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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I don't mean to rag on 3H, I'll wait until the game is released before I form any opinions on the game, but there is one, just one, little, itty bitty thing I want to get out of my system. NO MORE GREEN HAIRED MANAKETES! Tiki and Nagi/a were fine, Nowi and canon Nah were okay, but Mila and Duma pressed against a line for me which 3H has now broken. Any color but green! Not all Archanean Divine Dragon Manaketes even had green: -but clearly this guy is being forgotten.
  2. You just made me realize how they picked who they did. I mean I knew Mist carries the Tellius FE, and so do Reyson and Leanne at points in RD- hence their appearance as her pawns. Elibe's is in Roy's toy, 'rin has their FE, Arvis has the most obscure and unimportant FE of all time which doesn't even use the same spelling as the others in Japanese I think. And L'Arachel was the other boss IiRC? Makes sense since her country's Sacred Stone becomes the new Fire Emblem at FE8's end.
  3. Now is Thurd's turn. Age at the Miracle: 37 Birth and Upbringing: Thurd's Transition to War: Thurd's Awakening Begins: Thurd's Epistolary Exchanges to Their End: Thurd Under Duress and his Conversion Thurd in the Liberation: Thurd Retreats to Yied: Thurd at the Moment of the Miracle: 37 Thurd as the Duke of Freege: The Death and Burial of Thurd: And I'll add what little I've written of Baldr, who doesn't have so much to write about since he is the youngest at only 18. Though I did write a little on his post-Holy War life too, but not so much since I have less of his character formed to write about it. Baldr's Family Background and the Basic Structure of His Upbringing: The Schooling System of Baldr: Baldr- of Contradictions: Baldr Just Before the Miracle: Baldr and the Miracle: Just Two "Paragraphs" on Baldr's Chalphy:
  4. Doesn't Atlus tend to skip on the major events? I mean sure Mr. Wildcard III got in here, but only because Smash. Perhaps E3, perhaps whenever Atlus decides to do its own thing. Hopefully they'll also show up the successor to Etrian Odyssey, since they have to have at least the class artwork done by now.
  5. Just tell me when they leak the footage where you can ask that one student if they want to go on a camping trip. You spend the entire day hiking and almost reach your destination as evening sets in, during which you chat as you watch the sunset. You retire to your one tent together and say a little more before the screen fades to black. Then you hear the student having woken up and ran out of the tent shouting that the sunrise is beautiful and that you have to come out and see it. A CG then consumes the entire screen, to the sides at the edge of the distant horizon are the many trees of a deciduous forest, the ground is pounded dirt and with a little moist mud. In the background is a great blue lake on which the beams of the rising Sun reflect. The Sun is just to the right of your student's right shoulder in the foreground, and it illuminates their right side, where their arm is sticking out a little, the hand waiting for you to come and hold it. The rest of the student's body is directly facing the Sun, their backside is all you see, not an inch out of alignment, they stare into it as they did your eyes last night. They want for nothing but you in this moment, nothing at all, for they wear naught but the forest's air and morning dew. The same as you.
  6. Hmm... Use only Special Heroes? Use only characters from Blazing Blade and Binding Blade (or any other game(s))? Use only X Color units? Use only X Range units? Use only units with a rarity less than 5? Shame no gender trait in this game. You've been playing for how long and don't yet have a Myrrh? Or do you not just care for her? To be fair...
  7. If only. As is, I don't think I could even make a normal contribution. Characters and dialogue are such weaknesses of mine I'm not sure I could actually create anything that wasn't as dry as two saltine crackers with the Khadein, Zofian, Yied, Nabata, Jehanna, Grann, Goldoan, and Plegian Deserts wedged between them. And thanks for the praise. I don't even listen to rap music, or know what "thot" means. I was just making a joke with the loliketes thing (thanks for adding another 3H- without the new trailer released today I wouldn't have this in mind). Although one could spin it that the speaker is themselves a mentally fully mature manakete male, albeit with the physical appearance of a shota. Unfamiliar with the differences in mental maturation between humans and dragons, they mistake a human loli as being mature and able to give rational consent, only to find out whoopie is a criminal whoopsie.
  8. "I thought she was legal- turns out she's not. We were heading over to my cot- only to be handcuffed when I called her my thot. Now I've got time to be lost in thought- so say my optimistic unbelieving mot." -My poor attempt to assemble a joke based the above quote serving as the theme, in rap lyrics form.
