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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. *Sees this* *Gets reminded of these*: *Laments they aren't ever leaving Japan*🙁 It's less than a month until the January 17th TMS#FE Encore release. I intend to do a Lunatic run at that time, for the spirit of it. And, if anyone needs a little help, outside of the new stuff, I'll be able to offer some.
  2. Sorry if I forced you to finish it. I didn't mean to. I can understand your points, the game isn't perfect I'll certainly say. If I'm at all vocal about it, it's because it is so very FE, so those who are willing to emulate and don't mind older games should give it try. If it others mentioned it more, I wouldn't take bring it up once in a while as I do. But, I admit this game not being directly part of the FE franchise means it isn't capable of being woven into more discussion. I'm eagerly waiting for Berwick Saga's translation to be finished, but that game looks sooooooo different from typical FE. Still, the differences draw me towards it. Well, Star Wars is ubiquitous in fantasy being the big name it is. Other JRPGs have borrowed from it, Final Fantasy IV has Golbez its Darth Vader knockoff, and an airship called Falcon (another is named Enterprise- Star Trek). FFVI added two notable goons named Biggs and Wedge. Earthbound did a namedrop with the Sky Walker (Sky Runner in the translation b/c legal fears). Grahf being inspired by Vader should would be no surprise, particularly given... And, Xenogears references less-gigantic sci-fi things, Childhood's End being the big one. It looks like the choice of locating the Zohar of XS in Africa is because of 2001: A Space Odyssey put one of its monoliths there. XCX has Back to the Future references, and one for Alien, and the three giant sandworm (Sabula) Tyrants get their names taken from Dune. They're photon sabers! Yes Six Stars makes ones called Lightblade, but these are not Lightsabers™️. I do not think either the former LucasFlims and definitely not the current owner of Disney would permit "lightsaber" to enter the public domain. I did make the Monado comparison back when XC1 was the only XC around, and not being into Star Wars (but not against it either), I envisioned the Monado vs. lightsaber duels always in favor of the awesome clairvoyant Monado user. Which isn't entire inaccurate -as long as the world has ether for the Monado to manipulate/read (and it might be able to generate some). The Monado does have metal components though, which a lightsaber could effortlessly cut through. However (XC1 SPOILERS!)... And, on the topic of Star Wars, I just read about this little thing. Not sure if you've ever seen it.:
  3. You managed to distract Galzus? Interesting, I didn't think that was possible and hurried to the escape in a tight but enjoyable fashion, with everything obtained. I forget how much is said in Thracia itself, but Galzus is the son of Ayra's unnamed elder half-sister. The fact he bears a brand means he is in fact a Major Odo to boot, as you seem to understand. Rivough, Galzus's domain, was the "kingdom" within the greater Kingdom of Issach that I believe was actually responsible for the desecration of Darna that led to the Issach Campaign that kicked off FE4. Perhaps it was only in response to the Darna attack that Manaan, before he got assassinated that he attacked Rivough. Of course, Manfroy didn't want to the truth to come to light, and nobody knows if he actually manipulated Rivough into the Darna attack in the first place, sounds possible to me without any evidence though. Assuming a politically arranged marriage instead of a love-based one for Ayra's half-sister, I wouldn't think Manaan would've destroyed Rivough if he didn't absolutely have to. You don't go handing your royal daughter to just anyone, you do it to secure alliances. Also, don't forget Galzus has Astra and Luna, Ayra and Chulainn combined. The guy is insanely blessed. Fun fact, Chapter 6 has a rather notable change if you didn't go to Chapter 4x.: Ced and a generic Magi Squad shows up on turn 5 to help Leif escape, they'll fight until turn 9, at which point they'll start to flee, exit, the green arrow. So no help against the Cav reinforcements or Galzus. -But this is totally not worth not getting Asbel unless you're a draft/LTC nut, even if magic swords can fill in him for him against the dreaded gates/thrones. Maybe it'd be more worth it if Ced kept Galzus from showing up- Forseti should be a match for him. Ced and his generic soldier say only five lines total, and Leif none in response to this help. If Thracia ever gets remade, fix it so Ced always shows up here please, it sounds like a potentially dramatic addition. Difficulty won't be huge issue if he still leaves before the reinforcements arrive.
