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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Maybe the Emoluments Clause needs a new name. Pass a Constitutional amendment to rename it the "No Getting Rich While Working, Politicians! Law". The term by itself is hard for Americans to grasp. It's a lot of bad blood and conflict between the two groups. Turkey wanting to culturally if not physically eradicate all that is Kurdish. I think they might actually ban use of the letter "x" in names in Turkey, because Kurdish names frequently use it in when rendered in the Western alphabet. Turkey also carried out the Armenian Genocide during World War I. And to this day the country denies it and sends out representatives to continue denying it. Although the ever-vigilant modern world would keep the Turks from denying a "Kurdish Genocide", and instead they'd just say "Okay, we did it. So what's it to everybody else?".
  2. If it isn't, we're all born lawbreakers. I'm mixed on this. The Greco-Roman-Hindu ideal? Beautiful. The earthly reality, well it is humanity in its purest state, thats nice, buuuuuuuutttttttttttt......
  3. Which Netanyahu prior to the Kurds, had recently learned, even if he is clinging on to power and the hot drop isn't as sharply devastating.
  4. I think it becomes a hallway simulator, so yeah. And for the old Xeno fanbase, it'd likely be a semi-reminder of Disc 2, we don't need to relive that. I was only trying to visualize one option that already exists, Monolith could travel many others paths for X2. And I trust them to do it well, instead of collapsing in on itself due to an imbalance of size, weight, and pressure to catastrophic consequences (aka a supernova, and FFXV). Thank you for the clarification. And thanks for all this Gnosis information, it is very interesting!
  5. I assume they can't remain in the Imaginary Number Domain all the time, dimensional instability? If they could, they could quietly kill everyone. This Gnosis information is very interesting by the way, thank you for it! It doesn't sound like this at all binds them to the Real Number Domain. Unlike a certain Rahu from the GameCube Custom Robo game- an immaterial being threatening humanity who only became material and thus beatable once it ended up trapped inside a child's toy robot. If Monolith had two separate development teams during its Namco-owned days, I can see there was a just little bit of talking between them. The Ghost also seem more readily beatable, the Ganglion were crushing a slew of their units during the game's opening attack over Earth. I assume they weren't using anything special to achieve all the purple explosions. Although it's most definitely is the case that the Ghost were holding back, the Earth exodus had to be part of their plans. Why did they come then? Maybe the Ganglion would have spared the Earth and just eradicated humanity if they hadn't? That could actually be the presumed opposite of what the Ghost want. Humanity must exist, but it must be brought into the right conditions on the right place for the ultimate goal, and that requires getting them off the Earth. This operates more in-line with the idea Mira serves as the laboratory of the Ghost, but it could still work if Mira was actually protecting humanity from the Ghost. I'll be able to accept maintaining the difference. I just want justice done for X, how it is done, as long as it is done well, that is all I'll seek. Either way, it'll be a day-one buy all non-cosmetic/grind DLC included. I'll even spring for a short-term Nintendo Online subscription if I have to (perhaps we could fight together?). Although I haven't played it myself, I think the great cacafuego of Final Fantasy XV is "road-trip open world" for the first part of the game. But then for the second part, the narrative intensifies and everything becomes one great linear rush. However, one can visit an inn in the linear portion to time travel/"live in flashback" to return to the openess of the first part. As questionable as FFXV is, maybe there is a fleck of gold here? We have had better boat fights though. FE7, FE8 (kinda), FE9, FE14. And how about MAGIC boats? We're not fighting on planks of wood, magic turns Captain Ranforst's S.S. Amazonia into a full-blown jungle!
