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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Weird, I'd expect Subaki to the the slowest Peg given game of origin and growths. Florina only makes sense if you pretend the Heavy Spear is actually killing her AS due to her measly 4 Con vs. a 14 Weight weapon. Hopefully they will toy with someone's statline in the future for something slower. We've still plenty o' Wyverns and Pegs they've yet to add.
  2. Having enjoyed when I was younger the two GBA OG SRW games, I wouldn't mind trying one of the old mainline ones now (I lack for a PS4, so no to anything recent). Sure I don't watch anime of any kind, but eh, I can adjust, it'll still be a soap opera in space. It wasn't like anyone in the OG duo was familiar to me either, or uncliched. So, which of the old SRWs is an enjoyable, fan translated, starting point? Having played the GBA titles, I know the general gameplay formula. I don't need the easiest around. And I am willing to consider something a little antiquated if it is still good. Being something of Alteisen & Steel Beowulf fan, how is Kyosuke's origin game? I got the impression Axel and Lamia come from a very unfun game concerning ally hit rates.
  3. This will actually get me to play this mode much more frequently, since having to play every half hour causes me to play every four hours instead, it backfires in how much it demands.
  4. I've noticed there are two translation patches on this forum for FE4, and while I should probably take at least a day off from playing FE after having just romped through FE3 and then FE6, I can't help myself and want to give Genealogy a spin! So which fan translation is the better one, the pinned Gharnef one, or the unpinned one whose TC is Bookofholsety? Also, I'm running OpenEmu, in case that renders one of the patches unviable.
  5. What I think they should've done is tried to mirror his "I make bosses much easier to fight early on" thing in FE6, since boss slaying is more Rutger's niche than anything else. Which FEH skills would best replicate this, I'm not sure. Although a Solo instead of a Bond would be one obvious change. So in other words, the first time they tried the typing, they horrifically scared themselves into never making it again? That was wholly preventable, and it was and is in their power to make sure no other Bow Cav will be like that. Why didn't they realize Brave Lyn only had to be incredible because she was a Brave? I'm hoping they'll starting giving us more of them then if they've realized this. And not all Bow Cavs have to be gamebreaking, as Rutger indicates, not all Sword Infantries they make are. Continuing thoughts on Sue, the Short Bow has nothing particularly "elemental" about it, right? No great gusts of winds, no Nagas encircling it? Does this mean that "requirement" for Colored Bows is now dead? Could it be wholly possible Shinon or Noire strolls onto the next NH a Blue Bow using just a Silencer or Hexed Bow? One other thought that I've yet to express, I do like they turned the Short Bow into a Wo Dao equivalent. For once, they're worth something, and the Wo Dao is also distinctly Sacaen, like the Short Bow. Just imagine if FE6's Short Bows had Wo Dao crit.
  6. Why does Sharena have to get all glummy? If you're undead, well you already got past the saddest thing of all and can enjoy eternity, if a little rotten in the flesh. Of course, in this particular context, she'd be doing the Danse Macabre to Hel's strings, but if she somehow broke free and remained undead, it wouldn't be a terribly terrible thing. Some flaws I can see, but it has its bright side.
  7. A little pity to Rutger it sounds like. Idunn on the other hand had to revert out of what was hoped would be a toning down with Duma, IS couldn't help themselves. Lugh being fairly good sounds great for me. This said, I JUST finished FE6 for the first time, plowing through 20x to Final in a day, so I'll get to summoning tomorrow. Lugh gloriously blessed, so I need to return the favor. Undaddy reminds me of some generic Risen profile pic from Awakening, can't be bothered to find it though.
  8. We don't know whether this is brainwashed Idunn or post-perfect ending Idunn, where she starts to regain her draconic humanity. If the latter, then that could be fairly creative. If the FB title means anything, then it'd be: Thea: I fight because I'm a mercenary, and my employer General Klein orders it (and I love him) Sue: I fight for my destroyed clan. Lugh: I fight to avenge my destroyed orphanage and protect the orphans who were relocated. Pre-ending Idunn: I FIGHT FOR LORD ZEPHIEL. I FIGHT FOR LORD ZEPHIEL'S DREAM! WAR DRAGONS POP OUT OF MY BODY. Post-ending Idunn: I fight for... I don't... know? What is... fighting?