  4. Thank you for the advice! I know nothing of stats so I'll keep the Luck thing in mind. As I will training Yggdra, who is definitely the weakest of the three characters I have so far. Thats possible, I was only citing what Celica said on the matter. Maybe it's irrelevant for the XCXverse, maybe Celica is foreshadowing some great alien race thats responsible for this "coincidence" (Samaarians?). Well there are plans to SPOILERS... And, the pets look pretty realistic: That is the table in the barracks where everyone gathers during story chapters to discuss the mission at hand. And unless Elma is at an HtH location, her usual place is here leaning forward over the table. But the cat doesn't care, and maybe Elma allows it. You do have three picks each for your one dog or cat in the barracks. Labrador, Dalmatian, Beagle for the dog; Silver Tabby, Abyssinian, Calico for the cat. You can swap between any of them as you want. You have to unlock them all, one notable normal mission for the first ones to explain and introduce the pets, and then some minor ones for the rest, like this one.: A dog, in northeast Cauldros, as far as practically possible from NLA, atop a floating mining frigate, even in Brimstone Rain weather. How?
  5. And admittedly, there was a lot of class EXP gained as a result, allowing three of my units to get Death Blow, one on a gauntlet user, and two Wyvern Riders. The player phase damage increase from that + WR Str minimum + Axefaire turned Ashe from a party balloon into a ORKOing machine. Although me ignoring the monastery and seminars I'm getting the impression is why by Byleth has nonexistent weapon ranks outside of Sword, Gauntlets, and Authority. I only pass it by because I'm not into life sim stuff like Persona. -- Decided to try out a very different SRPG of old that I've been wanting to experience over the years.: The game is giving good tutorials three-five fights in, but it's also challenging. I came a just hair short of losing the second part of the third battle, I was on my last card. Though the third phase was cake. Nice artstyle and decent VA work is pleasant too.
  6. Auxiliary battles draw from a limited pool of maps, some but not all appearing the main story, though most of the paralogues tend to be set on those handfuls of maps auxiliaries can use. There is also the problem all paths sharing the exact same maps until Chapter 11 at least, and Black Eagles the side you didn't pick is nearly identical in maps to Golden Deer from what I've read. Also, auxiliary battles do level you a lot. Going into Chapter 14 Blue Lions, most of my units are about level 30 and things are a breeze. The only reason I had to reset this fight is because I got too carelessly aggressive and it Ashe got killed, which I could Pulse to undo, were it not for the boss suddenly moving and suiciding into Seteth, thereby winning the fight and preventing me from rewinding to bring Ashe back. I ain't letting my hubby stay dead, I'm replaying this map.😡 But, the only reason I do an aux battle every weekend, is because I don't want to touch monastery exploration and activities, so I compensate for any loss of benefits from that with EXP.
