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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Appropriate of course, given his little brainwash of her now being an alt and so is Idunn the inspired by the brainwash. This is my first time looking at the map, and I see they went with Mystery Book 1 Chapter 18, which is totally different from FE1/11 Chapter 23. Shrinking that map down and leaving it recognizable I guess would have been harder. Though I'm still a tad surprised by the choice of the "changed" 1st Gharnef battle. At least they didn't invent Dulam/Glower and 2-4 range immobile Meteor tome users for a Book 2 Final Part 2 feel. Gharnef's statline though is certainly inspired by 1/11, fast but relatively weak does describe him in those games.
  2. Lightly ironic that you say this, for Hector was he not a menace of the game at its release? Since Amiti, a fairly nice if just a slightly better Brave weapon is getting stronger now, could they please do something about the Light Brand? I've been playing for the first Thracia 776 time (for obvious reasons) and I'm becoming fond of the Little Lord. Conditional DC? Special negation? Anti-Armor to reference the Bragi Sword? Please no to the Renewal which the Falchions finds themselves having, it'd just make the Light Brand their pale and expensive shadow. I'm doubtful Leif would be getting a better LB anytime soon though, he has already been on two relatively recent banners.
  3. Playing Thracia 776 for the first time because of Project Exile? Need some help to emerge victorious in Leif's struggle of survival and liberation? Then ask away here! Any question or any problem, just ask, and other willing SFers gods willing will come to your aid. Please note that SF has a lot of very comprehensive data on Thracia 776 here (excuse any naming incongruences). But that might not be enough. Maybe you want someone to explain this stuff more, maybe you don't know how to succeed in a troublesome chapter- which that all info won't do on its own. Or maybe you want to play semi-blind and that reveals too much. Regardless of the reasons, ask your questions big or small in this topic. -- What are the best uses for Hammerne? I've already spent one use on the Light Brand. And how liberal can I be with using the Flame Sword? I still have more than 30 uses on Eyvel's, and captured the second one in Chapter 10.
  4. I wonder when the player gets access to Rump Command for Dynamax activation? Also, Joltik should be able to do it every time a Pokemon physically collides with it, given how it anti-dwarfs all the others. The boxart legendaries look rather dull and uninspired, particularly the shield one.
  5. I haven't actually played it myself, I only read some stuff on it online and watched a few videos. The gameplay concept looks good, freedom to roam around a stage sounds liberating from the invisible line characters are forced onto in SoulCalibur (from what I remember of SCII, the only game I've played). SC has only 3D graphics, not so much three-dimensional gameplay (but I know very very very little of fighting games). The idea of sequel with more authentic character designs is a certain fantasy I'd entertain. Add in: Soma with the Claimh Solais (and maybe a little katana action) and his legions of souls Nathan with the Hunter Whip and DSS An Adult Maria option (have to find another female to add- Castlevania is lacking good picks for these) Albus Maxim (two ninjas are fine) Charlotte- for another female with a magic setup different from Sypha's (also, maybe Stella for a third female addition?) Richter- I was thinking if Simon is the balanced VK, and Trevor is the strong and slow, that Richter could go faster and lighter LIES! Alucard is a shadow of his former self in DoS. I wanted more from him than Hellfire, Bat, and the teleport slash (and for some reason, I always tried to dodge Zephyr's time freeze slash by teleporting just beforehand). Just to remind you, Paranoia is locked behind several soul walls in DoS. Though those tell you exactly what you need. I recall constantly swapping for these souls was annoying. In an ideal world making them Tactical (silver) souls would have been ideal. However, rather than make them togglable, I'd do a light tap/heavy press divide. By default, you will walk on water once you obtain that ability (is there any advantage to treading water?), when you can go underwater, doing so will require a light tap of down, pressing slowly and heavily on it will be how you crouch on the water's surface. Just jump fully above the surface if you want to walk on it again. So in fewer words- make the water's surface a Smash Bros. platform. Don't forget his awesome battle theme! Julius is great, and the Whip's Memory, though I forget much of it, was refreshingly different in the context of PoR. And if you must leave it for whatever reason, no warps to get out easily. Adds to the otherworldly, unstable, chaotic feel of the Chaotic Realm, but the lack of warps is also a chore. The Abyss of DoS, such an explicable copy of the CR, did have a few warps and that is a small advantage it has. Weird. Barring the rarity and lack of power, in terms of variety, I've been under the impression that while AoS has had some neat stuff, that DoS had the better overall selection. Ghost DoS is atrocious, but I think if I looked I could a likewise awful soul in AoS. Maybe I've just been charmed by Abaddon and Giant Axe Armor for too long. Though I can definitely see AoS as being arguably the best and better than DoS as well. It was the last I played of the seven titles, at the end of my Wii U romp which saw CoM and HoD played some time not too long beforehand.
