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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. And I'm afraid Dheginsea and Lehran stand shots as well, although time will have to tell if they do do or not. We don't have enough samples yet to say this. (Although I know it'd ruin their stats, I'd take great pleasure in the, being GHBs.) And sorry about Legendary Tiki being inaccessible to you. I played FE3 for the first time like a month ago, and I loved how powerful Tiki was there. She was very unique, more so than in FE13, nor hamstrung by her SD/NM limited Dragonstone uses with low bases. She has so much Dragonstone you'd have to try to run out, great bases via transformation, has powerful 1-2 range which physical units lack and magical units generally can't combine with durability. And all while still being balanced due to a constant 0AS and Def capping at 20 (not good against Silver weapons). FE3, which is what L!Tiki was based on, was her time to really shine if you ask me. If it took 2000, or 5000 Grails (however many is sufficiently large) for a single neutral copy of a Legendary/Mythic, I'd actually start playing Aether Raids and saving up for Ashera/Altina/Soane/Anri/Bramimond/Athos/Durbans or whoever else would appeal to me. Thanks, now let me count... So nearly twice or upwards of nearly triple what it should've been. I'd call that bad luck. A Reyson merge long-term project might be called for now with five spare copies. He might be a Singer, but he is the one Green on Team Laguz Fliers, be more like Tibarn wishes he, so it might be. Though regular Myrrh can work fine instead.
  2. So you assume Micaiah was hurriedly given away as a safety measure? My interpretation has been that she was captured and was going to be killed, but in an act of mercy, chose to make it exposure to the elements in the boondocks or something that would kill her. Unfortunately, a traveling old woman found the mewling infant and took her in instead. Why the heartless Senate and its cronies would resort to semi-mercy at the apex of their corruption? Well that is the hole in my vision of things. Perhaps yours actually makes more sense. Given a late night house raid, with enough planning, I guess it would be possible to kill the relevant Apostle family members, silence any witnesses, and not spark a civil war due to all effective opposition being curtailed. Would've needed a good deal of work though. To think there weren't any Senators who were Misaha loyalists who disagreed with Lekain and co. and suspected something was off about blaming the Herons, is a bit farfetched. They would've had to have been worked around. So too with the Holy Guard and any other military officials supportive of the Apostle over the Senate. Coups aren't always easy. Maybe the Extended Script for 4-3, where it mentions the "death" of Sanaki's elder sister, has an extra detail or two about it, but alas, SF doesn't have that chapter translated. All that is said is that she was assassinated, but for Lekain, even if he had no evidence that the baby girl was dead, that she ceased to be in Begnion as the next heir and true Apostle was as good as dead.
  3. I'm aware, I've used that plentifully. I was just so steaming at that moment that I was too fed up to actually look. And since I'm quoting you at this moment, assuming you sniped for one just color, how many pulls on average does it take to get a desired unit on a LH/MH banner? I'm curious after my stroke of luck to see how bad it was.
  4. That, and they just have an axe to grind with a company so much they resort to using obscenities to describe it (which is reasonable if the company raised the price on your little sister's heart medication from $50 to $500, or if they led her to get cancer due to toxic waste dumps near her school, etc., but not something like this). Can't do much about that. Persuasion doesn't really work at this point.
  5. I meant after she dies. Wouldn't Begnion pick the next in line rather than wait a decade for the next generation one to be born?
  6. *Cores a new juicy apple and moves the core back through it in and out continually, pointing to the moisture on the apple's inner surfaces* Ya know this makes me think the Almedha experience is the only reason why after finding out Ena was a dragon that Ashnard didn't try to "try" with her. Not that it'd have worked without a forcing a miscarriage first (how grimdark that'd be). Though this then creates the issue of how Micaiah's mother isn't an Apostle. Unless she was a second daughter herself, but then how does a second daughter produce a firstborn with the Brand? And then if she can, has there been multiple Brands at once in Begnion's past? Possible rival Apostles where the two are staring at each other from across a very long dinner table, with insincere smiles, and then one suddenly drops dead of poisoned food and drink? And can third and beyond daughters also produce Brand daughters? And has there ever been a Brand male- the Laguz ancestor was one after all, and that they were simply on the basis of sex denied the highest office in the land and instead had to settle for serving or puppetting at a lower rank, or become some kind of saint? Is it possible Micaiah has fellow Lehran Branded extended family members? Or were they all not being of the directest royal line not immune to Branded persecution and it became assumed a parent committed blasphemy and they both got executed for their crimes with their lines wiped out? So many possibilities.
