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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Ultimately, the sheer quantity of players combined with the multipliers means you have only marginally more impact on the final results of a VG round than a shirtless 250 lbs painted 45 year-old sports fan doing chest bumps at home between bites of nachos with their similarly aged and built friend to help their favored team. So in other words, all you're doing by picking a side in a VG is expressing your character preference or feather goals. You're not actually helping anyone win or lose.
  2. According to @Glennstavos here or someone else, Xane's untransformed level is supposedly used in the Arena. As he doesn't gain EXP from fighting while transformed, you can have him copy some level 20 capped stats unit and clear Arena battles with ease. -Supposedly. He always has the nicer stuff though, carrying two weapons to Samson's one. Statwise though, Samson is much better: Samson: HP 24 Str 10 Skl 14 WpnLvl 10 Spd 15 Lck 7 Def 9 Redundant with Astram, but he is better. Similarly, Arran does outdo Midia.
  3. *Points to badge* I'm waiting for the Berwick Saga translation patch to be completed. I burn through FEs so fast, I'd splatter at the speed of light against the currently Chapter 12 wall of Hiragana/Kanji/Katakana if I tried play it now. I must have everything translated, minus tiny hiccups. The hex movement, the near lack of doubling and restricted counterattacking, the modified turn system, the shields. A lot of Berwick Saga's radical differences seem intriguing from afar, and I want to experience them myself. And while I won't walk back the Berwick artwork looking plain, I will say there are some characters from it who are visually very appealing to me.: 79 playable characters. Villains would add Eremiyah, Hardin, Gharnef, Legion, Clarisse, and maybe Lang to those who need artwork. So 85 people, and you might want to throw NPCs Gotoh and Jagen some art too. New Mystery has the largest playable roster in all of FE. Radiant Dawn comes in second place at 72. Smallest playable roster depends on criteria. NES Gaiden has the absolute smallest at 32. That number is even smaller in practice, because it is divided into two 16 member groups, and Celica can only have 15 b/c Deen vs. Sonya. Genealogy is 48 divided into two 24s (with Finn carrying over but a Iuchar/Iucharba divide), excluding the 14 Gen 2 subs too. I think 3H has tiny numbers sans stealing from other houses too. Without a major team split, Sacred Stones is the smallest sans Creature Campaign at 33. 3H I heard is 34 counting only one sex of Byleth. Berwick Saga is 35.
  4. Then what about these?: Point taken on the whole however. Not the best quality though, barring some laughs, right Jeorge? Wait, is this true? Why? FEs 4-10 could afford this, why can't FE have it now when its selling like overpriced and underflavored beer in springtime Panama City, Florida? Hell, Berwick Saga that blackest spinoff sheep had artwork for everyone playable, despite how ordinary it looks and was thus a waste of time. Technically with Cipher and FEH, there is more "official" artwork than ever before. But I'm a stickler for artwork by the origin game's artist in the aesthetic style of the origin game when it exists and isn't FE1-4. That, is most spiritually aligned with the origin games and the characters at their origins. P.S. What chapter are you on in TRS? I'm going to do some grinding for Attrom, Frau, Leonie, and maybe some others before heading to the Tower of Morse, I'm curious if I have a chance of beating you to the end, despite you having a massive head start. Assuming you didn't already finish and are just taking your time in posting the results.
  5. Fire Emblem: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Which game do I mean? Whichever game you really like, but find people criticize a lot. It's flexible.
