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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. No, there isn't. I'm certain of this. This becomes kind of significant in Chapter 16, which does favor cavalry with the big and empty opening stretch. As for the usual size of maps, FE9 always felt a little smaller than GBA FE. I'm sure it is compared to Binding, but in retrospect, I question its size compared to Blazing and Sacred. -I need to count squares. "Big" maps favoring cavalry has almost always been an issue in FE. Cavalry and fliers have usually done a fine job of trouncing everything between themselves and the end goal just as much anything good unmounted. And if you LTC or the like, you WILL find out how to make high move units as busted as possible, and because the game at all lets you make them strong enough to conquer all, you will. Yes, PoR brought back full-powered Canto/Move Again, but 3, 6, 7, and 8 all had dominant mounties without that version of Canto. There were good infantries in all of these games- Ogma/Navarre, Dieck, Raven, Gerik; but Cain/Abel/Hardin & Palla/Catria, Alan/Lance/Perceval/Melady, Marcus/Sain/Kent, and Seth/Franz have all existed too.
  2. First snow of the season for me, only mere flurries that amount to nothing, but it's still beautiful.
  3. Now this sounds particularly questionable. A singular flaw schmucked up everything, it sounds feasible, no importing of the old models = 😵. Companies have lost the source code for games before, is this that much different? But it sounds too good to be true. Even if this indicates that Game Freak needs mandatory boot camp conferences to reeducate its employees, this one mistake fits too perfectly. And being able to acquire the written talking points of a company, that is very suspicious, it's the evidential gold that everyone wants, but how often is it actually ever found?
  4. The days when Hyper Beam was good. When high-powered moves were rare, and KOing the enemy Pokemon with Hyper Beam gave it a recharge so you could shoot it again right away, except in Stadium. And, you could apparently glitch it to 63 PP if you found an enemy with Wrap you couldn't OHKO. -According to Bulbapedia. As for reboots, wasn't that kinda what Gen 5 was going to be in a way? B&W1 had only Unovan natives in the maingame. Not that that would be possible using only Galarian Pokes I guess.
  5. Blame Radiant Dawn's translation: Armor Lance I think the full name is Armored Sword/Lance/Axe, SF just has it shortened. And yet rather than "General Lance" it's Sword/Lance/Axe General. Only the first tier got the weird ordering. You might have forgotten those names b/c only Meg is a playable 1st tier armor. I do prefer Weapon Armor though. Warp Staff is still here! And pass it to Raq for Chapter 4. From a gameplay perspective, I thought Chapter 3 was fairly good for FE4. The fight to the first castle isn't very long, and everyone has someone to kill initially. Then Eldigan moves out in a rather aggressive assault where the average player stands a serious chance of losing. Sure the fight loses most of its bite once Chagal is gone, and Dew has to trek a while to Bragi Tower, but you'll have won the map by the time Dew has to grab his weapon, so you won't have to actually move anyone but him.
  6. More learnable moves maybe? 200 is almost double what it has been before. Some of the moves they've added aren't very useful. There has always been "poor" TMs, I'm too lazy to determine the good-to-bad ratio then and now though. Some of these feel like "Legacy TMs"- Pay Day, Mega Punch/Kick and the Elemental Punches much? -Although the Elemental Punches are good b/c the old Flamethrower/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam and Fire Blast/Thunder/Blizzard were all Special. Then, there is the question- why not simply have 200 TMs? The originals and not the Ultras? That'd mean since the end of 2016/start of 2017. Ultra would mean the end of 2017/start of 2018. Never mind that they'd still have LG taking up their time in the latter scenario, and the early date still has Ultras taking up development power too.
