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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. And just to bring in the original Japanese from @Kirokan: So here is a quick list of names and terms for reference: Name: Ashera / アスタルテ Astarte Title: Goddess of Order / 正の女神 Name: Yune / ユンヌ Yune Title: Goddess of Chaos / 負の女神 The two things to look at specifically are the characters used for Ashera and Yune’s titles: 正 and 負 So 正 can mean many things, all with positive meanings: Just, Correct, Superior, Positive. In contrast, 負 has negative meanings: Minus, Bearing (a responsibility), Defeat, Negative. Note that “order” and “chaos” are not among these definitions however. What the two characters in Japanese displays is a theme of opposites: Ashera the positive, Yune the negative. They were both split from Ashunera, the two sides of her in conflict with one another now split into two separate beings. It’s all a very yin-yang concept that’s hard to express with a single word in English. The Japanese gets away with using a single character as it can vaguely mean any of those definitions without fitting any specific one.
  2. Actually, Blazing's desert is a subsection Chapter 14 Binding, with some geographical modifications (getting rid of Arcadia for one). They also changed the objective from seize to rout, relocated the heroes' starting position (which is actually different in Hector Mode), replaced the weakling allies with a godly NPC, changed the gaiden requirements and made it not needed for unlocking the final chapters (on Hector Mode, it is needed to change 1 line of Nergal's and unlock a CG). On Hector Hard Mode, and maybe Eliwood Hard Mode, they brought back the blinding sandstorms. But you don't need to play HHM to beat the game once, it is only there for the challenge. So there is a whole slew of changes that were made, despite basically Blazing using part (not the whole, and that in itself is a great improvement given the desert already slows you massive) of the same map, which makes it much less nightmarish. It's also the first, and the hardest, much like Advance Wars 1. In neither case was the game refined, it was crude, and then processed into a smoother sequel, if easier. Comparing Sacred Stones to Dual Strike isn't totally unreasonable either, since both are more of the same, which is good, but they aren't quite so well thought through, and pretty easy.
  3. So I'm not the only one who hopes to avoid focus units on some banners, dodging certain colors even sometimes. With Lewyn on the Mythic Banner, assuming they don't run him twice in quick succession, there are only three choices for the Odd Wave Banner on April 5th. (Again @Diovani Bressan did this, I just reworded it a little and dropped Lewyn from it): Heroes for the Odd Wave Banner: Odd Atk Wave: Ishtar, Loki. Odd Spd Wave: Laevatein. The others Odd Wave Skills are not in the Normal Summoning Pool. I could possibly use another Blue Mage, but I'll need to see what the NH that intersects this banner has and what my Orb casualties from the Mythic are before I consider going for Ishtar. I'm not a passionate fan of her.
  4. Yune is Green (Tome right?)? Well that is weird, I thought she'd be Red as a Red can be. Either because Grima, or because Julia (she does have a god in a tome) that they made this be. Still, Lewyn and Yune. I like, two characters on Green I'd want. That is all I summon on then. I just hope the Seasonal doesn't get in my way. Although on the topic of Lewyn, since I played FE4 recently and was interested in knowing what he was like. My thoughts: I'm a bit mixed on him overall. Gen 1 Lewyn is a pretty likable guy, a concerned and somewhat free-thinking prince, if not the most sensitive and a bit selfish in his choice to just get up and leave Silesse. His reasons for flight weren't bad at all, just his choice to do it without alerting his mother. In Gen 2 he became a bit too much of a jerk, to Seliph and his children (I've only ran with LewynxErinys so far) alike. His language also became just too casual, not what I'd expected of him, nor was really common in the 1st Gen, particularly in serious conversation. It reflected poorly on the 2nd Gen plot and writing as a whole to see this change in behavior. Fortunately, owing to the root cause of Lewyn's change being a fundamental change in his being, I can excuse Gen 2 Lewyn as not being the "true" Lewyn. -Although I do love the idea of the Forseti possession. I hope the dragon were one to meet him in other circumstances, perhaps in the flesh, that he'd be of a better temperament.
  5. She is Chaos however, which is the closest thing in Tellius. And... Izuka, the guy who drugs Laguz feral and chaotic, does use Dark Magic. Apparently, whether it be true or not, according to this page in the Tellius Recollection, Dark Magic does have an association with Yune. Ashera uses a lot of Light to attack as well, yet she is not Light formally (yet it is her Affinity), being the Goddess of Order instead. There were also plans for unused Dark versions of Judge. She has Anima Spirits in her tower, but none Dark (nor Light, but she has all the Light she needs). Lehran uses Light and Dark Magics (and none of Anima, so he isn't just versed in them all). Being the highest servant of the Goddesses, if Light stands for his ties to Ashera, then Dark stands for his ties to Yune.
