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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Rennac I recall starts to the right and flees to the left. I've never done this before, but you could try abandoning the right, just have everyone who starts over there move to the left. Doubling your manpower on one side might make the status staffs a little more bearable, since losing one unit to status in a group of 12 is not as bad as losing one in a group of 6. You'd still have to ward off the reinforcements from the right as you move left, but that won't require as much resources to deal with as it would to do that and assault the right side. You have no reason other than the map splitting your troops in two to have to go in both directions here- something I learned from a certain Conquest chapter. And in case you aren't already skipping it, the central treasure room is not at risk of thieves or anything, and it poses no threat until you enter it. So just ignore it until you're done with the more crucial parts of the battle. To be precise, if the person is not aware already, you can harmlessly burn individual RNs using any odd-numbered Move unit. With save states, you can just reload and burn one more RN than you did last time until success. So burn one, if that fails, reload and burn two, if that fails, do three, and so on. To waste an RN, pick a character with 7 movement (you can do it with any odd number of movement, but I want to keep things simple). Make sure there’s plenty of space and the character is not obstructed by too much terrain. Click on the character and move the cursor to get the movement arrow shown below: Now move the cursor one tile to the right and see what happens. You will either get a smaller L shape arrow or a 180 degrees rotated L shape. Which arrow you get depends on the next RN that the game has stored. Doing this manouevere uses up that RN, which is often referred to as wasting RNs. [For a 5 move unit, a person could I think just do: two right, one down, one left; for the same RN burning.]
  2. Well that'd explain why Joder is celibate. Actually I think you've motivated me to find end lines that could be misconstrued the same way. The most obvious one coming to mind is: Lucius: Why don’t you marry! Then there would be someone at home… And I could journey with you! Raven: I need no bride to jabber at me– There’s enough going on around here already! Lucius: W-What is that supposed to mean!? Raven: My case in point. Lucius: Wait– Wait! Lord Raymond! Although I can find some other low-hanging fruit: Girls seem to make outright friendzone statements much more. And this search is much harder than I thought it'd be, which is why didn't find more.
  3. Looks to be correct, although Leanne only appeared as an NPC being carried by Ike in PoR's gameplay. And yet Sigrun's and Caineghis's unused PoR data and RD data alike make them consistently Water and Earth respectively. Bertram and Renning also share Earth Affinity. Lekain also had his PoR unused data go from Wind to Earth, and Hetzel from Thunder to Water. But as bosses, their Affinities don't really matter, outside of Paul-Jasmine and Linus-Lloyd. It helps further the parallel between hotheads Hector and Linus, and their cooler pals Lloyd and Eliwood. And Lloyd and Linus are also at the center of a class parallelism found in Karel-Harken and Georg-Kaim, the former you only get to pick one of, the latter duo defend Durandal and Armads respectively. The explanation for Affinities can be found in the Dayan-Joder Support: B Support Dayan: We Sacaeans pray to the Sky and the Earth. The light of day and the darkness of night that engulfs this land… They produce wind, lightning, fire, ice, and many other affinities… Every person on this planet is protected by one of the elements. According to my clan’s beliefs, I am protected by the Anima affinity. Yodel: I see. Interesting. Dayan: What do you mean? Yodel: The Elimine Church has similar beliefs. When the creator made man, he blessed them all with one of the seven affinities. However, those elements… Dayan: …Those elements hold no power on their own. Yodel: Exactly. Dayan: Hm. …Interesting, indeed. Yodel: Yes. Perhaps… This is one of the truths of the creation of our world. A Support Dayan: The seven affinities… Their effects will only appear through bonds with other people. When your heart is linked with someone else’s… That is when the elements reveal their true power. Yodel: Yes. Saint Elimine also said to cherish your relationships. Dayan: Hm… I wonder if we have been able to link our hearts with each other. Yodel: I am sure we have. We have yet to find out what effects it has…
