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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Neat. "Summer Solstice" and "Autumn Wind" and are too "seasonal", so I understand why they ruled out those options. "Plow and Propose" does sounds funny good though. Too casual, to-the-point, and tongue-in-cheek unfortunately. A fansite should pick up on this, or another farming-dating sim that chooses to go extra-comical. -Or, give the moniker to an anime that parodies the farming sim genre, has there been one of those? There has to be worse ideas out there that have made it to anime production. "Plow And Propose The Anime" should ideally have a scene where a young adult male huffs, puffs, and grunts as they push a full-sized plough through untilled soil. And for some reason, a young adult female is just lazing about on the dirt, reclined and taking in the sun, parallel to the farm boy, with her feet pointing the direction of the young man, who is plowing towards the girl. Arrange the scene just right, and a subtle visual innuendo could be achieved. A literal translation of the Japanese that I see whenever it is translated, is "Ranch Story". Not bad, a little plain, but it works, if reminding me a "ranch house" is defined as being one story high. And Natsume is now pounding the good old name into the ground with their own games. Who asked for this? This has none of the charm of the real deal while aping its aesthetics. The game that looks like it could be a mobile free-to-play game, but it isn't, it released two days ago.
  2. Random 3H Log Part 3 No White Magic replenish when triggering the first big lizard battle = 😕. Being to sometimes OHKO my fairly leveled frailer units = 😩. Monsters don't look fun. Are red quests actually not mandatory to complete? I still had icons when I couldn't progress any further on the next forced Explore segment and chose to just end it there. Next story battle, by no means hard, but I didn't realize the turn limit until things were getting low, and then had to go for a Specter Knight kill. One Byle hit and then a Dark Spike nixed his will away, no rewinding necessary to try again. I didn't like how the warp tiles didn't tell you exactly where you'd end up, nor how the one lever wasn't labeled to tell you it would turn off the special tiles. Took me a turn to realize Cloudy wasn't around for this, and I chose from the start for some reason to go entirely east through the warp tiles, which explained my time crunch. And then I got a new character, bad physically, but they're another healer, and having anybody to fill my tenth team slot is appreciated. I notice a Paralogue became available, I wasn't sure I'd get any. Since it was a defense, I thought to turtle in the starting area. That failing me through three rewinds, I opted to do two more normal aux fights before trying the Paralogue again. Carefully taking the offensive to keep the enemy divided on the first few turns made this battle much easier. And I got the Advanced Seal to boot. Hero Byleth might be coming soon. After avoiding for a while, I decided to tackle an aux battle featuring winged monsters, multiple ones with intimidating stats made me not want to do it, but I tried anyhow. It wasn't not too bad actually, as I was figuring out how they work now, breaking them isn't so complicated. Chapter 7 wasn't bad, a little hairy on the first turns maybe, and one rewind b/c I misread Edelgard's Atk as 29 when it was 39, but otherwise it wasn't hard. Team Edelweiss got two stat buffs from eating the incoming felines, but that was the extent of things. I liked the idea of this map in that the foes can slay each other, albeit with incentives for you to not let that happen. Got a Blessed Lance for it. I tried the Sothis Paralogue next, one too many beasts, joy, but some were stationary? I took it on anyhow, I miraculously was able to kill off all the monsters without being overwhelmed and never needed a rewind. Had I been any weaker, I don't think I could have pulled it off. The second reinforcement pair wasn't really something they necessarily should have done either. Iggy went to open the one chest, but b/c the birds in the south suddenly moved, I had hectic fears he'd be taken out, Vulneraries and just enough Spd to avoid being doubled spared him from the one bird he that followed him. Monsters really are manageable, for now. ----- This brings back memories, as cringey as the rap is. But, I can't remember what I thought of this Sonic Adventure 2 stage. Was it Knuckles's worst? I want to say that it was. My preference from worst to best being Pumpkin Hill > the Eggman place > the aquatic mine > the Egyptian starter stage > the space stage. This said, Pumpkin Hill did nail the Halloween feel.
  3. My sympathies for your, your friend and their loved ones. Life is so precious.
  4. A ruby-red stick of... something... that I've never tasted, but want to try just once, even if I likely wouldn't like it. It grows in the ground, maybe like a leek? Its leaves are poisonous I recall, whether they actually harm humans or only taste bitter I forgot. Popular in the American South, but I'm aware Britain knows of it too. Outside of pies- sometimes accompanied by strawberry as complementary flavor I think- I never hear of it be used in anything. Want to binge watch all of the 70 new Hallmark and Lifetime Christmas-themed movies with me?
