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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I'll say "Ambivalent before FE11, female since then". Kaga just never pinned it down in the old games from what we know, yet IS without him has definitively chosen female. Though Naga being a more spiritual existence in FE13 means that sex and gender doesn't seriously matter anymore for her. She could appear as an edgy bodybuilder shota with a codpiece if she wanted to.
  2. The Link Orders really were useful for followup damage from Fafnir, or an Alchemist/someone with Formula Grimoires. Considering randoms are far from weak in EO (my second run of V has had me suddenly slaughtered just as I'm about to clear a 5th Stratum floor one too many times), Link Order II was very beneficial. But it's worth noting that the Link Orders didn't exist in EOIII, just Nexus's Element Bomb I. Sadly, they got rid of a glitch found in the Japanese version of Nexus. Dauntless Order- the "survive a fatal hit" skill of Sovereigns- had a 100% activation rate at all levels. Two characters spamming that (maxed for 250/100 HP heals) could make a fight very difficult to lose. International version fixed it, the endure rate is now between 40-70%.
  3. When I first heard about Yggdroids (Yggdrasil + Android), I was really excited by the idea of the class, but they botched it visually. I don't get why they chose to make two of them look "female", but the other two look like machines devoid of gender altogether. They needed to pick and choose the design direction- more anthropomorphic, or not at all. The one Yggdroid NPC in EOIII looking at her is definitely "female". The EOIII classes number 12 in total, none, in terms of names and visuals, are copied from EOs 1 or 2. The classes are:
  4. Xavier is the navel of his map, its cornerstone, he is its challenge, its sorrow, its joy, its reward. There is no Chapter 18 without Xavier. He is the rare case of a character who, even if you how to recruit him, ends up being nightmarishly difficult to carry out to success, with plenty o' room for RNG failure. Were it not for Alastor's effort to go "blind", I'd outright tell him the strat I recommend. True, migratory birds can go quite far. And whilst Tellius domesticated Wyverns can't travel for many hours without a rest Jill says, a full-fledged Archanean Wyvern is another story. A big winged scaly should outdo any bird. Depending on the wording, you might be able to interpret it as "as humans think, even if it has actually only been 1000-2000 years since they migrated from Archanea". I'll continue to pretend that the Awakening era Valmese Wyverns were the result of a Macedonian monopoly on the mounts and knowledge of how to raise them breaking down over time. Dracoknights dracoknights dracoknights is the cornerstone of Macedon military might and advantage, they carefully always labeled Dracoknights as "Macedon" in FE11. IRL, government-enforced monopolies have existed. See China's efforts to strictly enforce a tea monopoly (but Japan seems to have broken it way earlier than everyone else?) under penalty of death for any native who tried leaking the secrets of tea cultivation, and any foreigner who tried stealing them. It took until the 1800s for the Brits to globalize production and break China's near-monopoly. I'll just imagine Macedon wanted to keep its military's great weapon similarly secretive. But, somewhere later down the line, ardent patriots and intrepid merchants from other countries stole some Wyverns and the means of Wyvern husbandry and riding. As for any wild Wyvern population in Valm, wild stallions in North America stem from the Spanish losing track of a few equines, pretend a stable/merchant lost a few Wyverns and over time they happened to multiply in the right place. Hardin using Dracoknights in the War of Heroes? Well he wanted the Macedon rebellion, I'll think he forced his imperial weight on Macedon into giving him some of its Wyvern troops, but he never had any interest in transmigrating the husbandry techniques to Archanea. As long as Macedon offered enough Dracoknights to please, he had no strong reason to try expanding production.
  5. TearRing is complete and beautifully translated. The translator even made a few modifications to item/skill names to better suit FE players, Needle Spear to Killer Lance, Heaven Saint to Sol. TRS came out one year before Binding Blade. Think of it as something of a grand mishmash of ideas from Valentia, Archanea and Jugdral, though I won't say much more on narrative/themes. This carries over to gameplay (including a bit of "Gaiden ugh!" unfortunately). Berwick Saga is mostly translated. Up to Chapter 11 I think. @Aethin translator of TRS is responsible for it. Chapter 11 is further than it sounds. Berwick is 15 Chapters long, but, Chapters 11 & 12 each have a second mandatory battle. And Chapters 1-10 have two optional battles you can fight after the mandatory one. And, four characters if certain conditions are met each get what in modern parlance would be called a Paralogue. So, the game is actually 35 maps.
