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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. You're correct. Narcian and Michalis are pretty much launch units too. So non-launch has only given three Axe Fliers, two of whom are Seasonal, reasonable since Axe Fliers weren't a thing until FE9. They're actually canonically rare. Axe Cavs have an even smaller pool so far, if slightly larger canonically. The game in its early days had only Gunter (inferior Fred), Freddyteddybear, and later the Fairy Queen. Walhart is effectively a boon/baneless Frederick the Great, so only Fonnyhop and Bride Marth have added diversity the Axe Cav pool. For so a game of so many, when you really think about, some categories are strapped for units, and not just those FEH has practically invented like Dagger Flier.
  2. I don't quite see the Meg being the absolute worse. Yes, their payoff is lower than Fiona or Lyre or Vika, since at the very end they lack for doubling. And yet, raising them is significantly easier than at least Fiona and Vika. Yes they come underleveled, with wrongly-placed growths, but they come much sooner than Fiona, just in time for eating some Laguz.
  3. It's worth noting that this launch unit, two years later, still has the highest Atk stat of any Axe Flier. Her son slightly powercreeps her with 2 more Def and 3 Res (which is still trash), but otherwise, Cherche I guess has held up statistically. -To speak of in a little symbolism.
  4. I don't envy your job, but how bad can it be? Could it possibly be worse than some of the FEH toxicity? At least here, you'll have have plenty of good/benign speculation and hype. Until a week or so after release I'd say, then the praise will be accompanied by the awakening to faults. I wouldn't mind helping you in the mod world, but I don't think I'm wholly suited for the job, sorry.
  5. It's locked, and will remain that way until the heat death of the universe, for good reason, perhaps, but for the curious mind:
  6. You still don't want to push it too far. Things can get locked here too. Like (jokingly) wanting to romance Gardevoir and Tyranitar.
  7. To be honest, I heard someone say the Silver Wolf had an ugly face, and I thought they meant Nailah, turns out they meant Lloyd. I can see the criticism you have. Perhaps a little too "deadly sexy", not quite as strong but possibly welcoming as her RD self? Another art work critiquing- Navarre. Where is the edgelord? His face just looks wrong, too young, too old and wasted, too much anguish and weakness, and not enough cold killer strength. It's like you dropped TMS Navarre in a food processor and tossed a hunk of granite in the mix too for about ten minutes. For Yashiro, I'd consider using him, but presently Navarre is just a shadow of what I'd like.
  8. She promotes after the final battle of Part 1, just as a heads up. You'll get a Paragon scroll sometime during Part 1, and of all the unpromoted characters, only Micaiah has the skill capacity to use it, so go ahead and give it to her. RD modified the skill system in that if a skill isn't locked to a character, you can remove them freely and reassign to anyone else at no cost. So when Micaiah is done with Paragon, you can throw it on someone else. The only exception is the skills characters come with which can be removed, such as Leonardo's Cancel and Edward's Wrath, left on their respective character, the skills will not cost capacity, but if removed and given back to that unit, those skills will then cost skill capacity.
  9. Vika vs. Fiona is that a trained Fiona is easier to get and would have a longer impact due to more availability. Sans babying however, Vika's minor contributions in Part 1 are more than Fiona would ever achieve, outside of Deltre's RD run.
  10. You're making me trigger my pessimistic neutralism already. After mashing start through every time dialogue appeared in the past two FE games, I might want to return to the olden ways of actually enjoying the non-gameplay portion of FE. And hype I so dislike. Which is why I don't personally care so much about the content of the Direct concerning this game. There is no dire and dramatic disappointment to me without hype.
  11. He is getting up there in years, not sure if he'd be around much longer.... in the flesh that is. E. Ghost is totally feasible. He'd become the love of his studies, and E. Ternal.
  12. Perhaps they'll actually have more of the games on the physical medium then. Since the disc version on the PS4 only holds the first game, they rushed its release so even if you have the disc, you have to download 2 & 3.
