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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Should know Gheb is weird in lacking a 1-2 range weapon and yet be a stationary boss. I'm aware, I have it myself. Caesar is the cutest commander.
  2. Given the Accordion also did patch up, I see IS is trying retroactively to address some issues, perhaps. And on the topic of drama CDs, since Blazing and Dawn are getting one next, I wonder if they botch them all these years later? I see some potential for Blazing's set during Valorous Roland (the chapter after Eliwood promotes where he goes to fetch Durandal and briefly meets Roland's spirit). Not so much for RD, since it is just retreading 3-7- the Micaiah vs. Ike battle on the Ribahn River. I don't expect either would, being scenarios from the actual games as opposed to this SoV CD being something not at all in the game, rather wholly original.
  3. As someone who likes the idea of Gotohs, I am disappointed by this. And why'd he have to go? They already have his profile in the game since he still exists. Did they not know how to use the SNES's storage capacities well enough to fit another character? And his recruitment chapter is in this game, being the final battle. And did Darros and Wrys have to go while we're at it? I get Jake and Beck, but why the other two? Why not get rid of Vyland instead of any of these? They're all more unique than him. Or get rid of Matthis, replace him with a generic enemy Cav in Book 2. Complaining aside, I am as happy as a dead Giygas! Why? I decided "Well I somehow botched my chances for TRS until I can try it out on a different system, but I never tried a non-TRS game", and thus at long last got around to trying a different FE on my Mac. And after a little flopped finagling where I considered crying again in frustration (if you read on the TRS board my very first post here on SF, you will see it is utterly pathetic, regrettably so), it looks like I have Mystery and Binding aworkin' and translated! YESSSSSSSSSSSS! (Now I've gotta beat Binding before the March 8th one and only dedicated Binding Blade New Heroes banner in FEH.) And I can then probably do the same with the other titles that stayed in Japan. Although I might skip Thracia until somebody makes Kempf remember (North) America is the old name of the continent Valentia to be until a global nuclear holocaust that temporarily ripped open the fabric of spacetime 50000 years ago, thus creating "magic", the mutants known as "dragons", and resurfacing the planet. And oh yeah, translates the rest of the game without the "this was translated when the Internet was in puberty, and so were the translators" vibe. Sorry to be selfish here. I'm just excited and don't feel like making an FFtF topic for it.
  4. Anyone know if there is a Boosted Chance calendar around? I burnt two Stamina Potions and got all my tickets, except for Velouria's, she remains at 0 points. And I'm a little impatient at the moment. >_<
  5. Sounds like the stories (true or not) spun about the Spartans. Since Greek influences are in Valentia, it makes sense. Another so I heard is that sons in school would be whipped and have to bear with it as long as possible. Parents if present would yell to their boys demanding they better not collapse.
  6. Idunn is possible as a Mythic, and would probably be the best way money-wise since one could be pitybroken by one of the other two featured of the color. But unfortunately for her she'd come way late in the month after BB hype died down. Unless IS is actually doing two New Heroes in March, and the first isn't Binding Blade. But three NHs in a row? The Moon would suddenly be three inches from Everest and getting closer if IS did that. Rutger starts as an enemy, he is our third/fourth/fifth Navarre, so he could be GHB. But he might be too popular for that. Any of the three remaining Wyvern Generals: Murdock, Gale, and Brunnya are all feasible GHBs. None have the popularity in itself that'd make them heavily pulled for, unlike Idunn and Rutger. Perceval is a Rutger-like choice, but less popular I think, so he is more feasible. Jahn is too forgettable and male. Or we can have Fir taking after Daddy and swinging a Nameless Axe.
  7. Reasonable I guess. Although it makes me pity Draug and others a bit, since now they're less mobile and practically the same power as these Infantry. -Still gonna raise a Draug though, in place of Mamori. Also, for the Binding Blade banner that is next up, if we assume Rutger, a reasonable assumption, will he make Ayra or Karla look like moldy jerky? Or will they intentionally spread him such that he doesn't ever so slightly trounce either? If he goes GHB like good ol' Navarre, I can see them doing to him what they're currently doing with our Velvetine Rabbit. And there is a moderate chance Lugh will be on the BB banner, and he might then get the BST bump (he'd prolly also be the demote if he was on it). How many Infantry would the banner have though? Certainly not the whole thing- Melady and Perceval come to mind. -Yeah, I know, I'm looking too far ahead when this has just dropped. But I will make it more relevant by predicting that the Binding banner will be less exciting (which isn't hard to imagine), partly since it will lack Beasts to hype up. I just hope it isn't a total disappointment like Thracia's lone banner, or Canas. 17 for Panne sans Morgan if I count right: And whatever text she gets in Yarne's Paralogue, two very short battle convos with Einherjar Sothe, Einherjar Athena, Einherjar Zihark, and Einherjar Oliver; and the "obligatory first round of combat" one-liner in other DLC battles. SF has all the text if you want to check and see if FEH coulda dun better.
