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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. They are? Well it did seem suspicious since NY won't be voting on recreational marijuana for a few more months.
  2. Was in NYC for a trip during the holidays. On one heavily trafficked street around Bryant Park and Rockefeller Center, I passed by three trucks with of the same franchise spaced a few blocks out from each other selling weedy sweets. I wonder why they did that. Perhaps because someone would get sufficiently high that walking a few blocks would feel like crawling to the nearest pulsar? And thus would go snacking at the next truck? Never have done drugs nor alcohol. The closest I've come is a beard pudding a family member made once with I think bourbon. Perhaps it was just a placebo effect, but I do recall being a little flushed after consuming it. But is the time of year for these to come out:
  3. How about Lexesis? Tanky cavs, if lacking Pursuit (or should it now be known as Followup?), plus Paragon of course. Nanna can be healer who doesn't faint when an enemy hits her. Roughly ~7 base Def, +6 from promotion, which should equate to hitting the 24 Def cap by like level 22(?). Toss a Brave Sword or the Followup Ring and she'll be great, Diarmuid too of course. As for a Gen 2 pairing, Paisy x Coilot. The two don't have a marriage convo together, but they're both on the young side and have a convo that give LP.
  4. When I first read this, I thought you were doing a PMU and I was ready to offer a pairing. Not sure what, perhaps Claugid, but I really didn't think it through. Also, just for the heck of it, can you pair Julia? A hassle yes, but why not? To be nice, I was going to say Ulster, since same movement type and all, but it to be a bit wackier, Oifey. If he is too clutch b/c bad pairings, then go for Ulster. Did FE actually hire more-than-utilitarian artists pre-FE4/5? Treasure only came out six months before T776. I guess the only real artist who existed prior was the one who did the Manual/Super Tactics Book art. That had some good stuff: But other things, not so much: Finn really should lay off the dish detergent.
  5. From a lore perspective, it doesn't make sense since the term "Beast" explicitly refers to Cats, Tigers, Lions, and Wolves in Tellius. The Bird Tribe is its own thing. Given the 3DS shifters are all beasts and should play the same as Laguz, it should accurately describe the majority of will-be units in this category. Given it says dragonstone when the FEH weapon type is Breath, this doesn't tell us what the new weapon type will be called. I'd guess Strike, for that is the name of the Laguz weapons rank in RD, but that is only a guess. The word "Strike" in skill descriptions would be problematic though, since we already have skills like Mirror Strike.
  6. I'd probably say FE5, since he does do stuff there that matters. However! Gen 2 is pretty lacking for children characterization. FE4's overambition combined with the limited resources of the game, partly owing to the limits of a Super Famicom (Woolsey of FFVI and CT translation fame had to slash word counts to fit his translations in the game), played a role. Another being due to the double variability of the non-fixed children. Not only is one parent not fixed like the Afatening army brats, but who they interact with is more variable. For instance, interactions between Febail and Lana should in theory be different from Asaello and Lana and Febail and Muirne and Asaello and Muirne. Thus, Ced could make a FE4 Gen 2 banner more lively, since he is one of the few variable kids with real personality. And think on who remains from FE4 Gen 2 who could be real appealing: Shannan Creidne (Ayra Jr.) Tine (Tailtiu Jr.) Arthur (another Freege) Arion Travant (he is only fought in this Gen, but would make more sense in a Gen 1 banner, even if Quan is already here) Ced Outside of these, I don't see any child being on character-grounds at all popular. Although Fee and Patty, the latter particularly in a skirt (but I like the Treasure pants!) might be wifeypon material for enough people.
  7. Her 20/1 average is 16.4, two of which came from promoting. If you have a Speedwings laying around, you'll be able to fix most of it. At 20/5 it's 18.2 if she is further along. Not so good then. Just hope Ike doesn't get Spd screwed, looks like he'll need 24 on Normal or 25 on Hard by the time of the final battle. Although on Normal you can just not use him for the final foe no problem, or toss him Resolve and once injured sufficiently he'll trigger it and its Spd boost. Also, for some reason, the final battle has a Speedwings dropped in it. Just tossing this out there.
