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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I'm not quite sure how to phrase this question, but here goes.: I intend eventually to do a Silver Snow playthrough on Classic Hard no NG+, which will come after I do a BL playthrough to have experienced all the houses. Now, I have not done any cross-house recruiting so far in 3H (except for CF Lysithea who begged for mercy with literally zero effort on my end). But since I don't want to use the Shadowhawks again, I was thinking of using all the Church members for SS instead, filling in the remaining empty spaces with whoever to reach 12 units. (If I hold off until March/April, maaaybe I'll fill the team in with the new characters.) This makes sense for the route I would guess. I'm aware every route but CF shares the same Chapter 13. And I know it'll feature the BE units I'm not so interested in training since I've already played with them once. But not being okay with letting them get offed, I'm basically asking how much I should train them. I know to leave those two less trained, but being a person who like convenience, I'll likely use them to some extent anyhow for short-term benefit if I have the unit space. As a second concern, how would I go about recruiting my Church army?
  2. On that timely note: Celestial Alps, find a class rank item in the area of the Red Flower, you probably want to make the trek back to use the item because it allows for 9 cards to be used in one turn. Make sure you have some time available before walking into the abandoned house, boss weakness of the day is Light. When is Celestial Alps? It's the last mandatory place before the final dungeon. So not for a loooooong time. -- Because my rotating wallpaper of the day is the Monolith 20th Anniversary hero ensemble one, I decided to play some Soma Bringer. Plot is starting to move, Adonis and his three comrades who I guess shed their humanity to become Guardian Somas gives me a shady villainous group to work against. But, looks like the heroes are also working for a shady dude in Master Laban, they ain't being subtle with it for the player, but Laban isn't showing the heroes themselves his scheming nature the way Amalthus could exude his. And the Religious Office is corrupt too, but they're definitely insignificant small fry compared to Adonis and Laban. Also, it seems Visitors aren't entirely wild beasts. One of them became a gigantic sand tornado, and it's suggested it only appeared because humans set foot in a mausoleum that wasn't supposed to be disturbed. The Visitor was serving as a loyal protector.
  3. Chapter 23 is the last one. But the very last battle you can kill him at is the Forbidden Bridge (which I think counts as a forced skirmish and not a chapter itself). A bridge you can't cross b/c it's broken, Holmes makes an inserted joke of the old fan name being "Sealed Bridge". If the enemies seem too weak, use Katri's Fierce Breath to kill Shigen with friendly fire, and of course, don't make the Dullahan his currently equipped sword, but it's fine to leave it in his inventory.
  4. Only Norton, the other guy Billford who came with Sharon, not so much, he goes General.😐 An unusually rare case of individual promotions at work. Like how how Kreiss and Arkis go to Bronze Paladin, but Esther to Silver Paladin, San to Black Knight (no Gradivus, or Mystletainn, or Alondite), and Narron to Gold Paladin/Knight. This, despite all being Cavaliers to start. Other than these knightly cases, everyone in a given class promotes to a singular particular class. No difference between Attrom and Xeno, or Shigen, Vega, and Julia.
  5. Yep! Not to say too much, but the game has two Acts. The second is literally called "Yuri the Man". Still driven by a noble, selfless desire, he's nonetheless a changed man, at one point admitting force is needed to bring forth his goals.
  6. Because the Lumbar Lordosis is weak, because humans shouldn't be walking on two legs: Who tells scary ghost stories of Christmases long long ago?
  7. Considering I gave up a screenshot LP because of how much work it is, that might be for the better. It wouldn't suit the realtime battles of XC so well either, video or bust. As for spoilers...
  8. I was about to respond "sure", but oh well. Only Rex Rex gets 3 Blades in such a scenario, and without Poppiswap (verboten I assume?) no Ice Blades either. Didn't know Switch image uploading was so limited. Though I think you could do more if you removed the micro SD card from the system and loaded them onto a computer. Anyhow...
