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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Valentia Accordion. Valentian Revelations "Chapters" 24 and 25. The full Accordion can be found scanned and translated here. Chapter 24 Despite being scarred by battle, Duma’s rage had not subsided and he desired revenge against the dragons’ ruler. [Naga] Chapter 25 Duma ordered his people to erect an oppressive tower atop a mountain facing the land beyond, to which Mila approved. Although given many other big and little inaccuracies IS makes, perhaps they don't get how the optics of optics work. Or is the planet of Archanea and Valentia less curved than Earth? Would that help? Awakening wasn't so bad at first, but things like the Outrealms seem in retrospect to have been a bad move. Having entire continents not interact was feasible, since for most of human history the Americas and the rest remained apart from each other.
  2. Well there is still some argument on the topic amongst scholars. Even if Yersinia Pestis is commonly accepted as the usual culprit, often in the three forms of bubonic, pneumonic, and venereal septicemic. (The exact book I'm presently reading FYI is An Environmental History of Medieval Europe by Richard C. Hoffman. Not bad, I wish I could visualize things more, but I do like the information offered. Although I'm afraid the only thing that will endure long in the mind is the parable of the self-castrating beaver (not scientifically accurate just to say that).) I wish! This is something FE, and a lot of games claiming a "medieval" setting forget about (and maybe the absence of widespread literacy). Off the top of my head, the only mentioned disease calamities I'm aware of in FE is one in Tellius, and no I don't mean Influaguenardpactariaprosy fever. PoR Chapter 18 has a base conversation where Tanith mentions a plague twenty-one years ago that apparently struck Begnion and nearly obliterated Serenes just before the Massacre, so you see- the Massacre wasn't so bad, people kill people, but diseases kill more. Of course, this exists I perhaps solely to apply a little concealer so as to misdiagnose Influaguenardpactariaprosy fever as something else. And no, I'm not counting the family disease that killed Hector's parents and brother as an epidemic. That is just in the family. I'd like an FE game to actually have a perfectly natural disease without some magic cureall raging rampantly somewhere, ideally amongst the heroes' forces. Faced with a foe they cannot possibly fight as they would a physical enemy, how would they react? What if it became an epidemic due to being entrenched against X enemy at a given location? Said location is valuable strategically however- do the heroes abandon it to cap the epidemic's growth? Or do they stay where they are because they must fight the physical enemy here and now no matter how many they lose to disease? -Nope, FE ain't doing this, ever. Although if 3H had an epidemic, I'd expect it to "mono" aka mononucleosis aka the "kissing disease", darned kids need to stop makin' out! A little reminder, the BK used Ragnell before throwing it to Greil. Only then did he draw Alondite. And I was going to edit in Ike's exact lines to Ashera, but again I couldn't edit my posts. I'm going to put them here since I happen to like them actually. Sorry Freddy, Ike did one better than "Pick a god and pray." And Micaiah, why not trust in oneself here? You're not helping the "Ike gets cockstroked by everyone" perception here. The last line here really drives home the difference between Ike and any other lord. All other lords have some element of being royalty to them and are bound, even Hector and Ephraim, to their royal duties. Ike has no such ties, he isn't concerned with kingship at all. He is a mercenary whose sole purpose is to fight, although he does have familial and amicable bonds he values, they aren't the same as royal obligations (see Part 2 for how they can diverge). And for FE, I'd actually argue that for Part 3, Ike is rather inconsequential. If you had the GMs helping the Laguz Alliance in Part 3 but Ike ran off to pursue the BK, so as long as Soren remained open to helping the LA, not much would really change. Sure it'd lack the Ike-Ranulf bromance, but nothing of substance would be lost until maybe the end of 3-10. Ike assists, but doesn't drive P3's plot, that is pretty much everyone else who appears prominently in the Part's plot who does. And yet Awakening had Panne, Flavia and Basilio and the purplish Gangrel (which is still a nonwhite skin tone). And yet Fates had Rinkah and Niles. And yet Xenoblade Chronicles X let you pick white, tan, black, or pink or whatever else you liked. And yet the international version of the junk known as Pokemon: Battle Revolution back on the Wii had three skin tones and even modded enemy trainers to have the darker skin tones. FE really needs to get with adding them. This is just another color option. It isn't like we're asking for something pettier such as being able to adjust eyebrow spacing.
