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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. In this interview, Igarashi set a rule for Bloodstained bosses.: That is...the developer who creates the boss must beat their own boss without taking a hit and only using a dagger! (We almost didn't make it...) A bad thing or a good thing? It's good in that it means a player of any skill and preparation levels should be able to defeat a boss. The problem is that in practice, people will have more than the bare minimum. And does not taking into consideration what that extra stuff may likely include, make the bosses therefore too easy or simple? And is anyone up to trying out Igarashi's rule themselves?
  2. The right is a translation of the left. Now you know how to translate that into Japanese.
  3. Has a quote in their sig suggesting Michigan weather is inconstant and temperamental.
  4. Will receive a belated happy birthday! But unfortunately I can't send you my Wii U + XCX as it collects dust.
  5. Because he has a not totally confident, yet willing to fight ordinary man look. And he a ballistician some of the time, those are cool. I just gave up cable and swapped to streaming services, why do I feel so sad?
  6. Would Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life count? Not sure if its a good HM, never played more than a few days due to boredom, but reading of it online, well... it gets me.
  7. The IRL case of J. Edgar Hoover- first and longest serving FBI Director, who blackmailed people for being gay, but might have himself been gay. It's a controversial topic though, with no clear answer. As for the artist for this game doing yaoi and otome, that was other things. This is FE. Remember, Whats-His-Name for Awakening and Fates had to go out of his comfort zone due to demands of the art director. What the upper brass wants takes precedent over personal artistic interests, unless the two work well together/the artist is told to be free.
  8. Ensuring high growths proc is good enough for me. Since you won't be using a character for the stats they have low growths in. Who counts on Barthe gaining their 1 Res point on average when planning their strategies? Dynamic Growths could fix or mend things like the Revelation Lunatic Paladin!Xander of mine, who proc'ed Def only twice by level 20 despite a 50% growth. Xander is supposed to be tanky, I needed him to be tanky, he failed to be tanky, Dynamics would make that less likely to happen. It's the middlin' yet important stats for certain units, namely those who have borderline Spd, that Dynamic Growths in practice would possibly fail to help enough. On Biorhythm, I've become convinced IS hasn't brought back the mechanic, because they found other ways of doing similar. By that, I mean: Lucky Seven, Fast/Slow Burn, Even/Odd bioRhythm, Evenhanded/Odd Shaped, Better Odds/Even Better, and FEH's Odd/Even Waves. All of those skills feature inconstant boosts, they come and they go according to the turn count. That is just like Biorhythm. The difference, is that these are optional due to having to be obtained and equipped, and they never inflict penalties- the problem with RD's version of Biorhythm.
  9. Maybe someone should make a dedicated 3H Japanese-English Comparison Topic. That way all the back and forth comparison done on SF, and taken from elsewhere on the interwebs, can be discussed in an orderly fashion in one place.
  10. I decided to save Echidna for whenever I do a Hard Mode playthrough, since she is supposed to be the better unit. And Sacae was chosen for similar reasons of difficulty. Although there was no real choice about which route I'd take. Shanna and Tate were simply too difficult to raise. The only units I did train up were Rutger, Deke, Melady, Lance, Alan, Sin, and Lugh (BORING! I know). In other words, if you needed real effort, I pretty much skipped you as being Too Much Effort, on Normal. My liking for good prepromotes made that choice not so hard.
  11. Platonic love is fine. Not all deep friendships have to turn to sex. And on the hetero side, deep strictly friendships between two people might be needed more. But of course, FE didn't need platonism, it's nice, better than nothing but hetero, but including LGBTQ+ relationships is even better. And is anyone really expecting support convos to be patched in later? What explicit evidence has been given that would do that? Why include more writing of that sort? I'd expect that if more writing was added via DLC, it'd be things like the Scrambles from Awakening, not new actual Supports.
  12. To do a chapter blow-by-blow: FE7: FE8: FE6, note that I've only played this once, so no Hard, nor Echidna Western Isles or Ilia: Doing these individual chapter breakdowns makes me realize very few maps in FE are so remarkable and amazing that they evoke strong emotions from me. But FE is still good. Average is enough to be good?
