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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Strangely, I pulled through the game with more than 20 uses of Grafcalibur left. Although I think Grafcalibur is better spammed early on in hindsight. Later bosses love to carry Master weapons (looks like C16 Ilios starts it to be precise), a single hit of which Asbel has difficulties surviving, their 1-2 range and automatic doubling means he can't safely get in his 100 Crit followup killshot.
  2. The Summer Raid was good. Was it luck or was it fixed that I got three Crystallian Envoys from the Blazon Summons? Now it's time to chill and care less about the Summer Facility event. Facility events seem less valuable to me without the ability to co-op, and the fact they cost Stamina instead of Getherwings. Still, gotta max the facility. And get Summer Luca. Fortunately he is only a 4*, hubbypons being less in demand than wifeypons sometimes pays off.😄 Light is one of my stronger teams, if still barely scraping 10000 Might.
  3. Thanks for the correction! I messed up with that actually. Blame Leon being turned gay on that I think, good inclusion, but he made me forget Faye was the actual second addition.
  4. Specifically for FE, the percentage of women in the female playable roster deviated between roughly 25-33%. Then came Awakening, where because of marriage and not wanting to leave a slew of dudes unwed (which Genealogy was fine with doing), gender parity of 50-50 was achieved. Fates kept to that parity. SoV didn't have it due to being a remake of an older game and not changing the sex of people. Not sure if 3H has gender parity not having it yet, but I'd hope it'd stick to parity even without babymaking around anymore. Saying "I want the next FE to be written/directed/produced by someone who is naturally of their own free will be more creatively inclusive" is a nice sentiment. The problem is, how much further can one go than saying this? Maybe you can talk about how you would hire, if you knew enough about that? Maybe you could outline some ideas of what you'd personally want in a more diverse FE? An FE that isn't made one can't talk alot about. FE16 on the other hand exists, we know everything about it that isn't future DLC. There is more to comment and criticize on, since we actually have something.
  5. Fine by me. But I'd rather execute anyone who is 5'11 in height. Any shorter or taller is fine. But 5'11s must perish. If you are 5'11 you better start doing everything you can to gain or lose inches or hide your inhuman measurement.
  6. I don't think we're anywhere near this yet. And why don't companies hire a freelance LGBTQ writer if they want to add some gender/sexuality diversity characters and don't know how to handle it themselves? All they have to write is ~5 people at most. How much would they have to pay such a writer, and how difficult would it be to integrate their character-writing style with the game's general feel?
  7. Actually, I think there are, from what I've heard. But, it's like SoV, it raises the stats to the promoted class's bases, otherwise you get nothing. But those bases are really low, and growths aren't so much. And there is apparently a Bantu glitch, where using any promotion item with him causes his stats to skyrocket. Even if that were the case, if you were flexible with who you fielded, you could still get a little unit placement manipulation. Swapping Abel for Midia could maybe move Lena to a more favorable starting position, if Midia was "below" her on the unit roster, and Abel was "above" Lena.
  8. I might have fallen victim to that general rumor (though I knew "Whitey's death" to be false). Admittedly, I only played through DQV once, so I never saw what happens if I didn't choose Bianca. Fortunately, I recall making a separate save at Monstroferrato long ago. I could load that up and try out a different wife, taming the shrew in all likelihood. Not the best first impression, but her boredom with life offers a starting point of sympathy. Party Chat can flesh out the rest. Makes me wish I hadn't sprung for DQIV DS as an aside, the lack of Party Chat kills the charm. And as short as it is, going for the iOS version isn't something I want to do to be able to see what I missed. And something the film could do that the game doesn't, is show the actual kidnapping of the wife. I think there was a jealous royal relative involved, but the movie by showing the actual scene could make it dramatic and touching. The wife laying eyes on her precious bundles before saying goodbye to them for all their youngest years.
  9. Because emperors weren't batshit insane, since I don't recall chiropetra guano either causing insanity, or be produced by these insane emperors. I'd be inclined to say it was just genetics, coming to power when young, the brutal nature of politics at the top of structure, or personality flaws and tics that normally wouldn't be bad on the lower rungs of the societal ladder, that made what emperors who were "insane", seem insane. Whats the hangryest you've ever been?
