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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. @Dragoncat Quite lighthearted, and enjoyable for it I can see. The titular nameplay is a silly spin fitting for the rest but not enough of Bone... Upper!-My rifle is getting hotter-1, 2, 3!-Eat this electric round!-Oh yeah baby!- I need to cool off!-Sword Drive!. An ordinary scenario, but that can work for a comic and optimistic entry. @Anacybele Light as well, and the cheeriness is good. Quite the detailed set of fanficted OCs, a sign of your creative passion, (you really do love your Freddy). Lengthy, but it does flow better than my own, even longer work. @Ottservia Different from the rest of the entries here with its use of bloodshed and the seriousness and sorrows it brings. Sometimes that helps, being the whipped cream and berries amid savory steaks (although.you're the blackened shrimp here and the rest are more like the creme patisserie). Contrast within a work keeps things from monotony. I also like a good baby name story, so that was a particularly sweet moment. I'm not at all familiar with most of the Awakening and Fates characters beyond their names and little summary blurbs, but this was a nice work and the characters were likable. Romance isn't usually my forte either, so you're not alone on that here. @TheSilentChloey Fairly short and readable. A dash of humor, amid good family feels and a hint of seriousness in the Morgan warp. I actually remember seeing on a food show once a couple ordered a cake with a baby riding a surfboard on a wave on it- a conception cake representing the place where it happened- Hawaii. I don't mind a lengthy timeskip or two, as long as things aren't too scattered. Can in some situations be better than relaying the same information as expose. If you wanted to pick a term other than "healer" that isn't "doctor", although Medieval Europe did have those as those beaked mask plague doctor indicate, "apothecary" might have sufficed. A dealer in herbs and other plants treating all sorts of ailments, not as "trained" as a medieval doctor, but still relied on medical specialists for centuries and you better name them Alfyn. Also, to summarize what I had written in a tanka.: Just so you can get the gist of what it was about. Go ahead if you want to. I was considering posting a laundry list of explanations of things big and small behind the choices I made in my entry. Not to judge it based on them, but just for the curious. And I'll concur on the extension. Who even knows if this site will need more work? A small boon of the site's upgrades and fixes, desktop users now have easier access to emojis! They can now be accessed from the toolbar where the site-exclusive ones are located. Yay! ?
  2. They're reusing Grima's back? I can sorta see why- Naga does warp you there, but it's not what I was expecting. I was thinking Mt. Prism- Chapter 24 Awakening. Or if they wanted to play with the Nagi connection: 24x Shadow Dragon- the Alterspire.
  3. And wouldn't she have died in the world Lucina fled? Sure Grima would not have been around in it anymore due to having left to pursue Lucina, but Lucina felt the world was too hopeless to fight for, and Naga didn't come back with Lucina. So I'd think Lucina's Naga would have been killed by whoever remained of Grima's lackeys and the vast darkness in the failed world. Although this raises a hypothetical situation where by Grima leaving the world they conquered to go after Lucina and spread destruction in other worlds, opens the possibility for Naga to save it. If there was but one patch of light left, a rock still pure on which Naga could with her infinite wisdom fight a darkness now decapitated, if still permeating the soul of the continents and the seas. If she could, without the Fell Dragon to fight, struggle and emerge supreme, against perhaps the Morgans and a few lucky surviving Grimleal in a boundless but not infinite horde of Risen. What... would Lucina think of this? If she could know that Naga as soon as her azure locks and the fell scales crossed into the margins of timespace, began a new genesis of good in her world? She could not have stayed for it, for then so would have that which prevented the rebirth. To know her world, not a parallel copy, could be saved from the brink of oblivion, but only without her in it?
  4. How can I be more more like Pyra? And why won't Mythra let me try her cooking?
  5. Nice to see SF up again (I was about to post this hours ago, but there seemed to be another website shutdown just as I did so), I'm a little pathetic like that. I was bored, and whipped up a full list of potential TMS alts (which is one maddening laugh, given they themselves will likely never come unaltered as is).: What I haven't done is complete any of the Arena Orb-giving quests, despite it being two days from the month's end. I'll have to pop a few Stamina Potions and get them. At the least it'll get me some Badges, I don't actually have that many and could use a few for Seal Forging. My problem on the Seals though is I've only 1050 Sacred Coins, and that is only enough for getting 6 or 7 rank 3 Seals. I'd have to choose wisely. Why can't IS allow for daily grinding of Sacred Coins? One seal slot per character, seals cap at rank 3, Sacred Coins have a limit to how much they can help any team of four. I'm a much younger in duration player than the rest, I'll never catch up with them adding another 450 worth of Coin demand every month or twice a month. And for the first time I've needed to do a little barracks expansion, 300 slots isn't enough now. Even for someone as restrictive and willing to press into manuals as I.