  6. Reformation: Final Fantasy X- Instead of the Charlie's Angels silly sequel to FFX, this would be a serious story set a few decades (three or four, I'd want Yuna to still be alive) after the end of the original game. The premise would be, as the title directly states, something of an age of religious fervor. The demise of Sin, rather than lead tot the collapse of all religion in Spira and the rise of secularism, creates a crisis in the faith that results, in the short-term at least, in a rise in religiosity. That matches what happened in Europe with the start of the Protestant Reformation, the so-called "Age of Religious Wars" began between Catholics and the various Protestant groups. It isn't until decades after the Peace of Westphalia ends that the deist/atheist/secular Enlightenment period begins, which still had plenty of faith going on outside of a rarefied intellectual elite. Spira might still have its secular Machine Faction that X-2 gets, but it no Youth League and seeming ease moving away from Yevon. It'd be more competition between religious factions with differences in doctrine and prayer. Pit predestination against free will, prayer vs. action, ecstatic piety against stoic faith, there are a lot of things that could be played with. -This wouldn't ever happen however, since FFX is a small dumpster fire when it comes to the handling of religion. I've had ideas for a Bokujo Monogatari (Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons) game. My primary want would be to include a climate system which the player can manipulate. Things like temperature, humidity, wind speed, cloudiness (affecting the amount of sunlight plants are exposed to), and some fictional "moonlight absorption" as a way to control night length (which affects some plants IRL). Doing so would affect how plants grow, each plant having ideal conditions. The game would start with certain atmospheric and environmental conditions, but the player could modify them, albeit with the system rubberbanding back to the original if left alone after modification for an extended period of time. I'd further complicate things with various qualities for plants, like sweetness, sourness, edible part size and quantity, each of which is affected independently by climate. If you the biggest grapes for instance, make conditions lush for them. But if you want grapes with maximum sweetness, then you want to put the grapes under stress, make it hot, make it dry, make the soil not the most fertile. Too much stress on the grapes would make them wilt however. Now try balancing what you want out of grapes with what you want from corn, and you run into a very complicated balancing act of having to make compromises to keep everything happy, and picking what you really want to excel. And onto this, the ability to select for traits to pass onto the next generation of a crop. The game would allow for natural pollination, via birds, bees, and other animals as allowed onto a farm. Doing so is easier and doesn't require a time dedication, but results in the randomized blending of traits. Hand pollination by the farmer themselves would allow for the selective passing on of certain traits, but requires time being devoted to the task. -The problem of all of the above, is while it adds nuance to the farming, it would be too overwhelming for many. Hence it would have to coexist with a "simple mode". On a related note I had an idea for a Rune Factory plot/setting.:
  7. Reminded me of a semi-documentary that mentioned Domino's sells a lot of dessert pizzas in South Korea IIRC.
  8. *Wishes no toxicity will be had* Hinoka does seem like the oddball in this league of giants. Will Mercs go to her first? Vanilla Hector is an oddball too being so plain and dated, but he and not Lector/Bector/Vector is here because of the want of a VG banner.
  9. *Spams Rouse* Will must be raised NOW! That I could readily see. A big thingy, but one particular little spot/appendage/core when destroyed will immediately cripple/kill the entire foe. Maybe make the rest of the map generate enemies from the BIG bad which might be other regenerative parts of it. I recall the Einst-then-Vindel+Lemon map when Neue had begun reshaping the White Star featured what looked like a brain in it. Was this supposed to hint at the true ending if you didn't get enough Battle Masteries? And I know Alfimi and Neue spoke earlier of what implies a body for Neue. I should try some of the non-OG1/2 GBA SRWs. I'm not into anime, but I can learn to love the stuff I'll see. But first comes finishing TRS! Only one SRPG on my plate at any time. I honestly can't say what I make of Holmes 3/4ths of the way in. He is prickish, but given Runan is a boring Marthian lord (as opposed to one who endears itself to me, like Leif), he is refreshing. What follows his repatriation of Granada is uhh... gold I think I felt it was? And oddly, during my Arena grind, I encountered an enemy Privateer, which is Holmes's personal class, no other allies or enemies have it. Its sprite matched Holmes perfectly. I haven't seen any Lords though. If you haven't tried TearRing Saga and don't mind emulating, I'd suggest it. It really is just like mainline FE. Though if you don't like SoV's enemy summon spam, some midgame fights will anger you.
