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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. ...And admittedly, the Chinese if my one book on the early invention of firearms there is being remembered correctly, does mention the Chinese referring to some bombs with the ideogram for "thunder" thrown in their names to sound awesome. I'll delete the post. I should've just stuck with a perverted little lighthearted joke and not added that, done only because my history-oriented mind had that little factoid pop into it as I was typing it. I just finished reading a history of Mexico, my MA is in World History, I support inclusiveness. Please no points. Please.
  2. I'm sorry. I did not intend for it come off as racist. I was being sympathetic to the indigenous peoples. I can understand why someone would compare a firearm to thunder.
  3. No, unless you count shrimp/crabs/lobster, which scientifically are insects. Although I would be willing to try cricket bread, or beignets made with insects. Or any other form of insect in a grounded form. Why haven't edible water bottles caught on yet?
  4. If only Nohr or Hoshido had a royal family like this! Hinoka: "Corrin, I know you're my sibling, but I love you as a man, marry me." Corrin: "I love you too Hinoka. But can we even get married?" Hinoka: "Sure! Ikona, my mother, was actually my older sister too. Hoshido has a tradition of this." Corrin: "Yay!" *Skips ahead a few months, to the two of them in bed together.* Corrin: *Cough, cough* "I can shake this cough, it's only getting worse. I'm starting to burn up too!" Hinoka: "Don't worry Corrin, I don't think anyone poisoned you. Nope! Just a fever." Corrin: "Why *cough* would you speak of poison Hinoka? Who would want me dead?* Hinoka: "I don't know. But I know my mother-sister had a similar illness before she died. No cure I think." Corrin: "No *cough* cure? There *cough* be one somewhere." Hinoka: "Well maybe there is, but you look bad enough that you won't make it. A pity." Corrin: "A pity? Where is the *COUGH!* sorrow my beloved sibling-wife? I don't see a tear in your eyes.* Hinoka: "About that Corrin, you're only my husband, not my brother. Mikoto left this letter behind, see?" *Waves the letter in front of him* Corrin: "Why *wheez* didn't you *cough*...... tell me sooner?" Hinoka: "It didn't make a difference, she still demanded you be regarded as a sibling, and a full Hoshidan royal. She tried to remake you in her image, but Father beyond the pale killed her before she could, hehe. And I've no use for you now. I've your seed inside me, and control your "allies" and territory as best I can. Nip the feeble rival in the bud before going after the greater threats, that's how I fight." Corrin: "Hinoka, what do you-" *Smothered with a pillow.* Hinoka: "Corrin, the reason you were "captured" by Nohr was because Mikoto wanted Sumeragi dead and you were his pet project. He thus fled Hoshido with you in tow for refuge in Nohr, but Garon had sided with Mikoto and attacked him. He spared you with the intent of one day claiming Hoshido for himself. Now, goodbye "sibling"." *Corrin collapses dead of suffocation* Hinoka: "Now, off to send off the next weakest link- Takumi. Guards! Prepare the body for funerary viewing, add some color to those deoxygenated lips, and hide all traces of my serum. Not that Sakura wouldn't be able to tell the difference!"
  5. Oh.? (I think I better start on my own Elite 14 wish/realistic list.) I'm not aware of what other fighting games have done. So the SFV launched in 2016, started and completed its first wave that year, did another wave the next year, the third wave the year after, and now is on the fourth wave with a possible fifth and final one ending in 2020. Sounds like Smash U could have a long and vibrant life ahead of it, one that could long enough for Smash Ne Plus Ultra on the Switch 2 to be announced. And 30 placeholder slots? CSS reform must happen! I stand by my proposal of collapsible boxing characters by franchise or theme (Nintendo oldies for Ice Climbers + ROB + Mr. G&W for example), unless someone has a better idea. And shame XCX2 is not going to be that next game. "Goddess/Godslayer Elma" or some new character who becomes the star of XCX2 and ends up destroying whatever the true antagonist of humanity via special powers (although no crazy powers would be fine) would be great. I'm still going to buy the game though, and probably its Smash rep if I ever get the game. And he is the father of Kirby, even if he has never touched a title's development since what, Amazing Mirror? He deserves a chance to try something new. And then place that newborn baby in the Smash arena.
