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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Do you not have Rev? His Rev bases: Name Class Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Mov Odin Dark Mage 12 24 8 12 12 10 12 7 10 5 His joining chapter- Chapter 17. The next fight features all promoted enemies I believe, and the game stays that way from there on out. Peri, Laslow, and Niles come in the same chapter, although at higher levels with better bases- not to call any of them good. Nyx comes in Chapter 15 with exactly the same bases and level as that of CQ, in the same chapter as Shura, with his BR (higher) 20/10 bases. Did anybody playtest this?
  2. Agreed on the accuracy. His FE4 self- a breakdown: HP 90%- second highest value in Gen 1 (highest is 110), tied with several. Str 50%- highest value, tied with Sigurd, Quan, Arden, Lachesis. Skl 10%- the lowest value, tied with Arden and Silvia. Spd 30%- average, had by many. Lck 40%- average-ish, with quite a few higher. Def 30%- average. Res 5%- the usual for a physical unit. 255 in total growths is right in the middle of the FE4 Gen 1 pack. His base Spd is good, thanks to the Archer class's stats. The Killer Bow's 100 Hit is +30 over every non-Brave Bow, which with his 14 base Skl fixes his accuracy issues. 11 base Str is not so high though, something his growth has to counteract. His base HP is good. Pursuit from the Archer class (although shouldn't it now be translated as Followup?) allows him to double. Adept gives him with the KB (so light at only 3 Wt, the same effectively as Yewfelle and 5 less than every other bow) a 31% chance of dealing an extra hit. The KB itself provides Critical at a 14% (his base Skl) activation rate. Compared to Midir, Jamke has much better bases, with better HP, Str, and Luck growths. Midir has better Skl and Spd growths, but significantly lower bases, nor Adept. In growths, Brigid has as much HP, Spd, Def, and Res, more Lck, slightly more Skl, and less Str, and no non-Pursuit skills. Of course, she comes much later, prepromoted with +20 Str/Skl/Spd, and gets Yewfelle for a minimum of 60 Atk. And then you have Charge/Confront/Accost (translate it as you wish). FEH has yet to add anything like this- a skill that prolongs the duration of a round of combat, for better or worse. I doubt they ever would.
  3. It's only Shiro and Ignatius that have these issues. The rest don't need any extraordinary effort to safely recruit sans Rescue use. And even Ignatius isn't as bad as Shiro. I prefer late-recruiting the kids as lategame filler with solid stats and no EXP necessary, but I love how flexible they are. Percy and Ophelia have great reasons to be done early- Gold and awesome tomes; and of course, Dwyer can be a little Jagen-ish with a nice promoted 15 skill inherited from daddykins. Entrap is good for getting rid of the pressure on recruiting Forrest, and it is probably easier to get the stat boosters from Sophie's and Dwyer's battles if you do them sooner, but those are minor side objectives. My only run of Lunatic needed BP/VP rewards (had much more than you, enough for a full magic weapon set, though I never grinded enough for the extra Dragonstone+), Chapter 7 was too difficult otherwise, and C10 was also very tight. So I get using them, toned things down enough to be bearable for me. Never finished the run though, stopped before Hinoka 2.
  4. Would this MMO be free-to-play? I might try it for a brief while then. A little free Musou isn't a bad thing.
  5. There are characters I dislike, but I wouldn't want them not in. Every FE character deserves to be in FEH. Sure, there will be those who pitybreak me who I'll be fuming at (please don't put two Blues on the next Tellius banner, since I know one will be Ilyana) in the moment and hurling insults at. And certain characters whom I may dislike will come sooner than those I like. But thems the breaks.
  6. Elitist or weebist? TMS is for flexible fans. Ones who don't mind the near-total abandonment of traditional FE gameplay and characters who are barely FE characters. But if you look at my sig, you'll see I'm no foe of TMS, just the opposite.
  7. Where is the part where he binds you with those General chains, with an axe attached to them ever so lightly touching your spine in perfect alignment? Waiting for the moment when a forceful push causes it to tear your skin and shatter your bones?