  6. So far, we are good for that. Although that does really limit the Mythic pool unless they go back to OCs (probably not the next though, OC Light again would be redundant with Eir) or start going about and practically inventing characters who had none in the lore. Medeus, Formortiis!Lyon, Dheginsea, Mila, Anankos (at his mental prime?), Bramimond, Ashera, uhhhh Altina has a few voiced lines in a flashback, Elimine has maybe four lines from a Mario Kart: Double Dash bonus demo CD, and oh yeah Michioth the God of Schools (to make up a fake 3H stand-in). We don't have too many options to go on using this criterion. They went and gave up Idunn, and I know Jahn has zilch in popularity (although I guess they can alt her with her soul restored so she'd be a Divine Dragon again). I'd like Medeus though, and Dheg, and Brammy, so I'm in possible luck. I'd be fine with Anri or Iote too. She only appears, wrongly depicted as a man with a sword and shield, in the game's opening tapestry sequence (which is the most common FE3 translation has utterly garbled words- but the pictures are perfectly fine). That is Naga the Guardian Deity warrior, protector of humanity from monsters- a myth created by humans who didn't understand the truth of Naga as a Manakete fighting off the Earth Dragons and their allies.
  7. Why? Doesn't Tactics only call for 2 (provided a 2-2 divide) or more distinct movement types? Running a full 4 is not absolutely necessary. Despite only debuting one game beforehand, Nagi has for me a sentimentally older feel. I can't quite associate Awakening Naga with herself when she turned her fangs into the Anri Falchion (which was cooler regarding Naga's creation of it before SoV) and the Binding Shield. She is the same person with all the same memories and she unseals the Falchion again, but her being reduced to a voluntarily spiritual being, reminding me of the World Tree spirit at the end of Tales of Symphonia, just disconnected her somehow. Nagi might have barely any availability, and she lack her memories, with SD only hinting at her as a reincarnation of Naga (that crypticness was in a way appealing), although NM is clearer about this. Yet I guess being situated in Archanea and not Ylisse, being in physical flesh, not having undergone the "radical" redesign of Awakening (but who do I kid? FEs 11 & 12 don't look like FE3). Somehow all of these things, make her seem more like the Naga of ancient times? This is who I think of when I think of Naga's death at Thabes, the being who gave birth to Tiki, led dragonkind in its golden age, and crafted artifacts for humanity with her great power and wisdom as she protected them. It sometimes sounded like she was saying "Feed me.". Weird, but I've interpreted worse. To be honest, Snover's Gen 4 cry in Pokemon sounded like "I need a ***" (three letter word for mammary gland excretion point), I have no idea why I thought that. I wasn't that dirty as a kid. And Starly sounded like "Painting a tape-water planet.", whatever that means. Isn't that what the Book of Naga is supposed to summon in FE4? Naga's likeliness (but not physical self)?
  8. You don't have to like them. Nothing wrong with not doing so. Metroid is action-adventure fun with I do think overall better design in SM/MF/MSR. Igavania is easier and converted to a simple Action RPG with far less platforming and other demands on reflexes (unless you do something like a level 1 Hard Ecclesia run). There are enough differences that I can see liking the one but not the other.
  9. Good for Awakening fans! Having the original lore deity in her modernized form. I would've preferred Nagi, so I'll be skipping, but she is still a very good addition. Good luck to those who want her! Am I right to guess you @omegaxis1?
  10. C Support Ranulf: Heya, Mordecai! What’s up, ya’ big cat?! Mordecai: Ranulf! It’s been a while. Ranulf: Yes, it has. Thanks for all your work. I heard about how fiercely you’ve fought alongside these mercenaries. Mordecai: Is that so? I am glad to help. Ike is a good beorc…strong and loyal. He is worth fighting for. Ranulf: Did you have a chance to get to know some of the other mercenaries? Mordecai: Some. Grrr… I have a question, Ranulf. Do I speak well in this tongue? Ranulf: You’re fine, Mordecai. Sure, you have an accent, and you tend to growl a lot, but the beorc can understand. Mordecai: These words are hard to me. As a cat, I need no hard words. One roar is enough for all the forest to understand. Ranulf: That may be true, but the beorc can’t begin to understand the nuance of our roars. We would only scare them. Mordecai: Yes. You are right. There are good beorcs here. Scaring them would be…bad.