  10. Like stopping the entire White Star from colliding with the Earth, by surrounding it with the Fairlions and two other puny mechs. I get why they had to get rid of that thing, but unless Stern Regisseur was not in Compact (or Impact, whatever Kyosuke/Excellen/Alfimi's origin game was), shrinking the White Star into a one-space-one-unit is really pushing the size-one map space unreality thing. I wish Xenogears featured in an SRW, but SE is so stingy with it, even though they next to never use the IP. Just leave out giant Chuchu, but do include a scene where Gharnef on foot strips some arrogant young hotshot pilot's mech of 68% of its current HP. And be sure to feature the scrapped El-Crescens, El-Siezbehn, El-Stier, the normally unplayable El-Regulus, and whilst we're at it, add as a secret mech Miang's C1-Vierge.
  11. That is actually a good question. Why does sexual stuff make people laugh? Because society puts a taboo on direct speaking of the matter in polite conversation and breaking the taboo is fun? Is it because sex is pleasant and desirable? Is it because it sometimes makes makes people comically uneasy? All of the above I'd think. Does one-part-sour-to-two-parts-sweet-to-three-parts-strong-to-four-parts-weak+nutmeg make a good Long Island Iced Tea?
  12. Or, the author is being intentionally meta when they write the work. That's another exception. I had to read Jacques the Fatalist. At one point, the narrator says something like: "Jacques and his master spent the night somewhere. Where? Why must you know you stupid reader who loves love stories and nothing else? Fine, I'll give you three options as to what happened and describe them in detail. Pick your favorite". And then many chapters later in the story, the narrator says something like "...because I just remembered Jacques and his master had spent the night at that place" and that particular place wasn't one of the options they presented earlier. Surprisingly, this isn't quite so modern, its author is Diderot, the Enlightenment (1700s) Encyclopedia guy.
  13. TRS has one interesting Arena. At first, going at it with Vega seemed hard, particularly because enemies have good stats, can pack skills, and carry Killer weapons. And this was with him being taught Arena Fighter. But then someone said to use Tom (and I gave him Arena Fighter), and he does melt the challenge and make grinding money super easy. He has high Def and being a Bow unit is able to sidestep dangerous melee weapons. Helping him is the game letting you preview the enemy's class, so I can refuse to fight magic users without wasting money against them, and instead stick to physical foes he can tank. I've twice gone from 10k to 30k thanks to Tom, even if I don't really need that much money. But, as the game has you use your own weapons in the Arena, you do have to worry about durability and buy new ones, and you don't want to have your weapons break mid-fight, which can happen. But if you live long enough, the fight will end in a draw and you'll be refunded. All in all, a system that is dangerous, and yet very exploitable at the same time. It's FE's third best Arena (FE4's and FE12's Drill Grounds are better).
  14. I had a sibling who deleted a Super Mario 64DS file once of mine once. I had somewhere in the neighborhood of 130 Power Stars I think. Mostly missing ones from water worlds, because I fear them.
  15. Don't mean to ruin some of the blindness, but forts/stairs is still the way, with minimal exceptions. I think the point with the treasure room in the desert fight is that it is "indoors". I know FE3 has reinforcements in its version of the final battle that come in via doorways on the edge of the screen, but I'm not sure of this one. I'm not aware of what sources outright say this, but I have heard secondhand that FE was originally meant to be played ironman. Characters like the excessive cavaliers exist in case someone dies. Sure they'll be inferior to your first picks, but that is the price of your "stupidity" I suppose. It too might be why the Marth AI obsession exists, since if you won't reset when you lose most characters, killing Marth is the only way to make you restart. The proper romanization of the Japanese name is "Mafu". "Fu" meaning "wind", and "Ma" being a very dense ideogram able to mean "magic", "supernatural", or "demon". So given the context of Gharnef being an evil guy, a good translation would be "demonic wind". But that sounds boring in English I guess, so the SD localizers replaced it with a name taken from some mythos and has something to do with evil winds as well I think. As I am playing it right now, I'd tell you that should you play TearRing Saga, which chronologically would between Thracia (1999) and Binding (2002), the game would get a very poor rating here. The game has given me money once besides starting funds and a handful of Gold Bags (each worth 2-4k). Though on the other hand, its special powerful weapons have plentiful durability.