  3. Well the first game only had Fire, Water, Wind and Earth as elements outside of neutral, there was no room for Light, Dark, and Love. So they could just spin these other three elements into a dragon trinity apart from the classical elemental quartet. Honestly, I want a intraseries crossover along the lines of Super Robot Taisen: Original Generations. This said, I've a terrible record of not finishing any RF outside of the original and Frontier, so I think despite owing every title but 4, I'll skip on 4. Maybe I'd get it on sale, and maybe 5 could reinvigorate me. I just wish the action RPG gameplay was a bit deeper, for from what I recall of 3 and ToD, it is shallow.
  4. I can't edit my above post, so sorry for the double. That has nothing to do with Ragnell. There is no real reason for it, other than Ike being really really strong, probably the strongest there is (and even if say Caineghis is stronger, he isn't forced into the final battle, Ike is), and Ike is really determined to kill Ashera. Also, Ashera and Yune are stated in 4-F-3 in the Extended Script that they can't harm each other directly. They needed proxies to funnel their power through, and Ike is Yune's proxy, although I guess anyone else could've worked if they were strong enough. Micaiah for instance. (In RD's remake in 2035, I call for a new final blow cutscene where Ike and Micaiah perform a modified version of Shinra Bansho.) Ike has to equip Ragnell only because Yune thinks he has a real affinity for the weapon, that it is his ideal weapon. That is it.
  5. I'm staying away from the FE3H board like the leprosy, mal aria, the English Sweats, and whatever pathogen(s) the Black Death was (what? I read a chapter on medieval diseases). Nonetheless, I couldn't help but click on this topic just to see what the spirit of the OP was. Fairly good @NekoKnight. I am going to add that not having an avatar does not mean player immersion does not exist, as Alm above indicated. For someone inoffensive like Marth or Seliph or Roy, I can envision the player, if not admitting to it consciously, unconsciously becoming them to a degree. Isn't the reason the mild and kind personality is chosen in the first place is because it is an attempt to make the main character relatable to the player? And furthermore, although Marth in narrative is supposed to be saying "Ogma go there, Wrys heal Ogma, Caeda flirt with Roger and then kill the boss, Lena, warp me!", you are actually the person making all these decisions in gameplay, since this is a game and you are the player. Therefore, any praise that goes to Marth you may indirectly take happily as praise for yourself. Where this fails is with Supports. Here the player and the lord are certainly two different people, whereas Robin's supports are supposed to be closer to treating you as the player as Robin. And of course, more boisterous lords may not be so immersible to the player, but then again, depending on the player in question, they might be more so. A gentle kiddo might immerse with Marth or Roy or Eirika, but not with Hector, who along with Ephraim and Ike would be immersible for some shonen lover, while Marth would not. And then I guess this begs the question whether there is such a thing as a perfectly immersible MC, silent/self-insert or not. The obvious answer is absolutely perfect immersi-bility does not exist, but close to perfect? That is the question.
  6. Once more and always, thank ya Kirokan! I've become a bit of junkie for translation issues thanks in part to you. For instance on the Heroes board, I asked Ice Dragon about the Sacred Twins, and it seems there were slight issues with them. Namely the titles weren't always capitalized, which can in English make it not so apparent that the weapons even have titles. And Gleipnir underwent something of a title change, or twist at least, altogether. Besides Audhumla being canonically misspelled to this day. https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/86222-choose-your-legends-3/&page=83&tab=comments#comment-5389475 They also pointed out elsewhere to me the sorta neat thing Japanese can do with furigana, or at least "sorta neat" as I someone who doesn't speak Japanese sees it. Making in Japanese what in English is the title of a legendary weapon its name, while pronouncing the name in Japanese as its mythological reference which is its English name. Japanese can consolidate the title and name into one thing. To actually get to your translation work this time. I recall the C and B supports of HectorxEliwood quite well, and provided my brain isn't playing tricks on me, I recall young Erik being a courtesan and the H & E's meeting at a gathering of the Lycian lords. But I somehow totally forgot that weird hand-cutting thing which you dealt with here. Sounds partly from the context like it might not have actually been a real tradition, and more something boys speculating on what manhood was were either made up themselves because it sounded tough, or were lied to about by some adults wanting to amuse the kids. The nuance lost from the Japanese, Erik wanting to curry favor with Ostia and not understanding Hector, is somewhat relevant given what later happens in FE7. I also liked seeing, though it isn't in the least surprising, that you said Hector uses "ore", just to know how he describes himself in the original language of the game. And I do think this conversation is possibly a flashback which could be so much clearer if IS had the money for CGs for certain supports. An image of Hector and Eliwood as kids shaking hands with a little blood dripping from say their thumbs, with young Erik off to the side shocked and envious, would absolutely clarify things. Again, thank you Kirokan!
