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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. How would Holi be bad? Look at these images: So much color! And they'd be free to be loose on whatever clothing they pick, they could do generically "Indian" garb, or they could do whatevs really. Sure there is a religious side to it too, one which varies based on one's Hindu sect, but that is irrelevant here. And the "Spring" and "Winter" Seasonals are Easter and Christmas in all but name, yet they strip away the religious side of those those holidays- Tharja didn't chuck plastic Christchilds at people, and Bruno doesn't stab others with crucifixes. Holi has spread beyond India, without any religious significance. Probably because it's Loki. One can only eyeroll and make so much chardonnay from a character before becoming desensitized to it all.
  2. As I said, that was the initial reasoning. How things start and how things actually end up differ oftentimes with FEH. Anyone remember all the high hopes for the narrative of Book 2?
  3. Wasn't- so I heard someone try to justify it- the reason why level 4 was invented (at least so it seemed initially), was to equalize dual and mono stat boost skills? Swift Sparrow 2 is 8 points total, Death Blow 3 was only 6, Death Blow 4 resolved this difference.
  4. Next up is Bridals! Want to see Julia in her mother's old wedding (to Arvis) gown? And for the token groom, just take this: And replace the sword with a rose. Sigroom would be excellent man candy. Just trying to think optimistically again. Better to do so than not. Even if the next Seasonal was Halloween and we still had no Jugdrali Seasonals, I'd try to conceive of something like Headless Horseman Eldigan that'd be feasible. Wow. Although Lucius shouldn't even count as a man with how they botched his art. Then give me my speedos! Let's not go down that rabbit hole again. At least not for now.
  5. This is eclectic. One Archanean and one Magvelian, neither very good (but both female), and for safety's sake, three OCs, one presently unplayable in any form for a real "oh la la!". I don't do Seasonals, at all. And while both are female, I do appreciate new, more obscure characters getting Seasonal alts. I'll just use the TT one for TT autobattles, and then when it ends put them to the printing press. *I solemnly vow upon the flames of Muspel to press your bosom against my body until you cannot breathe, scar your buttocks with my clenching fingernails, and then wax and foster my seed upon thee so that you will do your duty to me. And once you're provided me with children, if you show weakness and the inability to bear more strong kindlings, I will throw your useless body in the trash heap to be incinerated at the week's end. If I desire more spawn thereafter, I shall take a new consort. Such is my pledge, such is your fate." Bridal Surtr's level 40 quote.
  6. Admittedly, I'll admit Florina isn't quite a one woman air force on HHM. I found Wyverns had a 50-50 hit chance on her, not exactly good. As for your characters, shame Sain got screwed. Well, Lowen is still usable for a long-term Cav (and I'm guessing you'll make him work). Erk I don't think is too bad a choice for the Robe, since dodgetanking does become possible for the speed stoic scholar. And Lyn is lucky enemy AS is so low in FE7, and that the few times she is forced beyond LM, it isn't hard at all to keep her well out of danger.
  7. Maybe I overthought your choice of language. My bad. And you might right on Binding Blade on second thought (and I've only played Normal on that so far). That last bit is more me restating a motto of mine, for my own sake, ...certain... SFers led me to assume that position. I'm sorry!
  8. Beyond the Con, her's are still better than Eliwood's, and Wil's, and Rebecca's. Admittedly, these aren't the best people to be compared with, they're all relatively bad. Any issues at base I do find largely irrelevant though with Lyn Mode play, since the mode is so easy and its stat boosters vanish once the mode is over, so barring a play for Funds, it's best to use them on someone. If you said Shanna (or HHM sans LM) I'd be more likely to agree, since she is in a much harder game without the luxury of easy battles to outgrow her initial problems. -Although I probably shouldn't try to argue with you, since it sounds like you're beyond the pale of persuasion, and therefore, it's a waste of time and effort to type any of this. But alas, I felt compelled to do it at least once. Never again however on this point.
