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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. This direct crafting upgrade... if I understand it right, you'll still need all the materials and gold to make the 5 weapons you'd need to max fully unbind every step on the weapon forge trees before it, right? So I pick a rank 3 Fire Sword, I'd needed the materials for making one copy of it, plus 25 tier 1 rank 3 swords, and 5 of the upper tier 2 rank 3 sword? This just lets me skip the process of having to make all the weapons beforehand? What of getting them to max level?
  2. To give a detailed explanation, Mareeta is the blood daughter of Galzus. Galzus was born the Prince of Rivough, a fiefdom within the Kingdom of Issach. Just before the start of Gen 1 Genealogy, Rivough attacks the holy fort of Darna and its royalty is presumably annihilated between Issach punishing it and and Grannvale immediately launching its campaign to conquer the whole of Issach. Galzus survived the destruction of his fiefdom and grew into a grizzled mercenary hating Issach. His mother was Ayra's unnamed older half-sister, and like his mother, he inherited the Brand of Odr, as did Mareeta. Galzus roams the world, falls in love, and has Mareeta. Her mother then dying, Galzus decided to bring her with him everywhere. One day however, Galzus loses track of his daughter for a moment and she is taken by slavers. Fortunately, the amnesiac yet just swordswoman Eyvel encounters the slavers and sets Mareeta free. Unable to find Galzus, Eyvel ends up settling in the village of Fiana with Mareeta, who she treats as a daughter, and who treats her as a mother, like Leif and others in Fiana- a proto-Titania + Greil in one. In I believe Chapter 1 of Thracia 776, the Grannvale Empire, which has pursued Leif his entire life because as the Prince of Leonster he poses a threat, finds him and attacks Fiana. Having not actually played FE5, I'm sure how things go, but Mareeta and Nanna I think do get captured in the attack. Leif, Eyvel and the rest of Fiana then choose to fight to rescue the captured girls, who are sent to the evil Raydrik, Duke of Connaught under Grannvale's control. After Chapter 3 of FE5, Leif gets captured and his forces disperse. Eyvel, able to pursue Raydrik, is caught, trapped in an arena where she is forced to protect Nanna. There, she fights the various enemies Raydrik and Veld (a dark bishop servant of Manfroy and Julius) send to fight her as they watch in pleasure thinking she'll fail. This is Chapter 5 of Thracia. When normal soldiers fail to kill Eyvel, they bring out Mareeta, using a cursed dark sword that makes her possessed into fighting against her own mother. This is done for drama, and the villains question whether Eyvel would even think of killing her daughter. Eyvel doesn't kill Mareeta, but she does subdue her and quells the possession. Eyvel is captured, but Mareeta survives, and is taken in by Saias. Saias fully frees her of the curse on her sword, turning it into a purified Mareeta's Sword (Brave effect + Nihil). Mareeta then swears to master it and thanks Saias. She joins up with Leif in Chapter 12, wanting to rescue Eyvel. If you're a 100% recruitment player, you do get Eyvel again, and Mareeta even gets to recruit her dad as a Gotoh- a Level 20 Hero with awesome stats, weapons, and Astra and Luna. From a gameplay perspective, Mareeta is an Est who joins in the middle of the midgame. Only a level 2 Myrmidon, her 60 Str, 75 Skl, 80 Spd, and 60 Lck growths are massive! They are hindered by poor concrete durability, and the universal stat caps of 20 even promoted in Thracia, but still incredible. She also has a 5 Pursuit Critical Coefficient, which means that every single point crit she has is multiplied by 5 on a second non-Adept/Brave hit, so with a 20% Crit base, she has 100% chance to crit on second "normal" hits. And if this was not enough, don't forget that 60 use Mareeta's Sword with Brave and Nihil. She has Luna too, and via a event on a certain map can get Astra. She is in short overkill offense if you train her (not hard I think). Also, an official Thracia 776 picture of her, and another of her and her "family":
  3. Was anyone expecting the trailer for the next New Heroes so soon? I know people were hypothesizing another Fallen Heroes banner though. Mostly alts? Eh. A skip. Another Tiki, she who inspired Idunn, and another Corrin, and Berkut is canonically justifiable. Mareeta is nice, but it's a shame that she came first this way, since it says how little attention Thracia has gotten. Maybe this means Eyvel or someone else instead of her will get in on Thracia NH 2, but then again, I don't want that. But that would be two months from now. Unless Corrin ends up being Mythic, and that'll be a whiff of grapeshot to hopes for those. Not all hopes, but some.
