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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. But then I'm left wondering where Volug went. It'd be a little out of place to include him with anyone other than Rafiel I think. Maybe he could work with other DB members, but that'd be it. And Lekain would be fine, but then we need his promised wife. And he needs that AoE Silence he can do in RD. Tomes and Staffs begone! You'll have to play this map without them on your side. Though Hetzel is more Rafiel's personal mixed relationship, he never actually wields a weapon other than Rewarp (I think for his turn 1 appearance in 4-4), Elsleep, and Elsilence, and is less significant than Lekain.
  2. + = šŸ˜ on both phases. Although given he comes with Wrath- guaranteed critical on the first (if multiple) counter hit of every round of combat initiated against this unit, I'd think Vengeful or Special Fighter in his base kit. It'd mean Galzus would have to bring the Meisteraxt (complete with DC), which then frees the Flame Sword for Eyvel. I guess Glade can get the Meisterlanze (also with DC), since nobody really has a claim to it. Or we can just skip the Meisterlanze and bring in Dean of South Thracia and his Vantage + both phases Brave effect Dragonpike (no actual dragon effectiveness here).
  3. That is only three units though, you'd need a fourth to complete it. Stefan the guy who shares their desert and has lion blood would be appropriate, if boring due to being sword infantry number 47 IS should have given us Green, Blue and Colorless Swords eons ago. Otherwise, I'm not sure who to add. The LEA are Begnionites, so Devdan, Tanith, Sigrun, Marcia, Makalov, Astrid, and Largo are all to some extent fitting. PoR Child Sothe could work too. Izuka would be okay for a GHB that is 100% generic Beasts besides the boss.
  4. He has the most important lines of all: Escape and Death Quotes! Although Priam has a little NA infamy for causing some firestorms concerning Ike's sexuality or lack thereof working against him. Not so much in Japan I hear though. Weird, I've generally heard nothing of Kjelle, other than recalling in Japan her having a drunken attraction to Severa's body I think. Nor of Brandy. Epic Yarne on the other hand I've seen more criticism for as really repetitive, maybe not so bad if you read only one support, but suffering on the heavier side from the "character reset at the start of each Support" fault of Awakening. Well the Miracle Sword would be a kinda laughable inheritable I guess, even though Seliph got Miracle on a refine. Unless they, I dunno, made it negate all incoming damage through the unit's next action if their HP fell below ~20% Charlotte, Rinkah, and Scarlet are all options. As is Echidna. And maybe they could spare Macha the fate of being yet another Sword Infantry by taking advantage of her promotion to Hero.
  5. Operating under the assumption that Dragon Laguz won't count as Breath. Though to be fair, there are with Yin-Yarne's inclusion only 11 all-Tellius Beasts left: Lyre Muarim Kyza Giffca Skrimir Volug Janaff Ulki Nealuchi Vika Rafiel However, if we attach the Dragon Laguz to Bantu, Nagi, ED Medeus, SD Medeus, Mila, Nils, Anankos, and Lilith, we've only 13 Breaths to add. A similar number to the Beasts sans Dragon Laguz.
  6. Did another update to these lists after a few months of not doing so. Might have missed something, but just say so if I did.
  7. I free pulled a Linde! +Atk -HP too, an awesome nature. First Quan in three tries, and now Linde in one, my luck is back on the good side of things.
  8. I free pulled a Linde! +Atk -HP too, an awesome nature. I'd like a Child Tiki too, but I'll settle for the easily found grown one. Right now I'll wait for Sigurd, and maybe consider going for Julia, I owe her for her awesome Nostanking in 4; I have her mother though, so she is lower priority. I also want Minerva as much if not more than Sigurd. Week 10 is all nice, but none I really really want. Other than these, Week 17 looks good for the Frelia royals, and Jaffar and Dorcas are low targets, yet still on my radar. I'll free pull in hopes of a Mist on Week 5, but her not having a horse is too disappointing for me to do more.
