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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Not the biggest FFVII fan, IV was my first not FFTA, and VI also left more of a personal impact. Although VII isn't a bad game by any means, if hyped to high heavens due to its historical status as a breakout title for FF and the JRPG genre as a whole. I'm not a fan of the Materia system, I prefer Jobs, but I do admit it is a progression of VI's Magicite. It's 3D graphics haven't aged well at all, and the translation is bad and the runs of a cat in non-English European languages from what I'm aware, but at least the pre-rendered backgrounds were good. Original VII Cloud isn't a bad character either, cooler than Fei with extant but less serious psychological issues and less specialness, just to make a comparison from what else Square was making in that era. Not to call the VII cast AMAZING!, but it works well enough barring like Yuffie and Vincent (who are after all completely optional). I don't know why XV got that chibified Pocket Edition, but if they want to milk VII Remake for what its worth, I think doing a Pocket Edition that reverts to an improved version of the old turn-based ATB system of VII original would be a really good idea.
  2. Regardless of real popularity, IS pays attention to CYL, that is readily apparent. And this is what matters. I wonder when they'll do the first ? popularity poll? I can absolutely see one happening before CYL4. As for who ranks high on the first 3H poll, the 4 MCs should be taken as a universal scientific law to dominate it. I also expect other early joiners to do well. Now what I can't determine is the effect of FEH on 3H popularity, since there will certainly be a wave or three of banners for 3H starting either just before or by like a week or after its release. Will performance and portrayal in FEH of those who do come in at this time impact the popularities on a purely 3H designated poll later?
  3. Not until he is voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch, and acts in a performance of Hamlet. Why are there Kirby cosmetics?
  4. The relevant lines: Largo: This quill? Oh, I use it to jot down ideas so I won’t forget them later. If I don’t, I just completely forget them! But back to food… I’ve noticed that the laguz sure like their food spicy! And now they’ve started drinking with us! Bwaa ha ha! That’s great! By the way, what’s your drink of choice? Tauroneo: Drinks? I’m not picky. The stronger the better! Largo: And flavor? Tauroneo: Doesn’t matter. Largo: Bwaaaa ha ha haaaa!! I like your answer! I better write that down so I don’t forget.
  5. Only in FEH. Why they chose to make her that instead of Effie I don't get. FE3 Armors are just Lance, FE11-12 are Lance + Bow. Effie or Gwendolyn and Sheena swapped Colors would've made more sense, since they at least promote to Axes.
  6. I didn't actually use that crossover idea here, that I chose to keep in reserves for later. The plans for my Sagi-Minoth interaction were never fleshed out, and upon second thoughts the duo might not work as well as I hoped. What I wrote is purely Xenoblade Chronicles X, the Wii U game that has nothing to do with it. It shares nothing with Xenoblade Chronicles 1, barring the Nopon, and well, this little throwback. (Don't look if you would want to play XCX, it isn't major spoilers at all, but it'll loose some luster if you see it now and then again later.): Hope you enjoy it! The game is not beyond criticism for just about everything about it, barring Mira itself and side quest quality. Yet nonetheless, for whatever faults I see with the game, and some certainly have reasonable grounds, I like it. And I do hope there is an XCX2 sometime in the future which corrects the flaws of the first and continues to expand on its good points. If you want/need any tips, I'm willing to offer what I know. I'm not sure what I can really add insofar as criticisms go, I'm not so used to doing it (I better though if I'm to spend any period of years doing teaching before having the experience to move onto something else). Nor am I particularly literate when it comes to literary style. But I'll try to offer a few comments. @AnonymousSpeed It works well enough on its own, I'm not religious, but nor am I against it. Yet by itself it didn't amount to much for the topic theme to me. I don't mind the seeming background fusion of modernity or future modernity with religion, since I recall reading