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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. FINALLY! 🤩🥳🎊🎉😇😆 After periodic bursts trial and failures every few months which always ended in frustration and quitting from the endeavor, I've at last gotten TearRing Saga to work! It was this game which I so desired to play, that dragged me from stalking SF to joining it and trying my hand at emulating. And now it is mine! I shouldn't really mess around with it ATM, I've still got Persona 2: IS final dungeon to deal with, and I'm only on Chapter 3 of 7th Dragon 2020-II (they resurrected the ailment-loving dragonfly Imperial, and no Trash Pickup to mitigate that threat this time, ugh). I'd rather not have a big emulation backlog. But FE is special, the Sagas being of FE's lineage means TRS is something I must savor, and savor it now. -After my computer recharges, the idea of playing a PS1 game whilst charge the system is a bad idea, this 7 year-old machine can get hot when running something like that. I keep my bedroom fan on partly to keep it cool.
  2. Bann-ana'ed because bananas as we know them will be going extinct in the coming years.
  3. And they still refuse to make Lance Fliers slow. Sigrun would not have been a bad choice for doing that. Sure her Def growth was only 10% in RD, but a mere 25% on the Spd growth was relatively speaking even worse.
  4. Altena, or practically any WR if they existed on the playable side, would be very good -if they came before Chapter 10. With the additional exceptions of northern Silesse and maybe Phinora in Gen 1 (but Erinys can either or slay the desert Meteors or safely poke a Freege to flip Ida), low Res doesn't mean much. But with 100% accurate as long as user Mag > target Res and infinite use enemy status staffs Altena finds herself facing issues. Pursuit only matters if you aren't asleep, a mount only matters if you aren't asleep, a legendary weapon only matters if you aren't asleep or it could keep you from falling asleep. And Pursuit, a mount, and a legendary weapon are better if you can take a lot of hits, which Altena can't exactly do when it comes to magic. Assuming the class minimum of 7 Mag, with her base Res and the Caipre boost, she is taking 20 a hit from the Freege Barons, so a 4HKO since she will breach 60 HP when trained. Not terrible actually but still far less than her physical prowess. This isn't to say Altena can't contribute, she can help fight Arion's three-headed dragon assault in C9 (but not Arion himself). She can kill someone in the turn 1 strike of Chapter 10, she can help like Fee in saving villages and Palmark in the same chapter, or she can go after that Paladin miniboss's moving forces. But heading north toward Miletos Castle IIRC is very slow and dangerous if at all possible for anyone with low Res, which is 90% of allies. The same issue comes with Edda in Final, Freege is better tackled with dodgetanks I think, and Dozel is laughably easy, if one of the few times Altena can do a lot of the kind of fighting she and the Gae Bolg are made for outside of the Arena. Then once Freege falls, maybe she'll get in a turn or two against Ishtar's Weissritter, but then she has to be Returned to Chalphy to flip Arion, which leaves her with only a little time to possibly slay some Deadlords, if it is safe to put her in Julius's Meteor range. Altena isn't terrible, again, most of the 2nd Gen barring Seliph, Ares, Julia (not that she is around for any of it other than Julius), Claud's kids, and maybe some other units at the margins when given a Barrier Ring and maybe the Safeguard, lack for the Res needed to overcome certain late/endgame enemy groups. This hinders the performance of in practice we'll say 3/4s of your 24 person army. The difference, is that most of them joined far earlier than Altena and therefore had more time to contribute meaningfully. And, this is specifically a discussion on Wyvern Riders and only Altena is one of them. Altena is restrained, on paper excellent, but in practice she is shackled. If Gae Bolg gave +10 Res instead of +10 Skl or Def, then she'd be liberated. To consider a hypothetical Gen 1 Dracoknight, let's pretend they joined at the exact same time as Erinys, armed with any ordinary lance (I'd pick Steel). Let's pretend they had no skills, and the following bases: Level 6 HP 37 Str 15 Skl 11 Spd 8 Lck 7 Def 17 Res 0 Those bases were based on Erinys's, using her base level, and deducting the Pegasus Knight's class bases from her bases. Which equal -3 HP, +4 Str, +1 Mag, +5 Skl, +6 Spd, +7 Lck, +2 Def, and +2 Res. I then flipped the HP and Res, Str and Skl, and Spd and Def "Erinys additions above/below class bases" values for this hypothetical Dracoknight, to make the stats a little more in line with what I'd consider the spirit of the class. Maybe that Def value is too high, but hey, they're joining after half of the 1st Gen is effectively over, they need good bases or utility. For growths, how about Erinys's terrible ones?: HP 60 Str 30 Mag 5 Skl 20 Spd 20 Lck 20 Def 30 Res 5 The only changes I made to them for this DK was swapping Str and Spd, and halving Mag and Res to give +10% to HP. With all this, I think we'd have a decent unit. No Pursuit and really bad Spd even after promotion with Pursuit obtained would be bad. And Erinys would always have the stronger offense with due to natural doubling enabling quadding with the Brave Lance. But, given Gen 1 only has Erinys for a flier, a second one would be far away from redundant. And if you threw them a Brave Sword/Lance, they'd be close to a second Lex.