  9. Count Olrox- that one boss in Symphony of the Night, whose Olrox's Suit can be found in Dawn, though it is quickly outdone once you find Dracula's Tunic. -Apparently though the name, which is properly spelt Orlok, comes from the old 1922 silent vampire movie Nosferatu. Which is based on Dracula the classic Bram Stoker novel that started the love for vampires. But the movie producers weren't allowed the rights to use the Dracula brand, so "nosferatu" replaced "vampire" and "Orlok" replaced "Dracula". Interestingly now that I look at it, the full title of Nosferatu is Nosferatu: eine Symphonie des Grauens, which translates as "A Symphony of Horror". I have the memory of a goldfish at this moment, so that sound familiar? Hmm...šŸ¤” Apparently, the only real explanation in the Castlevania franchise for its Olrox is in a Japan-only novel supervised by Iga set after Dawn of Sorrow. I didn't know any of this at the time I was writing my little fict. I was just filling in what I thought was undeveloped character and picked Juste as him because Olrox happened to reside in a fancy place in Dracula's Castle surrounded by other fancy places in it if my memory is correct.
  10. FEs 1-3? Pfffffffffffffffff! There are characters in these games who don't say a single word, not introduced, not when they die. FE just didn't have the resources in the 8-bit and early 16-bit era to do so for everyone in their rosters, only some got good bits of characterization. Things were getting a little better with 3, but not to the point that everyone had significant character. Even glorious Final Fantasy VI has some characters solely of charm and not depth or development. FE4 gives almost its entire Gen 1 playable roster of 24 nice little personalities (I think Chulainn is just kind of there), but Gen 2 suffers from child variability. FE5 is something of a step back to FE3 I think. FE6 invents Support conversations, and it is here where the effort to establish "real characterization for all!" begins.
  11. Not to mention the number of Thracia fans is now increasing a little with the new English patch completed. Although the game is still held back by most of the cast having little or no character. I mean Reinhardt, the hotshot T776 villain in FEH has yet to actually appear and say a single line. And I'm at the start Chapter 18 of 25 (+8 sidequest ones)! Chapters 10, 11, and I think 11x all hype him up, and Chapters 16 and 17 mention him again if you pick the coastal route as opposed to the totally different inland path to Leonster, but Reinhardt has not actually shown up at all. I've Olwen, I've killed Kempf, and Olwen electrocuted a bunch of Reinhardt's Rapier & Thoron-wielding Gelbenritter from across a river, but nothing from him himself. While I'll get to updating my database topic tomorrow, I'd just like to say that Awakening's playable characters in Fire Emblem Heroes with this New Heroes banner and GHB has reached 34/51, or exactly 66.66% (not counting Noire, PA Inigo, Laslow, or Selena, but counting the Morgans and Robins as separate characters). Awakening's 2/3rds of its roster being in now just barely overtakes Fates and its 45/70 (64.29%) as being the game with the most playable representation by percentage in FEH. It was third place beforehand at 56.86% if you didn't include the Cipher Quartet in the SoV count (58.82%). Now things are just looking really overdue for Magvel, which is doesn't have as flat characters as Archanea and Thracia, so you can't use that argument against it. This is despite its non-Creature Campaign playable roster being the smallest in FE (counting the two FE4 Gens as one).