  7. The Game Freak website puts the employee count at 143 as of April 2018. https://www.gamefreak.co.jp/company/about.html Little Town Hero had ~58 people work on it. This includes a number of non-Game Freak companies (presumably all small developers). https://nintendosoup.com/close-to-60-employees-worked-on-little-town-hero/ I don't understand how the credits in the above link list the employees as to their corporate affiliation. But if 30-50 of those people were GF employees, that mean between a quarter and a little more than a third of GF's entire workforce. That's sizable. To use three other Nintendo subsidiaries for comparisons, Monolith Soft is 224 presently, HAL Laboratories is 169, Intelligent Systems is 151 (although remember that 3H was largely Koei Tecmo, which presently has 1757 employees, probably not all game-development though). Monolith is perhaps the most telling here. It might be the biggest of the bunch, and I don't know the exact statistics on worker count for XC1, X, or 2/Torna or if there was outside help. But all of those are modern games with good graphics and technical stuff which Monolith mostly if not entirely made on their own. And the technical-graphical is one of the criticisms here with SwSh that isn't Dexit-Movexit. I don't think you can glean much from HAL, since Kirby is pretty low key, and any work they did on Smash has Bandai Namco's 1066 workers backing it. Intelligent Systems hasn't put out a console game mostly of their own effort after coming of five games all on portables. It'll take IS's next project to determine what it is independently capable of.
  8. The past few days is the first time I've ever heard of it, but yes Singles Day is a thing in that 1.3 billion people land of the Shang, Xia, Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing and People's Republic. And precisely because it's 1.3 billion people country on the socio-economic rise that it matters. It seems the holiday is starting to put out feelers beyond the borders of the Middle Socialist Kingdom. Although for the US, that'd be a third sales holiday in one month (Black Friday, Cyber Monday), a little saturated November is becoming.
  9. Snap? This is Pokemon Snap 2? Finally! Thanks to the Switch's screenshot feature, I think it's turning out to be that way, albeit with the undesired subtitle Pokemon Snap 2: Sword and Shield: Bloody Hell. -But seriously, if you transfer Pokemon to SwSh, they'll be permanently forced to delete some moves? That is awful and makes it even less desirable to transfer over to this game. "Customs and Border Border Enforcement! We'll look you over for any contraband techniques. Mud Bomb we see? You'll have to get rid of it, now." "No! My dead momma taught it to me, it was the last thing she devoted herself to." "Won't cooperate? Summon Uxie and at once, and Tentacruel to bind them as well. Now, look straight ahead, eyes wide open and try to forget." "Noooo! I won't I won't I won't! Nooooooooooooooo!" "Forget! Forget! Forget! Forget!" (In a monotone cult-like voice.) *Tentacruel forces the eyelids open and the victim stares directly into Uxie's pupils* But there is no Frustration either. They can give voice to neither joy nor anguish. British stereotypical aloofness must be the order of the day, where any showing emotion is... not proper.🧐 Dexit has led to a severe food shortage in Galar. Little Wailmers are unable to get enough to eat, thus leading to their evolution being stunted when they finally become Wailords. The poor Poke didn't deserve this treatment. And Sirfetched, which was revealed like a month ago, was a fine gift to an underpowered/plain Pokemon, even if it ended up being a drop of Kanto pandering.