  13. My prediction is first comes the lord trio/quartet, with less than ultimate legendary weapons (no full powered Siegfried and Rajinto right away again, please!). Perhaps they come with close allies from the first few chapters who aren't at all spoilers, a GHB would feature either an ally who starts as a villain like Navarre, or an early villain who isn't spoilers heavy. Later, IS does a poll asking about who is popular from 3H. The top picks are considered and memes and other Internet junk is factored in, together, they form a new banner out of them. Lord alts reflecting them at full power and the true villains come maybe a year later, long enough for a lot of people to have cleared the game, whether they come on New Heroes banners or go the way of Legendaries and Mythics is debatable.
  14. All depends on the time of year. A month ago or so, 5:00 PM would be night here. That pink. Love is in the air? It is Fridays. And Lapras is nice, better in this game than that severely underleveled one at Silph Co. in Gen 1. Plus I like how Kris gets a shade of blue if you use Surf as her, since it matches an actual Lapras, as opposed to Gold's ugly red, done for no reason other to indicate it isn't a real Lapras.
  15. It is precisely this moment which does help elevate Hector for me. I mean it is nothing significant in the plot, and the circumstances, a mysterious disease which has struck down both of Hector's parents claims his brother suddenly, is a bit contrived, but the way he handles it is nuanced. Rage at first is justified, but then the rage passes, admits he was wrong, and forgives. It is realistic, if still perhaps a tad idealistic. Although Hector being on the surface a brute but having more of an understanding of Lycian politics than he allows people to think he does is also part of my reasoning for liking him. The Eliwood dynamic is good to, though now I wish the support between the two didn't devolve into FE6 referencing. And just to provide those exact lines: Helman: “Could it be… Do you think Eliwood’s come to ask of his father? If that’s the case… I… I know not what to tell him.” Ephidel: “Tell him you know nothing, and let him be on his way.” Helman: “Yet… I know young Eliwood well. His father, Elbert, and I are old friends. I’ve no children of my own, and I’ve always treasured Eliwood… I do not believe I could look him in the eye and… I could not lie to him. I could not.” Ephidel: “We’ve no choice then. Let us chase the boy away. If you do not speak with him, you need tell no lies.” Helman: “Wait! Do you mean to harm Eliwood?” Ephidel: “Not harm. Frighten. A scratch or two will leave no scars. He will run home to Pherae and be done with his adventure. He is, after all, all that Pherae has left…” So in other words, the soldier, presumably one of Santaruz's regulars, is there to make sure nobody interferes with the attack on Eliwood carried out by Ephidel through Zagan's bandits/corrupt Black Fang members. Rather than be neutral, he is just doing his job so Zagan can do his- not neutral at all! It is refreshing in a way. Since so many lords in the series are naive and sentimental and would bow immediately and gently to Nino. Not everyone IRL is so quick to forgive, and while we the player knows Jaffar has turned a new leaf, Hector being in the world has reason to even doubt his conversion. Nino is just an innocent child, what does she know that makes her judgement right? Not to mention Hector and Matthew are fairly close despite any abrasiveness by Hector, and Leila was Matthew's beloved. If Matthew is killed prior to Dread Isle, Hector says he'll bury them next to each other. Nor is this to ignore how Jaffar was used to keep HEL from stopping Nergal just before he drained Elbert of his life. Jaffar is party to Elbert's death, and for all we know might have slain some of his Knights of Pherae of whom only Harken survived.
  16. *Begins layering several hundred incantations and opening a bag of sealing macguffins the depth of Lake Baikal.* Hype might feel so good, but it is so wrong! Do not give in! Hope it's good, even if I don't watch it.
  17. The release date is all I need to know. Otherwise, I'll stray from every single bit of information about this game. Still, this is good news.
  18. It is good to step back once in a while and remember, contrary to how your mind becomes in the moment, all fiction is just that, fiction. Not real, conceived in the mind of a human and existing only there and whatever mediums this lie is stored. You now make me question whether Hector is truly flawed. He does have a moment where somebody recognizes he has a flaw, Oswin, and Hector himself comes to see it. But does the flaw have validity? Does the flaw in question, which can be generalized as being emotional, have a moment when it is seriously detrimental?