  12. With 3 hours left on the banner, the next a skip, and Little Leif's game being enjoyable enough for me, let me see about getting his dear old dad in 254 Orbs. Donnel, Mobin, Quan! Atk bane and Def boon is half good and half bad I guess, but I don't give a care about that. I bestow thanks to Finn, Glade, Dorius, Selphina, Xavier, and all others who knewth Quan and have whose treasured memories thereof must have granted me to the power to lure him into my world with such swiftness and ease. May the banner of the Gae Bolg fly over all of Manster District/Province and I return its honorable defector its prince's side as soon as I get that repositioning patch working. Hope it shall be that the Gae Bolg itself shall soon fly over Askr grasped by she who is Njorun's reincarnation, raised like a sister to he who is Dainn reincarnate and likewise with his the father of sin and sympathy. Amen! šŸ™
  13. The Floating Catacombs were a little more inventive, but yeah the rest of the castle needed work. I'm not quite sure what they could have done though. And to think it all went to waste once the castle collapsed in the ending. However it was Castle B, which wasn't actually a physical normal entity in the first place, and Castlevania even without that is a fluid structure that emerges from and can convert back into the energies of Chaos. Therefore, it is entirely possible that that room survives and that Juste after the game is over, is able to access it via a pocket dimension. Utterly infatuated with decorating this one room he made his own in Dracula's Castle, Juste finds himself spending more and more of his time continuing to decorate it with things he bring to it, and less time in the ordinary world. To the point it becomes a half-serious question whether he or Maxim sired all of the next generation "Belmonts". And Juste's firstborn son heir to the Vampire Killer is left to train themselves in the art of the whip and subweapons, because Daddy isn't interested in that. Richter for his part could only remember glancing at Grandpa maybe tens times in his entire life before he mysteriously disappeared, which he thought was what his parents told him to avoid saying Grandpa had died. In truth, Juste simply lost interest in life beyond his private Demon Castle chamber which he kept a secret from everyone but his passive wife and overly trusting friend. He soon began within the Chaotic Realm where this lone room exists to take the gradual inflow of darkness generated on Earth by humanity and slowly construct additional rooms around it. Juste comes to think himself the proper owner of this quaint little seaside of chaos cottage. The darkness begins to taint his being, and by gradual osmosis of the darkness, he become a vampire. When Dracula next awakens in 1792, he asserts his supremacy over his suddenly gargantuan castle. Juste, having forgotten who he was and what Dracula is, argues that he owns the castle and has the right to shape it as he sees fit. After a little Hellfire, Juste long sans VK yields to Dracula's power, and forms an agreement with Dracula- Juste becomes his servant, and in exchange gets the rights to decorate every bit of the castle according to his whims and desires, excluding the throne room and its immediate environ. That same year, Richter defeats Dracula and Juste, who wasn't a fighter being into interior design, vanishes with it whilst still being alive. Four years later in 1796, Dracula's Castle returns and so does Juste, who returns to his lifelong and beyond passion. This time however, Death in the absence of Dracula himself orders that Juste help defend the castle from Alucard who is rummaging through it. Juste complains that isn't his job, and Death gives him an undeath by a thousand miniscythe cuts to "persuade" him otherwise, he did nothing to defend his liege last time, he will do it now! Now it is to be noted that when Juste agreed to become Dracula's servant, he was a haughty individual who had to be sated first. And Dracula granting him decor rights was not enough. If Dracula was the Prince of Darkness (although Satan disputes this), then Juste demanded a title of nobility of his own. Dracula reviewed the old European hierarchies and ranks and chose something he felt appropriate to Juste's merit as an underling. Duke was too great for Juste, and so too was Marquess, thus he had to settle for a lower honorific, that of Count. It was with this title that Alucard slew Richter's former grandfather, and with this title he returned in 1999 after several centuries of being too insignificant to be worth reviving, and even then he was downgraded to Baron for how worthless he was. In attempt to appease his master and regain prestige, Juste built a lavish dance hall and taught the supernatural how to perform beautiful routines, hoping lavish entertainment for his Prince would result in Juste regaining the place he had lost. He did not, and when he heard Julius was on his way, he drank all of his wine, becoming so intoxicated he threw on nothing but his threadbare red cloak from young adulthood and danced in cowardice, petty anger, and insanity in front of Julius, who thus slew him in a single lash forevermore. However, the clothes Juste wasn't wearing survived him and were not sealed in solar eclipse, instead, they remained scattered upon the Earth. A cult movement found them, for they were a relic of darkness and thus worthy of veneration, only to be claimed neat and tucked as they were by Soma in 2036. What became of them afterwards is not for certain.
  14. You see the five ballistae in this picture? I am warping you into the middle of their firing range, putting you to sleep, and dressing you up as Olwen. Enjoy your fate.
  15. And to be fair, the inverted castle is sorta filler. You can get through it real quick and the plot is nonexistent once you get inside beyond the final battle with dear old dad and quick two-line exchange with a terribly easy Death (only 666 HP?, it was that or 4444 I guess). Doesn't Finale Toccata play almost exclusively in the inverted castle? I think that adds real evidence to it being an afterthought, or at the least, poorly planned. It is a mass of bosses and exploration without anything to string it together into a cohesive entity. PoR did the second half area recycling better. And on the topic of exploration, this is the only game where your very best ending requires map completion (and the rings and glasses to avoid the bad endings). All of the games with better and worse endings (so not CoM) do require exploration to achieve- to find the Dracula Remains for HoD, to find the needed souls for AoS, get Paranoia for DoS, Sanctuary for PoR, all the villagers for OoE. It is interesting, a non-gameplay incentive in each to explore.
