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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I'd rather not have IS make the folly of Zelda and attempt to put every game onto some timeline in any way. I'd also rather not 3H have us go around trying to stop a timespace meltdown. I like Chrono Trigger, and Radiant Historia, but for FE, even though we already have a multiverse now and limited timespace travel in Awakening, I don't want serious timespace shenanigans the players do to be a significant part of the plot. It is too much for FE. We don't need the franchise to pull itself out of time's flow and view its nonlinearity from a pitch black interdimensional space, we need it to be more grounded if anything. And when a time breakdown happens, well I'm not sure how one could keep squads of troops and not just individuals alive and able to fight back.
  2. Thought I heard they're a cursed bloodline and all. Two-tone hair must be a dominant trait in the FEH world, while monotone is recessive, recessive tends to be evil after all. Not always, but usually. On the other hand, in Fateslandia, two-tone is recessive in the human genome, as Peri's pink doesn't transfer to the kids, only her blue.
  3. Or they could bring up Vert a little more. And have Walhart say (in the spirit of) "Listen, there is something out there more threatening than you boy (Chrom)! And only I have the strength and the will to fight it. If the Gems can help, I'll take them. But even without them, I WILL conquer all." (Since the Fire Emblem and Falchion are Naga's, Walhart probably hates Naga, and I don't see him necessarily craving them. Plus he is so arrogant he'd probably think himself able to slay Grima without them.) Thus, there is a little "who is worthy of fighting Grima" spin on the Valm arc. Sounds a little stupid for heroes with a common enemy to fight each other over who gets to fight somebody else, but eh, I sorta liked Super Robot Wars: Original Generation when I was younger. They did try to keep the Gemstones focus up with Lucina, Tiki handing over Azure, and Basilio giving Gules. Although I felt the Gemstones, and the Fire Emblem itself, are little too downplayed in terms of their power, making them boring and bland Macguffins. I like the Gemstones/Orbs/Spheres, and I know they're really really strong, but it isn't felt here. They do nothing by themselves, and together, all they do is turn Chrom's infinite Iron Wyrmslayer into a 45 Mt anti-Grima boomstick. Is Vert swallowing a legion of fine soldiers or Argent reviving someone important on the cusp of death too much to ask for? That too would be excellent. But alas, Awakening was made with the premise FE could die afterwards, they hadn't the luck to set any stage for a sequel. Maybe if the series was in a healthier place, they could've done that, but the essence of Awakening, for good and for bad, is that of a last hurrah for the franchise. And it reminds me of Suikoden II a bit. Not a big fan of them game, I fell for the hype on this "classic" and it hurt. It features a number of returning characters from the first game, some in minor roles, some in major ones, and is set in a neighboring land to the first. And towards the end of the game, the heroes choose to visit Gregminster- the imperial-now-republican capital of the first game, and negotiate for some troops. It was ultimately a minor thing in the plot, but it did happen. FE could do it, but better. So we get a 66 chapter game? Sounds a little too long for my tastes. ? Or we try to fit things into a 31 chapter format. So we start with the Prologue, Elincia shows up in C1, Greil dies in the next, then we run from the BK, kill Oliver afterwards, and take Nevassa in the following chapter. The Black Knight is fought, and lastly Ashnard dies in Chapter 7. Shame I'm not a comedic writer, Tellius- The Abridged Edition sounds like it could be funny.
  4. I listed it, you might not have noticed it between PoR and Binding. It is definitely one of the most fillery filler arcs, despite the good writing. Binding's Western Isles is more connected one could say to the main plot, via the corrupt Etrurian nobles, even if it isn't as pretty as Part 2. Definitely have to appreciate how they wrote PoR with RD's core aspects probably fairly well-formulated already, so they could foreshadow those things. Not everything aligned right, I think Sephiran's last words in PoR were off the mark when you look at RD, but it was clever and effective planning.
