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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Cold cereals need to find a way to stay relevant. Can't remain stuck in the past and survive. This could easily be just a passing fad cereal too, the way things like Monopoly Fortnite edition is. How about a review for the free game? Don't shoot down multiverses man! You're being a downer for someone who is already feeling down.
  2. Checking Fogu, Magical Melody had rival events, but no marriages. DS/DS Cute has marriages in the 4th year or later, as Sunshine Islands. Island of Happiness, Tree of Tranquility, Animal Parade has rival events, marriage, and babies, and so does Animal Parade. Tale of Two Towns (2010) seems to be where they brought an end to rival marriage. The only Marvelous-made games since then have been A New Beginning (2012), Story of Seasons (2014), and Trio of Towns (2016). So, it seems many have had some measure rivalry, even if I did exclude a bunch of earlier games (Homeland/Leaf Valley, Wonderful Life, the SNES original, the Game Boy games). I was reading the supposed reason for the dropping of rivalry was the fanbase. Real people got fantastically angry at fictional characters trying to steal their pixel spouses. Island of Happiness/Sunshine Islands continued the 64/Mineral Town love I've discovered, by having Trent, Karen, Cliff, and Popuri all temporarily visit from Mineral Town, albeit none are marriage candidates, and all but Popuri are explicitly married. This makes 2008/9 the last time Mineral Town people appeared.
  3. Confirmation of male-male "best friend" ceremony. I've read the in-game unused rough draft of the English translation is explicitly romantic too for same-sex love confessions, which raises hopes. Some marriage rival events still exist, but not rival marriage itself though, a slight blow to the feel of the game. Since marriage rivals as an idea is good. That you're not the only person seeking love in town, and that you're not the only person receiving love either. I liked Rune Factory 2 having them, if not really any dedicated rival events to go with the rival marriages. And, rival marriages didn't happen quickly in the old games from what I remember. Making this even worse is that in this remake, it takes only like a season-and-a-half of liked gifts to max someone's friendship/affections, a little too fast that sounds to me. They should've just included the option to flip rival marriages off when you start a file. Wilted/preserved flowers now unlock two new dating events per bachelor/ette though. And you can see everyone's on single file.
  4. Posses the ability to plant seeds in fertile ground, with the power to instantly cause the seeds to sprout into plants of full maturity and size. As the superhero undergoes many arcs of trials, their seeding abilities expand, to include less fertile and polluted soils, water, even air, flesh, and processed metals and plastics. Delayed sprouting becomes another trick of theirs'. Psyche Reckoning
  5. Yes. I like chicken baked in a pot, I can flush away whatever I don't eat. It just takes a while for the lighter to get the water steaming. But you know what might bake it better, an oven! What would you think if you saw that your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend was having their new partner dress up as you for Halloween?
  6. Fair counterargument. Both franchises continually feature entirely new worlds with new people therein. And, Cloud being FF's posterboy doesn't mean all fans by any stretch of the imagination unite behind VII as the best. I admit I could have been a little too sharp in my criticism. And being 1st party Nintendo and not a stingy 3rd party corporation that doesn't know who Cloud actually is, And on the FE Smash playables, as a child, I was Roy over Marth in Melee. But now, I'm definitely in the Marth camp, for the "elegance" and fig leaf of complexity that the tipper is. And personally, I'm Marth over the rest in gameplay. WTK?! *Can barely breathe* *Inhales* Fire Emblem is two years older than Kirby, so it's already past the 27th. Next year will be its 30th. If it does get a cake, I expect it to be, by weight: 5% plastic cake toppers 10% tempered chocolate 2D figures 15% modeling chocolate sculptures 20% gum paste people It will also have on it: About 200 Gemstones made of hard candies 30 French macaroons representing the various Fire Emblems of the franchise And 1 large head of Wrys made from molten blown sugar This would leave frosting, filling, and actual cake to comprise about 40% of the actual cake's weight. Do keep in mind said cake will have only three tiers, not four like the Kirby 27th one. Nintendo already spent too much on figuratively repping every single game on the cake sufficiently (they even put Veld on the cake- that or it's a misshapen Male Grima with the hood up). However, mind the pepper jam filling- because Fire Emblem- is on the blazing side, but the heat is good at covering for the fact someone accidentally used salt over sugar in the cake recipe.