  5. I'm not familiar with numismatics, but I know in the case of the ancient Rome and early modern China and Japan, that silver coinage was the backbone of the economy. But for ordinary day-to-day transactions, silver was still too valuable, so cooper coins served as the fundamental monetary unit for your common needs. Silver therefore I'd think might make more sense as the currency FE deals in. Would the purchase of new weapons be pricey enough to justify exchange in silver? -But silver isn't as shiny as gold and what FE dev team member knows the reality of coinage? What kingdom has only four castles in its entirety? I'd just assume that if Jamke did have a crown fief of his own, it isn't being shown on the map. Just as Sigurd's army can't be just ten people, or Verdane can't have only three villages. Evans resting on a crossroads between Agustria and Grannvale would make it highly, highly important. Far from the capital yes, but I I can't see it for that reason being the third prince's possession. Who controls it then? I wouldn't have a clue. "Batur" is a proper form of a Central Asian name though, albeit Batu looks valid in a different Central Asian language as well. Central Asia, vicious nomads who like invading settled agrarian countries. Batu or Batur works for Verdane when you think of it this way. Not sure if "Batou" is at all a viable transliteration from whatever language the name is derived. "...head on a stick" sounds weak to me, as a phrase apart from whatever the Japanese says, that could have been phrased better and without the ellipsis. Ayra saying "hell" is fine and good (she is a princess and a warrior), but I otherwise prefer the Project Naga translation. Literal and casual might just not appeal to me the way it seems to be working for you. FE4 is a game of bluebloods, so eloquence is reasonable, and I didn't consider this translation to be too flowery for me. But such are differences in taste. And admittedly, my first time bias is with this one too. When Thracia 776 follows, the translators provided a PDF covering every line in the game in the Japanese, the old English fan translation, and the new one, with commentary explaining translation choices. You can always consult it if you have any questions about it. Given the desire to do the "Arena toil" first thing every chapter because it doesn't waste turns that way, this is understandable. And the fact that FE4 has only twelve chapters, means that each opening has to be dense to account for how much plot the game wants to tell.
  6. Just stay away from Clearwater, I was watching the news, and in one stranger story a journalist spent a good ten minutes or so on, it said that most of the city's downtown has been bought up by the Church of Scientology. I don't understand.😵 ------ More 3H ramblings of my progress: I had decided in advance I'd go Green Dodongoes, for no real reason. I've left all the lectures to auto. At first, I left nearly everyone's weapon/class focuses to the default settings, but I later fiddled with these settings a bit once I understood more. I'm not interested in stealing other people, so I've only been working with the team of 9 I've been given. Once Beginner classes unlocked, I set up four Monks, two for Black, two for White. Although I must be mistaken in having thought Iggy would be an good second healer from having gone to a Seminar just to try one, so I going to have him join Cloudy in the sword & bow department once he's done in this class. I then spent all of my free time fighting to bring my army of peons up to par. But nobody felt that powerful yet for a supposedly easy Hard mode, some characters were still rather lousy and being doubled a lot. So it was for the auxiliaries, but the story fog fight was surprisingly not bad and didn't need a single rewind. After that fight and a few more auxiliaries, I started realizing my team was no longer "weak", if not "strong" either. Capable, but not yet overpowering. Not From Grust actually became a capable Mage, in spite of looking very lackluster at first. Listeria I was surprised couldn't go Dark Mage b/c female, given she has Dark spells by default, but now she's offensively brilliant, soon to get a secondary role as a healer, since I was late to notice the growth-inclinations page that nudges her into White Magic too. The physical units aren't being doubled by everything and are putting out fair damage in return. No more deadweight at all. Now, I'm working towards: a Merc, two Mages, one Priest, a Lorde, a Warrior, a Cavalier, a Brawler, and a Sniper. I'm waiting to master all my current classes first. I'm over 5 hours in. "Easy" has not sunk in yet, but "not Hard" has. Yet to curtail number of the aux battles I'm doing? I'm gonna be cautious on a 1st playthrough and just keep doing them. Once I have an idea of how everything works from a 1st playthrough, I can venture more on the other routes.
