the far north of the map, in room where the door was locked, and everyone else was tens of spaces away though she had only 3 Move. The power of broken movement gets counterbalanced by an AI that is utterly erratic, a "fair" tradeoff. I wish Witches had hard rules and fixed patterns that weren't overly malicious, but for some reason, it was easier to program utter randomness I guess. If it is possible to crack into the AI and see the coding that goes into its thought processes, the Witch AI would be a prime target to hack open and inspect. May Celica in the marshes of madness be not so bad. Falcoknights if you get your promotions in time I would think would make them much easier.
  3. I have ant problems. They're small and they have wings, but they don't actually fly at all. Somehow, despite no clear entry point, they come in either from the skylight or one of the ceiling lights. They fall right onto my couch and sidetable, a few times a year in really big numbers, with the rest of their ilk crawling along the ceiling. Fortunately, it is only in the warmer months when they appear, and only on a select few days, either the very humid/rainy, or those that follow those rainy humid days.
  4. And yet, I found him to be challenge. Thoron and Bolting for 34/39 Res-hitting Atk in only the second chapter? I sent Seliph in alone with a Barrier Ring and Wind Sword, I found myself having to reload saves several times to rig a dodge, because I had gone so far into his range that I couldn't pull out. And I think he proc'ed his Adept several times. But squinty-eyed first-to-die Freege is next to entirely generic. That he got anything is a miracle.
  5. I played FEH for a short while, I'm aware. The name change might have something to do with flesh-eating bacteria infecting Gwendolyn's abdomen after getting hit by a drunk semi-trailer driver as she was crossing the street leaving the gym. And thus it was necessary to have what remained of her abdomen, including the miraculously intact spinal cord despite severe fractures to many vertebrae, inserted into special life-preserving armor. Her new lease on life lead her to believe changing her name was necessary to reflect this, but she did not want to abandon her old self, she had no intent of breaking or changing relationships with those she knew and loved. Thus, her name change was mild. It is possible that by the time she decides to participate in a special occasion like an ice cream social, that the life-armor will have done its job, and her torso will have finished its cellular regeneration, allowing herself to be free of it forevermore. I can see how Gwendolyn was derived from what the Romaji calls "Wendi". The Japanese for new Myrmidon in Radiant Dawn is "Eddie", which in the official English translation became Edward. It is a formalization of a name that was otherwise on the more casual side. I accept any and all name changes which IS makes and move on. It's not worth getting into a fuss over. Some are a little odd, was it really necessary to change Princess Nina to Nyna? And then there is Seti to Ced where the phonetics remain juuuuust possible to pronounce the latter the same as the former. But, again, this is ultimately a minor detail in a video game, so I try not to get too attached to any fan-translated name. It shouldn't. Fury to Erinys makes sense. "Fury" refers to the Furies, three wrathful Greco-Roman goddesses, Erinys is the name of one of those Furies. Calling someone Fury is English would be be more likely I'd think to make a person think they were named after an emotion, most people not being aware of the mythological reference. Being named after an emotion sounds weird to most I would think. Erinys is not an emotion, people therefore would see it more as just an exotic name, and not a weird one. A perfectly fine localization move in my book.
  6. That strat returned in VC4. And I found it rather needed for the one fight where a loli with a crossbow who always applies an Order to deal critical damage or something. Because the enemy ambushes you on turn 1 and takes their actions before you, she tends to use it to blow up your light tank. Smoking her makes for a quick and easy kill, but that buys you only a little good, because she endlessly revives like every other turn. Still, it's consistent, and it works, and you don't want her around for longer than she has to be. And, since you stopped at the Jaeger battle in VC1, I'll say VC4's comparable battle with a large but not unrealistically HUGE tank, is even worse. Since you start in the middle of the map, with little cover, directly to your south is the big boss tank target across open ice. That isn't so bad. What is, is the tank commander's girlfriend to the north, an invincible Valkyria raining devastating icicles from afar, with only a rare roof able to block out her shots. Thats why I just cheesed the fight in one turn, because surprisingly they didn't get rid of the Penetration + Demolition Boost + Shocktrooper strat, so goodbye went the tank. VC4 is good, but, it didn't fix VC1's flaws as much as I hoped. I can't quite ignore that. If you find the scans, tell me. I'd be interested in this. The artstyle of the Rune Factories has some appeal for me. Although I think I might skip Rune Factory 4 Special for my reentry into the series, right away at least. I'll wait for them to actually reveal information about 5 and see how much more substance it has. Then, maybe I'd get 4S discounted later if 5 turns out to be the best RF yet.