  9. I totally neglected the possibility he could do that. Oh well, the loss wasn't terribly large.
  10. On my one playthrough of FE4, up to Chapter 10 right now, I picked Iucharba. Mostly because getting Nosferatu and him is quicker than Iuchar and Nosferatu (that'd require me letting Iuchar go alllllllll the way to Issach Castle if I have it right). And Nosferatu did this: And this was before she devoured a couple of Arion's personal goons. I have trained up Iucharba though: He is the only Fighter/Warrior you get in FE4, and the Brave Axe is almost exclusively his. So I felt compelled by pity to raise him up. He isn't impressive by any means, Warrior needs some awesome Class Skills for one, but he did promote in time to admirably defend Kathpogia from its Trinity Strike platoon; although an unpromoted yet trained Tine probably could've dodgetanked it the way her brother did at Meath with a Wind tome.
  11. And disappointing is them and Mage Dragons sharing a model, but Fire Dragons and Divines were forced to share one too, so the loss cuts two ways. I'm also a little disappoint only these two consecutive battles have Ice Dragons, but hey, FDs only appear at the Flame Barrel in B2 (IIRC), which is even worse. IDs are, pardon the bad and obvious pun, cool. The lines in question which led to the fan theory must have been: Dart: Yeah, well maybe that’s because you weren’t paying attention to this bit that says “The hidden white fang…” That’s gotta be the Ilian wyvern’s…Farina: No way. There are no wyverns in Ilia… One might hypothesize the world beyond the Elibean Dragon's Gate is Archanea, Nils when he explains his backstory mentions: Ninian was a medium in the other world, an oracle of sorts. She sat at the Dragon Shrine. Said scene is accompanied by this CG: Not the same as Archanea's in design, but N&N are Ice Dragons. So far though, there is nothing save Awakening's creation of a multiverse to tie Archanea and Elibe together. Nothing that explicitly suggests Elibe's dragons wound up in Archanea. Speaking of the LP itself, I don't get the random open air chests either. But the absence of snow in the southwest was a neat way of hinting at a Secret Shop (Anna must have a heater). And the battlefield is pretty in a way. This battle would've been fairly quicker with Marth as the main, since he can water-walk. Although that the main pack Ices can and do come after you from turn 1 makes destroying the bulk of the enemies in this battle fairly fast. I didn't realize that key items checklist either- neat to know. It'd make things seem less ultra-secretive than old games like this can be. I've also come to think all the Devil Axe Barbarians the game throws at you, unique to FE3, were the inspiration for FE12's Legion. Legion is them rebranded into a single character, while being as numerous as they were through Anri's Way and the true final chapters. With savages as threatening as these, no wonder no civilized power considers exploiting the northern wildernesses. How do the tribes even survive? As for Anri's Way as a whole, I like the narrative side of it, good world-building/lore. In gameplay, the Flame Barrel is my favorite if you try to run away from the reinforcements instead of fighting or blocking them, adds a thrilling chase to the battle. The Marmotoad Desert is the worst, sands make everyone sluggish (but I do like the random Master Sword), no enemy range highlighting in FE3 either makes Flying Dragons/Wyverns more annoying. Ice Dragon exterior is good, on the easier side; the interior is a heaping ton of interlocked dragon attack ranges and one big effort to slowly draw away a few of them safely before killing the rest quickly- so on the harder side. The one issue with Anri's Way is all the battles brush aside Spd as a stat, and basically everyone gets two, three shotted at best. They're a bit lacking for enemy diversity.