  6. A good compromise it sounds like. And the tandem optional copiloting would be a good plot point for XCX2 to return to, you know what I mean. X: Episode II works for me. Since the first game has so little plot you could consider it an "episode". An alternative they could go with it XCXX- "Xenoblade Chronicles Double Cross". Just a common phrase they could play with. So that's the Dis Astragant, I recall hearing about it. Piloted by Ingram's Alphaverse young man clone Cobray (who is clearly undergoing possession here), which doesn't seem like it'll ever get into the OGverse at the moment. Although the R-Gun Rivale I've heard referred to as a lousy pink knockoff Astragant, and it shoots from the groin instead of chest. Ain Soph Aur doesn't look like one of SRW's best animations though. Too long, not enough flash, even if the idea of ripping apart one's very existence is cool. Gimme the Granzon and Worm Hole Attack/Black Hole Cluster instead. And for another video game case of Ain Soph Aur: Emile's Mystic Arte extension. Hold/press a button at the end of Devil's Hellfire to add it on. However, Ain Soph Aur is pretty bad. It costs 100 TP to use, double that of Devil's Hellfire by itself. Its damage is poor, it grows with the number of monsters you've tamed, but it even at its maximum it is very weak and not worth it unless you have TP to burn. It's only available for part of the game, eventually Emile loses access to it, but Devil's Hellfire gets a raw power boost to replace it. And, there is a certain boss who you do NOT want to use Ain Soph Aur on. Said boss will counter it with Eternal Reoccurrence, smacking Emile down to 1 HP. And if you didn't notice, the VA line and the Arte don't agree. "Darkness devours"? Ain Soph Aur is Light elemental. I think the phrase even means "something something light". Just as a question, but how is X2 going to work in certain ways? X has: A true open world (or at least closer to one than XC1/2's open-ish-but-certainly-linear worlds). A relaxed narrative with long periods in-between events. Plentiful side quests and a world at relative peace. Customizable player avatar with an optional online component. Does X2 want to go massively dramatic narratively? If it does, it has to gut the peace, intensify the story pacing, curtail the openness, downplay Cross even further, and reroute the online to function in these more constrained circumstances. I want a dramatic plot, and I'm inclined to think that once the Ghost show up again, they'll be utterly relentless and make everyone in NLA wish the Ganglion were still around instead. How are the Gnosis whom you've compared the Ghost to in terms of being felt as a threat in the Xenosaga story? Because the Ganglion are down to stranglers after Luxaar's defeat, the Ghost or a proxy of theirs, or something totally new must step in fairly early in the plot. Elma needs to have somebody to shoot, to oppose, to struggle against. A story needs some form of villain, and X1 leaves with its focus villain crushed. And how can I just roam Mira when the world is under so siege by the Ghost? Make the world apocalyptic and recolor Mira three shades of purple, black, and grey with a sky perpetually dark? There goes the beauty of Mira. And how does one make a world already 95% savage apocalyptic? An apocalyptic world tends to imply lots of ruin, but there is hardly anything to destroy on Mira. Must X2 betray X1's spirit to complete the epic of the White Whale as it deserves to be?
  7. How quickly is Trump going to dump Giuliani? And how much whiplash will there be if America's Fallen Mayor gets indicted? Will Trump have an "I feel badly for him" *dangles pardon* moment for Giuliani? Or will he not resort to that this time if it comes to it?
  8. Interesting. Well, given XS referenced a heckuva lot of Gears, this could be XCX doing its own referencing. The Skell in question is the level 60 Verus- the Verus Cain. Though in Japan, the Verus is called the Wels. Oddly, I think it is the only Skell type with a name change. Episode III for signatures you mean? I'd honestly like having some signatures, as is Skells are very customizable: But this is too much freedom, and it doesn't really matter to the average player. More direction and clarity would very helpful and for the majority make the experience better. At the least, being given 2-5 Skells during the story would be much appreciated. Not necessarily the best, but workhorses and linchpins which the average player could wisely use with a few bought Skells to fill in the team to clear the story. Also, more weapon options on the Melee side, the strong stuff is too slanted towards Ranged as is. Copy some of Weltall, Heimdall, and Stier's old moves if thou must into some new super-fists. A better super-sword and a super-javelin too, and why no giant offensive shield? The only separators as is amongst Skells are their base stats and frame size (Light, Medium, Heavy- Heavy is outright best b/c it can wear any armor). And, their Skell Overdrives is a difference, but of course, the game doesn't explain what they do. Nor is Skell Overdrive as developed as ordinary Overdrive, considering extending its duration is all luck. The Skell Overdrives are: I like having controllable mecha around, and Xeno always has to have at least one mech in the narrative. A bunch of the Skell weapons look cool, the Skell designs work for me, and the customization is nice in principle. But it could use work.