  6. Take. Your. Time. There is absolutely no need to rush this wonderful free gift you're providing us with. There is no competition, rushing only invites errors big and small. And at the least, you might finish before the official Vestaria translators get done (for unfortunate reasons).
  7. I'll see about thinking of something. Not sure with my Innocent Sin LP I'll have spare SF energies to expend on this. But right now, what I really need is to get some sleep to clear the mind. I've spent the day fleeing from Manster. It's famous and infamous so I long heard, and it really is. It was intense fun, and plotwise dramatic. It's just an exhausting five battles, four with relentless enemy reinforcements you have to run from with little time to spare. Leif for MVP, and Asbel is turning out great, both have procced Move twice, despite a 3 or 2% growth in that stat. 🤩
  8. Nagi was added in Shadow Dragon. FE3 aka "Old Mystery" only had Naga mentioned in the lore, totally unseen. As for the resurrection, what both renditions of Mystery say about Medeus: 'He (Medeus) was vanquished by Anri once and then defeated a second time by you. However earth dragons boast tremendous life force, and cannot be completely eliminated so easily... Even now, they sleep at this altar." I could easily conceive of Naga having the same or greater life force than an Earth Dragon. So when she sacrificed herself at Thabes, it was only a temporary spiritual coma with bodily destruction. Given she died on her own accord, she wasn't fighting anyone or at all herself under pressure, having her soul/life force entombed in the Alterspire in another dimension upon death sounds entirely feasible. If she really poured her everything in the Binding Shield and Falchion, the sacrifice could have meant a lengthy resurrection. Medeus only came back in a weakened state himself prior to the War of Shadows, unable to take Shadow Dragon form, and unable to take on any dragon form outside of Dolhr Keep. His War of Heroes resurrection only worked as it did because Gharnef offered the maidens to him. As for the absence of memory and its return, the process of bodily resurrection I could imagine involved first getting the body together, not so simple when dragons are so powerful. Reinstalling all her old memories would come after the body to house them was completed, vague but fundamental recollections of herself and her purpose in the world would have to make do until then. Naga's body has made a significant but not complete recovery in the 1107 years since she died, but it is not finished and thus her memories remain even less restored. ~1000 more years pass between Mystery and the era of the First Exalt 1000 years before Awakening begins. That additional 1000 years given the progress made in the prior 1107 in the form of Nagi, could have it readily seems have been enough to fully resurrect the flesh of Naga. And just the same it would have been enough time to then receive and store all 5000 years of memories of her prior life.
  9. I have seen a picture of that before, I knew from that alone the game was too evil for me. Enjoy Symphony of the Night! My fourth Igavania, and the first game I might have played on my end-of-life-cycle-purchased-for-cheap PS3. Pachinko is a great choice. A lesser option would have been Castlevania: Judgement. If anyone isn't familiar with it. It is the 3D free-to-move-around fighting game where: Simon in a midriff feels insecure because he relied on the VK whip too much Alucard looks less beautiful Dracula is okay Ralph/Trevor authentically him I think Eric Lecarde is an arrogant child Shanoa is a nun, from a point in her storyline where she cannot have at least one of the Glyphs she does Death doesn't look like Death at all Carmilla is sexy and BDSM A golem exists and is playable for some inexplicable reason Sypha has a big bust Loli Maria has bust envy Aeon is an OC time master and not a chef Grant is a cool ninja pirate And Cornell from Legacy of Darkness is awesome The praise for PoR is making me rethink my opinion on it. I actually sold it years ago to deflate my DS game collection size. Not to say I disliked it, I actually played it so much as a kid that like with Sacred Stones in Fire Emblem, I ended up burning myself out with it, love became exhaustion.
