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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. The Gradivus is very powerful, and it does have 1-2 range. But it is heavy and 1-2 isn't as good as it is in other games, owing to Bows being up to 1-5 and Mire being 1-3 on the magic side of things. Clair or another fast but fragile Lance user likes it. Parthia does have the longest range of any bow or other weapon in the game. Yet it offensively is inferior to the Killer Bow, since you can't double when using Trance Shot. (The Longbow's thanks to Encloser is another choice for a Bow forge- it won't kill things, but it'll stop them from moving.) Mercurius is really bad. It has Recovery, like the other two Regalia, but that is it. It has nice Mt, but that is it, and max forged Blessed Sword will outdo it vs. Terrors. It's a waste of Gold Marks. Forge once for an achievement (and you can safely delete that save afterwards), but that is it. The cost for any Regalia is 2 Gold and 30 Silver to max the base Blessed weapon, plus another 5 Gold to evolve into the Regalia. And you'll need another 2 Gold if you want to max the stats on a Regalia afterwards. They're heavy on the Gold, which makes making them a bit objectionable, but the Parthia and Gradivus both have their uses.
  2. I'd want Genealogy to the next, being chronologically the next title, but as has been indicated above, Binding is much easier to remake and has had expressed developer interest towards it. However, I wouldn't want a Blazing Blade remake to accompany a BB remake, and certainly not with any forced generational aspects to bind the two. The game is perfectly playable as is, all it'd need is Casual Mode and unlimited grinding to make it more appealing (and give how Square Enix has retrofitted some modern QoL features into FFVII ports, Nintendo if it really wanted to could do the same with FE7- but it wouldn't b/c more money from a full remake). Genealogy and Thracia need more than that, and thus to me remakes more.
  3. SoV release date in Japan- April 20th, 2017 (May 19th for the rest of the world). Alm's release date in FEH (that of the first SoV banner)- April 14th, 2017. To borrow use SoV as an example of what to expect from 3H in FEH, as I wrote in another topic: At the start of FEH, the only SoV characters in were the Whitewings- shared with Archanea. Then 4 came in April, then another 4 in May, followed by 7 (and Berkut) in July, and then Clive in August. In total, April-August without anyone in June brought us 16 of the 20 (not-Berkut or Celicalt) characters. After August 2017, only Kliff has come. I pick SoV because it was released after FEH was released, the only game to be so prior to 3H. If 3H has the same planned gusto as SoV, we could get four full teams' worth very quickly.
  4. 759– Fall of the Kingdom of Isaac– Celice Baldos Chalphy is born in Agusty– Fall of the Kingdom of Agustria– The Empire brand Chalphy traitors– Sigurd escapes to Silesia– Cuan returns to Lenster Brigid confirmed.
  5. Well the top 4 aren't bad. I'd certainly take 'em, and Dew is a bit surprising, but I'd go for him as well. Claud being dead last is a little surprising however. Were it not for the fact I'm a newbie player with limited Stones and Dew and a bazillion characters to spend it on, I'd be thinking similar. Not so much because I like Cain, so much as him being the closest thing to Touma in here. Being able to grind Dew wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, since getting one refine is a vertical improvement, but getting more than one on the same character is just horizontal improvement, which isn't so much powercreep. What is an Orb? Back to back Tellius and Thracia will likely drain me dry, and I haven't even played Thracia yet (but I will in about a month). Nonetheless, I do want the 2nd True Merric- Asbel- that way I can have all three of them. Orsin and Eyvel would be excellent as well. And agreed on Skrimir, but sadly I think Caineghis outdid him in the Lion department.
