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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. His rag doll physics front end from Dante's Inferno the video game? -Or so I hear of that. Although I do agree certain alts are within the boundaries of justifiable canon. And if you want to practice, I'll gladly pretend and assume the role of a 3H hater whining about all the attention it gets in FEH while other games wither on the vines. In fact, I'll write some pretend essays on why X is a bad villain and Y is a perfect and awful hero. And good for the Spyro port! I have a few but not too fond memories of it as a kid, so I can understand to a degree. Just hope that they don't do what they did on the other systems and make the physical version of the game only 1/3rd on the actual physical medium and the rest must be downloaded.
  2. I'm not really all that excited about anything here, nothing I have to run out day one and buy. Though... Collection of Mana sounds like a good way to try the franchise in its golden days. Secret of Mana on iOS wasn't good, but I blame the controls more than the game itself. Link's Awakening is much dependent on how much new content they add. Enough will make a buy worth it. Luigi's Mansion 3 sounds okay, I liked the sequel, but I didn't love it, nor did I even finish it (that ice boss). Maybe I'll get it on sale eventually. Dragon Quest XI I know won't be the most innovative game around, but I've an appreciation for this conservative by intent JRPG franchise, I'll get it.
  3. Square (FF and KH) and Enix (DQ) seem fairly separate to me when it comes to decision making, though I don't really know how SE works. But I'm optimistic that if Crazy Hand is thrifty, it doesn't necessarily mean Master Hand is too. Next iOS sale I should consider nabbing DQs III and VI, they're two gaps I want to fill in on my DQ record. And why not the short but cheap I & II. B&K I have some good memories of from childhood, never completed either on my own. But I was fond of them, even if in the hypothetical scenario they got an HD port to Switch I likely would skip over them.
  4. Doesn't Atlus usually skip E3? And I think they're trying to figure out how to make demon dating work. That reminds me- I need to update my LP. This is the only presentation I care to watch, not being into other things. And since as an anti-hype measure my "watching" was silence with minimizing the window and only bringing to back up to see snippets of whatever was being shown, nothing really got me here. No emotions were stirred. A release date for DQXI if it wasn't already known evoked a small smile from me. Although a revival of this Panzer Dragoon franchise I heard of is sorta interesting, it's RPG-oriented on-rails-shooter Panzer Dragon Saga is a small cult classic I hear, with a ginormous online price tag since I think the company that made the game lost the source code. For a brief moment I thought the scenery was Primordia; where is Monolith's next title? Get it done so XCX2 can get started- not to be rude to whatever it is. I just want the cliffhangers resolved. And maybe I'll get the Mana Collection, I've only played Sword on iOS, and that wasn't very fun, but I blame the controls.
  5. Yeowch, that scene was one of the ones that didn't make me like Ms. Heartilly all that much. And it tainted the other PCs I actually liked by their willingness to participate in that. If someone is not that into you, and you try that hard, drop it. It being more innocently and lightly meant would have made it a bit better.
  6. Sephiran has two associated weapons thankfully. And I am quietly optimistic they'll slip him in sooner or later. Although the PC-as-GHB method is being increasingly used as this game progresses to midlife with less than 50% of all FE characters in (and you have the odd cases of Fobin, Fana, and Panne who violate even this general "rule"), which therefore is not a non-negligible threat to his inclusion. If we stick look at PCs who start as enemies in Tellius: Ilyana Zihark Jill does appear as an enemy in Blood Runs Red, although you recruit her when she is an NPC Makalov Muarim is a boss in the chapter he joins after Devdan Shinon is an enemy before re-recruitment in PoR Tauroneo Ena is a boss in one chapter before she is possibly recruited later Aran Technically in a way you can count anyone who appears in 3-6, 3-7, 3-12, 3-13, or 3-F. But I don't think IS would do this. Competition for a GHB slot on the general "rule" of being an enemy or enemy-cum-ally is fairly weak. Jill likely won't be subjected to the GHB fate, nor Ilyana, and maybe not Shinon. Makalov, Devdan, Tauroneo, Muarim, and Aran are all not likely inclusions for the time being. Ena I could see, were it not for her being the lone playable female Dragon Laguz. Zihark I haven't an idea what they'd do with him. As for villains, well Ashnard has the call on the PoR slot, but for an RD one, Sephiran really doesn't have any real competition, Jarod, Ludveck, Lekain, Pretzel, Zelgius's Boot Cleaner, Kefka's Laugh Thief, Other Senator, and Sephy's old friend and lone real rival. Ashera is going to be on the pedestal of Mythic with her other half that way. Although if Sephiran took to Mythic, he very well could not, then Order Incarnate is competition stronger than he. I haven't ever uses the Stones, so all I have is a tiny, tiny amount of Divine Dew from FBs past, not enough for anything. Seeing how there is no way to grind up my supply of the stuff, despite it in no way being powercreep presently if I could, I'll never have enough to afford all refines I could probably want. I think even longtime players I hear have Divine Dew issues. So if they can't keep up, I without a way to grind supplies have no shot closing that very big gulf being only a 6-month player. Therefore, I'll probably never end up spending my Dew, being I'll never be able to decide what to invest this very limited resource in.