  9. There is only one Naga. Any use of male pronouns is presently mistaken, barring maybe the FE3 Book 2 myth of Naga, where they are inaccurately depicted as a male warrior by humans. The Japanese I believe generally used gender neutral words describing her, which in English fan translators defaulted to changing to masculine words. Naga lived from the golden age of dragonkind through her sacrifice creating the Falchion of Archanea and Binding Shield. Before degeneration set in, she gave a Falchion to Mila and Duma and exiled them after a conflict with them over humanity. While fighting her degenerate brethren in Archanea and trying to save humanity there, she got word of Loptyr in Jugdral and instilled her essence in the Naga tome at the Miracle of Darna. After death, she canonically apparently rested somewhere, perhaps in the Alterspire in another dimension- we don't know for certain because her FE11 appearance has been deemed non-canon. She then partially resurrected to help Marth in his final battle against Medeus as Nagi. Old Mystery stated Medeus was able to resurrected because Earth Dragons have great life force, Naga being the greatest dragon of all it makes sense could do the same. Sometime after Marth saves the world, Naga fully resurrects as herself and then helps the First Exalt against Grima by reforging/attuning the Falchion (and maybe the Binding Shield) and giving them her blood, and then she sleeps again until Lucina and Chrom come to her.
  10. I ran some numbers last year on playables outside and FEH and gender ratios: Shadow Dragon: 14/59 = 23.7% female. Shadows of Valentia: 13/34 = 38.23% New Mystery of the Emblem: 24/78 = 30.77% Genealogy Gen 1: 9/24 = 37.5% Gen 2 (sans Subs and Finn) is 33.33%. Thracia 776: 17/52 = 32.69% Binding Blade (sans Trial Map characters): 19/54 = 35.19% Blazing Blade: 13/44 (counting N&N separately) = 29.55% Sacred Stones (sans Trial Map characters): 12/33 = 36.36% Radiant Dawn (sans BK, plus Largo): 25/73 = 34.24% Awakening (Excluding Einherjar, including both sexes of Robin and Morgan): 25/51 = 49.02% Fates in its entirety (counting the Corrin and Kana sexes separately): 34/69 = 49.28% Awakening and Fates achieved gender parity, partly I think due to the marriage mechanic. Everything else lacks it. Being usually at ~1/3rd the roster. As for FEH itself, I just finished counting everyone for you. I hope I got it right. Non-alts of any kind: Males 118 to Females 108 (47.79% Female). Alts of all kinds: Males 45 to Females 68 (39.82% Male). Added altogether, we get 339 units in FEH, of whom 51.92% are Female, and 48.08% Male. Edit: I did forget someone- Surtr, but only one more guy isn't going to make a huge difference, so I'm not going to recalculate. -Actually, I forgot Arvis, Ylgr and Ethlyn too. I'll just post my lists for others to check them over if they wish: Male non-alt: Female non-alt: Male alt: Female alt:
  11. Actually, I was just thinking of anyone who could be a Blue Breath Flier and is new and exciting. Everyone presently in who uses Breath sans Garon and Duma has at least one alt. She is one of the still-untapped Breath units, and I was imagining them using her like Noire or Charlotte. This said, Nowi herself still hasn't had a Breath-using alt, nor ATiki when I think about it, I guess they could use them. Lilith would also be a very good fit if you make Astral Breath Blue (Starlight being very bluey in animation means it'd make some sense), and she does have a humanoid form.
  12. Can't you use females for voicing prepubescent boys? I mean he is ~13, so pubescent, but that is only a number, he looks more prepubescent, his voice probably hasn't broken yet.
  13. I updated this again. Binding Blade has hit 30% of its roster being in. That is good news. I also added lists of what is in divided by weapon and movement type. Most "ordinary" unit types are somewhere in the teens in terms of numbers. Sword Infantry has 37 sans alts however, and 43 with alts factored in. Making it more than double that of any other category- blame FE's history of sword bias. Other comments are that amongst the Tomes, Color is fairly balanced, with Red having a minimal lead in Infantry, while Blue has a slight edge in Cavalry. Green is the least repped Tome color in these two movement types. Lance Armor is surprisingly of only three canonical members so far and has fewer total units than Axes, despite Lances and Armor Knights going together 80% of the time. I'd pin it on who Armor Knights typically are- unpopular characters. Dagger Cavalry and Armor should get more Seasonals, and Red and Blue Daggers need to be more widespread. As do Colored Bows. Breath Color distribution is fairly even, but Blue Breath Flier does not exist yet. Another Nowi alt? Seasonal Nah? Mila? Naga?
  14. Although we have three Legendary Sword Infantry (thanks Roy), and Masked Marth, they haven't done a single Seasonal Sword Infantry yet either. For the better of course.
  15. I'd add a timer to this though, just to make sure nobody takes too long. And of course, an AI failsafe if the connection is lost.
  16. I'd rather they not do a third pure Beast banner, two is enough. I'd rather they blur Laguz and Beorc together. Ranulf is known for being friendly with just about everyone, and Lethe with Jill would make good sense, or Shinon with Janaff. I'd also like some less popular Beorc to come in on the coattails of "exotic" Beasts. But given how FEH has operated so far, they don't care to blend the popular and less popular together. Wonder what the next calendar is going to show? I'm expecting a Seasonal, yet I'd want another New Heroes. But when was the last time there were 3 NHs in a row? And BTW, Rutger is if my counting is right, our 43rd Sword Infantry. Thea is only our 14th Lance Flier.