  7. What are you talking about? We need Male Byleth to slash off the backside of his open-front dress so we can see his hot crest buns in booty-shorts motion.😜
  8. If you have anyone who can reasonably dodgetank them, you can send them in and watch most of the dragons breathe each other dead as they try to hit you. They won't move unless you get into the range of anyone of them, but once you do, they'll all move. You'll just have to move around the dragons. One of those dragons has a Dragon Scale for that +40 Def/Res you've seen on the guardian dragons. How to fight that? Simple, get Runan to the sword, that is the lone thing able to pierce a Dragon Scale. It also halves Breath damage. You'll need that sword in the final battle, as you will Holmes's, infinite uses means you can swing away though for what little game remains to use them. Chapter 35 is really weird by FE standards, it's a battle that never should have happened, and the villagers hate you despite being their native liberators. You didn't have to go for the awesome Canaan Lance, thats more a bonus, the Gladiators were there to erode it away if Julius was too strong with it. As for the accuracy problem, it's because those Gladiators have the Mug skill- which causes all allies with 3 spaces to lose a lot of Hit and Evade. The Gladiators are technically NPC allies, so that hurts you just as it does them if you get too close. --- True, here is hoping to X2 making things better. X did dabble with into party-wide Affinity Missions, since while Phog and Frye start with separate Affinity Missions for their recruitment, they both feature together in "A Great Divide" (though you can only pick one to come with your team), and "Brotherly Love" does have you bringing both with you on a mission. But this was the only case of two-character Affinity Missions not Lin & Elma (though Irina does play an unplayable role in Murderess's third). And, an animal guide from the Heart-to-Hearts, since everybody but Nagi and Yelv require you put a dog or cat in your barracks for one HtH of their's. Just a guide as to what we know of everyone.: Dogs 🐶: Alexa- Proposes using the robot dog A.I. (since none of the dogs and cats in NLA are real) in Skells. She says she studied behavioral sciences before she got on the White Whale too and became a Skell fanatic, she doesn't say it, but it's possible that behavioral science involved some dog studying. Boze- Proposes NLA build East Asian dog statues to defend NLA from evil, doesn't understand the statues were of lions. Or that the statues don't shoot laser from their mouths. Doug- Likes dogs and pets in general b/c they remind him of the old life on Earth, doesn't have the time, money, or patience for one. Frye- Had a foxhound until it died when he was 10. Loved the dog and going hunting with it. Proposes that robot military dogs be made by NLA, but then regrets the idea because he'd hate to see the dogs get destroyed by indigens, even if they aren't real. Phog was too afraid to go near the dog. Gwin- Was envious of a pampered Yorkshire Terrier that lived in his neighborhood because its family was always there for it, while his parents were usually gone. Later got a dog to be less lonely himself. H.B- Dogs remind him that of the peaceful and relaxing future he dutifully wishes to bring to NLA. And he's more grateful for meeting your dog than you. Hope- Dogs like her, thinks they're a step towards recreating life as it was on Earth. Would love to see the return of all animals from Earth. Irina- Wants dogs and pets in general to like her, but none ever have liked her, choose the right answer and she can finally get a chance to pet one. Lao- Had a dog that died when he was young, loved it, but taught him of the inevitability of death and powerlessness, which seeing dogs continues to evoke in him. Lin- Loves dogs, dogs love her. Unsure if she loves other animals too. Mia- Seems to prefer to getting a dog if she could get a robo pet. However, that is highly unlikely, due to the requirements being 1000 missions completed and owing a house just get an interview for the possibility of a pet, plus a price-tag higher than a car. Thats the latest technology for you. Cross is a special case pet owner. Murderess- Wants a pet that matches her personality and can keep up with her, thus she thinks she is more of a dog person, doesn't care about pedigree or breeding. Cats 😺: Celica- Likes cats. Had cats that were only slightly different from Earth ones on her home planet (Qlu). Very bizarre given the sheer intergalactic distance between her planet and Earth, an oddity like that of her and humans being not too different despite the distances. Elma- Had a Siamese on Earth. Would stroke its chin on her days off as it sat on her lap while she was reading. Cats have a capricious nature, like humanity, her own cat included who scratch everything up, and Elma loved it for that nature. L- Wants to eat a cat. But upon explanation by Cross wants one as a pet to explore the diversity of humanity thats its strength. Mia- Likes playing with yarn like a cat, so they have stuff in common, but she doesn't want one, too predictable. Used to be called "Mia-yoooow!" by some mechanics, annoying her. Murderess- Likes animals in general, but not a cat person. Phog- Despises cats, they always want to claw at his face. Tries to start anew with the robo cats on Mira, but is unsure if they'll ever get along. Frye hates cats too. So there are only two sincere cat lovers, Elma and Celica, compared to five with dog preferences: Frye, Gwin, Lao, Mia, and Murderess. True! Even if it's all the official art just juxtaposed together, I appreciate it. Celica and Rock are unexpected, but it's a lovely holdover from the time when they were going to be more important.