  10. Here is a light entry Interlude 1: From School to Shinbuya-lite With this, I've now caught up to where I've stopped. I didn't want to get too far ahead. Next I visit the Peace Diner and hopefully get the game moving on to the second dungeon by talking with Kozy. Assuming I don't get distracted on a peninsula. Usually it is fairly hard by JRPG standards. Classic or modern, SMT tries to be challenging. Persona 2IP hasn't had a hard start at all, and I'm aware Persona tends to be considered easier than SMT, but I don't really know the ins and outs of this particular game.
  11. I know, particularly that optional tower at the end of Ecclesia. Sorry Circle of the Moon soured at the end. I forget how the Dracula fight went, all I recall is timing your many leaps in the final phase. And that those little flying swords enemies en route to Adramelech (did I spell his name right?) were the bane of me. I do recall this game has a rare Igavania sequence break, you can kill Camilla before Death I think. Yes the toxic water will hurt, which is why most won't do it. Magician Mode can get through it without issues and would be the best to attempt it. Use the invincibility DSS card combo and the water won't hurt. You'll have to turn off the ability to hit levers to move the block stairs for a brief moment every so often, but that is it. As for Harmony of Dissonance, remember, salt purifies, salt is holy. I agree with the criticisms from what I remember of the game. Mind if I continue to add the list of issues with the HoD that isn't the download-only multiplayer romp called Harmony of Despair? First, spritework. Juste looks the best, no better than a knockoff Alucard, which is what artwork-wise he is. Maxim and Lydie however, both are several degrees of inferiority in spritework to Juste if you compare when they're on the screen together. Neither has sharp definition to their forms, both are soft blurry blobs of colors in the forms of humans. Lydie is the worst, and it shows when in the best ending she tries to break up the two. Second, on a related note, the story is really bad. Igavania was never anywhere near strong here as I said before, but HoD I just find the most... absurd? IIRC, the reason Dracula's Castle reappeared in the first place was because Maxim was jealous of Juste and so decided to collect Dracula's Relics, only to be corrupted by them. Death is here in a prominent role because of Symphony of the Night, and so that there is a trace of a decent villain. The game ends with Death defeated, and Maxim slain and Lydie dead, or both are saved and a pale phantom of Dracula spawned from his relics is killed. The friends in the good ending make up after this little Demon Castle Dracula faux pas between them. The game is just a young friendship story. Sure that was a core part of Circle of the Moon's story; Soma is a prettyboy, with a love he as usually happens in anime stories doesn't like to admit; and PoR is more anime. But Circle at least opened with a failed confrontation with Dracula, and the Sorrows and PoR had other things. Harmony of Dissonance has nothing else to it at all. Juste is an embarrassment to the Belmont clan. But to be fair, his father didn't let him go to school for Interior Castle Design, calling it a frivolous dead end job. It's worth pointing out that he never actually killed Dracula. Dracula Wraith is only a ghost, a stirring fragment of Dracula that can't even remember what it is in full. Juste is the weakest playable Belmont around. On the Subweapons issue, thinking on it, HoD is likely the worst with it. Symphony of the Night gives you the Bat, Wolf, and Mist gimmicks, the spells like Dark Metamorphosis if you know how to use them, and some weapon variety with things like the Shield Rod. All of these are not Subweapons which you can use. There is a dominant Subweapon- the Holy Water on grounded targets, and the Axe is the only thing with good anti-air (but no DoS Axe Armor soul), but you can use anything. Circle of the Moon, if you collect enough DSS Cards, gives you enough options outside of the Subweapons to play with. I just wish I could set two DSS abilities at once. This game does have it the worst when it comes to Subweapon balance, the Cross crucifies everything. Some DSS Cards do not come until late (and let's ignore how obscure they can be to find- the Candles), with two of them being locked to the nasty Battle Arena. But without seriously going back and playing the games, I think this is better than HoD. Harmony of Dissonance does Subweapons the worst, because they are everything that is for attack variety. Juste like Nathan has a whip as his only primary weapon, a whip he can't mess as much as Nathan can via DSS. Juste has no independent selection of spells like Alucard, all his spells are bound to his Subweapon. The final book, the Summoning Book, requires that ultra-late (as in last upgrade or second-to-last) high jump to get, and the Lighting Book requires you complete that challenging fast rolling ball room. I'd consider these worse than the late DSS cards, since even without them you have more to play with in DSS than Juste's Books. The silver lining is that none of the Subweapons predominate like the CoM Cross. If they ever did a more thorough remake of the first three or non-Aria GBA games, I'd really like it if they made the Subweapons something that staying in your inventory once obtained. That they don't is just a holdover from the Classicvanias.