  6. Sounds wayyyyyyy too good to be true. S4 had only seven, including three oldies (albeit Mewtwo and Roy had to be rebuilt from the bottom up). If we are getting 15, I'd expect some Echoes thrown in there (half sounds too high though). And who even would be the other 14? Hopefully a new Xeno rep.
  7. Most character ages in PoR and RD are apparent/approximates- the ages which they were designed to look like, but might not actually be. However, Ike is explicitly 17 in PoR, Mist is explicitly 15, Sanaki is explicitly 10, and Oscar is explicitly 24, and Shinon is explicitly only 27. So in RD, Sanaki is explicitly 13, Ike 20, Mist 18, and Shinon 30. Oddly, Boyd's age is now listed as explicitly 21, which would've meant he was explicitly 18 in PoR. And even stranger, Oscar is listed as explicitly 24 again, which means he somehow didn't age at all from PoR. To use her two official artworks: In height, she is already mature at 15. This PoR height comparison chart shows her to be about the same as Lethe and Ena, and just a little shorter than Elincia and Nephenee. With Ptolemaic Egypt, I am aware that sons often married sisters and their mothers. Just as the daughters married their brothers and fathers. The fabled Cleopatra who seduced Julius Caesar and Marc Antony was first wed platonically to her father, and then not-platonically to her little brother. Later, Cleopatra had the brat killed, because that is what you did if you were a royal in Ptolemaic Egypt- you murdered your siblings so the throne and power was all yours. Let's get regular Nils in first! No to the Charlotte curse! Rally!
  8. This is so WTF worthy this could easily be placed in FFtF instead. Just like I how heard the entire 90s Mega Man cartoon series is on YouTube.
  9. Have bases not comparable or worse than Seth's from 17 Chapters ago? Up her base level to like 8 or 10 and adjust her bases according. She is the last playable unit obtained in the main story, joining just five fights away from the final battle, yet she doesn't play like she is.
  10. And I think a mistake was made in saying liking shotas = pedophile. Can there be someone who appreciates young male characters without sexually desiring them? I would hope so! ...Although going back to the original post and knowing the poster's likes, I think they were using the term "shotacon" to mean specifically the bad portion of shota likers. Which is less questionable, if still somewhat an open question. But what do I know that community? Mine aren't actually built at all yet, just Iote's Shield and a couple TT rank 1 Sacred Seals. Haven't done a single Skill Inheritance so far. ? Even though by this point Tibarn and Naesala have several thousand SP. Don't have any spare Reysons, nor do I know what to do with my spare Naesala.
  11. Yep. Starting the game with Laguz Royals banner spoiled me. It's hard to use anything else when I'm so used to a group of 3 Move Fliers. How I am supposed to use things that can't stay out of enemy ranges at the start of a turn and yet kill 3-4 enemies in one player phase? I think she has a case for trainee BST. Her availability is really limited unfortunately (this makes her something of an Est though- a good argument for trainee BST), but her growths are very good outside of Str and Def (as in 50% minimum for every other stat, even useless Magic). Her growths altogether hit 400%, the highest in the game tied with Micaiah and Sanaki, it's particularly striking considering the next highest value for Laguz is Kurthnaga's 345%, and many Laguz have sub-300 (in the meanwhile Nolan has 390, and Elincia 385). It wouldn't surprise me if they already have a Halloween Selkie or the like brewing in their heads. If canonical pool is limited in number and popularity, and NH alts are hated, so Seasonals become the way to add more Beasts (although Spring Marisa is proof they won't always pick more exotic weapon-class combos for Seasonals). In case you didn't see the fan recolor: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/9vj1c3/edit_darkzura_palette_dream_mcorrin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb&_branch_match_id=638145314315018496 Define "Bridal Raigh": If in a wedding gown, then I'd attribute it to Nino liking to put her boys in dresses when they were little (she was gone at four- up to which putting boys in dresses doesn't sound unreasonable) and Raigh having fond memories of it. Thus leading him to develop a secret love of crossdressing which he'd rather not have anyone know about. Not to mention FE7 implies the Father whose orphanage Lugh and Raigh were raised was Lucius, who isn't exactly crushing testosterone. If in a suit, well what suit? His mother and father, if one assumed Jaffar to be the father (and that malicious look in Raigh's eyes suggest it to me more than Erk or Generic Man), then I doubt Nino and Jaffar ever actually had a formal with vows legal marriage. This is because Jaffar, a fugitive wanted by headhunters, would not be wanting to live a very public life for the sake of his life and his family's lives. In the case they were just a common law husband and wife, on the night they exchanged informal oaths of forever being in love, they were likely in plainsclothes. Therefore, Groom Raigh would be wearing Jaffar's ordinary garb, complete with midriff. Either way, it'd be funny.