  7. Found this article on how the technical side of Smash is handled: processing, graphics, stages, character aesthetics- those kinds of things.: https://www.siliconera.com/2019/09/09/super-smash-bros-ultimate-cedec-talk-reveals-unused-battlefields-original-game-size-and-more/ The thing I found most interesting from the article is this: "Early in development, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was a total of 60GB, while thanks to their methods of reducing filesize, the game became only 15GB by Version 4.0.0." Bandai Namcompression! Shrinking a game by 3/4s in size. That is seriously efficient.
  8. *Looks at SF terrain data* It puts it at a movement cost of 2 for Mages, is that accurate? That makes them, relatively less impeded, but I can still see that hurting real bad. At least the last battle in the desert is the easiest, since the sands delay only for the first couple turns there. But, that requires getting past Deen or Sonya first, and on paper not knowing how the NES Gaiden fights actually play out, I think I know who you'd want.
  9. In January 2017. Fire Emblem Heroes put out its "Choose Your Legends" popularity poll at that time. The poll features every playable character and a lot of villains and NPCs from each and every game to vote for. This included the games which never left Japan, and thus translators got to work having to translate every name. While there is reason to doubt that all the names will be official and hereby immutable- Thracia 776's names have some real issues like "Machyua"- in other cases, the names look good enough to assume they'll be the official ones permanently. Wendy was translated as Gwendolyn at this time.
  10. It'd have to be someone's "I don't care about sales, this is my passion project!" for a sequel to happen. I'm afraid to say more people might have bought the game for the Majora's Mask 3D pin than the game itself. Less than 2000 copies were apparently sold in the first week of Japanese sales.😨 Ah yes, I'm familiar with Napoleon "Le Petite" III's little American project. Take advantage of the USA being stuck in its Civil War, and enthrone a Habsburg prince on Mexican soil to make the country pliable to French influence. Lasted until the Civil War resolved, and the victorious North began threatening intervention, causing Napoleon III to abandon his project posthaste, and leave Maximillian to die to Mexican rebels opposing his puppet rule. If this game was in 1866, then I hope the alien crisis led to the removal of Andrew Johnson as US president. But, if Grant managed to earn more accolades as a result of the alien invasion and still became president a few years later, then that isn't good either. Also, how would the aliens have altered the course of Reconstruction? It was a failure in the end, just Southern vehemence for the North and African-Americans saw their ephemeral rights recede. Aliens probably made the latter never even start, and the former became difficult to establish when aliens likely eradicated the South's population already ruined by war.
  11. People IRL find history boring as is. What makes you think that they'll be interested in video game history? 😛 And, video games have so many genres, and now span multiple decades. Why would someone interested primarily in say modern JRPGs, have any interest in Fighting games from the 90s? Why, I'd bet a large portion of modern FPS players would snore away if you tried lecturing them about Quake. Nothing in video games requires you understand the past. You can be a player living entirely in the present, who if asked on the street, might place the original Donkey Kong as being contemporaneous with Final Fantasy VII and we know which has aged better.
  12. Being somewhere where public transportation exists is better than a place where the auto industry stabbed it to death a century ago. The tyranny of the automobile I say, it gives the individual freedom yes, but I dislike the burden of actually having to drive. I want those self-driving cars buyable and affordable yesterday! Playing more Ys VIII, I've realized the chime that plays when you get something nice is very similar to the Metroid upgrade one. Where are the Space Jump and Screw Attack? I tried Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. First I got Blue Rescue Team, which I completed after a long time and then did a little postgame for. Then, I got Explorers of Time, but I only went as far as the Groudon battle, I'm not sure why, but I might have just lost interest in the game. Mystery Dungeons aren't my thing I think. And, from what I recall, my starter was pretty lousy for the dungeons up to Groudon. It isn't as bad as people have made out to be. Not perfect, but I still enjoyed it, albeit I only got it for $10. Who knows how I'd feel with the full price tag? The game felt tight for me for much of it. You only get four characters per mission, with some healing options, but with enemy reinforcements often being endless, you have to move securely and quickly. The first couple missions really drive that sense into you, even when things let up later. And, that gameplay feeling does align with the comic-book narrative. You aren't actively repelling all the aliens in the world, you're on a pinpoint mission to survive and then eradicate them at their core leaving the rest to wither and die. I might actually place CNS over Valkyria Chronicles in gameplay when I think about it (I've never played XCOM). Not to call VC1 and 4 bad, but even with The Fox being a sniper extraordinaire (who didn't have to be broken if only there were fewer Prowlers and more Hounds), the game is far less cheesable than either VC. And, since this is a Fire Emblem fansite, a compilation of all the FE tracks that play in Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. if you use all four Fire Emblem amiibo characters don't though, Ike is baaaaaaaaad!.