  10. Given two movies, I'd be thinking the marriage would be the best endpoint. It's over halfway into the 2nd Gen, and it's a conclusive happy moment. The problem with using the end of the 2nd Gen, is that it is too sad, and demands to be immediately followed with a montage of the tragic years of nothing that follow. The marriage should balance the two movies in length and material to work with. Helmunaptra would be a good opener for the second part, because it is ultimately a minor event, and would give time for the viewer to catch up. It permits time for buildup to Gotha and the surprise happiness and sudden tragedy that occurs during the time spent there. The birth of the twins is very happy too, but I don't think the game put as much punch into that moment as the wedding. How quickly the wife gets kidnapped afterwards in the games is another reason against it for me. Give Part 1 the subtitle "Hand of the Heavenly Bride" then, since it'd be very appropriate. Though I don't know what they'd call Part 2, "Face of the Heavenly Mother"?, since Madalena is, however briefly, finally rescued here. That, not saving the world from Nimzo, was the driving force behind the entire game's narrative. Pankraz would not have bothered looking for the Legendary Hero if Nimzo plotted to conquer the world without stealing her from it. And it'd be parallelism in subtitles. To be fair, I'm irked by a different not-canon but heavily forced pairing myself. EliwoodxNinian. Lyn and Fiora are other options people! Lyn any day over Ninian, don't even bother resurrecting her. HectorxLyn PFFF! I demand Farina, or Serra! All they have to do to make Bianca not so terribly forced is to give her a good substitute man for Madason. If she had that, she wouldn't be alone, and her father wouldn't have to worry about her, thus making his health not suffer from stress, which burdens Bianca even more. That one fix, and the guilt trip that drives some people into picking Bianca- myself included- would be over. Nera on the other hand has always had Crispin Burns. She'll be fine without you.
  11. I'm not sure if it applies here, but maybe the FE3 positioning manipulation applies here? First, note how everyone is positioned in the deployment menu. Then, note where they show up when the battle starts. Afterwards, compare the two sets of data. If Cain was third not-Marth character in the deployment menu, and appeared in the lower leftmost spot, mark that as "deployment spot three" on a piece of paper. Similarly Barst is seventh not-Marth deployed on the list and shows up just to the right of center, mark that as the 7th deployment spot. Do this with everyone. After doing all that, unselect everyone, and then leave the deployment menu. Enter it again and select who you want for slot 1. Leave the menu after choosing them, and then enter again and select your choice for spot 2. Repeat until everyone is where you want them to be. Again, I don't know if it'll work. But you could try. It'd be slow if it did, but better than nothing.
  12. I remembered what Zoah looked like, I just forgot the name and wanted to challenge myself to remembering it, so I didn't look it up. I could remember Grobyc the cyborg ninja who appears in the Manor one time later in the game I think, but not Zoah. And for all you could possibly want to know about shitennoh, I'll refer you to this article. If you weren't aware of it already. First, interesting about that Pokemon movie now that I've looked it up. Pokemon sure has the resources that they could do that, but I'm not sure DQ could. Then again, maybe it could, albeit not on the big screen, as Blu-Ray/streaming service extras. Second, I was wondering what Nera fans were like. Thank you for being one.😃 Third, I'd like the choice being kept, despite the time constraints. I'd like Deborah the DS extra too. Because I want Cloud Parry, Ike Parry, and Zack Parry (I know, the hair spikes point the wrong way). And more characterization for all the brides is a good thing. And on a different note, Yuzo Koshiro released a copy of the score to one of his best Etrian Odyssey pieces. No more having to figure it out by ear alone. Now I just need to have my 15 member orchestra read it and play. But I do wish this video made the notes at any moment being played change colors to a bright green. So someone not musically literate could follow along.