  4. Well that is unexpected. Some of them just seem intentionally fanservicey, Dahlia stands out in my mind, her Blade Quest and personality shown therein is so simple and humble, but her design is such a frostbiting contrast. It's like mixing peanut butter and jelly with foie gras. As an aside, did they happen to provide any explanation as to why Dual Ring commons exist? I find it a strange weapon type. Nobody but Nia has a main Blade whose weapon type is shared with commons, and although it is shared with commons, there are no other Dual Ring Rares but Dromarch. It makes the type sorta irrelevant, since who'd use the commons? The fact that the only common animal-type Blades are Dual Rings is a further oddity. What role do Dual Rings serve? Bitball and Knuckles already provide two Healer roles, Tank has only Katana and Shield Hammer. And why Attack has three types is probably because Megalance and Axe are both physical, while Ether Cannon provides for an Ether-oriented offense. Given damage dealing is the most important thing, I think I can understand why they'd have three Attack weapon types. This reminds me of a scrapped-before-final-game-release quasi-FE fashion choice: Zipper panties! Thank Naga they opted against it.
  5. You forgot that WTD also neutralize a unit's Weapon Rank bonuses in the games where they are present. So for Awakening: Type C Rank bonus B Rank bonus A Rank bonus Sword Attack +1 Attack +2 Attack +3 Lance Attack +1 Attack +1, Hit rate +5 Attack +2, Hit rate +5 Axe Hit rate +5 Hit rate +10 Attack +1, Hit rate +10 So WTD for an A Sword unit is actually -3 Atk and whatever WTD deductions are inflicted by the enemy's weapon rank. For pre-Awakening games: Genealogy: +/- 20 Hit. Thracia 776: +/- 5 Hit. Binding Blade: +/- 10 Hit, +/- 1 Mt. Blazing Blade and Sacred Stones: +/- 15 Hit, +/- 1 Mt. Bonuses are doubled when using a -reaver weapon (except when two reavers go against each other) which also reverses the Weapon Triangle. These games also have a +5 Hit & Critical Bonus for hitting S in a Weapon Rank, but it is unaffected by the Weapon Triangle. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn: +/- 10 Hit, +/- 1 Mt. So same as Binding Blade. Hard Mode RD removes the Weapon Triangle. Shadow Dragon and Heroes of Light and Shadow: Weapon triangle bonus: +1Mt if weapon is good against enemy’s weapon (weapon rank is A) -1 Mt if weapon is bad against enemy’s weapon (enemy’s weapon rank is A) Weapon triangle bonus: +5 if weapon is good against enemy’s weapon (weapon rank is E or D) +10 if weapon is good against enemy’s weapon (weapon rank is C, B or A) -5 if weapon is bad against enemy’s weapon (enemy’s weapon rank is E or D) -10 if weapon is bad against enemy’s weapon (enemy’s weapon rank is C, B or A) Weapon Rank Bonus negated with WTD: Type C Rank bonus B Rank bonus A Rank bonus Sword Attack +1 Attack +2 Attack +3 Lance Attack +1 Attack +1, Accuracy +5 Attack +2, Accuracy +5 Axe Accuracy +5 Accuracy +10 Accuracy +15 Not that Mt (Might) is not the same as Atk. In any pre-Awakening game, having WTD weakens weapons with an effective bonus by 3 Atk, having WTA is an extra 3 Atk for effective weapons. So Marth's 5 Mt Rapier has only 12 Mt against Lance-using Cavaliers (and Knights), while Caeda's Wing Spear is 27 Mt against Sword-using Cavaliers. Awakening and Fates changed this to make the Weapon Triangle only affect Atk, not Mt. So Chrom's Rapier, the same 5 Mt as Marth's is 15 Mt against Lance-using Cavaliers.