  13. I'm not familiar with the legalities of KH, but would it be possible to split the baby? To have Sora, but devoid of Disney references? To have original KH things and FF things alone? So basically Anti-KHIII Sora? So no Keyblades that look very Disney-inspired, no moves that have Disney in them, a stage from one of the OC locations, and all the Spirits from KH end up being KRN, TVA, and people from Organization Waaaayyy Too Many Members And We Need More of Them to Die Forever Never to Return + other OCs.
  14. That I think is the bigger issue. It at first looks like a minigame, but actually you have no control over anything. You take two characters with low affinity and bad gem growth skills (Heroponx7 being ideal), get as close to but not at or over 100% as possible. And then use a high Affinity duo like ReynxDunban to go for Mega Heat, resetting if you don't get it. I like not having an actual minigame to deal with, but this isn't ideal either. And, it sorta forces you to never use a certain two characters together.
  15. 🤣At a Gundam on Japan's list. Which one would they pick? I'm none familiar with Gundam, but given he appears a lot I think in the SRWs, whatevs that Char guy pilots? And I'll assume that Arle girl is Puyo Pop? Lloyd and not Yuri, is Best Tales Protag's appeal mostly a Western thing? Or does it have to do with ToS being first released on the GameCube? Sora ranks highly everywhere, KH fans must be really devoted online. But given SE's stinginess as is, would Nomura ever loan his baby at the center of an esoteric universe? Dante being so high on the Japanese list, a little surprising given he looks "Western". Though having played SMT: Nocturne, I have a hint of familiarity with DMC boy. Europe's list mirrors US, but why a Digimon and why Rayman?
  16. Enteh's move seems a little forced. Although TBF, she didn't understand that the Rings weren't really necessary, the Cult of Gerxel obtaining them is more to head off a threat than move forward on their goals. It is called a game having a fanbase. Enough people liking something will inevitably disagree somewhere along the line, humans are opinionated and diverse. Just think of it like this- would you rather I not have played this game so I never came to that opinion? Ideally, you should want hundreds of Holmesians and semi-Holmesians (the category I fall more into, I have my reservations on Holmes's faults). Because that would mean the game's popularity has grown and more people have played it, which should lead to, if not as many (but it could be as many, or more), what would still be an absolute increase in Runanites. I give him points for a certain moment that hasn't been shown yet. That was funny, daring and logical all at the same time. And it didn't require the character-bouncing I said above. Runan could be worse in his typical FE lord category, I could place him over Seliph, Roy, and FE3B1 Marth. Eugen > Augustus > Jagen > Dorius > Malladus. I'd place Merlinus somewhere in that lineup of early FE NPC tacticians, but I can't quite say where. I'd say below Jagen. But does "Merlinus is always wrong until for laughs he isn't" fall below or above Dorius's honor balderdash (but, Dorius does willingly ya' know when he knows better), and or Malladus's inoffensiveness? Eugen is old, but his crustiness is handled well, and he is neither a perfect strategist nor a terrible one either (I recall mistakes, but I forget when they happen if they actually did). His temper is enjoyable, and the Holmes Punch is genuinely funny. Does he go a little too far? Maybe, but is that necessary to balance his character? I have missed pretty much the entire thing actually, I wanted to play the game myself in full first, to establish my own independent opinions. Vals being terrible is in a way a clever inversion. Consider that: Cornelius was an honorable individual probably who died what is cast as a tragic death. Rudolf doesn't exist in a fatherly capacity. Lima IV is purely a person in lore like Cornelius. Unfelt and unliving. Byron expends his life to help his son, and was the right hand to Grannvale's good prince Kurth. Sigurd is an honorable soldier, if not very smart with politics and a little too trusting. Quan is the US South expression "Bless your heart". A nice way of saying "a good person, but gosh they're stupid". Still, died a death portrayed in the games as tragic. Eliwood is a good man. Elbert had so much Quintessence that his alone could open an interdimensional portal, and with the residues remaining in his body, stab Nergal badly enough to leave him unable to summon dragons for quite a long time thereafter. Fado I guess was a good man, but he has next to no screentime. Greil is another good man. What is the overall pattern pre-Awakening outside of Gaiden? Lionization of FE lord fathers as good men. Lord Gramud follows in this pattern, as does Arless. And notice that almost all of these daddies die. Vals doesn't die. And Vals, although apparently a ruler liked by his people and he supposedly loves Holmes deep down, is morally and behaviorally objectionable. Just as Holmes bucks the trend for lords, Vals ****s