  12. Although don't you need a lot of Grails if you're looking to megamerge some of those units? And the only source of those besides a paltry 40 per FB is AR? And maximizing AR input requires investing in several other units, ideally Mythic Heroes, which can be obtained easier with money. Perhaps the intent behind free Spamilla and Sproki were to force AR play and investment? I wonder if IS is actually able to see from Spamilla whether this actually pays off, or if three to six months from now, it'll be back to purely male TT units due to Spamilla not having any perceivable revenue effects.
  13. The castle you must conquer to get Nosferatu is Issach Castle, the one to the south where Johan/Iuchar the Axe Knight starts. Now the easiest thing to do is thus to talk to Johalvier/Iucharba and then kill his bro and seize Issach. However, it is possible to get Johan/Iuchar and Nosferatu. Let Johan join, and then let Iucharba, or better the moving Brave Axe Axe Knight miniboss Schmidt, defeat the yellow guard at Issach Castle and they'll conquer it. You can then retake Issach and get Nosferatu that way. All you then need is to trigger the Talk between Julia and Seliph.
  14. I forgot Nailah was on there actually. Happens when 99% of the time you just use Tibarn-Naesala-Reyson-Leanne for the content you play. The theme I had in mind was "Leanne and her defenders", since they all defend Leanne to some degree at some point. Another little act of forgetting on my part of the injured art , for someone who likes being analytical and gathering data sometimes, these things somehow happen. That, I think I prefer a purple-black fan recolor of Adrift Morrin to the original in white.
  15. Hmm.... Valbaria and Leona. Shadow Dragon Medeusa. The Desert Tiger Gerikanny. Whilst I'd not actually like to see characters genderbent, in a world where I was not concerned about the rate of New Heroes, I'd take a crossdress banner. It's not just the "early games" Archanea + Valentia- all playables are female. Michalis is the only notable male non-PC flier. Jugdral- Travant, Arion, Deen (not to be confused with the Valentian Deen, they need to change one of these dudes to "Dean"). A mere three males, two of whom are unplayable, while Erinys, Fee, Hermina, Karin, Eda, and Misha are all playable females. Elibe- Zeiss, Galle, Narcian, Heath. Not much, if more than anything so far, and countered by Shanna, Thite, Juno, Florina, Fiora, Farina, and Vaida. Magvel- Parity here actually with NPCs/villains- Cormag, Glen, Valter vs. Vanessa, Tana, Syrene (and Myrrh- but she dragon). Tellius- Beorc lean female, only Haar is a playable Beorc flier male, but Ashnard and Shiharam back him up though not playable. Elincia, Marcia, Jill, Tanith, and Sigrun outnumber them. Laguz fliers are mostly male- Tibarn, Janaff, Ulki, Naesala, Nealuchi, and Reyson; vs. Leanne and Vika. Awakening- Mostly female. Sumia, Cordelia, Cherche, Cynthia, and Aversa; vs. just Jerome. Fates- Mostly female. Beruka, Camilla, Hinoka, Scarlet, Reina, and Caeldori; vs. Subaki, Shigure, and Percy. Females are flight in FE. Only the Laguz Fliers see men outnumbering women, to the point we never see a female Hawk.
