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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I know this is distracting from the main topic at hand, but I think Ike's first is the real filler. Micaiah's is the first battle of Part 4 and serves as an introduction to your new enemy, Ike's is a redundant introduction to the same enemies with a Kurthnaga chat that isn't so needed either. And Micaiah could've had him in her group since she met him back in Part 1.
  2. How sorrowful this is. I've been trying to think up a couple characters, but can't quite put anything together at the moment.
  3. Actually, while I think Naga would be Light, making her Astra, using your logic for Ashera, works as a distant second place. Naga is a Divine Dragon. Divine = Light, and forms a contrast with Medeus, who is a Shadow Dragon, and Shadow = Dark. However, Divine can also mean "something heavenly", and the biggest enemy of the Divine Dragons in the degeneration conflict was the Earth Dragons. "Heaven and Earth" is another, different duality. I like how through the ambiguity of the word Divine and the stacking of two dragon titles on Medeus- Shadow and Earth, IS was able to place two dualities in one thing. I hesitate to think Idunn might be the next Mythic. Since Legendaries/Mythics only come at the end of a month, by which time the Binding Blade banner would have expired. And while I think the next banner after Binding Blade is yet another Spring Special, if by some chance it was a New Heroes, Idunn might be incongruent with it.
  4. Liza is best, she didn't die presumably in childbirth, she lived until a Mage Dragon sneezed on her. Deidre looks very Classically idealized, which is in a way misogynist, but it isn't always bad. She looks like the purest virgin, the most devoted wife, the most caring of mothers. A goddess. *Prepares my airship armada*- I WILL FIGHT YOU ON ROY! His second parent is Marcus- he really tried to find a wife for Eliwood. Eleanora lives, has a snippet of personality, looks fairly nice, and is apparently a Bishop with Anima Magic. Ephraim and Eirika have no known mother I believe, they never speak of her. Their parents are probably just themselves due to timespace shenanigans. Elena has official artwork, which is more than some others here have. Emmeryn, I don't exactly love her. But she doesn't totally fall as a motherly figure to her little siblings. You forgot Lucina's mother- Xane disguised as a Maiden. He does this every so often to keep the Brand alive in the Exalted line. Dragon blood potency declines over time otherwise. Yeah... this is a weak lot. Mothers aren't exactly well done in FE. Although isn't Eyvel also something of a mother figure to Leif? And Titania her half-successor certainly is to Ike and Mist.
  5. The point of Sanaki going with Micaiah is to make her feel insecure and then have her confront those insecurities. If they had added even one more battle to Part 4, they could have had Micaiah and Sanaki have that talk Sanaki wanted, but couldn't bring herself to have due to her lack of confidence. It would've helped Micaiah as well with her Epilogue revelation's reveal, which lacked the time it needed. To be precise: Makes me wonder if upon recapturing Yumina, Lang would have been told "none of your pedophilia/rapist stuff with her, hand her over to this dark robed dude". Partly I wish he just killed her were she to be captured and not escape, since besides trauma he'd inflict on her, it'd mean we'd have to bring Jubelo to the final battle. Well if look at who we have in Archanea using magic: Wrys- humble old man. Wendell- old man with status in Khadein. Boah- old man of Pales's court. Merric- Altean noble. Linde- daughter of Gotoh's nicer apprentice who spent much time in Pales. Frost- old man of a family. Gotoh- really old Manakete man. Malicia- commoner trained by Lena, with an unhealthy Marth liking why? and later becomes who-knows-what. Jubelo- royalty. Yumina- royalty. Maria- royalty. Nyna- royalty. Elice- royalty. Lena- nobility so worthy Michalis considered wedding her. Arlen- origins unknown. Given he thinks Merric might have gotten Excalibur from Wendell due to being an Altean noble, he probably himself came from lesser origins. Etzel- origins unknown. Katarina- assassin. We don't know how Wendell and Miloah began their lives, nor Boah. Beyond them, if we look only at characters pre-Archanea Chronicles, Malicia, Arlen, Wrys are the only three without any current or prior known high societal status. Not to say non-noble mages and healers largely don't exist. From Wrys, I'd expect a Curate to be present in most villages, and Clerics to also be somewhat plentiful if families choose to send daughters to a convent. Mages I do think would be very rare outside of nobility/royalty though. Clerics and Curates heal people, which is always needed even in peacetime. It is possible to be a scholar without using magic Tomes, which are useful only in war. Staffs are a necessity, Tomes are a luxury.