  7. TBF, Gen 1 growths are rather low for an FE, I recall everyone in Gen 1 has between 190 and 330 in growths. Silvia and her fellow green rival for Lewyn's love are the 190s, Sigurd is the 330. Most values are closer to 190, only Sigurd, Quan, Chulainn, and Lewyn hit at least 300. So, I guess you could say this means 2-3 stat is the norm per level up? Although, GBA FE is ~270 for Binding (non-prepromote), 270-310 for Blazing, and 265-320 for Sacred. His growth is a pretty good 40%. Just 10 off of Lex. I wouldn't call it super-rare. Arvis is Duke of Velthomer already, while Sigurd's father is still alive and Duke of Chalphy. Therefore, even if they are of similar ages, Arvis is the superior. I don't know the logic behind the translation's choice, "Lord" would have sufficed I think. -Although, "full-Holy-Blooded grown heir to a Dukedom of Grannvale, who is currently leading the fight against invading bandits", is not exactly unworthy of being called a master. Looking at the old translation SF has posted: Sigurd:“I’ll do that. I’ll see if I can get him to return home once we finish up here.” Yep, it was there. The old translation SF has Arvis say "Sir Sigurd", which might be a little too low for Sig's status.
  8. Castle Leonster! The throne room specifically, so Leif is sitting right where he would as king. I'll pretend the northern Axe Armor is Xavier.
  9. Binding on Normal is much harder than Blazing on Normal, and a lot of other games on Normal. The game has some rough design spots and mean chapters that make it frustrating at times regardless of the difficulty setting. And, the game likes it siege tomes and status staffs later on (but I've only played Sacae), which can be annoying.
  10. I believe so. And if you aren't willing to waste a unit's action, my inclination is that the GBA RN-trick works. The thing where you select a unit, and drag its movement arrow into such a shape that the game "fixes" it into a smaller one, with that "fixing" having multiple solutions, and therefore the game burns an RN that would have otherwise been used for combat on deciding how to fix that movement. Try "Times", that might be it.
  11. Given the name of the series, having read someone say music is an influence on the series, and then running with the assumption part of its iconic nature comes from being well... bizarre in some memorable way, you could have told me a physical piano was actually involved and I'd have believed it. My playing of 3H has begun, the ice is broken. I've played for roughly two recorded hours on Classic Hard, completing the third story battle. But I played for significantly longer actually, the very first fight needed a reset, I needed several on the second fight, and one on the first auxiliary battle. I was going a little too mindlessly, assuming the first few battles to be stupid easy 😅. I ended up having to turtle to be safe, even if Vincent J. Flynn (Male Byleth- the SMT-esque aesthetic is strong) has learned how to ORKO some stuff.
  12. Considering translation and localization is an art like cooking (as in elements of science do come into play), seeing how two T&Ls agree and disagree would be good.
  13. Will know TearRing Saga has a 95% SoV-like poison swamp seize map with warping Witch reinforcements that CRIES out for Warp.
  14. Brock her brother was the problem sibling for me. I sent Seliph alone to take his castle b/c Bolting, and I gave Seliph the Wind Sword (and Barrier Ring) too, but no, Ishtore still managed to hit him. And by that point I was too deep in to get out of his range, and it took me many save reloads to find a setup where he didn't Bolting or Thoron Seliph dead, several scenarios running into his 8/31% Continue/Adept procs. (Lesson- don't save mid-battle so stupidly!)
  15. Although I've never laid eyes on a single picture of the anime, I think I've seen that piano playing character before in someone's avi or something. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure I think it's called? Is that codpiece person one of these "Stands" I heard of as being Personas before Persona? I've not been in the mood to play games for the past few days, even if it could help improve my mood by doing so. But I have watched a few LPs, the Metroid Primes, a few Mega Man games (X6, X7, Zero), and I am utterly impressed by how good other players can be. Is it really so easy for X to shred most X6 bosses in less than minute? Whilst never once getting hit, or falling into a bottomless pit, or making any other mistake? Though I'm not sure whether Metroid Prime bosses are actually very easy, or its just an expert player at work. MP2's final boss seemed to be hardly threatening, and the same with MP3's final bosses. Only Metroid Prime 1 final phase 1 looks like a threat among MP final bosses. Thinking back to the original Metroid and Super Metroid, and Zero Mission, are any of these "hard"? I struggled with the SA-X, but I've heard people call Fusion's final easy too (ignoring the joke that is the OM). The Scan Visor really does take any guesswork out of finding a boss's weakness reading the data entries. MP bosses make me remember that technically, Zelda and Metroid do belong to the same Action-Adventure genre, even if they go about it very differently. I was considering fiddling with a little 3H for the first time tonight, but then I remembered I'd have to remove XC2 game card. I know it speaks of lethargy when one finds swapping a game card a small hassle. But this does nudge me ever slightly towards digital, even if I am in principle a physical-when-realistically-possible person.