  11. Good luck with this! I'd get burned out doing this myself, but I can see why someone would. Fortunately you can easily clear each game in 15 hours, less if you know what you're doing. I started with Dawn of Sorrow as well, after watching a trailer for it on a DVD for upcoming Nintendo releases I somehow got as a kid. For my personal rankings it's
  12. Sorry, I changed my mind, I'll get to posting combat tomorrow. I've enough in this post as is. Part 2 Section 2: Tutorial Battle and Jousting Journalists Now that I've these new two allies, my team is ready to tackle any demon that comes its way- provided they're in the level ~5 range.
  13. As long as one doesn't go about being obnoxious about who they want in, selfishness is fine. None of us have any actual say about who gets into FEH.
  14. Looking at the rules of the competition, in five days the votes shall be tallied up a winner chosen -provided the '80s counting machine doesn't break down. After that, the winner has a week to decide the next prompt, and then the next two-week writing period begins. Another entrant for a now-fresh mind would be welcome, Dragon-Daimyo of the Saber and Dual Pistols. ...I'll get to my reviews of my fellow four writers by tonight. I guess if everyone votes sooner, then we could start the next round sooner. Assuming non-entrants can't vote. This is only my second time participating in this.
  15. And whilst I might not deserve to ask it now, how long does it take you to assemble one LP entry? Just curious since now I'm doing my own. -I do enjoy reading your's by the way.?
  16. I'm not certain, but this might provide temporary pain relief looking at your avi. If you weren't already aware.:
  17. Next is Part 2: First Dungeon, Second Encounter: Section 1 (my divisions are according to what I find to be the narrative packets) I could post more, but it's overwhelming doing so much at once, this makes it less of a chore for me. I also cut out dialogue I felt was not really meaningful. Section 1: Home and Hysteria After this, we will finally get to the fighting which we can control.
  18. https://www.siliconera.com/2019/05/25/ys-ix-monstrum-nox-introduces-new-monstrum-bull-puppet-and-apostate/ Three of the new characters being discussed, they also confirmed a few Japanese VAs. The most curious lines here to me are: "One important point to note about her is whether she’s a puppet or a Monstrum is a secret." "Her Monstrum ability is “The Third Eye”, which makes usually unviewable things viewable, such as switches and treasure. It works regardless of elevation differences. One downside is that “you might see too much”." The former sounds like it could be plot-related, the latter leaves mean wondering what it means. Is there "static" that by being so plentiful, blocks out the relevant stuff if seen from the wrong place? Think of it like trying to look for a lit torch in a volcano's active crater, if I used thermal vision to search for the lit torch in the volcano, I probably couldn't see it because of how much heat there is around it. -I'm just speculating here.
  19. How many of the first are there? It's the second group I belong to BTW. Though the nice thing about Elyn is that its support chain can be a nice friendship too, and friendship is a nice thing to develop before romance. Elinian and Eliora are purely romantic in tone, they can't be interpreted any other way. Expecting can lead to disappointment, and it doesn't really matter much other than nominal representation, so I don't have them for this. The representation I'm more concerned about is New Heroes (and increasingly new heroes on Seasonals now, which I've mixed feelings towards) and who gets alts.
  20. Though I have only 234 Orbs, I decided to try for Leif, I like now and might never have the chance again. Saizo, Sophia, Raigh, Olivia, Eliwood, Selena, Olivia, Eliwood, Lon'qu, Lon'qu, Roy, Henry, Seliph, Morrin, Olivia, Stahl, Morrin, Frederick, Leif! +Def/-Spd, not a good combination I'd guess. But that's why I think he gets the Speed Ring. Can't wait for the new, much improved Thracia 776 translation to drop. Leif was a fairly charming character in FE4, and it only took me one chapter + some additional Arena to get him to Master Knight in early Chapter 8, Light Brand + Pursuit + Critical + Adept = a high chance of ORKO death. Oh yeah, Rescue Staff on a horse too. Down to 151 Orbs, fairly good. Now I can save for the next NH and whenever Ranulf gets reran.