  12. As a child, I did Lundgren abuse Lyn to like 15 or 20, it's possible. Getting Florina, Sain, Kent and Lyn to 10 is just about possible in Lyn Mode sans grinding, beyond 10 is wherein EXP thins. If you don't care for Florina, generally considered the best user of the Robe and Ring, then toss them to whoever you want. I generally don't feed Dorcas much EXP, he might come early, but unless you get some lucky Spd procs, it won't make a big difference in his performance. To copy what I posted in an older topic: "EXP in Lyn Mode slows to a crawl at like level 10. Even if you're only using three units, I doubt they're getting much beyond this. And how much is 1-3 extra levels at most going to help? Compared to distributing the same amongst everyone else, which could equate to multiple levels each? I'd say at least Lyn deserves some leveling, particularly if you want to go Four Fanged Offense Linus version, since I don't find leveling her that easy or fun in Eliwood/Hector Mode. For the rest, well Dorcas rarely gets much EXP on Lyn Mode for me, nor Wil, neither is really useful. But if I'm doing a Hector Mode run, I'll give Matthew a few levels for their first fight together. Rath comes too high a level to get much EXP, but being the best unpromoted Bow user, I'll see if I can sneak one or two in. Erk and Lucius definitely have great potential, and Lucius in particular has that C Staffs on promotion, so I might as well see get a slight idea of how they will pan out in advance. Wallace deserves nothing obviously. Serra and Nils take from no one. Giving EXP to units is no challenge when LM enemies are so weak and the maps just as easy- it's a giant tutorial for crying out loud, not Cog of Destiny Hector Hard Mode! Sticking to Kent-Sain-Florina sounds super optimal, too much so for most. And it sounds a little tedious when using everyone else lets me get LM done a bit faster so I can get past this tutorial, while still not neglecting KSF on a standard LM run. And what is the point to feeding Florina a third of everything, when it takes until New Resolve for her to finally promote to Falcoknight? She has plenty of time before the first Elysian Whip to hit 20." For HHM, I played with all ranks in mind sans EXP, that one is devilish in tandem with the rest. Forsake Tactics, and EXP becomes easier. It's these two ranks, with Funds in a third seat and Combat warning against boss abuse, which define the struggle of Ranked Runs I think. And if you plan to S Rank Lyn Mode, well you probably shouldn't use the Knight Crest then, or the stat boosters, to S rank Funds. Also, if you plan to go to A Glimpse in Time, you'll have to rush early on to have the time for leveling Nils.
  13. ...Are you trying to inflict the Charlotte Curse on Lex? I'm mean sure she's almost a shoo-in for the next Fates NH, and Lex is high on the probability list for FE4 Gen 1 males, but getting a Seasonal alt and then more than a year later (nearly two I think) still not having one's non-Seasonal self in is still bad. If they have to consider Charlotte an Armor unit at this point so as to not outright replace her Bride self, so be it. Sure. Perhaps a full beer mug with a nice thick head of foam for Largo's weapon, since his post-marital plans were to open a tavern. Nothing could be so refreshing- perhaps as a Dance/Sing or Rally that besides buffing allies, also debuffs nearby enemies? Can we get a Tome that summons a giant Venus Flytrap which snaps shut around the enemy? Or that long tube-shaped flower that lures insects in with sweet nectar, only to watch them slip and drown into the pool of digestive juices at the bottom? Perhaps Owain with Mistletoe (since Mystletainn is just Norse for Mistletoe) as a weapon- it is a parasitic plant- just make it work magically and viciously on humans. Do we have a surgical mask accessory yet? Japan is the land (and I think China too, for good reason- I once read China demanded a US embassy to stop giving daily air quality reports) where walking around in public with one on won't get you others' glares. We already have Onsens, Yukatas, and East Asian New Years' banners. To be fair, Halloween and Easter are very Western Seasonals. While Christmas, Valentine's and Bridal are Western things lovingly adopted by Japan (but no KFC = no Japanese Xmas). Swimsuits transcend the world. Nonetheless, I think distinct Seasonal banners from around the world would be cool, a little cultural learning is fun. Can we have Holi? The Hindu Spring festival where in the modern day people throw colors at each for fun? Purim from Judaism- the holiday where, in the short summary of it, you're supposed to drink until you can't tell the difference between good and evil. Carnaval and Dia de Los Muertos from Brazil and Mexico respectively. And I'm sure there is yet more fun to be had.
  14. I get the sense they're a "safe" bet for IS. Not as much as Fates, but since these characters get the story screentime in FEH, all players do know of them. And they did go all out at the end of last year with unloading the OCs. Although whether the feedback they've gotten indicates the OCs are good for the bottom line (and CYL3 putting Mirage Chrom knockoff (Lif is it?) in the high rankings might indicate this), I do not truly know.