  4. Although if they did make the maps bigger as you suggest, I think simply having warp points wouldn't be sufficient. They'd be better for this unnamed mode alone expanding the movement ranges of all unit types. This might make people like Armors more, if they had 3 Move compared to say 4 for Infantry and 5 for Cavs. They're still less mobile, but the extra Move would probably feel significantly better. They'd now have 3/5ths of Cav Move, as opposed to a mere 1/3rd. I know they've already reused a lot of old maps in miniature form, but with bigger maps, I think they could seriously attempt to replicate segments of the actual games. A History Mode would be really beneficial for this game, helping to familiarize players with the franchise. I could see them doing a linear set of directly subsequent chapters- say Fates Conquest 22 to 25, the Hoshidan Royal Last Stand Gauntlet. Or they could keep to linearity, but snip out certain battles. For instance, the Rise of Marth- Shadow Dragon Chapters: 1, 2, 5, and 6. I leave out Chapters 3 and 4 here as being less important, although Lena, Navarre, Merric and Julian could get a few quips in Chapters 5 and 6 to compensate. You begin with the very beginning of Marth's journey to greatness, fight when he returns to the mainland for the first time in three years, watch as he rescues Hardin and Nyna and their forces from near defeat, and then witness Marth reclaim all of Aurelis and receive the original Fire Emblem. You could do a more drastic snipping though, maybe if you were doing a Black Knight Campaign, you'd have PoR Chapters 7, 11, 24, and 27. Or chronological linearity could be skipped altogether if you wanted to showcase certain characters in a certain way. Or you could do hypothetical/unseen battles- maybe have Ced and the Magi Squad hold Luthencia Castle from Grannvalian reinforcements, despite the Magi Squad not appearing in Genealogy and this being Chapter 9 Genealogy- after T776 ends. They needn't copy the dialogue from the original battles. The basics of what is happening and the spirit should be preserved. Yet they could take some artistic license, Caeda says nothing during Chapter 5 SD, surely she couldn't have thought nothing of the battle or said nothing of it in practice. Why not instead have her suggest to Marth that she fly over to reconnoiter this Coyote guy and his forces protecting Princess Nyna?
  5. Wasn't sure why, but this .gov webpage seems to explain it unbiasedly. Someone else can double check it for accuracy. https://history.house.gov/Institution/Apportionment/Determining-Apportionment/ So according to it, it's just to keep the number of Representatives manageable. And at the time this was decided in 1911, it isn't enshrined in the Constitution itself, there were 433 members. They added two to the limit to account for when Arizona and New Mexico got into the Union, but they didn't do the same with Alaska and Hawaii later, so Puerto Rico would more likely than not steal House seats from another state. Then there are 6 non-voting (aka powerless) members in the House for Washington D.C. and the various island territories, for 441 members in the House. I mistakenly said 438 before because of the website 538, which apparently counts the Electoral College, not the House + Senate, which is almost the same as the Electoral College in number.
  6. And since the Al-Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock/Noble Sanctuary are the Muslim claims in Jerusalem which contribute to the Old City's contentious atmosphere, it rather important to know about. Although it's just a small and localized part of the much greater Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and solving it would be far from solving the rest of it. I believe the fourth holiest site in Islam somewhere else in the West Bank. I think off the top of my head I think it's in Hebron- the Tomb of the Patriarchs (Abraham and like two other males + wives). Although who cares about no. 4? Given Puerto Rico would mean another 2 solidly Democratic electoral votes and another 2 Senate seats, I have real doubts about this. Not to mention the vocal and memey 51 stars complainers. I'll assume Guam, American Samoa, and the US Virgin Islands would likewise add up to 8 more Democratic electorals and Senators. I'm not sure about any more, because there is that 435 limit to voting members in the House of Representatives. And I don't know if the House seats taken by the new island states would be removed from California or other populous Democratic bastions- you certainly can't take House seats from Wyoming.
  7. *Looks at units with Harsh Command* Sanaki, Gunter, Saizo, Clair, Summelia. First one I'm aware is very bossy in FEH, second I think is strict, third is too, fourth and fifth don't fit I guess though. Unless Summelia is being harsh on herself and that rubs off on how she behaves with others; I'd have no clue about this. Therefore, I don't see any particular characters not in yet getting a hypothetical Harsh Command+, since the latter two break the personality requirement, which therefore cannot exist. Anyone could have it.
  8. I'm just not sure if I'm one for gatcha. It's a daily investment, even if a small one and I'm not sure that fits me. I guess I prefer traditional games that end. I'm not even a real FEH fan, I love and support the idea of FEH- of a celebration of the entire franchise, hence my love for collecting representation statistics for FEH. But the gameplay for some reason just doesn't satisfy me as a mini-FE experience. And I don't even touch a good 3/4ths of the content, so the metagame stuff doesn't really bother me. I don't truly dislike the game either though. I played DL, it was good for something free for the first few months, but then I just stopped when it stopped feeling fun late November. The daily grind became a bit exhausting. I never deleted my account or the app though, and I think I have ~21k of Wyrmite and a Tenfold Ticket or two (and I'm a fool for not just logging in to have even more of those ), so I could jump back in if I wanted to. I might. But right now my soul is still trapped in Alrest, I'll need a few more days at least to free it.