  8. But Mythic Breath sounds like it'd be too commonplace, a tome would make him more unique. Rebrand it Soul of Forseti if it must be (since Gen 2 in Thracia 776 canon Lewyn lacks the actual tome Forseti). However, I'd propose doing something which I think @Jotari suggested as an upgrade for Julius- letting Forseti-Lewyn benefit from any and all -Dragon buffs, at the price of gaining the weakness to Falchions and Nagas and their ilk (which Julius already has of course). It'd add a little diversity to Breath teams having Range 2 units to play with (and maybe for the heck of it this effect would also apply to Summer 13 Tiki and Halloween Nowi). -Although then FEH should add a Blue Tome unit with the Dragon buff access feature, since Julius and Lewyn would cover Red and Green. Maybe Two-Seconds-Possessed Julia packing an Aura variant (I'd prefer Nosferatu- I'm discovering she isn't a bad Nostank in Gen 2 right now- but FEH don't do Nos)? Can't think of anyone else canonical for this role. But an OC or Seasonal could always fly.
  9. Elincia would have been a better fit. A post-RD war between the Beorc Queendoms, will Sanaki revive the nostalgic Begnion territorial control of centuries past? Will Elincia, contrary to her ideals, unite the world through force and bring it into a Pax Crimea? Does Micaiah foresee her victory and Daeinian mastery of the continent such that, barring extermination of Laguz, would have made founder Hengist proud?
  10. Naga Incarnate (Future Past): Tiki. Although I'd rather have Naga herself, ideally back from before her death, during the golden age of Archanean dragonkind. Naga at her prime in peace, from a world before she ended up having to salvage everything.
  11. Having just played FE6, I can confirm this. Merlinus, Guinevere, and Elffin (who largely replaces Merlinus later on) are the only real constants besides Roy. Cecilia comes, but goes once recruited. I'd also add Minerva to Marth's talking ensemble in a hypothetical re-remake of FE1, since she is Princess of Macedon and later its (sadly failed) Queen. Marth, Malledus, Nyna, Hardin, Minerva for a five-person talking ensemble isn't too much to ask for, and I guess you could add Caeda. All but Malledus are royals, they have a right to be at the top of this pecking order chatting together. She informs Basilio Walhart was going to kill him, thus leading him to barely escape death. This allows for Basilio to participate in the "deceiving the Grimleal ploy" Robin whips up involving a fake Fire Emblem.
  12. The Creation SoV Thabes Labyrinth Grima. Grima back when they were a baby abomination, yet to see the painful light of day and desiring to see it extinguished. They can do something with that, not sure what though. And I don't think we have a human form for that, but FEH could work around it. Just spin it that Grima's creator (Decarabia?) decided to contain its twisted child's power in a human form, which it then cloaked in full body robe with a hood covering the face (so no gender is visible) for the sake of modesty. Official FE6 art shows him in armor looking very similar to Hector's. However, in FE7, Durbans has bare shoulders, indicating he is likely shirtless. His title is "The Berserker", and the class itself in GBA FE is shirtless, so the FE6 art is probably inaccurate. With this said, I could see him being Axe Infantry over Axe Armor. Less awesome BST sure, and no easy class buffs or cool -Fighter skills, but I'm sure they could still make him very good. Speaking of Dragons, Earth Dragon Medeus would be neat if he could naturally bypass walls. For those who haven't played FE3, Earth Dragons there are half-buried in the ground (strangely though, they're only fought indoors), and when moving and dodging attacks with map animations on, burrow themselves beneath it.
  13. Oh, I'd take Power Without Peer, The Dragonhunter, The Fleshbiter, The Bonecrusher, The Skullbreaker, The Doombringer. He requires no rest in obscurity, he has no need for the idleness called not existing. His power unused is power wasted. Better for him to crash the game until its death than sit out and wait for it. Armads cares not what... he would join this game... -That I just paraphrased most of The Berserker's limited dialogue is a sign I like him and his raw lust for battle, rarely seen in FE, particularly on a "good" guy. Sadly though, I think I'm an exception.
  14. I'd do: Lords: Villains: Non-Lords and Non-Villains: Also, I'd add Support Characters. They exist in Pokken Tournament because Pokemon has too many 'mons to make them all playable, but so many deserve at least a little spotlight. Like with Support Pokemon, they'd be put into pairs, which a character can equip for a fight, and each character in a pair gets a single move to support the playable fighter. My Support Sets: Honestly though, FE is much too bloated for a Fighting game without serious cuts. The franchise is just too darned big in character count.
  15. Sadly, I think you're right. Unless they go for a hero of ancient yore (which is bound to be a bore) or an OC, Breath is almost certain. Although one alternative would be to make Ravager!Formortiis!Lyon (Ravager is his Def-targeting punching skill) a Green Beast, and by Grima non-tomes of pure darkness can be non-Red. As for Forseti-Lewyn, well that you can't see a difference is important to hiding the dragon god's presence as a character. But yes, this does undermine him as a possibility.
