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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Banned because a slot machine I was playing aligned three "BAN!" icons in a row.
  2. A coconut, one that lands in the ocean, is dragged under the waves, and lands on another distant shore, to germinate into a palm tree there and spread my progeny the same. Would you rather: be the absolute greatest amateur, or only a B+ professional, at something?
  3. The ground being covered in very slippery artificial birthing agent.
  4. Currently playing a game with a robot assistant that can turn into a magical idol(?).
  5. Correct on Thracia. TearRing Saga went an extra step and declared it that horses can't climb stairs, even in the open air. And just to clarify something in the future, the Maria-Minerva chapter's citadel I think I remember actually counted as outdoors. It should be indoors, but I don't think it actually counts as that.
  6. Must have been in her mysterious black box that comes up once in a Heart-to-Heart. Alongside the dog mode. QTπ is best Poppy, followed by Poppibuster. And with the earlier mention of fanservice: But you have to be really really really horny to go and get these. Why? So little fabric requires so many Dinobeast parts. Which is why even if I had the mats to make these (I don't), I wouldn't. As armor, on paper these aren't the worst things around. A full set gives 25% resistance to every Attribute with no weaknesses. But if you have a specific prey on mind, you're probably better off decking yourself in gear that has greater resistance against whatever Attributes they use a lot.
  7. Although it has the largest playable roster in all of FE, FE12 gives too few unit slots to use them all, or anything close to it. A team of no more than 15 should suffice. And yeah, on Normal or Hard, you should be able to get away with whoever you want. Maniac and Lunatic however devolve into "Must use", "Can be used with babying", and "Free Silvers"- everyone else who is hilariously bad and is worth only their good starting weapons.
  8. So Thrasir is SMT Alice? Her signature skill is "Die For Me!" which in Japanese is apparently more like "Will You Please Die For Me?".
  9. I like the new opening screen, and the music is good too. The Imperial Onslaught double drops is very helpful for me. And the free resources are plentiful. My first free tenfold ended in Thaniel, which is a bit ironic, since he was the first 4* I ever summoned. I feel tempted to do more summons, but that's just the allure of the blind draw. I know I should hold off until after I've exhausted all my free summons if I really want to invest here. Mega Man isn't until the winds of December blow in at the earliest, so there would be time to recoup the summon stockpile.
  10. Depends on the difficulty.: Maniac/Lunatic? Waaaaay too hard blind. Hard, not too bad, your main issue will be same turn reinforcements. Normal doesn't have same turn reinforcements, and shouldn't be that difficult. Add Casual over Classic if you want to. As for who to use, MyUnit/Kris, and Palla & Catria are three big names who usually do extremely well. Marth as the main character and final boss buster should get some levels. And you might want to train Sirius, Merric, Julian, and Minerva for the final fight too- but you can get away without doing so. Technically, most characters do grow well, even a bunch (but not all) of the prepromotes like Jake, Tomas, and Sheena. But those who join earlier tend to have an easier time of unlocking their potential, the latecomers on even Hard will find their base stats a bit precarious.
  11. I distinctly recall a throwaway line where Hugo states that the Ardainian Titan is starting to get old. So it wasn't so worrisome yet, but an emperor could take notice of the really long term. I don't think he said anything of the climate or geography though.