  6. As a devoted Telliusian, I will agree with this sentiment. I loves my world of Tellius, but to paraphrase a famed Karl Marx quote "History repeats itself twice, the first as tragedy, the second as farce". -Not to call Binding Blade farce, even though it is a remix of Mystery of the Emblem's two books combined, and SS of Gaiden, and Tellius itself borrowing from Jugdral. I wouldn't want 3H to be a Tellius repeat, particularly if the world building, which Tellius relatively excelled at, was not at all present. Although the goddess split here could and hopefully would be different in some way. As is, it already is to a small degree at least, since neither goddess-half was amnesiac in RD. Yet it is wholly possible at this point the Goddess had a Bad Side and Good Side and whilst unable to destroy the Good Side, the Bad Side forced her to flee and inflicted a severe enough injury to cause memory loss. That would be fairly close to Tellius still. Au contraire, divisive and popular tend to go together I think. If you aren't popular, you can't create a truly great rift amongst people, since a great rift should be spoken, not just quietly unsaid but present. Silence and a great rift coexisting might be the sad case for severe inequalities of wealth in the world, but not opinions of fictional characters. It's mostly Poppi that would do that I think. Get past her, and nobody in the main cast is particularly cutesy I think. Pretty skimpy outfits for the female Aegis despite Malos wearing far more than a thong, and a significantly female-slanted Rare Blade selection with often fanservicey designs, but I guess from what very little I know that that wouldn't be "moe". Just fanservicey.
  7. I didn't mean Fates's art director specifically to clarify, just one in general who said... well I can't quite assemble proper language outlining that an artist for this assignment lean towards catering towards a heterosexual male audience in designs. I mean I just did, but it sounds awkward.
  8. So I've finally started playing this game again after over a week of just logging in, and getting Marth. I should still have enough time to permanently recruit Alfonse, if not do much else for the FEH event. I'm a little overwhelmed, since getting Marth was accompanied by an overwhelming number of new characters for me, a number of 5*s Dragons and humans alike, and the rest of the FEH collab crew. I don't know exactly who I should be feeding my resources to, I want to favor Marth on the Fire side of things, but I'm not sure who else to bestow favoritism on (yet I'm sorta far-ish with certain characters I used beforehand). I thought I heard 3* characters were made better, but I still see they have double Res skills for the same ailment- that isn't good and makes me hesitant to invest in them. I like the convenience improvements that have been made- takes less time and stamina to do dallies now. Although stamina is still limiting compared to FEH. Still the game is fun for an FtP I can pick up and drop as I wish. I might just stay back into it for now. Rerunning the old event where I dropped the game is good for me, since it means I can take it easy. And since I've never included it here, my Player ID is 4620 5849 646. My helper is set to a lv 40 Lowen with 30 nodes unlocked. Name is Vritra- at least until they add a Vritra as a Dragon, then it'll be changed.
  9. I'm pretty sure I saw a cloud in three frames of footage from two trailers ago that was 48 polygons short of sufficiently round and fluffy. *?? at the criticism* Well there is always ??17 to fix things up. I'll assume it'll run on the same engine as ?, and given PoR was ugly for its time but RD using the same engine looked so much better, 17 should look great.
  10. Isn't there some art director role that has a say on how things should be designed? Wasn't that what hindered Kozaki in Fates? Perhaps they're the one to "blame" here? Also, maybe they should just open a Shampoodle in Fodlan and let everyone wear Mii Mask caricatures of their faces.