  8. Doesn't state whether they can pick up on where the reference is from.
  9. Just curious, if there is a Gen 3 BST bump now, does it apply only for Infantry from this lone banner it looks like? (I mean we don't have Armors or Fliers here to compare, nor Ranged units of any kind.) And how much is it? Also, a slight bit of pity for Nailah, since she is the last Infantry to be added before the boost, though there are certainly others who miss missing it more.
  10. Fair points. A short monologue for Arvis would help here actually, a recounting of this topic, perhaps in the form of a Memory Prism like SoV. A similar monologue/Prism for Aida would resolve how Saias came to be. How did Arvis commit the cardinal sin of his father? Was his cold heart seeking warmth? Was it lust? I don't know, tell me IS. And on a slight tangent, Memory Prisms seem to have been done first by Shin Megami Tensei. The GBA ports of I & II had "Visionary Items", which offer plot/world/character bits not found elsewhere in the game, like the MC's mom just before she got eaten and replaced, and a mythologized account of Taira no Masakado rallying in rebellion. This could indeed be in need of correction. Not much, a "Mother told me she was sorry for cursing me with her blood in the middle of the night. And then she hugged me and said she would always love me, tears on her on her face in the darkness I could see. That was the last I ever saw of her, she hurried out of my bedroom in the middle of the night. Father was away with a paramour, the wife of an Earl I think. I could never tell her I blamed her not, not for anything could I.". That would do. Arvis could possibly later piece together on his own "cursed blood" meant Loptyr. Although there is this: Man:“That might be a tad difficult. You see, the villagers of the Spirit Forest do not involve themselves with the outside world. Moreover, that girl you’re so fond of is strictly forbidden from associating with men. The villagers believe a great catastrophe will befall us if that were ever violated. I’ll get right to the point, Sigurd. Resign yourself of that girl.” Sigurd is not totally wrong to cast it off as just superstition though. Not totally right either.
  11. Nothing. These kinds of people are enraged beyond all reason. And they aren't exactly new. I know of three instances of disgruntled employees from watching Air Disasters (happy show I know). One employee crashed a plane with the CEO of their company on board, handing them a handwritten message just before they raided the cockpit. Another tried to crash a Fed Ex cargo plane into Fed Ex HQ and frame it as an accident. Fortunately, the two pilots and flight engineer were all ex-US military. They couldn't ever pilot again because of the injuries they sustained from the bad guy's spear gun- a lot of blood was lost. And they made the plane do things it wasn't made to do and then land, despite their limited muscle control from blood loss, and while wrestling the guy to the ground and pounding him with a hammer when he couldn't fight back. The third was an Egyptian pilot on an Airbus I believe. The old pilot was disgruntled because he never got a promotion he felt he deserved, and because he was being fired just before he was going to retire. Not without reason- the man was known for lewd behavior at the hotels he stayed at, flashing his genitals to pretty young women for instance. Because he had friends in the Mubarak regime, the Egyptian government vehemently denied the crash was murder-suicide, insisting it was a technical error instead.
  12. Then you'd want to skip those super hot chiles you imagined in FFtF. Suddenly catching your hair on fire and being exposed afterwards at a Chinese/Indian restaurant is not the best of things to have happen. And singed hair doesn't smell good regardless. I know. I just liked to imagine for that moment that they were hairier than they actually are. Well this is quite the positive reaction. Trying to be on topic, I'm hoping my free pulls will have one of those 4*s I've been seeking, and that I don't get thwacked with a Fates beastie. The absence of free summons after getting used to that smorgasbord of banner reruns is making this game dull.
