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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Not quite. 5 Orbs is 5 Orbs, while with a universal ticket, if you had only two orbs you wanted to summon on in a circle, you could use the ticket on the first, and then use Orbs on the second, saving yourself one Orb. Also, they could experiment with universal fivefold tickets. No pick of color means you're open to pitybreaks from colors you aren't sniping, unlike the same quantity of Orbs. Though I think you do have a point in Orbs having limited uses outside of summoning, whereas other gachas may use summon material for other expenditures.
  2. That's not right. It's "Ikey-poo". And whether you say call her "You-neigh", or "Yoon", or with an alveolar click, I think the Spirit of Chaos is a little alive here.
  3. Tenerife, the deadliest airline disaster in history. Two Airbuses A380s IRRC collided into each other on a foggy day. The issue besides the weather is that the pilot of one of the Airbuses mistook the air traffic controller as saying they were cleared for takeoff, when the ATC meant they were to prepare for takeoff. Also, I think the pilot was a veteran pilot who been doing little in real flights at that time, instead teaching students in the simulator, where he was effectively the ATC and weather conditions were controlled, so he didn't quite listen so attentively as he should have. ...Weird knowledge to have, I know.
  4. Thank you! ? Corrections have been made and documented. This list which claims to be veritable is now more veritable.
  5. Katarina as I said, but that is it. New Mystery's bloated roster was less because of new characters, as it was adding back everyone who went missing/unplayable without a canonical explanation back in FE3 Book 2 (and yet they gave us the full Wolfguard, but no Gotoh for some reason), and then adding the BSers, and the 11ers. New Mystery has 77 characters before double-counting Kris, which brings it to 78. But Jagen, Gotoh, Hardin, and Boah don't return playable in the War of Heroes, so we add them. Thus 82. Ye olde FE1 had 52 playable characters. 52 + 14 + 6 + 7 + 3 = 82. ...Wait, did I miscount then by leaving out Michalis or not double-counting Kris? Darned! It's 83! ...As you can tell, if you see any errors on my statistic page, tell me. It isn't perfect when I have to count so many, I forgot Tailtiu and Oliver were added in until very recently. And I remember you counted Sword Infantry in FEH when Rutger was added, with your number a little higher than mine. Edit list: Unfortunately, I can't go back and edit my one post. It only lowers Archanea's percentage by a few tenths of one-percent though, affecting nothing. It does mean we need 4 full banners though to 50%. And did I miscount Thracia by 1? Typing all the names into a list puts it at 51. I will correct this later. But still, only 9.8% at the moment, at least it means it only needs 4 banners to hit 50%. Without Merlinus, it looks like Binding Blade is 52 typing up a list. I'm a mess! Recalculating! 30.77%. Now doing Blazing Sword. It looks like I counted Merlinus, who I doubt would ever fight in FEH, nonetheless, the number is accurate with Merlinus in, so b/c laziness, I'll leave him in. Another hairline miscount! PoR is only 46, not 47, thus dropping RD + Largo by one to 72. Now 23.61%. Tiny difference. Looks like I undercounted Fates by 1, Anna makes 70.
  6. Nope. Just a little BEXP (400), no other rewards. If Nico the little boy had died, you'd miss out on a rewards-free Base Conversation later, but nothing else. Each prisoner who survives in Chapter 7 is worth 200 BEXP, if they escape, you get 400 (not sure if it stacks or replaces the survival BEXP). And about Fiona, she has... issues. She turns out well in the long run, but there are problems along the way. Two you should be noticing right away are: Her movement isn't what it seems to be for a Cavalier. All Beorc mounted units, I don't think Laguz fliers, lose 2 Move on maps classified as indoors. They keep their hit-and-run, but this is a weaker replacement for dismounting to balance them. Likewise, they cannot climb cliffs. Her bases. She comes at Nolan's base level with stats that are the same or worse outside of Mag & Res. And Nolan came forever ago by this point. This said, I did see someone use Fiona on Hard Mode almost effortlessly for the first playthrough, some blessed levels helped. So you can try. If you want to grind her, then a forged Iron Lance against the boss, if she proced Strength a couple times already, works. Or, wait until you find a Priest with a HP healing Staff and have her attack it again and again, due to their Staff, they'll regen HP every turn. Ideally, have someone who comes in the next chapter use a little niche skill they have on the Priest first. As for Ranulf, he is the best Cat. So you'll be in luck with that. And if you plan to remove Celerity, wait until before the final battle of Part 1 to do that.
