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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Back as a real young child, I recall preferring BT over BK, and maybe DK64, not that I'd go off the opinions of a ~5 year old. I did have a guide for the game though and not BK (and a guide for DK64, for which I made it as far as King Kut Out). World-wise, I remember BT being much more creative, but then again, never did I get to play the four seasons forest world in BK, as interesting as it seemed, I forget why I didn't have my chance with it. Came too late? May I ask for your world preferences? Gameplay design, aesthetics, or both. And ever try the GBA game? It's sorta okay-ish, but nowhere near a match for either 64 title.
  2. Anyone here good at programming? Nintendo has listed some job openings for this game: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/07/nintendo_posts_job_listings_for_zelda_breath_of_the_wild_sequel_dungeon_designers Two jobs: a 3DCG Designer, and a Level Designer. Applications for the first job will be accepted until September 30th this year.
  3. 80 hours? I hope it isn't that long. I beat the infamous Drag-on Quest VII in less time than that! (No offense to DQVII FYI, I actually did enjoy it.) That sounds longer than a beefy Tales. FE should be beatable in 30 sans grind and profuse relishing in the Plot and Supports. With P&S, you should still be able to it in 40; and maybe 20 if you skip the P&S and play fast. It depends on the game.
  4. Nope, tablet. It's not like I intend to summon for a while, a few Orbs missed won't hurt me too much. Just don't be cruel Minerva. Another TT by then means I could possibly reach 200 Orbs for a chance at her; I certainly could if they give a 3H release special bonus. After her, I have a handful of "that'd be nice": Ayra, Olwen, Amelia, Dorcas, Jaffar and maybe Innes; but no "gotta have its".
  5. I read a few reviews of that game at some point. Not exactly a strong reception I recall. First time playing it? Like it? Or are you just playing the game's OST because it's enjoyable? And you're in Hawaii Eclipse? Tomorrow is National Hawaii Day I randomly discovered. Ironically it's also National Workaholics Day. And the, belated if you ask me (why not the 4th?), National Apple Turnover Day. That is somewhat at odds with it being National Bikini Day. And the 5th too is National Graham Crackers Day (why not just Smores?). Lastly but not to be forgotten, July 4th (1946) is the same day the Philippines gained independence from the United States of America. šŸ‡µšŸ‡­ I like the Fourth of July, even if I'm not doing any major celebration or anything for it this time. Fireworks I was considering, but there is a place that does them once a week near me for the summer, I'll see them later when family comes this way. I'm not the most outwardly "patriotic", but love for country I do have. I'm blessed to exist here.
  6. I finished with less than 25k. I missed out on so many precious Orbs.šŸ˜„ This is what happens when you don't have a smartphone and have the game on a shared device. Somebody binge watches a 15 season show and you're too polite to take it from them during the times of the day when playing would be convenient and when the device doesn't need to be charged.
  7. My appreciation for this site is boundless. It started with the main site for FE resources, which I drew from all the way when RD had a tentative title, to whenever I later discovered and stalked the forums, to now, with me a semi-aged forum-goer. It owes much to this site that Fire Emblem remains one of my favorite Nintendo franchises, and I thank it for introducing me to the full scope of FE. šŸŒ³šŸ•Šļøā¤ļø
  8. Good luck to all the new mods! May your headaches require only two ibuprofen and no supplements of the medical or intoxicating kind! If you're feeling like Queen Victoria and need a tincture of opium and 90% alcohol as you wake up in the morning, please pass the burden to others. 3H might be Three Hells, but don't forget that Hades had three judges, you needn't go it alone. ...I'd offer to take up the duties of a mod, but I'm not sure if I'm truly suited in temperament and such.
  9. Because sheep are fluffy, cute, and a fact of life in the non-gentry British countryside. Any itchy sensation from hugging them is just another part of the charm. Mareep fans needed another bone thrown their way too after so many generations. If it is true that the evolutionary adaptations of camels that help them survive in the desert, were first developed to survive in chilly Canada, then should we reintroduce Wild Bactrian Camels to North America to save them from extinction?
  10. šŸŽ†šŸŽ‡šŸŽ‚šŸ”šŸ˜ƒ Today is also National Barbecued Spare Ribs Day. And National Caesar Salad Day (nothing to do with Italy, named after Caesar Cardini, its inventor who owned a restaurant along the US-Mexico border).šŸ„—
  11. You can spend a little extra for DLC to swap the portraits and BGM, if you didn't see that in one of the earlier posts. An old & new comparison of many characters: https://www.siliconera.com/2018/11/01/langrisser-i-iis-original-characters-by-satoshi-urushihara-compared-to-modern-new-looks/
  12. It shouldn't be. Only Symphony of the Night had a map completion requirement. And all it did was add a tiny bit to the good ending, so it was more making the Good Ending into the Good Ending+. The getting that game's Good Ending over the Bad Ending required an item, which took some exploration to discover, albeit nothing obscure if you're just going around filling in the map out of curiosity.
  13. Could be a possibility. Aria of Sorrow is "find these three books scattered around the castle, and figure out what they're telling to you to equip during the "final" boss battle". Castlevanias have typically made the good ending locked behind finding and equipping something at the right time (always a boss battle).
  14. It doesn't surprise me that Bloodstained would have a bad ending. Every Castlevania between Symphony of the Night and Order of Ecclesia, with the exception of Circle of the Moon, has at least two endings, one typically bad. The bad ending might have provided you a hint of how to get the good, they tend to do that (not always, the Sorrows didn't, but they still gave you clues).