  5. A bunch of games do have "filler" arcs. PoR has its Begnion stuff, when the main conflict is vs. Ashnard, RD has Part 2, Binding has the Western Isles (I like the possibly scrapped idea Roy was to become its king). Mystery, well Anri's Way does have a point- it helps Marth find out how to defeat Hardin- but it is a break from the main battle with Hardin's Archanea. PoR's Begnion arc however did have a point by this measure- getting Begnion on Elincia's side so she stood a realistic chance of defeating Daein. Thus, I think it is safe to call Anri's Way filler. Not sure about other games having filler arcs, although I've heard Seliph's fight in Southern Thracia is kinda unnecessary when the main foe is Grannvale. One might be able to argue Eirika's route is filler, since she really accomplishes nothing during her independent journey. She saves Carcino from revolt, but otherwise fails in her original objective to go to Rausten, and failed in Innes's objective to save Jehanna's SS. Shadow Dragon has no filler arc I think. Mostly because the game has very weak arcs, if any. The liberation of Aurelis, of Pales, of Altea, and then the rest makes for logical break points, but the sense of being encapsulated in something is minimalistic beyond the one or two narration music changeover(s), like the chosen narrative direction. Blazing I don't see having filler arcs either, well beyond Mode, which is mostly a tutorial. You're fighting the Black Fang on a constant basis through E&H Modes. If we were going to have Valm, or some form of filler arc, then I'd just wish they'd kept it on the Ylissean continent. I don't know how true it is that the Valm arc exists solely to include Valentia, but if you tossed Walhart the pretty empty northeast of Ylisse, making the continent into a four-country continent, it wouldn't be so bad. You could even have him appear in the Plegia War, obviously hiding his full conquering ambitions and draconian atheist humanism, but still there and actively helping. There probably wouldn't be room to fit Chon'sin, but we wouldn't need them anymore. Chrom would be a direct victim of Walhart's, he wouldn't need someone to save or to tell him about Valm, he'd know it already and be trying to save his own kingdom. And I don't think Chon'sin, being so underdeveloped, would be missed by many. Since we're staying on the continent shared by Plegia, there would be more feasible opportunities to have the Grimleal doing stuff in the background. While the anti-Grima forces slit each others' throats, Plegia watches on with a twisted smile. That is what they do as is, but keeping things on one continent could allow this to be portrayed a little more overtly. PoR did a lot with its frequent scene swaps to Ashnard far away, and so did SS with Grado, just two or three of these would've helped. ? Only five of the child paralogues happen on Valm turf if I count them right. And I don't think there is anything that ties the children directly to the continent. Just as I think one could abolish the Mila Tree and move Tiki to Mount Prism, I'm sure the same can be done with the Wyvern Valley. If we stick with just one continent, the map can be zoomed more, "creating" more space that way. And I think one can have the post-Plegia time lapse without the Valm arc as is. As for character aging, this might have been planned as FE's swan song, but this last supper before the possible lethal injection didn't have a limitless budget. Aging redraws would've been a luxury beyond FE's reach. They did it with Marth once before yes, but that was only one profile, they didn't bother for anyone else in the SD Prologue. After Awakening? Well, now FE likely has the resources that, IS willing, they could do aging pics.
  6. This I have been wholly approving of, along the lines of Archanea Chronicles in NM, Hidden Truths and HoF in Fates, and RotD in SoV. I even assembled a four part outline of what that could possibly look like some time ago: Apparently a line at the start of the final chapter goes something like: "At long last, the liberation army neared the final stage of their journey. The army’s presence continued to instill courage in those still suffering under the empire’s rule, and civilians all over Jugdral rose in revolt. Silesia was the first to return to the people’s control. Shortly thereafter, the wave spread to Agustria, spurring the masses to rise and take up arms." So in other words it all happened offscreen apart from Seliph's crew after Miletos was freed. But yeah, I can see this being changed. Although it might sound a little weird given C10 ends with Seliph establishing a toehold in Grannvale itself and surrounded on three sides by evil dukedoms, delaying the final battle chronologically long enough so Seliph can send detachments to aid in the liberation of Issach and Silesse could possibly work. Just say Seliph and Julius are taking the time to make absolutely sure all is in order for the last holy war. The issue with Silesse is who spearheads the effort if Lewyn never had a kid, and how would the variable daughter and son in the lead role even if born be handled? Of course, Lewyn is still around in Gen 2, albeit now as Forseti-Lewyn. Perhaps his nonattached Forseti side could permit his Lewyn Silesse-loving side take the lead for a little while. I'm assuming Lewyn didn't totally become a dragon's vessel after his resurrection- that Forseti let him be a father and husband and king for a time, until the time for renewed holy war came closer.