  12. I disagree with Brunnya, she does have a touching moment and isn't bad, but her specific reasoning for being so devoted to Zephiel is never explained. That is annoying to no end for me. I must assume it's generic unrequited affections, which isn't good. I've no drive to fanfict something better either. Narcian I can actually see as being better than Petrine, although I won't say I have a strong stance on this matchup. I compare them because they are so similar. Murdock > Bryce I think I could agree with, Bryce could be better, but he would need more than that. Murdock had less, but that was fine, Bryce was in an era where he needed more than what Murdock got and what he got which was more wasn't enough of more. Galle I agree needed more time. I also hesitate to call him a Camus, since he seems to display little regret for his actions. But he did have potential. I'm neutral on Idunn, neither do I dislike her, nor do I really like her. As for Zephiel himself. Well he and Ashy had plans that neither really understood: Zephiel didn't get that dragonkind was practically dead in Elibe, Ashnard about what actually lurks in Lehran's Medallion and what will happen when it breaks. Although they have ideologies that sharply clash with each other, Ashnard would think Zephiel a mad nihilistic fool for hating human excess, Zephiel would see Ashnard as exactly what he abhors in humanity and wants expunged from the face of the planet. I hoped FEW would let me see them clash against other, with Walhart leaping into the fray midway, and Travant on the sidelines wondering who to join. Four mad kings, four different ideologies, endless possibilities. Zephiel shows no honor to Old Hector, and disparages Cecilia as weak (although he isn't wrong here- it just balances Cecilia) and mocks Etruria despite him being of an Etrurian mother. Other than Guinevere's expose, I can't find the good Zephiel at all in FE6, which makes the perfect innocent child of FE7 too strong a contrast and hurts both games. Even when not trying to look for honor in Zephiel because of FE7, and just looking at him as a villainous villain in FE6, eh, Ashnard still does it better for me. You the player get a lot more time seeing Ashy, and that does it for me- not like Ike or Roy has much chemistry with their respective big bad. The remaining PoR villains: Black Knight, Naesala much of the game, Bertram (just because he is a Four Rider I do list him), and the wretched sack of lard that doesn't exist. Well Blackie I think I'd place highly in a 6 vs. 9 competition, ignoring RD for the moment. I genuinely like PoR Naesala. Bertram barely exists so he can sink to the third lowest position. Lard takes 4th lowest, because having only one corrupt noble who knows when to do die and doesn't overstay his welcome (again, ignore RD), while Arcardo and Roartz take the very bottom rungs on this list (the higher ranks not being tiered). That's well and good. ?
  13. Her last name being Silverman, yeah either precious metal would make sense. Bandages, condoms, either way it is birth control. Thank you. And you're probably right on the second point. This time we wrap up this game's beginning at pleasant Pleiades High. Part 2 Section 4: Getting Janitorial and a Wrench in the Gears of Fate: I'll end things here. Part 2: First Dungeon, Second Encounter Fin Overall, the plot is doing a good job of baiting me onwards. Gameplay-wise, this is baby's-first-SMT-weak, with a high but manageable encounter rate. And this, on Hard. It is no Naraku, a sneeze in Naraku would deal more damage than I suffered in total in this building. Nor is this SMTI or Soul Hackers in the classic SMT department regarding difficulty, hopefully the game sets up the challenge after this. I'll write up a little Interlude of NPC dialogues in this school and across Sumaru that'll drop me off just before I begin the next Part of the plot. I'm liking the dialogue in this game; and with Yukino and Maya, things are starting to feel like a harmonious and dynamic team I could possibly remember well after I'm done with this game.
