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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Does watching Jeopardy count? Or did Trebek give up his citizenship (why would you in case the US gets massively messed up?)?
  2. I had no problems with Olwen killing all the Chapter 17 A/Augustus/Coastal route Thoron-wielding Mage Knight reinforcements. Pure Water boosting both attack and defense as a result of combining Mag and Res meant it let her ORKO them and shrug off the damage at the same time. Though yes it is better usually to swipe the tomes with a Thief or Capture the mages, you could always use more weapons in this game. Olwen and Ilios's horses allow them to Capture anything while mounted, making Con even more worthless for them when spellslinging (Illios is good with a sword too though, which does benefit from his Con).
  3. Interlude 4: Stroll Before Shrine Do not miss the next episode of Persona 2: Innocent Sin. The promised time will be at hand, the secrets of a decade past will come to light!
  4. GOOD POINT! 😀🍪 This gets me thinking, how would the Mythbusters react to being in the P2 world? faces across the board for all the unbelievable myths that can't possibly be true that they inexplicably confirm? Maybe I could spread a rumor the last few seasons of Mythbusters don't exist. What a wonder it'd be to existentially wipe away the nadirs of tv, film and gaming by just collectively agreeing they aren't real. Exposition Dump: Conspiracy! With this done, it'll be another Interlude as the coming entry.
  5. For FEH implementation, why not "temporarily decreases enemy's maximum HP by damage dealt"? For skills that call for a high % of HP to activate, this would backfire and be a good thing for the enemy. But for skills that call for low HP to function, it'd be bad. More a rare and very very niche meta-screwball than anything though. There is no playable Kiran, Bramimond would be the closest thing we could visually get. Until Hooded Robin alts at least, or until they invent a Rainbow-colored Bredabrick weapon type with natural not-taking-skill-slots Def/Res targeting and guaranteed WTA. I am of the mind that the "infinitely many Bramimonds" thing doesn't apply to physical sex. He looks male to me. But I guess you could say his gender, which is behavior and self-image, does change based on however talks to him. His physical sex doesn't really matter though. It's something, but he had to be infertile/sterile, lacking genitals altogether, or asexual, celibate, or really really selfless to choose a path of sublimation to the darkness over a normal existence where gender/sex/sexuality matters. And Bramimond in La Chanson de Roland- The Song of Roland- from which his name is taken, is that of a queen. I'm SF's number one Brammy fan, so of course I want him, but not now. I don't have enough Orbs. Raigh and Matthew are nice characters. Overall I like personalities like Matthew, average-ish and chill, like Ranulf, Zihark, and Stahl, he has a little depth I guess with Leila too.
  6. On Hard Mode, let's look at the stats of some enemies in Chapter 15 Eirika version, since SF has those in these forums. That being the last chapter before promoted enemies become more common in the following handful of chapters. If we fielded a base level Seth in Chapter 19, what would we find? I choose Chapter 19, as it is the one where enemies are at their strongest actually due to monsters in the subsequent two battles being on the whole a little weaker with pathetic Wights, despite Gorgons and a few other nasties. Hard stats for prepromoted (unpromoted enemies also exist) foes in Chapter 19: And that on a base level Seth, which shouldn't be the case if you've actually been training him as a combat unit. If by this you mean growth rates went up, I'm not so sure of that. Using the data I collected some time ago:
  7. Well it was stated that Medeus with the collective thousands of feral Earth Dragons sealed beneath the Dragons' Altar/Table could practically annihilate Archanea if awakened. Maybe Idunn and her War Dragons could do that eventually, but I'd take it to take much longer to achieve the same level of destruction. -Provided Medeus and the Earths actually completely broke through the seal of the Binding Shield. There is the issue of Medeus being weaker than Naga, so is he strong enough to qualify as Mythic? I'd offer an immediate counter-rebuttal and say yes. Since Duma < Naga, and has yet qualified for Mythic status. Duma vs. Medeus is an unknown, does a degenerate Divine have more power than a more sane if ferocious Earth? I'd like to put my chips on Medeus, but we haven't an inkling of who is actually stronger.
  8. Most definitely true! Relatively speaking, with a well-bred and inherited 2nd Gen, Seliph faces more competition than I think Sigurd ever seriously did. There is what, Lex as the only true rival to Sigurd from the beginning to the end of Gen 1? And not even him really, since it takes 1.75 Chapters to get the Brave Axe. Even without amazing variable kiddos, Oifaye, Shannan, Ares, and Finn provide four already trained and good rivals to Seliph, two with brokenly good weapons. And Leif when trained can outdo Seliph on raw stats alone while moving just as far (the only issue is status staffs in the final two chapters, Leif might be able to squeeze by them if you left Silvia dead/unwed though and then threw him a Barrier Ring on top of the Barrier Sword). Uhh.. at least Seth has more competition than Sigurd? Smaller maps, weaker enemies, everyone can naturally double, all things against Seth.