  7. For Archanea: Everyone who is in FEH is from the War of the Shadows for their introduction, the exceptions being Sheena, Luke, Roderick, and Katarina- who with Legion and Clarisse (not counted as PCs) are specifically New Mystery (and the two Krises and Eremiyah). So 6 characters of the 26 are not-SD. Athena is the only Shadow Dragon addition in. They total to be 7: Frey, Norne, Athena, Horace, Etzel, Ymir, and Nagi. None of the BS FE/Archanean Chronicle characters have yet come. They number 6: Dice, Malice, Frost, Roberto, Leiden, and Belf. Michalis was first playable in NM, but given he was cast as a GHB, I think they aimed for his War of Shadows self in FEH. Looking at FE3 Book 2, its new playable additions were: Cecil, Luke, Rody, Ryan, Marisha, Warren, Yuliya, Jubelo, Sirius, Samuel, Phina, Arlen, Sheena, and Nyna- 14 characters. Although Nyna was obviously introduced in the War of Shadows and has .33 of chapters of use, so you might as well not count her. For Tellius as a side note, everyone made a PoR debut. The exceptions being Micaiah and Nailah; you could certainly say Sothe is RD-centric, Zelgius too, and Leanne was notably in PoR, but not playable. Oliver is another possible exception, being introduced and more important in PoR, but not playable in that game, and his GHB is based I believe on RD 4-4's layout- his mansion. RD added 23 new PCs sans RD Sothe, including those first introduced in PoR but were not playable (without them it is 17 full originals in number). Also, I forgot to mention I counted for readily apparent reasons Devdan and Danved as one- though it'd be a miracle if even one of them got in. I agree here. And I think they will, the Barrier Blade Silvia got was obtainable only with Laylea. The cynic in me says the cute girls of the Subs might stand a slim chance, but again, Silvia stealing the Barrier Blade and Lene getting her mother's Safeguard suggests otherwise to me. At least this means Berserk for Caipre- if he stood any chance of coming. But there are better guys to pick from Gen 2. This depends I think on how they treat it in FEH. At the start of FEH, the only SoV characters in were the Whitewings- shared with Archanea. Then 4 came in April, then another 4 in May, followed by 7 (and Berkut) in July, and then Clive in August. In total, April-August without anyone in June brought us 16 of the 20 characters. After August 2017, only Kliff has come. I pick SoV because it was released after FEH was released, the only game to be so prior to 3H. If 3H has the same planned gusto as SoV, we could get four full teams' worth very quickly. However, I expect 3H will be bigger than 34 in size, delaying its reaching of 50%. How much bigger I don't know. Not Fates 69 in size, that was because of it being two games' roster in one grand package, alleviated somewhat by some shared characters. Individually, they're 40-41 in size, and Revelation is only 64 if you don't double up the Corrins and Kanas. Awakening's 51 or the high 40s sounds feasible, maybe a little lower if they emphasize character writing quality and gameplay customizability over quantity. Ironman is no longer the assumed mindset of FE, the 9 Cavs of War of the Shadows and 7 Cavs of Binding are no longer needed (PoR's 6 is only because they wanted to give one of each unpromoted Weapon Knights).
  8. And yet without even minor Fjalar/Forseti/Thurd blood, unless you are Queen/Baron/Emperor/Master Knight, you can't use Bolganone, Thoron, or Tornado in FE4. Minor Holy Blood still gives a +1 rank boost to weapon type from the get go. Therefore, Seliph would likely be semi-prodigal if he ever experimented with using Light Magic. No Book of Naga annihilation, but if he ever became a Sage he could sling Nosfertatu or Aura, unlike anyone else sans Naga's blood. Thracia is a separate story of course since they unfixed weapon ranks there, but let's stay on the topic of FE4. Lewyn, Edain, and Muirne have 30%, Charlot 50%, Linda and Amid 40%. Although you do have a point in the later half of your statement, particularly with the magic swords. (Which Seliph does use comparatively well thanks to his Minor Naga giving him a 30% Magic growth.)
