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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Men probably have more flexibility to deviate from particular models. But I can't really say. So I won't push it. Also, Summer Takumi is just as idealized, just idealized without heavy musculature, something you'd find plenty of in European art. There is more than one way to idealize. Classical Indian Hindu/Jain art offers an ideal similar to the Classical Greco-Roman, except with a bit more flesh- not fat. Rather, the loose stomach is a sign of being able to carefully control one's breathing and thus exert self-discipline. It also adds a pop of vitality and "naturalness", which the bones with skin tossed over that Greco-Roman sculpture can be, can lack. This said, can anyone with an understanding of human anatomy tell me if it is true that Black Shadow is missing certain muscles so he can have a larger ab pack? http://mutecity.org/wiki/File:GX_Black_Shadow.png
  2. He actually said the interview she isn't Claud of Edda's sister. There are no incestuous relationships in FE4, save ArvisxDeirdre, which for obvious reasons is very very bad.* *Apparently Japanese law doesn't consider first-cousin marriage incest. Only the first 3 degrees of consanguinity are forbidden. I guess this also applies in Jugdral then. Also, sorry to bring up Silvia like that, didn't know it'd make you react. Also, although much of Silvia's promiscuity may have been in the Japanese, if you used the English patch here on SF, I just noticed it has j2e as one of its developers. They are the Loptyr of translations- their retranslation of FFIV is terrible! They might have exaggerated Silvia a little.
  3. Yeah, perhaps you can ask the translator, SF name Garmmy, about that. But I do agree it isn't right exactly. My thoughts go out to anywhere where there is civil war going on- women are certainly dying there. Although in Kaga's favor, I recall hearing Rwanda was left with a major gender imbalance tilted towards females after its genocide. Relatively speaking, men died more than women there. Hate to deflate it, but he later says this: *Regarding my favourite types of female charactersKaga’s comment: I like strong women, but not just in the romantic sense; I like determined women with a clear goal in mind. For the ‘Fire Emblem’ series, that might include characters like Minerva, Ayra, and Altena…reliable women, basically.However, even though gentle, graceful characters like Edain may seem delicate, they are in no way weak.That’s true for every character as well. Although I wrote each character differently to distinguish them from each other, I also wrote them with my own view of women in mind.I don’t see any appeal in the Kogals you see around in recent times⁸. Although Silvia starts off as that type of person, she gradually changes over the story. As the environment she’s in changes, I wanted her to change along with it as well. He also states elsewhere in the interview that Brigid grew on him into a personal favorite. Explains Eyvel? The part about these things called Kogals is questionable. The endnote and the linked Wikipedia page, which has a warning on top about its quality, say it is risque clothing and questionable morality on the part of young adult girls. But also say that the trend might have been an attempt to break with a misogynist fetish in Japan for the pure and innocent girl in a school uniform. Did Kaga oppose only the attire of the Kogals- he doesn't like erotic garb (Maybe that is why he made Dancers slaves so often? Associating skimpy outfits with bad things happening to girls?)- or did he also oppose whatever you'd call their possible social/cultural statement? The Silvia sounds like he was against their behavior, which isn't exactly the best of things for him to say (and I'm not sure what he means about Silvia changing). Although you could argue Mist was taught before Chapter 2 in PoR, when she joins in Chapter 9, she says she had Rhys teach her how to use a Staff. Leaves open the possibility of imagining that Mist was taught by a ghost. (Also, fair criticism on the Branded told not shown thing. I must admit where admittance is due, even for what I love. Glorious edifice or disheveled ruins, I'll still have feelings for my main childhood FE love.)
  4. Maybe I'm just as soft as Corrin/Seliph/Sigurd/Marth/Chrom/Eliwood/Roy/Eirika/Character X I will admit, but I did offer Sonia a moment of pity when Limstella came for her (Nergal if you didn't do Night of Farewells) disposed of her. I really shouldn't have, but her "What? No! I'm hu...man...." kinda was pitiful. I'm not sure if I offered the same to Petrine (who matches Sonia in bluster) when Ashnard threatened to feed her to his dragon, it wouldn't surprise me if I did. Not to say I hesitated about ramming a Silver/Brave/Killer Lance through Sonia's heart, I didn't, she deserved it. For Nino's sake, and being the one who sent Lloyd/Linus to their battle with HEL, and then because they're weakened at the end, Limstella kills them, then leading the other to die enraged. Not to mention everything else. Just spreading the word for all who are interested! Whether you find this gives you more grounds to call Kaga a blight or a blessing, that is irrelevant to me. I just found it fascinating and hope it contributes to FE discussion.