  16. The Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Balfour Declaration. Whilst making promises to the Arabs, France and Britain decided to give themselves Syria-Lebanon, and Transjordan-Iraq + Palestine, and concurrently promising a vague "national homeland" (they intentionally never said "nation-state") to Zionist Jews. I think Britain controlled part of Yemen for a time b/c it was a good stopping point en route to India. And Afghanistan, which is really more Central Asia but gets lumped in with the Middle East from time to time, I'm aware is somewhat a buffer state agreed to by Russia and Britain to keep Russia from getting too close to British India. A Middle East professor I once had, if you had to get a quick answer no lecture from them on the question, said they'd blame the British when it comes to who originally started the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. To be fair, they did recently publish a book on the world history of the Balfour Declaration.
  17. Thats an interesting old FPS, the absence of gravity is a novelty in the genre I guess? The thumbnail reminds me of this totally unrelated game:
  18. 1. He did not actually lose his wings.: He likely lost the ability to fly when he and Altina had children, and he can't sing Galdrar or speak to the sleeping goddesses. He half-lied at the end of PoR when he said only Altina's descendant can sing the Galdrar of Release. After RD, it's much more logical that power came from being descended of Lehran, but he couldn't say that since nobody at that time knows Lehran and Altina had a child. But, since Altina bore Lehran's only child, he spoke truth at the same time. -But given Sephiran handed Lillia to Ashnard with the Medallion, it is possible he didn't realize at that time that other Herons couldn't sing the Galdrar of Release? This sounds like a little sequel-original writing disconnect more to me, which are bound to spring up if you don't plan your sequels perfectly. So what happened to the wings then? If you recall the flashback before the above CG, assuming it wasn't 2nd playthrough only, the peasants tell Sephiran Misaha is dead and they're going to burn down Serenes Forest. At that point, with Sephiran in utter disbelief, suddenly falls ill and the peasants see wings come out, after which they physically beat him being he is a "guilty" heron. The easiest and possibly best answer is the simplest- magic. Sephiran has been alive for hundreds of years, and although never stated to be so, is as far I believe, the greatest practitioner of magic in all of Tellius. He used magic to hide the wings, which he can undo if he wants, or as in the above flashback can undo itself if he is under great stress. SF has all the music here, but it doesn't say where it plays. I can point out some of it however, not that much though: The DB needing more time is a pretty universal sentiment. And I'd more or less do the same as you in an ideal remaking of RD. Although I'd prefer giving Micaiah a full game and using modern downloadability of game content and make Elincia's short rebellion its own thing only buyable digitally. Not a full-length game, but more than what it currently has. Tellius 2.5, as opposed to Tellius 3, which would be just the Begnion war and the goddesses. Ike dislikers would rather drop him entirely or at very best make him a lategame recruit. But I'm not one of those people, I'm neutral on Ike. Though I acknowledge the issue he has in the Tower of "stealing" from Micaiah. On Sanaki, her character I think we can agree can be summarized as "empress and a child". She is the highly revered leader of the most powerful country on the continent by a huge margin, but she is only a kid of 13. These two aspects of her each have their downfalls and their advantages as I see it. Sanaki in PoR when she apologizes to the Herons is when both sides work advantageously. Because she is a naive child, her innocence leads to bow to Reyson and Leanne, which Sigrun explicitly at that moment considers inappropriate for the Apostle. But any child bowing to the Herons would not mean much. Only as Empress, can Sanaki be able to effectively apologize on behalf of an entire nation. The downsides are arrogance from the Empress. She is in theory and practice the most politically powerful person on the continent, why not do as she wishes? And from the child, childishness, selfish brattiness. Sanaki is childish when she is found in PoR and after seeing others confused as to who this girl is, suddenly and dramatically announces she is the Apostle. Her imperial arrogance comes from the "game of politics" Ike gets outraged at in the beginning of the following chapter. Rezzy sees just the brattiness and not the rest of Sanaki's character I think, and that is why she dislikes her. FEH from what I'm aware tends to only show Sanaki's bad side too. Where the Empress and where the Child is in Sanaki's words and actions isn't always clear cut. You can't tease out what isn't and what is one or the other all the time, the two aspects can blur. As for Micaiah, you didn't see when she burned down the orphanage and ate the fleeing children? Speaking seriously, it's what she does of questionable morality in Part 3 and allowing Izuka around in Part 1 that make people dislike her I think. Not that I agree with it. There are also the issues of special powers and the "true Apostle" revelation possibly making up too much of her character. And Ike and Yune "stealing" the show in Parts 3 and 4. But I don't see how these would make someone hate her. They're perfectly fine criticisms I can see that, yet nothing I'd kill her over.