  11. Asked who names their kid Hubert. And here is another VGs one:
  12. Whaaat? *Checks FF Wiki* Oh, IZJS got rid of this. Good to know for whenever I get around to XII Switch version. And there is insta-death enemies really late in the game from what I recall. I don't recall item locations mattering, but perhaps I am underestimating the amount of challenge I experienced playing the game once. With a guide starting around the point you leave the cellars and see the sky of Lea Monde for the first time, since everything beforehand was rough.
  13. Not like any of character in those games had that much in personality or development, it was mostly charm. And technically Issac and Felix were never silent, they only were while they were the main character, when they weren't, they could speak. Matthew is with how they chose to limit his "speaking" to four emoticons though, a bad move.
  14. Presently using the holy mother of humanity and AEROD annihilator.
  15. Do you think Byleth being a silent protagonist will be a good thing or a bad thing? It's a great move. This is a bad decision. *Quietly stare into Armagon's soul* They really can indeed. To be fair, you can do that with everyone in FFIV and VI, it's just an odd thing they allowed. And continued to allow with the main character up to and including Tidus, which I found awkward for the VA'ed script of X.
  16. Yet I saw him some months ago on late night TV being interviewed when he was promoting some fictional history book for the ASoIaF world of like ~300-400 pages, with plans for a sequel he said. Can he get his priorities in order? I don't watch GoT, nor read the books, too bloody and sexual and the like for me, though the fantasy and politics sound good. Nonetheless I paid a little attention to what was being said about this episode because it seemed fun to do so. Apparently the choice to make things so dark was for realism's sake, unlike some LotR movie the directors of GoT looked to for guidance, where a grand night battle was intentionally unrealistically lit up to high heaven for the sake of making things clearly visible.
  17. I think what they mean here is without a guide it isn't friendly. Something can be easy if you really know what you're doing, but that doesn't preclude it being hard if you don't, nor does it preclude that because a player can know so much as to make it easy, that they will. And the harder it is know how to make something easy, the less player friendly/the harder that thing is. It is less hard to know a Phoenix Down will 1HKO the Phantom Train in Final Fantasy VI, than it is to know that the Yggdrasil Core in Etrian Odyssey Untold has a script wherein it will always override attacking for healing it hits a certain HP threshold. Therefore, the Yggdrasil Core on this alone is harder (never mind it also is a superboss and the PT isn't). Another case- Vagrant Story. The game is awful blind due to no forced tutorials, only a menu of long nightmares. But if you know to carry a good weapon of each Type, to apply the proper -Fusion spell, forget Class, equip a Shield and 1-Handed weapons, use a lot of Temper and Instill, and don't let your Chains/Risk get too high, the game is fairly easy.
  18. If the rewards were significantly better though, then the inability of lesser (FtP) players to handle them would be more criticizable. Since it'd be the rich getting richer while the poorer stay sadly deprived. I'd use a more deterministic example: Advance War 1 Advanced (Hard) Campaign. Maps where the AI can produce units are relatively few in AW1, and the only other significant random issue is Fog of War. The AI itself is incredibly easy to manipulate- if you know how. And yet to the average player, as early as like the first Grit fight (I personally came within inches of losing it) the game can be relentlessly challenging. To summarize it, Braves are a weird thing. They aren't Seasonal, and they aren't Alts on a standard banner units either. They've been pseudo-democratically chosen. Somehow, I accept the difference, perhaps because of the fact you get to choose a free one. It isn't simply that I like the characters though and that they are free. Obviously I chose Hector for these two criterion. Yet Ike is only neutral for me as a character, and I put Seasonal Titania to the Gutenburg, despite me liking her as a character. It can't be simply because they are free by itself, since I am going to allow myself BraLyn now. But pragmatism isn't the answer either! If I were acting purely out of pragmatism, then I'd be using legions of characters who I aren't presently using at all nor intend to. If they had chosen to make the CYL results Legendary alts or thrown them on standard New Heroes, I wouldn't have necessarily gone for them. Heck I'm never going to intentionally waste Orbs for the present Lector, and Like is lucky enough to have been a canonically justifiable alt plus a freebie. It's a weird habit. I played through Awakening when it released, experiencing it is zenith with the Lucina as Chrom's daughter reveal, and everything afterwards being a gradual slope downwards for me. I read a handful of its Supports, though far, far, far from all of them. I bought most of the DLC, some going to waste pretty much. I never did