  6. The banner runs through the 15th, and the next NH starts on the 10th, so you might want to wait until the 10th before shelling out Orbs first. I certainly will be. ? FE4 Gen 1 has only half, 12, of its PCs not in yet, at a 3:1 male:female ratio. The 1st Gen could possibly get only one more banner, and less personality in the 2nd Gen with its own males vying for spots in a cross-Gen banner means Claud is very likely to never show. Azelle, and Lex have arguments over Claud, and to less extents even Midir and Dew can compete with him. I'd take female alts on NHs like Master Knight Lachesis and Silence Deidre if that is what it takes to get all the 1st Gen men in. Although one of those female alts could be alt-world Silvia as a Staff Dancer (they can make it work, just blend Heal + Dance or something) using Valkyrie, thereby invalidating Claud in another way.
  7. Well it sounds like my hopes of a Linde, Minerva, Child Tiki, Ayra, Sigurd, Tailtiu, Julia, Jaffar, and Innes now are gone. Barring some oldie banners, I'm a latecomer whose access to numerous characters has now vanished.
  8. With Lewyn on the Mythic Banner, assuming they don't run him twice in quick succession, there are only three choices for the Odd Wave Banner on April 5th. (Again @Diovani Bressan did this, I just reworded it a little and dropped Lewyn from it): Heroes for the Odd Wave Banner: Odd Atk Wave: Ishtar, Loki. Odd Spd Wave: Laevatein. The others Odd Wave Skills are not in the Normal Summoning Pool.
  9. Or they could hold off again until ~9-11. I see it being wholly possible they speak nothing of the next NH here. They tend to like to keep things closer to their release date. ...I'm hoping I get Ishtar as my free pull tomorrow, to complete the Holy Tomes of Jugdral (and when Claud IS?).
  10. *Hands you popcorn in case your schadenfreude comes true.* And I don't mind feathery volleyball. I don't even know her.
  11. It's a bit slow, with some antiquated quirks. Nonetheless, I think the game has its charms. And the soundtrack is mostly good. At the least, so far (I haven't completed New Mystery, only up to the Flame Barrel), its portrayal of Marth in Book 2 is the best that has ever been for me. The game isn't hard, particularly Book 1 (the worse half IMO), but there are some fair challenges here and there. Particularly later into Book 2.
  12. Brokenness has always partly played a role in defining popularity. Not always of course *points to Roy winning in CYL1*, but for some, brokenness is the base of their popularity. Shinon is a good example, RD Shinon is an excellent Sniper from start to end, a rarity in the Archer-Sniper family (although it is the Archers which really have the problem, not so much the Snipers). And it has little to do with the start called his face (his platonic looks) nor the end called his excretion regions (aka sexual fanservice). Nor does it have anything to do with where his personality starts- provocative abrasiveness (was his red hair intended to match this?), and nor ends, a decent person buried deeply beneath that encyclopedia made of sandpaper. I might be able to say the same of Haar, but his good character is a little more readily apparent. And of course, the 'hardt is built on gameplay brokenness here (which isn't wholly off-kilter from what little I know of his Thracia boss self- albeit easily done in with a status staff use).
  13. "*Insert 14 minute long spiel* *After spiel* Hey, do you want another mass demotion?" Options: >No Yes. "You don't? Oh well, if you say so!"
  14. Herbs are the lowest rung of the consumable healing items ladder in RD. Herbs are 10 uses, 10 HP per use. Vulneraries are 8 uses, 20 HP per use. Concoctions are 6 uses, 40 HP per use. And Elixirs are 3 uses, all HP per use. So in other words, RD is very kind with the healing items. Certainly in part because for the short Part 2, you don't have a playable healer outside of the first and last fights there. Although I do think they were still a bit too generous on the use count.
  15. Now oh now please mass demote! Don't crush my hopes the way the reinforcements they added to the Flame Barrel in FE12 which FE3 didn't have crushed my forces (just speaking of what I was just doing). And if the next NH is mentioned, may it not be Tellius or TMS, contrary to whatever hints have appeared that it might be the former. I've but 150 to give to it.
  16. And they could make it so that you can have the same Seal applied to characters on different teams at the same time. The only place where this wouldn't work I think is Arena Assault and the like, they'd have to give you an error statement there or something if you tried to select a team with a Seal assigned to a team you already used. This is a problem, right? I was disappointed to learn the Mist in FEH is her Cleric self, I assumed it'd be her Valkyrie promotion. It makes her even worse to me.
