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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. That red dress, I could definitely see that being the basis for this lady, with some minor extensions: Not that I'm asking for Artelinde, perhaps Halloween just made me think of EO2's War Magus NPC. I should go and search out possible parts for my old Leif and Lifis request.
  2. I'd emulate this if... I could. Unfortunately I can't; and I'd need to get through SMTII first. Whilst tackling every old FE I've missed and TRS.
  3. Nice for you. Well not nice that you skipped because Wolf got cut. I don't get why they got rid of him instead of Falco in SSBU, Wolf was definitely a semiclone of Fox, whereas for me, not the most technical analyzer of characters, Falco was just too cloney. That and why did Fox need his semirival wingman and as opposed to his frienemy rival? Maybe I just like Star Wolf a bunch, that could be it, thanks again Assault. Although that might have made them too friendly, one battle and then they united with Fox for the rest of the game. And the return of Young Link makes me happy in a similar way, albeit not as much since he seems redundant with Toon Link and I can accept Toon Link as having dethroned him. I'll be interested in hearing just how technically distinct he is from the other two Links, which I would think to be less than the difference between Wolf and his two. And another thought, more characters means more work for that giant grid of rewards in a few cases. All Stars on Hard for everyone again? More rounds, more characters to put through those more rounds.
  4. "The assembly line"- so the kids are told. In truth- hood ornament + exhaust pipe. Why is autumn considered "crisp"?
  5. I don't think it is a matter of quantity, as it is of personal hype, which doesn't require quantity, just the right people. And I'm not sure if any of these new additions is making me sing with joy, although I'm not sure who would. Only because of a recent passing onrush of Xeno adoration at this point, does Elma stick out in my mind as offering that possibility. And to be honest, I'm not the kind of person who is in a rush to buy every new Smash anyhow. When most of the roster returning is the same and I can still play the old game perfectly well, and I'm not caught up in online and competitive, and without others local to play against, there isn't that much drive for me to get another Smash at release day. On a related note, I'm seriously considering skipping WO4 for the holidays given WO3H is still perfectly good for me, it'd "saturate" me in a similar way another Smash might. I think I need a little more temporal space.
  6. No. I'm the true secret ultimate final villain. If I see an apple described "effervescent", will it spout sparkling cider when I core it?
  7. If the leak does prove real, well I was already planning on skipping Ultimate at launch, so this changes nothing. Not to say it doesn't have new characters I like, it certainly would, but I just don't find it good enough. I blame fans, the short-lived existence of the Wii U necessitating another Smash too soon, and the weight of the franchise itself. That and for some reason, I find myself easily embittered with Smash, will wait on DLC to see if shelling out another 20-30 adds more sugar to the deal.
  8. Speaking of Tellius, it is pretty obvious that Caineghis's battle theme- March of the Lion King- is a remix of his normal character theme- Caineghis, King of Lions. What is less obvious is that Tranquility of Goldoa and Wisdom of Ages are actually the same piece as well. Didn't realize until somebody pointed it out, but now I hear it and I like it. Goldoa's national anthem in peace and in war. The penultimate boss theme is also a remix of the character's earlier personal theme. Yet I can't identify whether Brave General, Brave King- Tibarn's theme- has King of the Sky as its own remix. Or if On Black Wings- Naesala's theme- and Wheeling Corby are the same. Listening to them, I'm inclined to say King of the Sky is, but I can't tell at all with Wheeling Corby, if it is a remix, it's been distorted too much for me to see it as such.
  9. Found this: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/10/live_the_life_of_a_cat_in_cattails_a_simulation_rpg_pouncing_onto_a_switch_near_you A cat simulation RPG, what a mew idea.
  10. I don't want to believe it real, mostly because of one of two whom it lacks (but of course DLC could fix that- hope BTW that they don't announce that too early). Also
  11. Now I have him out of my system, written entirely in less than three days. Here is Mr. Automata Neir, in pretty thorough detail (as in just sort of 7000 words):
  12. You can ignore my little pastiche if it helps. I don't think it stands a chance, I hereby declare it unofficial by virtue of too many other entries.
  13. And the Ragnell is Gawain's wife in an Arthurian tale. Ettard, the Japanese name for the Alondite, was the name of a lady who Pelleas was trying to win the heart of, but she turned him away every. Single. Time. He was so lovesick he would let himself be captured to see her, only for her to order he be dumped some distance away. Gawain agreed to help Pelleas, but then ended up sleeping with Ettard when they met (this particular version of Gawain is a bit underhanded and dirty). Pelleas wondered what was taking so long and found them in bed together snoozing away that night. Pelleas wanted to kill them, but restrained himself and instead left his sword on top of them so to say "I was here" . Ettard later tried to apologize and accept Pelleas's love, but he coldly turned his back on her and found a new love, I think it was a servant of the Lady of the Lake, or the LotL herself. And this is why Ettard >>>>>>> Alondite for the name of the BK's sword. Heck Alondite isn't even right, it's Arondight, the sword of Lancelot. Most games I see get this spelled right, the darned rl Japanese-to-English issue and other phonetics got them here.
