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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I made it to Chapter 16 TRS, it brings to mind the pre-Duma Tower Jedah battle in SoV. Why? Mogalls, multiplying Mogalls in a swamp. Except the map is worse, because you have to open a chest in the middle of the swamp to win besides killing the boss, which will take like ~5 turns at least to get a Lockpick character to, and each turn along the way they take damage. Then you have to get out, and you'll have to bring bodyguards to avoid having the Lockpick unit killed by the flying Mogalls (only 4 Mov thankfully). Though beyond the one chest, the game is kind enough to give a safe terra firm rim around the swamp. And there are four other chests you have to open, three of which have "invisible" paths that look like cave walls you have to walk through to reach, but moving the cursor to the right spaces or bring up the Select button map reveals the paths. Did I mention because the cave is indoors, that fliers are forced to dismount, no easy Mogall eradication in the bog. And, all the Mogalls can multiply, but except for the Arch Mogall, when a Mogall replicates itself, it halves its HP. However, they maintain the same 15 Atk and 11 AS, which is really fast and strong enough to 2RKO those of middleweight durability and Speed. The first sliver lining is that they only barely break 50 Hit, so they're easy to dodge, practically guaranteed when you stand in the oddity of cave forests around the Arch Mogall. They have poor Def and very little HP after so much self-division, with a weakness to Bows. They aren't very aggressive either, they mostly futz around doing nothing, only a handful will ever approach you from afar. The Arch Mogall is a little different, it never moves, and only attacks you when you're in its range. It carries the Thunder spell called God Hand (localized as FE's more familiar Thoron- a move I understand, but question), which is enough to 2HKO anyone, and it has like 60 HP, but its slow, and Holmes can kill twice over with a Longbow and it's utterly harmless. And yes, it has to die twice, since it hold an Elixir (which was fan translated as "Azioth" to use the word "Elixir" for an item called a Healing Drop, which fully restores HP like a normal FE Elixir), which it revives it with full health when killed. It took me about 30 turns to clear. But I could have been more aggressive I think. I had Holmes, Raquel, and Vega take the lead chopping up Mogalls, while Samson, Shigen, and Lionel protected Juni, Katri, Plum, and Lyria. It was a job, but a job that didn't do much for them (although Lionel dies very easy with a mere 5 Def). I didn't need three healers it turned out, but Lyria got a lot of Sing spam in with Plum's Dance help. On the positive side, Vega is now level 18, my closest to promotion, with fairly good stats (I'll take 11 Str when Shigen is 12 with 7). While Raquel entered this battle at level 14, and left at 20, she was bonkers here and I think she's set for the rest of the game, I think the RNG has favored me with her growths. Holmes did very well too, whereas Runan had horrendous levelups for me, Holmes hasn't failed to consistently proc about 3 or more stats per level. Thats odd, because most characters (aka not Zieg of 380, which is still 345 sans Mastery growth, which is enough to qualify for Radiant Dawn as equal to Zihark better than Ike and Shinon) I see have no more than 280 in total growths, Holmes has only 270. He shouldn't be doing so well. One TRS nitpick, San's profile: Her face seems rougher and less polished than the other characters' (Frau and her green hair here). Not as much gloss, it looks like one or two developmental stages unfinished. And if any here has played TRS, does Shigen actually regain playability if you have him gameplay-die for early Sierra? I'm not willing to prematurely summon this supposedly broken Witch lady if I can't use Shigen anymore. And if anyone questions my right to post in great detail about TRS here. One, plenty of 3H discussion has been had. And two, because I say so!
  2. By which you mean the kinds of things they briefly did in FEs 5&6? Except with greater plot relevancy and not just "Roy/Leif went and fought in X instead of Y and recruited ABC instead of DEF"? And I guess there is Ephraim and Eirika, but honestly a remake for SS should make the routes simultaneous, with maybe a little choice to pick the "lead" lord in the ending or at the reunion. One of your criticisms is being forced to decide only an hour into the game for Fates and 3H alike, before you can get an actual feel for each route. Right? This makes Fire Emblem the opposite of Shin Megami Tensei, where the route split comes at the beginning of the nonliteral 11th hour, not the start of 2nd. Would that be better for you? Or is that too late?