  16. Which isn't what IS is presently doing. Tibarn, Naesala, Reyson AND Leanne? Two Herons was too much, and they would've been better replacing one of them with Nealuchi or one of Ulki and Janaff (Nealuchi would've been more cohesively thematic if we kicked Reyson out), which would have maintained the full Flier Beast banner theme they were going for. Except not all men are chosen based on an appeal to womankind. Keaton was, but was Adrift Male Corrin chosen that way? Was Libra? Was Lugh (maybe he was actually, but due to innocent cuteness, not the sexy kind)? Was Rutger? Rutger if old polling data is anything to go by, would seem to me to appeal less to females, and more to shounen/badass-loving boys, to puerile fantasies. Meanwhile, for better or worse, females it seems fans here would conclude are chosen based on their appeal to mankind. Certainly not always or entirely, Idunn had to be partly chosen due to being the final boss of FE6 and the heart of Zephiel's dreams, although her injured art was done with appealing to lustful males in mind. And Sue to use another very recent character, has provided a third Bow Cav and a non-halfbreed Sacaean (I don't mean the stab at you seriously Lyn), which is a very distinctive culture within the FE multiverse. I wonder how much each character costs to make? VAing and art would comprise the bulk of expenditures per character I assume. Is the cost so high IS needs to make them limited in availability? -Though I'm a weirdo who'd have no probs if they dropped VAs if that was required to make nobody 3*s cost efficient. Special mention of SoV. Only Silque and Tatiana remain unincluded from the playable females (ignoring the Cipher quartet), with Rinea, Nuibaba and Sonya's sisters the only NPCs/enemies of note on the female side (Mila will be Mythic I assume). Ignoring Nuibaba and the Witches, we've 3 SoV females left to add. For males, we've: Forsyth, Python, Luthier, Mycen, Zeke, Valbar, Kamui, Jesse, Atlas, Nomah, and Conrad. 11 males. The next SoV banner could easily be the last, and that'd leave 8-9 men destined for oblivion. Blazing is also low on females. We've Fiora, Isadora, Farina, Louise, and Vaida on the playable side, plus Sonia and Limstella from the villains. 7 females. Men not included are: Lowen, FE7 Marcus, FE7 Bartre, Oswin, Guy, Erk, Kent, Sain, Wil, Dart, Rath, Heath, Wallace, Geitz, Pent, Harken, Nils, Renault, and Athos (who could be mythic). 19 males. A 2-1 or 3-1 male to female ratio could get everyone in, but would IS do that? For Sacred Stones, the females remaining are: Vanessa, Neimi, Natasha, Tethys, and Syrene, plus Selena Fluorspar (and maybe Ismaire (who has three seconds of screen-time). 6 females. On the male side, we've: Franz, Gilliam, Ross, Garcia, Colm, Artur, Forde, Kyle, Gerik, Dozla, Saleh, Ewan, Cormag, Rennac, Duessel, and Knoll (and maybe Fado with one second screen-time, and Hayden). (And Caellach, Glen, Riev, and Orson from the villains.) 16 males. Again a 2-1 or 3-1 m-f ratio would work here, but I'm not sure IS would go so low.
  17. Six banners in a row. Well, at least that is plenty o' free pulls. Although how is anyone who like all the banners going to get anything or everything they want? Oh wait, ?. Well at least Say Yes to the Dress 3 isn't until probably late May-early June. Hopefully before the Bride Seasonals they don't throw in some new Seasonal they came up with, or something like Fallen Heroes or Adrift. I want 2, ideally 3 sans-alts NHs in a row darn it! As a reminder, to copypaste this for those not into Coney Catastrophe, for the Bonds Skill Banner coming up on the 24th, our choices are (this was @Diovani Bressan's work BTW): Possible heroes for the Bond Skills Banner: Atk/Spd Bond: Kinshi Hinoka, Adrift F!Corrin, Selkie. Atk/Def Bond: Owain, Adrift M!Corrin. Atk/Res Bond: Adrift Camilla. The others Bond Skills are not in the Normal Summoning Pool. Also, do not forget the 26th gives us a Bartre and Fir Bound Hero Battle with an associated banner. While I'm sure very few here will be wanting of another copy of at least the daddy, there is a third unknown character. Who could be it? Well Uncle Karel would make sense, even if it isn't his FE6 self. But the missing mother, back when she was in her prime and not dead of illness, is the other strong possibility and a more tantalizing summon I think. Or it could be somebody less related.
  18. Nice term! I think I should definitely keep such a count from now on. I always feel guilty when I get through a turn I shouldn't have.