  17. I never really noticed the last line, that one is rather good too. It's something you couldn't say out loud normally, and adds an unexpected bit of egotism to Volug. In the Part 4 Base Conversation with Volug, you also have this snippet: Volug: (Here, I want you to have this. Um, here… Take.)Ike: Oh, I understand. Thanks.Volug: (It’s about time!)Ike: I think I understood that. You were happy that I understood what you just said.Volug: (I guess you could say that.) A little humor here, since Ike misunderstood exactly what Volug meant. Less "happy" and more "no longer exasperated". But I think this is it for hidden Volug oddities. Since people aren't exactly fond of Lugh's artstyle, I just felt like posting Yuji Himukai's Etrian Odyssey work for comparison, only for the magical offense classes though: Lugh and Raigh seem closer to the older (higher up here) artwork on this listing. And they have a higher amount of polish/gloss layered atop them, and less definition, I think. Perhaps they'd be more liked if they were toned down. Raigh might be more popular if they aged him to 40 and made him a recolor of the 2nd Male Necromancer.
  18. And Sue is on here, so he'd have another Sacaen to converse with. In FE6, his Sacae supporter was Dayan.
  19. Cursed Lance is already taken, and Blessed Lance too (right?- either way it sounds holy when the blessing is evil). The spear gets the boosts Vaida is supposed to be getting in lore from Nergal, but I'm not sure of a good adjective for it though. "Quintessence Spear"? Since Nergal's powers involve a lot of Quintessence manipulation. They could give her Veteran Ranged Mount BST and she'd still be good with it if they copied its original boosts. +17 HP, +5 Atk, +9 Spd, +4 Def, +14 Res, and Distant Counter. To be fair, Archanea were the first and third games, before there was any premise of "popularity". FE4 Gen 1 excludes old people because love, FE4 Gen 2 looks younger even if the kids should be around their parents' ages or just a little younger on the whole- Finn, Oifey, and Hannibal are the non-kid exceptions. FE5 has plenty of oldies, and FE6 has some really young crew members, but also oldies, in particular as you point out, the only old woman in Niime. You'd probably be right to pin Tellius as where "old" people start to disappear, although Caineghis still sorta qualifies I think, he gave off the impression of being based on the "good old king" trope. This said, there is a difference between whiteheads- the really old, and "mature-but-not-whitehead" adults. I'd love for FEH to add an Ancient Tongue font, but if they didn't do that for Leanne, Volug ain't getting it. This said, he does utter a single line in the modern tongue in RD: Volug: …I will… I…will try. So just fill his dialogue with ellipses and leave it sparse on the whole to indicate he is new to the language. Volug's support dialogue (parentheses indicate it is displayed in the Ancient Tongue in game): C support – addressing Type 1: (…Hey. You ever wonder what would happen if I just ate everyone we fought? Would the rest keep fighting?) C support – addressed Type 1: (Oh, hello. I don’t know why I’m speaking. I’m sure you can’t understand me anyway.) B support – addressing Type 1: (Do you want to join forces? I promise I’ll talk occasionally.) B support – addressed Type 1: (All right. I don’t care.) A support – addressing Type 1: (I’ll never let anything happen to you.) A support – addressed Type 1: (You know how hard it is to be this charming when you never say anything? You should try it. It’s hard.)
  20. They're twins, they're supposed to look the same. Although in FE6, there is a clear difference regarding their facial expressions: One brother is sweet, the other tries on the surface to be intimidating and uncaring.
  21. Still have my Alfonse at level 1, tried with someone's GHB to complete the quest requiring you field him. It was frustrating, but kinda fun being down a unit and continually having to shuffle them and others around in accordance with reinforcements just to survive the map. I'm going to try to stay optimistic. Even if there is plenty of disinterest here.
  22. So I just read an article saying that the UK has a knifing crisis right now. https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/05/uk/uk-knife-crime-graphics-gbr-intl/index.html A tragedy, but better knives than guns though. Not sure from the article if these can be called hate crimes, minorities adding up to 43% of London's population and 50% of the crimes being against minorities looks a little too close to consider them singled out.
  23. Agreed, the reception seems quite weak. Although having another "strong" character in Melady or Dieck or Echidna or Perceval (or Igrene), as opposed to a shota, tribe girl, a brainwashed girl, and a typical Pegasus Knight, plus the edgy Rutger, might have made things better. This is a soft drink in need of some hard liquor. On the bright side, this clears room for a more appealing followup FE6 banner.
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