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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Different story promotions have different contexts about what they do. Lord Ike is unusually on the weaker side, alongside Light Sage Micaiah and Prince Leif probably. On the other hand, Roy, Ephraim, Eirika, Eliwood, Hector, and RD Ike and Light Priestess Micaiah all actually seem to actually gain significant magical power on promotion. Also: Yune: “How do you feel?” Ike: “…Strong. Like I can take on anyone.” Sothe:“Wow. Amazing… I feel incredible, like I could arm wrestle Skrimir.”
  2. Quadruple the population doesn't matter so much when you can rain nukes. And raining nukes is precisely why it isn't really possible to have the US and China go to war.
  3. This isn't a gameplay question, and IS could always mess with me, but how large have the gaps been for two banners from the same game/duology? Weren't there two FE4 banners last year? I ask since in two days, the Micaiah & Sothe BHB banner rerun is happening, and I need Micaiah. But whether I also try for Sanaki is dependent on when the next Tellius banner is likely to be. I could likely hold back on an FE6-8, but if Jill or Haar or Ranulf comes around, I'll be forced to spend. And sorry Sanaki, but they take priority over you. So I need to conserve Orbs for that.
  4. *Gets home from my first trip to the gym. Hops on FEH and sees the Ephraim and Myrrh BHB. Sees Green. Uses free summon on Green.* Myrrh. What in Dozla's drunken beard is happening FEH!?! The free summon on two BHB banners, on adjacent days, and I get the featured Green which I desire both times. They even share the same suboptimal nature of +Res/-HP, not that I mind one bit. This beggar is more than happy! Myrrh is perfect since I can run her with Tibarn, Naesala and a Heron and they'll still turn-1 transform into 3 Move fliers. Is this positive conditioning for exercising? I'm hitting the gym more often now. And for Greil's Devoted, I just got a Barst, not like I was looking for a Seasonal, I'm just looking for a standard Titania.
  5. Just to carry this out of the FEH General Discussion: Imperialists are ordinary humans, so I don't see so much of an issue there. But the issue with Arcanists is that they are Vessels and Vessels as the 6th Labyrinth states were created to help in the Yggdrasil project on the scientific side of things, while the Sentinels/Bushi were created to be bodyguards since the post-apocalyptic world is implied to have been filled with monsters. I'll have to agree that Necro > Rover, and Bunkers/Turrets were just a small part of Dragoons' arsenal. I do like the contrast between Necro and Rover- one loyal undying summon vs. continually sacrificing disposable ones. But Rover, I've only done Healing Hound so far, I think is still affected by how EO treated the Survivalist. It being a master of none, a jack of all trades, dilutes its potency (ignore EOI Survivalist- that I hear was godly). Sniper had Binds and Silver Arrow and Volley Shot, but it was still rather lackluster. The dedicated Bow shooter needs a little more flair. Agreed, EO is unusual in how incredible Binds and Ailments are. I can count on two hands how many times I'd use ailments in all of Final Fantasy, which is less than the number of times I'd use inflictions in a single Stratum. My very first team was Bind/Ail in EOIV, the same in V, and I was missing them on EOU Classic. And speaking of Necro earlier, Poison Bomb is da bomb! I didn't think it'd last very long in usefulness, like DH's Viper, yet properly leveled it deals incredible damage in randoms through the 5th Stratum (I did have Wilting Miasma too however). Who needs elements when I have Poison? Flare and Ice Bombs were definitely underpowered on Spirit Evoker.