  6. It's unusually good by the standards of Silence. Normally (as in GBA-Tellius-Fates), Silence is junk because: RNG hitrate based on Mag compared against enemy Res Range lowers the accuracy. Enemy mages tend to have lots of Res, which means you want to get as close as you can to an enemy magic user to increase your hit chances. Yet, Silence is only really useful if you can't get in close, because why not kill the likely squishy mook with a physical unit if you can get next to them? The only other game where Silence works exactly as it does in FE3 and 12, is TearRing Saga. But goooooooooood luck finding that thing blind! Since it's exclusive to a character who, while not difficult to get if you know what you're doing to recruit them, has the whole "knowing" part being a massive challenge. You thought B2 Jeorge was obscure? Hahahahaha, this Silence user is Stefan bad!
  7. Fair counterargument. Yep, no Starlight for you. You'd have to rely on the Regalia and move around Gharnef. Correct. See the chest to the far right, in an area you can't actually get to? A Thief on turn 10 shows up left of the chest and will go to open it. By the way, did you miss the Silence staff here? Oh well, even if it does negate ALL magic (but not breath) including allied (avoidable by using your staffers/mages before casting Silence), for one turn, 100% success rate. Wyverns/Flying Dragons fall into some weird grey zone. Were they Manaketes, or were they not? Are they chimpanzees to the Draco Sapiens of Manaketes? I'm not quite sure. But the fact that Jugdral has Wyverns would suggest to me they aren't entirely the equal of Manaketes -unless Jugdral is being inconsistent with Archanea here. Would Bishop Galle have to have traveled aboard for godly power if he could have just drank from a Thracian Wyvern? You are aware there is no saving between the maps? You'll have to save state it or just pause the game after a fight.
  8. Yeowch, understandable, but yeowch. I'll have to adjust my Switch's auto-dimmer/Sleep Mode setting for something this long. Thank you! And random question for you. If X2 is on the other side of Mira, and we got another five distinct regions, any themes you'd to see? If you don't mind, some of my musings on the matter: Thank you! Then I'll do backline Farmer and frontline Ninja then, with the Conch going to a backup combat unit then. Same here, I never played either. IV was my first, and I've never gone back to the older ones. I've read that III was terribly imbalanced though. Bind/Ailments were horrendous, Monks (East Asian style) couldn't use their martial arts well because no fist weapons, subclassing was too unrestricted. Shame, because the game has so many cool-looking classes. Except for Yggdroid: and I read this, and it ain't very complementary of the class. Note there is no EOV summon row for the bots in EOIII (nor a Ninja's clones, or a Wildling's beasts). What a waste of a cool idea. I don't understand Japanese, so no. Some random poster said they found an English option with hacking, but no evidence, nor quality of translation stated. I saw a gaming news article showing these pictures, posted from somebody's Twitter account. And yet I have not seen anyone put up male-male pics yet. Shouldn't take too long though, the game has been out for a week.
  9. At least you're busy with something, I'm kinda just passing through life meaninglessly but it has no meaning with plenty of time to do, well, anything. But, I waste my existence that I wish to be precious despite the ultimate nullity that is being. To be precise, I want to wrap up Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Just friggin' Chapter 10, the finale, @Armagon, sorry for asking (and still not having done it all this time), but Chapter 10 amounts to what in gameplay exactly? Just two boss fights at the minimum I'd think knowing who I know remains, and given how short Chapter 9 was, I'd expect similar. I know I have the characters to do it, and I'd be half-willing (but also half-not) to drop to Easy even just to get it done, I just want to know how much. I think I'm going to break my stance against playing it undocked though because I feel I would just need the extra stimulus of having a TV on in the background, even if that does the XC2 narrative a disservice for having any distraction from it. Once XC2 is done, I'll feel freer to start Etrian Odyssey: Nexus, which I've wanted to do. I held off, because I like the option of naming one of my guild members after XC2/Torna characters. I could do it now, but I'd feel insecure about using character names from a game I haven't completed, because what if I later saw something in the game that made me not like the character so much? EO does give me the choice to rename later though. I mean I should finish 7th Dragon 2020-II first before Nexus too, since both are Create-Your-Own-Character dungeon crawlers, but I don't feel like waiting anymore because of that. Nor do I want to wait on my months of delay on finishing Persona 2: Innocent Sin to stand in the way, where I've just the long final dungeon to finish, which should contain several boss battles. One battle being against Hitler-never-called-Hitler in sunglasses with the Spear of Destiny and robot soldiers -or rather an apparition of the human collective unconscious born of rumors and conspiracy theories that Hitler survived WWII, not the real one. The thing is, I can make progress in video games, just not as fast as I want to nor in certain games. I've gone through most of Boktai 1 and have just a