  7. I've a pH of 7 with Camilla, but this sounds a bit harsh. Criticize her outfit and her character as one may, I still don't think one should seriously compare a virtual human female to a bovine.
  8. They should! FE has MAGIC! Seasonals aren't serious! Normally, I would take issue in FE if suddenly a non-Manakete/Dragon Laguz was able to take dragon form out of nowhere with no explanation given. But if the context is a hungry Delthea who eats so much Halloween candy that they magically turn into a dragon that breathes deadly sugary breath, then I won't give a care about logic. Give me Virion the Love Rub Bunny due to a magic rose or something too. They only have so many canon shapeshifters, I don't want the handful that exist to get a super duper amount of Seasonal alts because IS wanted to do Breath/Beast units for a given Seasonal banner. If Myrrh/Tiki/Fae gets another Seasonal Breath alt, it'll be one too many.
  9. Gameplay > story is perfectly valid reasoning. As for VI's gameplay, it is the link between IV's and VII's. The unique abilities everyone has like Terra's Morph and Cyan's Bushido are like the unique abilities of IV's cast, while Magicite is the predecessor to Materia, and Desperation Attacks are the simple prototypes Limit Breaks build upon. As for VI vs VII as a whole, it's generally considered an even war. The most ambitious of an old era, against the first (and usually considered the best) of a new era. Although if all you've played is IV, VI, and VII, then try V, since that is the most gameplay-oriented of the SNES trio. Well in part that has something to do with a bad translation I'd certainly say. Things weren't good in that department for video games yet, on the whole that is.
  10. We never actually see her cook in PoR or RD, but as she describes an incident: Tanith: I may be a fine warrior, but… It’s embarrassing to admit, but I can’t even crack an egg without hurting someone. The last meal I prepared at the academy took three of our finest generals out of action for nearly a month. If you looked at the cooking trait each character is most likely (it could be anything, it's leans towards getting a particular one) to add to a meal they make in Fates's Mess Hall, and then see what statistically that trait does to the cooked food, you can tweeze out all the good, bad, and in-between chefs from that game. The best traits in gameplay are Exquisite in 1st place, and then Delicious and Mouthwatering tied in 2nd. Exquisite is the most common of: Jakob, Peri, Percy, and Anna. Delicious is the most common trait of: Mozu, Mitama, Caeldori, Dwyer, and Flora. Mouthwatering is the most common trait of: Azura, and Shigure. The worst traits in gameplay, the ones that actually decrease the food effects, are: Reckless- Arthur, Hinoka Disgusting- Setsuna Revolting- Keaton, Velouria The 2nd worst cooking trait, Burnt- Rinkah (negates the food bonuses altogether) The absolute worst cooking trait, Noxious- Felicia, Reina (-1 Spd/Def/Res, +1 Str/Mag) Ya boy Silas most commonly cooks Standard food- which has no bonus effects good or bad whatsoever, it's perfectly neutral. It is the most common trait of Takumi, Kiragi, and Benny too. Odin and Ophelia make Chosen-y food. Selena is just a hair short of making bad food- her most common trait is Prickly, like her soul. Laslow is the best chef of the Awakening Gen 2 trio, Fanciful- but it only boosts the ladies' stats. Rhajat's Dedicated food oddly only buffs Corrin's stats. And Asugi of course is Supersweet.
