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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. She could use Wind, but so could every other magic user who wasn't a High Priest (so, not Saias, Safiya, Schroff, and Tina). And Olwen only had a D Wind rank, which is the lowest possible usable Wind rank, since the basic tome is D instead of E for some reason. And the other two she could get access to are both A ranks, which is impossibly high to achieve for her without massive grinding. Even though I'll never play this game again, I still want to see Asbel come along. Thracia's dedicated Wind mage not-Ced, balanced with the Thunders of Olwen and Illios, the Lights of Homer and Linoan, and the Fire of Miranda.
  2. Why'd I have to be stupid and go into Academic Mode and derail a good topic three posts into it? I like for some reason. A better dancer than all the new FEH alts. Nooooooooooo! The tedium! She looks pretty, but the tedium! And on a less lighthearted note, I feel sad about what happened to the Bahamas. A Cat 5 sitting over it for over 30 hours, where the highest ground is only 30 feet above sea level. It'll take years and years to mend from all the damage. Hopefully other countries can chip in without the money being misspent. Never realized exactly how very close they are to the US geographically, I knew they were northern Caribbean, but I though they were a little further south.
  3. Sorry for the double post, can't edit the one above. Odd, Mel started dismounted. Though the starting area might be an exception. Oh well. So, Ares? Kaga admitted Eldigan was is much like Camus. That Ares betrays the man who has raised him since childhood and joins so easily on his own without any persuasion on the heroes' end in the 2nd Gen, is because you couldn't get Eldigan and IS thought fans would be sad that the Lionhearted was unplayable. And EXP gain I believe. Unless it's a boss or maybe something else, you get reduced EXP if you kill an enemy with a starred weapon. I tried using Slyphid to kill some Gargoyles with Maruj a few times, I noticed he got less than he got with Thunder or something else common. A result I thought I saw again with Starlight, Dire Thunder, and the Sol. But someone could double check me.
  4. I wouldn't call it coincidence. Kaga made Runan closer to Marth in writing I'd say, but Leif is a close second in inspiration. And the blackish-brown or brownish-black hair of Runan was a replacement for his earlier planned blue hair. TRS has so many characters that feature elements of old FE ones I could make a list: I wish IS bought whoever has the rights to TRS, so they could put those characters in this game. I want Holmes, and Shigen, and Rishel, and Raquel, and Raffin, and Renee. And... Yeah, I can do that. I do. I've had my own flings with this too, including very recently Sunflame!. Cannot deny its part of anyone's liking for Haar either. Depth, looks, surface charm, gameplay abilities, good idea (if bad execution) with potential; people do deserve to like characters for whatever reasons they want to.
  5. This reminds of a very minor line they could possibly reference: Nephenee: I know what ya mean, Brom! There weren’t even enough gear for us! They gave me a bow and told me to share it with another gal. But neither one of us knew how to use it, anyhow. Though I stand somewhat at odds on Dire Thunderboy, I stand in solidarity on Leif! Certainly my favorite of the Marthian/Marthlike/Marthesque lords deserves better. Him having 50 HP, 2 Move procs, 10 Mag, and 20 everything else not Con was partly luck (at least one Move proc came during Manster Escape, partly favoritism. ^_^ But, none of the Jugdrali lords have yet to get anything. Not even Siggy, who has the best gameplay performance, and therefore possible popularity. That we're starting to get some Jugdral alts is the thin ray of light to which we must cling for the present. I'd just more of other people in Thracia. Sure its characters don't have much substance, but FEH doesn't care too much about that, does it? Eyvel, Dagda, Asbel, Galzus, Pan, I'd like them all. Nephenee can never lose the helmet, it is the forbidden fruit, to see her uncovered ruins the magic temptation that breeds boundless desire. And, removing the helmet unseals the black hole in her brain, which will then immediately consume the current dimension and 100 adjacent ones. It will take the cooperation of 2300 other dimensions to reseal it. But, the truth is much simpler- nobody at IS wants to think about what she'd look like without it, they're too lazy. So they never commission her without the helmet. And if she does take it off, expect her to be wearing one of those old diving suits with the giant metal helmet and small facial window instead. If they go for Fire Emblem on Mars the Seasonal, a bulky astronaut helmet with heavy and carefully placed glare on the glass visor. Or she'll be a sports mascot, so you can't see anything at all. A minor villain who gets hyped up a whole lot with backstory prior to physical appearances, the first of which in Chapter 20 amounts to commanding an enemy general at the start before leaving the map for elsewhere. And then on Chapter 22, you finally get to fight him. Reinhardt is actually very threatening in gameplay. 35 Atkx2 hitting the single-digit Res of most units is very likely to be fatal. He can swap to the Meisterschwert if you try going at him with a Mage instead. And he has Vantage and three other good skills in his arsenal. And, he and Saias together give him and every other enemy on the map more than 30 extra Hit and Avoid. He is plenty beatable when you weigh your options. But that you have to think about how you'll kill or Warpskip past him, is indicative of him as being one of the most threatening bosses in all of Thracia itself.
