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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. For all the criticisms I used to throw at it in Awakening as just "Rarrr! Fell Dragon!", which are still applicable in Awakening itself- it doesn't change the fact the improvements to them were added elsewhere and much later- Grima does have success on its side. It successfully destroyed a world and achieved its goals therein, no small feat. Failure came only from overambition and wanting to expand to other worlds. Yet even here, due to the fact they did conquer a world just like the one they came from, you can't say Grima stood no chance of victory b/c of destined light triumphing over darkness. There was no prophecy that would have assured the heroes' victory.
  2. Although if there was love on Sigurd's part, it was one-way. I found this old interview segment which leaves the door open to that possibility: And you're right with the whole LachesisxBeowolf to LachesisxFinn situation. Fergus was also fathered by Beowolf, before Diarmuid if the character age listed here came from a reputable source, and I think it did. Clever commentary, I haven't really noticed the partial irony of that side quest logic before. And I sure the Beloved Zofia wasn't forged right away- it's the only weapon that makes delicious food out of corpses besides Mila's Bow. How else would they get Boey to shut up were it not for throwing an Orange in his mouth that a moment ago used to be a fetid endocrine gland?
  3. I believe XCX also got criticism for its designs. From the flat faces in XC1, to eyes that were not appealing either and Lin. Although this isn't as strong for your point, since XCX didn't do as well. This I think is normal. And it means little.
  4. This is an unexpected, and very silly topic. (With a measure of seriousness weaved in.) To which I will add that handing Saber the Golden Dagger is the G-rated rewrite of what IS had originally intended for that scene. Like the pizza man, Celica couldn't pay up, and she resorted to alternative forms of compensation. I don't think sexual repression is always the result of conservative upbringings? Some people naturally end up being conservative in such affairs? I think you're being perfectly fair in this point. Predestined lovers from beginning to end can be boring and unrealistic. Of canon FE couples, the only one I think that had another love beforehand at all might be Lewyn- but only in passing does he say he once had a crush on Erinys's sister-, and Sigurd- who may I think have had some feelings for Edain before meeting Deidre.
  5. ...Sure it's awful for mud, but make them tall enough and it's good for gripping into uneven terrain!
  6. How are the old Personas actually? I've not that much interest in the 3 & later ones, but 1 and the two 2s catch my pity as the "failed and forgotten attempts". I've heard good of P2's plot (with oddly a gay dating option in Innocent Sin, despite being made in 1999). I don't have a PSP, and P1 PS1 I know the whole localization shebang, but I think I could emulate them. I plowed through SMTI iOS three times, and I've done all but Beelzebub and the Extra Dungeon in Soul Hackers, so I've experience with "old" pre-Nocturne SMT.
  7. More games need to be like Xenoblade Chronicles X and offer Fashion Armor-like things. Meaning what your unit is actually wearing for gameplay and what they look like they're wearing are not the same. I could be decked it in Orphean Technologies heavy armor, and appear to be wearing a swimsuit with cat ears on my head. Maybe that explains some Seasonal Armors. For FEH, that would be Fashion Art. Hate Standard Eliwood's Eyes? Just assign him LAwood's art. Think Roy really is Ninian's son? Change his art to Bride Ninian. Want to make your team of Witch Nowi, Delthea, Nino, and Spa Sakura look manly for a change of pace? Just replace their art with that of Jagen, Wrys, Ogma, and Gunter. I was thinking solely of legendary staffs and powerful personal staffs, so I forgot MK Leif. But yes, we must hope for him. And why not Deirdre herself? For a slight visual twist, dress her up as Arvis's wife- full imperial Grannvalian regalia, she was Empress after all. We'll be out of lords eventually (albeit none of the Jugdralis have been used yet), and then we can start turning to characters who play a significant role in supporting the lords. And I don't think for reasons of limited possibilities we'll convert over to only Mythics. Think of the new possibilities. Whisper Sothe, Ninian with massively powerful Dancer Ring buffs for skill effects, fast Dracoknight Caeda, Tactician Jagen, L'Egendary L'Arachel, Something Elffin, Shota Oifey, Legendary C*shot dead beyond recognition*.