  16. Sorta. From what I've read of Binding Hard Mode, Rutger is autolocked into the first Hero Crest for 8x sanity's sake, the person Fir is snubbing here is either Dieck, Gonzalez, Ogier, or Geese. None of whom are sadly in this game yet. Beautiful, Rutger doing what he does best- being a boss-slaya. Although to be fair, Zephiel has brought an undersized Exaccus compared to its real self. Fivefold Summon Tickets would arguably be better for IS's bottom line than the tickets we presently get. If you don't want everyone on a banner, or if a banner lacks full color representation, then a Fivefold would be worse than individual Tickets for a player. Since if you get 1 Green and 4 non-Green Orbs, and you specifically want a Focus's Green character and no one else, you are only getting one instead of possibly 4-5 Green summons, and each of those non-Green orbs can give you a pity breaker who thus weakens your chance at your desired character.
  17. A list of gameplay changes from my one, recent run of Normal Mode: Allow enemies to drop items when defeat. That this isn't a thing when practically every other game allows this, including both GBA followups, is weird. It is also why there are so many danged chests in this game- they have to contain the things which enemies would otherwise drop. Droppable items thus forces a correction to the flawed map design. Hit rates are something which should be changed, but we have to be careful here. This game is balanced as is around low enemy hit rates with Double RN calculation, particularly in the earlygame. If you just went and added +10 hit to all Axes, you'd make the game much harder when you're most vulnerable. Raising hit rates requires either increasing ally Spd/Lck or concrete durability values, or a weakening in the potency/number of enemy units at certain points. Alter Hugh's AI to not actively attack you. He might not be getting paid he thinks, he likes money, what reason does he have to attack you? Include a more elegant way of working around Douglas, just surrounding him with those who can't kill him and healing whoever gets hurt, is easy, but in no way is it smart. Give me a smart, puzzle-like solution for dealing with him. Speaking of Douglas, the game needs to make Divine Weapon chapters more clear as to how to access. A blind player could easily miss them. I think the game made "keep Lilina alive" noticeable enough, but even this could be stressed more. For Douglas, alter it to say his loyal troops are defending the Saint's Tower Aureola. If he dies, then Bern/the Revolutionaries will overwhelm it now and pillage the tome. They still conquer the tower for the sake of the side chapter obviously, but with Douglas's death they do it sooner and are able to run away with Aureola. We don't need to the chapter boss to say "Hurry Goon B, get the Divine Weapon in 25 Days (turns)!" for Chapters 12x, 14x, 20x, and 21x, but some additional messaging, with a "~5 turns left alert", would be good. Furthermore, I'd remove the requirement that certain characters must be alive for the above chapters, or at least modify it. Sophia can remain needed for Forblaze since C14 is her joining chapter- but make her outright say "I will guide to you to the Divine Weapon if you save Arcadia" beforehand. Yet otherwise, change the life requirements, since Elffin doesn't die even when recruited regarding Armads, and Guinevere is an unkillable Bernese so Melady and Zeiss are not needed. For Ilia, make it so I only need Juno or Zelot, and Dayan, Sin, or Sue for Sacae. At least on Normal, do away with Same-Turn Reinforcements. Increase the deployment slots on a couple of Divine Weapon chapters. 12x in particular I'd say. Alter the vanishing floors mechanic of 14x- I got MASSIVELY slowed down here because I wasn't rushing things and only had Melady as a trained flier. The result is that the way forward took eons to open. Tone down the number of siege tomes in a couple instances- 14x is one case- did we really need one near the boss who already has Bolting? Give Fae's Divinestone more uses, add an obtainable Firestone for her, or modify her dragon mechanics to that of FE3 Tiki and Bantu. Perhaps add some enemies to Chapter 21 who differ based on whichever place you didn't go to. Loyalists to Bern who remain after being forced out of their home country. Character rebalancing is a tricky thing, but I will say Juno needs massively better bases. Dayan's are good, but hers are unusable. Make Merlinus's deployment slot free, not taking up anyone else's. Regarding narrative and not gameplay: Enliven the plot. The "Merlinus says Y. Roy does the opposite of Y. Victory!" + exposition approach is dull. What this would involve, I'm not sure. More characters maybe? Or more from those who already feature at least. Roy by himself tastes like paper mache. Add a quip explaining what happened to whichever of Ilia and Sacae you didn't visit. I find it odd they say nothing about this. Just write so they defected after the other's defeat, or that Bern had to pull out after the other defeat, or a smaller Etrurian force independent of Roy's freed the country. Some of the