  6. Is there some "Shy Single" trope going on here with Neph, and her rural uncomfortableness with something as urban as ballroom dancing? FEH leaving Thracia to wither (even if it has many flat characters) and having too many Seasonals on the whole makes it hard for me to like Reinhardt. So I'm not enthused by his inclusion. Olwen in FEH as a whole is fine though. Let Dagdar have a date with Eyvel like he secretly always wanted instead.
  7. I deleted the flowery reference and stab at Disney's sometimes inaccuracies when it comes to tackling foreign places in its old cartoons. I shouldn't have added it in the first place. It detracted from the topic, which I do like, so I admit my wrong and apologize.
  8. I was referring to having buildings that look like the Taj Mahal there. The Taj is in India. Yes, Islamic architecture spread to India, so there should be similarities to Arabian structures. But mimicking it too closely is inaccurate.
  9. And it got bumped to 60 Hit too, you'll take another 10% with something at a coinflip level. To be fair, Boey is wearing something similar, according to the Gaiden manual's artwork: SF has its all of its old and limited artwork here. And it has the Fire Emblem The Complete FEs 2 & 3 artwork for every playable character in both games here. This includes a very different looking Boey: Long story short, pants/a modest skirt or dress aren't mandatory for all mages of all genders until like FE6 or 7. Shorts and slit dresses were fine prior to that. And, Boey had an inconsistent hair color, which IS decided to change to white in SoV because why not?
  10. It's no problem, I was just being a little bit of a stickler to clarify a common misconception. I meant no serious criticism of you. 😉 -Though I could have phrased it more politely India did interact with the Middle East via war with Persia and Central Asia. That is indeed correct. Sufis were popular, but Islamic rule didn't come to India because a Vaishnavite warrior-king converted to Islam and all his people chose to follow him of their own volition. Sadly it wasn't so peaceful. And then there were all the Arab trades cross the India Ocean for luxuries such as spices. A splendid world or at least regional economy, all done without a single sword swung or shot of gunpowder fired.
  11. I'd be willing to let you borrow my Wii U, for a time. Meet me at the Wright Brothers National Memorial in North Carolina on two Sundays from now. I will be the parking lot in silver El Dorado. Say to me "What is over the rainbow?", and I will give you your glorious sight. You will have exactly four months to the day before I want it back, I will then wait for you at the Reed Gold Mine parking lot, also in North Carolina. If I do not see you, I will have to take measures I can't describe here. And about Brexit, the UK will be absolutely fine! A new season of the Great British Baking Show has begun airing. Every Briton can lose themselves in cakes, pastries, pies, and savory breads. Be amazed by the gorgeous showstopper bakes, and be happily appalled by everyone messing up in the technical challenge. American baking competitions have nothing on the UK's shining edible star. And it is eleven weeks long, so by the time the buttercream drains from your system and you awake on a Genoise sponge, the no-deal Brexit will have come and gone.
  12. I TOTALLY would like a Middle East aesthetic in FE.😁 I have a sweet tooth for the arts of South Asia, East Asia, and definitely Southwest Asia too. I like Arab calligraphy and geometry. You can still make a "Middle East" world with India in it, since the Delhi Sultanates and Mughal Empire were both part of the greater Islamic world. You could have: A Mughal Empire country, you could have a Hindu undercurrent too. A Safavid Empire (Persia aka Iran) country. Or go pre-Islamic with the Achaemenid, Parthian, or Sussanian Empire. A country that is something Arab maybe the Abbasid Caliphate, or the Mamlukes in Egypt, and or perhaps the Omani Sultanate that once stretched to the African island of Zanzibar Maybe throw the Ottoman Empire of the Turks too, they did rule much of the region for centuries even in decline. I don't there would be room for Indonesia, but it'd offer a tropical island option. FYI, Indonesia, not something in the Middle East, is the world's largest Muslim-majority country in the present era. Central Asia has been done by FE before with Sacae, and Issach is supposed to be Central Asia despite the absence of horse centrality. But, I think it seems too "boring" to include. An Al-Andalus, Islamic Spain (711-1492), would be great! It'd allow for a European land alongside it, but possibly only at the world's political-cultural edge, which would make the "familiar" the most outsider-like of them all. Unless Al-Andalus was the focal point of the game, then the Europe country would be closer. Another European option would be the Byzantines who often fought and lost against the Arabs and surrendered to the Ottomans. Byzantine is European, but often excluded as not-Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the Vandals. It's semi-exotic. The issue though, is that I don't think Japan considers the Middle East and South Asia interesting enough to make a grand game around it. Europe is more enticing for them, and East Asia is familiar being it's where Japan is located.