  12. This image was included in this "art manual"- just a few pages of polished artwork like this, that I got with the game. The haziness and green glow is a bit questionable, done probably to create a sense of mystery, Sword Valley after the opening is a little over halfway (assuming PI the dividing line) into the game. But I like the choice to put Dunban with Shulk here. Thinking on old memories, what has unfolded since then, it is easily imaginable what might be on their minds. Yeah, Dahlia's chosen design is a little too primitive and it puts the jiggle physics a bit too much on display, which is really weird with her country accent. Her final design says more cold seductress, but I do think her personality is fine. Of those three beta designs, the first says too much "Let It Go!" to me. I think I'd pick the third. Although the final design's short hair might work better given Mythra. It offers a measure of contrast between the two that one has short hair, and the other has long and free-flowing hair. But otherwise, yeah I like this design. Too. Much. Red. I definitely prefer the final design. Lora has all the red Torna needs. I hereby rename Gormott "Sky Forme Dynamax Sawbuck". The change is irreversible. As an aside, do you prefer maingame XC2's Gormott music, or Torna's rendition? I prefer Torna's, but it could be first time bias. Corrected, the head of the Titan looks ferocious. I'm rather pleased Mor Ardain isn't a generic evil empire, but the beta design would have made its Titan look the part. As is in the final design, it recalls more an aged, worn, and humble human to me, which suits it given the Titan is approaching death. Why did Monolith like Praxis and Theory so much? They're optional Blades. And, it took me time to admit Morag was in this picture, she doesn't look like herself here. Plenty of charming little details throughout this unnecessary but splendidly creative bit of artwork though, Aegaeon keeping watch being a favorite. There is already a diving suit in the game, complete with a rebreather. Or, you can opt for a snorkel + goggles headpiece instead. If you want, I was thinking of PMing you pics of most of the armor sets in XCX. I don't see many images online of the stuff, so I was considering doing it for myself for reference. Unfortunately, the screenshot abilities of the Wii U were limited to Miiverse (shut down now), and a small handful of websites that might no longer support it and I don't have accounts on them anyhow. You couldn't just screenshot something onto an SD card and then place that in a computer. So you'd have to settle for TV images taken from a large tablet nearly a year old. And, out of laziness, I'd just use default Male and Female Cross as the models (unless you want me to give them green skin, blue hair with pink highlights, and other little wacky details). You'd be seeing a lot of red too, since I'd just buy all the level 55 armor for this, which is all red, armor color being determined by its level. Would just 2 pictures per armor design: one from the front, one from the back, suffice?
  13. Looking at the dark Showcase, unless Curran, Yaten, or Heinwald gets a rate up, I'm likely to skip it. As for the Gala, I'd get 41-42 *5s if I used all my summon resources on that, that'd be 13-15 more *5s than normal. But, I only really want Gala Ranzal, I wish the free tenfold summons we're getting give me him. I'm not the most familiar with Mega Man. I started with MM7 as a kid on an SNES remodel, then got the Mega Man Anniversary Collection for GameCube. Only more recently did I buy Legacy Collection, as well as X1, BN1, and the DS MM Zero Collection (which I only cleared on Easy Mode Scenario). I got MM8 on the PS3 too -but that darned ski stage, and X4 and X5 -but the bosses are just a little too hard to get past the first (after which everything should get easier). Nonetheless, as a limited-time collab, with a franchise I can like, I think I'll delay my summoning for the Mega Man characters. Which Wily Machine/Sigma will be the boss? They didn't announce any new temporary events like Raids or Facility events, right? Having all the anniversary stuff is good, but shouldn't we have something to use it on?
  14. He has 5x2 lockpicks- his fingers. Thieves don't need them here, but Lockpicks do return in Thracia, they endure until SS adds its Rogues, and then Path of Radiance banishes the Lockpick for all eternity.
  15. Mega Man? Unexpected. I think it has something to do with this Megaman X DiVE mobile game they're working on. However, the stock logo they used for Mega Man was that used for the Mega Man Legacy Collection. That is Classic Mega Man, the little blue boy playable in Smash. How would Mega Man work in Dragalia Lost? Mega Busters aren't a weapon type in DL. Is it all going to be Robot Master weapons? Who would be featured? Mega Man, Roll, Proto Man, and Bass? It'd be better if the X-Zero series were included. Since Zero is ever-popular, and the Z-Saber means he could readily be added into DL.