  9. I finished making every single level 60 Skell, to disappointment that their starting weapon loadouts are rather shabby. I'll just stick with the Ares for the superbosses. Still, I like the names and they look good, I customize them later or something. I'm feeling XCX burnout though.πŸ˜ͺ I might take a break from it for now. That, and although I'll be using a visual guide so there should be absolutely no frustration, I'm still not liking the next thing I'll be doing. The Rise of the Blood Lobster. A psychotic terrorist has planted 99 bombs in the form of lobster plushies across the entirety of NLA (well 100, but the first triggers the mission). You must find them to stop the evildoer, and then afterwards fight them. The lobsters are scattered anywhere and everywhere in all of NLA. You will need the Skell Flight Module to collect them all. Though at first only 48 will appear, only then shall the 49th spawn, and after obtaining that, you can collect up to 97. Provided you've finished a certain other diabolical mission, only then shall 98 spawn, and after collecting that one, the 99th will finally be available. Now for a certain kind of player, one who is chill, who may start the quest early (it is available as early as after Chapter 3) and just come back searching for lobsters every now and then, it might not be so bad. But, for person who wants to do the entire mission all in one sitting, it’ll probably infuriate you. This said, I'm perfectly at home with Mario "Collect 100 Coins" challenges, just not so much this. However, after SMO and New Donk City, I'd be down for a bizarre and extremely unlikely XCX hack that inserted Mario and did a coin challenge in NLA.
  10. I'm just going to say that since they already put a baby toe in the door, more of the Baten Kaitos music would be nice. And Guillo playable has been my extreme fantasy of choice for quite some time. Otherwise, why not Etrian Odyssey? It has some thrilling battle music, that'd work well in Smash.: EO would be best going in music-only, since the franchise has no real main characters. The closest we could get the unnamed mascot "Protector Girl", another sword user who isn't even in every game.
  11. I changed that up then, might have gone too far then. I was just roughly borrowing from the fanfic rewrite I did once.
  12. All I know about these is that the "Asian" edition of one of them has a very hilariously bad English translation (fixed somewhat in the NA English version). But, Asian English translations aren't for native English speakers anyhow, so I can understand why it wouldn't be perfect.
  13. Hoshido and Nohr are built over two separate giant networks of Dragon Veins that channel the magical energies of the world throughout it. These networks have each have a central point, a terminus- the Dawn Vein and the Dusk Vein respectively. Where are these great Dragon Veins? Well, long ago, humanity identified them and built shrines over them. People gathered to the shrines for their blessings. People of ambition and armies sought the power and authority the shrines could bestow, they conquered the shrines. Thus, the capitals of Hoshido and Nohr were established. The shrines were bulldozed and castles were built in their exact places. And by order of Their Majesties, the singular terminal access points of the entire Dragon Vein networks, from which one could play god with the entirety of their realm, were each rerouted to be directly beneath the throne. Thus, the reveal of Metal King Slime comes from using the full power of the Dawn Vein. -But it creates a small point that then has to be explained as to why Cori couldn't just pop the Dusk Vein on Father Flan. And another point needing explanation of how RinRin would command the Dawn Vein to work its magic. Although for the former point, I could write in that Pale Pudding Potentate was being a knockoff of the Nohr King, the undisputed "master" of the Dusk Vein, trying to fight him with it would be a losing proposition. On the other hand, he could have no ability with the Dawn Vein, so a naturally-talented 'Ori and 'Ura could overwhelm Evil Eton Mess with the Dawn Vein.
  14. If there was someone I so deeply desired out there, and such a person desired me in turn, I'd keep it small and simple I think. I'm not really one for big gatherings, nor being the star of attention, I'm a little too introverted for that. I mean it being grandiose is an absolutely fun idea, but the atmosphere might ruin my nerves, possibly to tears of discomfort. All I'd really want to ask for, is that it be verdant. A nice day, warm, but not hot, with a fine landscape to take in. T'would be good in the Spring, with trees abloom. I guess a botanical garden then? πŸ˜† I like museums, but I feel they'd be a little too stuffy. Or perhaps I'd see about Washington DC during the heyday of the cherry blossoms. I'd instead save my money for a dedicated Christmas house I'd visit only from late November to early January. I dream of having a glorious house somewhere snowy whose entire raison for ownership would be to have a place trapped perfectly in the ideal of Christmas festivity. Decoration from ceiling to floor and all over the house's exterior, with a Snow Village collection set up somewhere.