  6. Fencer is fun, I've used a Chain Duelist recently and its my first use of a chaser. I've got to do another V run with a Phantom Duelist, Shield Bearer and Blade Dancer, and then Spirit Broker and Divine Herald. Admittedly, one of my issues with Nexus is that they needed more backrow stuff. A Warlock with an Omnimancer focus and Alchemist with a leaning on Palms (yeah I know these are front row) would've been nice, as would Dancer for a non-Sovereign buffer. This said, I've already got my Nexus team in mind. Definitely Hero, a Ninja sans clones (so ails and dodgetanking), a Gunner or Zodiac for backrow offense, a Harbinger for healing, and... not sure but maybe Highlander or Shogun, or the other of the Zodiac/Gunner. I want to raise a Farmer, but since I'm afraid my team would be seriously lacking if I tried raising it as a 5th without a backup, I'll use the Memory Conch for it. *Sigh* I wish we'd have gotten a III Untold. I want a Wildling, plus Buccaneer, throw in a Monk with Cesti available as weapons now thanks to V so I could use it offensively well (which I heard you couldn't in III). Add in an Arbalist, and either Gladiator, or a Yggdroid that isn't a crawling tin can of problem. I never got to play EOIII, and I heard it horribly lacks class balance, and it is antiquated by now, so an Untold would've been great for it. I really like the exotic, dramatic, and eclectic class designs. Regardless, I'm looking forward to the successor to Etrian Odyssey Atlus has planned and teased presumably for Switch. If this seems totally off topic, well Eclipse shouldn't mind being fellow traveler of the Labyrinths of the World Tree. And this will be my last post on the matter. Plus I'm just killing time waiting for the next calendar to drop. Where are my next back to back Seasonals?
  7. How is it? I'm not rushing to get the game yet. I'm not hankering for EO right now, but I plan to get it eventually.
  8. Random idea for a game mode I thought of: Shifting Skirmishes. You and another player play on the same battlefield at the same time against one large CPU enemy force. Rather than give a player all the time in the world to make decisions however, you only have a limited amount of time to consider and make your next moves before things pass to the next player or CPU. Therefore, having only 15-30 seconds to decide (for 4 units per team), you must think quick, adding a slight frantic and energetic quality. That would hopefully increase the co-op quality of this mode as well. At the end of a series of maps, the player is rewarded perhaps according to how much time they took to an extent. Or, they could do a Berwick Saga thing and alternate who moves after every action. So Player 1 moves 1 unit, then things shift to Player 2 who moves one of their's. The CPU moves 1-2 units then (more based on their quantity). Then things go back to Player 1, who gets to move 1 unit not the 1 they moved on the last turn, and the cycle continues until all units have moved once, then you can move any unit again. Or, they could combine both of these ideas.
  9. Chance of Devil Sword/Axe backfire is [21 - Luck] = %. In later games where the Luck cap became 30, the base rate sans Luck became 31%.
  10. I'm curious how one would carry this out factoring in the gameplay though. The choice of SoV to abide strictly by most of Gaiden's battle arrangements sounds like it would be difficult to work around. Alm taking Castle Zofia just after meeting the resistance for instance. He has to in SoV, because they chose not to mess with this remake too much, and therefore they couldn't add in new battles after the meetup, but before Castle liberation. Similarly, the choice to restrict the Treasury to Alm is because it was so in Gaiden.
  11. Well there is also supposed to be fate and destiny and all that stuff. But the thing is, that theme is so nebulous, more open than all of Sacae and the worst maps in all of FE combined. It isn't just Awakening's problem, how any story deals with fate is tricky, and probably most of the time poorly handled. Odin Sphere is the one time where I think I've seen it done well, the lesson being "Do not try to defy fate, do one's duty in it" since if you try to break from prophecy, the world is reduced to nothing. 99.9999% of things die even when prophecy is followed, but something is better than nothing. Also, not to get FF too much in here, but I will say that Squall sorta kinda commits a similar error, not exactly the same, but well, you should know well. I'm in agreement with your criticism of Chrom, it's the one thing keeping me back from considering him good. I like his blending of the physical and behavioral Marthian and Hectorian conceptions of lordship, but that lone choice needed to be written better. It's perhaps worse than Ephraim after 5x for me, although Ephraim on the whole is slower burn that burns worse. Although I have come to realize that if he had just said "Sorry Robin, no hard feelings, but you need to go", that would have been counterproductive. As in "What? -You're TELLING ME TO DIE?! What happened to our friendship?! Screw you! Grima we are ONE!". The best solution would have been to have Chrom mope a little, but then get a hold of themselves and say "The weight of the world is on your shoulders Robin. I can't bear the thought of losing you, but neither can I ignore the peace of mind the future would have if Grima ceased to exist. I'm not the one who has to die, I can't make this decision. Only you have the right to decide. Whichever you pick, I'll abide by it, no hard feelings.". That would pass the burden to the player without Chrom interfering in it. Do they refuse fictional death due to bonds to fictional people? Or do they accept a fictional mortal sacrifice because it could save countless generations of fictional people from fictional evil? It would also avoid making Chrom too sentimental or too cold.