  9. That'd be me. Even though it has fallen several pages behind due to me not new posting because otherwise it'd be just ten of mine in a row, I still update this topic of statistics (Yune will be added to the list when the next NH comes, the topic is a little cumbersome to edit for a single character) as new characters are released. To provide you with its percentages and the numbers, in order from highest percentage to lowest: Fates- 65.22% (45/69). Corrin and Kana are counted twice, once for each sex- I do this for Robin, Morgan, and Kris too, not counting Charlotte or Anna. Awakening- 56.86% (29/51). Not counting Noire, Laslow, or Selena. Shadows of Valentia- 52.63% (20/38) with the Cipher Quartet, without them it is 58.82%. Which is actually higher than Awakening. Blazing Blade- 43.18% (19/44). Bartre is not counted as included- since he is a very different character sans stache. Sacred Stones- 33.33% (11/33). Not including the Trial Map characters, this applies to PoR and Binding as well. Archanea- 31.71% (26/82) Binding Blade- 29.63% (16/54). Karel is not counted as included, just as I didn't Bartre. Genealogy of the Holy War- 29.03% (18/62). That is counting the 14 Subs, not counting it is 37.5% (18/48), which moves this to 5th place. Does not count Finn twice, even though he matured between Gens 1 and 2 visually speaking. Counting Finn as Gen 1 only, we have 50% of Gen 1 (12/24), and 25% of Gen 2 (6/24). Tellius- 23.29% (17/73). I just took the 72 sans Black Knight of RD, and added Largo. Does not count PoR and RD Ikes and Sothes separately, even though you certainly could. Thracia 776- 9.62% (5/52). Any sense of surprise? It has less than half of Tellius's representation, and three of its five are shared with Genealogy, only Saias and Olwen aren't. We haven't even a single canonical Green from it yet. So it is wholly possible that within the year that Blazing Blade will get to 50%. It has a roster on the smaller side and just needs a single banner to hit 50%, it wouldn't even matter if they went back to 3 new characters (but let's assume 4 for all cases to be described below). Everything has no shot on a single banner of doing the same. They would need: Sacred Stones needs 2 banners. Binding Blade would need 3 banners. Genealogy would need 4 banners with Subs, or 3 less if it had even one playable character GHB. Without Subs it'd need only 2 banners (or 1 if they gave us a TT + PC GHB again- but I doubt that). Archanea needs 4, or 3 with three playable character GHBs. Tellius would need 4 banners. Thracia would need 5 banners, or 4 with even one PC GHB (50000 Gold for Galzus provide that).
  10. *Points to the Minor Naga* Even Burian or granddad Byron, Master Knights without a lick of magical ability, are by class able to use magic, even if they don't in gameplay. Not to mention auntie Ethlyn the Troubadour has dirt magic growth, as does Lachesis.
  11. I obtained a +Spd Soren in my exhaustive hunt for Yune yesterday, and now I can make my Like-Micaiah-Soren-Sothe dream team happen. The Like is the freebie neutral, Micaiah is +Atk -Def, and Sothe is -HP +Spd. None have received any SI so far. I also have 600 Sacred Coins unspent and haven't enhanced or forged a single Seal of my limited collection beyond Iote's Shield. Now, how would I go about making this a generally good team? A few comments of my own, although I'm open to more advice than just this.: Like: He is my only physically durable unit on this team, and I guess could handle some mages as well if armed properly. So he'll have to tank everything. With that in mind, should I craft and enhance the Darting Stance Sacred Seal for him? He is a little slow, it'd help both for durability and EP offense. Def Tactic has to go since this is pure Infantry, what to replace it with? What would also be good for the B slot? Is there better than his default Seal Atk/Def? QR maybe? Micaiah: If she kept Sacrifice, then would Guard be better sidelined and swapped with Renewal? Any other B suggestions? Is her Spd a lost cause, or do I have the means to salvage it? Good pick of Sacred Seal for her? Soren: Since Sothe has Peshkatz, does this mean Gronnblade is good here? Or is there a better weapon for this team? Would Darting Blow be good for both his A Slot and Sacred Seal? Just one? None? Sothe: Desperation for the B slot?
  12. And Ryoma can't use Rajinto as a Kinshi Knight either. I don't see a problem here. Making him his promotion would not be unusual for a Legendary- Ike, Ephraim, and Eirika all are, and it'd be better than Infantry again. Although they could make him Armor and the same weapon types. It'd be a way of referencing the Baron/Emperor classes of FE4 and Seliph's life after the Holy War of 776-777 as King of Grannvale. We've a mere one Blue Tome and Staff Armor apiece.