  16. Malledus doesn't add much I agree, though better than Merlinus the Wrong Until He Surprisingly Isn't The Last Time He Gives Advice. I think a modern SD remake needs to have a good heroic ensemble, keep MarMalN, but add HMin and maybe C, with a line or two from time to time from other, permanently killable characters like Merric, Jagen, and Bantu.
  17. The capitalized "LIES!" meant I didn't mean that all that seriously. His lovely spritework in DoS is as lovely as it was in SotN, but I just kinda wished after having played SotN that he had more of his old arsenal available than three-four tricks. I'd never deny that. I don't quite get why they added that to DoS now that I think about it. I think Kaga said, in a relatively recent GameSpot interview + gameplay of the game's beginning segment, it was placed where it was because of a Devil they placed in a nearby hallway- a really strong enemy. When you see all the damage the Devil is absorbing, it will make you go "this is too powerful for me to kill right now, I should turn around". Also, in the same discussion, Kaga said the main menu is incomplete. There were plans to make better graphics for it, maybe faux-stained glass decoration, but the game didn't have the time or resources to squeeze it in, resulting in the thin white lettering on blue that looks like it was used for playtesting an unreleased game. Your criticisms of Symphony are a little more than expected on the gameplay side. But you certainly are looking at things much more technically than I. And I haven't booted up SotN in forever, so I can't really argue at all. Were I to guess it's because the Chozo Ruins are the most Chozo-y place in MP1? The Ice Beam is the most Metroid-y of the beams since it is distinctly anti-Metroid the titular enemies. Chozo = Metroid-ness = Ice Beam? Not according to Smash.
  18. Erk: This is the book I was reading. Iā€™m done with it, so you can have it if you want.Nino: Really? Thatā€™s great! Ohā€¦butā€¦what should I do?Erk: Iā€™m sorry?Nino: Iā€™m still not very good at readingā€¦Erk: ā€¦Thenā€¦ How do you use anima magic?Nino: My motherā€¦ Not my real mother, but the one who raised meā€¦ She knew all kinds of magic, and I just imitated her from the time I was small.Erk: You imitated her?Nino: My mother would hold the tome and chant, right? Well, I just listened to her chants and practiced them over and over until I had memorized them!Erk: And thatā€¦works? But it takes years of training to correctly hear and decipher a chant!Nino: It does?Erk: Iā€™m just surprised. You must be a natural geniusā€¦ ā€¦I have the deepest respect for you nowā€¦Nino: ā€¦ ā€¦Erk: !? W-Why are you crying? Didā€¦ Did I say something terrible?Nino: Unh-unhā€¦ You didnā€™tā€¦ Itā€™s justā€¦ Iā€™m so happyā€¦that someoneā€¦finallyā€¦appreciates meā€¦ā€¦ Thankā€¦youā€¦ā€¦Erk: ā€¦ā€¦ So Nino just has prodigal natural talent inherited from her real parents (her mother's sister is the FE6 Mage Hugh's mother, who Niime notes as being talented with Anima). And, you don't need a tome to use magic, SoV mages and healers don't use them, it just makes things easier.
  19. šŸ’” You just gave me a brilliant new FE class idea- Comedian (or Jester to have that medieval veneer). A dedicated debuffer support class with less reliability and snipeability, but more spammability than precious status staffs. One of its debuffing commands would be Awkward Silence: has a (User's Skill x 2 - Target's Skill + 50)/2 = % chance of inflicting Silence on a target enemy within two spaces of this unit and any enemies adjacent to them. ... Geez I took forever with with C16, about 30 turns. I got all three Sleep Swords with a little savestating, but I never figured out what makes Kempf move out and attack. It was bringing Olwen? That makes sense, but I didn't bring her having brought her in the last fight and thinking she was unneeded this time, despite connections to Kempf. The fact you can't have her and Ilios means you can't trigger Kempf if you opt to get him instead, not the best design choice here. -Then again, the ballistae would still be there, a quick Warp would have been really good for that. So instead, after Leif recruited Schroff, Karin dropped him in the forests and he dodgetanked while slashing away at the ballistae and Kempf when he struck. A few of my best units remained on the east bridge waiting for Kempf to move out, which he and all his troops never did. The bulk of my forces, mostly weaker units, waaaaaaaaaited for Conomor with Alfred eager to Sleep him and mug him for his weapons. Conomor advanced for two turns before Kempf died and he fled without me ever touching him, which felt like a major disappointment.