  7. I'm feelin' ya, I told myself never to summon on Legendary/Mythics, I went from 630 to 101 to get Yune. Those were all FtP Orbs by the way. Never again. But alas, why must Tellius have so many good Mythic choices? A lot of junk came with that- 2 Eirs, 4 Spring Kageros, but there was a Lewyn, and my first bunch of Titanias and Sheenas (after playing Mystery, she seems like a pitiable character, if very impaired by Archanea's lack of character fleshing out), some more Merrics, Reysons, and Sorens too. Need to nature check them, it'd hurt even more with they were all bad.
  8. Me when I began the Mythic: Me when it was all over: Despite my reverence for her highest servant and savior, despite my adoration for her world, despite me liking her, none of it meant anything. Fickle she truly was, Chaos Named indeed, I'd rather have fought a war to get her. I started with 630 Orbs. I ended with 101. Lewyn came quickly, I should have stopped there. Instead, I went on and got 2 pity-break Eirs and 4 pity-break Spring Kageros- who is triply atrocious- Fates, Fanservice, Seasonal, she is beyond redemption. I told myself beforehand never to summon on a banner where someone shares a color with another, yet with Binding I did, and it worked out marvelously, spending 30 total for one of each Green. I kept hoping with that the 8% rate thing would get me Yune sooner than later, even with the color sharing. That was a lie. But I would not stop, Yune drove me berserk, to the point I would let her drag me to self-destruction, even if she eluded me to that end. I'll edit in my exact summon log later, as I will the natures of Lewyn and Yune. Right now, I'm much too infuriated to do so. FE13-15 and Seasonal and alt-loaded and collab banners for the next year please, I need time to rest and heal my Orb supply. If Tellius 2019 Round 2 is the next banner, rather than being able to shout with glee the silly phrase "Ranulf screw me!" as I've said jokingly in my mind, I'd be screwed for getting Ranulf. *Walks away* Edit: Natures were the same for Lewyn and Yune, +HP -Def. It doesn't hurt them at least.
  9. To speak of some things not listed here already. (And there is plenty I like that I see.) A Kirby RPG. A Zelda RPG, perhaps along Chrono Trigger lines, or a little freer. An open world Pokemon game. An open world Fire Emblem game. The scrapped 2nd Wii Fire Emblem game. Beta Path of Radiance as a full game. Tokyo Mirage Sessions 2 (with major additions of course). An intraseries Rune Factory crossover along the character lines of SRW: Original Generations (but not gameplay obviously). Another Baten Kaitos prequel, and a sequel. Another Eternal Sonata, albeit with a different composer or artistic mind in general. More focus on the individual in question too. A Resonance of Fate something would be fine, but they better fix how the plot is told and make the gameplay faster and or more complex. A The Last Story sequel that massively enhances the gameplay. Another Battalion Wars. A CIMA: The Enemy sequel. Legend of Legaia 3 (even though I was never able to complete the original- does the game emulate okay? As in "no freeze at that one moment" glitch?) A Boktai/Lunar Knights sequel that does more with the weather and climate. A Digital Devil Saga duology pack that fixes the rushed plot at DDS2's end. Also, I don't think we need Serph to stay silent. My ideal Radiant Dawn remake: full length microconflict made from Part 1, a little longer digital-only side story version of Part 2, and Parts 3 & 4 bundled as a third physical full-length game. This probably wouldn't be it, but there is one idea I've had, don't know if Saga played with it. But what if the planet on which Xenogears took place was contacted after these several thousands of years by the original humanity who for some reason never passed by the planet again in all that time? That just seemed odd to me.
  10. Correct. And there are no villain or NPC beasts I believe. All Taguel but Panne and Yarne are dead due to some humans driving them to extinction in the past, and for some reason Grima never made Risen out of them. As for Fateslandia's Kitsune and Wolfskin, they are living peoples with generic members. On CQ, you fight the Kitsune in one battle, and on BR, you fight the Wolfskin in one battle, each time the playable male of the group leads as the boss. I am not aware if there are any named NPC Kitsune/Wolfskin, but I do not think so. At best, if you breed Robin/Corrin with a Taguel/Kitsune/Wolfskin, you can get a Morgan/Kana that is half-beast, but FEH doesn't force pairings like this.
  11. To be fair, I'm not the most versed on Awakening's take on Dark Magic. So I'll concede here. I guess I took Tharja and her nasty hex slinging at face value a little much. And it could just have been me pining for Canas and his very scholarly take on Dark. Although the idea of Robin conquering Grima's power in full and becoming "heroically Dark" is also appealing. Although there would be nothing to use it again after its first application- that being killing the monster who it originates from. Since once they're gone, there is no longer any major threats to the world unless Jugdral suddenly invades Ylisse with Bolganone Bazookas, Thoron Sabers, Rexcalibur Gatling Guns, and while raining Gungnir A-G bombs from the J.A.S. Arion; in that case, all of Grima's conquered power is needed to overcome the 51st century threat.