  13. I've only beaten X1, though I got X4 and X5 dirt cheap on my PS3. I never completed as much as one boss on either of those however (getting through the stages wasn't the problem; similarly it took me many tries to succeed against Chill Penguin- unintentional reverse boss difficulty curve much?). I also tried MMZ Collection years ago, only to discover all I could handle was Easy Mode Scenario, which is so shameful to say that I think X and Zero would agree to unhesitatingly slaughter me as less than human or reploid. I have read up on much more than what I've played, however. And in that way, I do have some liking for MMX. Action games and iOS wouldn't go well together I think. An actual controller is important for this genre. Nonetheless, as a semi-Mega Man fan, I'd give this presumably FtP game a try. But could they please include MMZ Zero's design in some way? No offense, but those ginormous feet. The boots that were made to mash coconuts, I have mixed feelings on them. Classic Mega Man, Proto Man, Bass, X, Zero, Axl, probably most of the Robot Masters (Mavericks I'm not sure of), are all steel bigfoots. They feel dated, in both bad and good ways.: The feet speak of the IRL era when the Classic and X Mega Man series were being made, they're old "retro", like the NES and SNES. And for Classic in particular, where robot technology is still "primitive", symbolized by the lack of fully independent thought and consciousness X achieved, the huge boots can be interpreted as a rudimentary solution to the "balancing problem" which IRL bipedal humanoid robots have had. Big feet let Mega Man stand in the absence of sophisticated lightweight materials and internal structuring that can bear the weight of the upper body better, since the feet by being so big are very heavy, lowering the center of gravity. On the other hand, the feet are just ugly design. They're prominent and bland, repeated over and over again for the hero Robots/Reploids, and eliminating any notion of sleekness in their forms. X and Zero have the good excuses of being highly advanced old technology, even if their living era is more advanced than Classic's. Yet, Axl has no such excuse, being a 2nd Gen Reploid makes it even worse. MMZ Zero's design might have faults like absence of arm cannon, bad color scheme, and or a hideous head and torso, I can see people saying these things within argumentative reason. Nonetheless, the overall decline in bulkiness, much owed to the removal of those ridiculous red boots, is a pro to counter the cons of the new design. MMZero is thin, lithe, and were it not for the fact that it has been retconned as Zero's canon design for all of Zero's existence while not de-canonizing the old design, it would symbolize that finally, technology in the Robot Megaverse has advanced to a certain point. -I felt like using this topic to get that out of my system.
  14. Ideally, yes, I'll agree with that. Nothing of importance, unless the developer wants it to be intentionally left ambiguous, should be left out of a game. Having to place information in supplementary material, is better than nowhere at all, but not as good as having it in the game itself. Since the majority of players will not likely read the supplementary material. Although Genealogy comes from an era, where fitting in all desired information, while I would not say was impossible, was harder than subsequent ones. A remake of Genealogy should be held to higher standards with far greater storytelling experience and resources available for IS. Kaga was willing to give definite answers for many things when asked, but he did also leave some room open for fan imagination. For instance, from this interview: "Heuga: By the way, Lewyn was referred to as ‘Forseti of the Wind’ and had a strange air to him; so is he related to the dragons? Kaga’s comment: This is actually one of my favourite themes, and I won’t give a definite answer. You can put the pieces you learn together in different ways depending on how you play the game. It might be that, in Seliph’s chapter, the dragonkind borrowed Lewyn’s consciousness for the moment; or, if Lewyn was killed in Sigurd’s chapter, the Lewyn that appears in Seliph’s chapter could be an actual dragon acting as his substitute." Unfortunately, it is not. It is only brought up in her character ending. Only there is the pact she made named, but when and how she made it is left unexplained. It did take her memories, from whenever she lost them, to seven years after Thracia 776, and it concealed her Brand. It raises more questions than it does answers or interesting details. To the point that its worth asking why Eyvel was made to be Brigid. Although the interview I just linked states Kaga had a fondness for Brigid at the time of Genealogy, so it could be favoritism.
  15. Maybe to avoid a Ridersbane? Yeah, it's pretty worthless in FE4 to dismount, and there is a glitch even that'll possibly cause Seliph to get trapped in a map's corner if you do it, so I hear. Dismounting just unpromotes him to his base class, until you choose to have him mount again. Forseti's affection for the Jugdrali continent led him to imbue some of his spirit in his tome, only Naga and Loptyr did the same, the other dragons did not. Here:
  16. From a scientific perspective, it would mean something significant is absorbing the blue light I think, or reflecting away the blue light. Scientists would with curiosity and concern explore why this has happened. The masses could go into more outright panic, or a sense of wonder. A sea-green would likely result in more aesthetic appreciation than mass panic. As the aesthetic loss of the blue color normally associated with the sky, I'm fine with a change for a time. Did anyone ever make a Three Houses parody based on the HGTV show House Hunters?