  6. Yune is excellent, not an alt, not an OC. That is good enough for me. But no to me having now summon for her! The Negative Goddess would have a negative impact on my Orb count. I thought I would never summon on one of these due to there being three units of each color, lowering my chances of getting who I want (and I severely doubt I'd want whoever Yune shares a color with, any Seasonal is anathema to me for one). But knowing this is her only source, I might have to. I don't care for the art myself. If you need a refresher check Part 39 on this LP. It's right at the start of the video. I'd say that was intentional actually. The two are opposites. Ashera looks like an older woman, say a mother-in-law yet to gray in hair. Yune is that woman's granddaughter visually. Ashera acts like a bitter old woman, Yune like an immature child. Ashunera in her epilogue snippet has the appearance I would say of a young mother. This is the middle ground between Ashera's old age and Yune's youth. Just as Ashunera is both of them and thus a moderate in-between in nature.
  7. I actually forgot Skip Tickets were a thing. Very good for time, if not so much stamina. I also left out mention of how, for a while in the beginning, frequent player levelups will provide full stamina refills, even if they level off in occurrence eventually. Oh. That must have taken quite some time to achieve. He is the first FE character we got to see totally naked. (Or maybe he isn't.): A little scrawny, but Nergal looks absolutely enthralled. Assuming they don't flub the Meg up and give her a weird statline with low Atk and Def, and high Spd and Res. They might, it's Meg. I understand the criticism. Alts of these older characters (Marth and Roy have gotten them for instance) is an option, if not the most elegant or lasting one to put it nicely. This is also the byproduct of IS's approach to FEH, had they reserved some temptingly popular characters and instituted some plebeians as automatic 3* or 4* units, this issue could have been reduced. At least in practice, if not in principle, what is a few extra points of BST or redistributed BST? Unless they're all dumped in Spd or you are playing particularly difficult PvE, or PvP content, it shouldn't make much of a functional difference.
  8. Again, I see the problem. Isolating each character in their own bubble of a story didn't help with interactions, if they allowed two or three tales to interweave at a time, it'd have helped. At the least, I could see them combining the ends of Ophilia's and Cyrus's journeys, since both end with opposing the occult. Both Therion and Olberic end opposing thieves, so they could go together. The medicine man who saved Alfyn is the man who wrote the journal that motivates Tressa to go on her adventure, so they could go together at the end. This would leave Hannit and Primrose together by process of elimination, except I don't think the tales would really be made to work as one, unless they somehow tied Redeye to Primrose's father's murderer. Rewriting the villains wouldn't be bad though, since as is they are very lacking for screentime and thus shorn of characterization themselves. Whether to weave earlier the same as the end weaves, which is say have Alfyn and Tressa go hand in hand from Chapter 2 onwards. Or to switch it up, have Alfyn team up with Cyrus in Chapter 2, then he goes with Ophilia in Chapter 3, and then 4 and Tressa. One could ponder in detail a hypothetical redesign of Octopath. They could do away with the Chapter format altogether whilst keeping the nonlinear structure too.
  9. Thanks. I just couldn't remember if the SF-posted calendar was adjusted for the time zone stuff that makes it a day later for some sometimes.
  10. Admittedly I still haven't touched a lot of FEH stuff, which given my late start means I have a real backlog to do. So I haven't felt that entirely. And I do dislike excessive grinding myself. Thank you for the clarification. It makes sense. But if a resource becomes grindable, hopefully IS doesn't scale content difficulty/accessibility in accordance with the expectation of a massive life-draining grind. If you ignore the Cipher Quartet, then SoV has also going off of playable characters alone has broken 50% representation, 58.82% to be precise (add Cipher and it is still 52%). Admittedly, this is because this game has a small roster, 34 sans Cipher (20 in), assisted by sharing the Whitewings with Archanea. Also helping was that double banner + double TT, because of that and the Whitewings, in non-alt PCs, SoV still has more characters in than Tellius (17). But yes, on playables in their canon forms (so no Charlotte or Noire) alone, SoV, Fates (45/69, or 65.22%), and Awakening (29/51, or 56.82%), have 50% or more in playable character representation. Blazing Blade could hit 50% with a 4 character banner (it'd then be at 23/44), and arguably Gen 1 Genealogy is at 50% (it stands at 11/24 sans Finn right now (and Finn does look younger in Gen 1 than Gen 2 and Thracia, so one might not count him)). But no other games could do that. This game in a few months will be 2 1/2 years old, gachas I think have ~5 year lifespan. Being sub-50% in PC rep for most games is a bit saddening.