  5. Fair point on Altena. Eda can at least ferry/visit, and she become as practically good a combat unit almost any other. Altena can't do anything to fix her measly maybe 2 base Res, which is her big problem. Even with the Cairpre +5 Res boost, and a Barrier Ring, she can't do anything about the 10/F status staffs. Maybe, if she got the Barrier Sword (Safeguard as FEH calls it), she could reach enough Res to negate the status shutdown, but I forget how much Mag all those Loptian Mages have, it might have been 16 Mag, which Altena just barely if all goes well could avoid. But that would require leaving Silvia unwed. And even if you went and got that, other units like Leif and Fee could possibly pull of the same Barrier Ring + Safeguard combo. If we didn't throw her that +12 Res, then she takes a hit against the Barons of Freege, one of the few groups of enemies she can fight without being under the Loptian status radar. And, the other concurrent group at that moment is the Beigeritter, which is problematic for her because they pack bows and she has no way of mitigating her weakness. And, Gae Bolg is heavy, with its physical tankiness going to waste with so little for Altena to use it against outside of the Arena. I never actually recruited Batman. So I haven't the foggiest how he handles. But probably bleh ingame sans grind, awesome for min-maxing the optional content, like any other kid. Eda could cultivate a Mag stat though. You'll already have the +30% of Heim by that point. And the +10s of Fjalar and Ced. She could reach 50% Mag growth with just Heim alone. Her 3 Mag base is 1 higher than Deen's, and she is underleveled, so she could be a rare physical unit that won't fall victim to status and can blick magical attacks. Bbbbbbuttt, this means absolutely nothing against the endgame love of Hel. The lone best counter to Hel being Wrath + Linoan, or a Sara you ran through the Arena enough to get 50 Light WEXP so she can use swipe the Nosferatu once promoted.
  6. And Metal Face didn't overstay his welcome, I give the game credit for not keeping him around to the end. They chose the moment to get rid of him perfectly. Hades stays around much longer than Metal Face, but they managed to make it work. He gets one chapter of utmost importance where you get to know him, he then fades into the chorus of comedy through the following three story arcs, and then at last the game refocuses on him, which it does well enough. Sakurai didn't think stories are important to games, but KIU made a good lighthearted Pixar/Dreamworks-worthy adventure you'd have few issues making into a TV show. These kinds of villains aren't my favorite. They're annoying, they're people you want to hate, but that's part of their nature. And that smugness that likes seeing you angered is what makes them good. I felt Malos captured this as well. I can't respond to the opening post, I skipped right past it not having played 3H yet. But I just wanted to skim the topic anyhow and see if there was anything I could read in it.
  7. Pretty much. I'd say the class is too fast. I understand why it'd be faster than Knight/General, but WRs sacrifice too little in Str/Def for that extra Spd and delicious mobility. Or, more enemy Bows are needed, or, Knights need stat buffs to push them notably ahead of WRs. The only games where I would call WRs bad would be FE3B1, where dismounting hurts their stats and the two good fliers of Palla and Catria come much too late to be useful. They'd be good in FE4, but Altena shows up too late with magic everywhere in sight for much of her limited existence. Later FE12 on the harder difficulties b/c low Spd cap. And Awakening, where they can have their uses, but it's better to just have them ferry a grounded ally in Pair Up and then swap to them for handling a massive enemy phase. Yet, of all WRs, the only one I'd call downright bad is Eda. Who lacks her brother's bases, his Con, his Sword Rank, his Movement Stars, his Critical Coefficient, and can't use his Dragonpike. All whilst having the same availability, and suffering the same massive -3 Str, -2 Skl/Spd, and -5 Def caused by dismounting when indoors. And even then, Eda is only your third (and last if you pick Shannam route) flier in FE5, so she still has some visiting/ferry utility.
  8. If you're looking for a music war, I play the card that overrides all others! Although the Nep fans here might prefer Royal Heartbreaker.
  9. Sigrun is peculiar, but at getting some many new characters as seasonal alts at first, getting them in their canon form is appreciated. It took only a couple months, not a couple years, right Charlotte? Sigrun was 205 on CYL3, and only 415/435 on CYL2 and 422/455 on CYL1. Not very high. Is this favoritism? Or is this "family reunification" with Sanaki as the relative who has already crossed the boundary into FEH? And if it is family reunification (I think you made me think this @Jave), then where is Sanaki's greatx50granddaddy?