  9. Mira Survey 100.00% Complete! And yes, those lights reflecting off my TV's side are Christmas lights. I wrapped up every last Heart-to-Heart, they were nice. Turns out Phog is afraid of going up to shopkeepers and buying things, he is sooooooooo Asperger's Syndrome mildly autistic like me! A rare bird of the same feather.🙃 I have to like him more for this. After doing Doug's HtHs, I discovered with only Elma's HtHs and two Affinity Missions left that I was missing something for two hexes. Turned out from an online guide that the Divine Nopopon appears in NLA after you've done its titular quest, but only for the few hours labeled "late night". Talking to Nopopon, they revealed bothered by a gecko-skinned creature who captured it and did electrical tests on it, he asked me how to smite the menace, and the two choices revealed the menace was a Ma-non. My recommend form of smiting?🍕🍕🍕 It actually worked talking to Nopopon again. This filled one hex. The other hex required I finish Lionheart, so I went and did that mission. Nine level 50 Wrothian Caladars later, three fought on foot to remind myself of ground combat, and the mission was done, short and not bad. The normal mission unlocked from Lionheart involved a Wrothian hounding an NLA human woman and pointing a sword at her. No biggie, the Wrothian only want a sword as a kitchen knife and to learn the arts of cooking delicious food.🍛🍲🍗 Wrothians are boring warriors who eat only to live and fight, but now one is a chef. After this was Elma's HtHs I noticed SPOILERS: And then, the finale was Elma's second Affinity Mission. It was touching, and looped the game back to the very beginning when Elma spoke of standing now at the same location, the one where on her very first venture on Mira, she in her Skell looked back at NLA as the sun was setting. The level 60 Ictus was a fun fight, but the subsequent one against two level 80 Sphinxes, very large creatures, took too long. I parked my Skell too far away for me to want to run to it. Most of my attacks missed based purely on the enemies having more Evasion than I Accuracy. But thanks to Reflect and TP Overdrive + augments, I maintained an invincible Overdrive the whole time and killed the beasts. Definitely the hardest Affinity Mission in the game though. Ghost Factory obtained for Cross! And, a worthy final mission as I had arranged it. I immediately saved and returned to BLADE Barracks, where I was greeted by the above image. After that, I was greeted with this image just so happening to have Chapter 12 SPOILERS! in it:
  10. My major problem with 3H map design, besides 1-11 being the same regardless of route, is the nonaggression of the enemies. Fend off the first wave, and usually thats it, the rest is yours to pick apart as you want to, they won't budge an inch barring reinforcements if you don't move into their range. Sure I could just try to find ways to plow forward faster to create challenge, and this is nothing exclusive to 3H, but it made things feel a bit boring that I just ignore swathes of map later on. Nonetheless, I'm on my third playthrough of the game, if just to experience them all. Made to the BL timeskip.
  11. Because it hasn't been spoken of yet, FE3 is pretty bad for Armors yet again. Draug has earlygame use in both Books 1&2 for his high Def. But his dirt Def growth combined with other units gaining sufficient durability over time meant he wanes as the game progresses. Book 2 furthermore has dragon breath negating your Def, making Draug's one good point meaningless. Which is undermined by everyone being able to have good Def via that 40% Def growth boosting Cancer Star Shard. Lorenz and Sheena are both rather bad, even if Lorenz when Warped can almost solo Michalis's chapter with Gradvius and the Star and Light -spheres. Armor Knights being the only ones to use Gradivus indoors b/c dismounting does little to help Armors. Being locked to nothing but Lances hurts them, because Javelins aren't very useful with their 20 Wt, and the weapon type on the whole being heavier than Swords means Draug can't double for a long while. Book 2 has yet another problem for Lances- no Dragonpikes exist, Archers can shoot Wyverns down, Mages can sling a lot of effective magics, and Swords have Wyrmslayers to slay everything, Draug has no good way of fighting any dragons. TearRing Saga, to contribute on that spiritual FE, did not do a good job with Armors either. Norton has a bad start, but promote him ASAP and you'll have a good and mobile Great Knight on outdoors maps. Billford and Zachariah though are stuck being Generals, which does them little good, although Zachariah has solid bases. Tomas and Hagar exist as Artillerymen, but other than Tomas and Arena grinding, 3 Move means these things are getting nowhere in serious play. Bowlocked means they don't exactly enemy-phase either. The best tank in this game is Rishel and Sunflame I can half-seriously say. And though I'm waiting on Berwick Saga's translation to be finished, I'm aware Derrick the lone true Armor Knight is considered the game's joke unit. Although Daoud and Marcel, who seem Armor-ish, don't fare so badly I think, more so Daoud. And Wolf/Sedgar as Generals doing some chokepointing isn't a bad way to handle the harder difficulties of FE11 if you're going slow. At until the very end when Manaketes start having more than 24 Spd, which is like the third/second to last fight. As for FE12, I think a dip in General is workable on Hard for parts of the game. And Lunatic makes room for General too, but only in the short-term, its terrible Spd might make very very bad later though. Are you sure IS just wasn't afraid of Dalsin? 😛 I almost think there are as many Hammers as Iron Axes in this game.