a sci-fi novel once set during Christmas in a world like the present but with time-traveling historians. The book mentioned Christians singing a song "He Who Interfaces with the World", which sounded odd, but nonetheless it did make ultimately sense to me- appealing to modern ways and things to make religion more appealing is perfectly reasonable. @Anacybele Making Ike and Bryce related is something you'd think would be brought up ingame for their briefest moment, since that'd be a family relation worth cherishing on Bryce's part. I'm not sure Ashnard would intentionally mock Bryce with his son's death. Ashnard would indeed interpret his death as a sign he was weak and worthless, but given the Ashnard-Jill boss convo where he doesn't recall the name Shiharam at all (I don't think it was intentional mockery), I'm not sure if Ashnard would even remember who Bryce's son is. As for the direction you took Bryce, Tauroneo resigned himself to loveless service to Daein to overcome the loneliness and familial issues caused by his divorce and loss of child custody. So we already have one Steadfast Rider thrown into sorrows, another could certainly do so. Alcoholism isn't wholly unlikely, Greil is stated in the Recollection to be fond of drinking, and Tauroneo too shows a like for drink in his Largo support, Bryce certainly would have been around plenty of good booze as a high end general with dearest drinking comrades, even if he was the sober one of the group, he would've had access to a lot of liquor if he so felt compelled to have a pint or ten. @Dragoncat I'm going to abstain from yours for now. Sorry. I've cleared Breath of the Wild, but I want to a second playthrough where I actually talk to Impa and complete the Divine Beasts as opposed to intentionally avoiding them the entire time (I also avoided paying attention to anything related to Zelda and Rhoam- including the ending sequence). Your stuff may influence that to a degree. I would have finished that by now, but I discovered some issue where screenshots won't save if I take them on my second Switch player profile, which I'm using so I don't have to delete my first run. I need the ability to save photos, since some side quests require them. @Ottservia Depressing but emotive, and you certainly put your heart into it. Again, I'll offer my sympathies inasmuch as I sincerely can. I've jotted down some of my own melancholy thoughts from time to time, but nothing as a story. @Azure in a Roundabout Tharja is a little weird. I never cared for her, but I always got her incidentally to A Robin, owing to her making good pair up fodder for a magic Robin, which is certainly better than physical. I remember the one Henry support in question, it was a bit hard to take it seriously, though it's nice to see someone flesh it out more. Likewise, an effort into Tharja's start of obsession is well and good since Chrom recruits her and nothing is ever said of the two outside of supports. So it was a nice read on that front. @TheSilentChloey Not a huge fan of Grima, nor FEH in practice (the idea I like though), but I can't say this piece is bad, it isn't. (Nor that I've done my own slight bit of Grima fanficting.) I do ultimately look at the monstrosity with cold pity, so I can understand another trying to with warmer sympathy. @Jotari I used to dislike the pairing, then accepted the evidence in its favor when presented to me. Marriage as an extension of a different yet mutual relationship by certain means is fine for me. I would add though that Japanese RD seems to suggest Micaiah likes Sothe in bellyshirts.: Micaiah: “It really suits you. This costume.” Sothe: “Are you sure…?” Micaiah: “Mmm-hmm.” This is just after Sothe promotes to Whisper. He went from wearing an old shirt now too small but he couldn't afford another, to a brand new shirt that must intentionally be too short to cover his navel. Micaiah does consider Sothe's promoter to be her "sister", so it's possible she could read her little sis's heart and knew what she was into.
  7. Having played Etrian Odyssey V: and being familiar with the word from elsewhere, a likely choice for a class specializing in punching would be "Pugilist". Apparently, the word comes from the Latin "Pugil" simply meaning "boxer". But "boxer" has too modern an association with it, Rocky Balboa and all that jazz. Whereas Pugilist certainly has more antiquated and fancy vibe to it, making it suitable for a game with a medieval fantasy setting.