  10. 8/0 (let's pretend they both left Lyn Mode at this level- the same as base Canas) : HP/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res (always rounding down) Lucius: 20/10/8/12/3/1/9 Erk: 21/7/8/10/5/3/6 15/0: Lucius: 26/14/12/14/4/2/13 Erk: 26/10/11/14/7/4/9 Weapons: Lightning: 4 Mt 95 Hit 5 Crt 6 Wt (0 AS loss) Shine: 6 Mt 90 Hit 8 Crt 8 Wt (2 AS loss) Fire: 5 Mt 90 Hit 0 Crt 4 Wt (0 AS loss) Thunder: 8 Mt 80 Hit 5 Crt 6 Wt (1 AS loss) So from the very start, if Erk can afford to lose 1 AS and deal with 15 less Hit (no biggie barring terrain bonuses), Thunder lets him outdo Lucius with Lightning in terms of damage by 1 point, as Shine isn't unavailable until much later. Even by 15, this tradeoff remains consistent. And once both are 20/1 promoted, I don't think they need comparison, because both should roast everything in sight. Lucius could do it with a C Staff rank though that could quickly go Physics. I'll concur on the point that magic is bad in PoR. It just doesn't have that raw power it does in other games, although RD is still rock bottom for mages. As for Soren versus Ilyana, personal bias leads me to usually train him and BEXP is always an excuse for a low starting level. Although statistically: The Great Mage Debate: Path of Radiance: Soren v. Ilyana v. Tormod v. Calill v. Bastian (also v. Rhys and v. Mist) Stats (.5 or higher rounded up, .4 or lower rounded down) (HP/Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Luk/Def/Res) 20/10 Stats (and Bastian’s lvl 13 bases): Soren: 35/3/24/25/21/13/8/24 Ilyana: 34/9/21/22/18/16/8/24 Tormod: 35/8/21/20/21/16/12/21 Calill: 34/9/21/20/20/17/10/18 Bastian: 35/12/19/21/16/15/12/20 (Rhys: 35/3/28/22/17/20/9/28) (Mist: 33/13/22/12/21/23/9/20) 20/20 Stats: Soren: 39/4/30/28/25/16/10/28 Ilyana: 39/11/26/27/21/21/10/28 Tormod: 40/10/25/24/25/19/14/25 Calill: 39/12/25/24/24/20/14/22 Bastian: 39/15/24/26/20/17/14/24 (Rhys: 39/3/29/22/21/25/11/30) (Mist: 38/16/26/15/25/29/11/24) You'll notice Soren always has the slight lead in offense vs. Ilyana (even slightly more with Adept). Though he needs forged Thunder to avoid the AS loss of Elthunder that Ilyana does not suffer from, if Soren uses Elthunder, that AS lead goes poof. And what this really shows is how samey Sages actually are in PoR. Why do all of them have 38-40 HP on average? As for Lugh vs. Lilina, I'd say they're in principle balanced. I only played FE6 once on Normal with a blessed Banana Boy, so I don't actually know how balanced they are. Hard Mode I guess depends on whether Lugh's AS is enough to double consistently. Fire has 95 Hit and only 1 Mt less than Thunder, so I can't see Lilina's low Skl running into hitting issues- she is very thankful she isn't using a magical Steel Lance/Axe. For SoV, Delthea has awesome growths and spells, but no 1-3 spells and a late join time really hurt her I can tell. And yet, Luthier has issues doubling Knights/Barons and horrible spell selection, so I can't tell who is worse (or rather, both are "efficiently" terrible, and Delthea is inefficiently better). Although Boey is atrocious compared to Mae, that is certain.
  11. The Chinese anti-Valentine's Day where you spend money on yourself. And the day where the homegrown Chinese equivalent of Amazon Alibaba made $1.4 billion in the first 90 seconds of sales. -Just to explain this commercial holiday to those who aren't aware of it. Singles Day is perfect for all of the above waifu posters, because thats how they'll forever be. Says the ~90% asexual with a ~7% chance of liking guys. At very first glance, I read this as "Crossette" for reason of your Xenodevotion. Those I guess would be chiles and chocolate.🌶️🍫 I do not get how any of that works, if it even should work (yet, does that matter when it's just for coolness?). But thank you for showing how the SRX transformation process actually unfolds.
  12. If I'd had played the $5 used copy of FFXIII I got last year, I'd have joked it's better than SwSh. Maybe something about FF always having excellent technical-graphical presentation for its time? And remember, besides two ~7/10 sequels, FFXIII was followed by the original version of FFXIV, which was apparently so bad, that Square had to shut it down and rebuild the entire thing from the ground up as XIV: A Realm Reborn. Yet even when that, so I hear, has gone well, Versus XIII/XV sunk the franchise down again in some ways. Junchi Masuda still has time to end his PokeLegacy on a high note though, the guy is only 51. And Tetsuya Nomura is only 49, but I think he is a lost cause.
  13. Weird, I thought Dumblhea expelled the entirety of Slytherin long ago, being banished to the shadows. -I don't know enough to pick anyone for this run, sorry!