  7. Japan does love Kirby in a way the West doesn't. Considering there has been a Kirby Cafe since 2016 (which will be getting a new, permanent location soon), and the first Nintendo Store in Japan is only opening next month. Which provides a method by which Bandana Dee can get into Smash. Being Sakurai is the father of Kirby, he definitely deserves a few free meals at the Kirby Cafe next time he is in Tokyo. And why not arrange a little "Waddle Dee celebration month" just in time for that visit? On the FE representation problem, I'd say its fine as is. I'd also say it's impossible to entirely represent the franchise in the form of playable characters. Marth is the first, but his West appeal is lacking since all we have of him is Shadow Dragon. But Lucina is starting to get wrinkles too, the 3DS is dead, unless they port Awakening to Switch, she is going to gradually fade, and so will Robin and Corrin. More bloat, keep FE rep stuck in the past, or wash away the old as a wave of the new comes in, there is no good solution.
  8. I'll just toss in that TRS also forces dismount for the last two fights before the final battle on both Runan's and Holmes's sides. But, the final battle itself is odd, the starting area forces dismounting, but once you move past some stairs, you can apparently mount again. Not that I ever noticed that. On the dismounting weapon issue, almost all ladies (including all who fly) are locked to Swords, but four men and two women do keep Lance use. Bow users keep their Bows, and the one Troubadour keeps their Staffs. So the one thing you miss on there is Axes, but there are only two Axe mounties in the game anyhow. (Magic mounties don't exist as playables.)
  9. She slept in watertight steel packaging for few hundred years, I don't she'll mind. Tell me the way to turn her into Mythra if you find one, as long as it's nothing intrusive. Dutch pancakes are good, a river cruise to go with them for a view sounds very awesome. I forget if it was a dutch pancake exactly, but if you try to make them at home and they call for putting them in a frying pan in the oven, never forget to wear the oven mitts! Someone got a nasty burn from forgetting that, which is when we stopped making them. If you ever get to BK: Origins, I'll just give you the heads up on this. Gameplay "victory" against the first boss isn't seeing it fall down or vanish into nothing. "Victory" will be when it angrily slams the heroes down, you'll notice the all HUD elements disappear when this happens. This doesn't mean you should just let it kill you, you still have to deplete enough of its HP to trigger that, so it's still a normal fight.
  10. This is the most you get. When Merric is confronting Arlen at the start of chapter 10; I don’t hate Khadein, but I had already decided to return to my homeland upon finishing my studies.At Aritia there is somebody that I wish to protect for my whole life… And, if you kill Elice, she says Merric's name. A little late that is. But, the Marth-Jagen conversation on what to do about the maidens does have a lick of relevancy. That being "saving all lives" can be difficult, not to justify the gameplay decision. -Which is why FE12 gives you a little prep menu convo outright stating "Let me recruit B!" to each of Merric, Sirius, Minerva, and Julian if they live. The game does that with most recruitments. And thus, the woes of Archanea are resolved! No more of it for months to come. If you're interested, I assembled my own review on FE3 earlier this year. It's a little more positive than your own I'd say. And with FE12 behind me now, maybe it was just the mood I was in when I went through FE12, but I still think 3B2 has more charm, which somehow might be worth more to me than 12's gameplay improvements. -Though there was one-two maps in FE12 that infuriated me with their new ambush reinforcements. I'd also say FE3B2 has the best incarnation character-wise of Marth for me. Take your two days' rest, you deserve it. Then, it awaits thee, Holy Sword Elm Kaiser!