  15. I consider that what I hope was a gameplay-balancing move. After Pent and Saleh, maybe it wasn't the best balancing move to give another Sage awesome Staff use on top of good magic offensive. Even though PoR Bastian as is, is underpowered.
  16. My absence of speaking of Hicks and Dalsin beforehand meant I was relegating to them to be "bad" pile, particularly Dalsin. But moving me towards a reverse-feedback loop where I grow more adamant in my defense, especially on Halvan. Not that I'd be so irrational as to leap right into one. Instead, I'll just bestow favoritism on him for all eternity via Scrolls, should I wish to do that, I might not. It could be I'm taking the one I had as average, where even before Scrolls (which I did stack) he was blessed. How do you know if the Zoan nation is gone, if Runan & Holmes never traveled to the Zoa Valley? For all we know, Sennet could have recruited a level 38 Zoan Warrior chief who remained in feeble opposition to the Cult of Gerxel for the past few decades. There could be thousands still alive, and whom King Sennet grants political and cultural autonomy within his kingdom to.
  17. I just find these to be a little nonsensical. They look like they're advertisements for NLA "Come to NLA and see all the hot and beautiful people!". The unserious absurdity of it lay in the "fact" that for all we know (although there is evidence otherwise), the rest of humanity is dead. "Come to NLA?" all humans alive literally are there already, there isn't anywhere else they could go or be at. Which makes these wall decals useless, unless the point is to show other intelligent lifeforms what humans commonly perceive as being "beautiful" or "sexy". And even if there were other humans still alive out there, I don't think they'd need to see attractive people to want to come to NLA. I doubt they'd be like... "Hey, our radar has discovered signs of human civilization on this one planet." "Do we know what the people look like?" "We can't at the moment. They're probably just fat old people, no bangin' chicks for you or drop-dead dudes for me." "Alright, we'll be skipping it then. Set the warp drive for 150 thousand lightyears in the opposite direction." Merely realizing there is another surviving group of human beings after the Earth went kaboom would be extremely exciting in itself. But, it is worth remembering these only appear in the game as a tiny bit of decoration for your barracks if you want them.πŸ˜† Speaking of fashion, if you need a dress shirt, you can get a quality Pokemon-patterned one. Only fans of the first 151 need apply, yet if you can get past Gen 1 pandering, think on the bright side, it's more than Pikachu, Charizard, and Mewtwo. But be sure you have $100 USD on hand for whoever you choose!
  18. I'm afraid I'd fumble with the most delicately worded and overthought statement of support for your coming out. So, I'll resort to something simpler to show my well-intended positivity and sympathy/empathy (whichever is more appropriate if only one applies) for you Rezzy.: πŸ˜ƒ
  19. Edit, triple Orange in that massive post isn't Class EXP, it's ordinary EXP. -But the post is much too large to go back and edit it for that or anything else. Aaand it looked like the manual lied about using a yellow right after another yellow, the Overdrive Counter still counted the hits. I should have known better, but I didn't double check earlier.πŸ˜…
  20. The game itself does make wordplays with her name. Her 1st/recruitment Affinity Mission is called "Hope Springs Eternal", and her 2nd Affinity Mission is "A False Hope". How about you quit complaining and read the damn manual yourself! *Chucks it at you* Thanks Nintendo of Europe for having a PDF of the purely digital manual online.πŸ˜€ -But speaking truthfully, it is almost as if the game assumes you played XC1 beforehand and know the basics. Never assume prior experience on the player's part, unless you're a very niche hardcore game which no novice should walk into. You needn't tell us how to walk or talk to someone, but in-game tutorials are always useful, ideally when they have tutorial battles to teach you the stuff. Being able to reread it all later is a big plus. The XCX manual is okay, but it isn't easy to just read the massive amount of text (which still has faults) and suddenly understand it all. Showing in gameplay is so much better for so many, including myself. What XCX and XC2's Overdrives share (going over the basics) in: Being timed. (Maybe 20 seconds by default in XCX? Not quite sure.) Having Wir Fliegen play (but, I wish XCX gave an option to stop having this override whatever was playing beforehand). Relying on a gauge