  10. Banned for not being a single-celled prokaryotic anaerobic organism.
  11. Phooie! Guess that rules out starting with GD for me then, I can't deal with BENEVOLENCE! And who decided to do away with my pragmatic ends-just-the-means-to-bringing-peace faction? I've started up 7th Dragon 2020-II. So far, I've just reached the 2nd Imperial Dragon. Compared to 2020, the game's narrative moves faster, since everyone is already used to being in a dragon apocalypse. And while Aitelle is nowhere in sight after a good showing in 2020, Emel has taken over the leadership in Murakumo, whereas she featured only in the background in a minor role in 2020. I picked Nav 3.6 "Mina" over Nav 3.7 "Miroku", partly because I used Miroku in 2020, and partly because I felt Mina's portrait looks better now. For my trio of dragonslayers, I'm using the classes I didn't use in 2020. Which means a Destroyer (female artwork), and a Trickster (male artwork). They work well together, since I have my Destroyer Counter Stance and my Trickster uses a gun for Hide->Bush Trap. Assuming an enemy dragon does 2 single target attacks on my Destroyer, I get four strong counterblows a turn. Similarly, my 2020 strat relied heavily on the Psychic's Veils for damage. My third team member is this: And on a related note, while I played 2020 using the standard soundtrack the entire time. For 2020-II, once I find Hatsune-Miku, I'll swap the soundtrack over to the diva version. She is in the opening already.
  12. Were I a person who liked memes, I would care to see what this has spawn. But I thankfully am not that kind of person. Though the first movie's ending would be less dramatic since Micaiah can't be stoned. So Camilla is like syphilis, countries used to blame other countries for giving them the disease and would nickname after them. Nobody would live up to the truth and admit they're to blame. But on the bright side, Camilla doesn't inflict insanity, or leave scarring which you might want to cover with a pubic wig. I kid. I've no opinion on Camilla. Just making a slight weird funny, no offense to her. -But let's not make this thread toxic. Pleeeeeeeaaaaasssssssseeee?🙂
  13. ? Does he and Alm share a VA? Or is Ash voiced by a woman and actually shares one with Micaiah, or waaaaay worse Camilla?
  14. Hasn't been thinking that "because this children's anime called Doraemon got a Story of Season farming sim game, albeit one that I read was poorly executed in some regards, why not make farming sim spinoffs as commonplace as Musou spinoffs?" Rather than a game that's overly actiony, it'd go in the opposite direction of a Musou spinoff and be slower and peaceful, which has its merits. Said thoughts led to me to ponder what would make a good video game series to get a farming spinoff. And those thoughts turned to Xenoblade. Specifically a blend of XC1 & 2+TGC, without XCX except maybe for a few travelers passing into town. Now how the heck this would work narratively was not my foremost concern, I'd be fine if the Nopon Archsage saw that everyone was sleeping and merged their dreams together, creating a dream world with new dream identities for everyone therein. The premise behind farming I was thinking would be magical crops that can actually generate new ether, and ether shortages was a definite problem of XC2, some of the cause of Titan sinking I think. But besides farming, this game would just have to add salvaging and engineering to the list of possible livelihood activities, because RexRex and Shulk. Animal husbandry could stay, since Armus can replace cows and Flamiis can lay eggs like chickens. We'd want a side of combat too of course, but not as much as an actual Xeno game. And just imagine what the world could be like! I'd setup two separate towns, one on a Bionis-Mechonis hybrid giant, and the other scattered over a bunch of smaller Titans. Between the two, all the beautiful environs of Xenoblade could be represented, as wilderness and farmland alike. Unfortunately, the fact that fantasy farming sims like to feature romance, even though this Doraemon one doesn't, inflicted mental agony on me. The problem was my thoughts went and added Nopon to the mix. And whilst romance is always meant innocently in farming sims (pregnancy and babies just happen), I ended up envisioning human-Nopon sexual intercourse, which was an overwhelming force that destroyed the fabric of my being and which I could not escape for some time.