  19. Weird name for a TT of silly rabbits. Something like an Ike/Alm/Somebody/Someone would be suited for that. How exactly do bunnies defy gods? Angry God: "No having fun! You're supposed to be struggling through the netherworld right now!" Brunny: "No! Funtime-Buntime!" *Flops bunny ears furiously in Angry God's face.* Angry God: "-S-s-stop! The ears! Oh myself! The ears! So floppy! Too flop...py! Quit dangling them in front of me!" Velvetinica: "Now comes the cottontail!" Angry God: "I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE! Aw shucks. I hereby demand to be worshipped by hippity hop hopping around a carrot maypole! May I bless all who shall."
  20. A little off that Nintendo would trust a rhythm Zelda game to an indie, didn't Game Freak develop a rather decent game called HarmoKnight? -Though they probably have their hands full with forging the ultimate Sword and Shield right now. Entrusting another developer saves Nintendo's own resources for more lucrative projects than the rhythm niche. Plus I'm sure they've strong oversight, an indie developer I think would droll and kowtow for one of Nintendo's golden trinity of franchises to be made available to them, which means they best not fall short of the hand that giveth's standards. My logical musings aside, nice to see Zelda getting a good spin off. Despite its size and greatness, it doesn't have a whole lot. Although because if rhythm were soul I'd be dead, I'm not getting this game. And if the indie developer is a devoted group, then may this help their general fortunes. I also like seeing the return of Gleeok. The last time it showed up was when? Oracle of Seasons, or was that Phantom Hourglass twin dragon boss Gleeok? It's an original NES Zelda foe who, if a bit boring in concept- just a multi-headed dragon (better than Aquamentus- who is just an ordinary dragon)- is nonetheless part of old Zelda history. And those five Armos with guitars is clearly recalling the Eastern Palace boss of LttP, the first real one of the game (excluding the Ball & Chain Knight), another retro touch. Also, here is an article on why Zelda was chosen for NecroDancer.
  21. I'm aware of Albania, and I think Bosnia & Herzegovina as well, plus some Muslims in the other countries there- Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Kosovo (I forget if it is its own country), and Macedonia (I think I named them all). I only meant in as a nonwhite name in the Western popular perception.
  22. It's even worse with Awakening of course. Due to the level reset with class change. Why couldn't they like with unpromoted units set the second skill to 10 instead of 15? I get some 2nd promoted skills might be a little good for lvl 10 access- Trample and Replicate come to mind. And Fates is weird in that it's like the only game where I can feasibly see units hitting 20/20 sans grinding. But it'd significantly improve access to those high end skills if the level required to obtain them was dropped by five. And some 2nd promoted skills, like Awakening's Acrobatics, are just too weak yet neat to be so limited. If you're looking for a crazy combo, I conceived of "Crimson (Scarlet) Wrath", a build capable of reaching almost or exactly 100 crit and OHKOing everything: Requires grinding and Corrin's love as you see, but it looks fun.
  23. I know Muhammad and its various regional/linguistic spellings thereof is one of the, if not the most popular name on the planet. And that Muslims also use the name of "The Friend (of God)" Ibrahim (Abraham), and sometimes Isa (Jesus) even. Nonetheless, I'd consider the context behind FE4's use of the name. Why was it chosen? Many names FE chooses are based on mythology, albeit not so much for minor ugly bosses. FE also has ordinary names and "exotic" names (and I'd imagine that for Japan, a name as ordinary as "Eliot" in English would be exotic to them, see the Tina/Terra thing in Final Fantasy, or Pokemon with Jolteon and Zapdos being called the English words "Thunder" and "Thunders" in Japan). I'd think Muhammad was chosen because it sounds "exotic". And Japan has no more than a few thousand Muslims, without a nearby majority Muslim country, thus the name wouldn't be thorny there (which also makes the name exotic in the first place). Elsewhere? I think it'd have to be changed, since the "exotic" aspect would be overridden by a sense of inappropriateness to use the name so randomly, even if there was no malice at all behind it (much as there wasn't if Morzas = Moses).
  24. Or if it's a rooster, there is the more pretentious option, Vin. As in Coq Au Vin- fancy French food begun as the French peasantry's way of using up tough and chewy old birds- soak them liberally in wine. Generally calls for rooster, even if hens work and are more commonly used nowadays.
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