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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Maybe, but a Tomodachi Life sequel will require a Reggie Fils-Aime mii to be wedded to a Doug Bowser mii on the title screen. Why don't more games made in the West have this mod?
  2. Because every topic could use a little fresh forest air.: Since when did Saria have a Yiga boyfriend, with Veran as a mother, and tried to assassinate Zelda? And when did she get a Loftwing + Wind Waker? So Tiki or Let It Goli vs. La GigaNina? I have none of these- why is Awakening Tiki the non-5* one? Not like I play VG beyond the bare minimum for all Orbs/Coins/Stones, the extra Feathers don't interest me.
  3. Wouldn't this be anti-bias though? It means you can't get them as easily. Never. Instead, Larcei is stealing some of the 3H fisticuff stuff so she can stand out from her mother. Pugilists are going to be the next hot thing in FEH, Beasts will be yesterday's kitty litter. Been liking the quintupled SP, finally got around to training most of my desirable units. Which I've otherwise found boring.
  4. Early reviews are in. Apparently the movie is... (putting it in spoilers for those who don't want to be influenced by seeing this- other commenters please try to do the same).
  5. Ah, I forgot about this! And you forgot to mention that to get to the CoD, you must climb the entire Crystal Tower and kill the boss atop it. And then you get sent to the darkness realm, where after a scripted loss to the CoD, you have to kill four more bosses in another dungeon, with random encounters of course. Only then do you get to fight the CoD, which as a silver lining IS only one phase. All of this, and you die to the CoD, you have to repeat everything from the tower climb and forward. You can't save in dungeons in FFIII, not the DS version at least.
  6. I was watching the reputable news last night and I believe it showed 25% of Americans have depression or anxiety-related mental health issues. So it's very understandable, as I've been that way firsthand as well. Which is why distracting the mind helps, and adding tweaks to a fanfic can be a form of that. Might make one even sadder, but it might help if it is part of a group activity to cut down on loneliness. This said, I already whipped some touchups into my entry, extending it to 5394 words. It is now renamed z2w.y5b1o2, having a better if still not complete understanding of the naming conventions inspiring it. Or again, just "His Choice" for something that can actually be pronounced and remembered easier. For those who may have already read the original, I'm sorry I was hasty. This was my first time successfully making an entry and I just wanted to get it out there rather than sit on it and submit nothing. Again it's mostly touchups, barring some significant additions starting at the "paragraph" (I divide them according to how it looks in an SF post combined- not according to usual grammar rules, since most are too short to be called paragraphs) beginning "Lao was soon to awake...". You can glance over the rest, but that is where some real work was added. I know I could continue considering more and more changes and additions and just keep at that. But this is just some creative writing for a little gaming forum- I shouldn't obsess over it. Thus, I hereby walk away, not to toy with this hot soufflé anymore. I will let it stand as is. Can't take that back now that I said it. I'm just walking away....
  7. We can make revisions before the deadline? I think I might then, don't think I'll correct my major chronological error due to its relatively minor impact on the main point, but some other little fixes and self-criticisms I'm seeing I was considering ironing out.
  8. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/platinum-says-secret-project-is-unlike-anything-done-before/ Apparently Platinum Games is moving toward self-publishing their games, and this will include two new IPs Platinum alone owns. Factoring in Bayonetta 3 and Astral Chains, Platinum now has four games under development. By going to self-publishing, Platinum will be freer to determine what games are made and allowed to be more creative with those games. Bayonetta 2 seems to have involved a lot of back-and-forth negotiation that was a hassle to get through before the game was approved and done. -Although this does not mean collaborations with other companies will cease to be, they'll keep that door open, they just want more options. As a result, the methodology design process of Bayonetta 3 will be altered from that of 1 & 2, to create a "new foundation" for Platinum as a company. Is this why Bayo 3 hasn't had anything really said or shown about it so far? Does this mean a later-rather-than-sooner timing for its release? I'm just hoping whatever happens, for fans of the company, genre, and Bayo, that the end product is Pure Platinum.
  9. Their physical durability is good, but that is about it. The big issue is Dread Fighters (and Falcoknights when Bows aren't present) can have similar physical durability with a lot more of other things- Spd, Move, Res, and even Atk due to being able to actually double. A Steel Shield offers +5 Def and its Defensive Combat Art to provide another 5 Def, at the cost of a mere 2 Wt and 1 HP per Defensive use. If my Dread Fighter doesn't need that much Def, I can swap out the Steel Shield for a Zweihander/Brave Sword/Rapier for a really strong offense. The other issues of the Soldier/Knight/Baron line are: They might have high Atk, but being so slow they can rarely double, which greatly impedes their offense. Lances lack for powerful weapons beyond the lone Rhomphaia- whose good Combat Art- Dragonhaze, requires high Spd to make the most of- something Knights/Barons lack. The Trainee's Lance and Emperor's Lance are both DLC only, the best thing a Baron can normally get is a Steel Lance and its Tempest Lance CA- which is good, but not good enough. While Dread Fighters can compare with Barons on physical durability, Barons can't match DFs on magical durability. Barons use a Hexlock or Royal Shield (neither of which Team Celica naturally get), but they're still inferior to Dread Fighters here, who can use the same stuff or like for physical and still have their other leads. Witches are even capable of doubling Knights/Barons due to how sluggish they are if you don't boost their Spd. Enemy phase is great in SoV, but at the same time they toned down the potency of 1-2 range EP offense a bit due to 1-3/5 range Bows and 1-3 range Magic (and Hard gives a lot of Arcanists Mire). This makes Javelins if you tried running one of those, or later Gradivus, not as useful. And for Celica's group, there is no Warp, only the inferior (for moving Knights/Barons) Rescue in a land of terrain heavy maps.