  11. @Armagon Someone briefly mentioned this in the "teleporting as a plot device topic": "Like for Three Houses I push Edelgard's shit in like 3 times throughout the story and yet every time we square off she's confident she'll win. Like have you not paid attention the past 3 times we squared off and I've completely destroyed you and your entire battalion. XBC2 was notorious for this shit as well." The part I just bolded, I'm sure your opinion of the matter is significantly more positive, but what would you exactly say of the frequent same-enemy faceoffs? My response to the person's assertion was: "I get your point, but there at least I see every battle ending indecisively being due to the initial surprise of some new ally trick, or the enemy pulling out another card of theirs' that makes them stronger than last time. To list the instances SPOILERS: Not saying it was all well-written, it certainly did have a real "anime" vibe to it all, albeit the battle choreography was very good. But they did offer some excuse for each and every fight ending without either side dead." As for the list, as I remember things:
  12. A list of teleportation game-by-game that I know: Gharnef irrational pre-battle taunting, Gotoh moving Marth around. Witches in gameplay, Jedah doing some battle taunting + more in SoV. War of the Heroes- more Gotoh moving Marth, and an instance of Gharnef fleeing. Conversations between cultists and their non-cult pawns, plenty of kidnappings via hit-and-warps, a few battle taunts ending with Warp, and even rescuing baddies via warps. Offscreen, a warp to save a good life. Warp and Rewarp staffs are heavily used by enemies in gameplay. But in narrative, warping I don't recall had any real role. Was warp actually used at all in narrative here? Black Fang loves warp, warp to kidnap, warp to deploy troops, warping to taunt the heroes without fighting them. A little warp from Riev to spectate battles, mostly warp by Lyon to chat and flee from Ephraim and Eirika. Warp for fleeing, warp for spectating, warp for kidnapping. Restrained by a lore statement that Warp Powder saps vitality. Warp for taunting the heroes, warp for "helping" the heroes, warp for deploying enemy troops. 13. Warp to taunt the heroes, warp to counter the heroes, warp to attack the heroes. 14. Not familiar with its use of warp in narrative. 16. Same as 14. TRS- Evil cultists use warp to rescue their kind, to kidnap, to attack with Witches. I'd say Nergal's warp-taunting and Manfroy's Julia kidnap are the worst instances of warping in FE narrative. I get your point, but there at least I see every battle ending indecisively being due to the initial surprise of some new ally trick, or the enemy pulling out another card of theirs' that makes them stronger than last time. To list the instances SPOILERS: Not saying it was all well-written, it certainly did have a real "anime" vibe to it all, albeit the battle choreography was very good. But they did offer some excuse for each and every fight ending without either side dead.
  13. The Halloween event is being boring! I got all the 3-4* Halloween characters on the two free summons, plus a Zephyr oddly enough. But, I think the Tricker Treats rewards could have used an update, why no Gems being added to them?
  14. I'd be willing to try it, in the form of a portable warm drink, preferably a low sodium version though. Is this game historically accurate?