  15. ...Or we can see if @eclipse can megamerge this topics. It'd look a little funky, but it'd resolve itself with time and the flood of pastel-colored posts when the actual characters are revealed. Greil's Devoted was the last Special Heroes, with all non-Fates, which had been preceded by all OCs (which counts like Fates to me), which was preceded by half-SS, half-FE6. But the last New Heroes was all Fates + one Awakening character. Will it be adventurously all non-Fates (Awakening actually hasn't had so much Seasonal coverage lately), all Fates, or a 50-50? There is certainly reason to believe any of these possibilities.
  16. It's not so much outright incompetency, as it is that they're the villains who get hammered with failures and feel anxiety from it. Petrine was supposed to stop the flight of Elincia to Gallia, she failed, she was supposed to stop Ike and his army from getting through Daein (Ena was her servant), she failed. Sonia was responsible for sending whoever of Lloyd/Linus goes after HEL in Four Fanged Offense, defending the snow fort, and then assassinate Zephiel, she failed, and the Black Fang was annihilated as a result- the one thing she was good for. Narcian was responsible for the Lycia invasion, killing Cecilia's resistance, taking Arcadia, and stopping Roy from retaking Etruria, he failed. Petrine was sincerely afraid of Ashnard's "You can be a general or you can be dinner. I don't really care which... But do try to show a little initiative, won't you?" quip. And Sonia if you don't go to Night of Farewells, is injured offscreen by Brendan, and then Nergal kills her as being defective, which she is aghast to. Narcian of course was so panicked by Murdock's warning he'd lose his Wyvern General title that he had to whip up Zeiss as a scapegoat.
  17. A third round of bunnies. Expected, but could FEH try something more unique? Spring isn't all about bun buns. Okay, the weapons don't have to be eggs I admit, but I think I still have a point. Could I have a bow made of fine white willow, with a string of grape vine or ivy? And arrows whose fletchings were plucked from a hummingbird, with shaft made of bound honeybees, and the arrowhead a rose? -This is more a combination of things. One- Summer is always swimsuits when it is more than that, two- too many Seasonals, three- me wanting Eleonora and the TMS crew as a whole. *Yawn* Well less minor whining and more sleep I should probably be getting to.
  18. Chulainn, as in Cu Chulainn- the "Dog of Chulainn", the ferocious warrior-hero of Celtic mythology who wielded the Gae Bolg. Chulainn is actually pronounced something like "hul-in" if Bravely Second's VAs were being accurate. How fans thus came to "Holyn" makes some sense then, I guess the Katakana used for his name (it is Katakana, right?) gets sorta close to the pronunciation, which isn't how you actually spell the mythological name in English. Mispronouncing it "coo-lain" or "chew-lain" I'd expected to be highly commonplace, which is why FE4 Remake needs to happen tomorrow and with full Voice Acting, so people will actually get his name right. Why Quan isn't named Chulainn when the Gae Bolg was his, nobody knows. Though to be fair, Travant isn't named Odin yet wields the Gungnir. Instead, he is named after a fine Soviet automobile, whose reputation for reliability was so bad, people joked you could drive a golf ball further than a Trabant before it broke down. Maybe it's an allusion to the dearth of southern Thracia compared to the capitalist Manster District?
  19. If you wish for some guidance: The next chapter has two stages, like Day Breaks back in PoR (the hunt for Oliver in the greyed out Serenes Forest). The first stage is not too hard, it lacks a name-and-portrait-having boss. The second isn't too bad either. Both are definitely easier than 1-5, which is indeed a pretty hectic chapter in RD; Easy Mode actually turns it into a Rout instead of a Defend. Also, Tauroneo is nearly invincible, but next chapter (both halves) is the only one you get to use him in for a bit. So as if his massive level and bases weren't a hint enough, don't overuse him.