  11. Remind me, is it tonight or tomorrow when they'll reveal the next VG and its associated banner(s)? I'm just a little hopeful that whatever the theme is (it can't be Seasonal obviously, given they've already put up the three Springs and have banner for the VG marked on the calendar), it'l have someone 5* locked that I like and don't have.
  12. There are those I sometimes hear here that are disappointed by the lack of a grind in FEH. Since there is no way to show your dedication for a certain character, other than Dragonflowers right now, or Skill Inheritance or merges, both of which require gacha. For DL, you don't need directly need gacha to show your passion for say Randal with the exception of getting the tens of thousands of Eldwater (your main source is summoning duplicate characters, and it is not a lot per double) to up their rarity and fully unlock the co-op skill. And if you did go through everything to get him to 80, all nodes unlocked, with a 5* third-tier Wind-elemental Axe, then you and everyone else can clearly see by virtue of the massive grind that you love them. -Not that I support this. I don't at all. I'm just relaying the contrary opinion. Although a non-gacha way of learning skills with a grindable resource would be fine for me in FEH. I'm not advocating Crystals, Eldwater, Blessed Water, Dragonfruit, Monster Drops, Elemental Orbs, Gold, Dragon Essences (whatever they are called), Medals, Weapon Certificates, Glittering Sand, and whatever else. Just an alternative way to learn skills for a relatively slight grind. -This could be avoided if IS did a mass demote including some good skills dropping, or a separate influx of new 3* or 4* characters with such skills. I understand your argument, do we realistically need a character whose only line is: Kein Kein: “I can’t…die…without…” ? Although I'd think none of us would have qualms if they out of the blue released this guy with only a death quote as a 3* character with some invented characterization to be replaced wholesale in Thracia 776 Remake. I do want everyone in FEH as a matter of principle however. And about your claim, if I had to make a list of "Archaneans who might be left stranded on a sandbar", let me see how big it'd be, I'm curious: The thing is, we're nowhere near getting to the bottom of that barrel yet.
  13. This doesn't last for long, once you've a full team and subjobs, things speed up. And if you get the four hidden subjobs before doing the Chapter 4s, you may find yourself slaying bosses in 2 broken full-boosted and debuffed and buffed attacks. I can understand the criticism though. And on the whole, the game didn't quite click for me either, I prefer the Bravely games from the developer. Did you test the waters with one of the eShop demos for a prior EO? I feel sorry for you if you didn't. The franchise is for a niche audience, I'm one of them, but I can clearly see why it wouldn't appeal to others. An old-fashioned dungeon crawler with a very thin plot and nonexistent characters is bound to be limiting. And admittedly, the gameplay which is the heart and soul of the franchise can be more of a hassle than it absolutely should be if the team you make lacks for synergy (I experienced this back with EOU2).
  14. For daily quests you have: 2 runs of Avenue to Fortune (easy enough to autobattle in five minutes). 2 runs of Avenue to Power (easy enough to autobattle in seven minutes). 2 runs of the day's Elemental Ruins (can be easy enough to autobattle in ten minutes). 3 runs of Dragon Trials, which at the higher end are hard and require you attention. 3 runs of Imperial Onslaught, which are also very challenging. And before I left, naturally having the stamina to do all this in one sitting was impossible. And you need all of these, since each provides resources for character progression in some way. You can play each of the dallies as much as you want any day, but after 2-3 runs, you stop getting bonus resources. Sometimes, the game for a few days does have either half stamina or double resources for a given daily I think. All of this is before you play whatever special event is going on. Which will require yet more stamina (or Getherwings for co-op) to complete. And unlike FEH, getting a character from level 1 to max (80) with all nodes (stat and skill boosts) unlocked, or maxing a dragon, or a high end weapon, requires weeks of dedication. This was too much for me, and with FEH I don't go all the way either, which is quite light by comparison.
  15. Good to hear these were released. I was wondering what had become of them when nothing had been said for a while. No word on the English translation of the first game though, awww.... -Not that I have a PC yet to play it.