  20. Well it looks like nobody else using this topic, I tried to see if there was demand for it. Speaking of Sleep, I've just reached Chapter 16 Dorius/Coastal/Sol (although I think Augustus was smarter in the discussion, I'm choosing what most people consider the better path and I'll do a Paragon Mode run later where I get Miranda because she sounds interesting), and looking over SF's item locations page, this seems to be the only chapter where I can find Sleep Swords before Xavier. Being that I'm going to attempt this hell of a recruitment, I've heard Sleep Swords are good for getting him. But the problem is they on Cavaliers- mounted units, so I can't Capture them, and the swords are too heavy to Steal. Fortunately I've still have one use left on Salem's Sleep Staff before it'd need a Hammerne. Using Sleep to get Sleep is a clever and kinda funny strat I'll have to usešŸ˜‰šŸ¤Ŗ. Sleep Staff the first Cavalier for one Sleep Sword, then capture them and use their Sleep to get two more Sleeps for a total a net gain of an incredible 27 Sleep uses. One of which I immediately plan for Ilios, since I want his stuff and aren't killing Olwen inasmuch as I love great bases (seriously, Ralph looks great to me). And this frees up the Hammerne for Warp and other things.
  21. Looking at the weeks, if I bothered to summon, 3 and 8 are the ones I want the most. Other weeks have some things I'd like, but one must ration.
  22. True!šŸ˜™ Part of Karla recruitment dialogue: Bartre: ā€œMeeting me here will be your doom! I must erase the shame I met on the Western Isles! Come! We duel!ā€ Karla: ā€œā€¦Oh, I remember you. Youā€™re the guy who came out of nowhere and challenged meā€¦ The one I knocked out with my first sword stroke.ā€ Bartre: ā€œThe Bartre before you is not the same one you faced then! I will have my revenge for the Isles here in Ostia! Now, dig up some courage, and do your worst!ā€ A Support: "Bartre: Enough, braggart! Youā€™re no better than me! We are the same, you and I! Karla: ā€¦Except that I am a woman. Bartre: Iā€“! Karla: ā€¦What? Are you so surprised? Surely you must have realized this before now! Bartre: Errā€¦ No! Iā€™m sorry! I mean, I forgot! Karla: You forgot? Whatever do you mean? Bartre: ā€¦From the first time I met you on the battlefield, I saw a beautiful girlā€¦ Butā€¦after I fought you and realized your strength, I only saw the greatest warrior I had ever met. Karla: ā€¦ā€¦ Bartre: Did I anger you? Karla: No. Itā€™s justā€¦ Bartre: Just what? Karla: Bartre, you are a good man. Bartre: Hnh? Karla: I will train harder, so that I do not betray your expectations of me. Farewell. Bartre: K-Karla. What was I thinking! That was the absolute stupidest thing I could have said! Whatā€™s wrong with me! Am Iā€¦in love? Wauuuugghhhhhh!" Although going off the data for their rematch at the end of the Nergal incident, Bartre should win as long as he has the Iron Rune to be immune to Crits. With base stats + Warrior promotion bonuses + a Swordreaver, Bartre can survive Karla's recruitment duel if she doesn't crit. Which just speaks to the gulf between her in FE7 and her in this game. She can't with certainty ORKO someone with 32 HP and 9 Def, despite coming four fights from the very end.