  5. From an old (1996) but very recently translated interview about Genealogy you can find here (SF has a topic for it in the NES/SNES section): Tsukamoto: Another thing that caught me by surprise this time round was the presence of women in the enemy ranks. I think this was the most refreshing part of the game to me, actually. Till now, any female enemies you saw were usually recruitable units, but women that stay as antagonists throughout is a first. Kaga’s comment: I didn’t do that on purpose, I just didn’t like the idea of completely irredeemable women…but I guess no one does (laughs). I didn’t want to make a female character that was completely evil, but then I also wouldn’t be surprised to find that women like Hilda exist in this world. But it feels so overly unpleasant that I don’t really like doing it. Among the enemies in this game, many of whom have their own circumstances and some of whom even have their likeable points, Hilda is the very definition of villainous. She’s like an evil witch; you’d want to kill her if she were your enemy. I like real world history, which is why I base my works on it, but the killing of women is something that doesn’t happen so much even in real life. That’s why I don’t really like to include it. Personally, I'm open to more female enemies of any kind.
  6. Apparently, Treasure lists Issach's main industry as livestock farming. Makes sense, since Central Asia is associated with nomads, and nomads survive on livestock. Although Issach has no glorious cavalry units, and Central Asia tends as Sacae shows to be the land of incredible horses and cavalry. Although if I read up on Central Asian history (and I should), I could probably find peoples who weren't mobile tanks on horseflesh. Issach also isn't super-plainsy, but to be fair, Central Asia has plenty of mountain ranges around the vast steppe. Furthermore, Issach is an adaptation of Central Asia, not the same as it IRL. It's possible they practice transhumance over nomadism. Which if you don't get the difference, transhumance is moving livestock to different locations for pasture at different times of the year, but you don't move the human settlement. With nomadism, you pack up your yurts (to stay in Central Asia talk) and everybody moves from one place to a totally different and distant one. With transhumance, you return to the same house in the same place every day, regardless of whether you're going for spring grass at one place or autumn grass at another. Transhumance is possible in settled countries, Italy for instance had transhumance in the Medieval period. I am happy too that this provides further argument that IS can do non-Hoshido/Japanese global inspiration for its nations. And I'd actually like Central Asia alongside the East in an FE, on top of Northwest Asia (Europe is a fiction- it exists only culturally and politically, geographically the Urals are ant hills, if that that's the case, I call my house its own continent). Since Central Eurasia is what links Northwest Eurasia and East Eurasia, and is easier to add than having to add Southwest Eurasia, South Eurasia, and Southeast Eurasia to connect to the East. (Although South Eurasia- the land of actual mythological nagas, has a certain appeal to me.) We don't know when or how his parents died, but yeah, this does really help. Since now Finn is an orphan caring for another tragic orphan, whose parents he knew were so wonderful. Also, it accentuates Janne- Nanna's substitute. Since she was a the little girl of an Nordion soldier who got adopted by a merchant, who was then killed by the Empire when she was 7, and then got adopted by Finn. A double-orphan in a way. Really, perhaps Finn should open an orphanage. This makes his character more endearing. And it seems to me that Kaga likes this. He does sometimes clamp down, like declaring Silvia and Claude not siblings, and Arvis as a protagonist. But at other times like Forseti-Lewyn leaves things open to interpretation, and he seems to have suggested his interpretation of the Azelle-Arvis relationship is not the only valid one. Also, the fact he considers the possibly the player would have progressed to Gen 2 with Lewyn killed in gameplay in Gen 1 indicates he did leave open the playstyle of ironman as perfectly normal at the time. Which is further proven by his statement against character bonding as the end-all of gaming (although he clear is bonded to characters himself), the abundance of "replacements" in say Thracia and prior games, and say even the cemetery rewards in Berwick Saga.
