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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Apparently the new Fates artbook- Pellucid Crystal- states that Mikoto and Arete aren't actually blood sisters, they only act like siblings, despite both having First Blood. This may be a blatant retcon to account for fan backlash though. I haven't made much progress, going into original territory is a bit of a slow, cautious, and overthought process for me. I have still have a week though, so maybe I'll have a product to offer. Nonetheless, even if I don't finish something for once, I'm going to dump this all as background exposition. It's mostly embellishment of stuff already known, which sets the stage. It's not worth judging on its own. Be warned, reading whilst under the effects of medication may drive you into a coma.:
  2. I read someone commenting elsewhere about some possibility THE EGGMAN! will look more like his usual self later in the film. I guess it's possible, cue some lightning from a machine gone amok and a mad scientist becoming even madder and the full stache and rounded body might appear as CGI in a blink of an eye. -I haven't watched or read anything about the movie itself, the stills are creepy enough. But the conversation is fun to follow.
  3. The poses are more reserved than I thought they would be. I expected more like Oboro for some reason. Gunter and his steel horse look real intimidating. Niles is likewise very creepy in his facial expression. I must find real world applications for these. Hinata looks so chill, although I personally wish more was done to emphasize his muscles. Rinkah is also a real standout, being like Hinata, but a little more fierce yet mild, and with greater emphasis on the musculature. Odin's captures his character perfectly in drama. Reina as I said before is another standout. Keaton, Jakob, Subaki, Saizo, and Kagero are a blasé middle ground here. @Ertrick36 I have to put Oboro in less than ideal category for me. Her mid-combat pose is dynamic, but the facial expression is a stag beetle smashed against a car window. Well not that bad. And on the battlefield itself, I can totally see someone making that face- who gives a damn there how you contort it when you're fighting for you life and other stuff?! But in a piece of pretty official art, suspending realism and opting for a better face would I think make her more readily appreciable here without needing to think it over. Selkie is a dislike for me. I can see how someone would like her face and how it fits her character, but personally it doesn't sit well. I could totally see this being repurposed as a much happier Flora. I'll just interpret "not blood-related" as not within so many degrees of consanguinity. In other words, I'll just pretend they're distant cousins and that the blood Silent Dragon was relatively widespread amongst the Vallan ruling elite. "Incest" isn't incest if Corrin and Azura are 5th cousins.
  4. The first two things that popped into my head on seeing giant Lilith were: Okami, because of its sea dragon during the Ryoshima Coast third of the game; and Xenoblade Chronicles 2, because of its Titans. Why did they scrap it? Having Corrin summon this at this some point could have been cool.
  5. @omegaxis1 (I can't quote your response for some reason.) So far, somebody at IS has been spamming an FE3 Silence Staff, since we haven't heard a peep on Supports yet, in spite of them being one of the draws of FE nowadays. Did Fates even hint at children before the game released? I think they were something of a late surprise from what I remember (with signs of them being a late addition due to cut-in mistakes). I'm going to be cautious, I hope no children again (and without fixed class sets, part of their uniqueness is gone), but who knows what IS has in mind nowadays? IS is keeping their cards close for now, their full hand could surprise us either way.
  6. I get the sense it's because he's one of Daein's higher commanders. That his experience as a general familiar with the military as a whole and not just fighting is of such importance, it is better to have him off the battlefield with a risk of dying (gameplay-story segregation here) doing strategic and operational stuff. Besides the fact it's good to have someone defending the liege in reserve. -Such logic is never usually used by FE on the player side, and Micaiah is a case of this defiance. Not to mention RD is already giving you freedom to use the BK and Nailah, who are even more powerful than Tauroneo. Although if you consider "sitting on a throne" to be "off the battlefield" you could say most bosses in FE do this. After all, by the time you get to them, I think it's fair to say the battlefield has been lost for the enemy and you're attacking their base camps barring warpskip. Can't deny Jarod was made too unsympathetic. If he ever gets a GHB in FEH, I want him surrounded by three Lance Infantry, all of which he kills as soon as the battle starts. That one little thing turned him too caricature-ishly evil for me. At least Micaiah realized she made a mistake in sparing him, naive she was, but she paid the price and I think we can say she definitely regrets it. As for Izuka, he fled before Ike and co. took the tower of laguz inhumanity at the end of PoR I guess. Muarim being saved by Rafiel is on that note not without precedent, since Rajaion was feral for years and yet Leanne and Reyson managed to restore his sanity in his final moments. The reason I suggested Micaiah hit 11-13 Spd earlier was precisely because of 1-9, so she doesn't get doubled and thus she can survive a round of combat.