  16. Dolharken is nice, 90 use Brave Axe is nice (and I should have actually used it), Killers are nice, Hammers and Poleaxes have uses. But, there is no way to mitigate AS loss in TRS. Sure, human enemies are usually molasses, but Dolharken's 20 Wt means at very most, Samson or Barts will be looking at 3 AS. Dolharken gives them a hefty counter with 20 Mt, but they won't be ORKOing. I even question how much tankiness the damage-halving gives them, but I could be wrong on this point. But for me, none of the dedicated Axers or Lionel managed to get that much Def, I can't recall exactly why, but even with all the HP he had, Samson seemed, I dunno, squishy in Def compared others to the point it weakened Dolharken's boost? Con made all the difference for me. Against enemies just as weak, Thracia's lot of Axers are better off than TRS's. To return to the Dolharken again, it is only one Axe. Sure it and the Brave could feasibly last Samson or your other choice of primary Axe user the entire rest of the game. But one shouldn't ignore that when it comes to fancy toys, Axes didn't get every last one of them. Swords got the lionshare, with almost as nice Braves and Killers, accompanied by the Schram, the Sol, the Luna, the Lukuud. -Not that you need fancy toys all the time, and when it comes to commonplace weaponry, Axes are inferior by virtue of their weight. So I contend. But to be fair, I didn't have any Axe users with Runan besides Zieg, and Raphael dismissed the use of Axes out of hand. Maybe Axes are just not so good on Holmes's side. +9.45 HP, + 3.5 Mag, -4 Skl, +0.6 Spd, Lck is average, Def is +0.15, Res is average. Angelic Robed? Her Magic is a 50% growth, so you did better than average with the coin flips. She must have lost an equal amount of eyesight to gain the inner faith to grow that Magic stat, but I don't think thats a big deal. I was joking with a factoid I read once. It was in this magazine article. An enjoyable short history of the luxurious red spice. A statistic here puts Spain at exporting 190000 kilos of saffron in 2010, but only 1500 kilos were produced in the country, the rest had to come from somewhere else. And Iran at the time produced 96% of the saffron crop. I was not at all popping in politics with this, why would I ruin this topic with that odious thing? The only nukes I'd be willing to entertain is how much excessive saffron it'd take to nuke your tastebuds. Corrected! Canaan is Rigel, not Archanea under Hardin. For Sennet must be Alm. Or, Bahanuk is proto-Brendan Reed, his brain went to total mush once a young lady, certainly young enough to be his daughter in this case, came walking by. When characters stick to the exact same expression for 95-99% of the game, the one time there is a facial expression change, it ends up being atrocious. There is no excusing how poor and bizarre this is. Why didn't Runan get something similar with Enteh? Or Zieg a nice dying face as though he had achieved apotheosis? Why would you ask for a kingdom that has been in utter chaos for 50 years and needs a real fixing up? Take something else, like... well actually, most of Lieberia is probably in the dumps to some extent. Canaan has been under Gerxel-manipulated rule and just lost a war, Salia has been under mixed control, Reeve was ransacked by Enteh's father and then Canaan. You should've asked for Welt, that is probably not so badly off. Now this is the kind of sibling love FE needs more of! Willing to order a full-scale invasion of another country just to rescue your little brother. I mean, Guenchaos would have liked some sort of attack sooner or later to grab Princess H2O, but this is touching, albeit not exactly the right thing to do. Can I nominate Carla for the "Sister of the Century" award? Just like I nominated Elisabeth Farnese for "Mother of the 18th Century", because she gave all Spain she had, just to get her two little boys each a throne of their own. I'll concur on on the Sorrowful Knight point. Zieg manages to have all three of: A likable personality Good hesitation in performing their duties An understandable loyalty to a cause, which they ultimately die for This is in contrast to Camus and Eldigan, who really lack the last of these three qualities of model Camushood. Or Selena Fluorspar who lacks the second quality if having the first and third. Speaking of Canaan, I'm not really sure of what I actually make of their leadership. They were there, they seemed nice enough, but I didn't really develop much tender feelings for them. They were never truly the enemy, and yet they hardly chaffed at obeying the King doing the conquest and defense despite knowing full well Gerxel controls it all and its wrong. Ernst and Barbarossa might have been a little redundant too. And I don't think they deserved to be confronting Runan, he has nothing to do with them. I'd rather have experienced Sennet's journey and placed them there. They're, as odd as it might sound, Doric columns. They're classical, they look fine, they're what holds up the roof as I walk from the entrance of the journey to its conclusion (but only for Runan- Holmes has nothing to do with them, undermining the amount of limelight they get). But they don't jump out at me as splendidly artistic. BTW, how much would you have wanted to experience Sennet's adventure? And how much would you wanted to have experienced Tia's adventure? -If they gave her a retinue beyond just Richard the Lionspined (lets pretend they weren't important enough to visibly make it into the Leda castle ruins battle)? Having gone through it myself, I'd say a 3/10, pretty easy. It looks worse than it actually is. Maybe a 5/10 if you can't get to certain spots in time and then things go south. Fair point, I forgot all those cut-in pauses with the same old quips. Maybe it stems from me having animations mostly off in Fates and SoV. Those would delay things significantly, more than any of RD's little trigger alerts that you got a critical or skill proc. Similar is putting it mildly. Agreed on the handling of the Zoans. I'd say this game has flat villains on the whole, it didn't give me much reason to think Guenchaos as anything but generic and not worth caring about. But the last two chapters do throw in real effort for improving the Gerxel villains, late much, but appreciated. Carla is psuedo-Sonia before Sonia was a thing- but far better, and Guenchaos is some sort of Gharmangal fusion.