  11. If those are what the executives have on their desks for some reason, uh.... why? Although this is apparently a conference room at Game Freak- the Pokemon makers: I assumed we'd get Seasonal Beasties months ago. So many color and movement types to cover, so very few units to do it with.
  12. Looking at the canon magic users who are certain or very likely to be Red Tomes: Honestly, Tormod doesn't have a lot of real competition amongst the certain-to-be-Red Tomes. Azelle stands a chance of beating him out as being the next due to being the most popular remaining FE4 Gen 1 male on CYL3, but I'd rather he get a horse. Athos has a chance of being Mythic, the best for Elibe since Idunn got shot down for that. Calill is only equal to Tormod really. Knoll I'd dare to say is also likely for the next SS New Heroes, whenever that finally comes. Knoll could very be our next RTI. And given they've given us Drunk-ish Dame in a Towel, Righteous Rabbit, Spring Seduction, Grace in a Gown, and now Pega-Pony Princess, maybe Knoll won't be relegated to a "terrible" welfare unit. As for Infantry Tomes that could go any Color, I'm seeing on the playable side:
  13. Speaking of which, looking over the unit selection for each color of infantry mage, Red might tie Blue with 17, but it could I think use some new blood. Consider who exists, and you'll see Red is heavily Gen 1 units and GHB welfares, including Raigh, Canas, and Julius. Its three Seasonals are the Gen 1 SolgaLeo, the refresher so lower BST Yukaiah, and Bride Tharja. Blue on the other hand has a generally excellent lineup (excluding what, Oliver and Saias?), and Green is also better than Red I think.
  14. The father of FE, Shouzou Kaga had this to say back in 1996, the same year as FE4's release: "The previous entries were based on Greek and Roman mythology, and had a lighter tone to them. Conversely, this game takes inspiration from Norse and Celtic mythology. For example, Deirdre is actually the name of a woeful woman from Celtic mythology who was subjected to the whims of fate. Those who are familiar with her tale should be able to see the connections. Other names taken from mythology include Tailtiu and Erinys, as well as Naoise, Alec, and Arden³. I took inspiration from Norse and Celtic mythology while crafting the characters’ backgrounds and appearances as well; I wanted to create a sort of modernised retelling of old legends and myths. Grannvale, as a country, takes inspiration from Germany and Scandinavia, in other words Germanic countries and culture. Which makes the name ‘Sigurd’ a fitting name for the protagonist (laughs). Sigurd was named after Siegfried." Full translated interview here. And if you're looking a for pretty full set of Jugdral's mythological references, you can find them here on SF. The Dark Warlords became the Deadlords in FE13 though, and had their names changed from German for the numbers 1-12, to the Chinese Zodiac with Latin names. Most notable to me is that Heimdallr is the destined enemy of Loki at Ragnarok, when Saint Heim leader of the Crusaders vanquished Loptous/Loki. And Cigyun, the mother of Arvis and Deirdre having the one surviving strand of Loptous's cursed blood, is mythologically Loptous's wife.