  16. Fir and Bartre Bound Hero Battle looks like FE6 Chapter 11B (Elffin route): The Escape to Freedom. That is the chapter where Bartre joins (and he roughly is where he spawns in FE6 on the BHB map). It looks like they tried to fit all three islands in one map, even if they didn't totally split the northeast island from the central one.
  17. I'd like to think when they speak of good relationships, they're always casting it in rosier terms than it historically was. I'd think the immediate the break would render the relationship cold between each other for a while, before the two elements on each side started to push for reconciliation. Historically from what little I'm aware, it takes a few decades to heal from breakups before becoming allies. As for Anri's bloodline, not direct descent of course. Although if Gotoh put a blood seal on Falchion's use when Anri took it, which I thought I heard suggested, did Marcellus just so happen to be close enough genetically to not be blocked out? Or did Gotoh alter the seal later? Yet I wonder exactly what the inheritance dispute was. Who if not Anri's brother in the absence of children would be considered for the throne? That is a very strong claim to have to counter. Did Anri have another brother or a sister who married nobleman? Or was it a close friend of Anri's who disputed Marcellus's claim? Or was it just some petty nobleman who hated Marcellus who rebelled? I'd be inclined to say one of the latter two possibilities, since another Anri sibling I'd think would be named. It'd also possibly leave the door open to Sheena using Falchion.
  18. That is another good way to imagine it. Gra having possible parity with Altea, but it just has much worse leadership that squanders it completely, and no Anri bloodline & Falchion. And speaking of snipped lines, I distinctly recall Mystery Book 1 adding to the battle outside Dolhr a line where Marth asks why Medeus is too weak to leave Dolhr Keep, and Malladus responds Gotoh said it had something to do with a "Binding Shield", but then says they don't have the time to ponder more on this. I get why Mystery added the line and SD dropped it, it's a little setup for Book 2 and SD has no Book 2 (even if NM ended up being the next game), but I wish they had kept it.
  19. Haven't gotten this game yet, but I'm inching closer to doing so. Still undecided about my team! I want to use the new and shiny Hero, that is certain. I'm thinking a non-clone Ninja with dodgetanking, but I'm really hopeless. Since there are so many other classes and I can't decide what to do. I was going to go Hero-Ninja-Afterimage/Zodiac-Harbinger-Something + Farmer on the Memory Conch. I could be daring and try a four-person team, so Hero and Ninja could both run their doubles, but then I really need to be careful about my other duo, and it seems risky for a first run. It is tempting though, and maybe I'd then name everyone Bishamon, Jikoku, Zoucho, and Koumoku.
  20. I thought apparently the name is Otome Yusha, thought from its name it was an otome, but it actually looks like it is a gacha. This is sorta irrelevant though, since it looks like the game is Japanese only.
  21. As a warning, Dragalia Lost does have equippable Dragons- transformations which your characters temporarily go through. However, these "Dragons" are sometimes not so draconic, there is a lady Garuda (avian humanoid from Hindu myth), not so bad, but then there is Jeanne D'Arc and Cerberus- who is actually a girl dressed as dog- in other words- wifeypons. They did have a Cupid shota though just before I left, so I don't think the human Dragons devolved entirely into wifeypons, even if they're part of it for obvious reasons. This said, the draconic wifeypons is why I could see Loki or Camilla as a DL Dragon, and Elise. As the Herald of the Mirages, I would be glad to give you a break down on each main character's (all PCs + Tiki, Maiko, and Barry) entertainment portfolio: Itsuki- He is not a singer or actor or anything else in the main, even if he can do some singing. At the end of TMS if you got the better ending, he becomes the new President of Fortuna Entertainment. Also gets the Special Performance skill "Strike a Pose!" which grants him and both fielded allies a second action- the closest thing in TMS to FE refreshing. Tsubasa- Dabbles in everything, being a novice finding her way. She starts with singing, which she is best at, and then learns modeling and then acting. Touma- Specializes in being an actor, a superhero actor to be precise. Kiria- Specializes in being an incredible songstress. Eleonora- Specializes in acting. But she does do one song with Tsubasa- Dream Catcher, complete with a dance routine in the Duo Art (the ingame movie of it is a music video). I think she does join Maiko and Tsubasa in a modeling shoot once too. Dream Catcher the Duo Art: Mamori- Really wants to be singer. As is and not to her liking, she does a little TV cooking show specializing in microwave cuisine and being cute, so actin Yashiro- A master of both singing and acting, Uta-loid Tiki- She sings for her own continued existence, I forget why, but apparently she needs Performa (magical entertainment energies) to persist. Maiko- Specializes in being a drunk president of a company. Used to do modeling, and in the better ending of TMS, she resumes her modeling career and passes Fortuna's presidency to Itsuki. Barry- Specializes in being a creepy lolicon. Used to sing and play guitar in a band called Teradeth (Megadeth reference), but then lost Draug and became fat and now serves as the singing instructor for Fortuna Entertainment. And technically, everyone from TMS can sing. Since they all do in the Opera of Light- Fire Emblem, spoilered because of how sacred it is, watch the 2 minute video with eyes open:
  22. I wouldn't call it "less is more", unless you're forcefeeding it directly all into the player's face with exposition dumps so frequently and long you forget a bunch in them and it detracts from the narrative's flow. It's more "a story can make do with less world building" without it compromising things in general. You don't get that much in payoff for adding more beyond a certain point, even though there are junkies for whom of world building can't be enough (see some Game of Thrones/A Song of Fire and Ice fans it sounds like, G.R.R. Martin has written an entire history book of his fictional world and is planning a second one). I do think I fall into the camp that likes plentiful world building, I was more critical I think with the absence of depth to Binding Blade's world, than the lack of personality in the plot, even if both were issues. And my fanfict stuff has rarely been about characters, and more about the world. First, no mention of Metroid Prime = failure. Chozo Lore, Space Pirate Logs, and scans of the natural environment do add up to saying a lot in MP1, and that game has practically zilch in actual narrative. No scanning, no idea what is with the game (nor would you even know how to get to the final boss). Not to say FE could do this though, the format of FE doesn't permit it. SoV's might, but not a single other game. World building all needs to be in a lore library or spoken elsewhere in every other game. Second, whilst I fall squarely into the Tellius camp, I will add there is another subtle way by which Shadow Dragon does world-build, and I found interesting. That being chapter-by-chapter breakdown of who you're fighting. My analysis going by each chapter: Total # of Chapters per Enemy Country: What does this all say? A bit actually. Gra is just utterly pathetic, it fights you once outside of the Prologue, only in its self-defense. This is reinforced in the War of Heroes, Gra is forced to field its army veterans in defense of occupied Altea, but it only has enough to fill the green north of Est's prison and south of Marth's starting position, the rest of the map and Castle Altea's interior are Archanean. The Gra Bastion is distinctly divided between elite Archaneans and level 1 Gra greenhorns desperately drafted. This is despite the fact it only fought once in the War of Shadows. Guess this says something about how fertile the country is that it can't fight more (although since Altea is always a good guy, we can't tell how much if at all it is more productive territory). Grust has the most primary deployments in the entire game, makes sense, it is the most militarily-oriented of Archanea's countries. Macedon is fought the second most, yet you do find its Pegasus or Dracoes in a few additional chapters, indicative of how valuable their flight abilities are. Khadein is barely fought, makes sense given it is mostly mages. All Gharnef defends is Khadein itself, Thabes, and the Fane where Tiki is. Dolhr got some more screentime with SD, which is good for it if only you got to see it without going Aztec. Of the four battles sans gaidens where they appear, it's the final two chapters set in Dolhr- self defense, and the interiors but not exteriors (Grust handles those) of Pales and Castle Altea. Manaketes are a limited resource and Dolhr is a barren land, and while it lacks the might to enforce its rule by itself, Dolhr does distinctly rule from the various capitals. There is still room in Tellius though for the mind to be free to imagine, it is not that GRR Martin history book I mentioned earlier, even if it is the most world-built of FE continents it could be said. And the same possibility for every other game. Different people though have different minimums for their creativity to go wild. Some can work with the Great Plains- marked by only a few trees as guideposts around which the imagination can spin up its magic. Others could use a few more trees, say the Alps approaching the limit for tree growth, to achieve the same.
  23. Nothing wrong with that. Perhaps you desire a higher form of love than which we base creatures can imagine?
  24. More new content banners would be great, as long as NHs weren't neglected. This game is already two years in, but it took this long to get a dedicated Binding Blade banner. And if FEH has a 5 year lifespan, then by the time this game hits 2.5 years in a few months, its midlife, a lot of games will have their PC representation still below 50%, which is bad. Although as you our Dragon God of Gacha (I hope you haven't started degenerating yet) knows, there is a limit to how many new content banners they can add at once before the wallets of pay to players gets strained too much for a given time.
  25. *Checks SF SD section* Yup, limit of 3 per stat booster. They also limit Thabes Master Seals and the various Castle Altea weapons.
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