  12. Ah the infamous Oedipus Complex, now who is the father whom Sothe wants to kill to sexually claim his mother? Freud had some nice ideas like Id-Ego-Superego, but others like this were absurd.
  13. Achoo! *Sniffles* Sorry. Seasonal allergies. I'm a follower of Emblem Science, so no medications to alleviate them for me. And yeah I'll promote him then if +Spd is the best. He and Naesalad will be the first two I spend Feathers on. And if I get the fluke 5*, I guess I could feed him it, LoD 3 is in the common pool from all I hear of it on budget builds. And Spur Atk/Spd 2 while nice, is probably not incredible. Don't particularly love his character, alas he needed more PoR supports and a better relationship with Tormod, just because he is a little too Micaiah-centric in RD. All this said I REALLY want to put together my Radiant Rondo, and he is one of its members. Now I just need a better Soren and any Micaiah for it to work. Plus the belly shirt is growing on me. Here's hoping we get his Whisper promotion attire eventually- it is a story-induced promotion.: Plus I want his PoR self where his clothes actually fit him. Being that he has Blossom there- increased growths in exchange for reduced EXP gain, the Trainee bonus is order. Unless IS thinks shotas don't deserve it when it is due and only lolis and ore-Surtr-sama are worthy of the boost. Really, Julian, Chad, Cath, and possibly Dew also deserve Trainee BST. And I want Julian and Dew! -Canon Green Dagger in Dew even. @Usana and @Azure in a Roundabout, thanks for the advice too. Now back to listening to the XCX OST, I'm Wir Fliegen at the moment. Like Sothe's shirt, this has somehow grown on me. Now if only Lyn or Lucina had an Elma alt with dual swords as Daggers and Ghost Factory in some skill slot. 1 hit nullification per turn for everyone!
  14. I've obtained my first 4* Sothe, and I do want to eventually promote one, now that I can see natures, how is +Spd/-HP? Given I see LoD in skillset, is he supposed to be glassy? And if so, is it really a problem if its -HP over -Def or -Res?
  15. Of all maps to make festive, this isn't the first I'd pick. -Although which is? At least it isn't Chapter 8: Despair and Hope/Gebal Castle (although when Ilyana rolls around, we might get that map- Awakening had it after all). I'm liking the new castle aesthetic, brightens things up nicely. And being able to see natures now is nice- even if most of mine are rather bleh (although why'd Leanne of all people get +Atk?). Still no real complaining from me, I ain't wastin' more Orbs than necessary to get a 5*. 4*s are the bigger annoyance to me actually, since I know I could and will get more of those eventually, even if I have none now. My best Marth is only +Res/-Def, which sounds good for budget anti-Breath, but I could probably do better. And +Atk/-HP or +Atk/-Spd Caeda, sound not terrible, but I don't want to waste 20k on them if there is something better. And +Atk/-HP Ares also sounds okay, but could I do better? So when people say Gen 3 units, what is meant exactly? And how if at all are Gen 3s different BST-wise from Gen 2?
  16. As a little historical note, I read How Taiwan Became Chinese: Dutch, Spanish, and Han Colonization in the Seventeenth Century by Tonio Andrade. And according to the book, China actually didn't care about Taiwan until the late 1800s after Japan "stole" it from them. It was too far off the mainland for Qing China to care about it. -Of course, that was a wholly different China from today.
  17. Well that is unexpected, but didn't Arvis come from after Belhalla? Despite not yet being old man Emperor? They could do something neat with such a take on certain characters, particularly if they then witnessed the life their loved ones still alive then passed through. Greil was pretty adamant Ike abandon fighting Daein and trying to avenge him, wonder what he would've thought from the beyond of seeing his son triumphant in Melior- and later how he emerged after RD.
  18. This sounds like FFtF material. My present lightly taken theory is she formed beneath the Mila Tree through the intermingling of Mila's and Duma's souls in the near afterlife.
  19. Old FEs are text heavy. Too much effort to translate years 9 years later. EB was already translated, they just had to dig up the old translation from long ago. And before you say the good fan translation. Nintendo will never accept a crown from the gutter as they see it. Otherwise we'd have Mother 3. Although I might have misinterpreted you as saying they could still bring us NM. And you might have just been doing a light jab.
  20. The first is a platformer with as less text than a menu at McDonald's. The second had a whole bunch of English in it already.