  13. Well it is always good news to hear a franchise is going aboard. From what I'm aware, only Sakura Wars 5 has ever left Japan before. I'm not one for this game, a game that is half dating sim, half strategy, is not just very appealing to me. Nonetheless, I wish it well. Make love gently, and war furiously.
  14. It isn't always forgetfulness due to lack of caring. If you're writing a long list for analysis, at least in my case, sometimes people just slip through your mind. When I was considering who from Archanea stood a chance of getting in and who didn't, I accidentally forgot Phina, despite her being Archanea's dancer unit, and therefore certain to eventually get in FEH. CYL results: Overall, for the hundreds of characters in FE, this isn't bad. Not super popular, but you also have to consider CYL is partly about determining who people want in the game, and Elincia already was at CYLs 2 & 3. You also need consider the fanbase of FEH including many who have never played Tellius and hence have not had the chance to encounter her in her base game.
  15. Well MK Leif can't have a weapon called "Everything but Dark, B+ Light, Holy Weapons, and Shapeshifter Stuff". Nor can he be of an exclusive Gold Color with WTA vs. everything. So, what would he get? A Sword? The Bragi Sword in particular would make sense because FE5. But it would be real boring (although does a Sword Cav Legendary exist yet?) and a waste of showing the versatility of Master Knight. A Lance? Maybe the Gae Bolg in an alt canon where he has the blood to use it? Slim chance. I don't think FEH does such alt-selves though. An Axe? Why? Not bad regarding LHs, and it is proof of versatility, but nothing stands out. A Bow? Again, not sure why. Not bad, but not good either. A Tome? Maybe Tornado since he usually gets in FE4 that barring LewynxTailtiu when Tine takes it, would be fine. And it shows additional versatility since it is magical and not physical. A Dagger? Well Jugdral doesn't have these, so it'd be weird. If proof Master Knight is even more adaptable than we already thought it was. A Staff is probably the best. Since it is Colorless, it makes him normally immune to WTD, suitable for the weakness-free Master Knight, if not getting WTA either. It is magical too, showing that sheer versatility. And one could spin it as connecting him to his mother Ethlyn the Troubadour. All he needs is for someone to invent an awesome signature Staff for him, which isn't a problem. As for Legendary Seliph, I'd go all the way with his Minor Naga and throw him some Light Magic on a horse. Baldr was also a Crusader closely associated with light. Although a Staff because Deidre I guess is a possibility.
  16. And yet they have not yet given me my casanova who transforms into the Love Dragon via Eau du Dragonne yet. Nor my child character who eats so much candy their hyperactivity gives them scales and Saccharine Breath. The only Breath users, so far, in Seasonal form are Summer Young Tiki, Vampyrrh, and Faedeer. All canonically Manaketes. I would therefore assume the same of Seasonal Beast units for the time being. That they would only be those who are canonical Beasts. As for the topic at hand, I don't see it happening. IS does not like confirming any pairing that isn't 100% canon. Not SumiaxChrom, not EliwoodxNinian, and certainly nothing for the self-insert sexual omnivores called Robin and Corrin. They continue this way even with the invention of a multiverse which could render all pairings canon somewhere including Mystletainn as Ophelia's mother.
  17. I'm one of those rare Geitz fans. Why not use Wallace instead? And Renault would be great if they had him ditch the Staff for an Axe, he was a former mercenary able to punch Young Bartre into collapsing. And it was just a little hypothetical example. Skills and characters don't really matter. The point was trying to be made was most wouldn't care if a character had a poor art and VA and was unpopular if they made for good fodder. Swift Sparrow only came to mind because I thought I heard 14 characters already have it, yet none save Naesala, for whom one needs Grails, are below 5*. And it wouldn't be as overpowering as throwing I dunno, Bold Fighter in the 4* pool.