  12. And the GBA-Tellius period of FE made Dark to not be inherently evil, just as Chaos isn't defined as that either. Both must be handled carefully to avoid problems though. Awakening in a sense was a reversion back to Dark = evil, which was more the case pre-GBA. While I don't deny a Spirit Charmer-Dark association. Is it not weird, that if Dark is in no way opposed to Ashera, that the Tower would lack it entirely? That Sephiran would use only a Light tome and Ashera only attacks that look Light-elemental herself? As for Micaiah, note that her Affinity is Dark. That was done with a reason, partly to echo Deidre her visual and character inspiration- she who bore both Light and Dark bloods inside her. Making Ashera and Yune Astra & Anima would have been fine, but I don't see them as Light/Dark as a problem either. As long as you know its more complicated than simply good vs. evil. Order can lean towards Light, Chaos towards Dark, but neither is absolutely fixed as one or the other.
  13. If my old counts are correct (and there is always room for error- I forgot Tailtiu and Oliver were in until just yesterday). From the playable side, we're missing: 56 Archaneans. 14 Valentians (not including the Cipher quartet) 88 Jugdralis (Genealogy and Thracia combined, factoring in the subs, reduce by 14 if excluding them) 38 Bindingites 25 Blazers 22 Magvelians 56 Telliusians 22 Ylisseans & Valmites 24 Fateslandians Does not include villains. *Assembles army of these and marches them in protest to Nintendo HQ.* Behold Teamster Echidna! Fear her Signpost Axe! Tremble before her Union Atk/Spd 3! I didn't split the Jugdralis, because there are too few Thracians- Leif, Nanna, Finn, Olwen, and Saias, to bother doing so. Of the 20 we have, 11, or 12 if you count Finn despite his Gen 1 portrait being younger than his Gen 2 and Thracian, are Gen 1 units. They can up her priority, just replace her current dress with the scrapped design furthest to the left: Right now, I'd say most games, Fates being the big exception, have grounds for claiming another banner at the moment, and reasons against getting one.
  14. Correct, Atlus. Now owned by Sega. Megami Tensei ("Reincarnation of the Goddess") begins with Devil Devil Story: Megami Tensei, three cyberpunk light novels, which became the basis of an NES-era dungeon-crawling JRPG. This was followed by a sequel unrelated to the novels. And then on the Super Famicom, you get Shin Megami Tensei ("Shin" I think means "New" here, in the same tone as "You just won a new car!"), inspired by those two earlier games, thus begins the franchise with its present name. After the Super Famicon title SMTII, they release Shin Megami Tensei: If... about two warring families a high school that ends up in the demon world. The idea of a high school setting and demons leads to Megami Ibunroku ("alternate tale" or "side story" I think it means): Persona, on the PS1. Starting with the great success of Persona 3, Persona becomes popular enough that it emerges as its own franchise apart from Megami Tensei. Megami Tensei tends to be darker, apocalyptic to be precise, with summoning demons and fusing them a main mechanic. So too is the ability to choose an ending among several, although none are supposed to be perfect. Persona tends to be lighter in tone and more "anime", but some serious social commentary thrown in. While SMT is all about turn-based combat and dungeons, Persona keeps these, but adds a strong social simulation element to things. And while many SMT demons feature, they have all been rebranded in lore Personae, not actual mythological beings, only aspects of the human psyche manifested like mythological beings. As for Joker- the main character of the latest Persona game- Persona 5. A silent protag (most Persona and SMT protags are for better or worse) with style and flavor apparently. I don't know if you care or not. I'm just offering an explanation.
