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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Definitely one of the weirder baddie face reuses. But I get a sense IS knew it was and intentionally joked with it. Note: Shagaal:“Eltshan, you imbecile! Now what are you babbling about!? I knew it! You ARE in cahoots with the enemy! Somebody! Seize this traitor! Off with his head! We’ll make an example out of him!” and Muhammad:“The rebel army is nothing to fear! Now go get Alster Castle back. I’ll take your head off if any one of you doesn’t follow my orders… Now attack!” Although they did nothing with the most generic guy of all. I find it very weird they used a very nonwhite/European name on a guy who is very white/European, and that of Islam's founder at that. Would probably be changed in FE4 Remake. They did turn Mage Dragon Moses (boss of Chapter 16 Shadow Dragon) into Morzas.
  2. Diet Coke or New Coke? I'd throw Awakening in this same Jugdral lite blood mechanics group. Yeah. I mean I wouldn't want the bonuses reduced to a mere +5 on one stat, and Naga can stay as broken as it is already, since only the Deadlords and Julius if anything remain for it. This said, having just finished FE4 for the first time, I do think a couple of the challenges were built around the Holy Weapons and their ridiculous boosts. Shannan and Ares make the Yied Loptyr horde and Ishtore bearable (although Seliph with the Barrier Ring he just so happened to inherit with the Sonic Sword got around him... after dying a few times and having to play with the RNG since Ishtore has freakin' Adept which Nihil doesn't negate). And without Tyrfing, the status-siege overload of Edda and Velthomer would be totally unfair. They'd have to adjust these menaces if they nerfed the Holy Weapons. Which is very likely when you consider the massive HP stats enemies have. And Arena rarely calls for Holy Weapons indeed. Ced breaks things easily enough with Light, and Shannan with a Thief Sword- the worse in the game- has it easy enough most of the time. Not to mention that ring/bracelet/band is out in the middle of nowhere in Chapter 9. The only one who can get it quickly is Fee, although you will need a little time to take down Thracia's Wyverns, and it doesn't necessarily call for a full army to do so, Ced/Hawk left alone could probably do it. And if you don't get it from the village, it'd require ALOT of fighting to break even on buying a 40k item at the pawn shop so you have more Holy Weapon money. It's counterintuitive. (You also need to make sure en route to the village that you don't let the Rogue hit you and swipe you present funds away.) As for the topic of Holy Blood, I'd be fine with its return. Although for it to be anything significant in gameplay and not just lore, which Awakening has with the Exalt line, I think there has to be a generation mechanic. (Or magical blood transfusions. Which TBF is the origin of all FE Holy Blood.) Otherwise, why not just make Holy Weapons outright Prfs? That is what most games do.
  3. As does Hawkeye. Whose bases beyond 2 Str tie or beat Dorcas's stats at 20/4. A 2 HP, 4~5 Skl and 4~6 Str lead at 20/20, but otherwise Hawkeye has better stats.
  4. Well, at least they're being honest about it. No more farcical hiding of the reality behind gilded titles like a "Master of Business" degree. Don't go giving them ideas. Otherwise it's "Operation Panties Dood!", and then it's raising the level cap to 9999, plus reincarnation and 1.3 billion other mechanics and grinding that hurts so terribly I'd lose my love for the series. KISS FE IS! This said, I be fine with a history-based ninja-esque school being included or as a sister institution to the academy under discussion.
  5. I'll just put it in spoilers, even though it's mostly general information.
  6. Staff is a better fit for her though. Since in the Revelation battle, all she is using is a generic Silver Yumi, not even the 1-2 ranged enemy-only variant called a Hankyu, and she can't use the Pursuer in her inventory because Priestess caps at B Bows/Yumi. Yet another sign of the laziness of Revelation. They had no probs programming Iago a Staff rank on Conquest despite the Sorcerer class not having one at all, and yet they couldn't have programmed two extra Bow ranks for Mikoto. Or boss convos with most or all of the Hoshido royals and her former retainers.
  7. Uhh.... you know they started this long ago on the female side with Charlotte, right? And then last year they did the same with Noire? Also, it's Greil, not Griel, e before i if you don't want by Urvan to die. I don't believe so, give it a few more days.