  9. Well at least they're being honest.🙄😙😜 And, British Amazon doesn't seem to know what a Nintendo Switch is:
  10. I don't know if the manual has been translated, but there is this VHS tape that came in the Thracia 776 deluxe pack. Minutes 10:30 to about 15:30 give you a quick brushing of gameplay info about the game. The rest is backstory from Genealogy, marketing, yaddayaddayadda. Here it is with English voiceovers added: ...But the actual manual looks like it has a lot more information. Looking at this:
  11. Prince is his promotion yes. He starts as a Lord, and promotes to Prince, his base class in FE4. So retroactively, Leif is a three-tier unit, Lord > Prince > Master Knight. And as weak as he can be in Thracia, Master Knight Leif is sublime in FE4 if you can get him to level 20 to promote. Barring the 3% Move procs, it's not luck, it's stacking a bunch of those Scrolls like that Heim one you see there in his inventory. Each of them gives 30-40 in net growths increase. And, you can put multiple scrolls in a unit's inventory and they'll all work, the only problem being it'll leave less room for weapons and stuff taken via capturing. Anyone with enough Scrolls and levels can become amazing, not just Leif, like this person: She had 12 Move too. Which is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly blessed, because she only has a 2% growth there, and Scrolls let you boost Move growth by just 5%. That was luck. Pegasus Knight is promoted by the way. Pegasus Rider is the unpromoted Thracia Pegasus class. Rider has 8 Move, Knight has 9. So three procs.
  12. His growths aren't the best, nor his bases, like a lot of male sword infantry lords, but giving Leif all the levels you can and the statboosters before Chapter 4 is very helpful. And, I like Leif: And 8 Move, one or two of the procs coming before or during the Manster arc. ---- Goooooood luck! I used Eyvel to kill things, I knew full well it'd be a waste, but she speeds things up, and I wasn't overly concerned with a few improperly allocated kills.
  13. You're welcome. And I did forget one thing earlier- Give Holmes at least one of: Sasha, Kate, Norton, Raffin, Esther, or Roger. Only one is necessary, and if you're bringing Mel to Holmes for her Ensorcel staff, then you'll be bringing Roger here already. Doing this lets you pick one more character from Marlon's forces by visiting Welt Castle again. You'll have the three you didn't pick after Chapter 1, with their stats and equips the same. Or, you can pick Lionel, a new guy with nice stats.
  14. How promotion works in TearRing Saga is as follows: Use the appropriate item, Knight Crest, Hero Crest, Wyvern Flute, or ...Sage Crest is it called? I forget exactly. This will be easy to figure out when looking at character in the menu and seeing what their unit type is. Not everyone can promote, including not a single Staff user or Thief. Units who can promote, other than Sasha with her Pegasus Flute, must be at least level 10 to do so. Their maximum level is 20 unpromoted. When a unit promotes, their maximum level cap becomes current level + 10. So a level 10 promoter has a cap of 30, a 15 has 35, a 20 has 40. Sasha's promotion to Pegasus Knight does not increase her level cap. But she can use a Wyvern Flute to promote again. Runan and Holmes have story promotions, and their level cap is 30 unpromoted. All units who can't promote/are already promoted have level caps of 30. You can use an Occult Book to increase a unit's level cap by 10. The maximum level possible is 40. As for skill-learning and promotion: If you have Narron, before he reaches level 12 is the time to promote. Narron gets Lethality- (unit Skl - enemy Skl + 3 = %) chance of instantly kill an enemy- if he reaches level 12 as a Gold Paladin. Norton also wants to promote before level 12 to learn Pavise- (current level = %) chance gaining +20 Def when attacked- and Norton otherwise doesn't learn it until level 25. Norton gets +3 Move thanks to a horse too, which seriously helps his usability. Maruj wants to promote at exactly level 19, because at 19 as a Mage he gets Adept, and at level 20 as a Sage he gets Sol. Xeno gets Lethality as a level 13 Mercenary, so wait until at least after that to promote him. Samson gets Nihil as a level 20 Fighter, so you should wait until he caps level to get it. But, Nihil isn't very useful, so you won't miss a lot promoting him earlier. Attrom learns Sol at level 15 Mercenary, so wait until at least then to promote him. Kate and someone else in her class gain a horse on promotion, so if you want the extra mobility, you should promote them earlier. Mariah has to choose between one of two skills: Level 15 Mage- Wrath- Crit increases as HP falls (100 - [Current