  3. Banned by the State of Florida for insisting the state is filled with weirdos, when the root cause of "Florida man" is caused by something to the effect of police reports in Florida by law having to be made public within a short timeframe of their filing. If other states did the same, one would discover "Florida man" may apply to those other states.
  4. Weird, all I hear is "The DEMO WAS BAD! HYPE DEAD NO BUY! THIS GAME IS DOOMED TO FAIL!". Even though the devs said the demo was intended as a beta or alpha, intended to get feedback on what needed improve the game, it's not supposed to be the finished product. I'm interested in seeing what reviews the game will get. I'm expecting 7-8s, which for me is "Good if you're into it.". Specifics will be bad plot, nothing special music, good gameplay, aesthetics depend on your tastes. The 7-8 range means people will be calling it a failure, despite it not being bad, but sales won't be great. This said, I'm hoping the game does well, and I might consider getting it eventually. Astral Chain seems to be getting a lot of developer info and game material shown off right now, I'd be more optimistic in its sales expectations. I'd pick SMO over BotW myself. BotW is nice, but a little empty. SMO is snappier and could probably be finished in a shorter time if you don't rush to Ganon in BotW (which a newbie to the game likely won't). And by "finish", I mean see the ending. Getting all the Power Moons has a small chance of taking longer than BotW 100%, but I doubt it, particularly if you like putting spikes to your backside and try collecting all the Korok Seeds.
  5. Due to my stupidity and the lone longbow sniping Alicia, I had to redo Chapter 13 TRS twice for the same reason. And the Harpy summoner is absolutely utterly inconsistent. First run it didn't do it on the first turn, but then used it sometimes on the subsequent turns. The second time, it uses its staff with wild abandon. The third, it used it in the ~10 turns I took maybe twice. Turns out had I sent Martel to kill it, I could have gotten the Harpy staff, but given the Harpies carry 7 Mt bows and spawn 3 at a time with same turn movement, that was too risky. Instead, Raquel and Holmes took advantage of the chance for maximum EXP for minimal damage. And assuming the Harpy staff would make NPC allies with the same stats for me, well I'm barely missing out on anything. At most, they'd provide flying meatshields and a little anti-flier clip of about 24 effective Atk and a good likelihood of doubling. Speaking of Raquel, she definitely belongs "Good Bow Infantry" club, keeping alive the adage "Archers fail, Snipers all hail!". She might be unable to kill humans, but her bases are aces. What little personality I see of her I like too, and her design is pretty. And Holmes, well with Runan being bland generic FE lord, Holmes is interesting. Much better stats too. And Valkyria Chronicles permadeath works. It's a good deterrent against the most reckless of rushing, even if a lone Scout or Shocktrooper can still break maps in half with a cautioned rush. Means you can't just throw bodies at a problem.
  6. At least SRW deaths only cause unusability for the rest of the current mission, and inflict a funds repair cost that can be repaid fifteen times over with one well placed Strike-Valor-Luck/Bless Cyflash. FE has permadeath, that's a lot worse. And TearRing Saga has Krishna, who I'm about to recruit. Like PoR Chapter 3 and Marcia, but about ....twenty times worse? I exaggerate, but having only tested the map to see when Krishna triggers, I'm wondering how much the Harpy summoner is going to prove problematic. Random news of the day- people who use more emojis have more sex.😙
  7. Jugdral is in the same world as Archanea and Valentia. The journeys of Sigurd, Seliph, and Leif happen hundreds of years before Marth, Alm's, and Celica's. When does Jugdral happen exactly? Not sure, but at the least, the Miracle of Darna should be between -740 and -500 Archanean Count, since -500 is Naga's death year. The birth of the Loptian Empire happened in 440 Jugdral Count, and the Miracle is 632, Naga has to live until at least then. -740 is when the Earth Dragons and their allies begin their war against humanity and Naga and her allies. So unless Loptous went evil before the Earth Dragons struck out, the nearly 200 years pre-Miracle of the Loptian Empire have to fit snuggly into this Earth-Divine war timeframe of 240 years. 757 JC is the year Sigurd's journey begins, which is 125 years after the Miracle. Marth doesn't set out from Talys until 604 AC. Therefore, there about 1000 years between Sigurd, and Marth and Alm/Celica (whose journey takes place entirely in 606 AC).