  7. As the unnamed janitor who cleans up after the currently not revealed character Lowain barfs up after foolishly being dared to eat 20 of the school cafeteria's Boiling Bolganone Beef Bowls. I get Jake has never been as "important" as Anna, he never appeared in Thracia, Binding, SS nor Tellius, and was left out of old Mystery, but I think he deserves a return. Awakening really should've had him after SD and NM alike had him, but giving Anna a lover would have meant you as Robin couldn't have her. Fates kept out Jake for the same reasons.
  8. I know it's a few days into the event, but I finally mustered the interest to try summoning in DL again. If I got Marth, I'd start playing once more, if not, I wouldn't. First I burnt through six Tenfolds, got on the first session (or it the second?) a 5* Sword, turned out to be some Light dude. Burnt through more, got Fjorm (who stands a chance of being used here, whereas she will never see the light of day in FEH for me). Used all 9 Single Summon Tickets, nothing of note. Started to resort the last resort- ~26000k of Wyrmite. Veronica came (who is the same as Fjorm), but as I despaired, Marthy Boy came to me eventually, with about 12k of Wyrmite left to spare! I'm loving the absence of Wyrmprints from the summoning pool now. And having spent so much and not having played in so long, I got loads of new characters and dragons in the process. The one that interests me the most is this Prometheus guy, handsome, blazing, shirtless- he reminds me of the Touma who FEH will never give me. And he is a splendid counterpoint to all the sexy lady dragons. Promethus brought the fire to my heart, to be bound with him is a pleasing thought. And here in this topic I see it said that 3* and 4* units got buffed, maybe the Light Staff I call "Lloyd Irving as a White Mage", he looks innocently cute, but I thought he was kinda weak being a 3*. The change to daillies rewards combined with the 99 Skip Tickets I have should make the daily grind much quicker, and a bit less taxing on Stamina. I think I can start playing DL again in full. Even though I'll never likely get a level 80 unit or a 5* 3rd Tier weapon, it says something I find FEH so boring I can't be bothered to get most of my liked 5*s to 40. All the fun in FEH is in merely summoning and getting who I like, everything else is an obstacle to getting the resource for fun. DL is a little better for me, grind =/ fun, but DL does have a higher and more positive entertainment value.
  9. I hope they spread things out and pick a different continent to give a Mythic to. If we are looking at Blue, Naga would be reasonable. Although her Blue when the tome she poured her soul into is Green would be a little inconsistency resulting from this. Gotoh has the problem of being an old man, and not having a cool dragon form to compensate since he chucked his stone some time ago. Elibe has St. Elimine, wielder of Aureola, who has official art of her face: but this would going into OC territory since they'd have to invent a personality for her. On the plus side, if I squint I could pretend she is Blucius. But who knows? This could be month they go and bend the rules we presently think exist concerning Mythics. Lilith is an Astral Dragon, so she matches on the element side. She could be Flying if they chose to ignore her human form or add levitation. Making her Blue sounds like a nonissue. Her big problem is not really existing in the main plot, then being given a tragic forced end on two routes, plus apparently a showing up in Future Past.