  13. I haven't played the game yet myself, but I've absorbed enough advice reading stuff on here that I can offer some of the more general tips to start. First, special secret events exist, all of which SF has listed here. Some really nice stuff from it. Non-secret events you'll see listed in the menus if you check SF also has a list of. Second, there are two generations as you are well aware. If you don't pair a woman off by the end of Chapter 5, you'll get substitute kids later. There is no way to see how many Love Points a couple has exactly, thought the fortune teller can give you a rough idea. There is no way to block a marriage you don't want if it hits 500 LP. Generally, badly-made pairings outweigh no pairings. Fortunately, it seems most kids aren't "screwable". Ayra is pretty fine with any man, Sylvia the same but for different reasons, Erinys/Fury is almost the same as Ayra. Brigid and Edain likes someone with Pursuit for one their kids (and Bows for Edain, Swords for Brigid), Lachesis also likes a husband with Pursuit. The one mother whose kids are doubly screwable are Tailtiu's, she wants Azelle or Lewyn for a husband, followed by Lex or Claude, anyone else is bad. The "optional" pairings are: Also, you get some fixed units in the 2nd Gen, and they can carry the day if need be. Since 2nd Gen units can inherit items and weapons they can use at base from the 1st Gen, Sigurd generally likes having one of the Leg or Knight Rings to pass to Seliph speed things up a little. Whichever of these two rings you don't give to Sigurd are good on a paired Silvia. Give the Pursuit (aka Followup in FEH) Ring to Ethlyn if you don't think someone else will need it, it'd make training Leif to promotion easier. On the topic of weapons, weapon ranks are fixed- they can never increase for a unit, save on promotion (which requires level 20 or higher to happen). Also, weapons and staffs are infinitely repairable for a Gold cost. Any weapon that has killed 50 enemies gains the ability to perform Critical Hits and every subsequent kill up to the 100th will add one Crit, for a max of 50 Crit. Without a weapon with Critical or the skill innately on a character, a character cannot Crit most of the time. Critical Hits in FE4 are not 3x damage, they instead double the user's Atk. So to speak of FEH, it's like Draconic Aura, not Glimmer. Hitting a weakness, like using a Bow against a Flier, is counted as an automatic Critical Hit in this game as opposed to the usual 3x Mt on the weapon, which is why Nihil/Awareness protects against Flier weaknesses in this game- it nulls all Criticals. The one exception to the weapon/skill Crit thing- any character that is adjacent to their sibling or lover gains 20 Crit. This should be a good deal of useful information. Although it might be a bit excessive in some regards.
  14. Woops! Didn't catch that. Although I do wish the Silent Avatar option of Japanese Awakening was always available in all versions of all future games with avatars. More babies = more chances of spreading Grima vessels and Grima spawn pawns. Makes sense. And even when the current world is destroyed, Grima can shoot some spawn into space and the Outrealms to destroy more things while they chill in the world and planet they destroyed. The Grima children who succeed in destruction of other worlds create their own spawn and then release them into yet other worlds, to destroy more. So is the lifecycle of an undomesticated/befriended Fellblood: Birth-maturity-migration-destruction-reproduction-relax and watch your kids leave to do the same. Planet Awakening: Grim Future is such a good nature documentary. Plus, Full-Grima'ed Morgan sounds silly but so very deadly. Actually, maybe THAT is why Robin feels so compelled as to chat with everyone in Awakening. Their underlying urge to seek out hosts makes them want to be amicable so they have a better chance of attracting a person to them. Their good humanity restrains them from performing rape and adultery, hence the limit to 1 S Support. (I joke of course.)
  15. Subtle doesn't have to mean never once stating "Oh, I'm gay.". It just means no "Oh I'm gaaaaaaaayy!" Also, Ike? No absolutely definitive evidence on that, but let's not go down that road. I'm not anti-gay Ike BTW, I just leave it unresolved.
  16. Make him a Ranger, like his father King Hayden, viola Bow Cavalry. Or since Frelia is also know for Pegasus Knights, put him on one of those (a Pegasus, not a Pegasus Knight). Same here. I only am posting in a hypothetical scenario where this must exist. Distort their voice into something inhuman, and then since it has been so distorted, leave the VA blank. Or, since I recall Guillo of the two-toned voice, have both of Robin's normal voice actors say the exact same lines and then sync them together before throwing on a layer of distortion. That way they can list both male and female VAs and leave in the gender ambiguity. And really, does Grima care about what their plumbing is in their feeble mortal coil? I'm sure Grima in their true form can let themselves be impregnated by anyone, and impregnate anyone in turn. And they can sculpt Risen too, and probably self-reproduce. They are beyond gender and sexuality. For Master Knight Leif to work, adaptive damage and or the ability to conditionally gain WTA would suffice. Also, make the weapon not Sword, anything else will do. But I'm not sure what. Then again, somebody should bring us the Bragi Sword. I'll take Lord Ike as well, maybe ditch Ragnell for the Regal Sword.
