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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. From what I can tell, the first three, those which comprised the Collection of Mana are considered, for whatever issues they have, solid and fun games. Legend of Mana on the PS1 is held in good graces too. Sword of Mana, a radical remake of the first game on the GBA, seems to fluctuate a bit, but generally considered good. Children of Mana on the DS is eh, but not terrible. Dawn of Mana for the PS2 is the "Demise of Mana", where this second tier and budget franchise ends up badly floundering and largely dying off on new titles.
  2. I've got 6 of those on record, half Seasonal (Mist, Lilina, Sandwitch Leo), one Legendary (Gunnthra), and two in the standard summoning pool (Cecilia and Unnecessary-and-not-Blessed-Sword-Olwen). Blue Tome Cavalry has 7 units, three Seasonal, one GHB, and three in the standard summoning pool. Easily the most accessible. Red Tome Cavalry has only 3 units. It has one Seasonal (GDTitania- who is accessible as a TT unit), and two in the standard summoning pool in the form of Leo and I-Hope-the-20-Wt-of-the-Tome-Crushes-Her-Eirika (both 5*s). Azelle if he ever comes, better come promoted, he is practically our only good hope if Miriel can't steal a stallion (who is Miranda, Princess of Alster?). "Crowded" is a relative term, although I guess that due to the difficulties of allocating their low BST from being horse and ranged, that it's hard for Tome Cavalry to try be anything but offensively oriented. Thereby limiting what roles they can fulfill and making them easier to saturate.
  3. And Luke has an atrocious FEH face. Not to mention Japan-only. It's been slightly more than two years since his banner FYI. Mist I am still disappoint is Infantry. I think Valkyrie when I think of her. Though I'm not sure which is current doing better on the whole, Infantry or Cavalry Staffers?
  4. Oh dear... I only have a Switch, and I did want this game. I don't care about resolution and 30 FPS vs. 60, but it's fundamentally terrible, then I guess I'll wait until later. Halloween or Christmas, a bloody good sale this game should have, and maybe a good fix. I've been wanting to replay OoE, but I feel hesitation from overplaying it as a kid, and...
  5. Rest in peace. And to those who knew him well, may you find comfort from this loss.
  6. A free pull is still free, Orbs are precious. At least Ranulf will still be usable in PvE just mention me when it fudges something up. The one bad 5* free pull I can recall for myself is +Res -HP Hector, which came right before a +Res -HP Myrrh. *Gamepedias his statline* He is a bit tankier than I would expect, while still fast. That's nice, +Def can definitely work for him. And now that he is mine, I can make a full non-Awakening/Fates Tactics Beast team with everyone a combat unit and every color and movement type covered. The King of Red Lions is Colorless Armor, Nailah/Mordecai offers a Blue Infantry, Tibarn is a Red Flier (with Iote's in his Seal slot to mitigate the weakness), and Ranulf as a Green Cavalry. -Not that I have the Tactics to do this, but the idea sounds nice.🙂 I'd never spend real money on this game, and never go after someone as just skill fodder. I treat every unit I'd intentionally summon for as an ends onto themselves. Therefore, anyone who would be but a means to an end, I will not intentionally summon for. Although I wish I could catch some FEH whale ambergris. I'd eat a few of their "useless" and excessive 5*s right up, if only I could.
  7. To borrow use SoV as an example of what to possible expect from 3H in FEH, as I wrote in another topic: At the start of FEH, the only SoV characters in were the Whitewings- shared with Archanea. Then 4 came in April, then another 4 in May, followed by 7 (and Berkut) in July, and then Clive in August. In total, April-August without anyone in June brought us 16 of the 20 (not-Berkut or Celicalt) characters. After August 2017, only Kliff has come. I pick SoV because it was released after FEH was released, the only game to be so prior to 3H. Now there are no Whitewings here for a coincidental start for 3H. However, 3H is going to be a bigger release than the side project remake that SoV was. Therefore, it should if anything see more characters added in short order than SoV. More 3H banners are just more savings for me. Depending on what the reviews say of this calendar aspect I know next to nothing of, I might just wait until 3H goes on sale. I've enough games that I don't need to rush to get it.
  8. Playing Melee with one's nose? Sure it would if you mean with a GameCube controller. But you'd need real fast reactions to do any directional normal or special attack. C Stick would make uncharged smashes a breeze though. Using your nose sans GC controller? Still could work, just find some of those scientists/engineers who could make every distinct electrical impulse/muscle movement of your nose which you make, or combination of impulses, code for different actions. Should George Kamitani ever do the art/character designs for a Fire Emblem game?