  7. And since they're willing to lump stoner Beasts with stoneless Beasts, lumping stoneless Dragons with stoner Dragons sounds feasible to me. Agreed. Either they increase the sexualization of men, including speedos, or they decrease the amount of female sexualization. As is, things are not relatively or absolutely equal in FEH. Although maybe FE3H judging from its artist's history will make men with shredded shirts the norm. And to speak more of Keaton's injured artwork, I didn't see the abs peaking out at first, so he is effectively shirtless in the front. Which is quite nice! The choice to leave on part of his shirt as an open vest is actually a good move I think. Completely shirtless has an appeal of being more pure nudity, and part of me does wish that he wore only a dust bunny. But by leaving something on, it accentuates the exposure of Keaton's nude parts through the comparison of him covered and him uncovered, increasing those parts' sexiness.
  8. Precisely the problem! As I've said before, Awakening, Fates, and SoV (and soon to be 3H) are practically the only titles to be widespread accessible for modern gamers unwilling to put in a great deal of effort. And since the 3DS is practically dead now, access to the 3DS era is starting to die too. Everything not 13-15 is not easily accessible. FEs 1-6 + 12 need emulators, and that has a tint of illegality and requires a some effort to figure out (which is not nothing, since I borked my chance at TRS and can't figure out how to correct it). 7 & 8 are available on the Virtual Console... on that big flop called the Wii U. Tellius requires a Wii or a real good computer to emulate and are expensive. FE 11 is a DS game, compatible on the 3DS, so it is accessible, but still not quite so accessible, and the game itself isn't exactly likely to win converts to older FE, since its minimalism is an acquired taste. With Nintendo unwilling to put GBA Virtual Console on Switch, nor have they put any old game on iOS/Android- an accessible and enduring playing system (and touchscreen controls would not be terrible with not-Tellius FE), the foreseeable-future chances of increased accessibility for any old FE is unlikely. Save in remake form. I am lucky to be a childhood Blazer who became a young adult Telliusian. I could choose to like/dislike Awakening and Fates if I wanted to, newer gamers don't have the choice about liking or disliking (which is fine- different strokes for different folks) Blazing Sword or Path of Radiance or so many other titles. Since they can't do such a thing with a game they can't play.
  9. Beside what has been said above concerning Laguz and getting a character to ~90 EXP before a battle, I do think Blossom is a bit more limited in usefulness than it ideally should be. For I'd say BEXP with its guaranteed 3 stats per levelup thing, decreases the desire for it. If Haar caps Str and Def, then he doesn't need Blossom to get Spd, he can just use BEXP for easier and more reliable Spd procs. In another game, it'd be more useful.
  10. She is almost certain to get into the next Fates NH at this point, think on the bright side. CYL3 means they'll be keeping an eye on her, and Fates is IS's safe place when it comes to FEH. Nope, Tybrosion is as well. What can be said? For those of the Awakening-Fates generation, Tellius is unknown to them. These are the only beasts they know and can reasonably access. Not to personally criticize any of them in personality, I can't do that. Also, I think is relevant.:
  11. Not bad, a little arm, some delicious midriff. But his tucked in shirt just above his tail looks like a giant wedgie to me. And if only he had even a small tear on that shining black caboose.
  12. I didn't mean that post all too seriously, more with a lighthearted joviality. Also, I'd rather have a bare minimum of fanservice any way at all as well. I'm not big on it. And just in case you have not seen and read this, a 1996 Kaga interview recently translated, well here you go. It's alllllll about Genealogy, with lots of good stuff. Relevant, towards the very end, Kaga said he made Genealogy according to his own desires, he NOT want to appeal to the fanbase. Although he did exercise a little restrain on his desires. That sounds terribly selfish and arrogant, and in certain contexts, I can see that producing terrible results. But! I can see there being some value to not always appealing to the fanbase. What do I mean? Fates. If we assume the "Family that raised you vs. family that shares your blood" was a developer desire, and "let us copulate with everyone" was something the developers thought fans wanted. Then we might have an instance where appealing to fans might have backfired and IS should should have stuck with what it wanted- which would have avoided the "not actually related to Hoshido" plot issue.
