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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Please it be and not be Tellius 2019 Round 2. I just want not-alts and from games that are in need of more representation. Any will do. And I would shout with greatest glee for TMS, even if no Touma.
  2. If we assume Marth for an "ordinary" player in FE3 is at 15 Str, we're looking at 45 Atk against Medeus in both Books (all Medeus got from going Super Shadow Dragon 4 was +10 Str- a little sad). Factor in Atk halving, and he is dealing 7x2 (since Medeus has 0 AS, this is guaranteed). Medeus has 52 HP, so if assume a 15 Skl Marth without Caeda's Crit boost, he has a 15% chance of making either hit a crit, overall not bad with two crits he is dead in 2 rounds. If Marth capped Str (easy between Energy Rings and the Starsphere), then he is hitting for 10 a pop, and add Caeda for a 25% Crit rate, enough that there is a chance that Marth can feasibly ORKO Medeus. I do in a way like that if you don't have any Again left (you're pretty guaranteed to obtain the thing- Gotoh be blessed for putting it where he did, and that Sword Killer was probably there too because Gotoh knew of Hardin's truly heroically strong Heroes) or use savestates, it becomes hard to keep everyone alive during the B2 Medeus fight if you get unlucky with Earth Dragon spawns. Although if you grabbed Ohm in the prior fight with its generous five uses, it in a way invalidates those deaths. For SD Medeus on my one H5 run, I just warpskipped in someone to kill his bodyguard, and then wrapped in a suicidal Tiki, and Aum'ed her, and then warped her again for the win. I might have fed her some Energy Drops or Skill Books, but I don't think they were needed, and really, Medeus should not die to the untrained toddler of his draconic archnemesis. Thoron does sound quicker though (and needs less Warp), if requiring more investment. As for NM Medeus I'm aware they added a kaleidoscope of dragons to the final fight. They also got rid of that Tiki weakness. From what I've seen, Medeus is actually at the peak of his gameplay power in NM, despite lacking the old Atk halving trick of FE3.
  3. So no to any of the ones on mobile? Or any of the DS ones playable on the 3DS? If so, well you only have two choices then: VII, and VIII. Of them VIII is definitely much better for beginners. VII takes about ~15-20 hours to unlock Vocations (classes) and its adventure format is not so readily digestible. VIII is still old Dragon Quest at heart, but, particularly with the 3DS version's modifications, is much more accessible.
  4. ... Should I just ask for this topic to locked then? My terrible stupidity? (And was my source reputable?)
  5. I'm another vote in the anti-crossover camp. For the same reasons as everybody else. I'm pretty sure Camilla got an alt in Valkyria Chronicles 4. Just Google "Crymaria Levin" to see what I mean. She also gets to "Let it gooooo! Let it goooo! Your lives are at an ennddd! Let them go, let them gooo! My blizzard stops some HP regen!". Or we could use TMS to get Summer and crossover (since TMS is a loose crossover with SMT). Since these already exist: For Mamori's, well I can't find a good picture of it, so you'll have to settle with the lower left of the right page in this artbook. All we need is to hand out silly weapons and mounts.
  6. And barring Wrath + Resolve (which blind players won't be sure to know about as a great combo, nor even all non-blind will do it), Ike can't do that with Ashnard either. And it is wholly possible to get an Ike so screwed you need Ena (who is pretty weak) or Giffca/Tibarn/Naesala. What ends up happening is a slow heal-and-hit slugfest, which is precisely what unfolds with anyone against SD Medeus. RD is even worse for Ike one-rounding, even if he deals more certain damage to the final boss. The final boss's barriers will be a team effort if you have a shred of sanity. And once they're finally down, you're looking at a boss who Ike deals 20x2x2 (via a Heron refreshing) at most, only 80 out of 120, and Ike can't crit or Aether or trigger any other skill on them. They also regenerate 40 HP a turn, will never attack Ike directly so he can't counter, and has 144 Avoid, while Ike is looking at on average a 68 Displayed Hit (79.84 True) chance with neutral Biorhythm and no Hit-boosting support. Even with Easy Mode, Ike falls 20 short of an OTKO. And the third-to-last boss is also impossible for Ike to ORKO, and requires you have the foresight to bless a Wyrmslayer if you want him to solo it at all (since Ragnell is only hitting for 5x2x2 if I did the math right sans a Support, which even with an enemy phase counterattack still fails to break the 30 HP regen). As a fun fact, Ike's stats are calibrated such that he is guaranteed to deal at least 1 damage to the final boss even with no growths, statboosters, or Support. I checked. May also explain why the final boss has relatively lousy Def, the mandatory Ike kill was weighing it down. I haven't played ye olde FE1, or FE12 yet, but so far, the best Marth for me is FE3 Book 2. The story where they gave him a second facial expression (and I think he is genuinely good there).