  12. So is this Hajimari no Kiseki ("Trails of the Beginning") supposed to be the start of the next story arc? https://www.siliconera.com/the-legend-of-heroes-hajimari-no-kiseki-announced-for-ps4-releases-summer-2020-in-japan/ Given Japan already has CS4, I guess it's not too soon for another 2-4 game journey to begin?
  13. Nintendo don't like merchandise money very much unless Pokemon. They've never ever made Luma plushies for the mass market- something that should sell like hotcakes. And it took them until November this year to establish a single physical store in Japan. They need to put out more. Not sure how FE should be a part of a merchandise expansion though. It ain't cute enough and constantly has new casts nobody can cling to like Mario, Kirby, or Isabelle forever. Though I'd like FE and Xenoblade to each occupy some tiny slice of the mass market merchandise pie. More than just high-price collector's figures. Some awesome t-shirts would be enough.
  14. Went through nearly all the Heart-to-Hearts in XCX, not bad, definitely shorter and less dynamic than XC2's partly because you only have one person who speaks in the conversation b/c Cross is silent barring choices. But all added up, they do an okay job of fleshing out everyone a touch more. And, I wish I could've gotten some high quality screenshots or short videos, the sight of Celica and Rock sitting atop and a building watching the stars, H.B. doing one-handed pushups. Nothing glorious, but lightly charming moments. I'll casually finish the rest tomorrow, refight Telethia (b/c the game outright says defeating it in a mission won't count for filling a certain hex, but it'll be no different, no harder the second time), and crown things off with the two last Affinity Missions, and I'll be done with this game. Considering the Switch has little internal memory, one almost certainly will buy a micro SD card for a Switch if they don't stick to purely physical games. And I'd think most micro SDs would come with a free adapter for insertion into any computer. "Zeus is real and totally pissed at you!" *Fires the Voltaic Tusk* Ben Diskin is also arguably the best VA for Male Cross in XCX. He really put his personality into the Joker voice, for the Skell lines in particular. 0:00 Male Heroic (Yuri Lowenthal) 1:48 Male Joker (Ben Diskin) 4:46 Male Rebel (Keith Silverstein) 7:33 Male Rookie (Bryce Papenbrook) 9:50 Male Studious (Robbie Daymond) 11:53 Male Classic (Adam Howden) 13:49 Male Warrior (Dan Woren) 16:22 Female Heroic (Tara Platt) 18:47 Female Independent (Kira Buckland) 20:48 Female Joker (Kate Higgins) 23:47 Female Mature (Mary Elizabeth McGlynn) 25:53 Female Peppy (Cristina Valenzuela) 28:38 Female Classic (Carina Reeves) 31:05 Female Soldier (Erin Fitzgerald)
  15. Well I changed my avi on this site weeks ago. And my home has been decorated for just as long, but I'm not doing anything particularly special for Christmas. Just the nuclear family. I really do love the Christmas season and spirit though, I really absolutely love it. I should do more than I presently do to celebrate it. I'll share this image though, taken from a game, that I think kinda suits this time of year:
  16. After Chapter 30, you will be able to use the Dakruon atop the Tower of Morse to resurrect dead allies, up to 3. If anyone dies after this, they cannot be resurrected, although it might be possible to resurrect them after the final battle if you have any Dakruon uses left- but don't take my word on this. As long as you don't head north towards you intended destination after Morse, you'll be able to grind and catch the formerly dead up to level if you want to use them. Garo is generally considered an eh unit, so he's not bad for a sacrifice. The game doesn't tell you this, but Roger will never attack women, so surrounding him with female units can keep him from harming you.