the trend for FE lord's dads. That doesn't exist, I had Barts get her. And Plum getting enslaved doesn't exist, the slavers don't exist, she asked Runan if she could leave the army to join a 100% clean record dance studio. Her success at the studio led her to join its dance company and do a full tour of Salia as its upcoming star. But then Barts stumbled on her dance company, which was being forced to put on shows for the bandits who had recently taken over the village. Barts beheaded every last bandit and freed the sexually unabused Plum. She thanked her brother and then said goodbye friends before deciding to return to fighting with her new dancing abilities, so they could all dance again in peace once the world's problems were solved. Holmes doesn't need a tactician, even if Shigen serves as his second. And right from the start with Runan being loaned Garo, I got the impression that Holmes was the more capable of the two. You could analyze it as Holmes being too stupid to realize the need for a tactician, which would be a fair counterpoint. SD Marth has restrained, but elegant dialogue that with subtly expresses his character. That I admit to. I see what people I believe with reason like in that. But, subtlety and restrain can to another read as dryness. So to explain me preferring FE3B2 Marth, I'll just copypaste what I wrote elsewhere recently: So FE3B2 Marth > SD Marth, but SD is still firmly in second place amongst the Marths unless we add Smash. I cannot deny the quality of his script.
  17. Is this only the second announcement video for the game? No other trailers or hands-on gameplay? That would bode very ill for this game. And it isn't like Game Freak doesn't know how to advertise even if they've made some PR blunders recently. If they want to be more than the Pokemon-company-not-The-Pokemon-Company, then they should spend more effort on showcasing their non-Pokemon projects. And LTH looks to be possibly digital-only with a $24.99 price tag. That's a high price tag for digital-only, it might bite it to not go a little higher and include a physical edition. Honestly though, I am willing to give the game a chance if the reviews come in positive. I expect the game to be a sales flop anyhow, and possibly result in Game Freak retreating more into its Pokemon cocoon. But, that I won't mind, I did buy Codename S.T.E.A.M. and enjoyed it- that Intelligent Systems flop where I found it cheaper new than used. And, the premise that nobody in the village has ever seen the world beyond the town itself would hint at an obvious plot twist. But whether it's rated PG or goes more drastic is a guessing game, with me divided between pessimism and optimism.
  18. Thank you for restarting this topic! 😃 I'd go for blue myself. Not quite sure what shade though.
  19. I don't really mind the changes, as long as we aren't talking things like: Persona 1 PS1 changes which remove almost all Japanese to make the game American SNES alcohol to coffee, Holy to Pearl, suicide to perking oneself up, and gods to super-beings Something incomplete like Skies of Arcadia getting rid of Glider's cigar but leaving his victory pose where he takes a puff unchanged Or Shadow Dragon's removal of the Knorda slave market (but if they tone down Pan and Tina in a Thracia 776 remake that would be agreeable) Beyond those, I don't mind them adding fabric to costumes. That is the majority of the "criticism", is it not?
  20. Speaking of Ys, I've bit into my first, and likely only, since I don't have a PC or PS4, and understandably a small company like Nihon Falcom can't port a game onto every system from the PS5 to the first electric toaster. So, Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana Switch version to name it. I've just completed the searching for the place for the watchtower. I'm liking it. It's fast and simple Action RPG goodness, a contrast to TRS and the coming 3H. I'm only on Normal difficulty, weak enemies die in two hits, and the AI is pretty smart and able to avoid any damage. But, the chip damage is easy to ignore, hits my controlled character easily, and adds up if I'm not careful. And the bigger normal baddies and bosses can absolutely sack me in five hits if I'm too blindly aggressive, which is why I try, not without much failure, to learn to Flash Move. I've died several times already, partly because I often resist the urge to use healing items against bosses; when you can just fire them away in a paused menu, it can feel like cheating. I'd turn the game up to Hard for the minnows, were it not for how tenderized I can already become on Normal. Infernal must be a 1HKO mode then. I guess NISA really did patch up the originally shoddy translation, I haven't seen a real issue so far. I wish I could say that of the technical performance of the game, since when enemies are visible in the distance, I can see their movements slowed and restrained. But that is the only technical fault there has been, other than a freeze right at the start of the game, but I blame myself for that, it was late into the opening trailer that I hit the Home menu and then reentered the game, a niche pause situation.