  8. I was considering it to be fairer to the female leads. It'd grant them a better chance of being towards the top a class if they had their own separate group. As for SMT, most demon races don't care about sex and are open to both. However, there are a few that do, namely Lady, Femme, and Megami (Goddess in Japanese- left untranslated because the franchise's name). Megami has an explicit male counterpart in Deity, so why not do the same for the main characters (even if Deities are by no means at all the best/most important demons, they are associated with Light)? By which you mean Cu Chulainn, Setana, and the recolor of Chulainn called Tam Lin (who is a wholly separate person in mythological origin)? Enemies in all games and most units in Devil Survivor do get to break the "only 1 of a given demon on a team" rule, but other games do enforce it. Thinking on Special Fusions, they probably be a good way of fitting in more powerful alts of certain characters. Prince Leif is obtainable via standard fusion, but Master Knight Leif is obtained via blending Prince Leif, Nanna, Altena, and Ced or something. I'd also lock Garon behind a fusion of all of his kids.
  9. Fiona definitely has potential. But unlike with her heavily hindered gameplay potential (fixable with a base level + stats increase), we never get any of her character stuff. And yeah, being Lanvega's daughter is seemingly significant. She needs a Tauroneo support for one, she and he can chew the nostalgic fat about him. Her options are limited being in the Dawn Brigade, but that could be advantage if done right- a group where everyone really knows each other. Leonardo is a former noble, oblisse to the Daein state is something both might have shared growing up, with perhaps differences in how they regarded that sense of duty they could talk about. Although rather an Ike support, I'd just go for a lengthy Base Conversation with a minor reward maybe. Why do we need Chat 1-Chat 2-Chat 3? I've heard some like the A Support convos in FEW, which don't have C and B convos accompanying them. One longer quality conversation can beat three shorter ones possibly loaded with filler. She looks kinda cute too, with her darker than usual complexion for a little diversity (are we sure she didn't spend her childhood in Goldoa? where are Ena and Nasir by the way?). And character past join-time plot irrelevancy is the norm throughout FE, and an improvement over total character irrelevancy in their joining chapter (Macellan, Barret). Lastly, if Lance Cav is too crowded for Fiona, then just have her use that second Thani tome she gives Micaiah. And let her have RD Imbue as a better Renewal healing her every turn for Atk/2, or Res/2 since that is an explicitly magical stat.
  10. Actually... Intentional? Of course. Chrom's bases are bit higher, but FE13 has the most inflated stats in all of FE, so it makes sense.
  11. Yeah, I wouldn't totally rule out the other two Wyvern Generals, Murdock does have that crucial bit of backstory (also, can we get visual representation of the moment Zephiel sprung from his coffin and killed his father?). And then they had him cameo in FE7, and prove he discovered the elixir of immortality. And Brunnya, the weakest of the WGs to me (and Not-Emperor Galle is probably even weaker), but she does her poignant Chapter 23 moment. And I liked her bit at the start of Sacae route "Bern will support you Arcardo and Roartz. *They leave* Good riddance and thank Zephiel I'm giving those pieces of filth the bare minimum of support, and even that is too much". Good point on Sue too, I like Sacae, and I kinda liked the route. Well not all of it, first battle had a real bad Village chase for the northeast one (for once in FE, I didn't bother resetting when I checked to discover it was only Eclipse I lost), and the indoor battle didn't need so much status staff or FoW (but it was absolutely reasonable in size by FE6 standards- Mother Earth and Father Sky I'm am high on ayahuasca for that!). Overall I liked it and the battle though, plus I kept Dayan around with Sin. Can we please get them both sometime soon?
  12. A fair list actually, but I'd add a few more. Nealuchi is an old man sans supports (he did first show up in PoR yes, but his playability only extends to RD; he does have Beast Flier on his side), and Laura is quite bad too. I think Devdan/Danved could be added to this list, his personality being rather bizarre. Leonardo, Edward, and Nolan are lucky they've the Dawn Brigade backstory notes. Hopefully IS remembers those exist if they ever come to FEH. If you're looking at just plot representation, Binding Blade might be a contender. Roy, Cecilia, Narcian, Zephiel, and Idunn are a pretty solid group. No Jahn, no Elffin, no Guinevere, and no "Roy we should- you're wrong again Merlinus!", or Arcardo and Roartz (they probably didn't even make CYL, even though they occupy an inordinate amount of the plot for how awful they are) but overall, not a bad bunch. (Lilina does not belong in the plot group, and Brunnya and Murdock don't really get much time- more than Bryce and Bertram, but still not all much, Narcian is a hog.) I would add at least Gotoh to your Archanea list, you need the man without whom Marth would've had no idea Medeus and the Earth Dragons were returning in Book 2. And I do think it helps Archanea it is rather character-poor (and yet, doing FE6 right after FE3, I think FE3 might have done better with subsidiary characters in the plot, though TBF, FE6 added Supports).