  8. The Archanean Regalia appear here? Unexpected. Kaga the father of FE apparently once stated eons ago he planned to have Falchion and Gradivus appear in every FE. That was why NES Gaiden had them, SoV retconned in in-world explanations. -But I don't know the source of that Kaga assertion. Kaga's plan if real he ceased with FE4, but maybe FE is going in that direction now? And to be fair, FE has been doing that with Excalibur. First Archanea, then SS, then Fates. (Ignoring the Excalibur knockoffs like Grafcalibur, Aircalibur, and FE7's Gigascalibur (translated in English as "Excalibur")). Gaiden/SoV has Excalibur as well, but being a spell, it's easier to have multiple "copies" I think. A spell is a technique manipulating magical energies, not a solid lump of metal.
  9. There were. But I recall that wall to be fairly weak. Not sure of what stats the Ballistae have, but I think they're very low, despite the weapons themselves having 20-30 Mt (I think these are Killer Ballistae, so 25 Mt). FE4 having inflated HP values helps make it sting less. I just swept that particular bunch with Seliph and maybe some other mounties. Once you seize the castle, they all vanish anyhow. The real issue of FE4 with long range enemies is Chapter 10's abundance of status staffs. I do like how the enemies are clustered just outside the starting castle though, that part was a good fun hard.
  10. CYL3 results 56. Rinea 84. Conrad 99. Mila 100. Python 111. Silque 169. Tatiana 172. Luthier 213. Brigand Boss 216. Zeke 266. Forsyth 281. Hestia 285. Valbar 295. Fernand 307. Rudolf 333. Atlas 348. Deen 363. Kamui 380. Nuibaba 396. Marla 397. Mycen 413. Jedah 456. Jesse Two minor NPCs so minor I leave them out entirely. 522. Nomah And that is the end of the SoV playables, out of more than 569 characters.
  11. Always having multiple paths means there has to be multiple points of view and sides to a conflict. This has potential to become narratively worn and tired at some point. Furthermore, it opens the possibility of always having an avatar of some sort, not exactly something that appeals to all.
  12. Correct on the Thracia front, unfortunately. As for Echoes: "At the start of FEH, the only SoV characters in were the Whitewings- by virtue of being shared with Archanea. Then 4 came in April, then another 4 in May, followed by 7 (and Berkut) in July, and then Clive in August. In total, April-August without anyone in June brought us 16 of the 20 (not-Berkut or alts) characters. After August 2017, only Kliff has come."
  13. Has collected Awakening children with plans for more.
  14. For FEH, I can see the retainers counting as core. Though FEW only fitted in Oboro, Niles and sorta-Odin with Owain. So I'd say its just Corrin M&F, Nohr Royals, Hoshido Royals, and Azura, who count as the core of Fates, 10-11ish. Though barring the Cipher card game, FEH and FEW are the only dedicated FE spinoffs with Fates characters in them. And the only other dedicated FE spinoff is the... unique... trip of TMS, made before Fates was developed. So there isn't a lot to go on.
  15. Let me introduce to you a little slice of Thracia: How can this work in SRW? Isn't outer space usually a standard destination? You know, where there is nothing for tires to grab, or oxygen to breathe? But what am I saying? If Sanger can always find cliffs to leap off of for Tornado Blade, then motorcycles can function without gravity and an atmosphere.