  15. Do you think that the Heroes Analysis subforum could go? It looks like a dud to me.
  16. Finding more news about the Friends of Mineral Town remake, an interview with the game's producer was posted on a Chinese gaming site. My biggest takeaway from it? They're adding the "Best Friend" system from the Japanese version of Harvest Moon DS Cute! 🏳️‍🌈 What does that mean? According to Fogu, the female-player version of Harvest Moon DS was too lazy to program out marriage to the four "special" bachelorettes: Leia, Keria, Witch Princess, and the Harvest Goddess; from the male version of the game. The "Best Friend" system was a hasty tweaking of the marriage dialogue, and while not de facto marriage, it basically is it, with the ability to adopt a child. Once you have a Best Friend, you cannot marry a bachelor or have another Best Friend. This was removed from the international release. So, with the Friends of Mineral Town remake, you'll be able to play as the boy and undergo a "friendship ceremony" with any of the bachelors. It has not been stated whether you can Best Friends as a girl, but I'd see no good reason why not. This so far has only been said to exist in the Asian version of the game (which does tend to feature a rudimentary English translation, partly b/c Hong Kong was a British colony, partly because it can reach a wider audience in the SE Asia region than having to translate into Tagalog, Malay, Indonesian, and other non-Chinese regional languages). But, I have every hope that the Best Friend system will feature in the international releases. If a part of the world where Taiwan only this year legalized gay marriage and another country considered making homosexuality punishable by death (Brunei). Then the Western world, where gay marriage has been legal for a while, can certainly tolerate, even embrace, these virtual civil unions with pixels. Why didn't 3H think of this? Unfortunately, my mood to consider going for Kai has been dulled by his redesign from a little nautical to a jogger. But... They are considering making an option to turn off the character portraits when talking to villagers. ...this will reduce that problem. If they go through with it. Since the 3D models aren't so much the problem, it's the 2D portraits that irk me more. Ideally, I'd want them to offer the classic designs something I could toggle in the menu; I'd pay for it as DLC. But just turning off the new portraits would be enough. Lastly, Marvelous has stated it is adding a new bachelor and bachelorette, but these individuals have not been shown yet.
  17. I am literally going to die because you used the word literally, because it sooooooooo literally overused, like, literally. M is for maroon.
  18. Burger King. That'd be a whopper of an event, and there isn't much that would help. Walmart could at least provide you with a lot of things you'd need get through the birth and keep yourself and the baby healthy until you get to the hospital. Provided you giving birth isn't livestreamed onto all the TVs on display at the Walmart, then Burger King is better. What is killing my tomato plants?
  19. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/half-of-the-core-metroid-prime-3-team-is-still-at-retro-studios/ Around 27 of the full-time workers on Metroid Prime 3 remain at Retro, so it seems. However, less than ten of the ~40 full-time workers on the first Metroid Prime remain.
  20. Odd, I thought the fifth option would be "Settle it in Smash!". Fates has three routes: Birthright, Conquest, and Revelation. When you get to the Branch of Fate in Fates, you are given the choice to side with Hoshido- Birthright, Nohr- Conquest, or neither- Revelation. What is the problem?: If you bought a physical copy of the game, you only get to pick the route it advertises itself to be. So your only choice if you bought Birthright, is Birthright. You made your choice the moment you bought the game. If you bought a digital copy of the game, you can pick Birthright or Conquest, but whichever you pick, you're stuck with for the rest of your playing of the game, even if you start a new file. If you want to play the route you didn't pick of Birthright and Conquest, and if you want to play Revelation at all, you have to buy it as DLC. The base game, so one route, costs $40, the other two routes cost an additional $20 each. So the entire game costs $80. Some of the maps and characters are shared of course. To be precise on the character side, it's 9 adults and 5 children. Conquest has 18 exclusive adults and 8 children, while Birthright has 18 adults and 8 children. Given each child has a paralogue, that is eight exclusive maps per route from there, plus chapters 6-28, so about 28 in total. But I do see your point. And even the shared maps, which are 7 in total: Izumo, Boat, Branch of Fate, Opera House, Cheve, Sevenfold Sanctuary, and Ice Tribe Village; tend to play differently. The boat map in CQ and BR is the same, but BR's take is a flier invasion fest, the other is the Shura hunt. And this excludes the shared Paralogues of Mozu and the five shared children. Further map sharing happens on Revelation with: CQ's Wind Tribe map, BR's Fort Jinya, Sevenfold again, BR's Mokushu Punji Trap Forest, and CQ's Port Dia. So another five maps.
  21. Seconding no Leif = 🙁 I'm one of those odd people who might consider Coirpre. But Ced is good too of course. And Tine is one of those few children with real substance.
  22. Salamand was later reused as the name of the unseen dragon who visited Jugdral with Naga prior to sending the Miracle of Darna. According to outside sources that is. Gaia is an unused name in the FE1's data too, it appears among those three dragon names. So it might have been another group, maybe the Earth Dragons, which would make the Mage Dragons "Basilisk" then. Found in the data too are unused Manakete weapons named Wyvern, Gargoyle, Neptune, Salamander, Shenron, and Dark Dragon. There also was a Telescope, which increases Vision by 5 when used, suggesting Fog of War was going to exist at some point. A Helarn Staff with 22 uses that makes weapons have infinite uses. And Dark Orb and a Time Orb (but no Life Orb).
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