  14. Finally I get to the combat! This section is a little messy, since it isn't chronological, but a flipping through of various combat aspects. Part 2 Section 3: This is Kindergarten!: Sorry if this was fairly chaotic in a bad way. I'll be cleaner the next time I discuss fighting, I should be able to integrate it with plot happenings. I only had to separate it because this was the first time around. If there is anything that you want screenshotted from battles- more of the Contact lines, or relationships, or spell animations, tell me and I'll do it. Next is the final section for Part 2, we chat up the school, crush some clocks, and finally do something about that grimacing principal.
  15. Sephiran's sex life is indeed a tragic topic, given how it was cut so short. Although I am not one to meddle in it, I really do like the guy despite his faults, and he is handsome. But unlike Pent where I may once in a while non-seriously call him a DILF, my love for Sephiran is strictly asexual. As for the actual topic, I am a member of the auld Tellius elite, having been given both games in childhood back when they were new, fresh, inexpensive, and the hottest thing around, instead of one of the most overrated things around -so some argue. I remember the old days when on GameFAQs, RD was known as Fire Emblem (Working Title), which the perverted minds of the site on seeing it sometimes cut off to "Working Tit...", on one occasion called it "Working Titania". And I still possess both titles, with a working Wii U and platinum Gamecube to play them.
  16. Excellent! Now go play Thracia 776. Good to know my success's tempt of you didn't drive you to Orb ruin without good results. I'm tempted to go for a Quan, but I'm trying to hold back. Sigurd I'd like too, yet color sharing means not caring here; I can wait.
  17. Strangely, I can quote you here just fine. As I can the "It's a very unique pairing". However, your earlier post beginning with "From a romantic standpoint..." I cannot quote the final line of, can I use the quote button. Nor can I can do the same with the "False!" post (I can't copy anything past the first sentence. It's a little like Jedah's invincibility.? (Pretend it's blue.) On MarthxNyna, whilst Marth's sorrows for Caeda would be significant, the relationship with Nyna would probably be functional than HardinxNyna. And Gharnef might not have been able to corrupt Marth as with Hardin. So FE3 Hardin would now have to be the rebel and Marth the king if Gharnef wanted to try world conquest round 2. Assuming Hardin was still corruptible.
  18. To speak seriously, his list: Occupying Grust and leaving a corrupt abusive hungry-for-young-female-virgins noble named Lang in charge whilst executing any resistance. Attempting to undermine Minerva's reign in Macedon through underlying support for rebellious generals. Seizing Altea with the hope of framing Marth as deserving such punishment through failure in Macedon. He instead settles for Marth's refusal to abide by Lang's orders as grounds to conquer it instead. He brutally occupies the country for a year at most. Attempts to continually fight and kill Marth during the occupation of Altea and thereafter. Forcing Gra to fight Marth to the death even though its army consists mostly of poorly armed greenhorns. Repressing Archanean resistance and discontent to his tyrannical rule through violence and executions. Does being a pawn of Gharnef due to his weakness of character leading to corruption by the Darksphere count as a chargeable crime? Or can he plea spiritual illness? Lastly, in having ordered Marth to go to Grust to subjugate it, Hardin provided the events which Roy would later parallel in the Western Isles. The Western Isles introduces those painfully generic and rotten limelight hogs called the Etrurian nobility. It would be next to impossible to deny at least a visuals & class connection. Silver hair, female, light magic usersl one has a Dark Affinity, the other Minor Loptous Blood. One has is forbidden to marry because of their cursed blood, the other is a pariah because of their Brand. One can produce a child able to hold a dark entity, the other can hold a dark entity. (Yune may be no "Dark God", as in an evil being wanting to pollute the world with poisonous shadows. But in the absence of Ashera using Dark, her having no Spirits who use Dark, and her highest servant- the highest to Yune as well- using Light, Dark, and Staffs, I personally insist on a Dark Magic-Yune connection.) Both are heavily slanted stats-wise with huge Magic and Res (but Deirdre doesn't share in Micaiah's Lck). Further evidence is to be found in of course the abundance of other Jugdral-Tellius parallels.: Quan et Tibarn Travant et Naesala All those green-haired Silessean Pegasus Knights able to use Staffs on promotion et Elincia The Fiana Freeblades et the Greil Mercenaries Ethlyn et Mist Eyvel et Greil & Titania Asbel et Soren (although this goes back to