  8. Manfroy's own granddaughter. Although to compare with Julia's profile from the same game, and the unused Arthur: We can see a distinctive decrease in the level of purple in Julia, she is much more grey. Ishtar is grey and not purple, but one darker than Julia's. Nonetheless, I'm convinced that although lore-wise it means nothing, IS intentionally aimed for being reminiscent of Julia and Deidre when picking Sara's hair color. Also, the most memorable of Swordmasters ever: Much darker than Julia's. To use FE4 profiles: Tailtiu and Arthur are definitely more lavender. While Tine and Ishtor are darker, and Ishtar is a darker white. Still, the Freeges display enough variety and Ishtar in particular is close enough to Julia's hair, which is darker than Deidre's, that one could imagine a shade like Deidre's being not a super rarity singling a person out. Treasure messes with the hair colors even more, it definitely made Ishtar lavender for instance, but this is besides the point.
  9. But wouldn't that take up a skill slot or weapon effect slot? Both are limited. If he expends a slot on a Mov buff, he wouldn't be able to use it for buffing a different stat. On the other hand, a Cav could use the same slot for a stat buff, thus narrowing or completely undoing the difference between them. To quote some particular lines from him: Excerpted from his PoR Ike Base Convo: From his Muarim Support: And a little favorite of mine: And to speak of his general personality for a moment, Zihark is a Navarre who lacks for the constant secretive edge. From the above you can see he is somewhat willing to exchange information about himself and his past. And overall when you read the rest, he is a likable ordinary guy, no gruff.
  10. Although speaking of Oedipus, it wouldn't surprise me if Arvis loved Deirdre because she was so like his mother. Not to mention the one official picture of Deidre we have shows her to be less Deidre's mother as her mother-clone. Perhaps whomever chose to spare the Loptyrian line thought that the right to have natural children ought not be wholly denied to them? Just having the blood doesn't make one evil, it takes a book to do that. And the Dozels and the Freeges and the like make it clear Holy Blood does not equal pure souls and morals. A one child policy, if only one person in a given reproductive generation existed with Loptyrian blood and they were strictly watched and protected and incest was forbidden, was a fair-ish compromise. Total eradication would be best for the world, but perhaps this was a case where one was spared, despite the potential long term consequences; like Idunn actually. FE6 wouldn't have its war dragons if Hartmut just killed her, and maybe Zephiel and Jahn wouldn't have had any visions of global conquest then. But Hartmut kept her alive, although for some odd reason he didn't do what Roy did. One can also make a possible case for the final decision of Awakening. And a smaller case perhaps for one thing mentioned in the finale of RD. The "nobody who is good deserves to be sacrificed for the sake of the world!" notion, one of perfectionism and having your cake and eating it too, is sorta commonplace in FE. Although it has less relevance, I find the Apostle lineage in Tellius to be worse. The impression is that all true Apostles were firstborn females, although we aren't treated to a full history of Begnion. It is kinda difficult for others to determine whether one hears a goddess or not, it is possible perhaps male goddess-hearers and second females and false Apostles existed. But that is not the impression given. My issue is that there is no reason it has to be firstborn females, the goddess hearing is even derived from a male ancestor. At least for the Zeldas of Zelda their powers came from a goddess lineage. On the other hand, ontrary to the deepest desires of Oifey and Shannan and Farion (yes he was a girl in a manga) and Altenna, two men or two women cannot make babies (although we are talking about a magical world). Kaga had to make it Arvis and Deidre, he couldn't do Deirdre and Arvia.