  9. Wikipedia is "for the public good" by providing information I guess. Which, although I know nothing of law and the like, sounds like fair reasoning on the face of it to exempt it. Sexual arousal is not the primary purpose nor intention of the website. Museums would probably get a similar pass, due to art being art and science being science, both for an ideal of human enlightenment. Although certain ones like the Museum of Sex would certainly skirt the controversy line. And I say the museum statement having a fondness for staring at certain works with less-than-enlightenment in mind. >_>
  10. The final battle allows for 16 units. Required are Reese, Ward, and a character who only joins in the final fight. In addition, if you permanently recruited Faye, she too is forced, but otherwise she is not. Outside of the final battle, chapters fluctuate from 5-12 units fielded per fight. 8-10 seems to be the average. Note that Reese and Ward cannot be fielded in side battles, only mandatory ones.
  11. Tense in need of correction? Shouldn't all of the DLC characters been chosen already? Unless you mean in terms of what each character actually canonically does and behaves like in any and all routes of 3H, and the lore and story of the world as a whole, are what you're referring to. That is, that Sakurai might not know whether Edelgard is able to shapeshift into the Blue Steel Dragon and use the Axe of the Clouds or whether she is more aggressive or less, or whether she is canonically weaker than X and utterly dependent on W. It would be certainly possible that Sakurai would know less than everything here- see Melee Roy not matching final official version Binding Roy. And from what I've heard, Fire Emblem Warriors Celica and SoV Celica do not line up with each other either- at the least she doesn't have Beloved Zofia. On the matter of Dragon Quest protags, I'd personally just go with V's. It was my first real DQ experience, V is a general favorite, and the problem of most DQ protags is they are just Swords & Shields + mostly healing magic and Kazapple (electric). V's protag canonically favors a staff, with his ultimate exclusive weapon (the Metal King Sword is slightly stronger) is the Dragon Staff. Using a staff/pole to attack with is more unique than a sword in Smash, and while he lacks for Zap magic, he still has the Woosh (wind) line. The Dragon Staff can also be used to cast Puff!, which turns him temporarily into a clawing and fire breathing dragon. I would like Elma as a personal aside. But I gave up on her chances months ago. And not having watched a single clip of footage, would she be a little samey in setup to Joker? Obviously no Personae to use, but knife + pistol compared with dual swords and dual guns (and Overdrive) sounds similarly sleek. Although Elma would be closer to I think a Pit-ZZS-Bayo chimera.
  12. To the point that there is actually a character who goes by the name Tiki=Waifu in Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Said young lady, yes lady- to quote her: "Tiki is still my waifu. My love transcends gender and dimensions.", even gets a momentary CG appearance in this number.: ...To stay on topic, this isn't enough to get me interested in DL again, but good for FEH and DL alike. Hope all the collab units not shown yet will be good as well.
  13. I don't have any pairings attachment, but I could see this being good with Kagero. Shuriken Mastery was practically worthless for her, yet now it could be given to a child with solid durability, making it a better skill. Shame she isn't on CQ though. Flora's Icy Blood likewise on a tanky Kana would make the skill good. And Nyx's Countercurse would make for yet a third instance of "nice deflect, wrong unit". Agreed. Fiery Blood is very good, an easily triggered condition for a significant +4 Atk, it's just handicapped by being on a rather weak unit.
  14. I shoulda pointed to how it awkward it'd feel for him then. Particularly if Celica, who only half-tolerates such behavior, was around too. ...Who has Mycen seen naked, and why? The other Ram Village boys can't be them. I'm pretty sure Kliff is packing Duma's Tower, Grey is magnificent slathered in olive oil with a hint of orange peel for a pleasant smell, and Tobin is pale and flimsy, but in a cute way.
  15. So it is SRPG Maker delaying the translation process. I hope they keep at it though, and perhaps find someone able to code together some tool that reduces the difficulty of the process- if such a thing is possible to my non-programmer mind. Even if it isn't useful for this game in particular, I'm sure there would be people who'd appreciate such a tool for future SRPG creations.
  16. I'm not sure a grown young adult would want their parents to see them bare from the waist down. I mean sure he probably spends the whole day like that alone at home when he takes off a Wednesday from work. But that is a whole 'nother scenario from the parents staying over.