  8. : Wonderful. Ishtar, take your seat with me in the mezzanine. And have your servants fetch us some diluted red wine and fine cheese. The show is about to start. Well this is a cute VG, one with multiple candidates I'd be willing to support and have. But I think I'll do Lugh, then assuming he loses, Yune, or Child Tiki if I had her.
  9. Well those "purists" are a little too prejudiced then. Not everyone can leap cold turkey into something, or stumbles on it before something else. Persona from what I know of the gameplay makes a fair transition to SMT for the wary. He was better than Merkabah, who should've explained a little something sooner than just before you're about to do it. My biggest problem with Lucifer was his redesign. Middle Aged Gay Gangsta Boss Pimp with a Tumor was not very appealing to say the least. Although earlier SMT might have been too good to him with his designs, the fallen angel one was fierce, serious, and a little twisted, but not ugly. And then there was beautiful angelic design, capturing an ideal of the human form, with majestic wings, a face of calm- or arrogance, with contrast from that orange hair; only two slender, curving horns rising from his locks indicative of his fallen nature. And Lucifer I think has always been cold, he doesn't love humanity as anything more than a means to his end. The difference is while the angels have seethed with contempt and arrogance, Lucifer is more diplomatic in his conversations with the player until he is pressed to be angry and has no more time for games and niceties. Lucifer can thus feel like a much nicer guy than he actually is beneath the surface. The Angels being more unified hurts too, anything a Principality does can likely be traced back to a direct order from on high. Lucifer never ordered an Oni to eat that human over there, though he never did anything to stop it either, despite it hurting the reputation of Chaos in the minds of most humans. These are the mixed results of his often hands-off and Chaos-suited approach to things. Aleph should probably stay out I agree because of that theory. And I have nothing against Dante, I've never played DMC, I was just thinking Atlus might not ask Capcom for the rights again or that they'd give them up. Though I did find him a very good unit and used him through the little that remained of the game. All they need in a hypothetical remake is to upgrade his Son's Oath passive like they did his replacement Raidou's Raidou the Aeon passive- which is to say tacking Pierce on top of the 1.5 damage multiplier. Referring to original DS2 Daichi Restorer ending, even if you do it with everyone recruited, I thought Kirby Totem got a little angry with you. And interesting you're drawing the comparison between DS2 and Nocturne, since I consider them to use the same modified Alignment system, different from the one used in SMTs I, II, SJ, IV, and DS1. To break it down:
  10. Marth in a dress using Aum is out of the running unfortunately. Micaiah using the Ashera Staff (Goddess Staff in Awakening) or Matrona is an option. Mist and Elincia could use the former in their PoR incarnations, but RD Mist and Elincia have a S cap on Staffs, and the maximum rank is SS (Swords are their SS rank). If L'Arachel is popular enough, doubt based on her unit quality in FEH, she could get Latona, her country's other Sacred Twin. Maybe Cecilia could have let Lilina to use her country's Saint Staff? Can't be Roy now. Or when otherwise lacking, make an OC weapon and possibly OC character to use it.
  11. Good for Alm and SoV with him being Legendary. Colorless is good, since hasn't it be plagued by a shortage of Legendaries/Mythics that caused Female Grima to be reran a dozen times? And unfortunately for Red Bows, Parthia, which had a special fire-shooting animation in FE3, is well already in the game, with nobody popular to trick out a new version on. I'd pin our best chance of getting one to be a Seasonal.