  11. Well given the game gives barely if that any hint of his existence, and that the only way to obtain him is to step on a single unmarked tile with one of two units, those stats aren't wholly unjustified. The era of Path of Radiance was GC/PS2/Xbox, which I guess I perceive as being a transition period how gamers got their information. The Internet was becoming more of a thing for looking things up, but I don't think it became as ubiquitous as it would in the following generations. Stefan is a holdover from this prior era, when players played much more blindly, and thus secrets remained secrets and could be very very good. In FE, this prior era of secrets was manifested I would say in things like Lex's Brave Axe and FE7's Hector-exclusive A Glimpse in Time chapter. Nowadays FE basically hands you all your PCs- nobody requires any major effort to recruit in Fates, and Awakening's is restrained to like Gangrel and Walhart. Presumably I would think because secrets don't stay secrets for long now. Also, while Stefan is kinda bonkers statistically, his Luck is quite low. I like to pretend its because you spent most of your luck in accidentally finding him. He is a good choice for any Ashera Icons you get on that note. The Demi Band cannot be used by Reyson, nor its RD equivalent the skill Halfshift. I guess they couldn't bother to program in a way of limiting him to single target refresh on transforming, or they thought that the increased Move on transforming was already too good, even if with a single target refresh. As for the other three units who joined in C18, Tanith is a pretty solid flier statistically. And her one-of-a-kind Reinforce skill can be useful, it summons two Pegasus Knights and one Falcoknight as yellow Allied units, and can be used twice per battle. The Pegs are fairly weak, but the Falcos pack Silver Lances and have combat-worthy stats. Any fighting they see I think is converted into BEXP. You don't have to use it, and Tanith is great even without it, but I just wanted to explain it. Janaff and Ulki are weak-but-fast and strong-and-durable-but-slow respectively. They okay, but in PoR overall aren't so good (RD significantly buffed them), Beorc fliers are just better unfortunately. Still being fliers, there might be chapters where you can find a purpose for them, though Jill and Tanith could likely suffice. And I'm sorry if me mentioning Volke and the Physics caused any unnecessary raging! And I got to agree that C16 has one of the tightest "thief rushes"- as in getting to the thief by the time they show up/before they crack open a chest- in all of FE that I've played. There have been other tight ones in my memory, Battle Before Dawn and Kinship's Bond in FE7 both being cases of it that stand out to me (the former because the Delphi Shield is on the line, the latter because the thief targets the 10k gold, which can't be reclaimed), but PoR C16 from my memories gives you just enough time with a constant push forward to bag the thief the turn after they show up. The choice to put Devdan right in front of where the thief will appear was a bit devious, since even though he is a shabby unit (I'm not sure what angle they were going for with him), out of a dedication to perfect/not Karla/Xavier recruitment, most players will avoid stabbing him and instead take the extra time to recruit him.
  12. Yes. And you actually can get one on your side. She can join earlier if you do something that on paper not having played the game sounds counterintuitive, or you can get her later, which should make her I would think a little less good. Her bases aren't the prettiest, nor her growths. But she can from the beginning Warp to any traversable space and attack in the same turn, that being her only but incredible skill. She is also the lone PC who can use Dark Magic (in addition to the Anima trio for the sake of practicality).
  13. Sorry if I ask really basic and stupid questions, that should stop soon enough once I actually start reading notifications owing to actually playing this game. Please no unjustified alts and the rare Tellius character I loathe, 2/4 will be enough provided the remaining two apples aren't artificial or infested with tapeworms and coated in pesticides.
  14. Did they explicitly say "Radiant Dawn/Tellius" for the banner theme? If they just said "Beast Units", then that leaves things open for some fresh baked Pannettone, delivered in a basket wrapped in soft Selkie crepe. Just fearing the worst to be on the safe side. Fortunately, we can't get a Beast alt of one of the Tellius chars already in, since they've yet to endow Breath on non-canon dragonkind, so they should in the future abide by the same for Beasts. And if they did at some point, well Nekokura would need another variant. Since the story so I hear has gone to Hel, there is an opening for an OC Beast, since in Norse mythos, Hel has: Holding off until Book 4 for a kingdom of beasts is an alternative, but unlikely to me. Since a kingdom of beasts could mean all OCs would just be Beasts and none of Breath, Tome, Bow, Dagger, Staff, Sword, Lance, and Axe. That isn't good from a summoning perspective later down the line, if IS at all repeats what they've just done with the B2 OCs.
  15. Kurthnaga is kinda weird, most Laguz gain Mov on transforming, even Dheg apparently does (not that one would know since we never see him unshifted in battle). Kurthnaga on the other hand loses it, while like Dheg becoming a flier. Movement loss + flight... a hybrid unit type called Flying Armor anyone?
  16. Shouldn't Grima have permanently won in the world Lucina left? If my understanding of the timespace metaphysics Awakening abides by is correct. Future Past might be the world which Lucina came from, but even if it was, Chrom's entrance of the world and actions therein created a new world. The exact world Lucina left can never be saved by intervention from another dimension, since that will only split the world. For it to be saved, it would have to be saved from within, which we cannot know since by the laws of timespace it cannot be visited in Awakening, only speculatively observed by Naga if that.