  13. By Excellus's TMS Mirage which is really bad... ...I've seen that Amielleon translation before. And I've been informed as to what an okama is. This said, like Heather was a well-executed lesbian? All her dialogue amounts to is "I hate men." and "Hey, a cute girl, can I flirt with you?". Kyza and Heather are both problematic, but that they exist at all is acknowledgement. Which is better than not existing, provided the acknowledgement isn't too homophobic/transphobic. That translated Kyza blurb does make the point that he is a good soldier, so it admits he has merit, even it gets washed under the atashi. And there might be some translated interview where it was said Heather (and I would then go and presume Kyza too) is gay by choice. Which is wrong, but considering apparently Japan usually thinks gayness is the result of sexual abuse, implied with Japanese Niles/Zero, to be gay by choice is better than that, if not as good as "born this way". But this is secondhand information for me, I haven't seen either this supposed Heather interview, nor the Niles lines. So in short, all is relative. We have to accept Kyza as some form of good for now. Maybe by FE20 we can call him bad, if by FE20 we've gotten I dunno, twelve good openly LGBTQ characters?
  14. Will be corrected with knowledge that there there was F-Zero: GP Legend and then F-Zero Climax, both on the GBA. But neither are so great.
  15. Hoopla is a dated word for stuff that is presently happening. And, it is one letter off from Hoopa, a legendary Pokemon. I is for indefatigable.
  16. Didn't watch an LP of someone completing all of F-Zero GX's Story Mode on Very Hard.
  17. Because you lack the cognitive capacity to actualize that action in Three Houses. You must first break the bonds of sheepiness on society, confront yourself, confront death, and spread rumors. Afterwards, you must change over your teaching curricula to cognitive science and psychology, sociology, psychoanalysis, and the creative liberal arts; that way, a door to the room of the collective unconscious where you can manifest your inner self will appear somewhere in the monastery, if you yourself have the capacity to see it. And please, if you get your hands on a Bredavik, do not aim it at your head. All that will happen is that a Bartre will topple you to the ground, with his crouch in your face. Am I a human who dreams of butterflies, or a butterfly dreaming I'm a human?
  18. Yeah, I must have meant the Devas. "Devas" has been used by Shin Megami Tensei in a game or two for referring to Bishamonten, Koumokuten, Jikokuten, Zouchouten, the mythological Shitennoh (usually translated as Four Heavenly Kings (but it's more gender-neutral "ruler")). So I think Karsh, Marcy, and Still Escapes Me probably are shitennoh. Darius was the fourth's name? I can't remember exactly, but you must speak of the superboss who gives the Mastermune IIRC. I recall everybody from 1st world from the Viper Mansion died visiting the frozen remnants of the future that Crono banished via saving the world from Lavos. And I can't forget Dora the Explorer's father with the surprise "soft" OHKO called HolyDragonSword being located there. To trim it down, I'd do: Child: Birth Boat with Nera (Debora won't exist) Daddy and Sancho Time in Bianca's Town (the first town no longer exists) Bianca Time in Bianca's Town with Saber find The abandoned tower with Bianca OR, she comes to fairlyland where the Gold Orb is entrusted to them instead Daddy and Sancho Time heading to Harry's kingdom Harry Time + kidnapping The dungeon finale Young Man: Slavery transition and escape. Reclaiming Harry's kingdom + finding Saber. Harry lingering until Pankraz's letter and Zenithian Sword get. Meeting grown Nera and her dad. Completing one trial to get Zenithian Shield her with Bianca. Marriage to whoever. Madason & Wife Time with quick visit to Cleohatra. Madason & Wife Time heading to ye olde family kingdom. Reaching said kingdom and finding out the royal truth and pregnancy. Focus on Wife while Madason does succession ritual offscreen, ends in kidnapping. Finale with the rescue. Father: Sadness standing in the garden and its resolution with meeting the children and Sancho. Zenithian Helmet get. Lofty Peak, with the Gold Orb acquisition relocated here, if Fairyland is no more. Otherwise add Fairyland as another phase. Find sunken Zenithia with Ladja battle relocated here. Use of Zenithia to get to Mt. Zugzwang where Wife is rescued and Zenithian Armor found. Get the Ring of Life, head for Nadiria. Meet Mada. Kill Nimzo. Happy Ending. Although I think we can drop Cleohatra and place the Zenithian Helmet with Harry. Maybe he vows to help his friend after leaving him by ordering his kingdom to search for the Legendary Hero and their proper regalia. That'd allow a touching friend reunion to occur. We're looking at a story of maybe 30 steps. With a full three hours, that is 6 minutes per step, is that too little for each individual step? But how would one reduce the number of steps further? Maybe you could drop Nera and have Bianca's father die after the child arc, then she gets adopted by the rich father of the Nera who doesn't actually exist now? There can be only one wife in the story, no polygamy, the other girl would be filler. And to be fair, DQV shoves Bianca on you so much, that if I were standing the middle of Kyrgyzstan, I'd find myself a moment later pushed into the waters off the northeast coast of New Zealand. Sorry Nera fans.