  21. Timing, timing, timing. Now that its era is past, it's harder to see why it was such a big deal. It'd be like asking why was Woodstock a big deal, it was just another concert. The zeitgeist of gaming and JRPG subgroup more specifically was drawn into the game. Some of this, how much I can't really say, but certainly a sizable amount, had to do with FFVII's presentation. Those full motion videos were cutting edge back then, as were 3D graphics as a whole (Symphony of the Night is noted for being a daring rebel against that trend), and there was a short-lived and failed interactive FMV genre of video games (although I wouldn't say this is wholly a thing of the past, I recall hearing some years ago of something called The Order which sounds like it was a more modern version of this). Minigames might have played a role. While nowadays they and QTEs loathed in games where they don't really belong, it might have been considered a good gameplay expansion back then. Final Fantasies X and X-2, the games which most certainly showed minigames could be excessive pains, were still years away. Cloud perhaps was a new style of hero too, with the cool personality and modern attire. The modernism of VII would probably have been considered very new back then, when everything else had been medieval and fantasy sci-fi for the genre. (SMT and its modern setting was not yet known to the West.) Since it left really good memories in the original moment, people have continued to revere and recommend it since. -I can't really answer this most authoritatively, having myself not lived through the zeitgeist. I can only gather evidence and arrange it into an idea of what was. (Nor am I a post-zeigeist VII devotee, nor a hater.) It's only afterwards that some of FFVII's faults have shown themselves. As early as FFVIII, the very next game, people could see how poor the 3D graphics of VII were. And after the 128 bit/Gamecube-PS2 era, games have largely abandoned the pre-rendered 2D backgrounds VII pioneered. They have been replaced with just as sleek yet easier to look at and navigate 3D environments. (Although I do find the pre-rendered backgrounds beautiful in some cases, Baten Kaitos being a worthy finale for the graphical-aesthetic choice.) Translation is another fault of VII. Barret in VIIRemake I pray to the planet won't be ****ing all over the place, that cannot be truly reflective of the original Japanese. In the 16-bit era, games were seen more as toys, not the same as literature and quality television. It wasn't until the PS2 that quality professional translation became commonplace (and you've still flops like Golden Sun here), the 64-bit generation was transitional, and VII (and Xenogears to some extent) was a failure in this transition.
  22. I think the ships were emptied just before they struck Walhart's fleet, so few if any Plegians died whose souls would be magically claimed by Grima, if that was at all possible. This said, Walhart can be defined as a self-centered dominating radical humanist atheist warlord. Hater of Naga and Grima alike. Validar would have definitely wanted him gone, and Chrom was willing to be the Blue-Footed Booby with an army to get rid of him. Although to be fair, Marth without knowing it because he was doing it for his own necessity, by taking out Camus and Michalis, was helping Gharnef. According to the Dark Pontifex himself, who called them "competition". And Walhart struck the Ylissean continent first, with that big fleet you burn being the second wave he was going to send. They were no cruise ships with olive branches and pools of liquid gold to sell in port. A defense war would have meant his own lands and allies' lands would be wrecked with lives still lost, so why not bring it to the enemy instead? Chrom's hand was forced. Plus there was this Roseanne place where Virion lives to save, and it's located......................... my FEPS isn't working. Agreed. Let people interpret as they wish, a creative product (to not call video games "art") belongs not exclusively to the author. Authors can try to sway how things are interpreted by others, and some interpretations will lack for more "empirical" evidence compared to others- Dr. Zhivago being about the delicious of a banana split would be veeeeeerrrry hard to see. Yet, once a creator's product is put out there into the public sphere, its meaning will no longer be exclusively theirs', even if the physical form and content are. And this is just entertaining fiction, not holy scripture or a national constitution. Things where some interpretations can be seriously problematic if followed with action, and should hence be curtailed with hard and or soft measures. I don't recommend throwing milkshakes as one of them, give me your Black & Whites instead.