  17. I was thinking along similar lines, but actually had Awakening in mind. IIRC, when Robin and Tiki first meet, Tiki notices something about Robin being similar to them, a foreshadowing of the reveal of their Grimahood. Now I'm not sure if being Grima is the exact same as having a different dragon's blood, and Tiki is a very particular sensor. Tiki is the pureblood daughter of the strongest dragon ever, who happens to be used to having their power sealed and unsealed. And, neither Chrom nor Lucina- Brand bearers, not Nowi nor Panne- other shapeshifters, nor anyone else, notice Robin's true nature. Only the dragoniest dragon of all. Although I've heard some pure speculation Tharja's attraction to Robin might be because she is Grimleal (although it seems only nominally) and thus desires Grima. With this in mind, would it be possible for Azelle, who has less dragon blood than Chrom, Lucina, and certainly Tiki, to sense a malevolent aura from his half-brother's Minor Loptyr? Maybe. IRRC, Muarim says not everyone picks up on the Branded even among Laguz- those who don't just mimic the reaction of those who do, and Vika doesn't know what to think of Micaiah right away. Maybe it is possible for mortals to detect Minor Loptyr, but not everyone will. How many? I don't know. I don't see it being only 1 in 100, somewhere between 1 in 5 and 1 in 2 sounds realistic-ish to me. And this would be true regardless of a person having Holy Blood or not. Certainly, I don't think Azelle knew the truth about Arvis, nor did anyone else at Grannvalian court. Although Azelle's issues with Arvis's love and this supposed "persecution" are two separate issues. And I speak only on the Azelle on here. I don't think this means he would've signed off on everything. Hot Springs and Swimsuit DLC? IDK. ? Certainly he was not totally opposed to fun while he worked on FE. What else can you call the first moment with this "cutie" in Mystery Book 2? And remember, Xane was likely going to be in Emblem Saga before Nintendo sued him. Even if he didn't write it, he had to approve of the scene as director of the game. And while I'm expecting it to be serious on the whole, I wonder if Kaga has interjected any humor or humorous characters into that Vestaria Saga he made. (And on that note- WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE TRANSLATION? Timetable please!) Yeah, I actually had some fun writing up my own fanfict ideas of Forseti possession. Not so much concerning Lewyn, as Ced the Crusader, who was a blank canvas I painted freely upon.
  18. First, there is a dedicated topic for this, just so we don't deride this one. Second, Falchion and the Book of Naga I don't think he is saying are equally powerful in lore. What he is saying is they serve the same role in gameplay- killing the final boss easily. Third, yeah, Kaga is the founder of the Adamantly Adoring Arvis Absolutely Association, and the real father of Arvis himself of course. You could put him to the stake for that, although I'm sure he likes fire. I gotta admit Arvis being threatened with persecution makes little sense, people in the upper crust can get away with stigmas lower classes can not. Jerusalem during the Crusades had a Christian king who had leprosy- which was societal anathema to all but the saintly. And Arvis had no Loptyr Brand, nor was he able to tell his son's Brand was Loptyr's and not Fjalar's I guess. Fourth, I think he wants to leave some things closed, like Claud and Silvia's relation to each other, what Arvis is in the narrative (as much as you may, not without reason, disagree with him), but leave other things open, like Forseti-Lewyn. Some definitive narrative answers, some things remain for fan speculation and creativity. Not a bad idea I think.