HP x 100 / Max HP]) = Crit increase. At exactly a quarter of your HP missing, this means the boost is 25 Crit, 50 at half, 75 at three-quarters, and almost 100 Crit at 1 HP. And everything in between gives in between amounts. Level 15 Sage- Luna- (user Skl - enemy Skl + 3 = %) chance of negating enemy Def/Res when attacking. Given Res is only 1/2 of a unit's Magic here, Wrath is the far better choice IMO. So I'd wait until she learns Wrath to promote her. A slew of units get skills after level 30, one Thief gets Astra at level 40 for instance. But, don't worry about these. Unless you have Paragon or do a lot of Arena/skirmishes with Holmes, it is highly unlikely someone might reach level 40. I found a lot of my units ended the game in their mid-20s, despite promoting at 20 for almost all of them, and I was fine, so a 30 level cap should suffice for many. And since those Occult Books exist, an early promotion, while not incentivized like Shadows of Valentia for many of its classes, is still perfectly okay in TRS. Yep. It used to be "Iss". This makes Ronan Adol the Blue. Both the Thracia village and the Action-RPG franchise are very very likely derived from Ys/Is/Ker-Is/Ville d'Ys, a mythical city in the Brittany region of France, said to have sunk into the ocean. So it's like a French Atlantis or a modern NYC and Miami.
  15. Are you looking to get every secret item/thing? You'll have to put certain units in one group or another to do so, and often do some extra stuff on top of that. I'll put all secret goodies stuff in a spoilers box, so you can see it if you want to, but you don't have to if you don't want to.: For more general advice not about obtaining goodies quite so secret: Most important: Runan has a linear series of battles, no breaks between them. Holmes will have access to skirmishes for grinding, at least before he heads to a certain Valley (he'll get access to skirmishes again later). So give Runan most of your stronger units (Zieg is great!), and place anyone you want to train up with Holmes. Mel will always follow her husband, if you split them apart, she will without you noticing it join whichever route he is on. Raquel is great with Holmes, since he fights monsters a bunch more than Runan, and she has no ethical qualms about killing monsters. About Narcus and money: If you intend to recruit Narcus, you should give most or all of your money to Holmes. If you have any Gold Bags, give them to Runan and wait until the start of Chapter 10 if recruiting Narcus to use them. This will be almost necessary if you wish to obtain one of only two Wyvern Flutes to promote Pegasus Knights in the game, since it costs 10k to buy it. I don't think recruiting Narcus is absolutely necessary for getting two other characters later. As long as he is alive and you visited the house he was in in Chapter 3 with Runan, then you'll get the one who gets the other. Useful concerning money, if you don't mind some grinding: Money can be tight in TRS, if you don't mind arena-grinding someone who won't break the rest of the game in half, put Tomas on Holmes's team. Teach him Gladiator from a house and throw him in the Arena against anything that isn't a mage or sword user, he has a very high chance of living and earning a little money. Buy him new bows as needed, since you use your own weapons in the TRS Arena. Alternatively, you can use a Thief, since they'll have a Skl+Spd = % chance of stealing the enemy's weapon (which are often great) in the Arena, in addition to getting you money. But this is much riskier. Holmes has a map that, during his second split, is infinitely repeatable and can last as long as at least one enemy lives. This map not only has an Arena, but it also has two shops with discounted prices. However, to use the shops, a male character from your team must man the Armory, and a female character the item Shop. Pick characters you aren't using to man these shops, they'll rejoin later. And lastly: A key to the Secret Shops can be found exactly two spaces right of Narcus's starting position. I think you'll need him to find it. Secret Shops are just houses that'll shoo you away if you don't carry the key. Each visit to a Secret Shop, regardless of if you bought anything or not, depletes one use. They always have nice stuff, but it's really expensive. There is a trip Take Chapter 10 slow, let somebody with a stache go where they want to first. Impossible enemies will resolve themselves, in time. Too many chests to decide? This is your guide: I can provide advice for the later route splits when they come up. Just one word of advice- makes sure the one bearing the title "Youth of Blahd" does not perish. I won't say why. Did I go overboard? Just trying to help!