  20. Actually, if ever get another FE4 Gen 1 banner, Azelle has a high likelihood of getting on it. Of the playable males left, we have: Naoise Alec Azelle Hector on a horse Lex Young Finn (yes, I count him as a viable alt) Midir Dew Chulainn Beowolf Claud of Edda N & Al seem like stinkers to me, not as meme-worthy as their bud Arden, with zilch in gameplay godliness. Chulainn and Beowolf are blonde forgettables. Young Finn is unlikely, as hopeful as it could be he'd be given better treatment than his Thracia self already in the game. So there are five to consider. Midir is a Bow Cav- still a rare thing. Dew is a Dagger unit being a Thief, probably Green since he alone can obtain the Sonic Sword in Gen 1. Claud of Edda (so as to not confuse him with Claud of 3H) could bring Valkyria as a personal Staff. Lex would be an Axe Cav, which are relatively uncommon, and he has a reputation of being awesome in FE4 (and indeed he is). And if Lex came in, Azelle, being his friend who joins with him, could likely be the accompanying male. Azelle might start as a Mage, but he does promote to Mage Knight, and Red Tome Cavalry is a bit less common than Red Tome Infantry. So, assuming two male slots on the next Genealogy Gen 1 banner, which is not unreasonable despite FEH's love for females (and Gen 1 FE4 has only Erinys, Edain, and Brigid left of them), Azelle stands a fair shot of getting in. I'd like him. Although I'd expect him to come -Spd for me, since he was definitely Spd screwed in my FE4 run (but because bias, I still gave him the Paragon Band).
  21. My apologies on the Chulainn mistake. Most of knowledge of British mythos comes from Compendium snippets from Shin Megami Tensei. And on that note, maybe a Spriggan, it's entry: "A type of ugly faerie from Cornwall, in southwest England. They can be seen around ancient ruins, protecting the treasures buried within. Normally they are tiny, but in a fight they transform into huge giants. According to local legends, spriggans are actually the ghosts of giants slain long ago." Apparently it might also be made of stone. A Rock-Ghost? Also, Cait Siths seem feasible: "A cat fairy of the highlands of Scotland, said to have their own kingdom inside hollow trees and deserted houses. They are about the size of dogs and covered in black fur, except for their white chests. Their green eyes shine with intelligence, and they can understand human speech. They normally live in the kingdom, but there are times when they live amongst people as normal black cats. They are relatively gentle fairies, but when a person torments a cat, the offending human is dragged off to Cait Sith's Kingdom."
  22. I recall the Suikoden franchise in its mythos stated something like the world was created when the first two True Runes- the Sword and Shield Runes- clashed in battle. Perhaps the same could apply to this region. Also, speaking of swords and Pokemon, I recall this myth mentioned at the Canalave Library in DPP: And to think on my very limited knowledge of British mythos, a minor legendary or other Pokemon based on Titania the fairy queen would be nice. And maybe a Silky- a fairy woman who protects a household and does all the chores for the owners. Cu Chulainn would be good as well, from what I hear, he was some sort of grotesque Hulk-like monster in battle.
  23. What pray tell is this supposed to be? A dramatic villain? I'm not sure if this archetype really exists. Never really heard of it before. I mean I guess you can toss Michalis and Travant together, maybe Arion too (although that'd be ironic- Michalis killed his father, Arion would die for his father). Naesala being Travant 2.0 would therefore qualify as well. Beyond these three though, i'm not sure I'm seeing it. There is nothing comical about either Michalis or Travant, whereas Narcian is purely comical in his dramatics, no semblance of a good intention behind them. I'd rather consider Narcian part of his own archetype (which Kempf may have founded- have yet to play T776), the "bravado villain"- petty, egotistical, and blustery, but always insecure due to their ineptness. Narcian, Sonia, and Petrine would all fall into this group, and Petrine and Narcian are really similar. Michalis is egotistical, but his ego is expressed in a significantly different way, without the same level of exaggeration. And in the War of Heroes not-FE12, Michalis makes the ultimate sacrifice to obtain Starlight, besides saving Minerva earlier and being motivated by a desire to find and save Maria.
  24. I thought as much that that'd happen to you. Hopefully it won't be triple Sanaki. My first round was Miccy.
  25. My sympathies to New Zealand and the victims. And so to those in the world who have lost peace of mind from this atrocity. I thought I heard the shooter was actually from Australia, only recently moving to New Zealand. And that he chose to attack in New Zealand to prove that this kind of terrible thing could happen anywhere.
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