  12. Yeah, I keep telling myself I should get to that, but I don't. And it didn't buy it until years afters its release, fairly close the announcement of Redux actually. Well I can put that in my will some day if I need to. I had years ago spoiled myself on the general details of its base plot and endings, I was in a "spoil myself" mood back then, thinking I would never play it. Good to hear they did Zeus justice. Despite Dagdar being rather visually not true to his Celtic origins according to what I've heard, Odin was closer to the Loki approach to demon design and referencing, as opposed to the Rama approach (you owe Vaishnavas around the world and me an apology Atlus for how inaccurate and hideous he is). Because I had time... And to think this once wasn't the case. You had until ~2009, this for the catalog of SMT including main games: ...Not to mention Persona itself started as Megami Ibunroku: Persona. But since Persona took off, about a decade ago with P4, SMT spinoffs have declined. To be fair, production costs for games has gone up in that time, some of these smaller spinoffs would not be possible in the present developmental environment. Not to mention SMT dried up from 1996-2002 this shows. And I doubt we'd have gotten the DS + SJ ports were it not for the 3DS being a direct successor to the DS so they likely didn't have to internally structurally change things all that much. Still wishfully hoping for a Nocturne remake sooner or later on Switch. A graphical update to HD, some more demons, the ability to turn on-off Fiend fusion (and maybe the ability to Sacrifice Fusion on them even if their designated Kagutsuchi Phase is not Full), additional difficulties, fix leveling have a negative impact on magic damage later on, a skill storage so I can learn everything from Magatama without a worry, and perhaps some dungeon tweaks. I can overlook a tonal change, but keep this YHVH- who is the Great Will, who Lucifer truly opposes independently- different from the Apocalypse one. Dante from Devil May Cry can substituted for Joker an SMT protag and I won't mind. Forgot to ask before, was it AO's ending which got messed with? -He was my original avi on this site for a reason. How so of SMT? Examples?
  13. So, to get to one of the most important questions that will be asked of Scramble- how large is the roster going to be? If I have P5 right, you've 9 playable characters, excluding Futaba and factoring in the new Royal girl and Mitsuhide Goron. That sounds rather small for a Musou-like experience. Unless they go for swappable and equippable Personae that significantly change things up. So who else could they add? The villains? From what little I know, I doubt that would be the case, they don't seem popular enough for that. And playing as Kamoshida would be pretty twisted although a few might get laughs from having Shido slap Goro. OCs? I'd expect at least one playable OC, but probably not more than say 3. Not enough for most to make the roster "sufficiently" large. The Velvet Room attendants? I mean there probably are Elizabeth fans who'd rave to play as her, but have they ever been playable? And then there is the final, BIG option: P3 and P4 combined would add, what, 17 additional characters? -Excluding the navigators and adding in P3 FeMC. That would one short of tripling the roster to 26. Which sounds too large for the first Musou of a given series.
  14. I use my Jagens freely, I see no reason not to. Convenience is a nice thing, when they stop being particularly convenient or I'm simply not wanting to use them anymore, I drop them. No different than any other unit for me. If they get kills early on, a few EXP isn't going to make a huge difference in the course of an entire game.
  15. My recommendation is to start with Devil Survivor, or Devil Survivor 2, which is a little closer to Persona and "anime" in tone. And by "anime" I mean Airi- a redhead tsundere whose attire I could see Severa wearing. They're good games, nice characters, with SRPG gird movement, like Fire Emblem, but SMT combat. Afterwards, try SMTIV, followed by Apocalypse if you liked it. Hold off until after IV to try Nocturne, for it is a little dated and unforgiving in a few aspects, if still very good to this day. If Nocturne is fun, then go ahead try Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2, they've something of that dystopian young adult novel vibe that swept the movies with The Hunger Games a some years ago, and which had been preceded by the young adult novels themselves. Anything pre-Nocturne is old-school SMT, which is a more acquired, niche taste. Although you can buy SMT1 in English on iOS. And if by some chance you stumble on a Wii U, try the bastard child know as Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
  16. Persona 4 vanilla released on July 10th 2008 (in Japan), Strange Journey vanilla released on October 8th, 2009. The original Devil Survivor released between these two dates, on January 15th 2009. I admittedly haven't finished original SJ, but from the ~half of it I've played (up meeting Jack's Squad), it didn't seem like there was a tonal shift there to me. And from what I know already of the Law and Chaos endings, they still seem perfectly bleak. Although admittedly, just going off of some instances of bleakness might not be enough. The Bootes experiments where demons just keep repeating they did good things by torturing and killing humans is very bleak. Yet Apocalypse, a game definitely a victim of the tonal shift, begins the game by having two old mentors' blood splatter everywhere. That brings me to a problem created by the tonal shift. SMT is keeping bleak ("dark") elements to it, and yet concurrently including the silly and overly hopeful. Apo has that opening, but it also has that dress up in makeup scene much later to name a particularly awful instance. The result is a disparate game that can't decide what it truly is. And it is arguable whether this is better than having SMT shed its bleakness altogether, if the lighthearted and optimistic are to remain a part of the franchise moving forward. I don't see how one can square the Shomonkai Founder on Yuzu's 8th, where he is a responsible and rational humanist, not beholden to the demon he has summoned. And the 7th Day for everyone else Founder, a cultist who passionately (thanks for the VAs Overcocked) offers his flesh, his soul, and his life to the same demon. And the "our parents are being held hostage" shtick on Yuzu's 8th was another very poorly written blow against it. Maybe they shouldn't have made the 8th Days take place immediately after the 7th, a delay might have helped. And the lockdown and countdown to doomsday ending removed a core aspect of DS1's tension and atmosphere.