  15. I like the idea of the Branded. Which in retrospect is similar, though quite distinct from the Holy Blood concept of prior and later games. I never really considered how it went from a background detail to a core main story element in the next. I would not call it a bad move though. There are a couple problems with the Branded however: There is the matter of not seeing Branded persecution. We're told plenty about the discrimination, Nasir holds it over Soren once, and Micaiah continually fears it, but we are never directly shown it. Soren is not so a good chance for that, unless in a hypothetical remake the 4-Final-5 Convo suddenly got a flashback (and this would apply only to Laguz-Branded bigotry, not the Beorc kind); Micaiah would be better, being the main character of part of the game, but I think that since she has a reputation already by 1-Prologue, it'd have to be a flashback again. Unless they went and add new chapters to the start of the Part 1. The second issue is the magic physics behind Brandedness. Namely why does the Laguz male lose their powers, and only after the child is born? If they made it so it was lost upon sexual contact sans conception, it'd make more sense. The problem is the 2nd playthrough 4-F Base Convo with Nasir and Gareth which explains this, says there were romantic couples between Beorc and Laguz prior to Lehran and Altina, yet Lehran has to be the first to lose their powers, so as to let their child be born and then the Branded truth covered up. Related to this is how it is that it seems only firstborn females have the Brand in the Apostle line. A subissue which is more finicky. Some would further add the Brand do harm to Micaiah, Soren, and Zelgius.: Micaiah some would say is lost as a character in her special powers, which come from being Branded, and a special Branded at that. On Zelgius, besides being Branded granting him his awesomeness, the reason he became what he did, is owed to Branded insecurity, which is a pathetic, last minute sympathy play on the part of IS, it could be argued. On Soren the effects are less pronounced, but if having Dheginsea's genetics do anything for magic and brains, that can undermine his own merit.
  16. Hardin's villainy is actually another case of corruption. His story: He started as the younger brother of the King of Aurelis, the dashing warrior known as the Coyote fighting the evil Dolhr Empire. Later he received Princess Nyna anonymously from Camus, who spared her from execution, Hardin then fell in love with Nyna and fought in her name. Marth saved Hardin's forces when he was he on the verge of defeat, and then joined Marth's army, although the style of storytelling used for the War of Shadows has meant Hardin's importance disappears after recruitment. After the War of Shadows ended, Nyna chose Hardin as her husband, which he immediately accepted due to his great love for her, and thus he became King of Archanea. What Hardin did not realize right away is that Nyna had only married him because Boah, a bishop and confidant of hers, had pushed her into marrying someone to continue the royal Archanean bloodline. Her only two choices were Marth and Hardin, both great, and royal, heroes of the War of Shadow. Not wanting to cause Caeda heartbreak, Nyna chose Hardin. However, in the depths of her heart, Nyna was still in deeply love with Camus, despite the fact he was dead not really. She could not love Hardin as she should due to this longing for a dead man, whom she had first hated, but then admired after he spared her life when the rest of her family died. Eventually Hardin found out about Nyna's lack of true feelings towards him. He tried to develop them in her, but it didn't work. That Camus kept Nyna's heart into the grave made Hardin frustrated and envious, thus creating a crack in his moral character. That crack was exploited by the resurrected Gharnef, who had died in the War of Shadows. Gharnef gave Hardin the Darksphere, which then consumed his soul. Filled now with nothing but feelings of envy, greed, and lust for absolute power, Hardin declared himself Emperor and set out conquering the whole of the Archanean continent by force. These created ideal conditions for Gharnef to steal the royal/noble maidens needed to resurrect Medeus. These included Nyna, but owing to his love for her enduring even when corrupted, Nyna was kept under palace arrest and safe from Gharnef for quite some time, though not forever. When Hardin's tyranny leads Marth to defy his former friend and now liege, the War of Heroes begins. Eventually, Marth defeats Hardin in the capital of Archanea, using the Lightsphere to negate the powers of the Darksphere, which has the effect of forcing anyone who tries to attack Hardin to be temporarily brainwashed into harmless submission. As Hardin dies, he apologizes to Marth that his weakness of character allowed this to happen, he is happy Marth could kill him, and to rescue Nyna, whom he still loves and hopes could forgive him. He also strangely regains his signature white turban upon death, which he did not wear as Emperor. Gharnef himself is also the victim of corruption. He was one of the two pupils of Gotoh, the White Sage, confidant of Naga, grantor of the Falchion to Anri, and inventor of magic to humanity. Gharnef had to be talented and not wholly a bad person if Gotoh made him one of only two pupils, but Gharnef had weakness in his heart. Because he saw that weakness, Gotoh gave the oasis of magic called Khadein and the Aura tome to his other student, Miloah. Gharnef was envious of this, he thus stole the Darksphere from Gotoh, gave his soul to it, and then created Imhullu with its power. So Gharnef, as much as a cackling stereotypical villain he is, in origins and on the principle, a tragic character. Just one we don't ever see the tragedy of. And interesting point about most villains here being corrupted, and degeneration isn't too different from corruption actually. Grima is not degenerate, nor corrupted, but was pretty much born destined to be wicked unfortunately, with no choice in the matter to be good. Lyon is corrupted too, as in the not-yet-in Nergal. Anankos is degenerate as well. FE does have plenty of plain rotten villains and or those with agency though, just not here.