  9. Had to undergo a surprise summoning session to get Ranulf, I was not expecting him to be reran so soon. But I needed him. Went in with 144 Orbs, it went something like (I don't recall exactly, I might be missing a Libra) Sheena, Gaius, Arthur, Bphraim? (the Garm thief got squeezed immediately, give it back to Duessel!) Arthur, Arthur, Raven, Raven, Serra, Libra, Raven, Ranulf! Ranulf is +Def -Res, dunno how that is for him, but I don't care. The blue kitty cat and friend to all is mine. Now I'm down to 95 Orbs and need to begin saving for yet another Green Headache- Minerva. I hope she comes. Week 8 is after 3H releases. Maybe IS will be so nice as to give a free 20 or 30 Orbs to celebrate.
  10. What is Ranulf doing back so soon and it isn't on a Legendary Mythic banner? Darn it! I spent most of my Orbs going for Sigurd and Julia and I'm supposed to be saving for Minerva. Ranulf don't do this to me!
  11. Thanks for showing this! It looks like 75 Displayed is no longer the point of greatest divergence from the hidden reality. Now it's 75 Displayed = exactly 85% True. So 2.5% less Hit than before. The actual highest point of divergence is (or whatever you call it), is 78 Displayed, which amounts to 88.21% True, a slight .21% higher than at 75 Displayed. The divergence between Displayed and True is 10% or higher between 75 and 81. The divergence is 5% or larger between 61 and 93. -Just jotting these down if I ever need to reference it in the future, maybe on another play of those games. Or maybe 3H will use this Hit RN system.
  12. Apparently, there was a fan-conducted poll asking which Pokemon was everybody's absolute lone favorite. Now I do not claim to know the methodology of the pollsters in question, nor the demographics of the poll's voters. However, all but 4 of all 809 Pokemon got at least one vote. The only Pokemon according to this that Game Freak could axe because nobody loves them? Silcoon, Gothita, Eelektrik, and Yungoos. Pikachu strangely did not place in the top 20.
  13. It doesn't have to if you don't want to, a boss kill ends this fight immediately. It's entirely possible for Elincia (or Haar with a Hammer) on the second turn to ORKO Ludveck as you noticed, all Elincia needs is a single Stun proc. And you could do this on any other turn easily. You get the choice here to spend time leveling everyone off all the enemies, or just go for a quick kill, which I kinda like; only issue is defending is easy. Overall, the general (your opinion may vary, no probs with that!) reception of Part 2's narrative, on its own, I think is good. Short and real quick, but fairly well written by FE standards. Here is the hidden treasure for Part 3. Of greatest note, the Brave Bow is tucked away near the starting position on one of these maps. The final map hides the Rescue Staff in an accessible, but random spot. A third neat treasure is a Spirit Dust, which is located on the space behind chapter's boss, but the chapter ends when you kill them. Use a flier to go behind them, or you'll need a unit with re-moving capabilities to try after they kill the boss on the player phase. Speaking of Spirit Dust, if you want another one, have Boyd and Mist reach an A Support by the start of 3-12 (as in you can make it in the preparations of that chapter). Doing so will reward you with a Spirit Dust in the preparations of the Part 3's final battle.