  10. That Ryan has comparable stats to FE12 Tomas, who joins in the same fight, which says something about how bad Tomas starts. FE12 was also a bit weird in removing the two southern Dracoes, but then adding two zone-triggered ones down there, plus three simultaneously to the east. And it made the hard-to-get Nosferatu less desirable by giving Katarina one in the prior fight. It slashed the western flier reinforcements to just two, moved the two shops, added a village for Tomas (which makes little sense other than wasting an action for Marth, since they just had Macellan and Dolph join on turn 1 of their maps and could have done that), and lastly replaced all the Archanean Soldiers with Warriors. The battle in the pass oddly became easier in FE12. It got rid of the Dracoes and added nothing to replace them, though two Archanean Paladins surround the village (one of which a mountie can kill immediately). And Aurelis leaves the map at a much faster pace once you've chatted with its king. ...I've been running through 12 on Hard for my first time, and its differences from 3 sometimes bite- namely the same turn reinforcements. I got bitten real bad by the changes to Flame Barrel and the Ice Temple exterior. Nor do I get why in some cases it slashed the maximum unit count, FE12 has FE's largest roster; Julian has really suffered for it. And good that you're using Sheena, playing FE3 for the first time made me really like her. I'm not sure why Merric gets a unique Bishop sprite, which Arlen doesn't use, but it's fair to call it Sage in all but name.
  11. Although from what I know of Persona Q and Q2, they use a cop-out at the end to be canon but not affecting anything- memory wipes of everyones' entire experiences in the labyrinths right before they return to their home worlds. Except for the Velvet Room attendees I think. I doubt Scramble will likewise fry brains though.
  12. Pardon me as an outsider, but from what I've seen tossed around here, it sounds like Adol has a reputation for something you should not let onto your boat, unless you have a real good insurance plan covering it. Is this a serious/tongue-in-cheek reference to this coincidence I see joked about?
  13. Wade has a base of 28, Lot 29, Dorcas 30, Bartre 29, Garcia 28, Boyd 30, Nolan 29; all of these but Nolan (9) are 2-4 level-wise. Thracia has similar values, Osian/Orsin is 27, Halvan is 28, Marty is level 1 with a beefy 32 (but 0 Speed and Skill). The Archanean Fighters have lower base HPs- 22 on Bord and Cord and 26 for Barst in New Mystery, but similar base levels. Iucharba has 42 at level 12. All of these characters manage to pull into the high 50s or cap at 60 (Thracia has a 80 HP cap and Marty breaks 60) HP by 20/20.
  14. Let's see, a history of them: Gaiden/SoV: Introduced the boat map, and used the same one over and over for much of Celica's first Act. Being Gaiden, they aren't good, but they're much more likable than Alm's endless open fields later on, being smaller and tighter. The Archanean Seaway battles SoV adds are sorta nice, and canonizes Dagons after FE3 almost had them, I like that. Blazing Sword: I'm a little surprised it took this long before we got another boat map. It's a Survive- a glorified Rout with a time limit which gives you victory anyhow, or you can kill the boss. Fairly fun, physicals on the right, Shamans to the left, another boat shows up later on, some Pegasus to boot. And it's Fargus's ship. I like it! Sacred Stones: Phantom Ship, my soul you rip! A mix of Mogalls and Gargoyles approaching from the north and south, a giant horde of undead meat that thinks to win via attrition, and L'Arachel reinforces. All of this is fine. But then add in Fog of War, and the moving Deathgoyle boss showing up a little too soon before you can safely get your squishy units off the starting boat for the safety of the central one, and this map lives in some degree of FE infamy. Path of Radiance: Two boat maps back to back! The first is slow and very defensive, the enemies come to you and are of rather low quantity, but high quality. BEXP dump Marcia makes it easy- but let's ignore this mountain of pecorino romano. It's novel, but I can see people not liking it. The second map is a Defend, which can be a little tricky sometimes to succeed at on the first turn (or just keep Astrid alive), but otherwise it's another fairly fun map. Awakening: Awakening doesn't have good map design, a basic and sad fact of the game. This battle, ending with a sometimes criticized lighthearted Red Cliffs finale, is for me just an inferior knockoff of Blazing's. Fates Conquest: Like most Conquest maps, this one is well designed. It's Xander's joining fight, with a unique-ish objective before you can win, and you're encouraged to not take it slowly to maximize your payout. Starting in the center, the objective, and the need for speed means you do have to strategically divide your forces from the get go if you want the money. Fates Birthright: Uses the same map as Conquest, but plays it very differently. It's just an all-airborne assault on your vessel, with Dragon Veins to hinder them, and you move simply from right to left. As long as you keep moving and terminating enemies, the map is easy. If you take it too slow, then it stands a chance of being overwhelming. Getting Takumi in the prior battle and Reina in this one provides you with two clutch Bow users for this early fight. Fates Revelation: Uses a totally different map from the other two main campaign Fates battles. And this one is really bad. You're sitting ducks waiting for the