  13. I guess you dislike Alucard and DoS Soma then? *Backsteps aways with afterimages* So I wasn't the only one plagued by bad Mage levels! Which isn't a surprise when you look at growths, Mages have altogether growths a notably lower than the physical competition, albeit not as bad as Staffers. Unless you're Sierra and Lee, but neither needs growths all that much. You Leonie has 6 more Skl than mine, and was definitely luckier on the 10% Move front. More Def too. And her offense is just as awesome. This reminds me of my strategy for the next fight (spoilering it in case you don't want to read it right now): Sure, a full history of all the units (I do include those who haven't been recruited, but yet, but I took precautions you'll see): Did I miss anyone?
  14. Nagi's Character Ending title in SD is "Holy Avatar", and in the New Mystery fan translation, it's "Dragon King's Avatar", although the word "king" is likely gender-ambiguous and could be translated as the neutral "ruler", "king" a translator's stylistic default to the masculine. And, Medeus says this in SD if you have Nagi attack him: Medeus: “Hmm? So… I am not the only dragon revived. I had heard you perished the last time. No matter; you’ve recovered even less of your power than me. This time, you have no chance!” So, adding in Chapter 24x SD, it's readily assumed that after Naga sacrificed herself in the year -500 on the Archanean Calendar, that her body and soul spent their "death" in the Alterspire in another dimension. Then 1108 years later, Gotoh fetched Naga to help Marth at the end of his journey to defeat Medeus once and for all. However, Naga had yet to fully recover, her body looked perfectly fine, but her power was only a fraction of its true might, and her memories were much forgotten, if not the central mission in her life which she had died for- keeping the Earth Dragons from destroying humanity. Nagi IMO is worthy of being considered, if not as a separate character altogether, a canonical, entirely justifiable alt. One that if I still played this game, I'd spring to obtain. And, their attires are not entirely identical, heck in Awakening itself, Naga doesn't even look corporeal, FEH changed that though: Make Nagi not a Flier, not a Mythic, and probably no granting Dragon-effectiveness to allies. Infantry is boring, and technically, higher BST would betray the fact that Nagi is an incomplete Naga, but being on foot without those trapping of Mythic and a cool exclusive skill would do enough to portray being weaker. As for BST distribution, they could take the lazy alt way and shuffle Naga's current BST a little. -So speaketh a Nagi/lore-in-general fan. Men in gatchas getting in the short end of the quantity stick, and likely the 5* quality stick (but not always), is bad. But you are right it does come with the flipside of making it easier to pass on banners and get what you want if you want something. I recently experienced this with the Dragalia Lost summer banners myself, didn't have to spend anything for my Randal, and only a few dozen single-summon vouchers for my Luca (they're 4* Seasonals- yes FEH, those ARE possible).
  15. XRay normally plays with pure gameplay performance in mind. However, refreshers are their big subjective weakness. If a refresher had the statline of I dunno, Florina, Azama, or Niles, and IS give them Killing Edge-Armored Blow-Lunge-Threaten Res, and they'd still leap for it. It wouldn't matter if the only visual difference was say Donnel without the pot on his head. Well, maybe they wouldn't go that far. Aren't Seasonals always TTs? I thought it was NH-FB, SH-TT. Guy whose name is Polish and Sati are out of luck I'd guess for a significant amount of characterization.
  16. My error then. I haven't played SD in like a decade now. And, New Mystery, coming in fourth in my run through 3-6+12 FE first-time emulation spree this year, didn't end up being so memorable. I don't think he has every had anything to smile about. He's in four games, one bizarre spin-off, and makes one brief appearance in BS FE, and he can't get one single thing to help his portrayal. I'm sure he couldn't walk into a restaurant without learning they forgot to mark down his reservations with the wait time now 45 minutes, and later he goes to order the daily special, only to be told they're out, as all the nearby tables savor it.