  19. Banned because it is fate that I do this.
  20. I'm familiar with Chrono Cross, I played through the game once. Not sure if I would again, it really has its issues. But it looks pretty at least. And I guess the Dragoons were nice, if maybe one too many, even if it was going for a shitennoh setup (there are four, right?- Karsh, Girl, Muscleman, and Somebody I Forget?). Also, I thought Viper himself died at that one point, but he lives instead. I don't like the idea of changing my username, since it'll momentarily confuse everyone else, and I really like what it is. But I'll think about it. TBF, I take forever to make names in video games, they have to look nice, and they have to sound and flow just as finely. I was going to name a ship in Infinite Space "Wave Exist", but the game's font made the "x" look so terrible I couldn't go through with it. In the end, my fleet was named: Zohar, Prussia (for an Eberlin carrier), Shirogane, Hassaleh, and Subspace. I just read a Siliconera article on why fans in Japan are bombing the Dragon Quest V movie. And I gotta say, I think the movie deserves it reading the spoilers behind why it's being harshly criticized. DQV does not deserve to be associated with this movie. My Tension is 100, my MP is 999, Magic Burst is ready to fire. Although on a separate note, actually fitting the entirety of DQV into a single film would be difficult. Although three separate movies would be wrong too, since the first arc is too short for a separate one. Condensing games to films is difficult, which might be partly why adaptations have largely failed, amongst many many other bigger faults.
  21. As I posted in a different FFtF topic: The dream was very scanty for visuals at first, all I could see was beige, maybe with some shadows. But I thought I was playing Three Houses, the opening so I thought. I distinctly recall the feeling and sounds as if people were sucking with their mouths on my bare back as I was laying face down on the ground. And, I recall thinking they were the Three Houses house leaders, even if I couldn't see them. And I did not like it one bit. I then popped open some game menu and turned down the VA volume to nothing, using a bizarre two trackball controller. I then opened a freezer filled with fake-looking frozen food for some reason in what I guess was supposed to be the monastery.  My not-unfounded fear I'll be playing 3H soullessly, without any attention paid to characters or story. That, haunted me in my sleep. That one little moment I just don't like, would send me into skipping the rest of the game's narrative. Waking up, I'm thinking the oddity of sucking on my back might have been due to how my mattress and my back were pressing up against each other. Albeit the dream took it to a whole 'nother level. The freezer might been me glancing at people posting cooking is possible in 3H, and certainly because I ate a frozen pizza last night. No idea where the trackballs came from.  -I wish my few dreams were more pleasantly vivid and memorable. Give me crystal clear blue lakes with sandy and green islands floating in them and a rainbow sky above. But as is, I'm barely a dreamer and one who often forgets them. And I refuse to use substances that'd enhance my unconscious experience.
  22. So chile pepper ice cream? Isn't that a thing? I can't handle spicy at all myself. Peppery is as close as I get. And, just to provide one for this topic, a history of chile peppers, and a little on black pepper too.
  23. I just posted my review-ish thing in general gaming in the Watcha' Playing topic. Infinite Space. MASSIVE SPOILERS!:
  24. On the topic of religious authorities in gaming, I found Amalthus in XC2 to be so peculiar. The writing around him starts shady, but then the game weaves in his backstory every so often, and he approaches sympathy or at least empathy. But then the game always snatches him away and reminds you he is pure evil. It never portrays Amalthus as a pity magnet, it wants you to something with him, but then it changes its mind and makes you want to kill him. Amalthus is a rocking chair that always creaks, but stays strong and never actually breaks apart. This actually makes Amalthus rather unique in gaming, religious figures tend to be so black and white or outright pitiful. Amalthus is not gray, closer to black, but not black, so off-black? I might be due for a username change, since I've just made it through a game that makes me question it. But then I'd have to think of a new name, and I'd have no idea what it should be.
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