  17. She is a destructive power yes, but not a villain, a heroine actually. I don't think there would have been much additional incentive to put her on the VG either, it wouldn't help you in the VG that much. Male Grima but no Female Grima makes less sense to me. Doesn't everyone who has ever shot Colorless on a Legendary banner have her? Heavily using GHB units was clever though, since it avoided having to a second VG banner when a bunch are already running.
  18. Persona- I just don't care for the simulation elements of the later games. Although maybe since I can emulate now, I could try the older Personas. How playable is 2? Kingdom Hearts- Sorry, even if the gameplay is fun, I'm not a Disney person. Anything from the West- No offense at all, I just haven't tried Western gaming. Anything heavy on lighting fast action. Sorry, I'm lacking for reflexes. Anything multiplayer-centric. Sorry, I don't have IRL friends to play with, nor does online interest me. Anything horror- I scare real easily. I've not played MGS as well. Sorry, but stealth puts me on nerves. Again- no malice meant at all from any of this.
  19. Not always, I recall the wannabe Tales (in style but not gameplay) game Arc Rise Fantasia had a woman named Leslie like that. I don't recall any real bad experiences for her.
  20. I was going to point this out earlier, I'm not fond of him, but FE7's big bad is still absent. (Ashnard is the bigger offender to me personality, a canon Sword Flier has that appeal.) There are enough villains I think they could do a DP2 VG later, and unless they really hate Nergal, he'd be in by then.
  21. On the New Power, picked a Colorless wanting Klein, got a 4* Rebecca. Bunnyland 3 gave a *3 Raven with an even worse nature than my current one. Bunnyland 2 I went Red on to avoid the coneys, got a 3* Seliph. Bunnyland 1 I also went Red on, 4* Ogma. Went Red on Bonds skills, another 3* Seliph. Got Oboro from BHB B&F. And now, my hunt for Archanean Emperor, Aurelis's Paragon, Friend of Marth, Unrequited Lover of Nyna, and Pawn of Gharnef- Hardin. I've 657 Orbs going in... Arthur (No Blue), Mathilda, Beruka, Oboro, DT Reinhardt, Clair, Serra, Hardin! Down to 623. Not too bad. Nature is -HP +Spd, which is bad, but I don't mind, as always, beggars can't be choosers. Now Yune comes tomorrow, and she and Lewyn are probably going to be bad for me.
  22. There is a duplicate topic MH topic where I posted about this. I'll just throw what I had to say in spoilers to save space.: And the meaning of the Japanese title of Yune from SF translator extraordinaire Kirokan:
  23. One, Mystletainn gives Res, not Def. Two, well it all depends on how they'd balance things in a remake. I'd be fine if they got rid of or halved Mystletainn's Res boost, but only if they also weakened the Sleep Staff spam in Chapters 10 and Final. Getting rid of the Res boost without taking those status in mind would just get rid of one of the maybe 5 units able to survive that nightmare of endless sleep. This said, I think nobody would be object to Balmung loosing the Skill boost, all it does is give Shannan an extra +10 Astra proc. Similarly, halving the Skl boost of Mystletainn is fine as well. Getting rid of Tyrfing's Skl boost would be okay, yet not too okay, since Arvis is downright dodgy, durable, and has 30% Pavise, making him a slow enemy to kill even with Tyrfing. I'd be fine they de-homogenized the Mt values of 30, leaving 30 to say Loptyr, Naga, Valflame and Helswath at most. Just keep each Holy Weapon above 20. Not that it'd make a huge difference, mostly a flavor move.
  24. Well DEH is on the banner and Julian and Gharnef haven't been reran yet for me, nor did I spring for Idunn or Duma (the idea of whom I don't mind). While I have Lector and I'll continue to use him, he doesn't sit exactly well with me being alt despite my anti-alt policy, which is in this case only thinly justified by being a Brave. So having a canon Lance Armor whom I like well enough would be good. We have a mere 3 canon Lance Armors in this game people! Despite it being the most commonly associated weapon type with Armors. I blame the archetypes and personalities which have been associated with Armor for so long. Hopefully the Darksphere DEH carries (shame he doesn't have it as a skill, or a character battle based on Chapter 8 Mystery- BHB with Jeorge?) won't consume my Orbs, only my soul. I need some for Yune + Lewyn and maybe the banner to come. So I'll be Team Hardin in short, not like one can expect anything from me. Nor do I really care about VGs. Regardless of the consequences on the outcome, I do like not having to play every half-hour now.
  25. My point was more they took what was awful, and through a score of changes, managed to make the map tolerable (no desert barring maybe Emmeryn's fall and Scorched Sands is actually good). This, despite the majority of the map coming from a prior game where it was absolutely atrocious. Just a clear case where IS positively learned something in map design and implemented it. I like that.
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