Chapter 24 exposition dump has to be relocated elsewhere. Mystery of the Emblem's, that which Binding Blade's "false myths" are derived from, distributed the exposition over the course of the multi-chapter Anri's Way and the finale, which made it much less burdensome. Since the Divine Weapon chapters are fillerish in plot, I'd make it so that the Divine Weapons were all part of the seal on the Dragon Sanctuary, but when Zephiel removed the Exaccus, the seal was already sufficiently weakened for it to break after 1000 years. When Roy obtains some of the Divine Weapons, an illusion of Jahn appears, without him naming himself, and then describing part of the exposition before fading away. Give Zephiel more screentime, as is, he only appears in three chapters. And overall he is much too unlikable as is. Give Brunnya a stated reason why she loves Zephiel so, she doesn't have one as is. Decrease the amount of time spent on those pesky Etrurian nobles! They are some of the worst pesky nobles in all of FE for all the time wasted on them, despite how flavorless they are! If you dislike RD's Senate, then one should really dislike Arcardo and Roartz, since both of these "Revolutionaries", whose "Revolution" is in no way "revolutionary" in common parlance, even worse. At least everyone but Numida in RD had some quirk to them. I'd kill Arcardo in Chapter 12, Chapter 15, or 16 as a miniboss with a little rewriting, and have Roartz die in Chapter 17. Flesh out the world more. While Elibe as great and wonderful geographical variety which we get to see, the actual cultures of these lands is undercooked in some places. Etruria has it the worst, since technically the only battles we get in Etruria proper are Chapters 16 and 16x. Because the game insists on showing you the entire world in one game, you spend fairly little time in any location, and thus have little time to develop a connection to any place. The game does nothing to suggest the Marquess system of Lycia is at all good, Arcadia is a Tinder fling in duration. The Resistance in the Western Isles isn't a greatly felt resistance, Dayan supposedly leads one, but shows up alone in one fight while sitting out another in a house. The Djute on this note don't feel like a serious threat when Roy crushes them in single battle, leaving only remnants to defend a Divine Weapon. Sacred Stones has a similar issue, Awakening I think the same, and from what I've played of FE4 so far, I can see some of this criticism too. A world tour sounds wonderful in a game, but that world can easily outpace the writing resources needed to make it more than just a map. Tellius chose to forsake in both games battles in Goldoa, Phoenicis, Kilvas, and most of Gallia, to the detriment of our understanding of Laguz societies. However, in those Beorc countries we do trudge through time and again, we do get a good sense of what each of them is like. Agreed as much as I can for C6! Again, agreed, the chapter just throws wave after wave of weaklings for much of C8. The map needs to be contracted, as is, it only serves to favor mounties with its windiness. 10B's top half is totally empty, beyond the Berserker and goons you have Rutger kill. It makes the map feel like it has excessive wasted space and makes saving the civilians too easy (whose reward is rather lacking). I'd have flier reinforcements come in from the north and increase the civilian flow, with Bartre and his two allies retooled into protecting the civilians in their fleeing. C16 is another point of agreement. Its main entrance folding in on itself does nothing but waste time and make mounties better. Aww... I kinda like Chapter 18 Sacae. It's closer to how I'd think nomad warriors on their turf would fight than any other map in the route. I do acknowledge the reinforcements are a pain though. For Chapter 24, I'd retool it to make it into a game of sorts revolving all around Jahn. Make his illusions into actual threats. I'm not quite sure what I'd do, but make him go crazy with the Dragon Sanctuary's power. And of course, throw in some retroactive FE7 references. But don't go overboard with them. Perhaps Pent shows up for a brief moment, but no side trip to Valor/Dread Isle for Nils and Ninian (and they better not even think of forcing her into Eliwood's canon wife).
  18. Repeating Adrift sans Azura sounds like a no, and Selkie is too recent, so Kinshika, Owain, Admilla. Red, Red, Colorless. I think one can be reasonable about this prediction. Laevatein would have to be one of them for skill variety I think, and I'd lean on thinking Loki and only one Genealogy character. I'm presently playing through Genealogy first time right now, and even with just Elwind Lewyn has been doing well. So if he is on this banner, I might just have to go for him, even though Green Infantry Mages are something I'm not lacking for. And in both cases, I think IS needs to offer more skills off Seasonal, since that is pretty lacking if two of the other Odd Waves and a whole bunch of Bonds are still not available. The lowest Orb count in over a year. I guess IS is trying to relive the magic of the early days in more than one way.