little more than the final dungeon left to do- albeit the game for a single run is like 15 hours at very most. And even if I did start EON, I'm still undecided on my team. I want Hero because it is new and shiny. I'm thinking Zodiac because I hear its terrible and Hero is broken, so they balance each other. Plus Zodiacs look kinda nice. For my backline healer, I was thinking Harbinger, because it is different from anything I've done before. I was thinking a front row no-clones Ninja for dodgetanking and something to take advantage of the Harbinger's miasmas, but should I go Highlander instead? I have to leave a front row spot open for full benefit from Afterimages. I want to train a Farmer, but I'm afraid they're so terrible in combat that I'll give them the Memory Conch as a 6th wheel. I can then sub them of if I ever want to try them in combat. But then this leaves open the 5th slot. What to fill it in with? Do I move the Ninja to the backrow as a pure non-clone bind/ailment character and then add the Highlander? Ninja upfront and Arcanist in the back? Does Zodiac + Hero then for most of my damage amount to enough, since I don't think Ninja could add in that much more. Or should I just drop Ninja and try a dodgetank in EOV on my third planned run of Phantom Duelist, Shield Bearer, Blade Dancer, Spirit Broker, and Divine Herald? ...*Le sigh*. I know this is a rant, I hope nobody minds me exhaling petty nothings. --------------- On a little bit of a brighter note: "Best Friends" ceremony? More like a thinly veiled wedding. I was expecting Marvelous to play it a little less blatantly obvious if they wouldn't go so far as to say marriage. How exactly were they thinking this could be localized as whatever different languages/countries wanted it to be localized as?
  10. Another Wednesday, another missed perfectly opportunity for me to finish a certain game I've been meaning to for months. I need my thoughts to be clear and free of certain impurities for it I tell myself. I tell myself I must play the game docked because it deserves the majesty of it (even though I enjoy playing Switch games undocked). And yet, I keep flubbing it up and letting the chance pass me by. I'm either too unrestrained, or too finicky. Or both.
  11. He is a special case where you can't hit him with ailments no matter what your Magic stat is. You can't capture or kill him either, any fatal attack will be rigged into a dodge. Simply getting within two spaces of Saias with one of your units will make him retreat, but good luck with that. You'll basically have to Warp in to make that happen, and then survive Conen, Reinhardt's forces, and two Iron Ballistae if that unit doesn't Rescued out. Although waiting a turn and Berserking Reinhardt beforehand means only Conen and the Ballistae would left to bother you. Not that Warp should be a problem at this point, the game gives you one Warp staff on this map. And if you had just come from Chapter 21x, you could have captured 6 more Warp staffs, for another 18 uses. You'd probably have to expend some Warp or Sleep/Silence to get them all, but I'd say it's worth it. After Chapter 22, you'll only need another ~six uses of Silence/Sleep, more if you intend to incapacitate some of the Chapter 25 Deadlords. And of those six uses of Silence/Sleep, two will be spent on staffers with yet more Sleep and Silence, and Chapter 23 has yet another two Sleeps you can take I'm skipping over.
  12. I can understand your case against trial and error, I definitely can. But it's not always unacceptable/the worst thing in the world, I can roll with it. In how many JRPGs are you to told "Boss A has spells of B, C, and D elements, they can inflict ailments M and N, when HP drops to X point, their behavior changes and will starting using Z attack?". Never, pretty much.
  13. It's actually worse than this, Reinhardt is also on the field, and he has another 5 Authority/Leadership Stars. And, Conen, Saias's grandfather who is the boss sitting on the seize point, has another 4 Stars. So, in total, the enemy is getting 57 Hit and Avoid. The player has access to Authority Stars too, but nowhere near as many, a mere 5 at this late point, so you're still be seeing +42 Hit/Evade. I tried to fight this battle mostly the old-fashioned way. Mostly, because I had Reinhardt Berserked- causing him to attack either my or his soldiers, whichever is closer/weaker. In an oddity peculiar to FE5, Berserking Reinhardt caused his own squad Thoron-packing Mage Knights to see him as a threat and attack him. Vantage + Dire Thunder dealing consecutive hits on both phases in Thracia 776 meant that none of them actually could hit Reinhardt and instead got electrocuted by him. I wish Reinhardt had killed everything on the enemy side, but instead, Conen can reliably hit him with Blizzard, putting Reinhardt into a magical coma for the rest of the fight, off his horse and with all non-HP combat stats dropped to zero. And yet even asleep, Reinhardt offers that map-wide +15 Hit/Evade of his. Though Reinhardt had been taken out, the near-endless enemy reinforcements when I approached the bridge in the map's middle were strong enough to force me onto the defensive and ultimately give up on the fight (I then did the warpskip cheese). Had I crossed the bridge far enough, Saias on his next turn would destroy it, splitting my army in two with no ability to reunite barring fliers/warp/rescue. And Reinhardt, if he was alive and awake and had his personal soldiers with him, would have simultaneously begun to charge at me.