  17. They've revealed the limited edition of Rune Factory 4 Special available in Japan. 8800 Yen (78.99 USD): https://www.siliconera.com/2019/04/03/rune-factory-4-special-reveals-limited-edition-for-japan-rune-factory-5-info-coming-april-4/ It includes the following items: Special box with illustration by Minako Iwasaki Rune Factory Memorial Book 2006-2019 Kyun♪ Secret Private CD Download code for additional event “Everyone in Swimsuits” Nintendo Switch software for Rune Factory 4 Special I like the Memorial Book, has every hero and lead heroine on it is cover. It looks like they really had to squeeze Sonja on it though. And I'm not sure I like Kyle's expression (although most of them look flustered here), nor the prominence of Mist and Raguna over everybody else. And it lacks Aaron and Aria, and the Irises. But nonetheless I do really like it. Although uh... what is on the Secret Private CDs? Hopefully just the OST, but it sounds and looks more like embarrassing confessions of the bachelors and bachelorettes. And it you'll receive some sort of unexplained bonus if you have RF4S save data when you start playing RF5.
  18. If Rolf by some miracle did (and Rolf is a good character), it'd be because Shinon wanted it, he does have Provoke. Also, you can have Rolf and Shinon on the same banner and it not be redundant.: Shinon: Quit whining at me!Rolf: Oww! You didn’t have to hit me with that bow! Chucks a weapon at another, Dagger unit confirmed. Is that an actual FEH quip? Or are you just contorting this?: Tibarn: “All the major issues look like they’ll be handled soon. The only thing we can’t agree on is hunting and eating meat.” Reyson: “The forest creatures are off-limits! Needless displays of violence as well. You know we will not budge on that.” Tibarn: “Tell me… Have you ever heard of a vegetarian hawk? Or a raptor that doesn’t scream victoriously at the skies after a kill?”
  19. True, it is her PoR self which garners popularity. And her start as a racist who positively develops to be against it is why she is so loved. They might choose a starting point other than her at the start of PoR, maybe a few chapters in? Like Chapter 17, where in a Base Conversation she is lost with doubt and uncertainty as to what to believe and do. I hope they don't ruin her character. But if they do, well I think Talrega makes a good rye whiskey. Indeed there is one thing they're more famous for- being abundant food for hawks *insert image of Tibarn OHKOing Veronica*. And making hawks think my little dogs are as delicious as bao.
  20. I was thinking a Ninian alt actually. During Hector C20, the climatic meeting with Nergal at the Dragon's Gate, Ninian is brainwashed, indicated by reddened eyes. The point to it is so that she can call dragons for Nergal. Why not just pull an Expiration with her? Ninian + Julia + Mareeta + Tiki + Scarlet = Brainwashed Banner.
  21. And Medeus has his same old, same old expression: No respect. *sigh*
  22. Just to post it here, a list of the most popular ~10 not-in from each game according to CYL2 (I don't think they've enough time from CYL3 to make anything in response to it- not until roughly this Summer for that): Archanea: Shadows of Valentia: Genealogy of the Holy War: Thracia 776: Skipping Binding Blade since it just got a banner, so Blazing Blade: Sacred Stones: Tellius: Awakening: Fates:
  23. They still had "S Rank weapons" in the sense of weapons with special lore, that were very strong, and usable by everyone with the proper class though. Which I'd say matters more than a rank. Gradivus, Parthia, Mercurius, Again. And the Archanea remakes and Awakening just moved the S ranks to A. No such thing for Thracia though, it's all personals there.
  24. I'd be one of those. How much does it cost to make a seal from nothing and get it to the highest tier on average BTW? As long as they don't continually powercreep Seals, I don't see a problem with farmable Coins (although as I just indicated, my perspective is biased). It's horizontal improvement, not vertical. There is only one Seal slot, more Coins just mean more options for it.
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