  17. Nope, never is everyone's fatigue relieved. You'll always have to be rotating in and out, though a good melee unit can usually go 2-3 fights before hitting the point of being unable to fight in the next battle. I didn't find it so bad in practice, and if anything, I over-rotated my units for fear what awaited me next (which is why I also alternated my saves between two files- which wasn't ever necessary). Never though of how unrealistic-ish it can seem to have the weariness of one battle always carry straight on into the next. A few full fatigue restores wouldn't be the worst idea to add. Whilst I'm not a believer supports were the remedy to all characterization issues, they did absolutely help. So praise be due to Binding Blade there and hope they get added to Thracia in a remake. Also, if you wanted to consider playing TearRing Saga, chronologically it's the next game to be released. 24th May 2001 compared to Binding Blade's 29th March 2002. Player accessibility/good user interface is between these two games I'd say. I'd say TRS is ironmannable, and not particularly hard, if anything it leans on the easy side, though there are a few "what the heck were they thinking?!" moments in map design (not to say FE6 doesn't have them- Hi C14!). There are a ton of goodies, little events and even a few characters who you might miss going in blind. I doubt if you played it you'd rank it highly, but I wouldn't call it terrible either. More a middle-of-the-pack game for me. -Not pushing TRS on you, I'm only making a statement about it. If you try this at the end of your FE marathon, you might find it hard to adjust to after constant UI/quality of life improvements culminating in Fates/SoV. Oh, and I'd add the after battle scene in Chapter 4 really is good. To think that those monstrosities of gameplay were right there the entire time, and had they noticed/went after you, could have swatted everyone down with the sway of an eyelash.
  18. Interesting arrangement, I can understand it. I do find Perceval a little redundant with Perun, although she's more serious justice and he's kiddy (and the "blue flames!" HtH is kinda bad). I'm unsure of what to think of Gorg, but I agree Wulfric is good. For my arrangement of the spoilers: And yeah, one should leave the old Xenoblade trio out of this. I'd move up Boreas myself, despite that weird "half-rabbit head sitting in a bird's nest". Although Merc Missions count him as humanoid, his design is far less humanoid than the rest and thats diverse to me. Finch too is weird, they look better in 2D than 3D, but I do like the avian look overall. Newt on the other hand gets a small boost going from 2D to 3D. And Dahlia and Nix are doomed either way. On the costumes front, I bought a bunch of them, only the ones I really wanted b/c I didn't feel like grinding. Swinsuits for Rex and Nia, the Aveh eyepatchers for Zeke, Morag's Niall-inspired wear, and Buster Mode Tora. I was considering Zeke's swimsuit, but the tie kills it for me, why does he have it? I will say that: By the way, the communications log in XCX that got discovered? An NPC said it was French and Japanese, though that could've been that BLADE's blind guess or casual phrasing for a foreign language they didn't understand (like the Shakespeare expression "it was Greek to me"). I'd be interested in knowing what the original Japanese script says here. NLA being New Los Angeles, a ship flying the American flag, the canon language regardless of game translation should be English I expect. What would a Japanese-French ship be? New Tokyo or New Paris? New Parikyo? New French Polynesia? Not that there has to be a city based on a real life one in the ark ship.