  17. I'm not going to write up a deep analytical litany of things I like in FE3 over FE12, but to name some: Tiki: In FE12 she is a poor unit, she has poor bases, is locked to 1 range, only average Mov, and Dragonstones have lacking durability. FE3 Tiki is far better, she might be unable to ever double and will very often be doubled, but that just balances her Def-ignoring 1-2 breath that 2HKOes everything and her high HP and Def stats. Her base stats aren't so shaky, because of how transformation greatly alters her stats, they don't matter. Whereas one could easily deplete all of her Divinestone in 12, in 3, due to the Divinestone only using up one use to transform, and those transformations lasting a minimum of 5 turns, you'd have to make a serious effort try to run out. That Divinestone grants her flight and a little better Move too, buy a Wyvernstone and she'll be cross any map in three-four turns. Musically, some new renditions do continue to hold their water, like that of Hardin's and Medeus's battle themes, they're as good as the originals. Tearing Shadows was a memorable new addition too. But, certain tracks that had punch in FE3, lost it in FE12. My go-to example is "Theme of Love", it isn't necessarily bad, but it diluted the upfront potency of the timeless longing and sorrow of the original in FE12's remix. Another one is "Off to War", the more subdued FE12 version lacks the dramatic direness of FE3 rendition. Marth I think is at his best in FE3B2 as well as a character. I know some people love his Shadow Dragon incarnation and is subtle characterization. But, FE3, and specifically Book 2 because Marth is cardboard hardly more than a silent protag for the majority of Book 1, is my preferred Marth. Why? "How can you not see why?! What must I do to make it clear to you no matter what?!" -Seriously, a second facial expression, one that puts actual emotion on Marth's physical person, did a whole lot for me. It's a small thing, but one with an outsized impact, and is a little detail that the DS remakes lacked. Sure, other games got away with only one facial expression (minus closing the eyelids) and it worked for people in conveying their character perfectly, Tellius did for me. But, Marth ended up needing more in my case. Helping convey Marth better was not just the face, it was partly his words and actions for sure (albeit the Lang rebuke is irresponsible in the moment, until they explain everything was a ploy, Lang/Hardin would have attacked Altea sooner or later). And, I'd chalk it up to the music too, using "Off to War" again, since that happens to coincide with a lot of the "Serious Marth" facial expression. Music can reflect what is happening around the characters in the moment, but it can also reflect what they feel within and choose to express. I would suppose that "Off to War" FE3 casts Marth as being much more concerned than its FE12 descendant. -I'm not going to delve into Kris or That One Elice Quip (not that she has many). Kris does hurt Marth, but I don't dislike them so much I'd beg for the right to throw dance over the body pouring the dissolving acid if I was part of the plot to murder them. And Elice, if making a poorly worded statement, does have a point- Marth when confronting Medeus in Book 2, criticizes Jagen when suggesting they may have to sacrifice lives to win the day. Albeit, in FE3B2, maybe it comes off more as a stern rebuke by Marth (I think it did for me), and less a "B-But I won't let anyone die!😭", possibly because of that danged extra facial expression. ...And I ended up being kinda deeply analytical anyhow. 😄 FE12 is a good game though. More enemy variety is point its favor, as is making the Lady Sword not broken. I wish the Star Shards had kept some amount of growths boost though, and that the Starsphere still gave infinite weapon uses.
  18. I could totally be wrong on this, or it could only apply to NPCs, I don't know. Though in artwork, Alexa and Murderess appeared to be different, character models can absolutely deviate though. I don't think it'd be too difficult to figure out ingame, if I just undressed a bunch of girls, put the camera to the exact same level of zoom. Jotted down the females' height by measuring the amount of space they take up on my TV/Wii U gamepad, and then doing the same for their breasts. I've been meaning to try XCX again anyhow.
  19. Robbie? And does the girl have an unusually thin waist, or is it just how she is angled + the skirt swaying upwards that creates the false impression?