  14. VG247: The last few years you’ve sort of been doing one of these big games every year – Pokemon has practically been a yearly series. Is that something you plan to continue with? Junichi Masuda: The first thing that’s kind of important in deciding the future direction is releasing Sword & Shield, it’s seeing the response to that. That’s an important part of where we go in the future. So it’s not necessarily that we’re looking always to release every single year, but each time we go into making a new game and start a new project we look at what exactly we want to create – and then from where we decide the most appropriate timing to release it depending on various factors. One thing that we always want to keep in mind going forwards is that we want as many people to come in contact with and play Pokemon as possible. We’ve obviously got a lot of long-time fans who have loved the series for a long time, and we definitely want to keep making games that they love. At the same time we always want to draw in new players and make games that are accessible to them. So that’s a really important thing we consider when starting a new project. https://www.vg247.com/2019/10/24/pokemon-sword-shield-interview-no-regrets-national-dex/ Emphasis added by myself. AKA- there is no yearly game model at work, officially. But de facto is a different matter, and either way a Pokemon Gen should last as long as one Console Gen. Well, maybe two PokeGens, I'm not sure how reasonable/unreasonable two per Console Gen is. Was it "scummy" with either 4-5, or 6-7? I have watched no footage of SwSh, and wow this is terrible! I cannot seriously believe that a lite-gameplay spinoff has detailed backgrounds while the mainline game is stuck with colored dimensional voids. I mean, one of the other things you included show actual detailed backgrounds in that Chinchou battle, but that doesn't excuse the above images. The empty backgrounds worked in the GB/GBA games because of technical limitations. They were fairly fine in the DS games (the last I played), because small DS screens don't have much room, too much detail could clutter them. But on a Switch, especially docked, but undocked as well, the utter lack of backgrounds makes things fell bizarrely empty, unreal, and unfinished even. Now there is plenty of screen space and the technology has come far enough that it can and should be filled in with vibrant detail, always. The trainers were just being concerned for their safety as the fireballs came their way, and thus activated their Phase Transitioning Devices to escape to another plane where they could observe, but not be harmed. I wonder how the inevitable Sinnoh remakes are progressing, and how they'll turn out. They're going to be a thin silver lining better in a sense b/c they'll add to the Switch a few more of the missing hundreds of Pokes. But at this rate, even if Game Freak has an internal moment where they've realized they messed up big time, I don't think Diamond and Pearl can salvage this Gen. Maybe they'll be a step better, but it's probably too late to do more than that, DP can't unscramble Dexit. DP can remove some of these wackier SwSh changes like Exp Share and the catch level limit, and maybe be technically if not smooth, then less rocky. I'm not even sure how much SwSh2 could do, must all wait on the next Gen for the desperate hope of paradisal improvement?
  15. TPC is only responsible for licensing Pokemon games and marketing them, it does not seem to have "game development" in its portfolio. I do not know if any of its top employees have game development experience. We should not excuse GF entirely, certainly TPC can't have been controlling everything they've done wrong for S&S and prior Gens. The idea of non-developers demanding games be put out at a rapid pace, without any notion of what is necessary for quality, having its demands carried out by a dev team that has been creaking with age. It's a pretty notion, regardless of accuracy. One must just hope for a turnaround, it isn't inevitable, but it's possible. I recently read a little article on how after Walt Disney's death in the early 1960s(?), his namesake company began to decline. It took risks in the 80s for things to start a small recovery, but it wasn't until the early 90s with a certain half-fish that Disney's animated movies returned to their modern glory. And, I read someone saying that Pixar has been through a decade of stagnation that the company is only now trying to reverse. Too many years of safe sequels to their inspired originals has made the parent of Toy Story's light fade. -Given Game Freak is just as incapable of dying, and home to an iconic gaming franchise, perhaps it too shall see a restoration to ascendance eventually?
  16. I've seen people saying they're missing exactly two songs before. Perhaps this is your answer?:
  17. About the Mastery skills/abilities, I'm thinking they're placeholders for now. They still have months until their deadline for adding these classes if they're part of Wave 4. Perhaps Masteries are something they're still contemplating, are they considering adding new abilities? If so, then...