  17. I'm aware of the True Marth I'll Never Likely Get (because burn every inch of my skin once, twice shy- blame Yune). I'll just have to settle for a budget Altean royal without the completed SoS, although none of mine so far are +Spd or +Atk. The table is large enough to fit Micaiah and Ike. Micaiah can qualify through her Part 3 struggle, not to say I like people suffering, but it can develop and endear a person to characters. Ike, well I find him not being sentenced to death after insulting Sanaki in PoR not to be kissing up to him. Nor do I see RD Ike as an abomination for showing up for more than the final battle. I don't blame him for stealing Micaiah's spotlight, I blame the writers, even if the writers chose him to be the vehicle for stealing Micaiah's time. By the same token, I do find him a little too uninformed at the start of PoR because Boyd is of a comparable age and seems a lot smarter. I don't think there is much I dislike about Ike's character, but neither is there anything outstandingly positive- barring a little penchant for his smackdown words to the final boss. Whether he qualifies for the table of likability or dislikability/disinterest/no judgement I can't quite say. Maybe I should just add a third table to this metaphor . There is a randomizer for Majora's Mask? Chaos in a wacky Zelda sounds rather appropriate.
  18. He does only for cycles until you heal him though, once the Zora's Mask is yours', I'm pretty sure he ceases to appear. Likewise, Darmani's ghost won't show up again. And with the bomb jump glitch Mikau need only lay dying for one cycle. It's not wholly nonsensical when you consider Zora Link is called Mikau by almost every Zora, you probably look exactly like him to everyone else, although you being the player don't see it. Mikau's literal spirit is likely in the mask, you carry him with you whenever you reset things, so he can't go back to surrounded by seagulls in Great Bay. Well he does carry the Fire Emblem, albeit none of the Spheres the Binding Shield it has anything to do with fire (I just imagine it is subsumed under the Geosphere's powers). Imagine there is a round table made of fine environmentally sustainable mahogany, and another round table made of a less high quality wood, both reserved for lords. Marth can indeed join Hector at the better table. Not like I'm a gigantic Marth fan or anything, my emotions tend to be relatively subdued I think most of the time when it comes to liking/loving characters. Sigurd can also join that table, he was quite likable and somewhat unique in FE. I'm hoping Leif soon can take a seat there, Genealogy alone made me like the kid already. Mystery Book 1 had a Marth who came fairly close to being replaceable with a silent avatar character. Yet Book 2 just made Marth better by giving him strong emotion, not to call him driven by emotions, he was certainly not Hector brash, nor a sob story, he kept enough of his regal decorum. But him having an alarmed/"crisis" facial expression, his outburst against Lang, and one particularly dramatic piece of music (which New Mystery pulled the punch from), all did their part to make Marth better felt for me. Minimalist SD Marth required you the player to really delve into a handful of lines, Mystery B2 brought Marth to me instead.