  14. Link to written works topic here. Be honest, be whatever. Hope it's okay. It's dry, I know.
  15. After an attempt to write the Tellius Continental War (in a larger effort to write the history of Tellius) year-by-year ran into issues of a lack military history on my part, and the sheer length of the conflict, I decided to change course. I'm writing some biography this time, of the legends of Jugdral. I try to keep it in line with canonical information about the Crusaders and such, but I might have missed something, and if so, do inform me in the feedback thread I shall create. I'm going to save Nova and Dain for last I think, I'm just not feeling them and it has the whole Thracia divide and curse deal around it. Instead, I'm starting with none other than the leader of the Crusaders himself, Heim. Note, that his original name Gaius is not to say a time loop exists whereby the candy thief becomes a Crusader. It is only a stand in, I wanted to give Heim a name change for his lofty status, and decided he needed an earthly name for earlier years. I went literal for this, Gaius is the masculine of Gaia, which means earth, what I should've gone with is something Norse, perhaps the Norse for earth or earth-bearer or something, but I couldn't be bothered to look it up. I'm none too good with names, which should be apparent in how I don't always give names to people likely should. And here is it, my first attempt at a Crusader biography: Next will be Neir, I going into more personal detail as I'm writing him, whereas Heim is more focused on the big picture stuff. I gave Heim 10 sections/paragraphs pre-Miracle, and Neir, with whom I've just reached the Miracle, has 19. Individual Crusaders will fluctuate between the distant and the personal, and as I go along, I may add things involving Crusaders that I have already described. Partly because the weight of the interaction falls on the latter Crusader, and or because I didn't come up with the relationship at the time. For instance, in Neir's biography, I will mention that Heim taught him literacy, since Neir's background never gave him the chance (just being realistic here). I might even go back and in the story wholly belonging to one Crusader, add a more detailed episodes of a time in their life I described only in general. Who knows. After Neir, I plan to take break from this rabbit hole activity for a long while, but I wanted to get a topic for this out of the way I could return to later. But I think I already have my next Crusader after Neir in mind.
  16. Let me do the simple math for a full five teams (one for each element) of 5* maxed Mana Circle units. 6000*4*20 = 480000 Eldwater minimum (assuming the final nodes don't increase in cost as you unlock more). And if the teams are all 4*s that have been promoted then 25000*20 = 500000 Eldwater more. If for some ungodly reason you wanted them to have originally been 3*s, another 2500*20 = 50000 additional Eldwater. But this is chump change. The equivalent of one 5* promotion plus full Mana Circle unlocks. And all of this from a game whose dallies give a mere 100 Eldwater, maybe more if you get lucky with the Item Summon. Although checking elsewhere I read: Summoning duplicate characters also gives Eldwater, and if I have it right, it's 150 per 3* duplicate, 1000 for 4*s, and 3000 for 5*s. Selling 3* Wyrmprints and Dragons give 150, 4* 1000, 5* 3000, the same as duplicate characters. Hmm... Maybe I underestimate the value of Wyrmprints, but selling those doesn't sound like a terrible idea. The majority of their boosts come from base level right? Might as well not bother unbinding them then. Hard Mode Chapters also give 1500 Eldwater after clearing them for a nice little finite source. Still, from observations in the game, it doesn't look like 5* offers many extra benefits, some more levels, a slight increase to all stats, and the last Mana Circle's boosts, but this isn't that much I would think. I probably wouldn't invest into 5*ing someone unless I had the additional Eldwater and other resources to unlock a good deal of the final nodes.
  17. I've played plenty of SotN, but I can't quite identify this. *Finds the original version for comparison* Quite different, unrecognizable at first hearing. Much more actiony now, I had "SRW" in my head with the remix, not to say it doesn't suit SotN (not like that really matters), as that original soundtrack has some rockin' numbers. I do like it, better suited for Smash.
  18. That would sound great. I'd look forward to seeing who gets the most radical redesign. It'd also expand possible player unit selection. -If you mean making everyone a fuseable demon proxy. Not to mention I'm getting a little tired of how no more than ~20 demons in a given SMT are added/get new designs, and such an FE-SMT thing should have many new designs. This would hopefully involve not too many palette swaps (but we would've had to have three identical Gordins and a purplish one), but I'd expect some since it'd involve 3D models presumably as opposed to just 2D art. The one bad thing would be having to determine who goes where in the level hierarchy within a group. Does Ryoma go atop the Swordmaster class/race, or do we give that to Lyn, or Navarre? What about the Lord class/race? Some fans with strong favorites could be rather unhappy here.
  19. The World Ends With You Two, or the World Begins With You, or whatever the sequel is called, I'd say will happen. Particularly since now SE apparently ends the new story scenario on a giant cliffhanger that just begs for one. The issue of gameplay in the Switch version likely stems from the fact TWEWY was a DS game, which had to be significantly modified for iOS to account for the lack of a second screen, and then ported to the Switch. Any TWEWY sequel won't be made this way, it'll be made with the latest Nintendo tech in mind, and or iOS, and or PC/PS- (why wouldn't KH fans like TWEWY? I'm sure Nomura wants to take it in the same esoteric narrative direction.), and therefore no major gameplay control issues.
  20. Unless you happen to be the best Gharnef ever, who outsourced the ugliness to an inferior figure. Really though, do we need to see the evil in their hearts always worn so readily on their faces?
  21. Yeah, Nuibaba as a seductress was DEFINITELY an SoV invention. That might as well be Medusa's husband.
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