  13. A skip for me. But I'm happy for those who like this and it gets them out of the way. And it all new characters as well, another good thing. That thumbnail Selkie art might have been drawn when the artist blacked out in a love hotel with a Roomba though. Have you seen the abuse characters in this game go through? He is so very afraid you'll throw Fury 4 + a Fury 4 Seal on him. Nobody told him you can't die here yet, or rather he doesn't believe it and is hiding out of self-preservation. YOU WON'T GET ME POACHERS! Well none of them can be Kitsune or Wolfskin. Unless Keaton could secretly spread it to Cammy or Elisey with a well-meant bite. Or maybe Kaden or Selkie could disguise themselves as Cammy or a really-out-of-character Hinoka- Kitsune are known for taking the form of seductive women as part of their trickery. I'm expecting broken offensive stats on Selkie, the fav of the bunch I'd think would "deserve" that, according to some.
  14. At least she is Infantry, so there is a movement type difference. She'll just be welfare Nailah to take a cynical guess. Its roster is 38 in size with the Cipher quartet, 34 without. It presently has 20 playables in, which means 52.63% with Cipher, 58.82% without. That is pretty darned good! Magvel has 33 playables sans Creature Campaign, and it only has 11 in so far, exactly 33.33%. I think you can attribute SoV to partly the Whitewings, partly a generous two TTs, and also just a generous influx of characters when they got in the one time. Also, Binding has 22.22% of playables in sans Trial characters, 12/54. Tellius has 21.92%, counting the two Ikes as one, Danved and Devdan as one, and excluding the BK, 16/73. So in other words, next month, a game that has had nobody added since launch will exceed a game that had nobody at launch in percentage of included playable cast, yet has received multiple banners.
  15. Excellent and predictable! No FH2 is good. Although Panne as GHB is a little weird, since usually, it's villains. She did start not exactly kind to humans though, and it gets her out of the way, which is good. No Yarne, but he seems to be as popular as sending sexting pics of your rabbit to your parents. Recalculating the percentage on those two games for my list, Panne makes for 29 of 51 playable characters from Awakening, meaning 56.86% of its roster. Fates now has 45 out of 69, or 65.22% of its roster. Fates is just one percentage point short of 2/3rds completion.
  16. She plans to move said people across the desert in her ending. But where they go and whether they integrate into Gallia or are granted a cession of land to call their own country is unknown. Either way, Nailah through experience with Tellius probably maintains her title as their leader, if not an independent queen. Fair enough. Though the masses still don't know nor understand and Sanaki probably wouldn't want to rock the boat with them. A gradual weaning off the Apostle title and emphasis on Empress seems like the likely course she chose. I'm pretty sure Aimee already tested his limits of niceness. I wonder how much he wanted to vomit when charming her in RD for that Silver Card.
  17. Would Soren want it though? Would Daeinians want him though? The antisocial shadow of Ike, cold and probably through his genius mind he would be a glorious king in making and administering policy. Yet no charisma nor popular support are significant blows. And if Soren doesn't want the kingship no matter what, well what is Daein going to do? Do you want a king that hates their job? In the meanwhile, Begnion might be thrown for a tizzy if it was revealed their Apostle was fake and this Daein girl they don't know suddenly took the title. Not to mention Micaiah has no bond with the people of Begnion. In the meanwhile, Daein loves Micaiah and she loves it. Although you just might want Sanaki gone, since this Soren-Micaiah shift would demote her out of the top leadership, and I know you dislike her. Okay then. But you don't have to add Soren to do this, just have Micaiah rule in a personal union both Begnion and Daein- they used to be one country after all.
  18. "Queens of Tellius" They can call it. I like how at the end of RD, although all Laguz realms are ruled by males, all Beorc ones are ruled by women, each of whom has in some way earned the right to rule through at least a little development. And random thought, since they made the Solar and Lunar Braces into skills, why not have BravEliwood get Heaven Seal? The objects are acknowledged in-game as having great power and Eliwood uses one to promote. Plus Lyn and Hector have already received alts which would've been worthy of such a named skill, but never got it.