recruit the kids though or do S Supports though, well most of them, my very last playthrough of like five or six of them tried to break the ice and swiped Kjelle and Noire (Project Make A Competent Non-Einherjar Awakening No Grind Bow Unit was a failure, even with trained parents she wasn't that good). Somehow I managed to clear Future Past on a Females Only run despite the unpaired kids- and I did read the entire plot of that. Fates is where things began to go rather irrational and downhill for me. I hear when the game is released in Japan that the plot is worse than Awakening's, with Conquest's being the worst, despite statements made to the contrary on the part of the developers. Given Awakening's plot wasn't highly regarded at the time, this was a bad thing. For the sake of my own enjoyment of Fates, I thus somehow came to the conclusion I'd just skip the plot, which I have done on every run of every play. Nor I have I read a single Support line. I tried bending a little once with a child Paralogue or two, but I quickly snapped back to full rigidity. After all this, I began to use a great power of humanity described by Friedrich Nietzche- the power to forget. I try to forget Awakening, not that I really can, my memory is too good for that. But I choose to try to forget what I can of Awakening, and to keep out of Fates. And why? To remain "neutral" in the once-contentious arguments surrounding Awakening and Fates and their characters, and which still sometimes arise- see that perennial rose called the Lady of the Camillas. My skipping of SoV is irrational in full, a carryover from Fates. I chose it apart from the Internet, before reading anything about SoV's plot online, but like Fates, my continued detachment from its plot and characters is most certainly influenced by contentious arguments online of things such as Alm's perfection and Celica's stupidity. Could I develop my own opinions of things and still be neutral? Yes, I could. I try to be diplomatic all the time on the Internet, even when I have an opinion. I've been willing to leap and call Sephiran a something of pity-magnet even when that criticism of him or others has not been made, despite me still liking him. I just haven't. Another issue is that I'd developed Imagined versions of certain characters, using what little secondhand I gather about them, which makes me hesitate to want to see their Real selves. Hinata, Odin, Leo, and Takumi all alike fall into this category. To know the Real risks destroying the Imagined, and there isn't a third who is Imagined yet Real who I can choose. This is something of the problem which some Game of Thrones fans find themselves faced with now so I hear, as the show ends, their precious hypotheses are crumbling under the weight of the reality of how events play out in the show, and for a vocal minority of whiners, THE SHOW IS GODDAMN AWFUL! because of it. I wouldn't whine like this, although Gen 2 of Rune Factory 2 will forever be stung to me by the fact its opening movie shows both Aaron and Aria as twins when Kyle can only have one of them in the actual game. Furthermore, certain characters from afar I can tell I won't like at all. Nina and Soleil fall into this category. And to get a little more back on track, how would I handle a Genealogy or Binding Blade remake? Two games I've played that should eventually get remakes. Skip or no skip? Well Binding is already sorta low for me in narrative, so the only real direction it can go is up, so I'll likely watch it. Genealogy, well I like Gen 1, Gen 2 is okay, but a bit drab, generic, and safe, I'd think I'd still watch the story of its remake. And after playing Genealogy, I leaped into New Mystery, whose original I had played within two months prior. There, I felt the new Kris Prologue was bleh, but Kris's little thefts elsewhere weren't egregious. It was really more Kris steals + the lack of facial expression on Marth + a music downgrade and just overall presentation which has left me putting FE3B2 over FE12 in narrative. The Assassins subplot didn't do much for me, although its compact maps were benignly different. Now how will I play 3H? As it stands, I put a 92.85% chance of yet again going for the skippy route. It did bleed over in Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Breath of the Wild after all. Yet I certainly wish I could get back to witnessing FE plots. The experience is a bit hollow as is, nobody to care for, no cause to pretend to fight for, but to enjoy the good, I have to experience the bumps of the bad. And for me, the school setting, the triple house split, and the avatar all raise flags. Just unseal the Eldritch Dragon/Evil Goddess beneath the school, have it destroy the place, and let me with everyone united against it kill the great foe. ...Oh, and why did I make the choice for not skipping the old FE plots when doing so with the new? Guess it's just a difference of eras, and me showing a receptiveness to the old, even when it has had its very aspects also subject to contentious argument. I went into FE4 fully aware of the contentions of Arvis (I'm no Kaga the #1 Arvis fanboy and father, but I wouldn't put him to a bonfire) and Lewyn (Gen 1 very good, Gen 2... Forseti- you ain't what I imagined you to be).