Merric as well) Finn et Geoffrey Black Knight Ares et the Black Knight Visually and class- Tailtiu et Ilyana Visually and class- Azelle et Tormod Specialized weapon cavalry et specialized weapon cavalry The history of the Thracian Peninsula et the history of the islands in the Gazaleah Sea The geography of the halves of the Thracian Peninsula et the geography of Crimea and Daein The presence of a singular superpower in Grannvale et the presence of a singular superpower in Begnion? Brands of Holy Blood, Brands of Laguz blood? The return of Skills after GBA FE got rid of them and only rudimentarily restored them with SS The (only one little chapter) return of Capturing The ability to steal weapons The return of Escape The return of mounted units moving after attacking The return of Authority Stars Scrapped plans for Soren and Titania to offer contrasting advice like August and Dorias The fact that FEs 6-8 were all themselves inspired by preceding FEs: 6&7 on 1&3, and 8 on 2. I think that might be it, I could have forgotten a few. Not to say that Jugdral did everything here better than Tellius or vice versa. Nor to call Tellius an uninspired carbon copy of Jugdral, that isn't the case either. Laguz to say the very least don't exist in Jugdral. The personalities and characters of Deirdre and the character of Micaiah are quite different though. And proof of what I just said of Tellius not being a direct copy of Jugdral. It's inspiration, not imitation.
  19. This would most certainly be off the E3 table. Late in April, Retro had posted it was hiring for positions including Lead Character Artist, and Physics Engineer. At very best, they'd have month's time to cobble a 30 seconds at most no-gameplay teaser trailer, whose Samus Aran would likely not only much more polished, but also with non-negligible design tweaks. Is a month even enough time to decide what the final title artwork looks like?
  20. Engaged, but not yet married. Hardin ruined their chance for a June 15th 607 AC wedding, it got postponed until 609.
  21. Correct. The way I did phrase it was somewhat sloppy. Maybe I will later.? If they say "served the royal family", but don't outright say "knight", there is wiggle room. They could have been commoners, serving the royal family by breeding say the steeds whom the kings and queens ride. Or perhaps the village was crown land directly under royal control, and not delegated to nobles. Or if they were knights, you could say they defended their fief maybe 9/12 months of the year or so, visiting the capital for the rest. Or they just remain on the fief being landlords until called to serve for a gathering of the elite for governance or for battle. Serving doesn't mean having to be in/near the capital all the time, even if it'd be good to do so for social fun (and political patronage for the ambitious). -Just some possibilities I can think of off the top of my head. And this is just the laundry list of explanations, and some self-criticisms I mentioned before. Absolutely positively unless you really want to, DON'T have to read this.:
  22. Did a small resource dump onto Verica and Marth for this Raid (small because I still have plenty), both are lv 60 now with 30/40 Mana Nodes unlocked respectively. This is enough for Expert raids, I'm surprised there is no Nightmare raid this time. Must be reruns-only thing. Story is okay, and of course so is the character, a gigantic humanoid without three appendages to smash is different from what I last remember. The free Dragon offering +20% Attack sounds relatively good by their standards, though I already have a Pazuzu and two Garudas for high end Wind. Wonder if they'll consider making Wu Kong playable later? Lance or Axe I'm thinking. The new Summon Showcase is all female, and with the Raid freebie also female and the male Dragon is non-anthropomorphic, I'm a little annoyed. And why'd they make one of the 4*s a Fire Sword? We already have the 3* shota, the 5*s Naveed and Marth, and two 4*s in Euden and Karl. We didn't need another Hasha no Tsurugi. Nurse Aileen is only the third Water Staff I think, and she is definitely better than Thaniel, although I hope Ricardt continues to suffice, even if she is better. Does her first Skill alternate HP Regen-Attack Buff-Defense Buff-HP Regen and so forth? Or is the HP Regen there all the time? While Aileen might be nice, I'm skipping her and this Showcase. I'm not interested in Ieyasu either (the rates for 5*s should be so low I'd rather save up), nor his Wind Blade companion, since I've already Musashi on that front. I'll continue saving Tickets and Wyrmite, hopeful the inevitable Summer Summon Swimsuits Showcase in the coming months will have a guy on it- even if this Showcase suggests otherwise. Assuming a Facility Event, will it be Wind dudettes and maybe dude for a fishy Water boss, or Water bikinis and speedos taking on a Fire fiend trying to dry up the ocean and give everyone terrible sunburns?