  13. Camilla is love and hate of course. As for Xander and Azura, from what I'm aware, there are those who bifurcate these two characters, or at least Xander. Plot Xander and Plot Azura- baaaaddd! Supports Xander and Supports Azura- good. For Roy through Ike, I don't think anyone has seen a great difference in the characters between plot and Supports; but I guess Fates managed, for some, to do the latter right, and the former wrong. They've 45 of their 69 playables in this game, or 65.22% of its PC roster. Plus Garon and I guess you could count Mikoto. This is the most of any game both absolutely and as a percentage. (Although some would argue that even though Archanea has 82 and Tellius 73 PCs total, they have more "junk" characters than Fates- namely the underdeveloped RD additions and just about most Archaneans, both of which vastly outnumber the quantity of Corrinsexuals.) And looking at Seasonals for fun, we're now up to 85 of them with Bunnyland 3. Of these, 27 belong to Fates, or 31.76% (not as high as I thought actually). Of the 32 (counting Zelgius) non-Seasonal alts, they comprise 8, or 25%, of them.
  14. One, I excluded the brand new Spring Marisa. Two, my old list I was looking at quickly did not distinguish between GHB and not, only alt and non-alt, so that explains the Valter hiccup, I should have said 13 canonical fliers, 12 in the pool.
  15. The reason why the name is more befitting of the Fates villain than Macbeth, is because of how Shakespeare Iago acts. Iago is the trusted highest subordinate of the military officer Othello. Othello is praised, has prestige. Iago is envious, Iago wants boss's job. How to get it? Iago has plan- get Othello fired. How to get Othello fired? Make him think his beloved Desdemona is cheating on him- that would drive Othello so mad others would think him insane, and thus he'd lose his military career. Shakespeare's Iago is a scheming manipulator, the Fates villain tries to be something like one of those I guess. I personally have not seen an iota of Fates's plot and am neutral on it, but I came to this conclusion some months ago.
  16. Agreed. They should stick to not-common-in-canon weapon-class comboes with Seasonals. Lance Infantry or even Armor would have been better. We've only 7 Lance Armors, only 4 in the standard summoning pool, so far, with 24 playable Armors of any weapon type left to add (and Meg and Brom are predestined for Sword and Axe, Douglas is prolly Axe too). We're at 14 Lance Fliers in FEH, all but one in the standard summoning pool, so far. And yet we've 29 canon playable Fliers left to add, the majority of whom would likely come with Lances (I'd be fine if they retooled Zeiss or Heath into an Axe though despite no canonicity, and gave Farina or Fiora a Sword).
  17. This sounds fun! If we're limited to Shadow Dragon and Awakening characters, well that greatly narrows the options. But I'll assume we aren't restricted and pretend this game featured characters from every part of it pre-Fates. And that things weren't quite so restrained to all Armors having Axes and all Cavalry having Lances. First, let me imagine some Archetypes/Races/Classes into which all characters are divided.: Lord Lady Lord? Mercenary Myrmidon Manakete Thief Archer Dragon Knight Fighter Berserker Clerics Druid Mage Mage 2? Armor Armor 2? (Room for Donnel and the Soldiers?) Pegasus Knight Pegasus Knight 2? Cavalier Cavalier 2? Villain The ? on 2s and Lady Lord (which would feature people like Elincia, Caeda and Julia besides Lucina) is because of how many candidates exist for those classes. How and if one divided such things is debatable. Do you do Lance Cavalier and Sword Cavalier, or Cavalier and Paladin- like the Divine-Herald divide of lower and higher? Do you divide the Mages into Light-Law and Neutral-Neutral (no actual alignments, more a personality/role divide), or Mage and Sage, or loosely according to the Anima elements and Light? Hmmm.... Lords (if an archetype/race) would probably be like Divines, Heralds, Deities, Megamis and the like- if they appear at all as enemies, they wouldn't be recruitable. If you want a Lucina, you'll have to fuse one. At the bottom of the