  14. Though at the same time, some designs I do ask why they are what they are. This is particularly true when there are males in a similar role as the females in question. Of course, one could respond "Why not?" to me asking "Why is XC2's Mythra dressed so?", but then I can counter "Why isn't Malos her fellow, but male, Aegis dressed like her?", and a "Why not?" counter from the other person wouldn't have quite the same weight to it I think. I mean they could try using Lucifer in his glorious SMTI and II nudity, but Lucifer doesn't have a female counterpart. And if they played the "they're opposites!" card with the Aegis, I'd try to argue that this isn't, regarding clothes, really a case of plentiful symbolic opposites parallelism the way Ghirahim and Fi were set up in Skyward Sword. And then I'd go onto a tangent saying why I originally wasn't fond of Hylia and still don't like the notion that the Golden Goddesses trio favored her.😝 And with what you say, changing it may, according to some, be the sign of us treating women as sexual objects. But the designs in their initial creation others would argue, stems from artistic views that see females as sexual objects, which the changes were made to undo. These are two contradictory positions, although it might be possible for someone to admit both views are valid, and whichever option they choose is the lesser of the two evils- to leave as is, or to change, whichever is less sexist, not un-sexist, they pick. Either way, there are much bigger concerns that would damper my 3H experience, I see very little reason to not get this game over the inclusion or exclusion of extra inches of fabric on females. Even if I do have a preference on that matter. A groper or other perv stuff would in this particular "zone" be a much bigger turnoff to me, I really don't like it when people are put into uncomfortable situations involving their genitalia and sexuality, and I can't laugh at it very much (so Hot Springs get skipped!). And this is real petty censorship, although that cuts both ways again. Why get worked up over it? Why not get worked up over it? But this is naught compared to the real censorship to be found in the land of the Qin, Han, Jin, Sui, Tang, Song, Ming, and Qing. Heard about how the top movie from an important film festival this month, was suddenly scrapped there before it actually played? Apparently, making a 1930s film about the Chinese struggling against the invading/occupying Japanese, with the heroes being the Nationalists because the Communists weren't historically present in the area to do the fighting, is against the law. To stay on the main topic, I'm a bit surprised an FE could take up so many GBs in comparison to other games mentioned in terms of size. Is it a sign of high production values? All VAs all the time? What exactly is resulting in the game size? XC2 I would think would be bigger than this.
  15. There have been cases of changing the clothing of both genders. The Tokyo Mirage Sessions males lost their swimsuits along with the girls (and Yashiro's looks the most skimpy to me, you decide for yourself): For Bravely Second, while the females did get some additional fabric on a bunch of costumes, Tiz saw his Eastern God Garb get changed too: Lastly, from Xenoblade Chronicles X, these are the Six Stars Ritual Bodywear aboard, and then the male Six Stars Ritual Bodywear in Japan: Of course, few ever rarely talk of male clothing adjustments, mostly because it is true that it doesn't happen so much.
  16. Ah ze FE6 Gate/Throne! Even more of a headache than FE5's +10 Def monstrosities, since 1RN there actually helps you land those Hammer hits, even if it exposes Asbel to actually getting hit twice by a Meisterlanze/axt later on. FE6-13's Two RNs is generally better for the player. The player has an easier time of getting high Avoid and Hit than the enemy does. Very dodgy enemies in FE6 are generally only those on thrones or other thick terrain and those in Sacae, FE7 has even less. On the other hand, Rutger, Raven, and Tellius Earth Affinity supporters have few issues emerging untouched and slaughtering everything on the enemy phase. Although I'm also aware this is the game where low Luck can be a tool pros use to finely bait enemies via their liking for anyone with a 2% chance or greater of critting. Always is an absolute, so not an ideal word on their part. In the history of Myrmidons since their invention and full separation from the Mercenary as an unpromoted sword class... FE6- Good due to low hit rates making those of Swords and high Skill necessary, nice doubling, and +30 Crit bonus on promotion. Rutger is a bosskilling clutch due to ridiculous Throne bonuses. But Dieck is still good and Hand Axes are fine later on when enemy composition becomes more Lance than Axe. Fighters and would be Berserkers unfortunately share a limited promotion item with Myrms and Mercs. And by the time Lances overtake Axes in enemy composition, it's far enough into the game that you'll likely have benched most or all unpromoted Axe users and will just be using Pallies, Heroes and prepromotes that come with Axes for that category. FE7- Bad game for Myrmidons, the Crit bonus was nerfed, enemies have no Luck this time, hit rates went up, enemies and thrones got weaker. Javelins and Hand Axes dominate FE7 and its strong but not overwhelming enemy phase against countless weaklings, Swords and thus Myrms lack an equivalent. The two unpromoted Fighters aren't very good either, but Axes are good (Lances being best) and Geitz, Hawkeye, the Heroes, and Pallies all use them very well. FE8- Same as FE7 pretty much. Myrms have overkill Skill and 1-2 range dominates. Fighters are still eh, but Great Knights and Gerik still destroy. FE9- Wt is no longer an