  19. Same. It should be kept restricted in FE and most games most of the time, but so things presently are. And so thing may likely continue to be. I can't say I like the Panne art here (although as is well know, I like very little if anything from FEH), though Panne the Hedgerabbit is silly. Eyes look a little too big, and her appearance is a little too soft for a character who leaned towards looking like a grump in Awakening. Not to say she was grumpy in bad way, you could also interpret it as strong and proud, which I guess are the foundations of her character from what I remember of Awakening, and the FEH art lacks enough of it. Also, not sure if I like the pantslessness. It's a weird thing since I never really paid much attention to her 3D model in Awakening, and her profile image is only the waist up. And despite having glimpsed her official artwork and made aware of her pantslessness earlier, I never really felt it. I mean being part beast makes it reasonable, and to be fair, I'd be totally fine if we got Skrimir & Ranulf in the bottoms buff. Beasts having different dress codes from normal humans is perfectly acceptable and feasible, I have liked to imagine Gallia having looser dress codes outside of places with Beorc, they do fight naked after all. Although I like to pretend someone like Lethe would call any Gallian who proclaimed all Gallians should abandon clothes to be nuts, and maybe even hit them a swift kick in hopes of making them sane. According to Lethe, Laguz are practical, and if clothes have practical uses, then they should be kept when it is practical to have them on. The Birds and Dragons however. Technically, they are shapeshifters, but I'm not so fine with them being naked and not having a problem with it societally, even if it is reasonable for them culturally and societally speaking. The reason being they have no fur and feathers don't replace body hair on them, so nothing can cover the genitals. I'm not into Tibarn, so I can't say I wouldn't have a problem with this if I had to see a Bird naked, it'd be Janaff. For the Dragons, well for the Laguz, just as the birds don't replace body hair with feathers, neither do the Dragons with scales, nor do either opt for avian/reptilian reproductive structuring, which could make things better in a different way. And for the Manaketes, the humanoid form is ultimately an invention for them to escape degeneration (and perhaps a way to be less frightening to humans when interacting with them), it is not natural like humanoid form is for the rest. Since it is an invention, I can see them not being so big on nudity, yes in their true forms they're naked, but now they primarily use invented bodies, so wearing the invention called clothes is no worse. So TL;DR, Medeus wanted dragonkind to be liberated from the slavery of clothes in FE1 and Marth forced upon him the shackles of underwear. Had Medeus full power, he would have walked up to Marth devoid of attire (the residual effects of his prior death and the Binding Shield) and ripped him to shreds, even with the Falchion.
  20. I wouldn't mind trying to figure this out. Although this would require many reviewers with a variety of perspectives and favoring different games for a truly representative sampling. It would also require reading hundreds of three-four conversations. For SS alone, I think there are 83 Supports. So this is something totally infeasible.
  21. *Disclaimer reminding there were dud supports in prior FEs too. See HectorxFlorina, VaidaxDorcas, TethysxRennac, KnollxLute, IlyanaxAnyone, etc.. Less quantity does not always equal higher quality. I'm surprised this topic has gone on for so long. Or that a mod never stepped in for anything. Still, given I'm presently agnostic in my sexual preferences, I do support greater and good representation of the LGBTQI+ in gaming and all forms of entertainment media and society as a whole.
  22. I think he means the squads idea. That tidbit came from the "Making of" Fire Emblem book, which also included stuff on a number of other games- PoR, Binding Blade, Shadow Dragon, and the scrapped Fire Emblem 64 and 2nd Wii games. https://serenesforest.net/2016/06/20/making-of-fire-emblem-genealogy-of-changes/#more-32331 The relevant part below: One radical idea was for the battle system to incorporate squad-based gameplay. Instead of moving single units on the map, like in typical Fire Emblem games, players would move units in squads of ten. This has direct parallels to the Wars series (also developed by Intelligent Systems), which features 10-men squads. "If I remember correctly, you would move people in groups of ten in that game. […] You would move a group on the world map, and if you encountered the enemy, a battle would begin. It was going to be a squad-based game. But, in the end, we went back to the “FE” style map and it became the “Holy War” we know." –Tohru Narihiro from the Making of Fire Emblem This was back before Genealogy was made into a Fire Emblem game, back when it went by the name "Holy Sword Elm Kaiser", which was revealed in this article.
  23. Despite being from an era when the artwork of FE was on a solid footing (the 1-4 era sorta wasn't, 4 with Treasure started it, 5 really began it), Roy has gone through many designs and redesigns, and who knows? He might have yet more in store. Each is in some way different, in some cases very different, and arguably of some value- save maybe some of the beta designs. I'm not sure if there is a lord that has undergone as much change in their design. So, which is your favorite Roy? I'll provide some Roy artwork to help- but not all of it. You'll have to find the Cipher stuff and anything else on your own. And I don't count the alts in FEH, only standard Roys. First, the Beta Roys: Melee Roy: FE6 Official Roy: FE13 Einherjar Roy: Smash 4/Ultimate Roy: Heroes Standard Roy: My personal preference is the old classic that is Melee Roy. Not as young as the official Binding Roy, not as unusually old and muscular for Roy as the latest Smash version is it's Ike in disguise I say!. And while Einherjar Roy is a fair compromise of a kid with some ruggedness, I just think Melee, if on the softer side than the Einherjar, does the compromise better.
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