  17. She shrewdly demands a cut from every appearance she makes, a cut too much for an alt to be worth it IS thinks. Now the clock ticks until a refine for him. Simple. The Beasts also have 9 Mov when transformed in both Tellius games, which is the same as promoted mounted units. Sure they lack Canto, but it's still 2-3 more than promoted Infantry and Armor. And in the case of RD, they're the most mobile things indoors due to the -2 Mov all mounted units suffer (not like there is that much indoors in RD). No such Mov lead for the 13 & 14 shapeshifters of course though. Wonder whether they'll send her Dagger b/c Trickster is promoted Thief, or Staff because Tricksters have those too. Either way, she could make a good contribution to the standard summoning pool. Gangrel the other Trickster is certain to go Dagger, because he is a boss packing a Levin Sword, although I can't quite see Levin Daggers. Anna however has flexibility. Yet the Dagger pool has only 19 other canon members, most lacking much appeal I think, while the Staff pool has ~37 other members.
  18. Oh, I expect that. I'm not happy with the idea of this Seasonal when it occupies what could've been better spent on another New Heroes. I'm not happy with two swimsuit banners a year either. But, when a new Seasonal releases, rather than be entirely negative, might as put on a smile and look to the silver lining. You don't notice the invisible tricorn barrier the backpack emits then, it's working as intended. That is what the neutron star provides power for.
  19. Inside it is an average size neutron star, which it can hold without causing Leo to sink through the ground due to having as much timespace distortion as that caused by Anankos across the multiverse. 3/5ths Fates is one character too conservative here. I understand why they'd mix Fates/Awakening/OCs with other games when it comes to Seasonal Alts, but I'd have rather they had been slightly more adventurous. *Ahem* I've been wanting a camping theme! I don't like Seasonals at all, nor will I ever use a single one of them beyond a TT-associated unit for the duration of its TT. Yet I think picnics/camping is nice outdoors alternative to swimsuits. Now where is my Summer Sports Banner of Lacrosse Florina, Basketball Coach Mathilda, Home Run Hero King Marth, Lifelong Runner Leif, and... umm... Sassy Striker Severa(?)?
  20. Could we also have kitchen + mess hall? Sure it might mean having to invent a whole bunch of food sprites, but it'd be cute. One or a couple characters cook the stuff, and the rest are spectators waiting to chow down. Although I'm not certain whether Raven's sushi is safe to eat, he is serving it to his sister, but I'm concerned for Hector who is also having lunch, it's probably the arsenic in the shoyu instead of the fish.
  21. Must have been that... uhh... I think the name was... Shido? Who ordered the maintenance.
  22. Nowhere do I see "characters in the game without any alts", which I then assume to be by default the most tolerable, to be the point it needn't be outright said. And for me at least it certainly beats "characters without alts who aren't in the game yet", since Charlotte hasn't been able to ditch the gown in nearly two years at this point.
  23. Yeah, I agree, the system was underused. It's mostly just for flavor. It would have been better if certain characters provided the boost for certain units. Ike can grant Hit and Evade to all the GMs, and maybe Ranulf and a select few others, but otherwise doesn't give it. Ike can't help say Janaff via his stars, only Tibarn can, and maybe they can give Reyson & Leanne some that'd work on Janaff as well. The Authority Stars idea was copied from the Jugdral games, Thracia more precisely in how it functions. And Genealogy at least, waiting for the finished new Thracia translation, certainly did a whole lot more with it. Most enemy commanders have at least a 1 Star, albeit there the boost only works on units within 3 spaces of the possessor and the unit itself, if a larger +10. And 1 Star is admittedly just flavor, unless Kaga really meant it when he said in an old interview that having Stars affects the enemy AI to be "smarter" than not having them. Thracia from a distance does seem to be bit better in the sense that most of the playable units they gave Stars to were less than great at combat. Even if most of them come late as well. So Stars let them indirectly buff other characters as a tradeoff for they themselves being weaker. By comparison, most of the playables who get Stars in RD, are already good or broken combat units. And that Thracia let Leif gain one Star, then another, and then lose the second, points to them just being lazy in not giving a single one to Micaiah. Even Pelleas has one, and so does the generic boss fighting in Micaiah's name and under her command from afar in 3-11.
  24. I though 10 seemed excessive, and not as much as I thought I felt. Woops! Ike isn't quite so passively broken after all. That'd bring it down to 54 Displayed, which is only 58 True, significantly worse than 81 True. But it doesn't hurt things too much, you've still plenty o' time and ease to kill the BK.
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