  10. I'm surprised someone actually liked it. I could work through try finishing it on my off time. That was mostly me adding garnish and aromatics to events laid out in the official Tellius timeline. My continued plans had to be me wholly inventing another ~400 years of events showing the decline of Begnion as an empire being a bad thing, contributing to what is said exchange from the 2nd playthrough Epilogue of RD (which is obviously spoilers): Yeah, I found that quite easily, since there are several readily noticeable magnetic bookcases, and if you approach from a certain way, you have to move one of them to get into the library in the first place. I think there was a Royal Guard equip behind the bookcase as well, one of those powerful but fragile items. Helps Magnesis spam is a nifty way to identify if there is something hidden or can be interacted with in BotW. It doesn't always reveal relevant stuff, but covering the world in that red grid pattern is an option you're free to use at any time. ...I love BotW's Hyrule Castle, would have loved more of this stuff. The feeling of Castlevania but with Zelda and no annoying Medusa Heads in a clock tower, which is great given Castlevania has had something of an issue with 3D games. Though I would like different aesthetic themes if we had more.
  11. Wow! Igarashi took the whining real well. Like a lotus, this trailer goes into the filth, but rises untouched by it. Class with sass. Not going to get the game right away, but I certainly will at some point, I do enjoy a good Metroidvania. Let's just hope it somehow doesn't end up being a Mightyvania.
  12. *Spins Wheel of Important Decisions* *Grif- Smashes wheel to pieces* How many times did I replace all the names on it, and yet it kept giving me answers that weren't on it or relevant to this game at all? At least it wasn't Balamb again. No idea which I'd pick, it'll be a total fluke when I get the game. And whichever I don't, I'll try on later runs of the game.
  13. My original avi was this guy: The Anguished One of Devil Survivor 2. A non-human individual who is a minion of the main villain, but has drifted away in doubt from serving it. Long ago, he took an interest in primitive humanity, giving them fire and culture to progress their development, which he watched from afar. He loves humanity, and against the big bad and others' wishes, tries to ensure humanity survives, with its boundless potentials free to be realized. His humanist love, his existential yearnings, his eternity of observing humans in their history, what isn't there for me to love? My second avi was The Legend of Zelda's Farore, the Oracle of Secrets. I always found her sprite cool as a kid. And whilst she of no importance due to Capcom slashing the Oracle trio to a duo, I liked her as the character in the Maku Trees passing passwords and Linked Game items and upgrades back and forth. She is an observer, so I counted her as fitting my username on those grounds, even if she isn't interdimensional, I'll just pretend that due to looking the same, the interiors of the Maku Trees is the same place accessed through two different dimensional rifts. My third avi, changed for Halloween, as a minor boss monster called Gnosis (because this was made between Xenosaga Episodes 1 & 2) from Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean. It's very interdimensional, since half or who knows how much of it is actually in another dimension. My fourth and current is Lippti from Radiant Historia, the old DS artwork to be precise, not the 3DS redesigns. She and her twin brother Teo are the guardians of Historia, the place outside of the various timelines which the hero Stocke goes to whenever he needs to travel to another world or time within one. They can provide him with advice and explain how the White Chronicle he wields works, but cannot directly guide him without being magically punished for doing so. Thus they are interdimensional, and they observe. They are both cute and peaceful as well, and I do plan to swap to Teo eventually.
  14. I have just always chalk it up to an unexplained "magical climate". As in a climate for the magic energies and such existing usually unseen and unfelt in FE. As with the real climate, it naturally changes over time, most of the time it is gradual change, but at a few points, it is very rapid, and in the case of the Ending Winter of Elibe, it is anthropogenic change. The dragons of Archanea started degenerating because the magical climate began to shift against them, just as a warming climate would cause apple trees to recede northwards due to needing so many cool nights in a row to bear fruit. Dragonkind for all its wisdom could not change it, and thus began its precipitous drop. By the time of Awakening, although we know very little of dragonkind in this future Archanea, I would guess either died off almost completely, or hit rock bottom and has adapted to the modern magical climate. In the process, they regained the ability to reproduce- not that I can really be certain of this given Xane or another dragon stud (Robin doesn't count) isn't around to seed Tiki and or Nowi and or Nah. It's possible that dragon-human reproduction was possible all along due to humans being naturally more suited for the changed magical climate and hence allowing the half-dragon child to survive in the womb rather than be miscarried like a full dragon zygote soon after conception.