  18. So, did they copy the very end of the TethysxGerik? The part where I've envisioned Tethys leaping into Gerik's arms, and then she begins to slide his pants down?😜
  19. Anything might work, anything might not. On paper, yes it is easier to deduce some ideas are worse than others, but not all of them. Institutions, regardless of their framework, require humans willing to enforce the framework in its intended way. But even then good intentions can have unexpected consequences that turn out being bad. @Shoblongoo Idea sounds okay on paper. And it sounds like something of a downgrading of the Senate, which might not be the worst idea if moving closer to unicameralism makes legislation easier to pass. I am left asking then though of the treaty ratification, and judge and cabinet approval powers of the Senate - how do these affect the States if the Senate is only a body sort out inter-State interests? Do those approval powers pass to the House? And unicameralism wouldn't remedy all problems of American politics. There would still be the executive-legislative divide not found in some other countries, the removal of which would further ease legislative passing. And yet, the former gold standard of essentially unicameral executive-legislative governments, the Once-Great-and-Almighty United-For-Now Kingdom of Britain, has been painfully stuck in Brexit for the past three years. To speak not of lesser unicameral governments in countries of lesser renown. And, if the Senate were reduced to an inter-States conflict solver, would the Republican attempt to repeal Obamacare a few years ago have been thwarted? We can't know, because who knows if the pressure on the House being therefore greater and its importance more significant in this altered system, would have lead to certain Representatives acting differently, or the politicians in the House would have been altogether different because the Senate was no longer so highly regarded. However, with thing as they were, the House did vote to repeal the ACA, and the Senate alone stopped it. A strong bicameralism means McConnell can DoA anything the House puts out, were the situation reversed with a GOP House and a Senate of Dems, the 'pubs could be stopped. The checks of bicameralism and executive-legislative divide are banes when your party is in ascendance, a safeguard when they're in the decline. So best solution to anything? IDK.😅 But I'm left with the classic overused James Madison quote- "If men [and women!] were angels, no government would be necessary". But because men aren't angels, what government is necessary? Although we all have to admit, reforming the Senate would require a Constitutional amendment richer in detail than any prior written. This isn't giving/protecting a right, it's reformulating Article 1 in heavily specific detail. I very much doubt that'd happen. And as semi-related aside, now that Virginia is entirely blue, they might become the 38th State to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, allowing it to become officially part of the Constitution. However, this would require that it be legally recognized that this decades-belated approval be valid, considering all the other votes on the matter happened back in the 70s, and Congress set a deadline for ratification by like no later than the 1980s. Congresses can't bind their future selves to anything, so the opinion goes, but until Virginia tries to ratify the ERA, who knows how things would end up?
  20. Looking ahead, what does Nintendo have planned? How many titles have they actually announced for next year? I don't think there are very many. Is there a sudden announcement to be coming in the new few months for Spring/Summer releases, is E3 going to be a huge rush of new announcements for 2020's second half?
  21. "This game is going to be bad. This game is going to be awful, irredeemable. It will betray expectations, it will murder speculations, it will be a living nightmare. The combat unbalanced, music forgettable, graphics dated, plot nonsensical, the characters shallow and insufferable. This game will make you regret ever buying it, it will forever taint your memory, you will want the franchise euthanized or else purged of everything associated with it. *Takes a deep breath* But you know, as fundamentally flawed as it will be, maybe you’ll find something in the trash heap that is worth something.😉 Start from the bottom, assume nothing but disappointment. And whatever doesn’t end up being so, cannot so easily be marred in the future by newfound disappointment, because you already imagined so much disappointment, even if not all of it." "My mind is an open field of grass Through which all may freely pass Onto which you sit your ass In the meadow so verdant and vast You lay undressed with a fine lass And comes to bite you is an asp Crawled it through a dimensional hasp Which I unlocked because you gassed On my mind the open field of grass" --- That was stuff I told myself months before I played Three Houses. Written to lower the barriers I had placed around my mind specifically for this game. It didn't work. The gameplay I enjoyed, that was the one thing of 3H I was certain to indulge in, it's why I fundamentally bought the game, I love FE gameplay. The rest met a different fate. Long ago, the first impression of Sothis had worried me about the plot. A personal distaste for high school hijinks turned me off to exploring the monastery, and further strengthened my hesitations about the story. The characters, though nothing specifically turned me off from them, though I knew nothing about them, I still had reservations towards. With two- games behind me of pure ignorance, so I added a third. When I finished Golden Deer, I knew as little about the world, the tale, and its actors as I did