  15. I'm not picky. Nor do I know what to predict. It'll likely be some vague "family or beloved" theme again, there must be one unit of each Color as well. I don't really want Brave Micaiah, so much as I'll make an exemption from my anti-alt rules for the Braves, and Micaiah is simply the one I like the most of the four this time I guess. Which cog in the wheel Micaiah ends up being I haven't the faintest. I don't expect her to dual wield Ragnell and Alondite after greatx60 grandma, I think she'll remain magical, and she can't be Breath or Beast obviously. But Tome or Staff, and which Tome Color? Or maybe she'll take knife lessons from Sothe, sounds feasible, but then the question of Color arises again. Jugdral. It's pronounced Ygg-dral. Ygg-dra-sil is the pronunciation of the Norse World Tree's name, the FE continent uses a contraction/corruption of it. Although FE did give us Altena and later Athena- two characters using the same mythological name. IS could do the same here. Although "Altena" might be a fusion of Artemis and Athena, Artemis being a name used prior for the Nyna's cursed ancestor. On the topic of gender ratios, Awakening and Fates did achieve equality of the sexes, with all older games being somewhere between a quarter to a third female. I can't find my breakdown game by game of this I posted somewhere else in this forum- if someone can, do tell me. Perhaps 13 and 14 equalized the genders because of modern gender equality, or maybe it had to do with having a 2nd Gen with one child per childbearing parent. Genealogy had pairing, but due to 2 child per mother and the presence of fixed units in the 2nd Gen, it had an unbalanced gender ratio of 13 bachelors to 7 bachelorettes. Gen 2 has 13 bachelors to 8 bachelorettes. Also, some old gender in FEH data I did find from March of this year:
  16. The SoV artbook did invent that skinship fig leaf of an excuse when it comes to why Pegasus Knights don't wear more armor/pants.
  17. DQV DS was my first, beyond having played DQ I&II GBC as a kid and never completing it. I'd have picked Bishop Ladja for a villain. Nimzo like most DQ final bosses isn't there until the very end, barring Dhoulmagus who is sorta the ultimate villain and sorta not, and maybe Psaro. Ladja has the feels, and the DS port did keep them alive longer, just in time for more feels. On the hero side, V's protag aka "Madason" would have been a choice for me. Or Parry or Madchen, because the kiddos are cute. Despite having zero desires to become a parent and thinking I'd be awful at being one, I really felt the heartwarming nature of all the Party Chats strolling around everywhere with the two.
  18. Given you've just changed avi to Grandmaster Nimzo, that I can see you wear your hopes proudly. And I like the Cyrillic touch.
  19. Sounds like a nice Greil Mercenaries reference to me. Mostly infantry and two horses- forgetting about Gatrie that is.
  20. Given the point to Starlight is Falchion, and Falchion exists to kill Medeus, if Marth can't survive Medeus, the Falchion isn't worth it. And Marth can easily not survive Medeus, he can't get 27 Spd so he'll always be doubled, against an enemy with 50 Atk. Marth averages at 30 a mere 41 HP and 13 Def, not enough to live. He'd need a capped 25 Def and 51 HP minimum to survive, which is far beyond the averages. Therefore, it's better to skip Falchion and keep the Starsphere and Lightsphere I'd say. Tiki + Aum is my preference for offing the final boss. If I've done the math right, Tiki with the Divinestone can deal 40 damage minimum to Medeus and his 60 HP. 3 Base Str + 10 from the Divinestone + 18 might x 3 for the effective bonus = 67 Atk. H5 Medeus has 25 Def and gets 2 more from the throne. 67 - 27 = 40.
  21. Sounds like I'll be able to conserve a hoard of Orbs for the Revivals until maybe early September, when my hopes and dreams will be open ones once more. Although I might spring for Beliwood, taking Mic for my freebie, if only because having an Eliwood sounds nice, and the canon one we have is a real eyeful to look at. So about the datamine:
  22. I'd seriously take him if IS gave us a 30 second short video reenacting the scene described below: Make a love is a gambler, and FEH is gatcha, which is gambling to a degree. Now how could IS use him and the nature of FEH to make some sort of joke? The only one I can see is Gatrie and his gullibility making him fall for some 100 Orbs for $10 scam. And that has nothing to do with Makalov.
  23. Sounds coincidentally fairly good in gameplay. At least one of each color not Colorless, and depending on your pick of Morgan, you could do either: Flier-ish Emblem through Female Morgan with Owain as insurance against Bows; or a Tactics Team with Male Morgan. This reminds me that I really should finish my original dream team setup of Vike-Micaiah-Soren-Sothe. It sounds feasible, but FEH continues to spam Sleep Staffs on me, I can't for the love of FE seem to muster all that much effort into this game. Nothing bitterly against it.
  24. I was ignoring all the speculation because it was just that. Now that this is true, I'm unfortunately still going to ignore it because it isn't on Switch. Though I haven't played Vesperia yet, so that is there to scratch my Tales itch when I want to.
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