  17. I feel sorry that Bloodstained was somewhat disappointing. Although I'm still going to get it whenever they patch up the Switch version. I'm aware of Hollow Knight, I watched the Switch trailers for both it and its sequel. But the difficulty I've heard might be a little steep for me.
  18. Fortunately, I took a screenshot.: This was taken from the ending, after Lewyn spoke with his son and heir. Preceding this after Lewyn says goodbye to his son, Seliph says "From the bottom of our hearts, thank you." Which Lewyn follows by saying "I did only my duty, Seliph. I am the wind, a wind fated to guide the beating light of life." That is as eloquent as Forseti-Lewyn ever speaks in Gen 2, whilst too poetic, I wish his dialogue was closer to this than normally is in Gen 2 as an aside.
  19. Hidden treasure for Part 4. https://serenesforest.net/radiant-dawn/miscellaneous/hidden-treasure/maps/part-4/ Well you're almost done with RD. You've made it through the end of Part 3, where things really fall apart. Part 4 isn't too long, 6 chapters and then the final battles. However, those six pre-final chapters are evenly divided among three armies: the Dawn Army, the Greil Army, and the Hawk Army. Each team gets access to the shared Convoy and everything in it, plus BEXP. Only the Hawk Army can forge however. Certain characters are forced onto each team, but you get to choose where everybody else goes. A few recommendations: Janaff and Ulki get a Base Conversation with a little gift if in the Hawk Army. Volug gets similar if in the Greil Army. A Base Convo in the Hawk Army changes based on whether Calill is in that group, not but alive, or is dead. No reward from it though. Tanith and Nealuchi get a few little lines if in the Dawn Army. And for gameplay recommendations: Put most fliers into the Dawn Army, you'll see why. This army isn't exactly good for training units. The Greil Army doesn't really care about much. But if you've strong units who wouldn't mind a little more EXP, this is a good place to put them. If you wish to bring anyone you like to the final battle and they happen to be currently underleveled, put them in the Hawk Army. This one is perfect for bringing them to tip-top shape. Now about Part 4 Final. This chapter is five stages long, each battle not too long in itself, with access to BEXP and the Convoy again (but no shopping) starting with the third stage. You cannot swap out characters between stages, so whoever you don't bring for the first stage, will have to sit things out for the rest. After the second stage, on all Beorc, equip their strongest weapon (SS ranks, forged Silvers, maybe Nosferatu or a siege tome) when the game tells you to. Do not equip a Staff at that moment, but of course there is no problem with using one after that. And since you're done with Part 3, this is an infamously hard to get, but well-noted boss convo if you have Tibarn fight Nailah somehow on 3-F:
  20. From what I'm aware, I haven't played it myself, but Berwick Saga has "bracketing". This places minimums and maximums on the core non Weapon Skill stats for a given level, whilst still have the 0-1 binary. The character Kramer must have at least 31 HP by level 13, while his HP cannot at that level exceed 37 for its value. On average, he will have 34 HP by that point. Different characters have different bracketing limits, Kramer's HP and Str have brackets of roughly +/-3, while his Spd and Def have brackets of +/-2. Sherlock on the other hand has brackets in all those stats of +/-1. Or, one could use the Dynamic Growths of Shadow Dragon. Every time you fail to proc a stat, its growth is increased by one-tenth of the growth, which accumulates until the stat is gained, at which point the Dynamic Growth increase is reset to nothing. Example, Abel as a Cavalier has a 50% Spd growth. If he fails to proc Spd, he gets 10% of 50% added to his Spd growth, which is 5%. So the next time Abel levels, he will have a 55% chance of getting Spd. If he doesn't get it, another 5% of Dynamic Growth is added to the base growth, so on the next level it'll be 60%. If he gains Spd then, the growth will reset to just plain old 50%.