  14. Normally when the brain is actively thinking, microscopic bubbles rapidly form and dissipate in the brain fluid. In situations where the mind fails to draw on the information it was looking for, "a brain fart", it is due to improper bubble formation in the brain. Rather than have many little bubbles form rapidly, the entirety of the fluid remains still for a very long time, until very suddenly one very big bubble starts to form and then when it's reached its maximum size, pops. This quietly releases 0.000000000000000001 yoctoliters of brain fluid as gas out of the ears. If one wishes to avoid brain farts, I recommend eating a paleo diet, whilst drinking nothing but raw water found outside, regardless of concerns about its "clarity" and "smell". Such dietary behaviors will make you perfectly receptive for the Paleolithic cure and preventative for brain farts- a daily trepanning. Is it possible to look cool while playing this game?:
  15. "Interdimensional Observer used Ban Dance!"
  16. As someone who hasn't seen a Marvel movie other the first to kick off the Cinematic Universe (*sigh* Iron Man), nor has played 3H quite yet, said image just looks disarmingly like someone happily noxious to me.
  17. Kaga said this directly back in 1996, Genealogy's release year.: Tsukamoto: Even though the game is named ‘Fire Emblem’, the Fire Emblem itself didn’t appear much in this game. Does this game have completely no relation to the previous titles, even through ancestors of characters and such? Kaga’s comment: Since this game wasn’t intended to be part of the Fire Emblem series at first, the Fire Emblem was only included later so as to give significance to the title; that’s why it doesn’t really have much meaning in this game. After all, the Fire Emblem was originally the emblem of Archanea. You can think of this game as a sort of side-story to the other games. Kaga’s comment: This game is set in the same world as Archanea from ‘Mystery of the Emblem’. This continent exists in the same world as Archanea, but the two do not interact. Think of it as how Asia and Europe were 1000 years ago. Bishop Galle travelling to Archanea and attaining Loptyr’s power is one of the only interactions between the two continents; he probably visited Archanea as part of his travels. Archanea was where dragonkind prospered. Galle's acquiring of Loptous's power is what leads to the Loptous Empire. That leads to oppression of the Jugdrali continent, that leads Forseti and Naga to help save it from their evil brethren Loptous. That leads to them creating the Crusaders and their bloodlines and divine weapons, the Crusaders destroy the Loptous Empire and kill Loptous's human host, the Crusaders establish most countries in Jugdral. The death of the Loptous Empire leads to cultists wanting to bring it back, and thus, FEs 4 and 5 happen.
  18. I'll assume you're familiar with the Cloisters then? I lucked out on a cloudy, yet warm and dry day when I visited there several springs ago. The garden wasn't weren't in full bloom, but it was growing. And, I arrived on a day that happened to have multiple tours, of which I partook of three, including one dedicated to the history medieval brewing. The first (well second, excluding a school field trip) time I went to the Met, we went up an elevator and found ourselves in the Middle East section, where our eyes were drawn to some beautifully calligraphed Qurans. I find Christian Books of Hours just as magnificent. As was the rest of the museum of course. And, any visitor has to check the American Art wing for that classic Washington Crossing the Delaware. As historically inaccurate as it is, the sheer size of painting lends it something that can only be felt and appreciated in person.
  19. I saw the first poll. Nintendo Dream does those monthly, with Kirby coming out almost invariably on top. Dim, I Try isn't entirely flavor-of-the-month, since Chrom made 10th in July, long after anything related to him happened. So FE stands a small chance of scraping the top every month. 3H just leaned the chance a certain way.
  20. Asks them politely to stop singing in their sleep, the crystals nearly covered me.
  21. Stew, I like more solid edible substance. Would you rather: cry enough for a literal river to form, or build a literal bridge that goes over a literal river?
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