  9. Without the right inheritance, then yes, Seliph is going to be worse than Sigurd at the start, and he'll just be like most lords. As for Speed, to be fair, Seliph has only a 35% Spd growth, Sigurd's was a near identical 30, it's totally possible for the son to be less than the father here. Thanks for the nonexistent growths Deidre. Sigurd's Spd was his lowest non-Magic/Res growth, but it was average by Gen 1 standards, whereas with a well bred 2nd Gen, Seliph will be comparatively slow. And I didn't say Seliph would be the strongest, Shannan, Ayra's kids, Forseti boy, and Ares to name just a handful can outdo Seliph at raw combat. I only said that Seliph is "good enough" when trained. Good enough for what is necessary to survive and kill most enemies, which as is usually the case in FE, is less than the highest possible stats for the moment. And again, I'll stress that the favoritism that gets Seliph a Chapter 6 promotion is based on a belief in getting maps done quicker; not LTC or Ranked necessarily, I'm more a middle-of-the-road FE player and I liked getting Seliph promoted as fast I did. If you don't mind going slower, then Seliph can delay on promotion until like Chapter 10, when he and his extant Res stat become valuable. At 20/10: So it's mostly HP and Spd, which is basically durability. Since Seth normally already doubles all but of the fastest of enemies, which means mostly puny Mercs and Myrms, outside of the handful of Heroes and other promoted nasties in the Chapters 16-19. So what those Spd leads do most of the time is lower enemy hit rates. Kyle has 12 Con, 1 more than Seth. Amelia has 9 Con, 2 below Seth. Franz and Forde have the same 11 Con as Seth. At 20/20: The leads actually shrink slightly in some places, that's the wrong direction!
  10. And I'm thinking of 3-3 regarding the White Gem and buildings, for some reason I was confusing when you get it. And don't forget to sell the Silver Card when you're done shopping for a couple thousand gold. You'll be getting another easy Blue Gem no too long into the future as well. Forging I'm not certain of whether it goes to half price. You could check by adding a point of Mt to a Fire tome in the forge, the first point normally costs 10% of the base value, so an extra 80 for a normally 800 gold Fire tome. If it's an additional 40, then the costs were halved.
  11. Her quip to Ike at the end of PoR suggests a return to Begnion, as does Makalov's and Marcia's. Them working for Crimea is not at all suggested, nor their relationship as it is in RD. A little odd, since in other cases they did remember the little details. Haar and Jill running a wyvern courier service together is directly from their PoR A Support. SF has the script for the Rolf event it if you're interested. As for the Silver Card, the next chapter has a White Gem, and you'll be obtaining other funds so it isn't so bad to spend endlessly here. The White Gem is on an enemy who flees, and while they drop it if killed, you get BEXP for sparing them and a like comrade. Therefore, have Heather steal it if you want both the BEXP and the Gem. They enemy in question spawns two or three turns in I think in the center of the map. Nullify generally isn't considered to be one of the primary reasons why Haar is so good, but yeah, that you managed to get it in Haar/Brom/Nephenee/Heather's inventory lets you use it a lot, as opposed to leaving it on Elincia's closer retinue and not having access to it until later. Just don't forget you can Visit a bunch of the structures in the next fight, I know of one player who didn't realize that.
  12. Isn't it actually easier to do a VG with level 1 lead unit than a trained one?
  13. Cool to see this map referenced, with Eliwood standing right where the Durandal would have been enshrined.
  14. Hmm... new 5* Dark guy, I depending on the underside of the showcase (only one 4*?), maybe I'd go for it. Another event rerun, but I had dropped the game for a time when this happened. So it'll be fresh for me. Hopefully all these reruns means that once the inevitable Summer Showcase passes, there will be a rolling tide of new things. I haven't been playing the current Wind Facility Event too much, I got my vengeance and cleared out the Challenge Battle multiple times. But the problem is that on the lower Challenge difficulty, the only one I can do, event currency drops seems too small. I admittedly haven't used any Honeys, while having over 100. But eh, I think I'll stay light on this event.
  15. Thanks for the advice, Sue it is! When her steed collapses under her and the sadistic perky purple mercenary collects her scalp and headband- I expect a landslide here- it'll be on to Pirate of the Gazaleah Sea. If not him, then the Empress of Begnion. If not her, sunsoaked Mediterranean boy in a lovely olive hue. If not him, then Master of the Parthian Shot.