  19. Actually Nintendo has opened up a Japanese minisite just for advertising Otome games (dating sims for straight females for those who don't know) on Switch. https://www.nintendo.co.jp/software/feature/otome.html Well it isn't like FE has to cater to straight men anymore with its mainline games. FEH has that covered, 3/4s of male sexual fanservice in FEH, 3/4s female sexual fanservice in mainline, sounds like a good balancing act to me.
  20. I would not be pleased with a Fallen Heroes 2, particularly if it had some unjustified alts on it. And if there was a dead Vallified Azura on it, alongside some other characters already in the game who've gotten plenty of attention, I'd think IS is getting to a pattern of safe-"risky"-safe-"risky" for the banners. Laguz is risky, Hot Springs is safe, GD risky, FH2 safe, BB banner risky, Spring 3? safe. They should make every third banner safe if they must, not every second. The New Heroes will be coming with a Forging Bonds event, how would that go down if everyone was possessed/corrupted? 1st Conversation- "Rrrrgggh.... me want to kill YoU!" 2nd Conversation- "Arr... why are you that.... way? Why me.... like this?" 3rd Conversation- "Guu... I... I... I... failed life. Because I... was weak. ....But I MISs... the..m." 4th Conversation- "........Make e feeeeeel san...it...y....you. Sssstaaaaayyyyy and and... mAybE........ sa...sl...sal...salv....ation." @Jotari, since there was talk about the Fire Emblem earlier, just in case you're interested and so you'll notice it, there is a recently translated 1996 interview linked on this page on SF. Kaga outright stated there that the Jugdrali Fire Emblem was a late addition of little significance. I made about 50 bullet points about what Kaga said in it.
  21. The system's lifespan should be long enough to allow for another. Plus with 3H done, they'd have an engine and assets they can reuse and retool as opposed to having to invent everything from scratch, that'd cut down on development time. Assuming a B-team working on remakes, IS could churn out three FEs on Switch, maybe four if they pick Genealogy as their first remake, since T776 would just have to be remade as well.
  22. My advice, if you wish to have it: Skip the very first, it's very lacking. About as fun as playing FE Awakening/Fates and then going back to FE1, it established the skeleton of the franchise, but there is no meat on the bones. Combat is clunky, characters are thinner than a marriage veil. Though Mr. Evil Sechs with the blue hair (?) did make an appearance only in the original game before RF4. RF2- Definitely much better, they fleshed out the characters more and the combat is better too. The 1st Gen is limiting in gameplay, but if you pick your girl quickly and do whatever it takes to get her fast, you can finish the 1st Gen by the end of your first Summer I think. No marriage in the second being only a kid, but here is where the meat of the gameplay is with forging and full access to the dungeons. Money, monsters, and skill levels all carry over to Gen 2. Frontier- The better game with Raguna (the protag of RF1 and thus the original MC of RF). Characters are maybe a little behind RF2 actually, but nowhere near RF1 bad. Combat is also still on the slower side, again perhaps more than RF2 but less than 1. Also, if you actually want to farm a lot, you'll have to deal with the chore called Runeys at some point. (Fishing as an alternative income source is very feasible.) RF3- Combat becomes fast here, skill levels and forging explode in a good way. The characters in RF2 and Frontier could be compared kinda with pre-Awakening FE characters, and RF3's with Awakening/Fates characters. By this, I mean the characters in RF3 are bursting with zany personality, while those beforehand, though still having shticks oftentimes, weren't so exuberantly into them. I do not cast judgement on any character when I say this. Farming is a bit undercut in this game, which is one of the only faults. The other being Micah is a pretty badly designed protagonist visually speaking. Overall for someone who has only played 4, 3 is still very playable with few issues. Tides of Destiny- Combat is still good and fast like 3, though I recall enemies being able to sometimes hit like a pile of bricks. Characters aren't so quirky as 3, and marriage to anyone is restricted until after the plot is over and you've I believe 6 FP with all marriage candidates male and female. Traversing the ocean is a bit of time waster, but I believe the dragon shrine you can use sometimes as a pay-to-warp, and you can set the Golem to move to a pinpoint destination with time moving at an accelerated pace. The farming here is quite hands off, and this is the first game to get rid of plots of farmland in dungeons. And dungeons aren't quite as pretty visually like in the other games. Seeing how this game was on the PS3 and Wii, it might be the one most accessible for you in regards to consoles. So overall, I'd say 3 over ToD which is a little better than 2 over Frontier overrrrrrrrrrrrr RF1. The opening movie for RF1 is long and sorta pretty though, might be worth watching once on YouTube. Also, Japanese teaser website for RF5 with nothing on it save for a 2020 release date. https://www.marv.jp/special/game/runefactory5/