  21. Thracia 776 would like to have a word with you. What word? Capture: If Unit's Con > opponent's Con, the initiating unit can attack at Range 1, and the initiating unit is not carrying another unit already, can perform a Capture by selecting the option on the player phase. If Capturing unit is mounted, can perform a capture regardless of Con. Under no circumstances can a unit that is mounted be Captured. Mounted units who have dismounted are Captureable however. Enemies will never dismount on their own though, and must be forced into dismounting via inflicting Sleep on them. Regardless of a mount or otherwise, enemy units with 20 Con cannot be captured, ever. To successfully Capture, a unit must reduce the enemy's HP to 0 in a round of combat. However, all non-HP/Lck/Con/Critical Coefficient stats of the Capturing unit are halved during that. Weapon Mt, Hit, and Crit are not halved; Support bonuses and terrain effects are not halved either. If an opponent lacks an equippable weapon or has been forced to disarm via Sleep or Silence, will be automatically Captured, with no round of combat involved. For player units, Capturing an armed enemy gives EXP equal to killing them, no EXP is given if they were unarmed. After a successful Capture, the Capturing unit will hold onto the Captured opponent. The Captured opponent will have 1 HP remaining, unless they were unarmed, in which case, they shall have as much HP as they had prior to being Captured. While holding onto a Captured unit, all non-HP/Lck/Con growable stats are halved. Move is also halved if the Captured unit's Con > half of the Capturing unit's Con. For enemies, if they Capture an ally, they automatically steal as much of that unit's inventory as they can hold. Personal weapons are not capable of being taken however. The enemy will then try to flee the map with the Captured ally, who is lost to the player until Chapter 21x if they are not at or after that point. At and beyond Chapter 21x, all Captured allies who are taken off the map are effectively dead. For the player, regardless of success or failure, Capture will end that unit's turn, barring re-movement on mounted units with leftover Move to use. Allies, the Capturer or otherwise, can then Trade with the Captured enemy and freely take away all items in their inventory. Allies can also Transfer the Captured enemy to each other. If a Captured unit was holding onto another unit, they will be dropped onto the nearest traversable space. The Release command will cause the enemy to be set free, thus allowing the player unit to have unhalved stats again, and Rescue an ally or Capture another enemy. Release will end the player unit's Turn. Regardless of what their inventory was like when Released, the enemy will then automatically flee the map, having been defeated, never to be seen again. Captured bosses have special Release quotes, but Releasing them affects absolutely nothing in narrative or gameplay. Due to a total lack thereof of: Chests holding Gold Bags, Gems, or Bullion Thieves holding the same Nice villagers willing to give the same, Eyvel being a tough no-allowance mother And being Finn worried about Leif hurting himself running a lemonade stand... ...Thracia 776 gives the player no direct Gold, nor items whose only purpose is to be sold for funds. All money must be obtained via selling normal items and or using the Arena after selling enough for the funds to gamble in it. Without any form of standard income, Leif's army cannot normally buy the weapons it needs. Instead, Leif's North Thracia Liberation Army must Capture and Steal (which requires Thief's Spd > opponents Spd, and Thief Con > Wt of item) to acquire the overwhelming majority of its weaponry and strategic arsenal of Staffs Of Massive Utility (SOMUs). In addition, Capturing is required to obtain the following characters and access the following chapters: Lithis Salem Trude (alternatively can be Talked to with Pan) Misha Chapter 8x- Which is necessary to re-recruit Dagdar and Tania. Chapter 12x- Which is necessary to recruit Pan, Tina, Trude, and class change Lara to Dancer. In addition, I have been told Capture and Releasing the Leonster Soldiers (not the Armors) in Chapter 18, will still allow the player to acquire the Member Card.
  22. Apparently there are 251 Tyrants in XCX. XC1 has 157 Unique Monsters, with 8 locked to optional quests. XC2 has 85 Unique Monsters, plus the Ardun you can feed. Torna has 20 Unique Monsters. So you're actually right, XC2 has about a third of XCX's total, and only about half of XC1's. And can they explain the title change back to "Unique Monster"? Tyrant sounds so much cooler, and still makes the point these are different. When I recruited Elma and started filling in her Affinity Chart, I saw one of her lines in it is to the effect of "Wildlife is much smaller here than on Mira". And then I consciously realized that that might be true. Just running through the common monsters types from XCX and mentally comparing them with XC2, there is a size difference. Ignoring even the most gigantic of enemies intended to be fought with Skells only, more ordinary creatures tend to be a bit bigger. If one thought that Grexes and Voliffs were readily comparable, or better Simians with the also ape-like Gogols, then I think one could find evidence of this. I've been playing Tales of Vesperia, I've just finished the return to the capital Zaphias: I'm about 37 hours in, I've just been plodding along from one place to another. Going in blind, I'll do an NG+ later with increased EXP gain if I want to go for a 100% run. The main cast is good. I am officially in the cult of Yuri. Judith is solid overall. Repede doesn't have to exist, but he's a good boy. Karol hasn't become a bothersome shota, though I can see him going a little too far for others. Rita is good, though maybe her detachment from all but blastia to caring for Estelle came a little too fast, and initially her hotheadedness might have been a little too much. Patty might overdo the nautical talk a bit, but there is little to deny her VA work suits her to a T crossed at Trafalgar. Guy Flynn is a fine foil to Yuri, but the game's perspective is lopsided against his "work to reform from within" ideal. Raven is eclectic, not that I dislike him, he just hasn't really earned my appreciation. Estelle is very cliched, which I find significantly weighs her down, Natalia was a cliche princess and that was fine, but Estelle stacking cliche princess with cliche powers unfortunately overdoes it. Narratively, maybe I've just never picked apart a Tales narrative like this before, but compared to others, does the general narrative pull seem weaker? By that, I mean the guiding force that narrates the entire journey, or large arc of it. Symphonia starts with a journey to regenerate the world, Abyss to get Luke back to Baticul (okay, not that compelling), Graces has the unique child prologue and then the Barona Civil War, Xillia has destroying the Lance of Kresnik. Vesperia has reclaiming an insignificant water blastia and finding Flynn, the latter happening fairly early. I'm sticking to the 1st arcs here since the second are more spoilery for some games. This overall narrative drive isn't everything by any means, but it's just a criticism I felt like jotting down. I'm still enjoying Vesperia very much.