Lord totem pole, maybe I'd place Leif or Roy, two of the canonically weaker lords. Marth by virtue of being the first would likely end up somewhere towards the high end. Despite his gameplay godliness, Sigurd probably wouldn't be numero uno. Lucina for the top of Lady Lord as a concession to Awakening's popularity at the time would be reasonable. Nanna can be low. A low rung one? Hmm... so many of them are war veterans. Maybe Gregor or Ogier. Ogma as the highest sounds reasonable, he was a reputation no other has. Greil too. Fir or Shannam would be a good starting point, the pinnacle has many contenders- Saint Karel, Stefan, Navarre, Galzus, Shannan. I'd pick Saint Karel. Manaketes are not that many. Bantu would be the lowest, Jahn would also be low. Adult Tiki would be the highest, barring a Naga or Medeus (unlockable on NG+ only if at all). I'd put Chad low, and Jaffar and Volke high. RD Sothe is probably in the upper half, with Perne. Wolt and Ryan low, Innes high. Low can be Cherche or Eda or Heath or Zeiss. Top is Minerva in all likelihood, or Michalis, sorry Arion. Bord and Cord low, Barst towards the higher end. Not many good contenders for top- Dagdar, Bartre, Ross, or Vaike. Not a lot of options. Gonzalez for the highest? Or how about Fargus? Low can be Marty. So many Clerics/Priests. Wrys or Lena or Lissa low, Emmeryn, Elice, and Claud high. Not too many. Tharja high, Niime high, Salem low, Raigh low. Toss Sonya in here too. Lewyn should be high, being of Holy Blood and possessed by a dragon. Low can be Erk and Jubelo. Bors and Gilliam low. Lorenz, Xavier, Hannibal and Tauroneo at the higher end. I'll assume Caeda and Elincia are in Lady Lord, and place Est at the top with her sisters. Florina is low. Jagen low, Hardin higher than Abel and Cain. Top is hard to decide. Brigand bosses low, Gangrel low-mid. Ashnard, Zephiel, and Walhart are mid-high. Grima, Medeus, and Ashera, high or top.
  18. I never watched/read Othello, I only saw Otello the opera when I tried to get into that, apparently the opera was originally going to be titled Iago because of how dramatic he was in it (albeit they apparently made him a bit more one-dimensionally evil- still a very brilliant evil though). Iago there certainly was wickedly good, his soliloquy of sorts explaining himself was perfect. I need to actually get a copy of the play. And I think you answered why we don't have Iago, Hans, Sumeragi, and Anankos yet, and why it took so long for Garon. I don't think anyone loves Fates for the villains, it's all about the hero characters. IS is likely aware of this. Might be why they made Kana of all things a GHB so long ago, they didn't feel they needed a villain; Adrift didn't have a GHB, did it? Would have been a good chance for Arete or Anankos there, but nope.
  19. I'd rather him be a Staffer. Since he is at his worst as an enemy when fingering through his Staff Savant Silence-Freeze-Enfeeble-Hexing nastiness. Nohrian Excalibur can go to Nyx or a Leo alt. Ginnungagap can go to the other. I don't get why they changed his name though. Macbeth -> Iago is just a way of wasting two Shakespearean characters. Iago I would think is more appropriate for him though, from what I know of Macbeth and what little I know of Iago.
  20. Then get us a banner where Brunnya is featured. More new characters is better, and I'm not even a Brunnya fan. Maybe FEH could finally feature the scrapped MistxVolke Support, that was going to be a thing in PoR.
  21. *Pops a Dragon Vein, and my jugular* Viola! A giant treehouse within a castle! I call it Le Club Chat Chat- an all-purpose clubhouse filled with rooms and supplies for every need. Floor 1 northwest is where the New Year's stuff is stored, Floor 3 northeast has imported pure white sand, seawater, a wave machine, and a Cymbeline UV light in the ceiling for perfect lighting and tanning, movable if one wants a sunrise, sunset, nightfall, or a midday sun. Check Basement 2-2 for whoopie cushions, tissues for anime nosebleeds, and the zipper panties TMS was going to have, but scrapped before final release. Check the ovens in the kitchen for the deadly ladles, spoons, eggs, and popsicle dragonstones.