enemy to come at you when you begin, like in PoR, although this time it's across multiple vessels with enemy variety. When the sluggish defending is done, then you can board the enemy for a change. However, the enemy vessel has Berserkers, and if you play on Classic, their visible Crit might make you toss your 3DS as you have redo the entire chapter. Fates Paralogue: Shigure's Paralogue takes the idea of enemy vessels boarding your's mid-fight from Blazing and SS and makes it more dynamic with the two ships constantly alternating between which is connected to yours. It's a simple Rout, with no real side objectives. Good for an EXP feeding, but not really a good map. Strangely, Archanea lacks boat maps, despite having waterways being much more central to its travel and commerce than other continents. Jugdral also lacks for boat maps, which makes sense. Genealogy has maps the size of countries- no boat could realistically be big enough for it. Leif's journey in Thracia is wholly landlocked. Binding doesn't have boats, even though it had instances where it could have happened, but the game has a tight enough time including fights in every country. Radiant Dawn never allowed for the possibility of a boat map in its narrative. If there is anything I find particularly notable about boat maps, it's the fairly narrow confines they have. Boats are usually only so big, made even smaller by the lack of terrain to slow movement, and the only way to cross from one to another is walking the planks, which make for good chokepoints for defenses. Yet unlike indoors maps and walls, fliers have freedom to move over the waters. Fates CQ and BR opt for one big ship over several smaller ones, and while it doesn't feel so nautical, it works quite well for the battles they do host. I'd like seeing them again, and for them to be done creatively and executed well.
  15. Better than when Tobin could be mistaken in at a quick glance as Grey's mannish girlfriend: And when Mae wasn't happy with Boey's "freedom".: Although if we did reference Berwick Saga for a moment, they could use it as a way to accelerate bonds between units. Albeit not as BS did, since there is no permanent recruitment thing here. Maybe have a shop that sells gifts, and you have a limited number of uses of it per chapter. So I can give money to Ryoma to buy dragonfruit rice balls he can gift to Kagero to build up the support between them (or perhaps a ukiyo painting would be more to Kagero's liking).
  16. I wasn't very fond of FE6's plot. The locations look nice, but the game's choice to show you the entire world in a single game, passing through seven countries in the process (well only six on a given route b/c Ilia vs. Sacae), means that outside of maybe Lycia, there is no weight to any of them. It takes but one battle to cripple Sacae's powerful Djute Clan, with its remnants scattered through the subsequent three Sacae battles. The resistance in the Western Isles didn't really exist with only Elffin, Larum, and Echidna to account for. The Lycian Alliance felt like one weak coalition. For someone who likes world building, this was a letdown. And Etruria was the worst in terms of how little we got to see of it. Even though there was not single fight in Goldoa in Tellius, the pretty CGs gave us a nice vignette of what it looks like, all we get in Etruria is a few generic indoors for battles and some stuff skirting the country's borders. It's "revolutionaries"- more like counterrevolutionaries in terms of their political views- dragged down the story as well. In the context of all of this, Roy was bland, but inoffensive. I can't name a single high point for him, nor a single low. He is Marth-esque as was intended, Binding being inspired by Archanea, but a little too mild and perfect. If I got him, I guess I'd use him, but I wouldn't rush to try him out either. Right now, basic Sword Infantry Roy, like Seliph, is just sitting there clogging a few spaces in my Barracks (I really should upgrade it from the 300 minimum sooner or later), neither pressed, nor in use. My issue with Lyn isn't her against Sue in terms of being Bow Cavs in gameplay. My longtime problem was she hogged the category to herself with only LARoy (who being Seasonal makes me sneeze) as a fellow Bow Cav. I've considered it favoritism towards her, although it could have also been between her and Direhardt being so good that IS decided to cancel any future Bow Cavs to avoid further poisoning this metagame thingamabob, even though they could have made one without being as incredible for a long time as BraLyn was. IS is the one with the power to make units broken, balanced, or underwhelming, as they do with everything else in this game, should they ever forget it. Sue being in gives us a canonical Bow Cav, and the color and stats matter not to me. This thus diminishes or abolishes this perceived "favoritism" BraLyn has had. Whether it has diminished enough, I'm not sure. But I think I'm being petty by continuing to hold this semi-grudge after Sue has come, so I'll open myself to a freebie of Sami the Tutorial Girl in a Recon were I to get one. I don't actually dislike Lyn as a character, she matters not in FE7's main story, and her own is very rudimentary. Nonetheless, she's nice enough, and Eliwood's best ship (although whether it is her best ship is another question- it could be Rath instead). If they could let you convert, I'd think it'd have to be at a relative loss, like 3 or 2 Orbs per Ticket, or even 5 Orbs for a full set of tickets. A full 1:5 conversion would make Tickets obsolete.