  8. In Shadow Dragon/FE1 this is said: Marth: “Is Imhullu so powerful a magic, then?” Gotoh: “Yes. The mage who wields it cannot be killed; cannot be so much as scratched. I was the magic’s guardian once. Knowing its forbidden power could work terrible evils, so I kept it close. But Gharnef, one of my two pupils- Miloah being the other- took the forbidden tome and vanished. However, in Mystery Book 2/New Mystery, this is said: Wendell:Elrean, listen to me... Gharnef, along with Pontifex Miloah, were Lord Gotoh's best pupils. But Lord Gotoh saw Gharnef's weakness, and so he left Khadein and the Aura tome to Pontifex Miloah. Gharnef, overcome by jealousy, stole the Darksphere from Lord Gotoh, and created the Imhullu tome. As a result... His heart was trapped within the Darksphere for all eternity. Wrath and envy led him to ruin. Do you understand now, Elrean...? I'm inclined to take Mystery's version as the actual account of things, and by stealing the Darksphere, Gharnef did create Imhullu. The Darksphere didn't exist in FE1 (well it did in the unused data alongside a Timesphere, but not in the game's lore), so I consider Mystery to have done a perfectly fine retcon. And this is what I'm basing my interpretation of Gharnef on. He had to have good points, otherwise why would Gotoh take him in as a student? But the faults it seems already existed in him, which the Darksphere amplified and not just accidentally; Nergal on the other hand we know nothing of faults before being corrupted.
  9. Yeah, the way I classify Nergal is one side of the abyss over which an individual seeking to master Dark Magic must walk a tightrope. If one falls to one side, darkness reduces them to a soulless state of inactivity, of being in a magic coma. This is the unseen but spoken of fate of Canas's brothers. If one falls to the other side, darkness enthralls you with a state of maddened hyperactivity. This is Nergal, rotten on the inside, but furiously going about and doing things. These are opposite extremes, Bramimond the lone true master of darkness was able to avert falling into either. His personality pays a price that makes it uncontrollable, but he retains his memory unlike Nergal, and his will to act also endures entirely. He might not be able to affect the form his words take in his response to a furious questioning by Hector, but he maintains control of the content of the message, which is fundamentally more important. I wouldn't call Nergal "incredibly tragic", they hide the one most essential scene behind very secret requirements. He is tragic in principle, but I think they could have done more in showing the tragedy, without still venturing towards the fault of pity-magnetism. In a sense, having Nergal just be a victim of Dark Magic also undermines him as a villain. Ashnard is known as the Mad King, but his "madness" is him in his sanity, Nergal might be an intimate villain, which is quite good, but his madness is after his sanity is long gone. Nergal is no longer his own rational person, but not being possessed, nor is he somebody else. He is one could argue, a husk of nature. Although if Nergal wasn't corrupted, then he wouldn't be what he is supposed to be, the Gharnef to Athos's Gotoh. Just pretend Miloah doesn't exist and elevate Gharnef from pupil to friend of Gotoh. There isn't a Darksphere that corrupted Nergal either, but darkness in general still did him in. Gharnef it seems also willingly entered into the Darksphere's power driven by jealousy already in him, so in a way something more of Gharnef remains than does of Nergal post-corruption. Nergal had no such flaws from what we know in him already, he sought power to bring back his wife, but we have less of an idea than with Gharnef of the exact circumstances of how the corruption happened.
  10. All I really ask for is good gameplay. The rest would be bonuses that would be perhaps tragedy to do without, but I could bear them.
  11. Don't mean to minimod or anything, but just as advice, you can always put someone on your ignore list if they really upset you too much of the time. That should make things better. It has for me. Don't live in an echo chamber, but you don't need to hear all voices all the time, this is only a video games board, not something much more serious. You can zone out people here, though I'd rather you not do so on other non-VG topics which I'll not name specifically. Uhhh... to add something to what is being discussed, we already have had with Tokyo Mirage Sessions a semi-silent MC. Itsuki does talk normal conversational dialogue, but his personality is so muted it would not be hard at all to make him silent protag. Also, FE3 Book 1 Marth had so little substance to himself that I think for most of that story he could be called a self-insert. Towards the end not so much, but the rest of it? Yes.