  15. Part of the problem with the overabundant "Kill God" trope might stem from these games originating in Japan. Coming from a land of polytheism sort of permits gods to be less than perfect, even if I'm not exactly familiar with inherently "bad" Shinto deities if they exist- Izanami Goddess of the Underworld called Yomi I guess? Do games from the West use the trope anywhere near as much as Japanese games do? Demons they'll have fun with, Norse and Greco-Roman gods too, and Church conspiracies, but slaying the Abrahamic God? Regarding other games, mostly JRPGs: Tales... well they sorta painted organized religion as hopeless with Symphonia and Abyss, despite sympathies being stated therein. Tales of Xillia was okay-ish on religion though, you do play as the leading Summon Spirit's human incarnation. Final Fantasy from all I've played really messed it up with 10, and from what I've read seems to have done edgy-terrible with Tactics, and seems to be very anti-gods with its 13. It's a bit shameful Square can't learn from Xenogears's usually good handling of things barring crucified Chuchu. Luminous Arc 1 was a game that effectively dumbed down the "kill God" concept to its tropey essence without any trappings of trying to save religion. But, at least it's lighthearted anime-ish about it, and not edgy, though depending on your perspective, that might make it worse. Dragon Quest is fairly kind to the Almighty/Goddess however, the benefit of it being a lighthearted franchise with a simpler good vs. evil mindset. Okami might be a 3D adventure like Legend of Zelda and therefore not qualify in this, but it is kind to religion, being you are a deity. And then there is the fairly unique case in the JRPG world of Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2. I'll throw this in box in case it doesn't interest you. It's special circumstance that deviates from usual SMT God treatment (the usual is cruel and bleak).:
  16. In what capacity exactly? I'm a little surprised Xenosaga would do this, Shin Megami Tensei throws the term "Messiah" around frequently, but it never goes as far as to specifically mean the Christian messiah. Although SMT uses pure religion/mythology, while Xeno just use terminology and symbolism loosely, which is a major difference. I decided to ahead and start Nexus anyhow. I spent possibly up to an hour on my characters colorations and names. Lorag the teenage female Hero. Karino the teenage male Ninja, Danteh the female bewildered Harbinger, Junchi the red hate boy Farmer, and Naishe the long-haired girl Zodiac. My guild name Timlea. Timlea is the first letters of Etria, Lagaard, Armoroad, Tharsis, Iorys, Maginia- every EO town. Lorag is Lora + Morag, with red hair just because I liked it, even if it and the white armor make her look more like Lora. Karino is Karol + Kirino. Danteh is Dana + Enteh, with blue hair like the both of them. Junchi is Jun + Eikichi. And Naishe is Anais + Aishe. All derived from games I've played recently. First labyrinth is a rough start, as it tends to be in EO. Already, I'm having initial qualms with a frontline Ninja, it can't exactly dodgetank to start, and Tackles from those muscular flies OHKO it, at first, even normal hits from the koalas OHKO'ed it. Once I have the Memory Conch, it's going to somebody who could, if I needed it, be an alternative front row unit. But with time and investment, maybe frontline Ninja can be good, though the need to buff dodging skills takes Skill Points that could have otherwise been placed into its offense. This is Wild: And so is this: Made by someone's mother.
  17. I thought one of these was added in the Halloween DLC that didn't leave Japan? Anyone check to see if it had been translated somewhere in the Interwebs?
  18. Multiverse means they could just pretend that, although route Y is being followed up on in this story, the other routes still happened in other worlds. That was how Shin Megami Tensei: IV Apocalypse was handled. The game chose to canonize the silent protagonist's name as Flynn, and they chose to have him pick the Neutral route, when he had Law, Chaos, and the "White bad ending" as other options. The game didn't have him finish the Neutral route though, he is in the process of doing so, having not yet fought the leaders of Law and Chaos, and instead gets owned by the new bad guys the "Divine Powers". Thus, the game picks up with the new silent protag where the old one fails, and goes in a very different direction from the first SMTIV. Its two endings are "Bonds" and "Massacre". There is one important difference though. SMT has always had a Neutral canon bias. SMTII follows SMTI, under the assumption the SMTI silent protag picked Neutral. I don't know and it probably isn't the case that 3H is biased towards a particular route. I'd guess not having touched the game yet it'd be biased for BE, but given Dimitri is more the fan favorite character; would they canonize pseudo-democratically, or according to developer biases?
  19. There are a handful of maps where you have to field all three lords, but there is always enough room on the maps for you to put them in safe spots away from danger. Use them if you want, but you don't have to. Chapter 24 Hector Mode oddly varies based on your three lords' combined levels. 49 or fewer levels between them sends you to map 50 levels total or more between the three sends you to a different fight. You'll be fine regardless of which you go to, even if I'd say one map is a little better than the other.
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