  16. From what I read, the usual term for Fire Emblem in Japanese is "Faiā Emuburemu", which is written in Katakana: "ファイアーエムブレム". The Jugdrali Fire Emblem is "Honoo no Monshou", which is written in Kanji: "炎の紋章". -But it's don't cite me on this, I don't know Japanese at all. I've heard another say that "Durandal" has its name written in Katakana, but its title- "the Blazing Blade"- is written in Kanji to make it more understandable to Japanese audiences.
  17. Well, only Naga, the rest do not. And people were asking at the time if Archanea and Jugdral were related, it's not an outlandish idea, see Final Fantasy, all its Ifrits, Shivas, Odins, and Bahamuts aren't the same person. And you're right from that from a human perspective, the difference between a god-like being and an actual god isn't significant, but I've always seen this kind of reveal as an act of humility on the part of the god-like beings. Open world FE.... I've contemplated the idea, but how to make it work, and without being repetitive? Approach it more from a pure strategy perspective like Romance of the Three Kingdoms/a billion western titles I'm unfamiliar with, than an RPG's idea of open world? I'm not quite sure, but blind and no ironman would be the better approach. Or, at least hold back on ironman until the Manster chapters are done, ya don't want to lose someone there. After Manster, things aren't so tight, but I'm no FE5 expert, so I don't know exactly how feasible it'd be blind and ironman from there on out. Also, if you forgot, consider reading this old interview now.: https://garmtranslations.wordpress.com/2019/02/13/fire-emblem-genealogy-of-the-holy-war-fan-special-roundtable-discussion/
  18. Reminds me a bit of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin North American version: Amnesia Girl with No Name: "That flower is an Isabella Cattleya." Will: "It's pretty, why don't you name yourself after it?" Amnesia Girl: "Okay, I'm Cattleya then." Will: "No, that sounds weird, Isabella is better." Isabella: "Fine, Isabella it is." Japanese/European version: Amnesia Girl with No Name: "That flower is an Isabella Cattleya." Ed: "It's pretty, why don't you name yourself after it?" Amnesia Girl: "Okay, I'm Cattleya then." Ed: "Cattleya is a good name." Cattleya: "Fine." -Though spelling of Cattleya was a bit different I think, and this is just a paraphrase.
  19. Ahem again to this. It appears you need 5000 points to hit max Affinity between two characters in XC1, with everyone starting with 500 with each other. Love Sources give a mere 100 points per gifting. Not exactly the ~1/3rd of the way to max Trust XC2 Love Sources provide. Affinity requirements for HtHs in XCX weren't exactly enjoyable either, though postgame unlocks Support Missions that let you grind it up at a decent though not lightning fast pace if you use just a few Skell AoE attacks to kill everything quickly. Another Support Mission can feed your fuel needs if you need Miranium to replenish it. But even with Support Missions there is still the issue of... There was one small detail I liked about XCX HtHs. That being that you can find NPCs talking about seeing the characters at Y place doing Z thing. The downside of this is that you don't know where a character's HtHs will happen and when until you find the appropriate little golden speech bubbles. Though once you do, their location hexes gets their heart, time, and dog/cat if necessary requirements filled in. What was likable about it, was that you got a little sense that other people in the world knew about the characters and had an idea of what everyone was doing in their free time. Since unlike XC1 and 2 where everyone is tightly knit once they join, heroes not on the active team are set loose to return to NLA and do whatever they want. I'd rather the HtH locations be made known from the start though. Makes me think they could have done a teeny bit of stuff in Garfront with all your unengaged Blades popping up there. "When you're fighting flying indigens, that's when guns really shine... But you really like your melee weapons, huh." -I liked this Affinity Chart quip from Elma. Then why doesn't she throw them her Dual Guns instead of the Dual Swords as her weapon? The Full Metal Jaguar Special BTW has XCX's Dual Guns' Executioner art and Elma's signature Shadowstrike mixed into it. I didn't pay enough attention to see if anything else was. But I've done enough Executioners to know it when I've seen it. --- Zenobia's Affinity Chart isn't so bad to fill out, though I've been scatterbrained about it, mixing in completion of Heart to Hearts and filling in other Affinity Charts. But I'm over halfway through it. I've taken a break for the very moment from XC2 because the game suddenly crashed on me, an extreme rarity. Fortunately, all I have to redo is Vale's HtH, and get Sheba, Poppibuster, Fiora, and Dagas back to max Trust- and this time I ain't being cheap and spamming 100 Indoline Teas because Sheba only has 1000 Trust left to get, I've supplies for 16 Love Sources in reserve, I can afford to be semi-wasteful with them. Kora's HtH is a little weird if you gave her to Nia, as I did.