  9. The heck Farina? She is the slowest of the Pegs in FE7, but she isn't supposed to be just one point above her base Spd. 20/1 is supposed to be 17.6. Chance of seven levelups without proccing Spd = .50^7 = 0.78% chance. Did I do the math right? At least she has Def and Str, one above on the Str, and two above on the Def, Res is +1 too. As for Funds, I forget if it was HHM or EHM or an NM run, but I got 5*s everywhere (but EXP if it was an HM run) and 4* on Funds, I must have been so close! I blame my use of Killers and Silvers in the final battles, even though I wasn't keeping track of money in detail. Now good luck with Battle Before the Dawn of Insanity! And then the Water Temple, no, not that Water Temple, this one is even worse. And then you get to Call o- woops, wrong CoD. Why is it called Cog of Destiny anyhow? I get what it means, just not how it applies to the circumstances of the plot at that moment. And after that is WHY ONLY ONE OPEN UNIT SLOT, TWO WAS TOO MANY? And then Archers As Numerous As Sand Grains of Time, and then a shopping spree, and then an epic open air penultimate battle, then Berserker Beefcakes in the Silence, and lastly the final battle.
  10. Blame TMS. And where is the port? Admittedly, I'm not the biggest fan of high school hijinks, partly because in high school, I never really participated in any of them. That is what E3 is for. -Well there will probably be more before then, but E3 would be the best chance to have an hour-long Treehouse presentation showing the game in action. Interesting to hear. I don't have a single first Zelda, since I had access to Zelda 1-OoT all at once, plus MM and OoX shortly thereafter. Speaking of OoX, hopefully they'll get a similar treatment, with perhaps a few OoA puzzles toned down. And then we can get an OoS for Farore. Might as well use the assets for what they're worth. Also, the hippo posing nude and mermaid who lost her bikini top in the Japanese version will definitely be getting changed in LA. Not in this era methinks. Me too! DXM is going to have to fill the void until we finally get to find out what is up with Mira. Although this being pure action I suppose, if I ever went online I'd probably be shot dead in an instant.
  11. Just pretend her father spoiled her rotten. And that Xander never chose her but instead her father pulled some strings with Garon when his daughter dearest complained about wanting to work directly with royalty. And those strings were pretty strong, since Duke Durceal Losots supplied Garon with all those Talon Ballistae and magibeams and Fire Orbs which you don't see. Sadly, he never finished his masterpiece of alchemy in time- the enormous revenant wyvern known as The Great Hooter, which could've fireballed Hoshido without the slightest fear of retaliation. Why would one have to confront all those units though? The map can proceed faster than that, and will if you're on Hector Mode and shooting for The Value of Life. As for Awakening, I'm pretty darn sure most people just leave it unsaid that game is hordes of enemies throughout. It has the same problem as BR. Yeah, that handful of midgame battles really does drag down BR, before the lategame spike. Shame the difficulty, if still easier than CQ, was not better distributed with maps a little better designed. It'd make it notably more fun.
  12. I'd probably give the 3H crew a pass and save my spheres for someone I know I like. And the idea of another loli dragon is a bit disconcerting. But who knows? Maybe they'll bury themselves into your soul at some point and then slowly highjack your brain, before a narrative climax like the highest leaf on a tree and then burst out as beautiful cordyceps. Your pals will be the ones to remove the growth once it shows itself. Whatever it be, I'll go for FE3H eventually, as long as the gameplay holds.
  13. I believe so. On that note, some people like throwing Wrath on Micaiah, since she has the capacity for it, and tends to get ORKO'ed anyhow. With Sacrifice she "safely" drop her HP to sub 30% and then gain the extra 50 crit (yes, they nerfed Wrath a little by lowering the HP requirement to below 30%). Just an option. It doesn't work with the original Japanese version of this game, since there Wrath activates at and under 20% of max HP, and even then it isn't guaranteed to activate- it has an activation rate equal to Skill on top of that. So Micaiah would have a ~10% chance of gaining 50 crit when below 20%. Resolve was similarly nerfed with the same 20% or less requirement and an activation rate of Strength = % (even though it no longer buffs Strength). The international release realized these skills had gone from risky but amazing to absolutely worthless, and corrected them by removing the proc chance on both and raising Wrath's HP requirement to 30% or less, and Resolve's got brought back to the PoR 50% or less.