  7. Admittedly I did not independently turn to other sources to fact check that article. Was I wrong to think The New Yorker was a credible source of journalistic merit? It doesn't sound like it'd be a PRC mouthpiece. The article did not outright say it was a cult, only arguably, saying it has no shown a record of violence or coercion so far.
  8. And as a reminder, FE3H's artist did work for at least one otome (a dating sim/visual novel for straight girls): Take your pick. Most of these are guys, though not all. But I reserve second row from the top, fourth from the left. I could do without the blood, but Chinatsu Kuraexplodingshirts should do some FEH work.
  9. Interesting and Unexpected! I thought Cygames said there would be no Nintendo-DL crossovers months ago. But they've changed their minds, at least for another mobile game. I stopped playing DL back in November, too grindy, and this won't get me back in. Yet this is positive news for FE!
  10. What I thought was just an Orientalist yet okay show from the TV commercials, turns out to be much worse. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/stepping-into-the-uncanny-unsettling-world-of-shen-yun A grand act of propaganda for a Chinese... arguably cult called Falun Dafa/Gong. Which lies about the state of traditional Chinese arts in China for its own benefit and narrative. Which refuses the slightest journalistic inquiry. Which is homophobic, racist, anti-science, and believes in aliens. I regret ever having thought of going to one of the shows. Thank humanity I saw this. Let the author live a long and happy life, and The New Yorker flourish for including this. Falun Gong is apparently peaceful and not coercive, and it likely wouldn't do any of this were it not for the Chinese government being the oppressive thing it is. But nonetheless, if any of the beliefs are true, and the show's description also true, this isn't something one would want to associate too closely with (and certainly not buy an overpriced ticket). Just felt like spreading the message of this. As you might be able to tell, it's because the allure had a little pull over me and I feel guilt for it.
  11. I've played Pirate's Curse and later Risky's Revenge. PC was quite good, barring the Rottytops run. RR was the start of a revival, but not great, it could've used another dungeon. So far, I've skipped HGH, but if it ever goes on sale, I might consider it. It sounds like it might have been a step back from PC in some regards (and the DLC I've heard mostly criticism for). I'll keep myself open to getting this one as well.
  12. That wouldn't be hard. A little "hohoho... hehehe... Which curse shall I torment them with? This one is strong, but oh, that one is downright nasty. Perhaps I should try them all, one after the other." a villain self-praising snippet that tells the player loosely how they play.
  13. I feel ya on this, all of this. Though now I'm done forever with schooling and still haven't begun the search for a job.
  14. This isn't really connected to the rest of your argument. Narrative minimalism and lord godliness or lack thereof have little to do with each other. One could write a minimalistic RD with Ike still being a powerhouse, one could write SD fitting an entire visual novel between chapters with Marth still only an average lord. And Marth from a narrative perspective is already a brilliant lord. He doesn't one-man army entire chapters (but in narrative- neither does Ike- he always has at least his fellow GMs with him, he is a Marine, not a Musou character), but he through goes all of SD being forced to retreat/lose a total of one time, not you'd necessarily remember it, since the narrative being thin means there is no drama associated with it. He must therefore be very smart, which can certainly compensate for any lack of strength when you lead an army. Nergal is Gharnef reborn. Elibe draws its inspiration from Archanea. FE7 does not do it as heavily as FE6, but it has some some, like Isadora and Harken a reborn Midia and Astram. Athos and Nergal are Gotoh and Gharnef, and Athos fetching Aureola to kill Nergal mirrors Gotoh forging Starlight to penetrate Imhullu. Like Nergal, Gharnef is irrational, Gharnef is tragic in principle, but not in feeling. But of the two, while Nergal is an insane husk for me (and I feel this more than I do with Gharnef despite also likely being one to some extent, since I can offer a modicum more of sympathy to Nergal than Gharnef), and Gharnef actually did accomplish more, a lot actually, I think I'd possibly still pick Nergal over him. Or, a character becomes defined by their base stats if growths are too low. Growths at all 90% and growths all at 10% can produce the same degree of identity. In Japan, he apparently calls himself Batta-sama- "Lord Batta". Not uncommon for someone arrogant in Japanese to do. NoA changed it to "the Beast", which gets the same ego across, but I think it's better adapted for English. I think the best solution is to separate the gameplay and the cinematic final blows. Let me kill the final boss with anyone in gameplay, but make it in story only cripple the final boss enough for somebody important to then do a flashy movie finisher.