  23. Yoshi had grown furious with the law being against him. Despite countless incidences of Mario ejecting himself from Yoshi, leaving the green dinosaur to suffer the agony of bottomless pits, never did Yoshi qualify for insurance payments to cover the costs of recovery from those falls. Failing to collect insurance money, Yoshi sued the insurers, but lost. Then, Yoshi tried to sue Mario, despite a want to preserve their friendly relationship regardless of abuses, for the intentional self-serving abandonment of him. Yoshi lost that lawsuit too. Yoshi reconciled with Mario, but the ejection abuses continued, and Yoshi realized there was no legal recourse to stop them. Thus, Yoshi opened a crime ring, consisting of highly hallucinogenic water sales, racketeering, and selling firearms to Bowser. Yoshi failed to report any of this on his income tax returns for obvious reasons, thus engaging in tax fraud. Whilst keeping his public friendship with Mario, Yoshi secretly engaged in hedonistic behavior and facilitated the capture of Peach on multiple occasions. Yoshi was a twisted mind, wanting to behave with one they had always seen as a friend and hero, but seeking cladestine revenge against them and some form of recompense at the same time. Does the new Cats movie trailer weird you out?
  24. Might want to keep in mind that Rune Factory 4 Special is releasing in Japan in a few days (the 25th). And, the series's producer has stated in an interview how he comes up with the characters.
  25. I did really like those two tunnels in Leftheria, they were beautiful. They were better than all the faux coral the Eryth Sea had scattered over its land to attempt its nautical feeling; but I'm not calling the Eryth Sea bad, it was a quaint brain lake. The deep sea aspect was partly thoughts on reality from watching plenty of Planet Earth, and partly remembering the old JRPG Skies of Arcadia. The game has a brief segment where you have to descend to and scan the bottom of sky with radar to find something Minesweeper-style. Think Chapter 7 XC2 if Mikhail had to drop a crane into sand to find Jin, and often to only discover a giant manta ray he'd have to kill instead and then try again. SoA also had the Dark Rift, a giant black hole-like place that was in ways underwater-themed, and in others is a little creepy dark alien void world-themed. Underwater battles and locations in XCX2 would be great to me. Mira has a lot of water that amounts to just empty space, underwater environs could fill it in. Looking at the XCX map of Mira: I could see some saying Thermal weapons shouldn't work down there, but like an electric stovetop, really hot things don't require flames. If Skells can operate in space and air, then sea should be no concern. I decided to try the demo for God Eater 3. I've never played either prior game, nor have I tried Monster Hunter, which apparently the series tries to compete with, albeit looking a bit more anime and some gameplay differences. The demo reminded me of Daemon X Machina's, except it was even more purely gameplay than DXM's, no story at all (other than the opening trailer). It has a tiny hub, a console to customize your weapon and move loadouts, and another console to accept the handful of missions, only three of the seven being actual gameplay, the other four are pure tutorials. There is the character creation aesthetic customization options, nothing massive, but enough that its good, I spent way too long for a demo picking out how I wanted my character to look. From the short time playing it, I understood the basic controls of the game, but nothing more. The game gave me base level versions of all the weapon types to try, yet the demo didn't give me anything of a good feel as to the differences between the melee ones, which is what I'll be using most of the time. And with the useful AI partners, I wasn't compelled to learn anything complicated regarding fighting. I could see myself possibly getting the game, but the demo did little to truly persuade me for or against it. Not what I hoped for, I wanted more decisiveness.
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