  16. Elite/Paragon Ring isn't necessary. My inheritance for him consisted of the Speed Ring, the Leg Ring, maybe the Barrier Ring, Sigurd's Silver Sword, and the Wind Sword. He was easily able to promote by Chapter 8's beginning. So I can see him soloing Chapter 6 to promotion. With the Paragon and Pursuit Rings and just the Light Brand and Slim Sword for weapons, I was able to get Leif to promotion after completing the Arena at Chapter 8's start. Seliph does rely on favoritism and inheritance for him to shine right away. But the justification is promotion gives Seliph a horse, which increases his movement, which is important for him above all other units, because the faster Seliph can travel, the faster maps can be completed due to FE4 being all seizes. Sure movement is useless if there are enemies in the way that can kill you, but Seliph is fortunately a good enough fighter with the proper weaponry to handle a lot of that. If you don't mind playing slowly, then Seliph promoting so soon is not something you really need or will find desirable.
  17. I'll drop her then, yeah I think she can go with a second opinion. Gotta be fair. For Minerva, I was going off this official art for SD: But given the artist who drew this didn't return for New Mystery, but the one who did the portraits did return for NM, I think I'll drop her too. Consistent depiction over a one-off. Fair points. If other headwearologists agree one way or another, I'll bend in the that direction.
  18. Besides Ike, other characters who could (if they are/were in FEH) could be on this VG: Circlets- anything too thin to constitute a board band, is not being counted here. Material which the headband is made of is irrelevant. A list of explanations of some of my choices for what is and is not counted.: As me and doppelgängers comprise the SupreFE Court, all headband judgements are henceforth final, unless challenged and brought before us.
  19. Salem seems really random in his use of Sleep, they should've written some rules for it. I don't know what exactly, maybe if "Unit is on Forest, House, or Shop, do NOT use Sleep", therefore if everyone is on one of these tiles, he is certain not to use it at all? Also, Mareeta can actually Capture Salem, and she starts pretty close to him unlike everyone else. Luna procs and Criticals (12-13 a pop) lets her do this. The only issue, and it's a biggie, is that Mareeta is precisely OHKO'ed by Salem, so she has either Luna-Crit or deal any combo of the two separately on her first two hits, or she has to dodge the Jormundgar and finish him with that glorious 5 PCC. Or, you can fly Karin with a Pure Water to give Mareeta the durability to take a hit. But poison damage might be able to kill her on the next turn even then.
  20. Well this is silly, but better than a serious topic, those tend to result in toxicity. Give me more of these kind of VGs. And this one is pretty diverse in its games of origins: Archanea, SoV, BiB, PoR, Awakening, something for a lot of different people Not that I actually care about VGs, but the thought is good here. Now who I support is irrelevant, but do I choose based on character, or on THE HEADBAND? Who has the best headband/who dresses to suit their headband the best sounds like a fun critique to indulge in.
  21. This must have been thought of before CYL3 was finished. Maybe Seliph can pray yet for a fix? Was Eyeswood bad at all as a combat unit? I have a vague notion he was. I'd be very happy to get Lliwood as a free pull, since looking at Eyeswood makes me want to bring back up my dark chocolate peanut butter chip cookie. But I really don't like Legendary/Mythic banners. And another Sword for the Red Mythic/Legendary club is a bit... how you say... redundant?
  22. Tellius's Blossom, that skill Sothe has on him in PoR, does exactly this. With a 100% chance of rerolling a stat to be precise, it's guaranteed. Now, how does this affect PoR Sothe's growths? Without Blossom on Random Mode (not Fixed), Sothe has the following growths.: HP 60 Str 55 Mag 10 Skl 70 Spd 65 Lck 55 Def 35 Res 30 Sothe with Blossom on Random Mode has those growths increased to the following: HP 84 Str 79.75 Mag 19 Skl 91 Spd 87.75 Lck 79.75 Def 57.75 Res 51 So his growths chances went up over 20% across the board, excluding the useless and low Magic growth. In a world where a unit has a 50 Lck stat, which is extreme by FE standards, we would have exactly half the reroll chance Sothe has here. Which I would guess, I don't know how the math actually works, would mean halve the growths boosts seen here, so about 10%. A 25 Lck stat, which is actually feasible but still very high in the vast majority of FEs, would provide a mere flat 5% boost to all growths. Maybe if you made the formula "reroll chance = Lck*2" then things would be better. But still 25 Lck for the 10% boost here would be rather difficult to reach if operating in the pre-Awakening era of caps for a lot of units, if not all of them. (Technically, I could have used any RD character's growths due to Blossom being available for everyone there. But SF had the results done for PoR Sothe's growths already, and I don't exactly know how to do the calculations for rerolled growths. Sothe can work for everybody though, since the skill affects all the same.)
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