  23. So far he's proven quite useful, and I just cleared the not-as-threatening-as-I-thought-it'd-be Chapter 14. Halvan and Orsin have surpassed him offensively, but his bases + Accost have kept him very much afloat. To compare: Only Galzus the Gotoh has a higher base HP and Str than Dagdar. Only Dean (only outdoors while mounted), Conomore, Xavier, and Galzus have higher base Def- all of those come very late. Oh, and Dalsin has 1 more point too, not bad for the Manster arc. But Dalsin is horrendously slow to start, and has the Armor weakness. 11 Base Skl isn't the highest, but still pretty good. 9 Spd could be a lot better, but few of the weapons he wields can weigh him down. Enemies haven't been too fast either, nothing has really menacingly been able to double him. Accost means he can get thwacked more, but as I said he is very bulky and usually benefits from it, for it enables him to ORKO. Luck is low, but he isn't a bad choice for the Luck Ring. And a Scroll regardless of what it gives will mitigate all non-Wrath crits. Nonexistent Mag is universal for physical units not Ronan, Nanna, Amalda, Karin and Misha. His 15 Con makes him great for Capturing most enemies. Agreed, the Oifey distinction is meaningless, particularly since there aren't that many "stops being useful outright" Jagens: Jagen Arran Eyvel FE6 Marcus Zelot And even Jagen doesn't really belong here with brokenly powerful statboosters in 1&3 to salvage him there, and forged effective pokey sticks and smashy mallets in SD. I'm not counting Gunter, because he is never good even at the start. He is no better than Corrin in the two pre-BoF chapters you get with him, and is useless once reobtained on Rev. His primary use once returned is as Corrin's DS battery pack. Although I hear investing in his wide and easy access to level 15 skills can make this statless prune actually useful as a unit in himself. So a list of 'Oifeys': Oifey Dagdar FE7 Marcus (thanks pitifully weak enemies!) Seth-Ra Babylonian Sea Fairy Queen Soooooā€“oooothe! Frederick not of Prussia Maybe Jakob counts? Or Reina? The number of "Oifeys" at this point is outstripping the number of this older type.
  24. It doesn't. I can confirm that. Lewyn only chats with his mom at the castle, nothing is said of love or Erinys. The couple didn't wed on my run until Lewyn triggered the Erinys convo.
  25. And in a sense, a "direct" translation is inaccurate. If the Japanese script flows well, and the English doesn't by following the same sentencing, then the two are not the same. People playing the English could complain "The sentences are stilted!", while the Japanese would not have this problem at all. Translation has been a thorny issue long before video games started doing it. Ignoring religious scriptures, looking at Dante's Divine Comedy, here is the lengthy list of translations Wikipedia has. Notice how it lists the form? Terza rima is the original Italian poetic form of the work, which is much harder to use naturally in English because rhyming is harder. So does one keep to the poetry as in Italian, even if it sacrifices some of the beauty and possibly obscure some of the content that makes the Comedy so famous? Or does one choose to pick a different form of written word that is just as beautiful in English and might not cause the content to be entangled, if it results in deviation from the form Dante employed? Ideally of course, you want form and content. But as no two languages are exactly alike, you cannot get that. Translation is at the end of the day, a compromise. It sacrifices a quantity of a work's totality, but allows people cannot read it in its native language to do so without having to learn that language. A better translation sacrifices less, but something will always be lost. What is lost from the totality is up for the translators to determine. -Not that even if you did learn the original language all would be as beautiful. If you didn't learn the second language early in life, it being nonnative may mean you just translate every work in your head into your native tongue. That I could see as being an impediment to aesthetic appreciation, and I could see translators and localizers as able to better reword things than this hypothetical average bilingual joe doing mental translation. There is still a solution if you wholeheartedly and devoted throw yourself in trying to love the language so that you don't mentally translate and that it is beautiful without it. However, that is difficult, and in reality for many I would suppose, either learned you the second language early on, or you didn't, there is no choice, no option but T & L. So translation isn't always just convenience for lazy monoglots and polyglots missing the language in question, it might be practically the only way to enjoy a work. .... To remain on topic, I'll wait until the translation is done because I want to experience the full game in one time period. Serially picking up the game whenever a new patch drops sounds like an atmospheric disconnect. And I don't know how to unpatch and repatch a game either. Although maybe I should find myself an emulator to see if I can even get the game running on my old Mac. Won't suddenly have cause to cry when Lazberia Chronicle Chapter 174 I wonder what the other chapters are like? descends from Takamagahara to Anglophone Earth and I find out only then that I can't I play it.
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