  19. Binding Blade Chapter 4: The Collapse of the (Lycian) Alliance. That is Rutger's joining chapter.
  20. Rutger GHB is to little surprise, Binding Blade Chapter 4: Collapse of the Alliance, which is his joining chapter. Said map with only a little modification is reused as Blazing Sword's Chapter 14 (same number in both Eliwood and Hector Modes): False Friends.
  21. Fair enough on the GK side. As for Shields, I'd consider them apart from Armor. So if we had both Armor and Shields maybe GKs get Large Shields, but only Medium Armor, whereas Generals are Large and Heavy. Armor in such a world would provide passive boosts, whereas Shields would be as they are in Berwick, procs, and hence less consistent. Making the two not totally redundant. As for Mercs and Fighters and whatnot, well I can see banning Myrms from shields entirely and have them be purely dodgetanks. Mercenaries could use Light Shields, but they'd have to be incompatible with Blades/Greatswords, which would be 2-handed weapons. I'd also include a dual wielding Sword+Dagger character who forsakes a shield for parrying with their two weapons. Greatswords, as well as Lances (as opposed to Spears) could specialize in smashing through Shields, while Maces/Clubs would be effective at bypassing Armor boosts. Having separate Armor and Shields, plus Weapons and an Accessory slot, would be a lot of equipment to manage. But again, slashing growths and culling class swapping too would free up room for the new complexities.
  22. Finally they show this. A Special Heroes is the next banner, no surprise there. They need their alts, they're too afraid to go too long without them. April 10th better be good then. What could it be? Too soon for Tellius 2019 II I think. ? Blazing Sword? Probably too soon after Binding Blade? ? Archanea? What is that? Sounds as flat as ?. Thracia? For most, the flavor of a cold, raw ?. Genealogy? Gen 1 still has a few holdouts, and Gen 2, if less flavorful, still has a couple too. ?‍?‍?‍? Awakening or Fates? Maybe for the kiddos (though a few good Gen 1s remain), but isn't a Special Heroes and the modern beasties enough of a sop up to the modernite fanbase for now? ? Magvel? Give me some boy toys, since ya went all Chick Fil A last time. Cormag or I flog you with grog.? Valentia? Great. Tatiana, Silque, Rinea, and some two dudes. Last NH banner for this game, ever. ?
  23. I'd be fine with armor, although you'd want different types for every to use. Light for things like Clerics and maybe Swordmasters, Medium would suit Cavaliers and Heroes, Heavy is for Generals, Great Knights and perhaps Wyvern Lords (limiting them to Medium, or perhaps dividing it on an individual basis- Jill has Medium access, Haar gets Heavy- are also arguable). This said, if we got equippable Armor, I was thinking then that it shouldn't be swappable mid-fight in most circumstances, unlike other weapons and other items. That way, you're forced into using a certain set and whatever advantages and disadvantages it brought for an entire battle. Also, I'd call for Defense & Resistance stat deflation, that way, Armor would matter more for determining a unit's durability. And Armor access being dependent entirely on class would therefore place a greater emphasis on those able to use specific kinds. I like the pinging of stat procs on levelups as much as anyone else, but how much could Armor really matter if character X had a 60% Def growth? If focus is shifted away from raw stats to equipment, then the micromanagement isn't so bad. If raw stats are more forgettable, people can more easily focus on caring about properly equipping characters.
  24. Well I'm finally playing Genealogy for the first time. I'm soon to start Silesse, no Finn with Brave Lance anymore is sad (better than the Silver Sword), but Return Staff spam + Paragon Band on Lachesis means I've just mustered enough EXP for her to Master Knight first thing. She bought the Paragon Band from Azelle, who also got the Magic Ring (yes, favoritism) and has subsequently promoted. And speaking of Azelle, time at last for his holy ancestor, Fjalar. Age at the Miracle: 31 Fjalar's Birth and Family Background: Fjalar's Career: Treason Weighs on Fjalar: Fjalar's Betrayal: Fjalar in the Liberation to Darna Fjalar and the Miracle: Fjalar's Family Life: Fjalar and the Duchy of Velthomer: Fjalar's Death:
  25. Did not expect to generate this kind of discussion with my worst case scenario option. That was not mean super seriously. Apparently there was an interview with this game's directors recently. Some translated highlights. Mostly generic to me, although they explained why they added Dragonflowers. I wonder what ideas they have in mind for adding a "social aspect" to this game?
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