  16. I assume you speak of such fiends as particularly her C8 appearance, but her Weissritter(?) assault with the Earth Sword sisters is devilish too. May Febail be able to OHKO her in the earlier appearance. And Arvis is tedium, his good Avoid + Pavise cuts into his excellent battle theme, if ensuring you'll actually hear it enough, until Hardin. Although I don't think any quantity of Charm is going to do much against Arion if you step on the dreaded sub-11 HP landmine, unless you find a way to safely surround him for a turn without anyone dying. My one run of FE4 used Chulainn ("Holyn") as Brigid's husband. Febail barely managed to eek in a promotion, in the final chapter I think (or maybe 10). And even with a Brave Sword, Patty took a long time to promote, like until Chapter 9 to hit 20. Given most of her kills will likely be in the Arena regardless of father, if she can nab every Arena kill she could get with Chulainn with Lex instead (or even just the majority of them), it will mean she will promote faster. So Lex might work out well, on paper.
  17. The "Ablaze" concept wasn't a bad idea though, it makes for smooth transitions between map and gameplay. And I say this as someone who also stands for the sanctity of wholly separate battle themes. But what I don't get, is why they named some tracks after lines ripped directly from the game, leaving it in all lowercase even. It does, if you remember where the line played, remind you where the track plays, so there is a logic behind the choice, but it's still weird.
  18. For me, Genealogy has arguably the best rendition of the Fire Emblem Theme, grandiose but not indigestibly rich; and, a certain kingdom's theme is utterly intoxicating for me. There is just one fault I find in Genealogy's grand soundtrack: Thoughts on the "dynamic" map animations? I really like them, crisp and impactful, faster than full animations, but not as crude as what is usually accepted as map animations in FE. If Azelle is going to Lachesis, then I hazard you're doing LewynxTailtiu, and ClaudxErinys/Fury? Why not consider Silvia then? Leen could care less, and this increases your chance of promoting Caipre for whatever reason. Or do you plan on leaving her a spinster? Or Dew so Leen can buy a Leg/Knight Ring after Seliph is done with them? If you had clicked on the hyperlink in the text "Holy Sword Elm Kaiser" I had posted earlier, it would have brought you to an article placed in an artbook a few years ago about Genealogy's development. I'll place it here again: https://serenesforest.net/2016/06/20/making-of-fire-emblem-genealogy-of-changes/ As for the interview Emperor Hardin is referring to, it is this one: https://garmtranslations.wordpress.com/2019/02/13/fire-emblem-genealogy-of-the-holy-war-fan-special-roundtable-discussion/ If you wish to reformulate your personal opinions first after being refreshed by the plot as it is in the game itself, you might want to read this one later into your play, or afterwards.
  19. Well Leif does become the king of a united Thracia at the end, even if Seliph had to save him from that near-fatal blunder. But, what kind of awesome title is "Assistant and Relative to the Unifier of Thracia, But Who Nonetheless Took Its Throne Instead, With Assistance From His Sister And Arion". A little fluffing for coolness is order here, and I guess it is acceptable, being Leif nonetheless counts as the main character of a game.
  20. Nice to see Leif get his Master Knight form in. Him using a Bow with it is a little unusual, but he could use next to anything. And, it gives someone the Thracian Meisterbogan, which otherwise would be hard-pressed to find a user. It's arguably better than giving him the Bragi Sword for another Sword Cavalry, but yeah, Bow Cav of certain colors is getting real popular nowadays.