issue, the enemy phase remains big, Axes are even better and Myrms/Swordmasters get slightly worse, even if their concrete durability has increased a little. Boyd is a rival footie who is better, and Nephenee adds a Lance footie rival as well. FE10- Not as good as FE6, but oh, they got a lot better with the introduction of the Wind Edge, since it gives them precious 1-2 range. That is an equalizer that allows them to melt legions of enemies on the enemy phase via dodgetanking and for once not leave behind some Archers, Mages, and Javelins & Hand Axes. FE11- Dodgetanking doesn't exist, and this class is bad on the lower difficulties, but auto C Swords and high Speed enemies on the higher difficulties make SMs good there. Also helping is low enemy density severely reducing the importance of the enemy phase where they weren't the strongest. FE12- Similar to FE11, but even better/needed on the harder modes. A minor +10 Avoid boost helps in crucial dodges in some Lunatic situations from what I am aware. FE13- Enemy Phase the Game Until You Grind Into the Moon for Galeforce on Everyone. Ragnell requires Infinite Regalia for copies and Armsthrift for sanity. Levin Sword requires a high Magic stat- but then why not just be a Sage/Sorcerer? Swordmasters are terrible here due to lacking easily obtainable 1-2 range, they don't even have a Crit or Avoid bonus to call on, even if they can dodgetank again. FE14- Well 1-2 range from physical weapons was nerfed beyond the big brothers, and really really strong Shuriken users. Dodgetanking got nerfed too. But they don't generally exist on CQ, and can't really be compared much with Mercs. They're not bad, but not exactly good either, and if anything a little on the weaker side. How much less so? Maximum skewing I'm aware comes at 75 Displayed Hit for 6-13, when the actual rate is 12.5% above what is shown. So it's smaller than that? I'm totally fine with FE staying back with 1RN, that it ever lied to players in the first place seems a bit wrong. And having gone through SoV and 3-5, I'm already adjusted to it. If situations are a little too hairy for 1RN, but the fighting in these situations are intended and not the result of the player being reckless (e.g. Shannan's joining moment in FE4), then tone down those situations, not the Hit formula. I'm also fine with changing crits to 2x damage and adding a skill to increase it.
  17. True. This plays into/is execution of the ideas, no? And of course, to use some FE examples: A possible Hoshido in the right and true bias in Fates. SoV's birth vs. merit being muddled by Alm Celica's pacifism/faith vs. Alm's "bellicosity"/"humanism" being unbalanced and in Alm's favor. A Laguz lean in Tellius's Beorc-Laguz conflict. Ike not being so common and independent merit-having as intended. FE4 not actually fully portraying the complex Arvis Kaga extremely adores in his head. Kaga's claims that Sigurd's journey is just a prelude to Seliph's which is the "better" story. This will be really useful for understanding the unfinished and unassembled notes that will comprise the final "book" of A Song of Fire and Ice. Even before death, authors I don't think are willing to fully explain every little detail that they wrote. I don't think IS has ever said Lucina having a second, weaker Falchion than Chrom's at full power, is a reference to Shadow Dragon's two Falchions. Even though it would be simple and minor a matter it would be to yea or nay this notion. How this reminds me of these two: Edgy Son who hates his father, check. A King Dad so deadbeat the Queen of the Netherworld thinks they should swap jobs (not really), check.
  18. You could be right about underthinking it, but at the same time, I'm in a similar camp to you about fans more often overthinking it and creating meaning that isn't originally there. Not that the author has sole rights to determine the meaning of a text/work, they don't. But claiming what authorial intent was, and "I see X Meaning in Story Y", are two wholly different things. I get that readers want to believe that Author Z intended X Meaning, because it makes it seem Truer (the capital T matters, absolute inarguable Truth, not the subjective kind) and thus makes them feel better. Said readers do not want to accept the meaning they found as belonging only to themselves and perhaps friends, it makes that meaning seem less meaningful, even if it does not really matter how much "objectivity" their meaning has as long as the subjective meaning is strong. I admit to having sometimes been in this category of wanting my subjective meaning to be True objective author-intended meaning.
  19. Pelleas I'm pretty sure doesn't know Almedha is a Dragon Laguz until the start of 3-F, if he lives that long. Dragon Laguz look very human, no wings or fur; and you'd think there would be wild stories being spun throughout Daein if it was publicly known Ashnard had a Dragon Wife. Goldoa is an extremely isolated country, Daein is very racist, and Dragons by being so rare and powerful, have a mythic quality to them- all grounds for rumors swirling around Almedha if anyone in Daein knew the truth of her. Would public opinion even let Ashnard have an openly Branded child? Furthermore, if he knew Almedha wasn't his real mother as early as 1-5, and knows beyond all doubt at that point that he isn't a Branded, then why doesn't he snap at this crazy stranger woman until Part 4? It isn't like Pelleas really wanted the Daein throne at all, the only thing he got from her that he got was having anything like a mother's love for a brief time in his life. Micaiah, despite being Pelleas's highest general, is not informed of Almedha's race until Kurthnaga transforms at the start of 3-F's battle. And at that point she only deduces it herself.