  23. Armory Alley does sell armor of course, and weapons. Enemies can drop the stuff too, I think certain species tend to favor certain brands. You'll only have Sakuraba and Grenada Galactic stuff to choose from. The other Arms Manufacturers don't exist yet, but you'll get 2 more of them through the main story, and the remaining 4 can be unlocked through sidequests. To be precise, the Affinity Mission "BFFs" gives one of them, you can get another after Chapter 6, another after Chapter 7, and the last requires the completion of the Affinity Mission "A Challenger Approaches" Elma in Smash!, which can't be done until after Chapter 10. You can invest Miranium into the Arms Manufacturers at a nearby terminal to expand their selection and improve the number of innate and fixed traits in their armor. Dodgetanking I think was nerfed in this game. Well for the very end of the game at least if you're tackling the superbosses, yet that is a far far cry from the rest of the game, which I don't really so much know about concerning what works and what doesn't. But looking over things... The Aura selection: The Knife has Recuperate to buff Evasion and also has HP Regen, which sounds good. While Dual Guns have Early Bird- Evasion Up, and increases Critical Chance and the Critical Power buff (more damage when dealing Crits) for a more offensive Evasion build. Evasion Up Augments can be put on your armor for extra dodginess, the V level ones should be easy enough to make- just kill Vespers (bats) and set up a few Probes in Primordia and Oblivia to get the required materials. On the Skills side of things, just two things: Again going Commando seems like a good choice (although you can swap for another class once you've learned a Skill). Agile Gunslinger is a 12-20% Evasion boost when you have your ranged weapon out. Going Partisan Eagle after Commando gets you Fleet Feet a 10-30% Evasion boost when you have your melee weapon out. For a natural and passive Class stat boost, Full Metal Jaguar and its weaker predecessor Winged Viper get the most significant one to Evasion. Evasion Up as a buff can be applied by Irina's Smooth Recovery Art, if you have her tag around. You can do-pseudo dodgetanking if you go for Dual Guns (although this appears to be unavailable until you reach Full Metal Jaguar- quite the ways off) as well. They get the Ghostwalker Art, which applies the Decoy buff, which negates a fixed number of hits. In addition, it has a lengthy catwalk-like animation which you're invincible for 98% of. Elma has her Ghost Factory TP Art, too which will kill you all apply (a weaker-at-the-same-tier compared to GW), a useful Decoy buff to everyone. Having two Dual Swords-Dual Gun users for the main story isn't a problem. This isn't Fire Emblem, there is no Weapon Triangle, or rather Weapon Hexagon or Duodecimgon mandating that you have weapon variety. Having multiple characters wielding the same weapon type actually increases your chances of getting those weapons to drop from foes. Hopefully this helps! I'm curious to know if this is actually good. As a bonus, I'm just going to throw in this last tidbit. The stat called Potential increases the amount of HP healed by Soul Voices and most of the few healing Arts. Potential's other trait is being the attack stat for any offensive TP Art, they don't use the usual of Melee or Ranged Attack at all. Potential Augments are worn in armor and not weapons, which is different from Melee and Ranged Attack Augments, which must be placed in weapons.
  24. I think it's based on an unspoken and unquestioned assumption that you'll buy and play The Lost Age thereafter. Which when you think about it, isn't exactly something one should leave unquestioned. Maybe it had something to do with the size of the games? Did the graphics take it all up? Independent thought is good on your part. I say this as someone who didn't get TLA until years after The Broken Seal (to use the Japanese subtitle of the game you've played), I did find the ending lacking. I mean the Venus Lighthouse isn't all bad, it's got its epicness, but the story I can't deny isn't fully self-contained and that is a flaw. You don't get Skell Insurance, all Skells come with it for free. To be precise, each Skell has 3 units of Insurance to start, and you can never buy more (yeah this should be changed- but how would you price something like this?). You could use a Salvage Ticket for sending it to Rex free repairs on a Skell without insurance, but those are/were exclusive to the online component of the game, which should be still technically alive, if very very dead. All you have to do is hope your Division ranks high enough on a given day for you to pick a Salvage Ticket as your daily reward at the online terminal in the BLADE Barracks. Outfitters probably have Salvage Tickets as a lower-ranked and hence easier reward, I know Curators had it much more out of reach. You only lose Skell Insurance if you don't get a Perfect on the QTE that happens when a Skell gets destroyed. Nail the QTE and you'll be okay. AI-controlled allies always get Perfects, but that doesn't matter if their Skell ran out of Insurance, you'll still have to pay the 70% of purchase price for repairs. But if it is down to 1 unit, designate a Skell for the AI only. The chasm in Oblivia is bottomless, fall in while in a Skell, and it'll be wrecked without a chance to QTE- guaranteed Insurance loss. Being in active battle with the flight module over the chasm will prevent you from falling into abyss, you'll hit an invisible floor.
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