  21. I was not expecting that. I'm not even sure if it sounds very much like a typical final battle theme. It's unusually laid back, sleek and streamlined, with lyrics imparting emotion, but not that of a dire final clash. It's almost as if you're playing it cool, you've got it under control, the end is in sight and you can taste it. Very different from XG's and XC1's. The second is one of two versions of raTEoREkiSImeAra. It plays for everything prior the final phase, which is ironic when you figure out what raTEoREkiSImeAra means. I was going to bring in So Nah So Fern earlier too, but I opted not to. I'd say it's a good song, the meaning of the lyrics is touching. I think you could add the first final battle theme from XC1 to this, sorta. I know it's just raw vocals, but to the unaware ear, it sounds like the singing of actual words. And that reminds me of Super Mario Odyssey having its two songs with Japanese versions unlockable in the game. In both of those cases, I prefer the English for understanding it, but the Japanese is very delightful too. Beyond the Sky sounds better in Japanese. Though maybe its just me not liking being able to understand the lyrics, the composition itself isn't my favorite. To bring in XCX, Your Voice doesn't sound bad at all in English though, despite Don't Worry's problems as you pointed out before. Though looking at the lyrics, Your Voice doesn't read like its for an ending. The words are heavy with suffering, when the music and context- humanity is saved, are uplifting after a boatload of blood and sweat. Still, I prefer Your Voice over Beyond the Sky. Small of Two Pieces is very similar to BtS in tearful, gentle softness, but SoTP does it better. To be fair, Your Voice is just as suited for credits rolling as you don't leave the movie theater, but it takes a stronger, more exhilarated direction. *Sees Golden Sun* After all these years of nothing but silence, and you still have one in there. I commend you. For wallpaper, I have a folder containing almost every wallpaper Nintendo has given out over the past few years. I set to switch every time I open/turn on my computer. That way, nothing gets dull. It's lazy, but effective.
  22. The math here isn't what I'd expect. If 1000 for 4, then I'd expect 750 for 3 and 500 for 2. What is the cause of the greater reduction?
  23. *Feels the envy that Americans do when confronted with multilingual and more internationally conscious individuals from foreign countries.* And sorta random question for the native German speakers here, how much of this is comprehensible? I've heard it isn't spoken very well.: And still has no completed or in progress fan translation. That should be on someone's radar, being what should be considered a "great" JRPG, but it isn't. Given perfectly playable Xenosaga Episodes I and II exist, I get why someone wouldn't see a need to translate a DS version of the two games bundled together. But at the same time, even when one factors in the changes made to the plots, much of the text I would think would remain the same. One would then simply have to find the matching line in the PS2 version, and then judge if the original English translation was good enough. That would cut down on the workload that isn't inserting the translation into the game (a step not to be forgotten as its own challenge). I'm sure there are Xeno fans who don't read Japanese who would like to see how Episode II got adjusted inasmuch as it could be, and to have an Episode II that is actually playable. And I just remembered a weird parallel between XC1 and XCX. Both of them gave away their final battle themes in a pre-release trailer. Less so XC1, since it stopped right before the sudden ascension of the composition, but XCX did give away all the high notes of its. *Recalls fond memories of ritually watching XCX's first trailers again and again*
  24. If PoR were first made now, I'm certain we'd be talking talking about Crimquia instead.🇺🇦 NoE thought the Crimean Peninsula was too eastern in Europe to change it unlike Bern to Biran? PoR wasn't translated into Ukrainian I'm certain. As for Jugdral, Awakening localizers renamed the boy named after the Queen of the Land of Shadows to that of an Irish province. I'm not familiar with the naming practices of other countries, but I haven't seen any American girls named Florida, or boys named Idaho. Nor have I ever heard of a typical English person named Northumbria (would be a cool name though). So I can see Ulster either going back to being Chulainn's mentor, or getting a third name. That is outright stated. "With the aid of the White Sage Gotoh’s powerful Warp magic, Marth and company were transported to the faraway city of Thabes." I'm feeling that would mess with Xane's character a little. He would masquerade as someone who he could readily recognize as a bad human, and humanity on the whole he doesn't like, and however slightly assist that bad human by taking on their appearance in a battle. Why? And, what would adding this slightly bad side, as opposed to the innocent joke that is the Tiki trick, mean about the nature of Xane?