  20. Whatever statement of mine you're thinking of, may apply to gameplay utility in Heroes. I'm not rushing into getting metagame-defining units or incredible skill fodder for this game. If I did care about the metagame, then why go for the antiquated Julia, and worse, Linde? But if that is not what you are referring to, I admit I'm caught in a degree of contradiction here. I went for Julia due to FE4 Nostanking, but I haven't the faintest want to go for or use any and all Camillas, despite her being vital on every CQ and Rev run of Fates I've done. I "owe" Camilla much more than I do Julia, whose jobs could have been fulfilled by Leif or Seliph in all likelihood, Camilla in mid-early CQ has no such substitutes at the very least. And that wouldn't change if I ever did yet more CQ runs. The difference then comes down to one being from Fates, where I refuse to get caught up in character controversy and remain "neutral", and the other from an old Japan only game and a character who isn't in the least controversial. This certainly could constitute a bias, "neutrality" being the farce of an old-FE fan who doesn't at the same time want to be rabid against the new, and yet partake of its gameplay in all fun. FEH is the only place where I permit character personality bias on my FE gameplay, although I skipped FEW despite the great gameplay because of its lacking (read- mostly Awakening and Fates) roster. Any mainline title is pragmatism with personal whims only in a secondary position.
  21. Congrats on the luck. And hope for all its oddities and faults that Thracia is treating you well!
  22. Took over 200 Orbs, a Neph pitybreaker, and two evil dragon final boss pitybreakers (Mrima and Idunn), but I gots myself a Sigurd and a Julia. Although I really, really didn't need to go for Julia, I had her mother already, Green is by far my most populated Tome Color, and I haven't even promoted Merric yet nor have Asbel and Bastian arrived. Still, I felt I owed her for her Nostanking goodness in FE4, required some careful effort to get started, but after that she drained the life from everything. If I Grail an Ethlyn, I could make a 3/4s Cavalry team of Sigurd, Quan, Deirdre, and Ethlyn- the Chalphy siblings and their spouses, and it covers all Colors. Sounds so quaint I have to assemble it.
  23. I likely touched that mode when it first started for the Orbs they were handing out as the opening incentive IIRC, sounds like it could be it. Thanks!
  24. With 337 Orbs, I aim for Sigurd, and after considerable thought, Julia. Silvia, Cecilia, Tharja, Fir, Fir, Mrima? (All hail Medeus I say onto you!). Ares, Titania, Selena, Nino, Cecilia, Morrin, Cherche, ATiki, Sheena, Boey, Gunter, ATiki, Selena, Lilina, Soren, Lilina, Bartre, Gunter, Camilla, Silas, Palla, Idunn? Sophia, Titania, Sigurd! Merric, Peri, Frederick, Frederick, Fae, Beruka, Seth, Raven, Fae, Fae, Eirika, Nowi, Frederick, Nephenee (2nd copy) Libra, Julia! The Mrima has already been reduced to literature along with many others. Heterochromia and Heartless is kept, but without love (and +HP -Def). Sigurd is a very workable +Atk -HP. The new Neph is +HP -Res, samey with my +Res -Def first. Julia is +Spd -Res, similar if inferior to her mother's +Spd -Def. My new Sheena I think is +Res -Atk, maybe I'll do a 4* merge project with her. The symmetrical defenses of +Res Sheena appeal to me, although ideally I should wait for +Res -Spd. I'm down to 126 Orbs now. TBF, there isn't very much likely to tempt me this year. Maybe Jill, but anything else new? Nope. I don't like Seasonals, and I'm sidelining the 3H crew until after I know them, I don't want to cheer over a character I spend Orbs on only to later discover they are a poorly executed and unsympathetic, insufferable mess. So the mystery of non-3H NHs that aren't Braves is what remains uncertain to tempt me. The upcoming TT should help regenerate my Orbs quickly. I must now start saving for Minerva in Week 8, and after her, well maaaaaybe Week 10 and then Dorcas, 16 for Jaffar, 17 for Frelia siblings, and that would be it.
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