  12. When did Chrom become a silicon-based lifeform? Was this the same world where Robin betrayed him by shoving him into a vat of acid inside Grimleal's Fellborg Factory? I hope Lucina avenged him with the H3I FALCHION Missile Launcher. Talk of a Fallen Chrom always makes me hunger for this:
  13. I can understand not knowing how to defeat Jedah. The only clue to his weakness is a little vague and from an NPC who dies immediately thereafter so you can't view the tip again. The tip also made more sense left as is in its FE2 version, even if the FE12's is quicker to deal with. Maybe if Mila had instead bestowed Celica with an "Earthlight" spell that pierced Jedah's protections, things would have been beter. This would be on top of his present "every fourth round of combat" weakness which everyone could damage him through. It'd make for a nice final battle parallel: Alm gets Falchion to slay Duma, Celica gets Earthlight to slay Jedah.
  14. Abel and Cain: I used Abel more in SD, but thanks to TMS influence, I used Cain more in FE3. Not much personality for either, nor a single interaction between the two. I guess I'll say Cain on personality though. Archanea's arguable second duo in the 7th Platoon- Roderick and Luke: Roderick, looks a little innocently cute and his NM personality is better. Naoise and Alec Neither has much in personality, but I'd say Alec's ability to double outweighs Naoise's Critical and Confront/Charge access. Alec also looks cooler. Alan and Lance I'd say Lance in personality from what little I remember off the top of my head, but Alan outdid him in gameplay for me. Kent and Sain Kent has the better personality, and isn't a total gentleman with his unexpected lustful underside. Sain on the other hand has no gentleman underside to counterbalance his casanova surface. Gameplay goes to Sain. Forde and Kyle Kyle in gameplay, but definitely Forde in personality. Oscar and Kieran They're equally good in PoR gameplay, Kieran is less screwable but Oscar has more availability. RD is better for Oscar, but neither is stellar here. Oscar does have the more rounded characterization though, his brothers really help with this. Stahl and Sully Never read too much of either. Sully isn't bad, but I prefer the more chill and normal Stahl. Gameplay they're equal.
  15. How about we get Happy Julia instead? For those who aren't aware, Julia's default profile headshot for dialogue boxes in FE4 is this: Kinda sad, which is suited for a teenage girl who remembers nothing from the first ten years of her life. And then later recalls a most horrible memory. This is Julia controlled by Manfroy: Red eyes and a strict facial expression. This is Julia in the game's ending, after defeating Julius the final boss of FE4 and seizing Belhalla: She is happy now, even if papa and twin brother are both well and dead. The world is saved and she can spend it with half-brother Seliph, and maybe a husband if she was lucky enough to find one. Yet her eyes look even more weirdly out of place than in her brainwashed pic, they do not suit her I think. Just hire Rebecca's artist for the job. Actually, scrap Christmas as is and give us an Ugly Christmas Sweater Banner, characters drawn to look "ugly" on the whole on top of wearing ugly sweaters. And I want Arthur or someone else trippy to be wearing a crown of lit candles- and no electric fakeouts! And he has full "normal" dialogue with Marth in two chapters of MB2/NM.
  16. #46 -by my calculations. Of whom, only six are alts. And at least 32 remain in the canonical archives of FE to add. Corrected. IS hit themselves in the head by not having a 5*-5*-4*-3* format for banners at launch. Doing that instead would've made things so much better. And now so much later into this game's development, they can't afford to do that since this game isn't as big a moneymaker as it used to be. They abide by an outdated tradition 5*-5*-5*-5* with one demoting at most at the end of a banner.