  25. I can totally understand why you'd want to change the idea a critically wounded Camus could fall into a river and then float down into the open sea and thence from there across many leagues and wind up alive on another continent's shores. I get this. However, I've a got a bone to pick with this particular idea. Why would Gotoh want to save Camus? Gotoh might have sided with Naga in favor of humanity long ago, he might have given Anri Falchion, and he might have taught humanity how to use magic and maintained to the present day a role in Khadein. But, Gotoh isn't boundless love for Humanity, he ultimately has some degree of aloofness which he states. And with that aloofness, what would compel him to save Camus, and why zap him to another continent? Then there is the how would he? I assume you mean Gotoh would warp him immediately after the final battle in Grust. But Gotoh is still in Macedon at this time, why would he leave its security under Michalis, and Marth is coming his way. You'd have to relocate Starlight acquisition in SD to fix this. If Gotoh did not immediately find Camus after the battle, imagine this scenario.: Gotoh walking into a backwater Grustian village for no reason and finding a 20/24 hours of the day unconscious and incapacitated stuck in bed Camus unable to remember anything, wrapped in bandages for his severe wound. He is being being nursed lovingly by a peasant mother and her five year old daughter, innocently infatuated with this handsome blonde man like her mother does not realize is the Sable himself. If Gotoh saw that scene, would he really break up its tenderness and just send Camus flying out of bed? And if something like this didn't happen, where someone found Camus and began caring for him, then how left untreated and unconscious would he survive outdoors for days, weeks, or months before Gotoh roaming through some woods for whatever reason, found him? Getting back to the why from that, what in Gotoh's aloofness would make him want to save Camus? Camus once freed from fighting for Grust would be a good soldier yes, but why send him to a distant continent instead of keeping him on one that needs it? I'd rather not invent prophecy and call Camus a lesser chosen one which Gotoh only saw and followed to the letter. You could say Gotoh knew Nyna's heart lay with Camus, but she needed to wed Hardin or Marth to restore Archanea, therefore zapping Camus elsewhere to make sure she never discovers him makes sense. -But that would assume Gotoh knew about this bit of Archanean marital politics in advance of the War of the Shadows conclusion, and that seems to me to below the vision of Gotoh. Boah the court bishop would understand that, but not someone who is divorced from politics and doesn't want to be in them. I think I'd rather stick with the current explanation of no explanation with assumptions. And if I had to invent a new excuse or tweak the current one, then have a fishing village find the unconscious body of Camus. They don't fully understand his clothing's insignias and such, so they can't realize he is the Sable, but they know he is a Grustian soldier of some renown. The village practices burial at sea. They load his body which they think is dead into a coffin. They drag the coffin out into the water, and as per-tradition, the coffin floats away into the distance, until eventually the waves sink it under. The waves don't do that with Camus's coffin, but eventually it does open up on the rough seas, Camus's body, which wasn't dead after all, wakes up and struggles to swim to survive just out of instinct. Then he washes up on Valentia's shores. Or, maybe find a way to canonize those resurrection springs in Valentia. Aum is canon in Archanea, Valkyria in Jugdral. And in the case of Valkyria, it is said that only those of sufficient Quintessence (and presumably not too long dead, otherwise, just bring back Heim to fix everything) can be revived. Camus has plenty o' Quintessence if his reputation and fighting ability is anything to go by, he should have more than Elbert, the guy whose Quintessence alone could open an interdimensional gate. Therefore, Camus actually died, but a little literal aqua vitae got him a new 40 year lease. *Throws an orange at you* But the name would almost certainly get changed in the European version. Because Alm and Celica aren't saving a city on the eastern coast of Spain. So why go with a fully exposed name borrowing in the NA version? And, I prefer Valentia myself. Maybe I've just gotten used to it, but the "t" adds strength to the name. Valencia is smoother sounding, but in the end, Rigel is the better half, so stronger name wins out over the more chill Zofian preference.
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