  15. I've only played about halfway into SJ (but I know how the story goes), but it is certainly influenced by it. Not completely, for instance SJ is a purer dungeon crawler in first-person, which was how classic SMT played, but the game engine was borrowed from the Etrian Odyssey franchise of Atlus (if you don't mind an old-fashioned dungeon crawler with minimal story, they're good). EO also has you buy equipment you first have to get in the shop via selling enemy drops, which thus led to SJ Forma, and thus TMS Performa; normally you just buy your stuff in SMT sans enemy drops (although Sword Fusion did exist in a couple games). And after a little checking, it appears that Persona (Persona 3 and beyond to be precise, rarely does "Persona" in the generic refer to 1 & 2) had something like Demon Co-Op attacks several years- P3 released in Japan in 06, P4 in 08, SJ in 09, beforehand. All-Out Attacks is what they were called, hit all enemies with criticals or their weaknesses to knock them down and trigger a target all physical melee by all allies. Apparently P4's Golden enhanced version (released in 2012- three years before TMS) even added what in TMS would be called Duo Arts. So it could be that Persona is to thank for Sessions. Even though the two franchises are handled separately within Atlus, there is nothing stopping the one development crew on one side from borrowing from the other. Persona did begin as an SMT spinoff, and Persona 1 and 2 feature on the side the Female Protagonist of SMT: If..., which is itself- a high school setting SMT- the inspiration for Persona. Although I wouldn't rule out the role of Strange Journey's director entirely, since opting not for the Press Turn system in TMS was certainly a little odd, given it seems to be rather popular, hence its return in SMTIV. Nor would I call TMS a Persona game wholesale. Since although I don't play Persona, from what I've read, I'd imagine Persona fans would be complaining of how nonexistent their beloved simulation elements are in TMS (which is why I don't care for Persona). There is no Japanese school life, no part-time jobs, no little recreations, no untranslated Japanese honorifics, no serious social commentary, Side Stories are a threadbare and sorry substitute for Social Links/Confidants (and Side Stories I think have some FE influence, since complete all three for a character and their purely texted-based character endings change- as if you A/S Supported them).
  16. Which explains how my Seliph well within Ishtore's range and without any healing allies nearby had to endure 4 deaths at like 20% hit before resetting finally spared him Adept + Thoron (Ishtore totally did not need Adept). Of course, just find a RN elsewhere to burn and all is good, which is what I did. For Gen 1, just have Arden fail at the arena or something.
  17. Can't say I'm happy with the pro model possibility. Although for now, hopefully not many games will require it or do that much better on it. A cheaper version is fine though if it helps sell more units.