  17. If I am, and there certainly might be grounds to say so, I'm a fairly well-behaved one. I don't go shredding the new apart, I accept it and let others peacefully enjoy it. I harbor no grudges against the games. 107 ERROR! CANNOT FATHOM A UNIVERSE UNDER THIS "IF" CONDITION! Indeed, I can't deny this possibility. I know, I need to stop being so Internet sensitive. It's only a video game plot & characters, the worst thing that'll happen is I'll waste my finite life overcome with superficial disappointment that Edelgard is utterly pathetic in how dependent she is on Bye Bye Bye for everything and isn't the strong female character we hoped for and post about it on here a couple times. Which really isn't at all bad in the context of life. Not to criticize the new girl in particular, I was just using her as one hypothetical example of many of how ? could go wrong. It is interesting, but will overambition raise its ugly head again after Fates showed for the third and most recent time in FE's history that there is some truth to this statement?: Black KnightThat...I do not know. He did tell me to deliver a message to you..."Overreaching ambition invites disaster." -Said words originally came from the mouth of someone at the very center of the 2nd case overreaching of ambition in FE, delivered to Ashnard by a victim of it, what irony. And I do like that hot mess. Although I will say that having now played the 1st case, the 2nd handled things better in gameplay by staying much more traditional even with a few unusual changes of its own and some glaring mistakes. Narrative is a different and more complicated matter. Getting back on your quote I've targeted, to be truthful, I'm not the biggest fan of high school hijinks. I'd just hope the plot isn't bogged down by such shenanigans of cliques and school tournaments and gets to the serious extracurricular meat of things. That is what I sorta meant. I'd rather spend my time tearing apart a cliched manipulative organized religion or bashing in the skulls of grunts from enemy nations, than sitting in a classroom watching student relationships of all generic kinds play out lightheartedly. I loved being in school myself, but for the education and telos it provided me, not so much the interpersonal interactions, which nonetheless I admit were quite quaint to observe from a distance. So new calendar should appear by the 11th or 12th at the latest. I'm expecting Special Heroes in the late-middle of the month of course- Bridezillas 3 with Glass Slippers as Daggers. I'm hoping the next New Heroes if there is one on there will be a good one! ? It could be the last or second-to-last before the great Summer Swimsuits + ? + Braves + Farfetched 3 (Jill at least is a yay!) + OCs + Halloween and Xmas/NY's run of banners begin, when other NH things become very scarce.
  18. I can actually see them going back and adding a Male Robin Legendary. Grandmaster Robin why not? They've already used Lucina and Female Robin, leaving only Chrom left for Awakening Legendaries. It's a very safe pick being Awakening and a main character, not a dangerous gamble that could kill this game in a single stroke like Seliph (who FYI I'm not a big fan of). Furthermore, Robin invented Pair Up well not exactly that was Sumia so it'd only be appropriate if he or Chrom got a Legendary form that had that function. Grima doesn't believe in friendship, only fiendship, so they can't go back and retroactively give it to them.
  19. I'd draw the Chrom-Robin divide so: Plegia Arc: All Chrom, with Robin doing a little stuff like formulating the failed plan to rescue Emmeryn, just to remind you Robin is important. Valm Arc: Chrom formally leads, but things are more or less equal here. Neither is particularly connected to Walhart or Valm. Walhart does exchange words and ideals with Chrom a little, and Robin helps concoct two good strats here- a sea of fire, and a retreat into flames, but neither truly stands out. There are the Hierophant Looks Just Like Me! and "Validar is human and can have sex?" moments right at the start of this arc for Robin, accompanied immediately by a very Chrom-Lucina moment. Grimleal Arc: Robin takes control of the show once Grima reveals itself, but Chrom still plenty relevant, he does feign death and get Falchion unsealed.
