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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Now that Leif Faris Claus is gone, I'll contribute my once in a while pokes to Owain. It's a battle of the underwear, and Owain is the sexier one here.
  2. Which is quadruple its usual. But the rest are serious drawbacks. Shame the Herlain Staff never became a real thing. I thought I heard of some glitch that happens if you try using a promotion item on Bantu, apparently it makes his Def skyrocket beyond the cap.
  3. Two extra characters, neither all that great in gameplay, and a couple of extra scenes become available. The scenes all come at the game's end and provide some extra plot details, but nothing absolutely central to the storyline, if still nice. It doesn't make much sense why the stuff isn't available on a first playthrough, but so things are.
  4. You should, not sure what the problem would be. You played Hard PoR, so it can't be the Easy Mode transfer freeze bug. A little tip- mages in RD can be quite fragile, even by their usual standards. Hope Miccy gets like ~12 Spd towards Part 1's end, there is a reason why I say this. Also, when you get the new Staffer, if you don't need Micaiah to do something important on a turn, have her Sacrifice on an injured unit and then heal Micaiah- EXP for the both of them that way. And one other thing, when BEXP becomes available, the system was changed to guarantee exactly 3 stat points per level when leveling up with BEXP. Most Beorc units have 310 to 400 in growths, so until they cap a stat or two and fall below 300, it is technically inferior to use BEXP on them. Although getting someone to say 95 experience via BEXP and then having them poke something to level up on turn 1 of the next battle will result in a perfectly normal levelup able to proc any number of stats as usual.
  5. Forgive me for being a stinkin' casual in the strategy department. You elitists who dissect everything to the last atom and demand only the greatest of challenges can stick to your foie gras delicacies, while we masses deserve our Five Guys'. Although I do acknowledge some of your criticisms. And I wish the Advance Wars AI had actually learned how to fight naval battles. I made my Altea based on the Mystery version, all the rough edges to the water made it a headache to get right/guestimate what should be sea/land on, and not all my islands were properly aligned. Arena Island and Castle Island got out of whack somehow and I had to really try to fix it. It isn't perfect- the water area southeast of Arena Island is still too small for instance, but it'll have to do. I added roads and additional villages for convenience. The AI spent zilch on defending their HQ, so it was an unexpected easy victory. Unfortunately, I don't know how to upload the map. I plan to copy or adapt more FE maps. But that'll take some time. (I've also noticed two maps by someone going by the name Armagon, but I doubt it's SF's.)
  6. Well now that the free legendary idea is shown false, for now at least, there is no need for me to worry about this. However, when it comes to it, both for Eirika and all whom I show neutrality towards, if I've people who can do whatever role I need filled comparable to those characters, I'll just use them instead. I can summon for only so many, invest in so many. Even if I don't dislike Eirika, if there are say four other Sword Infantry or Cavalry able to compare with her in my inventory, and I like them all more, why use her? Why'd I need a Flying Olivia? I turned her into a manual, since Reyson and Leanne can do her job just as well, save for being a different color- which is only relevant for refreshers in niche situations. Using someone I'm neutral towards is not using someone I like. It is not the same as hating them, but neutrality is still inferior to likability. No magnetic charge does not attract, and is not the same as a magnetic charge that repels. I haven't done that mode yet. So I'm fine. If this involves fighting other players' units with my own units, well I know I'm doomed already, so why care about it?
  7. Perhaps because you've followed something for a while, and finding it to be not what you wished it was, now seek to tear it down? Hype turns to rage and rant?
  8. Odd, I recall hearing it is like Gaiden. Knights cannot promote, even thought the General class exists. Clerics can, but don't get EXP from healing, only being attacked- equal to the EXP value of the enemy. They've pretty terrible though in growths.