  18. To offer a some explanation, SMT in the "classic" era, os everything prior to SMT III: Nocturne on the PS2. Here, there was demon fusion, albeit for much of this time (pre-Devil Summoner) without any form of skill inheritance among demons. However, there was not press/extra turn system, that was a Nocturne invention, so weakness targeting mattered a whole lot less and the gameplay was a bit drab and now dated. I'm not versed on the Persona subseries that became its own franchise, nor can I speak of the MMOs that were the failed NINE and successful IMAGINE. However, as pointed out before, Digital Devil Saga got rid of demon recruitment/fusion, while keeping press turns and using Mantras for skill learning, which are sorta like Carnages, the big differences being Mantras need money and not enemy drops to make, and don't offer any stats or resistance changes in themselves. However, where TMS gets its primary inspiration is from Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey on the DS. The director for SJ was one of the directors for TMS. There are two minor references to Strange Journey in TMS. The first is Performa, "Forma" is the name for enemy drops in SJ needed to forge new equipment in addition to money. The second is the stadium in which the portal to TMS's final dungeon is located- the Cosmic Egg. The Cosmic Eggs are Macguffins in the final Sector (dungeon) of SJ. In addition, the Performa-draining atmosphere emanating from the Cosmic Egg in TMS is reminiscent of the Schwarzwelt- the black hole-esque spatial anomaly emanating from the South Pole which is slowly devouring the Earth in SJ and which the game takes place entirely inside of. In gameplay, there is one clear connection between SJ and TMS. In SJ, they got rid of Press Turns (and made the fusion system rather difficult on inheritance), but added a new weakness-targeting mechanic- Demon Co-Op Attacks. If the hero or a demon lands an attack targeting an enemy weakness, and any of the three other active units shares their primary alignment (Law, Neutral, or Chaos) that ally or those allies (more damage dealt when more allies attack) will do an element-free followup attack to the attacked enemy. Sessions are Demon Co-Op attacks, but with greater elaboration. I won't say they call for more skill, or have that much more depth, you can't decide which Session skills to string together and Duo Arts are random, but they are a progression on the idea.
  19. Yeah I'm not calling them bad, just different. I agree the combination powers were cool, I had a lot of fun with them as a kid. Not sure what my favorite was, but it might have been fire sword, lightsaber, refrigerator, or shuriken. And the Animal Friends were fun as well. And if you don't count Sailor Dee, 64 introduced Bandana Dee sans bandana years before his actual establishment as the "little 4th member" of the "Kirby quartet" with RtDL. Plus both games do have very pleasing aesthetics. Going back to colored pencil or crayons wouldn't be so bad. Not so high technicaaaaal! as live action movies or yarn, but I did like like KDL3. Flat can be beautiful, as good old SotN indicated in the era when 3D was all the rage. And there isn't a bad planet in all of 64, with the levels having really good backgrounds from what I remember, more than some modern 2.5 games have. Isn't it only 36 combos? Including the abilities by themselves without the second slot filled. Planet Robobot and Star Allies has if I just counted right, 24 non-limited use Copy Abilities. Half of CS's combos. I think if HAL pushed themselves and didn't mind some overlap and very zany results from the combos, they could eek out 36 visually distinct combinations. And they could replace the double-ups on oneself with limited-use powers perhaps (so Fire-Fire gives Monster Flame). Sounds like a neat idea. It would make Kirby more complex, which might offset its ease and simplicity. But let's face it, Kirby isn't just for kiddies, I'm certain more Kirby fans are 40 with a chin that looks like a wet beaver than are 6 years old. Plus they could always add a "Simple Mode" for novices where the complexities were removed. Kirby has gotten a bit stale as of late, the KSS formula has been used to good effect, with Super Abilities, Hypernova, Robobot Armor, and the multiplayer and alternative character of Star Allies adding some measure of changeups. Yet it isn't enough, I think Kirby still has to do something more to excite me again. And I don't mind if I can't go on a Ninja or Circus or Mirror rampage forever if that is what it takes for that to happen. I don't have a life, I've read plenty off of GFAQs's message boards. That is where all I know comes from. I've done the same with Persona 5, which is something else I sadly find disagreeable to myself, even if some of the core gameplay sounds good. I look through windows, but don't walk through the door. I have not gone so far as watch LPs though, nor have I fulfilled Francis's 10th Axiom- "I love going on message boards and complaining about games I’ve never played!", I don't post at all there. I think the root cause of being permeable to KH from afar goes back to old Nintendo Power, there was an article there for CoM once, and once years later for 358/2. Got a slight interest from reading those, had I actually bought either, maybe I'd have actually went whole hog. I did not intend it that way. Dark Meta Knight must be symbolic of his self-destructive work habits then. Further embodied in how Nightmare in Dreamland's Meta Knightmare mode and Canvas Curse's Meta Knight have reduced health compared to other characters. And Galacta Knight is him struggling against the legacy of his prior work, to produce the next greatest Smash the world has ever known by clashing the current greatest Smash the world has ever known. He might no longer make Kirbys, but he is like the Nightmare, when HAL sleeps, he visits them in their dreams, happy ones though. I'm aware of this, and I think I'll enjoy it anyhow. My first Monolith experience was Baten Kaitos, and that certainly was, perhaps because of Tri-Crescendo, less sci-fi than Monolith usually does, nor at all Xeno (save like two tiny cameos). I just don't want Takahashi leaving us hanging forever, I'm little afraid the artist in him will find it passe to ever return.