😆 Even Morag would've made more sense, given I had just witnessed her Pandoria HtH beforehand. Speaking of which, I did not pick the joke option of Morag thinking Pandoria was attracted to her. Monolith, when are you going to give us an HtH Viewer, with the dialogue branch included? Three games in without one is three strikes too many! Seriously, we shouldn't have to reset the game every time we want to see the alternative choice dialogue, twice if we picked the "right" dialogue the first time. --- Anyone read the SF main page for the new TMS info? All old DLC (minus swimsuit😥) is expectable. A little more character development is nice One, maybe more bonus dungeons is good Tiki being able to Session off any spell and Barry and Maiko being able to Session off any weapon isn't as good as them being playable, but still very flexible. Hopefully this will help Mamori, who only had Itsuki with an Ex/El-level Session skill off of Axe. You can remove Itsuki from the active cast!........................................ ....on NG+ only. 😑 Back to XC2, today's breakfast, lunch, and dinner for me, but not dessert, that's carrot cake.
  20. They're in Colony 6 to be precise, I think a lady researcher NPC there is making them, some other person comments on the smell. There is an "Other" page in the Collectipedia I think where the Love Source belongs. Trade the researcher lady of a Glyph to get it, but only the kind that Lvl 100+ UMs drop, so the Love Source is not very useful, even though it is on paper universally good for boosting Affinity via gifting. And I'd be totally okay with shelving trading too, or just slashing the number of NPC traders to a select few. Not helping is the roaming nature of XC1 NPCs, as realistic as it was, which was a headache we can agree. Shame we can't have something like this be possible: I think thats as far away as Ophion is. I'm not talking about the ease of slaying here.
  21. Thank you for reminding me of this. Just one Love Source is worth 3000 Trust, which if you have three Rare Blades to use it on, means 9000 Trust total. Insanely good, even with the foraging for ingredients. Not to mention I had ten of them on hand I hadn't used that was part of the DLC pack. Thank goodness they invented these, because grind Trust would've otherwise been a total bother. I also like a little minor carryover, since if you forget, Love Sources were in XC1 for Affinity building between characters. Albeit you had to trade an item that only superbosses gave. Managed to beat Dino Drama on Normal first try, rather precarious at points because I was slow killing the reinforcements, and I had a time when Nia and Zeke fell in short order, but it's done and the XC1 duo is freed. Looking at Zenobia's Affinity Chart, an Alrestian hit list, fun. Still better than music lessons, and maybe dumplings if one is using some outside assistance. I remember you said Zenobia was good against UMs, but I was not expecting this. I took a look at Ophion because I was curious. I gotta say Ophion looks cool, but it is underutilized. X2 Skell-centric superboss please.
  22. I'm tired of dragons, I'd take fairies in a mainline FE instead actually, just no LotR-copied Orcs, Dwarves and Elves.
  23. Fair counterpoint, I concede on the dyings I had forgotten.😅 At the end of the day, King Batu Khan's slow death is what must be considered the irregularity, a bigger picture detail like Gen 2 taking a year takes priority. Be it only a cage trying to hold back the contradictions created by going so darned big with the maps and not making everything narratively harmonious at such a scale. This reminds me, how many Loptian Emperors were there again the ~140 year history of the Loptous Empire? I know thats a tiny detail they seriously fudged and didn't think through.
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