  19. I start thinking that every cycle you don't save the Romani Ranch on the first night, Romani gets lobotomized by aliens, and that even for a very speedy player, this is certain to happen at least twice. The recognition of this disturbs my mind. Just have to remember this is a game, and that according to a recent Zelda book, Termina was entirely creation of Majora's Mask, Romani barely existed. Marth is unexpected, and good. He might be just what I needed to start dabbling in DL again. My appreciation for Archanea including Marth went up after playing Mystery. Since Veronica and Fjorm are in though, a little odd no Eir. It'd be different in a fun way if she brought her Pegasus with her as part of her hypothetical Dagger unit.
  20. 0/10 for not having Axe Flier reinforcements over the water to mimic the random Pirate reinforcements this map gets in PoR. And our first two generic Beast enemies off the northeast? Just making the point this is Path of Radiance Chapter 9: Gallia. The fight where Mist actually grabs a staff starts fighting- well healing, she isn't fighting for a while. Rolf and Marcia join here too, so where are they? This is a nice somewhat belated tie-in to the Gallia banner, since this battle is practically the only one to take place in Gallia beyond the "sea of trees" border zone, if still towards the border and not in the heart of the country. Despite having two games, this is probably the furthest Tellius goes when it comes to fighting in a Laguz kingdom.
  21. I think Subaki needed more concrete durability, given it canceled out to only average with Peg's low base and growth. His Spd was average-ish due to Peg's leanings, but Hinoka having a much better Personal Skill and significant Str/Spd leads while not being glass, and Reina having bases that'd last her from beginning to end, and Shigure and Caeldori being things, plus late recruit Kiragshi, just really knocks Subaki out of the Hoshidan Peg competition. Hinata and Subaki both have some of the lowest total growths not belonging to old people in Fates. Hinata's 235 loses only to Setsuna's 225, and Subaki's 250 is the third worst not-old total. Hana has a more respectable 265, and Ryoma and Hinoka are at the higher end with 300 and 305 respectively. I have to agree 2-1 is something of a chore, a novel idea in need of another unit or two (why not have Danved pass through town?). Likewise, RD's part system makes the usual approach to FE of using your favorites from beginning to end very difficult. Although Fates giving you practically everyone by like Chapter 14 Conquest/BR and 17 Rev was too front-loaded for me, I like lategame prepromotes and saved most of the children to fill that niche.
  22. Persona is trying Musou now? First Rhythm games, then Fighting, then old fashioned Dungeon Crawlers, and now Beat 'Em Ups? SRPG is next on the lineup, not like it'd be hard, Majin Tensei and Devil Survivor already have the gird movement covered. Persona 8: Sphere of the Mind for an International Football/Soccer game eventually? Musou isn't wholly unfeasible, that Fates franchise has done a Musou-like game, and Musou certainly can fit with JRPGs. Lots of flashy turn-based fighting turning into not arcane (as in the Fighting genre) non-RPG real time fighting is a manageable shift.
  23. Free pull on the Picnic was a 4* Maria. TT Picnic gave Fae. Iceberg gave me a Sakura. Titania and Mist gave Jeorge. Got KOS-MOS fairly painlessly too. Back to the Gallians... Raigh, Sheena, Seth, Laslow, Seth, Hawkeye, Seliph, Tharja, Olivia, Ares, Seliph, Cain, Nino, Cain, Tiki, Draug, Merric, Hinata, Beruka, Fae, STUPID STUPID SELFISH THROW HIM OFF A CLIFF CHROM! Turn into a ghost if you want me to actually use you! I still have plenty of unobtained Orbs left, but I've already burnt through most of the Normal Story ones. I'm done with this banner, two Beasts short of what I wanted, I guess I'll try for Ranulf again when he gets put on a Legendary banner. Although it was Yune who depleted me in the first place, so I'm afraid of trying for him that way. On the bright side, I did get two of the Beasts, and Caineghis will let me do a full Armor team without Color overlap. Zelgius... I'll use him since I never Grailed myself the BK, but the taint of coming too soon and the wrong armor will always pollute his being.
  24. Possible Echo Fighter free if you bought Jack in a Box Existing Only in Your Mind?
  25. Her hair looks more pink than usual. I don't think I like the overall design, but TBF, it's might be because I've not taken any serious looks at this game's art so far and it's just a reaction to the style change.
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