  14. I'd consider Stardew, used to play HMs as a kid, and then moved on for a while to RF, but now... anything dating sim just doesn't sit well with me. Partly, there is some fear of mine that nothing would match my expectations. I'm not nitpicky incel or anything, and I am flexible and tolerant and wouldn't want to be nitpicky and instead try to understand the character in question. But for some reason I can't quite explain, I think I'd feel a little... repulsed? Not a disgust repulse, but some sort of distancing dissonance. I could play the game a stoic farmer, but then that'd be missing out on presumably a good chunk of the experience. And you remind me of ShinonxJanaff. That PoR support I happen to like a lot. Both start in the C very racist and distrusting towards each other. They continue being racist in the B, but Janaff softens and tries to understand Shinon despite his continued racism. And then in the A without it being wholly planned or terribly blatant, Janaff manages to get under Shinon's skin and he stops being racist, even stopping himself mid-pronunciation into the phrase "half-breed", and thus at the end Shinon is wanting to ask Janaff more questions as Janaff had after the B. My only issue is that we don't get another conversation between the two! (Though not in the form of an S support.) I so wish to know how things would've gone after this! All we get in RD is Shinon reverting back to full racism in the Kitten Smitten base convo.
  15. Berwick Saga, I haven't played it, but it seems to make promotions more than just hit 10 or higher and throw a seal on someone. For at least the following characters, I see what seems like character development-related promotions, which is close to story promotions as we could probably get.:
  16. Speaking of this, I'd think it'd be a good idea if they squeezed old TT units on the new TTs alongside the usual new stuff. What harm could it do? Grails are rare enough as is. For Seasonal TTs, just include the prior year's Seasonal TT. For non-Seasonal ones, it doesn't need a rhyme or reason. Marisa on an Awakening TT is fine by me. Just another little boon question. Regular Nino, +Spd or +Atk? I've a *5 +Spd -Atk freebie from the NPB now, and some +Atk -Spd 4* copies, if I promoted one of those 4*s, should it or the 5* be the base of the merge? And one other little, perhaps not really necessary, question. Is Micaiah fairly good with Desperation? Old memories of Sacrifice-Wrath on her in RD came to mind.
  17. Lunatic Classic Conquest is very difficult for the ordinary player (ignore those junkies who scoff at it- they're exceptional). Enemy stats are always competent, the abundance of individually selected skills on each and every enemy is nasty, and the player cannot really out-level and steamroll things well ever. This is good, since the game is constantly about using strategy as a result, and FE is a strategy RPG. But this can be a chore, and some battles depending on your perspective can become obnoxiously stacked against you in certain ways. Honestly, CQ Lunatic once is enough for me, I'd rather go for CQ Hard, which is still quite challenging, but more forgiving enough that I find it my go to mode for CQ. The difference until the very end amounts to nothing more than cherries, but cherries atop a sundae the size of Gonzales sitting atop Elise's back.
  18. A special kind of old I'll call "I've been sapped of my vitality and skin color and my face is now a round pale mushy blob old and the rest of my body is becoming the same kind of flesh sack without any substance". No wrinkles, this is true, but when the underlying structure is degenerating, that doesn't really matter. Imagine Wrys in using Navarre's aesthetic, and that is what I mean. Or to use another example which you may be familiar with: Just remove the helmet, and throw Navarre's hair on him. That is what I mean.
  19. Or given any (ideally the bonus effect) refine. Dew is still a stringent commodity right? Making it so NP'ed characters on their NP banner come with an innate refine might be good for Orb pressure. IS doesn't make money off Dew in any way, right?
  20. Catria from the ATiki and Nowi rerun; Nino from the LA rerun; the Virion and Cherche gave a Beruka; the Takumi and Hinoka a Boey; the first of these two New Powers gave me a Camilla. A little envy from me. But I'm in recovery mode on the Orb front so I can't shell out for her. This said, I did get on the second New Power a free 5* Nino, albeit -Atk/+Spd. Fortunately I've a couple 4*s laying around, two of them +Atk/-Spd, with the merge update, I'll be able to use the new one in some way. Just need to know which is the better base.
  21. I think he did downplay her RD growth and moment of strength in 2-1. He spoke of the events in general, but not really how 2-1 contributes to Nephenee's character, it shows how a timid peasant girl has owing to her PoR experience become a confident and proactive person and disciplined soldier. I'm also not sure about the statement that FE fans love humble characters, I'd need to think about that. One does have to admit we learn fairly little about Nephenee, we do see more sides to Brom, and Nephenee's shyness and insecurity are to blame for leaving out room for other things. Though I do concede some ground for letting characters be timid, not everyone is a verbose extrovert.
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