  7. Orson is in between. And as a route difference, I believe Lyon on Ephraim's route warns Orson the twins are coming to ruin his day, while Riev does it on Eirika's. Done to emphasize the divide of the Lyon portrayals. I do prefer Ephlyon over Eirlyon as an aside. And I do see your point. The need for a gradual warm up of Lyon in the villain role. Which could as I suggested before be resolved if he actually spoke, even if just to himself after the Gemstones are dismissed, during the many scenes in Grado Keep.
  8. Capturing, Fog of War, and Stamina are certainly not showing up in a Genealogy remake, nor individualized funds for T776R. Whether they drop the FE4 level 30 cap for 20/20 and lower promotion gains, and add to Thracia promoted stat caps above 20 are another story. Could happen, but could not. Also, it'd be a little demeaning to Thracia if it was just DLC for Genealogy. Bundling them is not a bad idea, but they shouldn't be packaged onto the same card, nor share an icon in the Switch menu.
  9. To be fair, we don't really know anything about squads will work in FE3H yet. Although treating them wholly as an aesthetic, without any gameplay aspects of it like those found like in FE3H, it'd work perhaps in mosts cases, but not all. Obviously it wouldn't be there in the arena. And speaking of littlest nitpicks, enemy Ayra and NPC Byron probably wouldn't make sense. Byron I believe is explicitly stated to have lost his entire Ritter group, and Ayra is being forced to fight against her will. It might also distract from one or two bosses, Seliph vs. Arvis would definitely want to ditch the cannon fodder. Heck, if anyone has a Holy Weapon equipped, I'd think they should fight alone aesthetically, let the broken one-man army power of a Crusader be on full display. That sounds really weird to me. Thracia is a full-length game with zero map recycling, and near-zero character reuse. And while the Fates set shares the same gameplay, Genealogy and Thracia are very different beasts. It'd be like having CQ play like Radiant Dawn, and BR like FE6. Genealogy is probably the game least suited for Gaidens/Paralogues. How do you fit these into country-spanning battles were there is no break between the conquest of each castle? And once you've conquered an entire country, well who is there left to fight for a gaiden? A surviving little pocket of baddies in the liberated territory? A minor skirmish in the next place you'll be conquering before the next Holy War really begins? Perhaps a little fight along a border where there isn't a Holy War in the works?
  10. In a sense, there is foreshadowing because he is always besides Vigarde. The problem though is that Lyon himself says nothing this entire time. That he says nothing makes sense, he says everything he needs to through Vigarde, and wants everyone to believe Vigarde is behind all the orders. Nonetheless, by saying nothing, Lyon doesn't offer more obvious foreshadowing that something is up with him. Who would/has actually connect(ed) the dots if they didn't know that Lyon was always there, but never spoke? It is almost intentional here I think though. Eirika's route doesn't emphasize Lyon as a villain, in her route he pretty much a victim. The apocalyptic earthquake to come is never mentioned once, and this I think is because they chose to emphasize the friendship and love between Eiri and Lyon and his suffering. How he came to suffer is irrelevant, since Eirika just loves him regardless of how it came to be. The friendship is the most important thing, Lyon's corruption has nothing to do with the friendship- barring the part the game forgets where he thought E & E would do nothing to help after the earthquake, and that he would have to handle it alone. On the other hand, Ephraim's route casts Lyon as a "rational" villain, with little talk of his suffering. Being an active agent of evil, the reasons of why he turned evil matter, for they flesh out the villainy. Ephraim is also a man, and thus serious geopolitical topics like the earthquake and Grado's manipulation, are something he a cold and logical male, unlike a little emotional girl not even a woman, can understand, never mind all Ephraim likes is stabbing people and plowing ahead.