  23. I haven't played FE4 or 5 (hopefully I will someday). But I am very very very very very thankful for this! I always appreciate this kind of stuff, and there is SO MUCH GOOD INFORMATION HERE! Let me break it down for those who don't want to read the whole thing.: Kaga had no intentions of creating an easy to play game, but did not intend to make FE confusing. FE4 was not going to be Fire Emblem game at first. Kaga wanted to showcase Jugdral and its history instead of legends, hence the larger scale in maps. But did not intend to necessarily continue FE in this direction. There is no one "heroine" in this game. No character is perfect in character. Admits the maps of FE4 look samey and understands the fan criticism compared to how things were in FE3. Says he did this because he didn't think it'd work if different parts of a map, each being so large, were colored different [presumably because realism]. FE3 was a microlevel journey through the eyes of Marth. FE4 is macrolevel through the eyes of many. Admits FE4 is cavalry biased- but states players do have a choice in how they play. Because of the large scale, the smaller details on maps and their individual parts had to be sacrificed. Thinks the improved (vs. FE3) animations were only a 50 or 60/100, could have done better. Loves the Pegasus Knight crit animation. Likes how weaker magic has shorter animations and stronger magic longer ones. The AI is supposed to get smarter with the more Authority Stars the unit's commander has. Kaga was the only person insanely into worldbuilding on the development team. The Fire Emblem was added later in development, since this game was not at first intended to be a Fire Emblem game. The Fire Emblem thus has little significance. And FE4 is a sort of side-story to Archanea. Galle's journey to Archanea is one of the only interactions between Jugdral and Archanea. They normally do not. An Arvis scene in the opening is supposed to be the tragic end of Chapter 5, but he directly decoupled Arvis in the opening from that scene, so as to leave it open to player interpretation for those who liked Arvis. Giving Gold was supposed to be part of a bonds between people theme. Was aware of the issue of Gold giving during development regarding all or nothing, considered adding an input for the amount the player wished, but thought it troublesome for players. Sometimes regrets that choice to not have a quantity selector. He wished he could've included a mechanic for close friends, but didn't. Grannvale was based on Germany, Agustria is based on France, Thracia on Spain, Leonster on Italy, Silesse on Scandinavia, Issach on Central Asia. Verdane is "barbarian" like Persia [how dare he say this of the great land of the Achaemenids, Seleucids, Parthians, Sassanids and Safavids!], perhaps "barbarian" as the Greeks saw them when they attacked Greece (a biased perspective). DeirdrexSigurd was supposed to have more stages to its development of love between the two, but restrains cut them. Sigurd is heavily flawed. Besides his love for Deirdre, he is very naive, even more than Seliph. If he were more competent, the tragedy [of Belhalla or Gen 1 as a whole?] would not have happened. Sigurd's chapter (part of the game) was intended to simply foreshadow Seliph's [weird, since most people prefer Gen 1's story it seems]. Greek and Roman mythos and a lighter tone were used in FEs 1-3, FE4 used Celtic and Norse mythos with a more serious/darker tone. Used the names as inspiration while crafting individual backgrounds and appearances. Wanted to do something of modernized retelling of old myths and legends. Forming emotional attachments is not the be-all-end-all of games, hence the great die off at the end of Chapter 5. It also illustrates vividly the weight of losing even a single human life. The Tragedy of the Gae Bolg was a legend attempting to show the world's scale and provide a little bit of history. Directly compares somewhat it to Artemis's Curse in Archanea. Ethlyn was tomboyish as a child, but marriage toned it down. Finn is an