  17. I know this is something of a necroquoting, but Mist/GDMist might to inherit Genny/Leo's new weapon. You brought this to mind, because Cats at Play is used for the short scene where under disguise, Mist, Lethe, and Lyre charm some Begnion frontier watchmen with poisoned food and drink, so as they sleep, Ike can their souls reap. And good to see we got a demotion again. May Mordecai brighten everyone's days!
  18. That wouldn't have been good. What I, a person who has a pH of 7 when it comes to Kana/Morgan, and very much has issues with the avatars and their children having two selves to rep, was asking for was more, not less. As in, if you're going to use both sexes of a given of Krromocoka for given event, add in one more character than you normally would in some form. You could appease both people like me who consider Krromocoka the same character regardless of sex, like me, and those who see them as separate characters, that way.
  19. Well it makes my pulling of him as one of my only two Gallians a bit disappointing. But nonetheless this is great news! -Albeit by virtue of Nailah and especially Panne the GHB, Blue Beasts are something people will likely already have. Not exactly happy with what the tickets get spent on, since I've little interest in the Braves. The 2nd round only had Hector who I was interested in, and for round 1, well if I got Roy I guess I'd use him, Ike for sure, but Lyn... I've still mixed emotions on even though we finally have a standard summoning pool Bow Cav in Sue.
  20. I interpreted "after joining" to mean "after their recruitment conversation", so Beo, Hugh, Farina, Rennac if with Eiri/Eph and Malice & Dice wouldn't count. You pay them once up front, but not ever after recruitment. But I could be wrong with what was meant.
  21. I thought I might have been told by a mod topics about games in development can defy the standard rules concerning necroposting, so I'm posting here. Apparently, Retro Studios has listed some new job openings. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/04/retro_studios_posts_multiple_job_listings_talks_about_joining_the_nintendo_legacy Does this mean anything about the current pace of MP4's development?
  22. Aww.... one third isn't very much. And it's mostly Gen 1 Birthright characters, not like I have anything of a preference. Something is better than nothing though. FE must be toilsome, so many characters to draw.
  23. To think this Corrinsexual Jagen of all people would get official art when they said not everyone would have it in this artbook. It's got an element of gentility to it- of being relaxed; yet it isn't a frail damsel, she has strength to her still. I really like it from a first impression. @Stroud This isn't Rinkah (I dunno if she got artwork here), but you might like Reina.
  24. From the same 1996 interview I cited before: Pretty much never. Although Volke the first Thief to join in Path of Radiance does charge 50 Gold per lock he opens. Amounts to nothing between the pittance of a cost, being able to bash open doors, and PoR having plenty of money. If you're looking a little further out, Kaga's Berwick Saga does require you pay people multiple times. About half the game's cast consists of mercenaries who you have to rebuy the services of on a chapter-by-chapter basis. Only once you've fulfilled their conditions for permanent recruitment do they start working pro bono.
  25. Kagero's pose is unexpected. It deemphasizes her prominent feature. Not exactly a natural pose, but not one that screams seductive either. Flora's symmetry to Felicia's is fitting given they're sisters. But the two certainly give off different vibes. Felicia is joyful, stress free, and has lightly juggled a dagger into the air without a care, even though it is pointing towards her. Flora looks flustered, and is gripping her dagger with an expression of self defense mixed with a hint of desire for aggression.
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