  19. Chapter 26 TRS might be one of the better desert chapters in all of FE. You don't actually have to go into the desert terrain itself, barring recruiting two characters and finding hidden treasure. You can otherwise just ram through gates and archers on a mobile green rim and get to the seize point that way. I haven't played it yet, it just looks this way from previewing the map.
  20. Only the Tigers, Lions, Hawks, and Dragons do; Cats, Wolves, and Ravens kick. Of the Laguz, I think there is a line where Tibarn says if the war ended peacefully now, he'd have to punch out every one of his men. So he'd be the best fit. And Reyson, ideally with Fury or Atk/Spd Push 10, a maxed Spd-Res statline. Renault is a good choice: Bartre: I don’t need your prayers! Don’t heal me–just punch me!Renault: Punch you? Me?Bartre: Yeah! Warriors speak with their fists!Renault: I don’t really understand, but will my punching you really make you feel better?Bartre: As hard as you can!Renault: Well, all right then. Like this?Bartre: Gwooh!Bartre: You hit me in the eye… Cra…zy…priest…Renault: Bartre? Hey, get up. …He passed out. …So I have to punch him, and then I have to heal him? Elimine, grant me the grace to endure this man…
  21. My tiering was made to be vertical- in terms of how good I think they regardless of archetype- but in ways it was coincidentally horizontal- that being that most mad kings ended up being lumped together. I just spun the tier titles after I realized this. Zephiel doesn't belong there, due to a significant difference in quality. True, Micaiah and Nico = more qualitatively selfless, a greater good. But Sephiran's death is more dramatic, though drama has nothing to do the goodness of the act. IRL, I want as many qualitatively selfless acts as possible, more drama does not improve/save more lives, it only exaggerates the acts themselves, and not always deservedly so. The point I was trying to make there was Sephiran is inherently a polite, nice guy. Nothing in his outward personality is "bad", it is only his hidden misanthropic goals that constitute badness. Zephiel doesn't carry himself in the same way, he acts mercilessly to Hector, he acts with discrimination towards Cecilia, when he doesn't have to be so against either. Sephiran wants the same 0 pop. human world as Zeph, and is indirectly directly responsible for the deaths of thousands or millions of lives, but he does so with a non-psychotic smile on his face. He is quite approachable, I could easily envision him and not King Zephiel as how he would be if he weren't evil, and I like the person I see. If Zephiel had the same demeanor, but no misanthropy, I still wouldn't like him. Zephiel has more presence, but no more, even less I'd say, than Ashnard. Ashnard might not ORKO anyone, but his colorful "Daein Keep" conversations are rather plentiful whereas Zephiel's are fewer- if my memory serves me right. And Ashy is appropriate here, since like Zeph, neither meets with their sword infantry heroic foe until the final battle. Zephiel's additional presence isn't enough over Sephiran's for it to be considered significant. Nergal has a significant lead there, Gangrel would qualify for that too, but Zephiel's lead is so marginal it would only break a tie if the two were otherwise identical in my qualitative judgement. And the Cecilia defeat is peculiar. She is the Mage General of Etruria, to be defeated is a sign of Zephiel's strength, in lore. But in gameplay? I can't separate the two emotively within myself. And in gameplay, Cecilia has poor stats for someone who is supposed to be so strong in lore. 11 Mag and 10 Spd on a Valkyrie? From a balance perspective, it is good. Cecilia has a horse and A Anima and C Staffs, the low bases and okay growths balance those advantages. Yet, it means Zephiel in gameplay ripped a wet tissue in two, he did nothing. Killing Douglas or Perceval would have shown actual effort. Yes and no. Yes, because with billions of people existing and have/will existed, there is absolutely going to be at least one deviant viewpoint on everything. No, because shovelware has to be just that, and therefore some objective criterion must exist. I just haven't discovered whatever it is yet, and probably won't bother looking for it.😆