  6. Actually, it's a Rout, so you have to kill her. It looks like a Defend, but nope, it's a Rout. Catalena might have been better off actually had she and Yuma, the boss of Micaiah's first Part 4, battle swapped places. Since Catalena being a Falcoknight would've had to have been in the Holy Guard, and therefore Sanaki would have been acquainted with her personally. Tanith and Sigrun too of course. It'd make for some good pre-battle chatter and boss convos. Although Ike's deadpan response when fighting her with him is kinda funny as is.
  7. Introduction: At long last I successfully emulated something, and it was Mystery of the Emblem, what I imagine was the A Link to the Past or Final Fantasy IV of FE (FE4 I guess is VI and 5 to finish the metaphor would be V). Obviously, one has to tempt one's expectations for such an antiquated game. Things weren't as fine tuned as they could be or would become in the gameplay department. And graphically, I know the Super Famicom/SNES could do more than these primitive maps visually speaking, but the battle animations were good and with some neat detailing. I didn't miss the Weapon Triangle, and unremovable weapon weight didn't bother me too much. Same-turn reinforcements did bother me of course, since it forced me to look up where they might spawn (I played without using save states). But I found some of the game's quirks, like dismounting and deflated stats, quite likable. Book 1 Comments: Book 2: Final Remarks: The War of Shadows has its uses in this game, as a non-uncommon (see the Dragon Quest games) SNES remake of an NES game, as tutorial, the first half of Marth’s story, and just as more content. But the War of Heroes is where IS poured all their love and I think it shows. The WoS seems in a way something they felt they were forced to do, but beyond gameplay changes, it received very few, too few, improvements to its narrative. Makes the WoS sorta pitiful actually, since it’s the victim of two soulless remakes now, while New Mystery it seems from afar actually (beyond any Kris criticisms) to have been made with more devotion and effort. Of course, Mystery being two games in one and memory space being an actual problem on in the 16-bit era, I can understand partly why they had to limit the WoS so. My final conclusion? Despite its datedness in many ways, I like Mystery of the Emblem. More so Book 2. Would I play it again? Maybe not, at least not right now. I managed to clear both Books in just 8 days, and need a break. But I enjoyed it. P.S.: On Dragons: the Great and the Glut: And that is all! I'm open to hearing what others have to say.
  8. Given FEH's Draconic Special line is weaker versions of Jugdrali criticals, I think they'd have reason to keep it traditional. And SoV had a lot more funky stuff carried over, if not everything of it (Falcoknights were nerfed to think of something). And to speak of FEH, I'd be fine if a game featured both kinds of Crits, just brand the Jugdrali kind something else, like a "Power Strike". Which of the two a character has would depend on class, or perhaps their weapon type or specific weapon being wielded.
  9. Since I've been playing Mystery, yes, Double Atk crits are Jugdral only. Why did they make this temporary change? Not sure. Although I would approve of a crit potency nerf, just give certain characters a skill that increases the crit multiplier for those who are supposed to be particularly crit deadly. They've already experimented with this in Fates where they made Killer weapons 4x instead of 3x.
  10. *Has you physically implants into a Starsphere and implants some fragments from other ones. Followed by a cocktail of thirteen dragon bloods, and then puts Afa's Drops in the eyes. Then wraps you in clothes made of Metis's Tome, a Blossom scroll and the Crusader Scrolls. Slips an 8-bit Angel Ring on your finger, gives you a pixelated Mercurius. And lastly sends you to work on a farm thus class changing you to Villager.* There, your growths problem is fixed. I find visiting here more fun than actually playing FEH, but I still do a little on a daily basis. Also, on the topic of Nintendo gatchas, apparently that Dragalia Lost game has surpassed Super Mario Run in revenue, it's up to $75 million now, still a very distant second to FEH though, at $500 million.
  11. I managed to make emulation work for me in the past week and have been binging on Mystery of the Emblem, it's been the only game I've been playing save FEH logging-in. I tackled chapters 6-10 of Book 2 yesterday maybe? Plan to shoot through Anri's Way by tonight. After this, I'll be done just in time for the FE6 banner in FEH to begin Archanea Reborn: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. After that, I'll go for Genealogy. And then New Mystery. And then maybe NES FE1 and Gaiden. Thracia is being skipped until we get a complete and better translation. 3H will come eventually of course, and maybe some themed runs in the meantime.