  19. The Children VGs gave me a 4* Fae and a Laslow. The Legendary Alm banner gave me a Gordin. Wrath got me an Oscar, my first at last! Unfortunately he is -Atk +Def, but it's something. Using my free and all those tickets on the CYLs: CYL1: Bralyn, Merric, Merric, Cherche, Maribelle, Bike, Jakob, Setsuna CYL2: Peri, Hawkeye, Gwendolyn, Mobin, Abel, Hana, Oboro, Jagen, Sully My new Bike is +Atk -Res, dunno how good that is. The Bralyn is +Def -HP, not horrible if not ideal either. Normally I dislike alts and refuse to use them, but I make an exception for Braves of units who meet my "will use" criterion. With the release of Sue (who I have), I'm choosing to end my personal protest ban on Bralyn, although if Astrid comes as a Colorless Bow Cavalier, regardless of her stat spread, Bralyn will find herself used less. That is my second off focus Maribelle, who has already been put to the press. There, she'll likely linger for all eternity, since I dislike Skill Inheritance.
  20. On the Orb topic, I'm back to over 100 now that the Gallians are past, although no Ranulf means I'll likely bite again next month or the one thereafter (but I really shouldn't). I think I can be good with building things back up again. I won't go for 3H until I've completed the game and let it marinate in my mind. Awakening, Fates, SoV, Seasonals, OCs, and Braves I can ignore. Whilst I'd like a Cormag or Gerik, or Coyote or Julian and Lena, I could possibly exercise restrain here and not go for them. Gotoh would sink me, since I like the archetype. And he'd be awesome with the FE3 version of the Again Staff. Nils and Pent would be other sinkers, as would a bunch of Telliusians, and maybe Farina. Thracia could likely capture my Orbs, for the new Thracia translation patch coming soon means I'll finally play it. And of course, for the phantasm called TMS I'd sell a soul for a full set. Me being a relatively new player though, I've also got holes I'd like to fill in on filler banners, i.e. Minerva, Quan, and Leif to name some off the top of my head.
  21. Biorhythm was only +/-5 Hit/Evade in PoR, when they decided to make it Best-Good-Neutral-Bad-Worst in RD as opposed to just Good-Neutral-Bad, the effects were increased to +/-10 for these two new extremes. I can understand why someone wouldn't want it back. Things like Awakening's Lucky Seven, Fates's Better Odds, and FEH's Odd/Even Waves all took the same concept of an inconstant boost and did it better when I think about it. Which is probably why Biorhythm hasn't returned. Height is +/-50 Hit, and +2 damage if above. I agree that it was excessive, I get the point to it, but I think they needed to divide height into "high height" and "low height". The former can have the massive bonuses, with the latter having smaller ones, which could have applied to 1-F. I like the concept of height, it does add something unique to maps, but it needed work, first time wasn't perfect. Another contributor to any bad hit rates you were experiencing in 1-F would be from Jarod's 3 Authority Stars. Like in Thracia 776, they offer hit/evade to every ally on that team regardless of distance from the possessor, but only the main character's count, and the boost is slightly higher at +5 per Star, not Thracia's +3. Jarod was giving +15 Hit/Evade to his cronies, meanwhile Micaiah had 0 Stars, and Nailah's 3 were just there for flavor (I wish they did more). Elincia's 3 Stars were partly countered by 2-P's boss's 2 Stars, but you still got a net +5 Hit/Evade. An NPC you can recruit with either of your duo will show up on Turn 4 to the southeast. And Turn 7 is when the Bandits to raid the houses will show up, just to provide these little useful details for you. Also, while you won't be seeing them until the chapter after Neph and Brom in the village, there are a small handful of mostly unnecessary hidden items in Part 2.