  7. Darned, how I'd miss that? The ending was the same place they put SoV's rendition. Still, not exactly prominent, and it gives me reason to listen again to the old NES soundtrack, surprisingly kinda good, despite the NES FEs not aging so well in gameplay. Though why didn't they invent a new Fire Emblem? I think Kaga planned in this very early phase of FE's history to have the Gradivus and Falchion appear in all future games, why not the Fire Emblem? And while technically, the Thracia 776 excuse works here, Thracia is single peninsula of a large continent, not like Valentia, which is an entire continent unto itself with a human history apart from Archanea's. Although @Jotari I think suggested that Valentia might not have been planned as a continent at first, more an island (in other words, it was much smaller), and Awakening messed things up. Nice info, still haven't trained up an Infantry Axe to 5*, and with a meh natured Raven presently, whenever Linus gets reran, I'll just use him instead unless I've a better Raven by then.
  8. I can use Double Edge and not take recoil because of my shaggy locks, don't you love me for that?
  9. Not to mention they don't let you equip weapons to the remaining three (or was it two?) slots in this demo, that'd be even more buttons. As for the size of the hub, this was just a demo, they probably didn't want to bother inserting a fuller version of the hub they've made. It would be very lacking if a single room with a few uninteractable NPCs was it. Actually there are health indicators on enemies. It just takes the form of a number, as it goes down, the enemy weakens. A bar would be better though. And I'm pretty sure the Horizon Arsenal hit 0 many times and then regained health before dying. Or rather, I depleted a segment of it and then that unlocks the next health segment, making it look like they got healed when they didn't. I wish I could see how many chunks the enemy had though, actual health bars would be nice and much more easily seen, just include an option to turn them off if they looked cumbersome. I've played through the demo, lost once to in the 3rd order. Those enemy manned Horizon arsenals are relentless, the first time I guess I aggroed both of them to go after me and I died after desperately falling just short of a heal unit. Second time around I only got tagged by one and even then had an NPC help out part of the time. Destroying the one forced the other to flee. Anyone know if there is a full-sized map I can access from the pause menu? I couldn't find additional heal units just buzzing around the giant Immortal in the 4th order. Still didn't die despite being sub-30% for a good while. I bumped into the Outer Suit modification room after the 4th Order, kinda neat how it actually radically can modify your body, emphasizes the "ex machina" part of things. Although I do wish they let you turn those cosmetically off and on if you've learned the relevant skill. Having a skill tree where you can only pick one from each level with restrictions on where to next sounds fine to me by the way. I'm not used to this kind of game, but I like it. I'd take the gamble with the full version.
  10. He is decent in the long run, and Brave Bow (unless you have Heather steal it off some DB weakling in 3-7) and the Lughnasdh are good. But does the DB really need more ranged units other than Micaiah? I find myself asking for more facetanks during most of the DB's game. Although I do admit that once promoted, he can effectively facetank 3-6 and 3-13 probably via Beastfoe + Bowgun, if he can survive a round of combat against the beasts, I'm not sure, but I don't think they'll attack him. And not being attacked works for facetanking in a chokepoint environment where you aren't playing for turns. Though I don't get how IS thought making his highest growths Skl/Lck/HP/Res was a good idea. Micaiah's speed growth, albeit with 2 more at the same level, was not a good idea. At least they kept the Res cap low for Archer, and gave Marksmen a 34 cap. So he has the weird thing of not being totally redundant with Shinon/Astrid/Rolf since Lugh lets him Aura double anyhow.