  12. Oh please not that! A dank monster/wronged woman's dungeon is not the appropriate vibe for this site. Ignoring my preference for Tellius for a moment, I like the choice of Serenes Forest partly for chosen backdrop of the site. And I also like the connotations of it when you think about what the Telliusian Forest was and ended up being (just set aside the Massacre). Serenes is luminous, the greenery is open and calming, and the Herons are peaceful and very intelligent creatures, at RD's end, it becomes the abode of all the Bird Tribe Laguz. Such is befitting the main section with all the information it possesses for most games in the franchise. And such is befitting the forums, where peace amid many differing opinions is generally maintained despite some flare ups, the worst of which our resident Tibarns (mods) break up by punching some sense into the aggressors as a warning to others.
  13. Soren is first choice, then I guess Innes, then I could go any way really.
  14. The free summon on the Fates beasties gave a Clair. The tickets gave: Cherche, Mae, Frederick, and Direhardt. I opted for Red on the Blazing Light banner in slims hopes of Leif, got just a 3* Eirika. For the quasi-democratic summon, Legendary Lyn, thanks for the Wind Blessing, but otherwise you're a manual. For Tactician MKL I wanted Green, there were none, so I went Red, just a 3* Lilina. For Tactician CIJS I considered wanting Colorless, since I don't have a 5* Bow at the moment and haven't actually trained any Bow users, but I didn't have any. I'm slightly tempted to continue trying for Innes, but I'm not sure if I like his character enough to begin depleting my 500 for him. I think even though I likely won't have another shot for a while, to just skip him entirely and continue saving for something else. So in the absence of Colorless, I went Green hoping for a better Soren than my current lacking two. Got a 5* Cecilia, sadly -Atk +Res. I might use her, but it'll be a few more days before I start playing Binding Blade for the first time. And actually, Cecilia is my fourth free summon Green: Hector, Myrrh, Nino, and now her. (And a spare Nailah came on a ticket for my only free Blue, I haven't had any free Red or Colorless yet.)
  15. I'm probably tone deaf, so I'd probably fail. Not to mention the mind can play tricks on itself. This reminds me of the final piano puzzle in Eternal Sonata, unlike the prior ones where you saw the key that was played being highlighted, the last one had you have to go on sound memorization alone. (And the secret is that the puzzle is a new part plus both of the prior puzzles' sequences. This I failed to understand.) Judging from some commentary here, I think some players have already deemed the FEH team totals morons. Albeit not necessarily in this sense. As for the sound effect, it'd probably be a voice clip in the game already, the laugh or one liner of somebody with a mocking tone. I'd wish for a foghorn, but that probably won't happen ever.
  16. Agreed. Power and wealth do corrupt, and detach from the lives of ordinary people, and the perspectives of yesteryear can and are in many cases outdated, but I don't think all nobility was evil. It's more the bad ones interest us in the modern day, and we're for good reason taught to spurn strictly hereditary authority and power. Likewise, not all building projects, say great houses of worship, were made solely to showcase royal/noble prestige and authority, certainly some of it had to derive from a sincere faith in their religion. Hector might be most realistic in the sense that isn't quite so rosily idealistic, he has edges, which people often do, without those edges being extreme. Eliwood and Marth and the ilk seem too goody good. Saints do exist IRL, but if "realistic" means a higher degree of commonality, perhaps Hector is closer to being more common than the Marthian lord?
  17. Impossible on Lunatic and above I say. Not really. I just can't be bothered to use more than a minimum of brainpower with this game. If I get a GO on any difficulty, I just give up trying. That I am massively behind compared to everyone else in terms of resources and will remain so just makes me further pessimistic. I'll only exert effort if there is a character I want as the GHB and thus desire a 4* copy. Not to say I normally play FE this way, since I am nearly done with FE3 Book 1 for the first time, and I've definitely been thinking there. And with this post made, on to vs. Gharnef, where the only braindead thing I'll be doing is figuring out which is the real one (someone didn't think that through).