  11. I don't see IS adapting something as radical as squads for a Genealogy remake. Improving the Skill lineup and making plenty of other improvements and tweaks yes, but nothing so fundamental. Particularly when the game has never come aboard and the international audience might not want a full-fledged reimagining. See SoV- many tweaks and changes were made, but many of its cooky and core aspects were left alone. If IS keeps the same mindset for Shin Seisen no Keifu, then there is no possible way that they'd add squads. Then again, the mindset could be different, but I can't say exactly what the mindset for the other remakes- Shadow Dragon and New Mystery, were. Note that all three remakes so far have, love it or hate it, kept the original map design, so big green in all likelihood will be coming back. I just hope IS isn't such a dunderhead and leave out the Rescue command, Archanea would've benefitted from it, and Jugdral would the same. As for using the game's actual programming engine, why yes. A remake is, unless you really devote everything to it, like perhaps a Resident Evil remake, or I could see FFVII Remake, not worth the cost of developing a brand new game engine. If you can borrow an old engine without it seriously compromising the game's quality, why would you not? And certainly, IS probably wants to use its Switch engine as much as it can, not just for 3H, it would want to bring it to a hypothetical FE4 and maybe 5 remakes, and even more possibly an FE Switch 2. Engines are flexible, I heard Wind Waker and Twilight Princess run on the same one, as did Wario Land 4 and Metroid Fusion (jewel pieces can be found in MF's data).
  12. It depends on the monster type. Overall, I'd consider at least for the main game monsters to be notably weaker than humans. Last Hope- the final vs. human enemies battle, is definitely harder than the last two fights, since those high leveled promoted enemies have better stats than the monsters. As in all the way up there? What of the penultimate battle? At the least, it'd make more sense for the final battle to be Risen, perhaps the penultimate as well. After Validar is offed and the heroes are done in Plegia proper, I think it'd possibly make more sense just to make it Risen. You've eradicated their central base after all.
  13. Never have heard this criticism specifically about this specific game. By final act, I assume you mean post-siblings second reunion.
  14. For datamines, should Nintendo and others expect them to happen? So couldn't they use code names in the coding? Nobody would be able to guess what the term CHAIR would mean. Then again, they could simply not care. Reasonable, since only the dedicated are going to pay attention to datamines and rumors and leaks and whatnot. How many of the millions of players and buyers would? And what would it even really do to the DLC sales figures?
  15. I remember those Koopa Kids, Bowser Jr. killed them all, albeit not right away. Why do you need multiple diminutive Bowsers? Unless they choose to make the Koopa Kids cronies of BJr., his little childish gang members. Or my awful fanfic route where the King is an arrogant power-hungry donkey who enjoys keeping the Sheikah and Gerudo in his servitude, with Impa being his elder daughter unbeknownst to Zelda. The battle being him with a greatsword and the ToP, where Link has to distract him so Impa can dispel his occasional invincibility (Zelda died at this point so she can't do it) so he can slash away at him again. I would like an actual brother to a Zelda though, ignoring the manual AoL one. Those kings of Hyrule couldn't all come from marriage into the family, and ST shows a Princess can be a monarch in her own right. Just don't make them super-protective of Zelda to the point of distrusting Link, or arrogant and insecure to the point of hating with envy Link. Make them normal. The idea of a sister or royal female cousin to Zelda would be neat for how they'd handle the naming, since it seems they should all be called Zelda. So how would one distinguish them? Would the elder sister be called Zelda Prima and the younger Zelda Secunda? Or perhaps for something less cold, Zelda Aureole and Zelda Sophia? Two first names, making "Zelda" more into a birth title than an actual name.
  16. Lickilicky was originally going to be a Gen 2 Pokemon. M is for Metronome.
  17. The soldier eyes on Charlot's art! They are worth far more than a thumbnail. I think that is almost intentional regarding inheritance. Lex can't pass down weapons, and he doesn't give Pursuit, two big problems, but Paragon + huge Def and good Str help to compensate for these faults.
  18. This talk of Helmasaurs is making me think that if they choose to run the Rune idea again instead of a smorgasbord of physical items, that Magnesis should gain a Hookshot component. That is what the Magnetic Gloves partly were, they could pull from enemies, push enemies, and move Link around.