  9. Oh, someone beat me to the punch. I call dibs on Altea! (And @Slumber don't cha like a little Thracia love?). I've only started the game, through the first Fog of War mission. The game isn't exactly handholding with the early stages, they're tutorials, but not cakewalks- I almost lost the first retreat battle actually (although to be fair, I kinda didn't notice the barracks for a few turns, and I should've built a second Wagon). I'm cautious with my Commanders, and they've stuck to a single Barrack per map so far, so spamming units to win isn't a thing yet. I'm appreciating the deviations from Advance Wars, no fuel, no ammo, Rangers can move and attack instead of being unable to the one of the two like Artilleries. And the visuals do look better in motion than in a screenshot, they're quite nice actually. It's a bit confusing what is what for each faction so far, but I'm liking the devotion put into making each look different. And Warpups are an adorable idea. I'll post my multiplayer info later, and just a reminder, this game has crossplay with PC/Switch/XBOne (Sony is a stoic edgelord). The developers aren't sure about a ranking system for online yet, but they do plan quality of life updates and some promising yet unexplained DLC.
  10. That is not my concern exactly, I'm not in charge of gameplay development. But some form of versatile boost, usable in some way by practically any class, that is all I ask for. Grima's power should be enough to be shaped into practically any form of strengthening. Admittedly, my idea for a personal skill was influenced by SMTIV: Apocalypse, where the MC becomes a Godslayer at the end and then gets their own Awakened Power, which allows them to pierce enemies' resistances to any and all attack types, and also gives them a 25% damage boost to every type of attack as well. All that is left at this point is a final dungeon, and most of the game the same would be done for Robin, so it can be quite potent.
  11. Admittedly, this is me wishing Robin, rather than spurn all the Grima powers, instead tried to control them against Grima. Which is what they do during the start of the final battle, and possibly at its end. Not so much a skill gained from becoming Grima, as a skill gained from an awakened awareness of being potentially Grima and having a sense, however limited, of being able to control that power. To use my old go-to case from Castlevania. Soma gains the Power of Dominance when put in mortal danger, and the Power of Dominance is great, but they don't have to become Dracula if they use it. Becoming Dracula requires they will it (which happens in the bad ending of Dawn of Sorrow) or the Chaos overwhelm them (which almost happens at Aria of Sorrow's true end).
  12. I'd say no to a story promotion for Robin, but instead sometime during the Grimleal Arc, they unlock a Personal Skill of some sort. Walhart and Aversa already have them, why not give Robin something like "Awakened Power"? A skill would be ideal, since unlike a class, it locks them into no particular role, and unlike a weapon, they can use it regardless of class.
  13. If you're going to... AW1 starts with a dedicated tutorial akin to Lyn Mode, featuring a silent and inoffensive avatar like Mark. The main campaign is closer to Binding Blade Normal as a result. It's pretty fun with an early route split, unlockable battles, and later you get to choose you difficulty in a way- picking Andy is Normal, Max is Easy, and Sami is practically speaking a Hard Mode. Advance Campaign thereafter is EVIL! Has the least content of any of the games, but it's still fun. AW: Black Hole Rising is AW1 with some rebalancing (Max is no longer broken), the addition of Super CO Powers, and more content (maps and COs) on the whole. The main campaign is still quite fun, Orange Star is the tutorial segment, followed by the freedom to play Blue Moon and Yellow Comet, with Green Earth being the final and harder stretch before the final battle with Black Hole. If a CO has particular strengths, their campaign battles tend to emphasize them. AW: Dual Strike has the most content of all, the most maps and COs. But the campaign is boring, easy even on Hard, Tag Powers are broken, and the game is rather uncreative. AW: Days of Ruin wiped away the old and cheery world in favor of a more "anime" one with a post-apocalyptic coating. CO count was slashed as a result and CO Zones were instituted to tone down COs and CO Powers, even if there still isn't perfect balance. The War Room was replaced with a set of Trial Maps, the campaign was made better than DS's, and a number of refinements to the gameplay were instituted. Might have less content than DS, but still has tons of maps, and the Design Room was expanded from 3 save slots to 50, allowing one to store many more of their own creations. Super Famicom Wars also has an English translation patch. The game is in some ways archaic, no special CO abilities for all but three of them, no plot, the APC's role is actually divided among two units. But it has its charms and one could consider trying it. Two 3rd Party attempts at replicating Advance Wars have since been digitally released on Switch/PS4/XBO/PC: Tiny Metal is the first, and in ways it seems like a good game. But Fog of War always being present, the absence of unique COs, and no design room it seems might be turnoffs. It does bring its own new ideas to the mix however. A potential turnoff is that this game was developed, so I hear, using Kickstarter funds intended for a totally different game called Project Phoenix. The second is Wargroove, which was released just yesterday. This game is getting a lot of praise, it uses a medieval theme instead of modern warfare. It has unique COs and also introduces its own little quirks. And it has a massive Design Room apparently, complete with the ability to make your own campaigns. I plan to get it soon.