  20. You could what I do, just do two runs on the highest difficulty per day. And then do the rest with a bonus unit at a lower difficulty, like Hard 1, on auto-battle. Cuts down on the tedium. Drain your stamina in full, and use a stamina potion or another full stamina empty worth of autobattles later, and you'll hit 50k by the end of the duration of the TT. And agreed I don't care for the walled map, since my team lacks any ranged units to snipe on turn 1 with.
  21. Weren't Dreamland 3 and Kirby 64 made without his overview while he was at HAL though? Compared to Super Star, they both might be taken as steps back given they removed the expansive copy abilities approach and returned to the 1 move per ability trait of Adventure and DL2. I've also heard criticisms of their physics I can't personally determine the validity of. Not to say this was inherently a bad move, I did hear someone once argue in favor of treating copy abilities as things you take and drop frequently, rather than something you play favorites with and can effortlessly use from beginning to end of a level. It's just a different approach to copy abilities than KSS went with, and which HAL and present fans seem to prefer. The Amazing Mirror did lack expansive powers, so in a way like FE6 it was a step back compared to something before it. Although it did begin creeping in expansive copy abilities back in again with Master. It also gloriously brought back Meta Knight in the mainline Kirby games after the Dark Matter Trilogy benched him (and I think KDL2 also lacked Sakurai's overview- not that the GB could have handled expansive powers), and Meta Knight is distinctly Sakurai for me. Why? Because the DMT lacks him entirely, while KSS, Sakurai's masterpiece, gave him good old Meta Knight's Revenge, elevating him to a full villain after Adventure had him as a frequently appearing, but ultimately not incredible boss. And I think Sakurai wore his Meta love in Brawl, although he was no enemy to KD3 either. (I'm an MK fan myself.) To be on topic, maybe they could throw an echo fighter in for season pass bonuses on the ones that aren't the first, it's a slight loophole, but I doubt that. It'd probably just be a Mii costume again. Sora and Roxas and RIku, Repliku, Xion, Aqua, Ventus, Terranort, MOM (could he play at all the same without it being an injustice? I don't play KH.) all stand in a way better off than Joker. They and their franchise has actually appeared on Nintendo systems (ignore PQ and PQ2), you can't have KH3 without 3D, or 2 without CoM (yes I know it got Re: remade elsewhere). Although they are from SE, and unless FF and KH receive different degrees of parsimony from SE how could they, KH is an FF soap opera, there is room for doubt. And SE isn't quite in so cozy a relationship as Atlus is with Nintendo.
  22. Not related to FEH exactly, but on topic. The Shadows of Valentia Valentian Accordion artbook invented reasons for why Pegasus Knights are pantsless. Pegasus Knight description: "The outfit of a standard Valentian pegasus knight. Since like in Archanea to the east, only women can ride pegasi, a pegasus knight unit is comprised entirely of women soldiers. There is not as much metal used in the parts that straddle the horse, allowing the horse and rider to form a strong bond. Weapon is a lance." Falcon Knight description: "The outfit of a pegasus knight who has gained enough experience to be promoted. Weapon is a lance. The white and gold used for the base colors of their attire lends an air of solemnity, and the falcon knights themselves exhibit high resistance to Terrors. Identical to pegasus knights, the lower half is not heavily armored to make it possible for delicate communication between horse and rider."