  17. It was good for a change of pace in FE, just as Hoshidan aesthetics were. And while I liked it, the one battle theme which spoke "sorrowful reminiscence and confrontation" to me, I dunno what is it is called, but it was used in the CQ Sakura battle. Whatever it is, I felt it was a little overplayed for its goodness, but to be fair, I never played with the story context of Fates, which plays a role in the potency of a soundtrack. Bearer of Hope from RD certainly relies on the plot circumstances to make it so memorable.
  18. Volke can be an okay fighter, I used to use him seriously, but that was long ago. That and I in olden days might have overestimated how much training added to the durability of Thieves. He doesn't need any additional Str and not much more Spd if any to pilfer Staffs. His good Str growth (55%) is handicapped by a low cap (23) and the strongest knife being only 8 Mt. Lethality has a 50% of activating if you land a crit, which is bad when Assassin lacks a Crit bonus or a Killer weapon equivalent (the Stiletto gives 10 Crit and is anti-Armor, but that is hardly enough). His fixed promotion comes at the end of Chapter 19, if you're interested in training him. You get a choice of doing it or not, but there is no point in not, since you can't promote him later if you refuse it at that moment. Your first Physics is buried in the next chapter, and the chapter after will have yet another easy one locked away. As for stealing them, you should be able to grab one in Chapter 17, which gives you three of them or 45 uses for a good while. And then quite a bit of time later you can grab two more of them in a chapter where you'll be fielding a Thief for a bunch of chests anyhow. The chapter before that one has another, but you might be pressed for unit slots there, and a few more are stealable in the other late game chapters too, just flip through the enemy Priests/Bishops later on. Paragon should mean Astrid gains EXP real fast, and when at last she promotes and gets a melee weapon, she should skyrocket into the lead due to seeing more frequent combat. The next fight is interesting, since for every enemy you spare, you get BEXP at the end (the game I don't think gives any hint of this). This said, it might be a headache to spare more than a couple of them, if any, particularly if you want all the treasure. Your choice as for how things go. Since you've neither Jill nor Marcia promoted, going for a quick bosskill is out of the question, so you'll probably have to forsake a lot or all of the BEXP for easy if slow combat experience. Little point in dumping BEXP in either if you end up spending more than you earn.
  19. He does actually have equal growths here- 40%, but he has 5 base Def to 0 base Res. Def screwed and or Res blessed. Well just as Elibe was inspired by Archanea, and Magvel by Valentia, Tellius certainly derives some inspiration from Jugdral. Naesala is for sure a case of this, and I don't think it's a stretch of the imagination to consider Tibarn his contrasting Quan. But that is just me. You're approaching the time when you should be reaching promotion on some units, try to get most of your crew there by like Chapter 18. Not that far off, but Chapter 17 you'll see is a... lengthy battle (be sure everyone is stocked up on durable weapons for it). As for Mist, the one luck-based battle can be made a little more in your favor if you have her trained. But that battle is a long way off at this point, and really all she needs to do is Physics for most or all of it. If you want to level her faster, well if you have the spare slot for Volke in battles where enemy Priests carry Physics, you can have him easily steal them. They give 22 EXP a use, double that of Heal. And I think Physics is somewhat common on enemy healers in this game.
  20. Well if the mythical Japanese serpent (which is basically a dragon depending on how one wants to interpret it) Orochi is anything to go by, then it'd be quite low. Since the method by which Susano-o slew the beast was getting it drunk first (which is simulated in the game Okami very beautifully). The other question is what kind of drunk is the dragon girl in question? If she is an angry drunk and can muster a full transformation when intoxicated, then goodbye to the bar! This is one of the reasons why I seriously think Dheg had to relocate dragonkind to Goldoa in Tellius. One act of dragon-nondragon interactions gone by luck and a lack of discipline amuck, and you'd have real terrible accident. Possibly to be followed by anti-dragon hate crimes due to anger at nondragon deaths caused by the intoxicated dragon's rampage. If any dragon were to be killed in said hate crimes, well it'd be another 20+ years before another dragon is born, and another ~200 years before they achieve maturity.
  21. They have the Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. games on PS2 actually. From what I'm aware, the sequel makes improvements on the gameplay of the first, yet I'll probably never get to it. I've played ~3/4s of the way into the first, and I can't be bothered to get back into it. The action is just so, so, so stiff, and downright simplistic as well. It feels like a first attempt at an action RPG (Tales-ish format to be precise), and by whichever god you align yourself with, it shows. The game looks nice, the setting is rather interesting (1920s-30s Tokyo in pre-rendered graphics), but poor gameplay, lacking characters (the usual for an SMT no surprise), and a detective-ish plot that is nothing special, all drag it down into Izanami's clutches.