orphan like Oifey. Only a page in ranking. It is indeed the case that there are supposed to be hundreds of unseen soldiers in reality, not just those you see/play with. Eldigan Kaga admits is like Camus. Eldigan is over-conscientious, too straight-laced. Ares was created since it was assumed people would be forlorn about not being able to recruit Eldigan. Edain was made to be a "heroine-type character", who only sees Sigurd as a friend (Sigurd might not). Every other male sees her romantically, but she isn't one for gushing romance, being rather indifferent to it, and she has her mission of finding Brigid to be more concerned about. Kaga likes Brigid and her battle convo with her brother Andrey. (Does this explain Eyvel- favoritism?) Kaga admits Arden, Naoise, and Alec are "transparent" and lacking for anything special or backstory. He compares them to Draug, Abel and Cain. Finn is stated to be about 34-35 in Gen 2, but Kaga didn't want to age him [as much?] as Oifey. He also admires Ethlyn as an elder sister, this carries over in some way to his relationship with Altena. Personally speaking, Kaga says Azelle deeply loves Arvis, but Arvis is so distant, so Azelle is pained being with his brother. Arvis is also "suffocating" to Azelle, which is why he may have went and joined Sigurd. A reason for this feeling might be Arvis's Loptyr blood [why I ask? does the blood emit a passive aura of evil?]. Sigurd is less perfect than Arvis. Lex is even more of an outcast than Azelle from his family. Originally, the children made from each pairing depended on both mother and father (not just the mother), but that was beyond the limits of what they could do. Some children [perhaps Lester] were taken from before they did away with this old plan. Claud and Silvia were NOT intended to be siblings, the only incestuous marriage is ArvisxDeirdre, and that is why it is cast as being wrong (incest = bad). First cousin marriage is not considered incest in Jugdral. Kaga doesn't like the idea of making a totally irredeemably evil female character, but admits some would exist in reality, like Hilda. Only Erinys is confirmed to have died among the Gen 1 mothers, only Edain guaranteed to have survived. -But Kaga forgot in the interview about Tailtiu! Discrimination is supposed to be a theme of the game. Arvis is NOT a villain, another protagonist from another perspective on the opposite side of Sigurd. He did not know his blood relation with Deidre at first. He needed Deidre to "win" against Sigurd, whom he feared Deidre had had a relationship with. Kurth was just invented for backstory, not as a full character. Julia was intended to serve the same role as Falchion against Medeus. Julia was not so much fighting her brother as "saving" him by forcing Loptyr out of his body. Seliph's personal arc climaxed with the death of Arvis, and the Final Chapter is more an extra addition. Fate may have played a role in Arvis's course of actions, but Travant knew what he was doing the entire time and there was no fate involved. He had to die, but the it is up to the player to decide whether he deserves pity. Travant also truly loved Altena as a daughter. Kaga though Mercenaries (like Ayra) would be popular due to being generalists without weaknesses. Creating female version of units, less so for classes with mounts, was an additional hassle. Kaga won't give a definite answer on the Forseti-Lewyn situation and only offers different possibilities. States there is no "best couple", but admits each female has about three candidates she can Talk with. Another theme of FE4- growth in both stats and character. Kaga likes strong female characters, and not just romantically. Determined women with a clear goal in mind- Minerva, Altena, Ayra for examples. Even someone like Edain has strength and is not weak. The changing of armor and horse color on promotion actually means new, symbolically more affluent, armor and steeds. Just like buying new weapons. Wishes he could trying making fun characters, like a girl who is meek, but becomes intense on the battlefield. All those little hidden events are there for fun. The Arena enemy Nazarre is not intended to be Navarre, just a fun reference. Autobattle orders like in Gaiden were found to be poorly received, hence they weren't in 3 and 4. But Kaga admits maybe FE4 could've used them. Kaga did not want to appeal to the fanbase, instead choosing to make FE4 around his desires. But did not try to push his trivial interests too much on the players. That is everything from the lips of Kaga I believe. Again so much information. So much so tantalizing! THANK YOU @garmmy!
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