  22. Indeed, both are misanthropes- humans who think lowly of humanity and want it gone. Throwing the rest in spoilers just because: Zeph and Seph prove you can start with the same premise, and go in totally different directions. It's like how I lumped together a tier I called the "Mad Kings". Although a looser concept, FE has significant diversity amongst its evil human kings. Zephiel and Ashnard for instance are total opposites. Zephiel hates humanity and its base instincts, Ashnard embraces those base instincts. Walhart would agree with Zephiel's call for order over Ashnard's chaos I think. But Walhart would resolutely reject the anti-humanism of Zephiel and insert himself as the leader needed to made an orderly world. Zephiel would call Walhart arrogant just as he would Ashnard a wild beast and demand that both die. Travant on the other hand doesn't care about humanity and order or chaos, and just wants a unified Thracia to end his people's suffering. And Gangrel is off in a corner passing gas because he feels like it, and laughing at the all the people dying in the Ashnard-Zephiel-Walhart war, which Travant is looking for an employment opportunity in. These two are more down to earth in their wants and goals than Ash, Wind, and Lobster. -And this is why I NEED them to fight each other in a FEW sequel! Ideals must clash and the Gungnir must flash! Gimme gimme gimme!
  23. Two 5*s, one unfeatured, in a single ten summon? That is incredible luck. Speaking of luck, I did today's free summon early this morning. It showed a gold circle and dropped a dragon crystal, but it flashed rainbow so fakeout! Light Siren get! She for some reason gives less total Might than an no-unbindings Unicorn though. Still useful, the extra dragon shapeshift time is appreciable. This is the only good thing the free summons have given me. With enough Glam Shells to max my stage, I decided to actually try the Challenge Battle. Shredding the boss's HP is easy with Cupid, but for some reason, my characters were getting slammed and my first two plays ended with multiple characters dying. Is it the plants making Poison (and Curse?) bubbles? I got it down by the third play though, no deaths with a little luck. Tomorrow, I should be able to easily amass enough Hype for the Champion's Testament. That and buying all the prime Treasure Trade goodies will be enough for me. No Hype Twinkling Sand or Golden Key. I was hoping that the next event would be the anniversary so I could use up my expiring Tenfold on it. But nope, it's a Valentine's rerun, which I missed. If the banner is reran, well I can likely get the fairly bad (Curse Resist doesn't belong on anything but Light units) Valentine's Orion, and have a much slimmer chance of a second Prometheus.
  24. Trump did tell Jews to think of Netanyahu (or "Netanfuckhu" as Palestinians don't call him) as "their prime minister". And whilst one shouldn't overemphasize the difference between American and Israeli Jews, there is a significant divide between them. Both are committed to embracing Jewishness and fighting anti-Semitism, and having an Israel. But their religio-cultural views on what it means to be Jewish can radically differ. A religious minority which needs inclusiveness to avoid being discriminated against by the larger society, and a hierarchy in-power that uses that power to exclude according to its dictates.
  25. Looks like someone is going a little tsun themselves, which is a shame because in other contexts, I do like said person. If you start using BOLD WORDS! in your argument, maybe you're getting a little hot under the collar. I don't super-delve into themes or characters. I'm more, if not entirely, a surface person who assumes the minimal in terms of what IS actually thought of what it was writing and adhere more to that. But smoke your own strain of weed I say, if you enjoy that kind of thing. And weed is perfectly fine to smoke and should be recreationally legal.🍁🚬 Major Villain-wise (leaves out almost all Camuses and most other supporting villains), for FE for me. Loosely ranked with explanations: Please note I don't actually like ranking things. I feel it tends to make the negative stand out more than the good. But, I'm doing it here anyhow. No hard feelings, okay?😉🤝
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