  15. I played RCR GBA version when I was younger. Kinda repetitive, slow to gain money, no save feature inasmuch as I could tell, and it left me lost about where to go. But, particularly with knowledge of the cheats to get all moves and go crazy with my character's appearance, it could be fun. I haven't played anything else in the Kunio-kun series, but I'm not aware of much more of it leaving Japan, where it has its following. I know a dodgeball game came over, but I never bought it. RCG's graphics are a little weird, not chibi 8-bit, but not 16-bit either. It's somewhere between 8- and 16-bit pixellation, with unusually large sprites and scenery for 8-bit. On the other hand, I have to commend it for not just unoriginally copying RCR's original or polished graphics. And in motion the game looks better than stills would portray it. I can adjust to being fine with this. I'm not particularly big on beat em' ups, though I did really like Odin Sphere, I enjoy Musou games, and romped through VJ a few times in my youth (I wasn't good when it came to ratings, and Fire Leo walled me from completion every time). I could consider getting this at some point.
  16. Part 7 Section 2: Ta-chan Jones and the Raiders of the Temple of the Last Crystal Skulls I couldnā€™t find a good way to fit the word ā€œCrusadeā€ into the title and had to settle with ā€œLastā€, can you blame me? Iā€™ll first shove all the dungeon and non-boss battle commentary into a single box, as I will a shot of dialogue from outside Caracol. And then Iā€™ll put the plot stuff before Caracol's climax in a second. Caracol's climax is a third box, which is listed second, because I thought of only doing two boxes, and didn't leave a space below the second to insert a third, so it had to be placed above. Warning!: Hitler is making a physical appearance. Heā€™ll get thrown in a box in the plot box when he speaks, the entire exchange with him will. Non-Story and non-boss material: Standing before the Rings of Time (READ THIS LAST!šŸ˜ž To the Doors of Time (READ THIS SECOND!):
  17. It's been officially announced that Langrisser I & II is leaving Japan! http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/07/langrisser_i_and_ii_switch_remakes_secure_western_release https://www.siliconera.com/2019/07/03/langrisser-i-ii-will-come-to-the-nintendo-switch-playstation-4-and-pc-in-2020/ The release date will be an unspecified "early 2020". It will be available on Switch, PS4, and PC. The publisher, and unfortunately presumed English translator, is NIS America. But better something than nothing unless you plan to learn Japanese. Preorder the game for Switch or PS4 on the NISA online store for $79.99, and all of this can be yours'.:
  18. Ignoring it entirely. As inasmuch as one can on an FE fansite, which means inevitably seeing the headlines on the front page, which cannot be avoided. But I don't read any further than the headline. I've been doing this almost since the game's announcement, but its grown after a few worrisome details came to light. Hype is the enemy. I want to put barbed wire around its neck, to stop on its feet in stilettos, pour hemlock down its throat and then choke it with its severed right hand, ending with stabbing a butterknife through the heart, acid to devour the entire body, and then throw the remains in a weighed bag into the Marianas Trench. Hype leads to speculation and expectations, those lead one to potentially experience greater disappointment. I do not want disappointment, so I wish to be as anti-hype as I can. It won't stop all disappointment, but it should curtail the quantity.
  19. A typo and a Persona universal continuity, I like it. Thank you for the information again. I don't remember any Devil Survivor 2 referencing, maybe it added in the Record Breaker edition? I never bought that. Or I just missed it. If DS2 were in the same universe as any of the Personas, what a sorry fate those heroes must have suffered then. Maybe if you were a lion, or a man with a machine gun, you would force your way to the answer. If you don't know what I mean, well its... Interlude 5: The Last Battalion Doesnā€™t Kill Everybody, Not Right Away: The next entry will be at that Mount "Name means "snail" in Japanese". Yukino's beloved should be there if you forgot already.
  20. You had that? All the way back in the 3rd Gen? I saw stuff mentioning it back in the day, but I never got it. *Experiences Gen 3 nostalgia*
  21. No Byleth for me then. No matter. July will be a good chance to rebuild my Orbs, if Minerva is willing to have a polite conversation with me. EDIT: Oh, I have a year to get this? Not a month or three? Well maybe I'll get them then.
  22. No way to use stuff in the preparations menu. It took until FE7 for them to add that. As for Stamina Drinks, just put one in Asbel's inventory. You can then select him in the Deploy menu and he'll have consumed the drink when turn 1 starts.
  23. It is a word. Necro- Greek for "corpse"; polis- Greek for "city". E.g. necrophilia, necropsy; police, metropolis. Necropolis- "city of corpses". Doesn't have to mean a literal city, it just means a lot of dead people buried in one location. A fancy word for cemetery, usually referring to big and elaborate ones. The Valley of the Kings in Egypt is a necropolis from Pharaonic times. Christian catacombs in Paris or Rome could be called a necropolis too.
  24. Huh, the writers at Atlus did some homework with their referencing. Thanks for this, it adds to the general context of what is occurring indeed. Part 6: Reflection and Revelatory Memories I decided for full effect to put all ~300 screenshots for this post in several spoiler boxes. Theyā€™re broken down according to the drip feeding of new what the heroes discover about themselves long forgotten. Section 1: Through the First Reflecting Pool: Section 2: Through the Second Reflecting Pool: Section 3: Up to Outside the Fourth Reflecting Pool: Section 4: Mt. Iwato's Heckuva Conclusion:
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