  17. 1. It took me a moment to realize what you were referring to. I think since VII weird start of game little thingies you have to do have existed. Then, for a moment, I considered slapping you, since that particular moment was awkward. Getting past that, I actually have XIII unplayed as well. I got it used for $5, I have to try this supposed trainwreck for myself, and one can rarely have regrets over something so cheap. And third, I just had to voice my frustrations. It'll make getting through the rest a bit easier.
  18. @Armagon again, just a few, not so serious comments.: And you got me looking at armor, because I wanted to see what I thought looked loosely similar to Spoiler's in XCX, not that it at all could be related. The closest I found was Grenada Medium, which wasn't all that close. That got me looking at armor I never really did, because I tended to assign as fashion armor whatever each character started with, and I gave Cross professional but less armory clothes. And, then I noticed this set: How is this bona-fide armor and not a casual wear swimsuit? Meredith & Co. is the Arms Manufacturer whose flavor is "reverse-engineered Ganglion-inspired designs", the feet are even partly bare on the bottom. I don't recall Luxaar or any Prone wearing anything like this. -When I play XCX again, I think I'm gonna have to mess with this stuff.
  19. https://www.siliconera.com/2019/09/25/falcom-president-wants-to-see-a-young-and-inexperienced-adol-again-more-on-ys-and-trails-series/ Random minor interview comments. They confirm considerations of remaking an older Ys (so V?). And, the president of Nihon Falcom wants to go back to a "young and inexperienced" Adol. Presumably this stems from IX's Adol being brooding and mature, the opposite of that. Can someone make good fanart of Adol as if he had a Young Link equivalent? Ys 0.5: Shota Adol's Journey could be fun, and it'd fit the desired description. Just please no Toon Adol.
  20. @Armagon More spoiler talk: And she could take Tobin too, and with a minor glitch, Gray. Not only the Ram Villagers, Celica could nab Silque, Clair, Python, Forsyth, and even Clive, all without having to glitch anything. Oddly, Celica in SoV can converse with everyone left behind, but not take anyone except Kliff and Faye. Even though Silque, Python, and Forsyth remain where they are if left unrecruited in Act 1 (maybe Silque should leave a bandits' hideout though, why is she still there?). I can understand why SoV forces Alm to take Gray, Tobin, Clive, and Clair. Imagine if SoV Alm side was just one giant dialogue between him and Lukas.
  21. 96 Summon Vouchers, 7 Tenfolds, 63260 Wyrmite. Thats my current summoning reserves. 693 summons. With a 4% rate, that will get me 27-28 5* units on average. I'm hoping for a fair shot at getting any Adventurer in the game, namely Curran, Heinwald, Xainfried, Sylas, and Hawk for me. The last time I summoned not for free was the FE collab, and I didn't do a whole lot in the two-three months before I had quit until FE collab either. I just want at last to get an influx of guys I can use and then spend my stockpile of resources on. I'm so conservative with them (I probably have no more than ~10 units with 30 Mana Nodes or more unlocked) they've only been mounting for months on end. This is what I have been waiting for. As for another collab, DL would hopefully capitalize on its rare access to Nintendo franchises. Speaking of Zelda, it'd could be: Link- Wind Sword (provided they didn't want to go BotW Ancient Arrow, or if they didn't mind making him a second Light unit) Zelda- Light Bow (maybe Light Sword if Link got the Ancient Arrows) Ganondorf- Dark Spear via his Ganon Trident And an unknown 4th unit if they wanted a showcase + a freebie. Could be a Toon Link, could be Impa, could be a random BotW Champion (but they'd all share a weapon type with a showcase unit barring Daruk (Axe)), could be Midna, could be Fi, could be Lana, could be KOO-LOO LIM-PAAAAAAAAAAH! Unless they chose to make Link or Zelda a freebie and added a 5* "Dragon" to the showcase. But what would that be? Nothing readily stands out that would qualify big time. Volvagia isn't very important and Mym is cuter Volga. Ganon would be a definite boss battle.
  22. It's the septic tank presidency. The amount of stink is already so bad, finding more in it won't change anything. And, the amount of excrement is too great to be vacuumed out. I feel sorry for Pelosi. I only hope the need to do the Constitutional duty, even though it is practically futile b/c Senate, will not produce the bad result she and all others who hesitate at even the impeachment inquiry (myself included) fear- a 2020 win for the septic tank. November 2018 was full of hope of a check to balance the presidency. How the House fangs have shown themselves ineffectually dull since then. Now, they risk a scenario where attempt to check has failed, and they'll fall out of favor with a majority of the electorate for 2020.
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