  16. It's inevitable, provided the spinoffs happen within a certain timeframe. It sold well, it's the most recent, that is all that matters concerning appearances elsewhere. As 3H becomes the predominant flavor of FE, Awakening and Fates will start to recede and find themselves vying for cameos/nonsexual fanservice elsewhere like the rest of the franchise. However, 3H too is destined to age out of popularity as well. It won't happen right away, but when Nintendo releases its Switch next-generation successor, 3H and whatever games that will have followed it on the Switch, be it 3H2 or something else thats new or FE4/5/6 remakes, will begin to become "old FE" and FE18 or 19, whatever comes next, will be the new face of the franchise. For I have not 3H yet, I cannot say whether I would be disappointed or happy to see the hegemony of 3H as the ideal of FE. But, I can say will happen and will be ultimately passing. Like all that lives in this finite world. *Puff of smoke* I wouldn't be so pessimistic. Sales don't lie like a hot lady's thighs for IS. If Three Houses brings in enough profit to fill three storehouses with Yen, and I think it currently is doing that, then IS will grab it by the utters and tug away. Awakening sold well and saved the franchise, IS milked it, Fates also sold well, IS milked it. If this sells well, they'll do just the same. It'd be irrational to continue to float the worn, faded, and increasingly forgotten hot air balloon of Fates and its royal siblings and maids and songstress. The 3DS is now dead, Fates is not playable on Switch. Fates unless ported to Switch, is now destined to find the percentage of FE players who know it, decline. It will be gradual, but is going to happen. Greatest popularity and thus profitability requires being on a living system.
  17. To copy this from another, seven years old topic (with some trimming and bolding), a guide to the route splits: #1 (After Map 8 (Most important)) ======================== Events in Runan's squad: ======================== - Arkis and Kreiss - Support level increases after Chapter 9 - Sasha - Gain 3 Luck by talking to Loffaru - Kate - Conversation with Sasha and Loffaru - Conversation with Norton about Zeek, all three must be present - Maruju - Can obtain the Reeve Tome after Chapter 17 - Norton - Conversation with Kate about Zeek, all three must be present - Plum - Unlocks event to learn 'Dance' - Estelle - Conversation with Arkis, both must be present - Raffin - Recruit Sharon and Billford, can promote to Dragon Knight - Narron - Talk with Runan after Chapter 10, support level increases - Ruka - Talk with Raquel after Chapter 10 ======================== Events in Holmes' squad: ======================== - Arkis and Kriess - Initiates the event to recruit Leteena - Maruju - Can obtain Sylpheed from Mars Temple - Barts - Save Plum, support level increases - If Holmes saves Plum, Barts > Plum + 5% - Vega - Conversations with Shigen and Krisheenu, support levels increase - Roger & Mel - Mel can receive the Magic Staff from Mars Temple - Mahter - Recruit Frau in Chapter 15 - Xeno - Conversation with Katri - Conversation with Holmes and Tia - Yuni - Give Power Staff to Lyria - Garo - Conversation with Sennet |============|===========| Route Split #2 (After Map 23) ======================= Events in Runan's team: ======================= Arkis - Recruit Rina in Map 26a / 26b Kreiss - Recruit Leteena, recruit Rina in Map 26a Julia - Recieve Rukuud from boss of Map 26a / 26b Vega - Recieve Rukuud from boss of Map 26a / 26b Ruka & Raquel - If both are deployed in Map 26, at the end there will be an event. Raquel will either leave the group, or Ruka will die and Raquel can kill human enemies. (Ruka can be revived with the Dakuron) Meriah - Recieve Aura Rain from Rishel Rishel - Give Aura Rain to Meriah ====================== Events in Holmes team: ====================== Plum & Lionheart - Conversation if she has Lan's Mirror Xeno and Yuni - Special conversation Yuni - Recieve Re-Move book Attrom and Lyria - Special conversation Attrom - Recruit Renee Krisheenu - Special Event in Morse Tower if previous events were activated Bud - Recieve Dragon Flute Julia - Recieve Dragon Saint skill after Map 30 ===================================== Route Split #3 (After Map 30) ======================= Events in Runan's team: ======================= Mintz - Recruit Hagaru Kate - Leave after Map 34, can be re-recruited in Map 39 Sasha - Recruit Kate again in Map 39 ====================== Events in Holmes team: ====================== Kate - Leave after Map 31, can be re-recruited in Map 38 Sasha - Recruit Kate again in Map 38 =====================================
  18. I used 38 single vouchers get to my Summer Luca, going down from 85 to 47. But it was worth it! Taking 140 summons for Luca is awful. A 2% chance meant you should've got him in 50 I think. But if you tenfold summoned, then that likelihood should be even higher, with a 14% chance for him on that tenth spot. The rate for Summer Verica is 0.5%. So on average, assuming no pity buildup, you need 200 summons to get her. That is 24000 Wyrmite. Or in your case, you'll use up all 6 tenfolds, and then 4800 Wyrmite, leaving you with 32200. Or, you could deplete all your vouchers and then five of those six tenfolds. Leaving you with one tenfold left and the 37000 Wyrmite. On average, could be better, could be worse. The choice is yours. Just laying down the costs so you can visualize what going for her would mean. But could they increase the 5* rate on the tenth summon when you choose to do that? A higher 4* chance is great given how low individual 4* chances are on any other summon, but could they shave a little percentage and give it to the 5*s? As I was aiming for Luca, the gatcha gave me Ramona too. And my first Arctos, which is nice, except for the fact I've a Prometheus, two Agnis, and Phoenix.😑 I want 5* Water or Dark Dragons, I don't have any of those that aren't freebies. Nyarlahotep just from the name reference makes me want him.