  22. Seems like I found it a bit harder than everyone else here, and I generally grind to 20 in a lot of cases. I'm not the best FE player, but I'm middle of the pack certainly, leaning a bit towards the efficiency side. Actually, they're the ones who should least be worth maxing level-wise, since they have their infinite loop. Mages, Clerics, and Pegasus Knights on the other hand are all worth delaying, to me at least. Other than Sage!Tobin, I don't see a point in promoting any Mage early. And for some reason, I find every level counts for the Pegs, since they need their stats. Sniper>BK and the whole Soldier line, or at least Knight>Baron can probably be delayed as well, since what do they gain on promoting?
  23. While I'm not thinking of the overarching implications of the choices, I do have to agree the small handful of them the player is given is pretty worthless and unnecessary. None of them affect anything, except the last, which is a sinkhole- on the surface the choices seem sound, but press against it with the right pressure/answer, and you see it is entirely hollow. Now if I'm playing something like a Shin Megami Tensei game, where there are plenty of times when I can pick an answer of many, some comical, some ordinary, some serious, and much of the time the impact is naught or minimal at best, I'm okay with that. Awakening's fault is that they give too few "choices of nothingness", which leads one to think they might have actual meaning behind them if they're being so sparsely used.
  24. Been playing DQVII, I wary of it, but with the 3DS at the end of its life, I decide to get this one of the system's last great JRPGs I hadn't yet played. I've reached the point where I've FINALLY gotten vocations access. I was aware the game has an infamously slow opening, and indeed, I have to agree the game takes much too long to open up vocations. Nonetheless, because I was fully aware of the sluggishness and accepted it, at least towards the beginning. The pre-vocations boss referencing DQIV was nasty strong, too much so if you ask me, at least the dungeon is short. And the arc of that island was unexpectedly touching in its later part, much better than the prior ones. From what I understand, the cause of the delay in vocation unlocking is When I finally reached Alltrades, I was very disappointed by another long arc standing in my way from vocations! I did not enjoy it one bit. The bosses were tedium and frustrating, and if one is going to make them so strong, could the developers at least have made them glacially slow so you can always heal before their next assault? And they needed healing items stronger than mere Medicinal Herbs by that point, or at the least a PC with natural Zing, or why not mass buyable Yggdrasil Leaves for once? Survival amounted to mere luck in enemy attack choices in some cases. It was unfun. It was Drag-on Quest. Although I do acknowledge this is an updated PS1 game, its problems are in some ways holdovers from yesteryears. DQVIII 3DS being based on a PS2 game was incredibly better. By the time you unlock Priest in VII, Angelo and the Hero could long have had Fullheal, which is the one thing I've been really badly missing (or at least more Midheal access) in VII. On that note, the first thing I decided to do after getting vocations was turning all three characters into Priests and mastering that for total Fullheal and Zing access via the Slimetree Forest. Once I grab Mervyn (I'm playing mostly blind, but I did read about vocation level caps and a few other details) I'll send him Priest too. After that, well nothing really matters, as long as I stumble on Multiheal, Omniheal and the important support skills like Insulate. After mastering Priest for my current three, I made two saves. In the rare chance I ever replay this game, I don't want to go through the first sixteen hours ever again. The game despite these frustrations is classic Dragon Quest though, which is good. And I'm expecting it'll only get better from here on out.
  25. @Sunwoo Whoops! Slip of the mind, combined with a desire to see him come in FEH. Character-wise, I read all his supports, he is an okay shota. Rolf, Tormod, and perhaps Nils comprise the gold standard of them for me. But Lugh, while quite basic, I appreciate the cute cheeriness of, and his Melady support I found to be good, plus he does have Raigh a twin brother, a unique personal relation among shotas. Perhaps they can bring back Himukai Yuji for Lugh's art, to match Raigh's. Toss in Cass or Chad drawn the same way, and I could have a little Binding Odyssey/Etrian Blade/Labyrinth of the Emblem/Fire of the World Tree team sans alts. They did Faelt recently right? So they should be willing to tackle another.
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