  23. Sigurd and Quan on a banner are nice, I do want them both. Although I think I'll skip Siggy here, due to sharing a color with a girl who was made good for the wrong reasons, whilst me finding her mild in character- not problematic, but not compelling. It may be some time before he pops on a banner again, but I can wait. That leaves the question of Quan, if I Grail an Ethlyn I can have 3/4ths of the Leonster family, waiting only for Altena to come with Adjective Gae Bolg and a bulky but slow Lance Flier statline (Altena does have a 60% Spd growth, but 65/55 Str/Def rival it; her Str/Spd/Def caps are 27/22/29; and Gae Bolg inflicts a massive 15 AS loss without any Spd boosts to counter it). But I'm hesitating on going for him in case the next NH banner is worthwhile. Having played most FEs now (and as of tonight, I'll be off in Fiana) is making holding back a little harder. I guess I'd side with Pent, even though I don't have him. I don't like VGs enough to think about scoring.
  24. I wasn't actually thinking that. I had mostly the old scrapped "Fire Emblem on Mars" idea in my head. Though the first line was a 7th Dragon reference. Just adding some levity to my more serious musings. And actually, FE has enough evil dragons to make for seven True Dragons: 1st True- Naga, 2nd- Loptyr, 3rd- Medeus, 4th- Grima, 5th- Velezark(?), 6th- Anankos, 7th- Spoilers. Admittedly this isn't perfect, FE dragons don't align perfectly.
  25. @omegaxis1 For some reason I'm having issues quoting you response. But are you sure with solid evidence Grima that came back to spread destruction of their own accord? For some reason, I thought Grima was only reacting. That Grima only chose to travel across timespace because they got a whiff of what Naga and Lucina were planning. Sure when they arrived back in time they went "Sure I'll make this world more like home!" and began plotting its destruction, but only as a consequence of seeing it after initially taking the voyage to kill Lucina and friends. And this goes back to my own assumption that Lucina's flight was not to react against her Grima going back into the past, but to save a world like her own, any world, because her's was a total dead end, she didn't want to die, and she would be happier knowing she helped save something if not her own world from annihilation. Nor did I operate under the assumption that eradicating Naga's existential existence was next to impossible. In playable Lucina's original world, the fight at Ylisstol was lost, so Naga would have to go elsewhere. But Mount Prism the holiest place on the continent is gone, and how much she can run and where to, is not so explained. All ships I recall reading are smashed in Lucina's time, so Valm it is possible is a toxic cesspool of Grima power, including every leaf of the Mila Tree. We have no idea of what has become of the ~3309 years since the Crusaders Jugdral that has to still exist. And who knows what else exists out there in terms of lands? Maybe there is a tiny "rock" sticking out of the middle of the ocean somewhere that happens to be the tippy top of the 80000000000 years sunk Tower of Guidance? If we had a map of the entire planet of Faia EmberuEarth, and it was labeled with to indicate how much of the land, sky, and seas was contaminated with Grima's darkness to the point that Naga could not inhabit it. Then maybe it'd be possible Naga still had a fighting chance of survival, or maybe it would possible Grima had polluted the world beyond that point and that noose around her was too tight to escape. And that is assuming Naga couldn't take two sisters and flee with them to other planets with highly intelligent life to warn them about potential Fell Dragon apocalypses. Although then I'm left to wonder why she didn't shoot the Manaketes to the nearby Moon after the war with the Earth Dragons that nearly killed off humanity. Medeus would never have betrayed if the Manaketes resided solely on the oxygenated lunar surface and humanity solely on the Faia EmberuEarth. At least, not until those pesky humans "come in peace" via Gradivus 11 rockets.
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