  22. 34 vs. 33 and 19.3 vs. 27.9. Yeah, no explanation here. Although this leaves me wondering how Fiora is going to look if she gets in. Of the FE7 Peg Sisters, Florina's Res is the lowest, Fiora has the highest at 25, one short of the cap. She could be hitting 40 Res sans nature- although something is going to have to give for that. Have a Titanic-sinker ready to inherit if she doesn't come with one. On the plus side, Farina might give us a slow and tanky Lance Flier, having the lowest Spd (26.15) and highest Def (18.75, Fiora is 14.4, Florina is 11.7, she has more Def than Kent and Sain- two units with what would be called good durability) of her sisters, with 1 HP more than Fiora. She also has 1-2 Str more than both of them.
  23. I just found three new ships: Like Bayonetta would ever go for Ganondorf, men can be such pigs, and Ganondorf is the worst.
  24. To copy paste this old exchange between me and Bottlegnomes about Jamke, the best freebie Colorless Bow Infantry in the game: As for Canas, his stats and Lucius's and Erk's from FE7: Canas is the most balanced of the unpromoted magic users (Pent is also fairly balanced- but starts promoted and hence is different). And Raigh vs. Sophia (Niime doesn't count because she is all about bases): Sophia capped Mag at 20/16, so her lead is a little stronger than 1 point actually. And unlike FE7 where enemy AS is low, Raigh's 3-4 Spd lead can make a significant difference in doubling capabilities. This is not to excuse the laziness of Canas's statline, or the absence of some good skill or weapon like his old favorite "Use me!" card- the Luna tome. But it does provide rationale to it. She does have a Heavy Spear as her starting weapon in FEH though, that would inflict a colossal 10-9 AS loss on her in FE7. Her "ruined" FEH statline could be influenced by this.
  25. To support you here: Xane:This is Flame Barrel... The fire dragons' graveyard. It's where the fire dragons who've degenerated into savage beasts come to wait for their death. Marth:Degenerated, you say...? What do you mean by that? Xane:I'm not sure if you're aware, but the dragon tribe is dyin'. Those who don't confine their true, dragon form in a stone eventually lose all reason and become monsters. Marth:So that's why they become Manaketes? Xane, if you know something about the dragon tribe, please tell me. Xane:If you really wanna know... Tens of thousands of years ago, the dragon tribe settled down on this continent, and created a civilization. They possessed intellect and abilities far exceedin' those of humans. But suddenly, outta nowhere, their day of destruction came. At first, they couldn't bear children. Then they began to lose their minds, goin' berserk one after the next. The elders warned that the end of dragons as a species was approachin'. There was no longer any way to prevent it. However, there was one way they could survive: to discard their identities as dragons and live on as humans. The dragons fell into a panic. Those who believed the elders sealed their forms within stones and became humans. But those who couldn't throw away their pride as a dragon; those who adamantly refused to become human... They eventually lost their minds and became naught but beasts... Marth:Those fire dragons before us... Xane:Yeah, they're a livin' example. And it's not just them. There are many others. But they've all gone feral now. There's no way for them to go back... Worse still, they've been manipulated and degraded like cattle by the fire clans who rule over this valley. Well, princey. Whadya say we get out of here? The clansmen around here ain't friendly; if we hang around, we'll end up as bait for their dragon pets. This is pretty much the best explanation we get about degeneration, from a dragon themselves, one who says they've little love for humanity in the following chapter.
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