  20. This does make sense, major height differences among characters isn't isn't something players absolutely care about. It's more effort for little gain in a game with many playable characters. In a more niche case of sizes, I recall Xenoblade Chronicles X using the exact same bust size for every female character in the game. The lone exception being Lin in the international version, who, being only 14, had her breasts shrunk some. Now IRL that makes no sense, but with so many playable characters and the fact all armor visually looks different on characters in XCX, I can understand why they didn't want to adjust chest apparel to different bust sizes. And in Fire Emblem Warriors, I may have heard a lot of people when Armor Broken, use the same generic body model for their given sex, Xander's abs are the same as Takumi's, are the same as Navarre's. Again, understandable. As long as the skin tone matches, who cares? Though you know, I wouldn't have minded if Owain on swapping vocations from Myrmidon to Dark Mage started putting on a little flab from lack of exercise. I wonder how tall would FE's Gonzales be? Would he break 215 cm/7 ft? Maybe taller? Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time (and possibly Twilight Princess) is canonically 230 cm/7'6''. Does it look like Gonzales would exceed Hyrule's King of Evil? Adult Link in Ocarina of Time is 1.7 m/5'7'', just in case anyone had plans to fanfict Link into 3H. Going by the character model that is against the measurements in the Lakeside Laboratory's dive measuring wall. Now don't go using this information in Smash, Pikachu probably ruins any hope of height comparison there, since Pikachus are stated to be.4 m/1'4''. If the electric rodent and Gdorf don't scale properly, then there is no hope.
  21. I haven't played FE1 or 2, but FE3 is by no means redundant. FE3 is antiquated by modern standards, but it is plenty playable, the questionable and tedious design choices (excluding the "quirky" ones) do not outweigh the good. FE3 has graphics that retain some appreciable quality, the gameplay's quirks are generally fine and in some ways, like the Star Shards boosting growths, good. The soundtrack is actually better than FE12's I'd argue. 12 has a bunch of good points and major QoL improvements, but FE3 is different enough in benign and possibly fun ways that I'd say they're both worth preserving and playing.
  22. All we have to do to make it immortal is to transmit it to other websites, it will become like the communicable dog cancer that has been around for hundreds of years. Looks like I'm 2nd place then. Factoring in my usual amount of levitation off the ground when standing that is. Tellius got a height comparison chart too, but it doesn't list actual numbers. Nonetheless, if PoR Ike and any of the 3H cast should appear in the same game, then it offers a chance to estimate the heights of everyone from Tellius. Or it could be someone other than PoR Ike, and they could be from almost any game where character models with unique height exist (so, not a lot), and you'd still get useful information. FEH exists, so technically height comparisons could begin now on many FE characters. But, FEH is chibi graphically, so that would seem to distort heights and prevent a more precise estimation. And whilst I don't think it is the case, I thought someone said FEH characters on mounts are actually smaller than how large they would be if they were on foot.
  23. I'm surprised to see this topic alive still, it has mutated and gained potential immortality. I don't need names, but what are, say, the top five heights in 3H?
  24. The new translation patch comes with an add-on preinstalled that fixes that, you are given the means to remove it if you wish though. There is a separate, not installed at the start, add-on that lets you rudimentarily change units' starting positions. And I believe a third add-on that reveals the normally invisible critical multipliers has been made. Will you use any of these? Or play the game as it is by default?
  25. Toning down the enemy strength a bit compared to what it would be if there was no FoW present would be one option. But you don't want to deplete it to the point that the map becomes a pushover. Making the enemy abide by the rules of FoW in-full is, as pointed out in the OP, a definite move towards fairness. Although Advance Wars began like FE with enemies almost entirely forgoing the restrictions, Dual Strike and Days of Ruin leveled the playing field. Speaking of Advance Wars, other than Thieves, FE units all have the same vision range. Change that. Why? Because it hurts the enemy more than it would the player. Resetting on permadeath means the player if they do that, will never lose Vision. On the other hand, if the enemy lost a Sniper with 4 Vision, a high value, it would suddenly find itself much more blind. It'd add strategy by complicating the player's choices of which enemies they choose to kill off first. An example: If the enemy Killer Axe Berserker can't see me, it is harmless. And if killing the puny Wind Mage effectively blinds the Berserker, then I should do that. -if I don't have everything I'd want available to kill the Berserker or the Berserker and the Wind Mage. Maybe add units that can hide in certain spots in FoW if no enemy is adjacent to them. Now, I can ambush the enemy just as easily as they can ambush me. And if my high Vision units can hide and are fragile, their fragility is now reduced so as long as keep an eye out for enemies in the distance. Are you saying Torches would reveal your own locations on top of revealing the enemies? A double-edged sword? Although it makes little sense, I'd rather have AW's Flare units. Which reveal a 3x3 "+" area within a certain range (including hiding places), but only for the side that uses them. But, Days of Ruin did include Fire spaces, which light up the surrounding area excluding hiding places for both sides. Seized properties became hiding places where units belonging to the conquerer's side can hide, and the seized properties have a small innate Vision field they emit for that side even if no allies are near them (and the range is larger for Radar properties).
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