  14. That doesn't apply to FE1, FE3 yes, but in FE1, nobody has any Resistance naturally, barring Gotoh.
  15. If this is the case, is the game already dead/on life support? Shouldn't gatchas, being continual works in progress, games yet to be finished, be more responsive to player feedback than normal games? And why no announcement of a boon/bane display? Is that not actually going to happen?
  16. No numbers are better than false numbers. Since no numbers can't mislead.
  17. Really? Wikipedia says 274k in Japan, 250k in NA, nothing on Europe for SD. DoR it puts at 130k in NA, nothing on Europe. Your sources? Actually, you're right on this. But what you forget is that like the Creeper virus, Garon is actually a failed Caulder experiment. It entered the same dimensional rift Tabitha fell in when the Great Owl, that giant bomber able to have 20+ armored vehicles wage a battle inside, fell from the sky. Now without the pollution of meteor dust in the atmosphere and soil, the experimental mass of slime came to life and crawled into King Garon, who was near the site of its entry. Slowly, it drove Garon insane and then assimilated his body to its own cellular structure. The Anankos possession only came after this. In the meanwhile a Caulder clone tucked on the Great Owl survived, awoke, and killed the Rainbow Sage and then altered his body to look like the RS's. He then created the Yato, Ganglari, the royal prince personal weapons, and used Caulder Missiles containing poison gas to trick the entire world into thinking they were ancient, he also made all the S rank weapons and the Hexing Rod. Why? So he could reestablish Intelligent Defense Systems and hawk his wares and carry out his experiments without anyone suspecting him of being morally dubious. You know Corrin had nanomachines monitoring his every action and vital sign since Chapter 1 of Fates right?
  18. Can anyone for the sake of it offer a reminder of the most likely for each color? Emma L'azuraus for Blue is one, Surtr for Green is another, and who else? Second place dark horses with a slim shot?
  19. They are too slow in their r e a c t i o n s . Rein and Lyn must have really scarred them.
  20. Days of Ruin was definitely running in the direction of modern anime. Aesthetics/tone wasn't a problem, and need I remind you of proto-Peri? Stupid weak XRay! How could you forget I exist! Now go my servant make the batter so it can rest overnight, tomorrow is Waffle Day! A real problem is that AW didn't get off the ground in Japan. AW1 was supposed to release in Japan on September 11th, 2001, but then the American tragedy happened (US got the game before Japan did). Apparently AW1 was not released until later when it was bundled with AWII in a single cartridge in Japan. Sales in Japan remained weak with Dual Strike, and weren't exactly singing extraordinarily in the US either. Then comes Days of Ruin, and they scrapped the Japanese release entirely, it only was made available years later with a Club Nintendo offer.
  21. Looks good and simple, although maybe toss an Atk buff into his arsenal, Valflame's +10 Mag and all. And a skill called Most Useless Silver Blade. Somehow, it appears nobody has made either a Zeke, nor a Sirius, there is something Siriusly wrong here then. I shall attempt the two Camuses not Camus. Both Lance Cavalry, but with an attempt made to differentiate them, even if as both are summonable, they would not obsolete the budget version in Camus himself. Ascendant Amnesiac (I wish SoV gave him an actual title): Zeke Mysterious Knight: Sirius
  22. If only AversaxChrom stayed true! That was actually quite good.
  23. Weapons only then? Hmmm.... Not to break the final fights or anything, but make Mycen a Deimos. And throw him the Emperor's Lance, just to give it to somebody else. Rudolf's postmortem gift.
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