coming in. Who is Claude? I haven't a clue. I drove myself into battle and battle alone went all my time, I was mindless when it came to instruction, and not a single walk through the school, barring the two that were mandatory, where I spoke to none but those who were forced on me. I didst not cultivate, nor fish, nor cook, nor find, nor joust. No flower were ever given, no holidays ever attended. What a "professor" I was, you'd be better off hiring a Scarlet Swordsman, an Angel of Death, a Fireman, or even an Alba of Leonster. My ignorance had if anything worsened. For in the worlds of Nohr-Hoshido and Rigel-Zofia, I had allowed conversation between comrades to unfold, I simply observed its contents not. Friendship or love, whatever it was, not a letter from one to three or nineteen was allowed to solidify. And barring the lyric'ed melodies rare, I hadst allowed the sounds of the two worlds prior to play within my ears. So it was not for Fodlan, not only did I silence the voices as done prior, so too the harmonies of ambience were stilled. The clash of weapons, the pacing of feet and wings, the chimes of experience surpassing and its chance gains, that was all I heard. Even when the battle was ultimate or momentous prior, it was in hollow quiet that I played, perhaps doing so made the flaws of the maps more visible, lacking the auditory cloth to cover their nakedness. I yearn for more 3H now. But how my heart is torn. To keep these walls erected, or to tear them down. To remain "neutral", to avoid disappointment, to abide by habits that refuse to easily subside. Or to open the pores, to pristine air and mal aria alike, to have joy and be able to critique and then share those critiques with others. To enjoy a totality of an Emblem again, or to savor just the Vert and throw away the rest of the Gemstones. Should it be on the Vulture, the Raven, the Crow, the Bird of Prey on which I rest my talons next, and I've a half-mind to do so, then I think I would turn to the Vermillion Magnolia. But that would require taking a moment to converse with the Lady of Hair Which Surpasses Her Lifetime. Such would break the bars of my iron cage and shelter. Could I bring myself to the task? Do I wish for it? I could perhaps take a half-dram and not a full measure. I could roam the place of habits and tonsures for its services, but I needn't speak to others. Or I could speak to others, yet ignore what they their words are- yet how foolish this would likely be. I could most certainly take the people of Fodlan, but not its epic, the characters, but not its plot. Mayhaps I return its music too. However! I am thankful and worried I would do none of this. Similar seals did I construct when playing the Myth of Fitzgerald: Exhalation of Frontier, and the barriers there, which were set against speaking to anyone, were gradually lowered. And yet, I've still never spoken to Impa (blame an irrational super-overreaction to Yiga which I know shall appearance once I do), nor did any Divine Beast I ever attempt. I know nothing of Zelda the Geek, Ganon the Cthulhu, or Sidon the Wetness of Fan-tasies. So how far can those Three Houses walls be broken, if at all?
  22. Unfortunately, my desired dog breed (Shih Tzu) is likely too foreign for 3H. I'm thinking they'd want to stay preferably European or maybe American for 3H's world. Although given there are randomly(?) people who look like samurai in 3H, I guess the Shiba Inu could be snuck into this game. And, could they hide obtainable pets on out-of-the-way spaces on the map? You'd automatically get them added to the monastery if you ended your turn on the appropriate space. Sure, it might seem a little odd that a Lagotto Romagnolo ran off the beaten path one day, and is now trotting around some lava in a war zone utterly carefree as though nothing is amiss, but thats the point.
  23. Funny, get existentially serious at the same time. I like it. ...And that's why the murder-mystery game would reveal that there was in fact, no murder. Neptune staged the entire thing, why? I'll leave the reasons up to you to invent figure out. And to you shall be left the determining whether anyone involved in the murder investigation was planted by Nep to spread drama, doubt, and suspense. Or if she was in fact in disguise as one of those investigators/suspects. ----- And now it's dawning on me that if I'm going to play Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, that despite this being a direct sequel to Innocent Sin, I'll be playing something of a downgrade in terms of presentation, quality-of-life, a little content, and most annoying- translation. This can be attributed to Eternal Punishment PSP version not being brought out of Japan, while the PS1 version was. That is the opposite of Innocent Sin, where the PS1 version was never released aboard (a Nazi problem?), while the PSP version was. But, now I'm divided. Do I hold off on EP until months or years from now a PSP fan translation is finished? Or do I go ahead with the one version available? Should I go back to the first Persona game ever until then? But I would like to finish the P2 story.
  24. What about the extra classes? Aren't there supposed to be more classes coming later? Have they said anything about whether they'll be free or part of the paid bundle? -If it is paid, then please don't give them something like a level 40 requirement. Just add them to Master pool, no SoV Overclass excessive level requirements. And for those not historically versed, the IRL historical Nabatean kingdom's (Nabataea) capital, now called Petra, was centered in a desert valley.: The structures you see are entirely tombs I think. -Just saying this in case KT/IS have chosen to adhere a little to the historical reality.
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