  11. Yum! My apologies for referencing a commercial. Every school needs a summer vacation! -Or maybe not depending on what part of the world you live in, but every school on the globe has to offer at least some time off. And if not, hookie for a week! Or it could be a school-funded trip/vacation! Like the classic high school of mine where everyone goes to Disney. I believe the game The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 3 does something like this. The MC Rean started as a student in CS 1&2, and just a couple years later becomes the teacher to a new special crop of students. Random question: As the game goes on, without a mass demotion, are Feathers becoming less valuable? Since if the 5* pool is whether the majority of new units are added to, it means there are relatively fewer units to promote to reach their full potential. And once everyone is sated with their "less than 5* at start" projects, all they'll be good for is making certain units into better fodder. I'm not saying Feathers will ever become useless, only their importance as a resource are gradually declining over time. Although the introduction of Grails might have helped correct this with a boatload of new potential merge projects.
  12. I do think Fiona and Meg alike have a certain "worth" gained in being trained that can't be found in Astrid or Lyre. That being that the Dawn Brigade is lacking for units for its three P3 fights. Not a whole lot of worth, and you have Edlenoaril as alternative unpromoted units to train up for P3, plus Sothe, Zihark, T-ro, and Volug regardless. But, this I trying to say, in a weak way, is it is less "necessary" it is to train up some "weaklings", be it Neph or Boyd or Lyre, in Part 3 GMs, than in the Dawn Brigade. The four I just named above, plus the huge yellow armies in two of Mic's 3 battles and the BK in the other I also admit, don't dominate as much as the GMs' finest, e.g. Haar and Titania and Ike. There is no "pinch" that Astrid or Lyre ever have to fight in.
  13. -But not as Sword Infantry, that weapon type is overflowing with users. Either fetch her Rath's steed, Hector's plating, or Florina's Huey.
  14. Oh right, Lyn has two. Lucina has had better alt spacing I think. Maybe she can hit the beach and use a Falchionoodle. Or we could get a Lucina with an absolutely desperate and drained face and her clothes in rags, due to having been stuck in her doomed world and unable to escape. Or she can chuck her mask as a dagger, on Jerome's Minerva.
  15. Both of which have barely any time to be used. And Astrid anyhow is better than Danved in the Tower, due to 35 vs. 33 Spd cap.
  16. She needs another alt. Maybe she can trade outfits with Lene, due to name similarities. I hope they put her on the upcoming Binding banner. Or we could get Lyn as Lin.
  17. This game looks great, but I lack for good action reflexes and whatnot, so any Platinum game is not for me. Technically I know they have easy modes, but it doesn't feel right doing that.
  18. And somehow more than Surtr, and Tibarn and Lector. Is Warding Breath (is that the skill?) so valuable?
  19. As was fairly expectable, I don't have anyone I'd like on here. Maybe I'd keep Duma being the first Mythic and I like the Mythic idea as gods, but that is it.
  20. The Valentian Accordion said it's actually the same Gradivus as Archanea's. Like its wielder Camus, it got washed away after battle and winded up, apart from Camus, in Valentia. Later, the Whitewings returned it to the Kingdom of Archanea, since it is one of its Three Regalia Est should've made it her personal weapon. For SoV, I'd said black sheep NES sequel status explains the absence of a Fire Emblem, just as it does the lack of the Fire Emblem Theme musically (SoV lightly added it in), and the absence of Anna. Ah furigana, Japanese seems so fun to the outsider with these neat things. Kanji is a chore it sounds like, but that aside in written form it ain't so bad.
  21. Downloaded the demo, I'll try it out tomorrow. For those who aren't aware, there is this old and pretty informative interview http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/12/interview_daemon_x_machina_producer_kenichiro_tsukuda_on_cooking_up_an_authentic_mech_game_for_everyone another brief read: https://www.siliconera.com/2018/07/21/daemon-x-machina-makers-talk-about-how-they-create-their-mecha-designs/ There was an interview I can't find with the mecha artist Shoji Kawamori which was for something else, but I can't find it. He seems to be a notable name in the mecha genre, if Macross qualifies as a big name in it. And I recall reading the interview that he said designing mecha for games is a bit different from designing them for anime. Namely that you need to put effort into making the backs of mecha look nice in video games, since with the camera position behind the mecha, you'll be spending a lot of times looking at this side of them.
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