  15. Fudge flakes and chocolate crunchies! I set my piece too late! I should've taken a moment to look over the specifics better having not played the game in years (and the six months is also off I recall, it's more like 2-3). This is XCX Chapter 6 and that is just a little too late. I should've watched the plot on Youtube first, but no, I rushed to put out an entry. Haste makes waste. Not like it affects much, it only means the Team Elma meeting has to be left out, which isn't pivotal as an event in itself in my narrative. More a chosen vehicle to accomplish what could have been done by other means. Or it could be Elma is doing something other than Chapter 6, another random and inconsequential mission. (I can't edit the above post due to the wall of text that is the entry, hence the double post.)
  16. My error then, I forgot Shiro was a canonical brown. For I keep remembering him as Azura's bluish-white, due to that I think being his first mother for me, and his name Shiro can mean white in Japanese.
  17. So you're saying you inherited a Seasonal summonable and thus very rare weapon on him at just the wrong time? A repeat of sorts of your Klein mistake, IIRC?
  18. That one came off BCFF- Best Celibate Friends Forever. Although SerraxHector also ends her obnoxious behavior, I don't why she and Hector can't wed. If the problem is the lack of a fourth female support for Eliwood, just tweak his Marcus support.
  19. Can I add many of Etrian Odyssey Untold 2: The Fafnir Knight's bosses? Most of them have gigantic HP, although for some you do get little puzzles to reduce it first. The HP bloat means that without an optimized team on Expert, these will be chores to kill. They all also have scripted routines, which is fine for some postgame bosses, and some scripting is always fine beforehand, but these are 100% scripted. And if you don't memorize it, on Expert (which is supposed to be a challenge- that is much of the point of EO), their damage is very heavy. The worst of these bosses are probably Ginnugagap 2nd floor's, and most definitely the 3rd Stratum's boss, the miniboss in the 3rd is also rather bad if you don't have a Protector or Beast. I'd also add the final bosses of Golden Sun: The Lost Age and Dark Dawn, and Dullahan the superboss of both. The final boss in DD is uncreative, but the real problem is Djinn Storm. You know how Fates Conquest on Lunatic has Inevitable End allowing enemies to debuff you to no end, and how stat debuffs can only wear off one point in every stat per turn? Djinn Storm forces all Djinn into Recovery Mode, which severely lowers everyone's stats until they've all recovered nine turns later. This also has another problem- it strips you of Wish and other party heals, probably Revive too, so not only are you more fragile, but you can't restore HP so easily. It's real cheap.
  20. I put myself into Overdrive and assembled *MAX* this in the course of a night and some of a day. *weil wir Kämpfer für die Freiheit sind / Du auch* Thus, I present, 4916 words long, representing Xenoblade Chronicles X, "wybo2xcx1lmse"!!!!! …or if you insist on a more normal name, fine, how about “His Choice” for something generic? Whatever you call it, plenty o' SPOILERS for the game here, both the main story and certain Affinity Missions. I kinda had to do the former at least, owing to my chosen character, the other was optional, but I felt it added to their argument. Also, no actual dialogue, I'll work on that in the future, but this for my first entry, can I be excused for that?: If anyone needs supplementary information and material, I am willing to provide what I can.
  21. I think I have some flexibility to change things over, I've had this one Baten Kaitos x Xenoblade Chronicles 2 idea floating around which I've never actually fleshed out. Admittedly I forget the characters both somewhat, and I'm not quite sure whether it'd be best used here, but I could try adapting it. And thinking on that, although I don't love them, listening to "So Nah, So Fern" makes me think I've an Xenoblade Chronicles X scenario I could expand on. Or I could go in a different direction within FE and pick another continent. I was considering Archanea or Valentia, but there isn't so much for the former for me to work with, and I don't know Valentia so well.
  22. As retribution, I shall summon the Warped Abyssal Ur Yggdrasil Star Core Devil Child God Devourer Princess Savior! But Fae is also Himukai, yet it looks like she is doing well. Me: Shall Sonic I unleash on you today? Lugh is more than sufficiently adorable. At least visually.
  23. Tissues? How about some eye wash? That old Sonic CD thingy has been thoroughly dethroned from the domain of Sonic creepiness. Now where is my 2006 Princess kissing Abomination Sonic scene?
  24. I've been considering getting this for Switch, I'm generally willing to expand my JRPG palette, but I keep waiting for a price drop or sale. ...And right now as I check prices yet again, I see it is on sale on Switch for 30% off for Golden Week. Thanks to NIS America apparently, despite it being a demon to the game's translation. Unfortunately I've spent my week's budget on Etrian Odyssey Nexus on sale (should have waited until PQ2 drops- I'm thinking there will be another sale then). And l've exhausted a gift request on a copy of the old DS game Infinite Space. Oh well, I'm sure there will be another eventually. I've been hesitant over the port quality of Ys VIII, but I've heard it actually runs decently undocked. And while I initially thought I'd rarely use my Switch when undocked, I've actually really come to like it that way, a big screen is just imposing and monopolizing at times, a smaller screen makes it feel like I'm wasting my time less.
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