otherwise used for revival (and in XCX, TP Arts, which are mostly offensive, but some are supportive). Having an Overdrive Counter, which increases with damaging hits (that don't miss/get blocked by barrier/decoys/invincibility in XCX) dealt to the enemy. As the Overdrive Counter goes up the following effects occur: Damage dealt is increased. (In XCX it starts at no boost with 0 on the Overdrive Counter, and at MAX, the damage boost is 6.00 for Arts that primarily deal damage. I think it is an additive +500% of the base value, not a multiplicative "damage*6". Because maths, if it was multiplicative, it could potentially have a much stronger effect.) Art and Auto-Attacks cooldowns are accelerated. (In XCX, at 0 the acceleration *2.50 is at MAX the acceleration is *5.00. So at MAX everything reaches primary cooldown in 1/5th the time- an Art that'd take 30 seconds to cooldown normally, now takes only 6, and that means it would take 18 seconds to reach Tertiary Cooldown. An Art needing normally 18 seconds to cooldown, now needs only 3.6, or 10.8 total for Tertiary.) Enemy resistance to debuffs is decreased, but immunities are not affected. (Or it is an increase in the chance of landing the debuff, not sure which. In XCX, the chance starts at nothing at 0 on the Counter, and increases to 100% at MAX, which means I guess either the chance of debuff infliction is doubled, or enemy debuff resistance is cut in half -or there is slim chance it goes right to zero.) All effects as they presently stand in an ongoing Overdrive are listed above and to the right of the Overdrive Counter in XCX. As for differences: In XCX MAX on the Overdrive Count is a mere 100 hits, compared to XC2's 999. But as everyone Overdrives separately in XCX, provided they have the TP to do so, setting a lower bar is therefore necessary. More details on Overdrives and individuals... In XCX, Tertiary Cooldown is unlocked on all Arts regardless of weapon being wielded at the moment, and Secondary Cooldown no longer occurs with only Arts of the weapon you've swapped to (which is no big deal at all). Tertiary Cooldown usual effects are: +1 Rank (strengthening its effects) and +40 seconds to duration on Auras (secondary cooldown is +1 Rank and +20 seconds) +400% damage on most damaging Arts (compared to +250% at secondary) Immediate reuse on arts that apply buffs or debuffs (so you can "store" up to 3 uses of Primer or Side Slash at any time). Those Tertiary effects are listed in their description in Arts section of the menu. But the biggest difference between Overdrive X.0 and Overdrive 2.0 is the color of Arts is a huge shenanigan they don't quite fully explain even in the manual. Remember how XC1's Chain Attacks have a damage multiplier that goes up as you use consecutive Arts of the same color? XCX weaves that idea more intricately into its Overdrive system. There are five colors of Arts, which help serve as a visual identifier about what each Art does even outside of Overdrive: Yellow is for Ranged Arts focused on dealing damage, with non-damage effects being less important. Orange is for Melee Arts focused on dealing damage, with non-damage effects being less important. Blue is for Auras. Green is for Buffs (and healing). Purple is for Debuffs, they might deal damage, but their primary purpose is inflicting a negative condition on the enemy. Activating/Extending Overdrive technically counts as an Art, and its color is White. But the main purpose to giving Overdrive a color is for Soul Voices, because the text boxes for when a Soul Voice is uttered always matches what color of Art will answer it. So Elma voicing "Engaging! Lay down some fire for me!" will be colored Yellow. In Overdrive, since the only difference between Yellow and Orange is which weapon they come from, they were made to be always interchangeable. So, Overdrive only has four colors to actually work with. Used themselves, Yellow/Orange does nothing. Blue, Green, and Purple however do have effects whenever they're used.: Blue increases Overdrive duration. The amount is equal to 1/10 of the Overdrive Counter. So at MAX, its 100/10, so 10 seconds of Overdrive. Green increases Overdrive duration. The amount is equal to 1/20 of the Overdrive Counter. So at MAX, its 100/20, so 5 seconds of Overdrives. Why is Green's duration increase shorter than Blue's? Because all Auras already cost 1000 TP, which runs counter to extending Overdrive via using Overdrive again for another 3000 TP (but using Auras and Overdrive is absolutely possible- once you get the Counter high enough). Most Greens are TP cost-free, while you should keep only keep one, maybe two, Auras on anyone's palette, there