  19. Rather than have everyone on fire, why not have someone balancing fire? Juggling torches with one hand, using the other to hold a jug with a fire lit inside on their head, and hula hooping whilst avoiding touching the on-flame sections, with bare feet over hot coals. It'd be a masterpiece of spritework. The only question is who to use. ...I hope we don't get a Fallen Heroes 2. I like the idea of New Heroes transcending individual games/continents, but this is not what I want, particularly if it is heavy in unneeded alts. Don't forget Lunar Astra. She and Galzus alone in Jugdral canonically get both Luna and Astra. Give it 4 cooldown like Radiant Aether and -50% enemy Def + +150% damage dealt.
  20. Honestly they should just then stop at 5* and instead increase the merge cap to 99. How many Orbs would that take to achieve? And yet I'm sure 15% of all FEH players would have enough Raighs and Hawkeyes to *5 +99 them. People being cynical- not really helpful for anyone.
  21. This topic seems repetitive to me. Performance and Appearance/Personality are totally separate things for me. When I play FE, I'll use what is best with some subjective adjustments, everyone is but numbers to me. Numbers which are largely arbitrarily, assigned beyond class, to a character apart from who they are. The ugh of going tediously slow is just that. This said, I do like switching it up. Even though I dislike Ilyana, sometimes I'll use her instead of Tormod just for the variety of it in PoR, although barring massive screwage, I'll always use Soren as my first mage. I like doing themed runs- such as females only, but even here I make amendments, such as allowing Sothe and other men in RD until no females becomes less than too tedious, and I'm certainly not doing Geoffrey's Charge with just Astrid. When I read FE, which is what I thought this topic would be about when I saw the title. What traits define the characters you like the most? Are there any unifying threads? Or is it random? I can't quite say what things might draw me to characters. Being a wannabe scholar, I tend to like scholarly types, but not all. I generally like depth, and I don't care if they're acerbic on the surface or not, if they have depth, that is a good thing. Although I will admit what one defines as depth can change, Stefan used to be "deep" to me, but now I'm less inclined to see him as so "deep" as I used to. Flashy characters, like L'Arachel, can lose their luster with time, she did for me, but that does not mean I dislike them once their sheen fades. I'm also with some characters willing to compartmentalize them to an extent. I don't care for Serra's personality on the whole, but she has her underlying insecurity and fantasy, that she was orphaned by noble parents and is just awaiting their return after a miserable life in an orphanage. And this, I do like. With FEH, I throw all this out the window and go subjective, because it is gatcha, and thus not a "serious" game to me. Although I barely "enjoy" the characters I like there by the standards of others probably, I never read their dialogue, I think all their art is bad, and I'd never go for Seasonals.
  22. And don't forget Jugdral! The number one land of Brands. I might have a slight liking for the idea of Brands, since I spent quite a few paragraphs fanficting about Forseti possession. Given even Hector had no chance of rescuing Elbert, I wouldn't call the failure a flaw. Weakness, but not a flaw. It was impossible to rescue Elbert given how strong Nergal and his goons are. A flaw is something a person could feasibly correct without the need for assistance. Eliwood could not have been strong enough to save Elbert unless he already had Athos at his side and Durandal and Aureola in hand. If it were realistically possible for Eliwood to sneakily rescue Elbert successfully with no one by those he had at the Dragon's Gate, but for some reason Eliwood botched this stealth operation- perhaps brashness, perhaps he refused to allow a feint which would put someone else's life at risk, that would be a flaw. Or, to use an ingame example of a flaw- Eliwood's Helene outburst. Could he have not done that by himself? Yes. He is normally courteous and mild and diplomatic, yet here, he forsook his usual restrain and had an outburst at Helene, almost dooming his chances of getting knowledge of the Shrine of Seals's location.
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