  18. True. She flies, which is very unearthly. And her Affinity is Heaven, the opposite of Earth in gameplay. Azura's Heart Seal class in Fates was Pegasus Knight. As for flying Micaiah, have her use a Kinshi, with bird Yune's colors. And in FE lore, Medeus and Loptyr began as Earth Dragons before becoming Shadow Dragons. And I'm just going to restate my support for Master Knight Leif. Having played FE4 now, I came to love just how powerful he was once promoted (not hard with the inherited Followup Ring, his mother's Light Brand, and buying the Paragon Band and later Tornado). Despite low Magic, between Pursuit, Adept, and Critical, combined with low enemy Res, he had few issues massacring whole squads of enemies. Excellent growths of 50+ in all non-Mag/Res stats are further awesomeness, combined with high caps. Really, Leif is divine in FE4 despite lacking a Holy Weapon. And a nice character too.
  19. Then the question becomes if Feh is the creator deity in disguise, or at least a scion or herald of them, what is their point to being present and incognito? A. To help the good be victorious over evil without impeding on their personal development and free wills? B. To gently sway events and make sure they fall within their plan. Their plan of questionable morality, if not outright evil. Benevolent god or arrogant god? Which would it be?
  20. To be fair, she is a goddess with the powers to shapeshift into a bird and also flood the world. I don't think her attire in humanoid form, both manifested purely from magical energies, need be practical.
  21. I guess I should've stuck with Shiva then (or Samuel or Troude), but I changed it to Guy for some reason. I was just trying to think of someone who seems Swift Sparrow-y in appearance/class/character, and not readily popular. And here I must admit that I'm not fond of almost any FEH artwork, finding it irrationally inferior to the original official art for each respective game. And that I'm not the biggest fan of VAs either, playing with them off for this game (as I did with Fates and SoV too), even if I usually leave them on elsewhere. Therefore I'm admittedly not the best person to pose such a question.
  22. Well Julia gets a Staff before getting a tome, being able to use both at base in Genealogy. And Deidre in Gen 1 is more notable for Silencing a boss than casting magic. Also, as farfetched as it is given the lack of Jugdral alt love (and severe lack of Thracia love in general) in this game, I could see Leif as Earth. His country is fertile plains, whose Crusader used the Gae Bolg, the Earth Lance. Master Knight Leif using a Staff sounds possible, if remote. (But please don't come now, my Orbs are aching.)
  23. I was thinking more Baten Kaitos: EWatLO, which is say recorded 100 feet under the sea. (Or better, just have the artists and the nearest English teacher in their family do it. Few things say "so bad it's good, and cheap" like using a non-native English speaker to do English VAs.) And would it matter to you if it's being used on mostly filler and unpopular units? Does it matter if Guy sounds awful, if they also happen to be a source of 4* Swift Sparrow 2? Their few fans would be hard-pressed into accepting them, knowing they couldn't get better and should be fortunate they are even around. Isn't that true of well, everyone? In that case, how would FEH appeal to well, everyone?
  24. Not leveling Julia at all? That is a little surprising. And interesting to hear that at base she isn't good enough to do it, must be too slow and thus doubled by Julius's Pursuit. With Nosferatu, she was monstrously good for me. The final fight of FE4 starts with too much siege and status, just like the prior chapter, given the nonexistent Res stats most units have. Fortunately, a trained Seliph with Tyrfing can solo it, unlike Chapter 10. Taking Dozel is a joke, since Axes are atrocious in this game, only Brian himself is threatening, and sending unpromoted Axe Knights out is a real laugh for the final fight. Scipio is indeed a bit hairy, but fortunately his army of Brave Bows is slowed by all that forest. Had I just had Ced or Leif solo it, it would have been problem-free, but instead I threw mostly everyone at it. With the exceptions of Tine, her husband Ced, Arthur, his wife Fee, and Altena- they all tackled the Hilda and the Barons of Freege, which are easily chokepointed and picked off slowly, although Pavise is annoying. With regards to last offensive of Loptyr led by Ishtar, not too bad, some powerful enemies, but you've the entire map now to play with them and your own demigods. Only the Pegasus trio was tricky, but I lucked out. Ishtar I think actually missed before dying, ironic with Mjolnir's +20 Skl. After Ishtar, Seliph soloed Manfroy's group while Ares and Leif and Lene baited Julia away. I could've had other units then kill the Deadlords, but I feared Julius's Meteor + Charge/Accost/Confront. Julia with Naga nearly died though soloing the Deadlords, even with Naga's +20 Def, she was still physically squishy enough against these most elite defenders.
  25. VAs were a mistake. Hire Intern-kun if they have to. S/he isn't getting paid.
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