  19. Green is an invention of Jugdral, as is Yellow. Green in FE4 is uncontrollable allies of the player, Yellow is neutral units. Although Green can fight Yellow, while Blue can't, which FE4 uses once, maybe twice. FE5 does away with Yellow until FE9 bring its back, but it does have Green, which is uncontrollable allies again, but for one battle, it is actually used to indicate a new enemy separate from the rest you're fighting at that moment.
  20. I've found people for my dreamed of sports banner now! Two down, three to go. And wasn't there a photoshop of FEH Walhart's head onto a baseball player? You know, you could probably do this with a whole bunch of old character arts, if you looked/tried to imagine it hard enough.
  21. From what I remember of SD and Old Mystery B1, that was Minerva's AI. She moves herself into a waiting position in the north, and then comes once Maria is recruited to speak with Marth. She doesn't offensively come at you. Which from a story perspective makes sense, she summoned you here to save her little sister.
  22. Correction then, a rare thing that hasn't been added since launch.
  23. Does everything need one? No. It's possible to make a good game without a singular big bad. For instance, whilst Xenogears has what you could loosely call the equivalent of a big angry dark dragon in FE, the villainy is focused on a trinity of big bads who don't agree with each other. And, that villain trinity is splendid. Mainline SMT commonly disregards a singular villain for multiple villains who could be friends to reflect its alignment system. It does help to have a concrete face to villainy though. A face for a narrative arc can be helpful, if not enough when the face itself is atrocious (see Tales of Vesperia, its second part). Thracia 776 has a plot that I don't mind, with good points, but I have identified one fault with it. That fault being Thracia 776 is just lacking in the villain department. Raydrik is serviceable to good for the game's beginning, but once you get past Chapter 7, he suddenly drops out of the narrative. From Chapter 8 and onward, Leif's journey becomes devoid of a face to the enemies he faces. Travant pops in and out, but that stops after Chapter 14. Freege and the Loptians becomes Leif's enemy in Chapter 9-23 barring the C12 Dandelions and C15 random bandits, but Freege is usually faceless. You fight generics, with Kempf the incompetent trying for a moment to become a face, but leaves after two chapters and you might never see him again afterwards. Reinhardt is often spoken of as powerful, and so is Saias, but each makes only one mandatory appearance on the battlefield where they command, and they barely get scenes of giving orders to troops in earlier fights. Blume has next to no screentime, and Leonster is guarded by a mere generic. Then with 24, Leif gets back to Raydrik, so much stronger a year later. This is good narrative, but Raydrik himself deserves no credit for villainy, since he has done nothing since C7, and does nothing of note now. With Raydrik dead, the game is left with the utterly generic Veld, who has to be artificially injected with last minute amping up to give him any villainous impact beyond the one thing he did earlier with Raydrik. Admittedly, Thracia 776 is handicapped by being a midquel, thanks to which, it is impossible for Leif to kill off Julius, Manfroy, Ishtar, Travant, or Arion. Though the game could have easily given him Blume's head, which would have been a good villainous catch and a focus point starting at C9. I like the approach taken by trying to create a personal villain in Raydrik, but as Blume didn't send him and his dubious, incompetent nature to pursue Leif after he emerged from the Thracian border again, Raydrik failed. -Just getting this out of my system. I still like Thracia 776 like any other FE, this is just me being analytical.
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