  19. The return of the Lynel with ALBW and BotW was good. The utter dearth of enemy variety in BotW is a blight upon it though. The choice to restrict to mostly humanoids I think was to ensure a constant weapon supply, it can't have been SS's reason some similar restrictions- which was Wii Motion Plus sword combat. You only had three common enemy types that aren't nuisances (Octoroks and Keese), for the fourth that is Wizzrobes were fairly rare, and while elements and differences in which weapons they yielded helped, it was still not enough (never fought a Yiga by the way). For boss-esque enemies, you have three main kinds again- Lynel, Hinox, Talus, and the much more limited Molduga. The Blight bosses were all visually humanoids too, even if their arsenal of attacks weren't defined by it. This said of humanoids, both Iron Knuckles and Darknuts should return as the creme la creme of evil's humanoid enemies. And I want both WW gigantic Darknuts and the slimmer and more realistic figures of TP, I think there is room for both, even if the WW type and Iron Knuckles seem redundant. Maybe we can have ball and chain Darknuts. Gerudo of both naginata and dual scimitar varieties would be excellent too, alongside perhaps spear using Zora, but Link can't kill people. So they'd have to come up with some magically generated artificial kind or something. Given the Hinox and Lynel were relatively dead and old-fashioned when BotW brought them back, the return of the boomerang Goriya, as opposed to the copycat kind, would be cool. Boomerangs would pose a unique weapon threat I think. Beyond the humanoids, I have a fondness for OoT Dodongoes. Poes and Deku Babas would be nice too, perhaps with the bipedal aquatic Deku Babas of MM coming back. Beamos will probably return since Guardians are likely an expressly BotW thing. And how about modernized Deadrocks? -Those enemies littering the outside of Death Mountain in ALttP. What I DON'T want to see return: Skulltulas, Wallmasters, Floormasters, Redeads, Gibdoes, Like Likes. What do all these have in common? Being creepy and or scary. I can assure you the Triforce of Courage is poison to me. Lastly, I'd like to say I wish OoA's boss Ramrock would return, I always thought they were cool. I get many old bosses could never return due to being plot-related, but there are others that could possibly return due to not being significantly and specifically tied to the plot of their game. The NES, ALttP, ALBW, and the GB games have no plot-boss relation save the final ones, while things like Morpha and Volvagia are still disconnected enough to possibly see a return.
  20. Well I've advanced in DQVII to the point when all the islands have been unsealed. Took me 52 hours to get here. From where I left off, vocations didn't actually help all that much initially, battles were slow and I still kept dying to bosses. So I looked up what jobs learned what and ground Lightning onto Corako (my Hero's name, Corsair + Wako (Japanese pirates)) and Ruff, which made things go MUCH faster in randoms. Add in Soothing Song on Maribel for healing, and most randoms barring those with nasty breaths became quick MP-free affairs. Overall, the game became much more fun. Although I do wish Mervyn joined with at least one vocation mastered, having to start from scratch with him was something of a chore, even if grinding is long yet near-effortless here. Really, I do think part of the difficulty here is dependent on how much one is willing to grind for vocations. If you don't and don't fight every enemy you see in the main journey, you'll be forced to make tough decisions as to which vocations you should be learning at any given time, at least for a while. Also, to roughly rank my opinions of all the island arcs, spoilers of course: I was spoiled about the upcoming twist (I blame myself partly for this- when I don't think I'll ever play a game for some reason, I let myself be spoiled), will be interesting to see how it is done though still. And I'm conflicted about playing this game to the end right now. I've played this game almost exclusively for the past week, and it is becoming tiresome. But at the same time, I know I'm fairly close to ending it all, and thus shouldn't leave it hanging. I'm afraid that once I stop, I'll have a hard time coming back to it, though I should since I am coming towards the final stretch. And that will keep bothering me. And since I've plenty o' other games to play, the postgame is absolutely going to be skipped/on hold for a long while. Can't give a final rating yet, and I'm not the kind of person to put numbers to things, but DQVII is a good game once vocations are finally obtained. Not my recommendation for starting into DQ (VIII is much better for that), and regardless of rating, one must be aware they're playing a franchise as safe as modern Final Fantasy tends to be adventurous, and this conservative nature is like bold experimentation a double-edged sword.
  21. Saying you have a scorching case of herpes is one way to try to deter a rapist. (Movie reference, please don't take this seriously.) I is for Intelligence.
  22. Flygon is a Pokemon that wanted to be a pseudo-legendary like Metagross and Ttar and Dragonite, but failed to become one. Even though it still looks nice. G is for Gastroenteritis.
  23. You're incorrect about this, since they are clearly out of Zelda TP. Why else would they be begging for paper? My concern is why they didn't put a door on the toilet in MM.
  24. The biggest gains are Spd on a whole bunch of characters, since 2 Spd can make a bigger difference than 2 of anything else, crossing from not-doubling to doubling. Also, Neph with Str and Spd transfers makes a things notably better at one point, and Str/Spd on Jill also helps fix her starting rut in RD.
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