  21. Where did it say this? I don't recall that being mentioned anywhere. I don't recall it being mention in its item description, and when Ephraim gets it, it only is only called "the magic tome Gleipnir and Garm, the black axe.". Given how awkward the epithet sounds, I guess you pulled it out of the Japanese and it was something the translators botched. Even though they gave Garm a proper title. So too did they give Vidofnir "the Winged Lance", Nidhogg "the Serpent Bow". Siegmund and Sieglinde the "Flame Lance" and "Thunder Blade". Audhulma "the ice blade" and Excalibur "the wind blade" (but this is apparently only mentioned on Ephraim Mode, not Eirika's, and their titles like Garm's are spelt using lowercase letters while later the rest are properly capitalized). Latona is called the "divine Staff of Latona" (which sounds correct to me), and Ivaldi is only described as "glorious Ivaldi". Looking at these, Gleipnir it appears got a little messed with by the translators. Ivaldi too- what is its literal title translated from Japanese? Regardless, to call Gleipnir law is a little weird, since Dark Magic in SS doesn't at all seem like it'd be associated with law, and we know nothing of hero Grado and whether he was really into law and order and justice and all. If anything, I'd think that title would go to Ivaldi.
  22. The results of another interlude: Sabin (HwLink); Summer Elise (Special Heroes 1); Serge (M&M'sB); I Am Setsuna (A&C'sB); To Young to be Your Name (S&J'sB); Scales (I&R'sB); Sooooo–oooothe! (C&L'sB); Since I've a Sothe now, I can stop going for Colorless so much. Now I can wait until Legendary Micaiah and see if she'd be good for completing Radiant Rondo, if not, I'll go for her normal self. Although I'm not presently big on Daggers, I'd rather have a healer in the fourth. *Wakes up to the sound of yapping dogs. Takes ten minutes to muster myself up. Takes another ten minutes to fully awake and adjust my eyes. Feeds dogs. Notices the family tablet is less charged than I'd like. Nonetheless logs into Heroes as the first thing I do after this routine. Sees the daily BHB banner is Hector and Matthew. Decides after the Elincia burnout to not do any full sessions. Sees green orbs.* Hector. Fortuna swayed generously in my favor when I opened my arms to FEH, and then turned against me when I sought an ancient flier. Now, it shows its generosity again, and thankful I be. Antiquated he might be, I've a want for the original Hector both personally and for a combative role.
  23. Somehow mislabeled Cecilia, I'll have to fix that in my list. I thought it weird I considered her Blue, since her starting inventory in FE6 is a Mend and an Aircalibur. Haven't counted the tome fliers yet, but given my propensity for gathering FE statistical data, I think I'll count them later today. And knowing the relative rarity of tome cavalry, I hope Azelle and Arthur of Freege come prepromoted to FEH. Much less competition and more desirability for them, which would be helpful given they aren't exactly popular characters and infantry is more competitive/loaded. Arthur can go green, seeing he starts as Wind Mage and his sister can be the family's signature electric Blue. Edit: Presently, there are more Blue Tome Fliers than Red- Lazura/Sumilla/Surrin/Forgan/Binian (5) vs. Aversa/NYmilla/Hallowi/Sutana (4). And three Greens- Sprmilla, Fino, Banaki.
  24. A prince cries in a corner sipping absinthe. Though you do have a point- Tome Cavs prior to this Seasonal were only 10 in total so far. 2 Green, 6 Blue, and 2 Red. Which means GDTiamat has much less competition than if she were Infantry, which has 17 Red Tomes. And he probably doesn't work out all that much anymore. Degeneration of the mind likely leaves him not exercising enough, causing muscle mass loss. Also, I just added everyone here to my personal list of everyone by weapon & unit type, and I just realized Ike here is the first Seasonal Sword Armor.
  25. That map... reminds me of PoR definitely, but I'm not sure if it copies any exact place. It recallls Chapter 1: The Battle Begins with the village look, but is totally not matching in layout. Good old Chapter 11- Blood Runs Red (and the Black Knight stalks) has some real layout similarities, but it is not exactly the same either. This being a Seasonal, it doesn't need to match an old map at all, it could just be totally original. ...Wait, they did add the boon bane visualizers? I guess it would be that blue lettered "Spd" on the above Priscilla picture?
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