  22. A simple hypothetical, how would FE4 (and 5- but I haven't played that yet waiting for a better translation) differ if Travant had succeeded in his goal of unifying the Thracian Peninsula? As for how he did it, either pretend Raydrik's betrayal to Grannvale wasn't enough to stop Travant or that he betrayed to Thracia instead. And assume that Alster didn't summon Freege to its aid and or Travant was so swift he firmly took the north before Grannvale could arrive. First, it should be pondered how the Empire would react. Southern Thracia is loaded with Wyverns, but agriculturally barren, so I can understand why Grannvale would settle with an alliance, Travant was too weak to be an actual threat, and the material gains from taking the south would be outweighed by the cost. If Travant had the fertile and presumably populous north, it would be a very different picture. The gains of conquest would be greater, and Travant would have a lot more resources to work with, making him a more serious threat to the Empire. Would Grannvale push to destroy Travant? Or would it acquiesce in his control? They'd still have the rest of the continent. And I saved a screenshot of Arvis promising to Leptor Agustria, so the Freeges would still have a lovely country under their rule. If there was war, would Travant have been annihilated, or would it have been a prolonged conflict, possibly ending in a stalemate, and on what conditions? Second, how would this affect Seliph? Although this forces me to consider how this would affect Leif right away. Since the narrative reason (the gameplay reason is to have all of Jugdral fought on in one game) for Seliph going to Manster District is to help Leif's rebellion. If Leif didn't rebel, would Seliph have gone to Silesse instead? And even Leif had, would Lewyn have told Seliph to go to Manster? The rebellion would've been against Thracian rule, and the great evil Lewyn wants destroyed is Loptyr's Empire. That then begs the question of whether Travant would have agreed to an alliance with Grannvale against the rebels in the first place. Travant's reasons for the attack in Chapter 9 is to retake Thracian territory Seliph conquered, the result of Travant trying to claim the north then under Seliph's fresh control in Chapter 8. If Travant has no alliance pre-Seliph with Grannvale, then Lewyn might not have suggested they go to the Peninsula- assuming Travant's ambitions stopped with only the northern half and didn't spill over to other parts of the world. And if Seliph doesn't start taking the north, Travant has no need to force him out of it, in turn sparing Seliph of the need to silence a threat before heading to fight Grannvale. If Seliph doesn't go to Thracia, well the only logical place for him to go from there is Silesse. Assuming Lewyn would have thought after Issach the rebellion was still too weak for a direct conflict with Grannvale, Silesse would have been the only other place reachable from Issach and Yied. Whether Seliph would then have replicated Chapter 5 and have gone for a Phinora approach on Belhalla, or instead sailed to Orgahill and then crossed to Madino for a reverse Chapter 2-3 conquest of Agustria before invading near Freege, I cannot predict. Third, how would this affect Leif? Travant we know would've wanted him dead, so his life would still have been that of a runaway prince. But how that running would've been different, I do not know. A rebellion might be possible, we haven't any idea if Travant would show any love to the northerners, he certainly had no problem killing any including innocents who got in his way from conquering the north. Though the rebellion would be removed from the greater spirit of rebellion against Grannvale. I would expect less Loptyr Cult though, even if Travant would have accepted a member to appease Grannvale. Although that might not have been needed if he had the whole Peninsula since he'd be in a position of greater strength and hence not needing to compromise with Grannvale so. Less/no Loptyrians, and Veld might not be there, no Veld, no Stone, no end to Eyvel as we know it, if any end at all. Certainly Olwen, Reinhardt, Kempf and Fred would not have been in Thracia in 776 either, nor Sara, nor Salem, nor Saias, nor Amalda, nor maybe Sleuf. Coirpre would not have been child-hunted either. Linoan and her bodyguards might not have featured too. And Seliph if he didn't show up would have meant no Diarmuid, although Leif might have still have had Ced, and perhaps gained Febail, but no Patty since she would likely tag with Shannan. Leif might even have gotten Ares, but that is really hard to tell. And on that note, clearly a lot of things would have changed. Plots are built on little assumptions and conditions. Overall, Seliph's journey however would have ultimately remained the same in its goals- liberate parts of Jugdral culminating in a clash with Julius in Grannvale. What for Seliph may have been different is likely where he would have fought his battles before ending in Grannvale. Leif's journey, being so thoroughly centered in in the Thracia Peninsula and its local conditions however, probably would have seen much much more fundamental changes.
  23. Back in ye olden days they did, all the time even. Not to call all old art devoid of unnecessary sexual elements: But again, clothes were certainly less fanservicey on the ladies in days pre-Awakening.
  24. The problem is FBs are the only way so far beyond the character's usual quips to flesh them out for players. New characters sorta need this. If the actual plot had voluminous writing that made the newly summoned heroes more than just contractual temporary workers, then FBs would not be so necessary. You see, one problem with this game ties into another. I would be fine with Seasonal FBs myself. Many many characters have not had FBs in this game and need fleshing, alts of theirs' featured in a Seasonal FB could do that. Sure it'd be rooted in silliness, but they could sneak a little serious development beneath the crazy candy coating. Also, thanks for the TT data. Nice to know. Now it reminds me I need to summon for an Ethlyn now that I've gotten to know her. The problem is I've only the 200 starter Grails and dread going into Aether Raids being as mega weak as I am, even if all I want is a single copy of a bunch of characters (Finn, Ethlyn, BK, Canas, Saias, Arden).
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