  21. I admit it's partly a Magical Melody bias, which has all the bachelorettes from SNES + Save the Homeland characters and some OC males, it would make for a fuller game. Albeit one that should get heart events (something MM lacks beyond two gift-givings), which with 20 spouses to choose from, would mean a lot of writing to add. The SNES original would have to be a rather radical remake. The game too lacks heart events, and it'd need bachelors added to it, and an extra wife while they're at it. This speaks nothing of major gameplay improvements this would call for, more than 4 crops with none for Fall. This would allow so much freedom it could practically be a new game altogether. And most of the info I've been finding in this rather chaotic topic at Fogu. It mentions possible name changes coming to the English translation, Elli to Elly, Ann to Ran, Mary to Marie, Won to Huang. These are possibly all name changes Natsume made, and Marvelous is now leaving the Japanese names unmodified. In the Japanese, at least one heart event has altered dialogue based on your gender. Popuri's Blue Heart involves "playing house" as children are oft to do, and Popuri when Stu says they can't play it because there is no one to be the dad, Popuri proposes the female player character can. And then there was this:
  22. As someone who gets depressed, that aspect of AWL keeps me away from it. I focus too much on it. That, and the brief day or three I've played of it seemed very slow. It's a little dated compared to RF4 keep in mind. A bit slower, RP is a bigger concern, fewer weapon types. But the characterization is still nice through quests on a bulletin board. Also, Gen 1 with Kyle is essentially an extended tutorial. The real gameplay meat of the game is Gen 2. To get there you must: Marry. Wait for the child to be born. Get the mayor to build a school. Once a few more days pass, walk by the partially-constructed building. Seeing the unfinished school is the end event where you have Kyle. Money, monsters and their affections, combat stats and level, skill levels, items, and lumber are all inherited. So you can build a stockpile for the 2nd Gen. You don't even need a full year to do all of this. It might be possible to do it all before the first Summer is over, if you're going fast. And it looks like Marvelous is planning more "full remakes". I don't want 64, as iconic as it is, to be the next though, since Back to Nature/Friends of Mineral Town is it, but better. The SNES original might not be worth immediately remaking either.
  23. Maybe they thought it would be too complicated from a playable character perspective? How do they handle the HP and RP if both are playable? How about their other stats, are they identical, or would they differ in things like Str, Int, Vit, and also farming/crafting skill levels? Does the other character always follow the other one, or could you "drop them off" and they'd act like any other NPC with a schedule and conversation dialogue? What about FP then? Do they have FP towards each other? Do they have separate FP with the other villagers? Do the villagers have modified dialogue based on who they're talking to? What if you have both around, does that modify the dialogue too? The game mocks you with 2nd Gen opening every time you turn on the game, showing them as twins when they aren't ingame.: This is so adorable. Definitely the best RF opening. (If the English is not to your liking, a Japanese vocals version is available). I like Frontier's jazzy upbeat opening, but it leans a little too "harem" in terms of presentation. I like how RF1's tries to sell you the idea of Rune Factory, but at roughly 3 minutes, it's long and slow. And, RF1 has the biggest gap between the idea and the reality, being the most barebones game of them all. RF2's 1st Gen touching with English lyrics, but TMM- Too Much Mana. RF3's is eh, and having never married in that game, I never saw the second opening, which isn't much if any better. Tides of Destiny, the Aden opening is dull, and the "soft" Aden shown there doesn't align well with his actual personality. I never saw the Sonia opening before, but it just seems odd. I'm holding off on seeing 4's opening until 4 Special releases, in case I want it. For anyone interested, this complies every RF opening in a single video, using the Japanese original lyrics in all cases.: *Looks for picture of said character* Must have befallen the same fate as Sofia's big sister- looks like a perfectly good candidate, but isn't. Although they did compensate by hinting at EvelynxGaius. Speaking of scrapped stuff, this has to be one of the oddest I've seen in gaming: Ray-nie? Were they seriously only going to have three marriage rivals in RF2 -or none at all?
  24. For Rune Factory 2, the specific rivalries were, to show every visually: As for their children: Rune Factory 4 looks like it would have been perfect for rival marriages. Since there are six bachelors and six bachelorettes there, everyone could have a rival. All they would have had to do is add special bachelor and a special bachelorette who would never marry this Ventuswill for the bachelorette?. All the other RFs are massively slanted female (RF1- 10, RF3- 11, Frontier- 12/13, Tides of Destiny- 9). Certainly is high quality fanart, which is a rare and good find. Pointillism for the trees and the bigger two jellyfish I can tell, with either Impressionism or Post-Impressionism for the rest- I can't tell the difference (and artists greatly vary within the styles). But it works perfectly for numinous, wondrous Leftheria. This is one of those very few fanarts I'd actually buy and hang somewhere. I understand this, I've had myself banned from SF a few times because for similar IRL reasons. Hope it all works out!
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