are no issues to having multiple Greens. Purple gives TP on each hit they deal. The amount of TP earned is equal to Overdrive Counter times 10. So at MAX, its 100*10, so 1000 TP per hit. The game will tell you whenever you've triggered a color effect in Overdrive, and exactly how large the effect is. So use a Green with the Counter at 50, and you'll see a message pop up saying "+2.5 Overdrive Duration!". But, Overdrive's colors apply to more than just each of them individually. Playing certain colors in a certain order gives their own bonuses. While the manual lists the list of possible effects, it doesn't say what the color combos actually are.: Green directly followed by a Yellow/Orange or Purple doubles the Art's contribution to the Overdrive Counter. So 5 hits now boosts the Counter by 10. This is by far the most important combo. Blue followed by Green heals the OD character for 10% of their maximum health. Blue followed by Purple increases Debuff duration by 25%. Purple followed by Yellow/Orange increases the damage dealt to enemy appendages by that Yellow/Orange Art by 50%. Yellow followed by Yellow followed by Yellow increases Class EXP earned when the battle ends by 10%. The bonus can be stacked up to 200% in one fight. Orange followed by Orange followed by Orange increases Class EXP earned when the battle ends by 10%. the bonus can be stacked up to 200% in one fight. (I'm unaware if the EXP bonuses apply to just the OD user or everyone, I'd guess the former, but you shouldn't be using Overdrive just to get EXP. You shouldn't really worry about getting that.) Yellow/Orange followed by another Yellow or Orange will not increase the Overdrive Counter! Do not do this right away in Overdrive! Why did they invent this four-five color paradigm? I don't know exactly. But, it does heavily encourage you actually use Arts of all kinds, and not just stack the palette with 7 Yellow and Oranges + 1 Blue. Greens are muy importante to getting Overdrive to last, and Purples are necessary to regen the TP for extensions, auto-attacks aren't enough to go on, and skills/other Arts/augments to get it from are: rare/few/needing a grind respectively. So, let me outline, roughly, what an "infinite" Overdrive, the ideal of Overdrive, would look like, using good old Elma.
  21. I was playing around with using the non-Cross characters in XCX to see how hard it'd be to achieve an endlessly sustainable Overdrive. I stuck with store-bought gear in the level 25-30 range at best and only maxed the level on a few Arts and Skills that I thought would be vital to their Overdrive success. This is how the player would have to function for most of the game. My enemy was level ~22 Copper Ciniculas in Primordia near NLA, they're pretty harmless to level 60 characters and still have enough HP to last long enough to make this experiment work. Some people had their maximum TP increased via Skills or Ground Gear. Level 5 Grenada gear has Max TP Up I in it, which increases the maximum TP value by 500. Given everyone has five armor slots, five pieces of the weakest Grenada let me go into battle with 5500 TP. Or, it looks like Max TP XX Augments are incredibly easy to make, and just one of those will bring the TP max to 6000. That surplus TP, earned in advance via auto-attacking scrub enemies for a few minutes in preparation for this fight where you intend to Overdrive, makes getting extending Overdrive significantly easier, as an early extension is almost absolutely necessary to making Overdrive last forever. And I could have made this easier if I made Extend Overdrive V augments. They don’t look very hard to make, and each would give me 7 more precious seconds of Overdrive. I could even stack several of these. (I wish the game tell me what enemies families/subfamilies drop a certain material when I examined the material in question.) Now to divide everyone: Easiest: Easy: Moderate Challenge: Hard: Now if only I understood how to do this before I cleared the story eons ago. This would have made things so much easier being able to Overdrive though it all. Instead, I did absolutely nothing with it for practically the entire game, and the challenge was higher for it.
  22. The first and last I know fall into Armagon's problem with the franchise. That being a 3D battle arena, but the fighting is essentially along a 2D line. Free Run does let you run around the place, but ultimately it's not 3D enough for Armagon. After all, they played Abyss and didn't exactly care for it, and the core combat is essentially the same between Abyss and Xillia and Graces, despite varying gimmicks and flourishes.
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