  23. Thank you once more @Kirokan! I like seeing beta designs, gives me a sense of the process the artists went through to get to the final product. What they kept, what they dejected, interesting. My comments: Angry Alm, yay! A little scanty on the armor though. Alm 2- the visor hat is ridiculous (like Clair's), and so is the fur skirt- this outfit is really eclectic. Alm 3- Looks smug, and the forehead piece is only okay. Is the smugness because he isn't wearing pants or underwear beneath the skirt? Beta Celicas remind me how Mae promotes into her base class. A fashion bond of sorts her BGFF. And like Mae and Picasso, she also went through a blue period. Beta Mycen looks arguably as good as final Mycen. Beta Tobin looks a little too kiddy for me. I also now see that I personally don't exactly like his attire either, now that I have more than a slender side view. Silque does benefit from the minor frontal design tweaks from her beta design I think. Faye was done better by removing the Mage breastplate, and overall making her look more like an ordinary villager. Beta Clive's head definitely gives off a totally different feel, even if the armor is practically the same. Blue Mae is different, not sure if it works so well with her pink hair. If alt outfits were a thing in FE, she should get it. Beta Camus is just a lot less ornate, and not befitting of him. He and Forsyth it seems had simple bases, onto which detail were then added in a step by step approach. Forsyth is as green as Abel for his SoV inspiration. Although it doesn't outright say it, I guess Lukas must have been made to be as red as Cain. I'm happy they didn't go with open front Tatiana, a little tasteless for a priestess and smelling of fanservice. Of the three little Tatianas, the middle one is the final design, the one to its right seems a little more ornate, while the one on the left would've been fine to me. It is a bit simpler and lighter than the final pick, and both are good. For Genny, like with Tatiana, I'm like they put more inches of fabric on this priestess. A Blue Boey? A third blooper Mage. Don't like the old face. Jesse's patch of chest hair- had he kept it, would have been quite the rarity in FE, and Japanese entertainment artstyles as a whole. Although I think more diffuse hair rather than a hairball would've been better. A Blue Delthea?- Just like Celica, Mae and Boey. They could've assembled a little costume collection from this. I like her blue alt. And the effort to tie her to Luthier with a pattern-match, just as they did Clair and Clive with the color blue. I think I prefer Conrad with less red, it makes his hair stand out more. Jedah... cute? Uhh..... no comment. X) *Reads the class art page on the Pegasus Knight* Really? Leg skinship and a closer touch of a woman's intimate areas create a stronger bond? Pegasi are hereby pervs, like the men who wrote this so. Ask Camilla. On the plus silly side, Subaki really should shed pants then. No wonder he is a cruddy unit as is. The blurb on the color symbolism is interesting.... Until you read the part where it says the editor created it. I'd rather prefer to know if Hidari or her superiors intended it. At least the editor stated it was their interpretation. Also @Kirokan, I read your short read of the Batta the Beast line in Japanese. I think opting not for the literal "Lord Batta" is better, since "lord" in English I think would lead most to then think he has an actual lordship or some other political unit of control, which he obviously doesn't. Not to say English is totally against using noble/royal terms casually speaking, but in this context, it wouldn't work.
  24. Didn't notice the lack of symmetry before, yeah it is annoying. And all it does is force Marth/Elice to waste another turn or two. Two possibilities to explain it: The frozen lake is as a deep as Lake Baikal and therefore ancient dragonkind could not drive pylons deep enough into the ground to hit bedrock solid enough to support the temple. Note that part of the modern Roman Colosseum's outer wall is in ruins, that area but not the entire Colosseum was built over a former river, and an earthquake affecting this thus unstable ground led to the damage. Anna's family already owned the frozen lake and the land around it. Unwilling to sell, the Ice Dragons had no choice but to build around the property. Ouch for Palla. Fortunately, Catria should be a decent prepromote in the next chapter, with a chance she might be worth replacing Abel with in the final chapter, due to possible Lady Sword ORKOs in the first section of the final battle (but's only one third of the final fight). I'm interested in seeing how Draug has turned out. When do unpromoted units promote with this mod? I'm curious whether he'd be good for bringing Gradivus in the final chapter, or if Minerva or Est should just terrorize some Flying Dragons with it in the Dragon's Dale. Also, it looked like you bought a Flying Dragonstone. That was the kind I think I was least interested in buying, owing to the non-Move stats of Flying Dragons (or should I just call them Wyverns?) being rather low. Although to be fair, you've already used one less than half of the Divinestone, the only other one with flight.
  25. I did not praise the conquerors, and did not intend to whatsoever. My use of the word "poor" to describe the natives, although I should have used "indigenous" in retrospect, was not to be condescending, it was to be sincerely sympathetic. And I'm aware of fire medicine, my above post already mentions something similar. I learned the fire medicine thing from a book that was thoroughly revisionist Chinese history and I loved that book (The Gunpowder Age by Tonio Andrade to be precise). I like revisionist histories which contradict and argue against European preconceptions of non-European societies. I've also read Westad's Global Cold War. Again, I apologize, I did not intend to be racist or anything else negative in the post deemed objectionable.
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