  19. There is a visual novel I'm remind of with that axey image. I never played it, but I read enough about it. I have started up a little BL run, same parameters as my GD and BE. The new cast is working okay: By started strong but slow (odd, usually mine are fast), but thats changing. Dim has great stats. Ded is doing well with War Master as the end goal. 'Lix has been doing well with a Bow, ORKOing-strong without a Battalion (though only for now, higher tier Battalions should change that), though he isn't gaining Spd. Ing is showing some promise, but needs time to actualize it. Falco for her, just to try one instead of another Wyvern. Merc and 'Ette are solid healers/mages. 'Vain oddly has 13 Str and 13 Mag. Is he Str screwed, or Mag blessed, or both? Whatever it is, he is going WR/L regardless. Low Def sadly. Ashe is also destined for WR/L, a palliative for his getting lousy levels. No matter, he looks sorta cute, so he's getting used. @Armagon thanks for the NG+ Blade HtHs, I didn't thank you earlier. I've completed all the Blade Quests and HtHs minus T-elos's too. Though Poppibuster says I'm still 5 HtHs short, and I need to do another little recon scene with Elma, and all the DLC quests. The Rare Blade quantity does detract a little from their quality (something begun with XCX), and their designs can be a mixed bag. Newt's personality compensates for some design flaws, and Dahlia tries to. Meanwhile, I'd place Nix and Kora toward the bottom of my Blade preferences, and probably Azami. The top tiers are difficult to identify, though Mythra and Brighid should be up there, as should Haze. I forget Tornan Aegaeon too much for me to judge Aegaeon's overall placement. Pandoria ended up being unexpectedly a good character in tandem with Zeke. Crossette gets points for earlygame greatness, and Corvin gets points for being incredibly awesome in gameplay too, neither is annoying personality-wise either. Vess had a very... well... real quest. Poppibuster makes me want Nopon Skells in X2 (and let us use Wrothian Caladars too, maybe even a Ganglion Almandal).
  20. I was surprised to learn Dedue is only 18. I assumed from his hair and facial structure that he was 53 and sent to protect the son of his liege while they were away from home and to keep him catching the madness that befell his great-uncle Laerti while he studied and frolicked aboard. I assumed the same of Hubert as well, how is he in his late teens?
  21. A coping mechanism? "Daddy who I try my hardest to please couldn't have sent assassins, they must be surprise St. Elimine's Day patissiers!"
  22. Chapter 5 is definitely one of the more difficult ones early on. And as in some other FEs, the earlygame can be a special kind of difficult that later chapters lack, due to fewer options. I've heard Maddening makes grinding extra battles very difficult, to the point where you don't want to do them. Kinda like Awakening in that regard. I think I want to start my BL run soon, but first I want to wrap up the four remaining Blade Quests in XC2. And maybe the DLC bundled quests too, since some require multiple Rare Blades and I'm interested in knowing if they gain some more characterization from them. So maybe not tomorrow for my third 3H run.
  23. Actually, not just because of the above artwork I posted, but putting her and Arion in a duo unit wouldn't be the worst idea. The two are close, and together they'd have a Njorun-Dainn reincarnated vibe. Arion would be better as the "support" but ideally they'd get Gae Bolg & Gungnir as their wepaon with innate Brave effect so you can have both of them stab things. And, it resolves a minor issue concerning the implementation of Arion and his father in FEH. Neither has been added yet, rather late into the game, and, both are Lance Fliers with same statlines and same signature weapon. How much time would have to exist between their releases for it be justifiable to chuck an adjective onto the latter's Gungnir to indicate it has different effects? Making Travant independently playable and Arion part of a duet would resolve this. Although making Travant GHB and Arion pullable would be an alternative solution.
  24. The brackets around the word escape are in the Japanese version actually. The Shaya/Fire Lizard old patch didn't get that. I'd say it for sure, but because Project Exile is presently undergoing a final-final rendition of the translation after having done a little player-peer review, they took down the PDF scripts of every chapter until the final finaler finalest ultimate ne plus ultra version is done. It's just a little tweaking.
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