  20. I haven't actually read a word of dialogue in this game. Maaaaybe that'll change soon- unlike FEH, these aren't characters I already know, so there is nothing to potentially ruin. But I'd be inclined from design alone to ask for a Hope upgrade. Why? Because as is, he looks like Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia as a Final Fantasy White Mage. And I just like the combo. Even if he changed outfit, I think I'd give him a go. Currently my teams are: Fire: Marth, Verica, Melsa, Vanessa. I have Sinoa and all the 3*s as well. Yet since Euden and Karl are redundant with Marth, I'm not using either. Sinoa has a random buff skill as her primary, so I'm not sure if I'd replace Melsa for her. Water: Fjorm, Lily, Celliera, Ricardt. Celliera is 36 levelwise, but I could replace her with either Water Dagger 4* guy or Karina, all of whom have better Abilities. I also have Thaniel but Ricardt from what I'm aware has the better set of Skills. Wind: Lowen, Louise, Musashi, Aileen. I have Eleonora and Pia, but they don't seem as good as Louise and Aileen; and Randal exists of course. Light: Albert, Ryozen, Estelle, Fritz. I also have Alfonse, Elias, Annelie, Rawn, Odetta, Amane, and Vixel. Estelle seems a little better than Vixel outside of an Energy-oriented team, which with Annelie and Elias I'd be close to having a complete one of, all I'd need is Lucretia to have a full Light set. Nonetheless, I think I'll swap over to Vixel, and then maybe drop Ryozen (who is 42 level-wise) for Rawn. Why? Because I could then have a full team of pretty boys! Let the light of handsome lads shine on all! Dark: Veronica, Nefaria, Orion, Cleo. The only 4-5* Darks I have. A Fire Raid is the next new one? I'll swap out Melsa for the new girl. It'll be a good chance to put Marth and Prometheus Akagi to work!
  21. Really? Weird, I've played it plenty in handheld and didn't notice more than minor loading issues when quick traveling. How about they just forget about Fodlan and magically plop everyone in Alrest circa 501 years prior to the start of XC2? The game would end with a bang- magically returning everyone to their home world just as Malos destroys his first Titan which they so happen to be standing on.
  22. Let's not forget Eliwood's unexpected and good outburst at Queen Hellene for being a bad mom to Zephiel. Or Hector having an outburst at Jaffar. Or Sigurd at Arvis just before he dies. Or I know! How about Tiki from the Harvest Scramble DLC when she in her adult form gets angry at Anna I think for having her humiliatingly wear her former Child Tiki clothes now as an adult and they don't fit? Who is this guy? He isn't a gorgeously young mother like Mikoto, nor a creep like Garon. What does he have in his favor? Scarlet would've made more sense for the Fates pick. But nope, that is just too darned risky. This banner is unpleasing to me, the first NH to be unjust since I started actually playing back in January. Good riddance FBs don't have Orbs associated with them beyond a once a day play. I find this game a total chore. At least I can rebuild Orbs for a banner probably sometime next year that'll appeal to me, since I don't want OCs, Braves, Seasonals, or 3H, all of which will probably hog this year banners from ~July-December. A Ranulf or others reappearance, maybe Jill in Farfetched, and just perhaps another good banner tossed in there somewhere, but otherwise, I don't see myself summoning all that much for the remainder of this year. At least the first four months were pretty darn good for me! Or how about Bad Ending Mystery Marth? He failed to recollect the Spheres and restore the Binding Shield. Thus, Medeus fully resurrected with the four clerics all well and truly dead, the Earth Dragons ran rampant, and Gharnef was still amock. Although in the end he managed to kill Gharnef, slay Medeus and restore the Binding Shield, his failure to do sooner cost the lives of millions of people, including many dear friends, and Tiki had to be euthanized before she went fully degenerate. Thus in this post-Earth Dragon rampage world, Marth rules as a regretful, heavily depressed and physically and mentally scarred king. He is only 43, but looks like 58. -Provided Gharnef didn't corrupt Marth with the Darksphere during these decades of war due to his profound sorrow and thus turn him into his puppet who slew Medeus and was then himself killed. Thus leaving Gharnef the sole ruler of the continent, with the only hero able to possibly save it being Alm on the distant shores of Valentia which Gharnef eventually tries invading. -Assuming this isn't also one where Jedah won out.
  23. Actually upon rechecking the update explanation of this, it shows a picture of someone selecting the 3* Fire Bow, and included in the materials list is 35 Gold Whetstones. I guess that'd be enough to max out 5 FUB tier 1 3*s and 1 FUB tier 2 3*?
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