  18. But we need a Baby Marth! And Green Steel Lyn! Together We Ride takes on a whole new meaning. If there is such a thing as an Open World Strategy RPG, I'd like Nintendo to give it a try. A new, beautiful world works for me, or revisiting an old continent (ideally all of them) works too. Sure FE's scenery is never really that fantastical, but they could try to flesh the continents out. I want to be able to roam forests like Gallia's, climb mountains like Silesse's, pass through the deserts like Nabata, sail on seas as integral as Archanea's, and then when I'm in the mood, go raid a place dangerous like Darkling Woods, or go and gamble some coin at the nearest city's Arena. Thanks to SoV's dungeon segments, I think this would be possible, although I'd opt for fewer but more strategic battles per dungeon (the overworld is a separate case). Perhaps with the ability to sneak around and explore to do stuff to weaken some fights. For instance, I'm exploring the ruins of a temple now covered in vines, and I see a room filled with nasty foes, but then I see an offshoot path that brings me to a spot where I can clearly see a pillar. This pillar bears big visible cracks, with a little force it could be made to collapse, and happens to be right above some enemy mages with deadly Bolganone. I could shoot the pillar from afar, causing it to fall onto the mages, and thus when I choose to fight the battle in the main room, they'll be dead and my fight will be easier. I could also park several of my units at the proper entrance to the room and then order them to immediately engage, while others later ambush the enemy by leaping into the fray from the side path. For the customizable main character, I'd opt for either a mercenary, or someone from a world traveling, Roma-like people. Outcasts found everywhere, they seek to survive and must engage themselves with the dominant societies they find themselves stuck within, despite whatever tensions arise.
  19. Doesn't that have something to do with Sigurd harboring Shannan for all that time? (I also like to headcanon Byron being liked as an honorable adversary (unlike Lombard and Reptor) by Mariccle to fanfict up the Issach Campaign.) Beyond this, I cannot think of details why Seliph might have had it better. Maybe Gen 2 Genealogy is just supposed to have an overall happier tone than Thracia 776 and thus skim past any suffering for Seliph? Perhaps the Dozelian imperial hand was weaker than the Freegian? Perhaps Issach was more politically unified and thus united stronger behind Shannan in resistance? Leif was only the Prince of Leonster, not the entire country, even if Leonster was the leading kingdom in the Manster District, and he lacks a Brand as well, maybe that further weakened his popular and now-defeated elite support.
  20. You're just adding the Demon Dragonstone's bonuses to her current stats? I don't think that'd be how it works. She is already shifted when you fight her, and enemy Dragons in FE don't usually have a stone equipped when you fight them and their shifted form counts as a separate state from their shifted form. Shadow Dragon Medeus uses Dark Breath, not a stone, and the FE7 Fire Dragon uses "Flametongue", which is its breath I believe. FE1/SD Medeus is an exception I admit. But despite being the penultimate boss, Jahn has significantly lower stats than Idunn sans the Firestone, not entirely because he isn't the last boss, but because he is unshifted unless in battle, unlike Idunn in the final game. To put it more clearly, I'd think her stats would be significantly lower to reflect the fact she is unshifted and thus not in true dragon form when not engaged in battle, if she used the Demon Dragonstone instead of Dark Breath.
  21. Despite not having played the game (which can now happen since I've learned the arts of emulation and just liberated Castle Altea in FE3 Book 1), I did read the script here on SF a few times and noticed this before. I can't find the exact post where I mentioned this though- or at least I think I recall making a post mentioning this (is it possible to search one's posting history?). It certainly is an interesting situation though. I don't think any lord has had this before. Micaiah is only semi-Camus, which is itself an interesting situation. And in this case, I think Kaga failing worked out for the better. Not to say having a stumbling fool as a main character is a bad idea, but putting a lord in an impossible situation, as opposed to always triumphing can be just as good. And as I pointed out before, Manfroy wanted war between Agustria and Grannvale and told Chagall to go for it. He controlled Chagall, he controlled a trio of Dukes in Grannvale while killing off the capable Prince, a fourth Duke, forcing the fifth to flee for his life, and the sixth wasn't home at the time and probably powerless I guess. In other words, Grannvale couldn't even if the enfeebled Azmur or Kurth wanted no war, stop it, since Manfroy is the puppet master of all and will get what he wants. And he wants a continental Loptyr Empire. Sigurd just so happened to be the agent.
  22. Anna alone in the main story. Noncanon/unimportant DLC can include everyone from Alec to Zeke.
  23. People play that territory mode more than once a day? It was boring in the first round so I just autobattled maybe five times total. And thank everyone else for those Feathers. I think I was first round Ike, but can't remember anything else. I get that it is, I was just expressing a preference for the ph version, at least for distinguished people. And let me guess, Garon is supposed to be pronounced like Garonne?
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